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Where the fuck do I find swimsuit like this??!!
best I could find was some japanese brand called PredatorRat. Although they only had the ruffles not the side straps, I could probably achieve this buying that and modifying it. although I have no idea what I would do for the top.
>read thread title
>see Roxy
Thanks OP.
>buy appropriate black bikini
>make the ruffle parts, or buy premade ruffle trim
>add trim to bikini

You're probably still best off getting the bikini from predatorrat just because finding those ultra low-rise things in the west is hard and predatorrat is the only shop I know of that has easy overseas shipping but otherwise it should be pretty damn easy.
Alternatively it honestly wouldn't be a very hard costume to just make from scratch, I'd be churning stuff like that out if I could find a girlfriend willing to wear it but I'm cursed and always wind up with prudes.

>the year is 2017
>everyone at the con is checking their streetpasses every 30 minutes
we'll never get this back, and it hurts so much
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i went to a 100 gecs concert last year and people were doing this in line
Anyone get to finish Puzzle Swap yet (at least for their region)? I was able to get across the finish line on that (North American region) last month thanks to a couple of reliable friends with 3DS'. I will admit that cons did help immensely tho these past 12 or so years. Now onto the StreetPass games I will never complete/finish...
Saving this thread for the third (and probably last) time, but I think this video is especially relevant, and shows that you can still get a decent amount of StreetPasses as long as you attend the right events(mainly gaming cons) with your 3DS:
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I'll be in the main events room at Midwest with 3 3DS in my bag all weekend. Come get your StreetPasses.
Pre-2010s was the golden age. Cons grew pretty large but still had a community feel before most large cons turned into commercial theme parks and before you had random normie perverts trolling for nerd pussy. Lots of variety in cosplay and most being homemade for the love of it. Goofy and sometimes cringe panels but fun to participate.Multiple cons actually allowed people to conduct specific 4chan panels.
Early to mid 2010s was still a good time but gradually changing. /cgl/ meetups could happen without the board being filled with seetheposting. AX became the notorious megalinecon it is today. Other megacons like PAX and MagFest matured in this time.
Late 2010s was transition to full commercial industry and simultaneous infiltration by both holier-than-thou SJW types because of college indoctrinations and normie assholes thanks to Marvel movies. By this point 4chan was persona non grata at most con administrations.
Today the community feeling is gone and most large cons are basically people attending to consume instead of participate. Most cosplays are the flavor of the month Gacha game, not even the FOTM anime any more. However there are upsides like better relations with japanese companies making more high profile JP guest appearances at smaller cons and not only at the biggest cons.

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It’s been awhile since I made a thread…

Post jfashion outfits that are primarily black and pink! ^o^
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What category do you compete in?
Have you won any awards?
Which cons are you competing in?

Prove /cgl/ is more than party-obsessed normalfags.
Do normal unknown cosplayers even have a chance in there? I always feel like that the judges favor cosplayers that got a reasonably big social media cloud already.
If you don't know at least one judge don't expect an award
Quite literally the definition of skill issue

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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>t. megascr00t
these are so cute, does anyone know any shops to get nice jelly ones like this?

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Any gals here?
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JD sizing is european dress size so just use a converter. a lot of the items aren't all the same exact measurements so be sure to actually look at each item listing since JD puts them on their site. also keep in mind most if not all JD isn't hime gyaru anymore so if you're buying you'll probably need to look for secondhand items.
Thank you. I asked because I like some of the older pieces I've seen on secondhand marketplaces.
okay, you definitely want to like ask for measurements if you can. you can follow them generally but sometimes the sizing is really different between pieces, so you have to watch out.
Is gyaru still popular as before?
I hope no one takes advice from zoomers. Non- veterans giving gyaru advice is funny too. I saw some nobody commenting you don't have to wear makeup doing gyaru.

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hi i explain in my vocaroo
to keep on topic ig just general convention thread and like experiences? or advice
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>some event where I can meet a large array of very weird people
You're already on the right track
>I would like to go with people
It always helps to know which event(s) you're planning to attend. AX? (I'm not going, but it's a guess)
>Been to two anime conventions, Comic Con once, likes Renn Fairs
If you're a keen observer, that should've been enough to show there are different flavors of "weird", which of course can extended even more into furry or sci-fi events. The type(s) you'd like best depends most on how open you are to impromptu chats with strangers, drinking and tolerance levels for neurodivergent behavior
>The experience of being in a Discord server full of freaks
I'd rather avoid the political bent but since you said it, official con Discord meetups for cons skew towards far lefty and unofficial con Discord meetups go far right
>Any advice
I can boil down 50 pages of it into just one sentence: Wear a costume

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Someone who was a part of the ACEN crowd blew their brains out in front of their entire hotel room this year. The whole thing shook me and I didn't even know him. No one in this entire community will probably even hear about it and it's like the guy never existed despite being an integral part of multiple cons for almost a decade. It's starting to make me wonder if this is a common occurrence here. Just how often do things like this happen to you guys?
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Where are you, faggot coward. The KEKISTANIS are here to rape you! Oh we know your holes are so loose we can shove a fucking watermelon up your ass
Racist sack of shit pussy fat bitch oughta be handled like Nanking
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> We're all terminally online.
no anon you're a real special case here lmao... I kinda feel bad for you if you aren't doing some very elaborate troll. Like a genuienly hope you are trolling because if not you might want to go look in a mirror and read the shit you typed out loud about yourself... this is seriously a pathetic mindset
>I'm not a gull (unless we use the loosest possible definition of "posts on this board")
"Oh I'm not a gull I just go to conventions they attend, room parties they have, and meets they have as well as poster here. A gull I am not one sir".

>They will be in your room parties and they do have some level of influence
this is pure schizo, this is like saying "republicans are in the room... they will change the climate".

CGL became largely irrelevant after everyone got super scared of the 4chan /pol/ boogie man association in 2016, discord is just the final nail in the coffin for this place. cgl only exists as a reference to again, a very small group of people in a niche part of the con community. It doesn't have any influence like your "gulluminati" schizo thinking. I can't believe I have to type this

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Super beautiful girl has a band called Nenagenix (top tier band)
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Cringe, literally just an excuse to be a thot. Shitty "cosplay"
What should she do? Magicly shrink them? I know theres boob binding techniques but with that shirt it would be hard to hide.
combination of binding or at least not wearing a pushup bra and not wearing such a tight top. Lain's dress is supposed to be loose; if hers wasn't hugging her tits so much they wouldn't look as big. Lain also has other outfits that would better help hide the fact that the cosplayer has a completely different body type, too
the girl literally gather more than 10 computers to shot those pictures. I think there is a strong level of commitment. not everyone can accomplish doing a cosplay and also a setting.

Shes the lain cosplay mvp in my opinion. Living with that much old tech.

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“Vtumor, vtumors everywhere” edition

16 days to go

Thread theme

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?

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Just carry around a canister of liquid nitrogen, and run the vapor though small plastic tubes inside of your clothes. Be sure to make tiny holes in the tubes at various points.
sunday is pretty questionable. I usually get a hotel saturday but there's a high likelihood I'll skip most stuff sunday unless its really good. This year is the same way.
Fellow Denverite, how do we make NDK great again?
where can you see the list?

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(pic related) I'm planning on making something for the 4th, an Enclave cosplay cuz Murica. something like the pic but with some extra armor bits and big NVGs. any tips or ideas?
I should also get a huge Enclave standard
You're cosplaying for the 4th of July?

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Old thread: >>10903515

Featured Idols: Nonsweet CA
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They all gave me terrible or fake interactions last year.
Y'all I saw Paida in Sydney. They're just kind of mid. Not great at dancing and could hardly hear them singing cause their mic handling is awful LUL
>even when they have nothing to gain
Every single fan interaction is something to gain, whether it is an extra merch sale or an boost of loyalty. If someone doesn't see a gain in it then they're not in a mindset to be successful as an entertainer in general, never mind as an idol.
Okay i'll give you that they can be a little stiff in person but on their streams and fan club they're very relaxed and warm. Most of the members have been at this for a long while and I wouldn't blame them for having their guard up against stalkers and creepazoids.
Metro Fest thoughts ?

What are some slutty male cosplay ideas that show off a lot of skin and work well on someone with a very lean, athletic build? I like these kinds of cosplays because beyond showing off my body, they're perfect for summer weather.
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Unless you are jacked or, at the very least, fit, do not bother with it. You'll come off as clueless, creepy or cringe. Neither of them are positive.
Guarantee you're a fat fuck
You'll have to get better at guessing
gray fullbuster?
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No love for yuta?

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what do you think? are they just catering to the global crowd now? or are they trying to quietly combat the weakening yen by raising the prices?
6% has been globalized for a while now, not sure where you’ve been.
The yen is weak and most of the customers ordering from the online shop are probably in the US anyways, since Japanese 6% customers can just go in person to the shop

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I'm a near-complete beginner to con culture and the "scene" due to zero exposure to it until recently and I have too many questions swimming around in my head that I need to ask. I've only been to a couple of small ones in my mostly-desolate area and I want to step up to traveling to bigger ones but I'm overwhelmed. Please bear with me.
>Do a majority of congoers cosplay? I know it's common, but is it seen as a faux pas to not cosplay?
>Likewise, is it seen as a faux pas to wear the same cosplay more than once in a multi-day event, or to not wear it some days?
>I've read a lot on this board about "after hours" events and parties that aren't scheduled by the con staff. Do you have to get invited to things like that, or how do people find out about them?
>Do cons that don't have a stated sub-demographic (ones that use terms like "fandom" or "pop culture" instead of specifically "fantasy" or "otaku" or something) tend to accept all demographics? Would you be looked at weird for going to something more "western" like SDCC in an anime cosplay, or would you expect to see a lot of them?
>Why do some huge cons like Colossal and Dragon seem to place such significance on getting a hotel room onsite as opposed to just being nearby? Surely not just traffic, right?
>What's a "gull"?
>How do you not get sick every time you go to one?
>How do you keep track of scheduling for multiple cons across multiple years? Do you get notified about them? When is "con season"?
>If you're partying, how do you deal with inevitable hangovers or crashes?
And some more personal questions
>If you cosplay, what's normally your budget? Both in terms of time and money.
>How do you make friends at a con if you're not going with a group?
>How many cons do you go to yearly or on a recurring basis? There are a fuckton I want to see but I'm not sure if my expectations are unreasonable.
Thank you for your time.
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>Would you be looked at weird for going to something more "western" like SDCC in an anime cosplay, or would you expect to see a lot of them?
Go as who you want, a true nerd recognizes everything, only a retard poser can't name every costume at a con.

Besides, i've seen some of the best /co/ or /tv/ cosplays at anime cons than I have at comic cons and shit.
a connnection i had apparently had fent in the supply so he didnt sell it

theres a decent amount of coke and psychedelics
Facebook interestingly does that well but mostof my friends are weebs on there so it gets forwarded
Instagram and Twitter are the big ones for. cosplayers/attendees, Facebook is too personal (pages are basically dead at this point), Discord is also good akin to exchanging numbers.
Me and my friend are planning on attending a con for the first time tomorrow.
He unfortunately got covid a week ago and just lost his fever yesterday.
Should I convince him to stay home? I don't really understand the etiquette for stuff like this, and the convention doesn't have any hard rules for covid anymore.
He was really looking forward to going, but I don't want him to like kill people by showing up.

On the other hand, from what I hear everyone gets sick from conventions anyway, so will him attending just be adding one more risk to a stew of sicknesses?

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