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>Lose and be ordered to pay 100k
>Lose appeal and be ordered to pay 376k for wasting everyone's time
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They won't care. He's either gay, a furry, or both, so he's "one of the good ones." Just like Damian Mills or one of many other such examples.

Vic didn't get canceled for being a creep. He got cancelled for being straight and white while feeling zero shame for it.
>They won't care.
They will care soon enough losing Chiplock would hurt them.
Well, since we're making shit up, I'd like to announce that I'm Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr and I'm gonna win this election.
I've known you catty cunts for so long that I could never take your word for it. Are you the one who got mad because he didn't want to sign gay porn of his characters?

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title, really lols. i dont have a ton of friends, havent been able to go to a con or anything so im kinda stuck cosplaying at home n stuff thought maybe id post it somewhere
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i was trying to grab a pic from a video so i was having a bit of a hard time :p i wouldnt really consider myself a femcel but heres a better pic of the cos
you look dirty and unwashed. your makeup is really matte and cakey like you don't wash your face, and your wig is a mess. and your costume is wrinkly like you leave it on the floor in your closet. i feel like i can smell you from here

sage because this isn't even you and you're baiting strangers to make fun of someone you don't like
>i wouldnt really consider myself a femcel
so you do have sex? most shameful behavior, unclean spirit!
the other rabid "girl" kinda gives good advice if you look past the layer of pure hatred
I need to see your feet before I can judge your cosplay
What's going on with the wig bangs?

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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Yotsuba, when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old.
My hair was a dark brown at the time, so we had to "dye" it green with this chalky paste, it stained my pillows for weeks afterwards lolol.
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i did kino
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Dressed up as Iruma from Welcome to Demon School. Underestimated my dad bod and should if got a size bigger
Houraisan Kaguya lol.

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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I see your point, but people would be pissed about "shrinkflation".

I wish people could control themselves without resorting to that since I am not unhappy getting two meals out of a resturant plate, but I think youre right that it would help a lot of people get into the right habit. It is just a shame you know resturants would start charging the prices they do now for more reasonable portions. I can't imagine the US goverenment would even seriously discourage that.

But hey, like the other anon said, maybe it would make people think twice about eating out. The prices as they are now definitely have made me eat at home more often.
sugar taxes are proven to be effective, disregarding the rest of your post because you are clearly retarded
How did this get changed to 65K? It's supposed to read 15K, perhaps I typed 16,000 and it got changed. It could be a phonephag spellcheck but I think it may have somehow been edited since last visit.
Whining about what? Talk about literal projection. The fact that you declare someone running their own business as "rich" only proves that 1) you're a loser, 2) you're lazy, 3) you're an actual moron, and 4) you'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever be rich in anything unless and until you wise up.
>poor Amoranth's meany boyfriend stolded her money
Just send her more like you always do simploser

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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not fitting well.
that's literally it.
but even wearing bad cosplay can be fun.
fuck, your post reminded me of how much I was disappointed with Great Deceiver

what a waste of a visual novel
Pick characters that initally wear a mask/fully closed helmet.
I've been thinking the same thing for years but never seen anybody else point it out

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even my cosplay friend group has started to ignore me and exclude me from the stuff they do
Have you tried washing your ass? If you’re too broke for a bidet, just take an Aquafina bottle and use your hands next time you shit.
it happens to all of us, just try not to let it get you down too much anon there will always be new friends
Did you do something to deserve it?
Spitting straight fax
even my cosplay friend group... You make it sound like they are last resort bottom of the barrel. Maybe it's the aura is trash you give off.

Dear /cgl/, I need posing advice.
To provide context: me (male) and my friend (female) are going to con to cosplay as characters from Needy Girl Overdose (picrelated). We have similar heights and builds. The question is: for the love of gods, how are we supposed to pose for photos and stuff? We just have no ideas, heads empty.
Pls help
do couples shit like heart hands, facing each other and hands intertwined, back to back with hands, one in front of the other from the side, etc. you can also get some ideas from fanart with both ame-chan and kangel next to each other. i would also recommend some solo poses too because not everyone will want you both together (or well, i would want some solo shots of each as a photographer)

props to you guys i like needy girl overdose and would take photos if i was at whatever con. all my big cons in my region are over besides comic con so i assume you're across the country or otherwise
Pose with your feet forward one behind the other, like you're walking an imaginary tightrope. This emphasizes the hips and lengthens the legs. Lolita wearers do this all the time.
Mirror mime pose with your palms against each other.
Kangel behind ame-chan, looking over her shoulder with her hand on ame's shoulder, neck, mouth or eyes depending on how aggressive you want tthe mood to be.
Holding both hands like in a folk dance, with one pair of arms pointing towards the camera and the other away

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i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
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That's the spirit.

And thank you, I liked this look but ya know, being fat is a crime lol
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trying to keep the thread alive! please excuse my less than ideal background
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censoring that truck's butthole like
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Bump before this gets archived... I know this board is slow but the amount of threads that could be posts in already existing threads aren't helping keeping good threads like this one alive :/

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Matsuri con in Ohio In august
Who going

is it me or is it a lot harder to get a room booked this year? is it because ohayocon died so now matsuricon is the new default central ohio con?
I would assume so. But then again it is only 2 months out

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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What a negative view of human beings

Strangers are just friends or rapists you haven't met yet. Figure out the ones you want around and you'll find yourself having a good time, if only for a night.
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>implying partying isn't normalfag behavior
I'm wondering this too, I'm going to be at a con for a day and I'd like to meet people. People say that it's easy to socialize, but I don't know. My old friends are normies and my social muscles atrophied since the Pandemic.
I haven't watched a lot of anime in years but I'd like to go to a weeb con just because it sounds fun. A furry con too. So just do it.
Speaking as a casual photographer, I lately feel awkward trying to do any kind of small talk, especially at a big con, because I don't want to hold them up. I will ask for contact info to see their stuff later or send them, what I have.

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Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.

I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
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Otaku Unite (2004)

A great film for learning about con history from the 80's - early 2000's.
I like that iCarly episode where they go to WebiCon. I feel like Jack Black was the perfect pick for that role.

ANIME: 2.5 Dimensional Seduction

Plot Summary: Okumura, the president of the school's manga club, claims to have no interest in real girls. He's your typical otaku, obsessed with a sexy (fictional) 2D manga character known as Lilliel. Then the new school year starts, and a real girl named Lilysa whose passion is cosplay joins the club.

This show JUST dropped its first episode a few days ago, but the manga has several chapters.
There was an episode of Psych that was about a bomb threat at a convention and took a lot of potshots at nipple-armor Batman but none of the cosplayers are cosplaying anything real.

Simpsons did this classic:
They did another episode about nerd culture on a cruise ship which I'll admit wasn't particularly great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJkBSqMFW4E

Times have changed if no one remembers Genshiken.

Hey I wanna cosplay as power for next year anime expo. But I have trouble finding faje teeth for the cosplay. Should i go with fake basic vampire teeth or more accurate ones
>should i buy something bad or something good?

what the fuck kind of question is that? if your options are "looks plain" or "looks better", why do you even need advice on which one to get?

i swear some of the people on this board can't put their pants on in the morning without help from the internet
Your can go with the fake vampire teeth, OR you can try the thermoplastic teeth method a lot of power cosplayers use

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decided to start my own anime con. i'm looking for advice on how to run it or stuff you guys would love to see at a con.
>held at a hotel with 2 pools
>more ticket sales = will expand to also rent out local bowling alley arcade
>panels will be vetted by actual nerds, so you don't get "who is ash ketchum? what does yaoi mean?"
>r18 panels/merch allowed in separated area
>baggage storage
>hands-on cosplay panel tutorial where you actually make stuff
>cosplay repair area

lots more stuff under consideration. i'm financially prepared to eat the costs and pay for everything out of pocket and lose all the money if no one buys tickets, but i'd like to make this con fun and successful.
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yes, when back then conventions were mostly just people gathering to watch anime together and that was it usually. cons are way more active now in terms of events and that’s what usually drives people to go
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>look at the kind of terrible opinions people have on running events and realize what an even worse idea it is to ask this here
A month in, so far every other post on the subject (both here and AX thread) proves me right
might as well go to japan with those pricing ideas LOL
That idea is so stupid because high prices just attract the clout chasing influencers/youtubers for thinking its the new coachella/burning man/lollapolooza etc
the only people who go to AX are people who just wanna bang and flex their money who the most normalfags of them all yet talk about how they should make it even more expensive to keep the normies out lmao

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Does the novelty of someone's cosplay (i.e. it being a rarely done niche character for cosplaying or the cosplay was made in a unique way) improve your opinion of the cosplay much even if it's extremely amateurish or the person cosplaying is monstrously ugly (and the character isn't supposed to be)?
>if I look like absolute garbage and put zero effort into not looking like garbage, will people still give me asspats?
Are you retarded or something? Just because it looks bad relative to other cosplayers doesn't mean said cosplayer didn't try. I did my first cosplay a few days ago after spending WEEKS on it just for it to look like shit anyways. It was for a lack of skill and insight, of course.

Go fuck yourself you non-cosplaying faggot.

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I'm gonna do my first cosplay soon but I'm having issues with my contacts, so here a few questions:

>I haven't been able to get them on, no matter what I do. I form a nice little cup, get my fingers nice and close to my eye lids, pull apart to create space to see a big ol eye ball, press the lens against the white area, but it doesn't stick. Tried turning it inside out and it still doesn't work

>The woman telling me these told me to keep the lenses in a special liquid. I'm doing that, but how exactly does maintenance work here? Like there's a tiny strand of hair at the bottom of my lens liquid cup that I keep a lens in, so do I gotta pour everything out and refill it with new lens liquid? Do I need to wash the lens after each failed attempt at getting it in or can I just dump it into the lens liquid cup?

>Once I actually manage to get them on, how hard is it to get them out?
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AYRT, phew thank you.
Also very helpful, thank you.
Whatever you do, do not fall asleep with them on
Just make sure if you’re tired of wearing them or just tired in general make sure you take them out
The only thing I have to add is to buy a cheap pack of dailies and practice daily. Clip your nails so you won't hurt your eyes while removing your contacts.
Keep in mind that prescription contacts are made to fit your eyes, so any cosmetic you buy will not be an exact fit and could risk injuring your eye if you try to wear them for a long period.
this isn't true, i have been wearing both kinds for years and have some that are identical to my prescription ones. circle lenses and cosmetic contacts used for cosplay have differing base curves and strengths just like a prescription. prescriptions aren't an exact fit or made for your specific eyes, they are sized the same as cosmetic ones. optometrists just pick the base curve and brand that will fit best, which is why you need to get them refitted if you change brands.

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