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Lolita aprons: practical, decorative, or costumey?
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Which do you prefer
>Looking as close to the source material as possible, even if that means a lack of details or lack of realism in the clothing/hair.
>A realistic version of the cosplay, how it would have been if the char were a real-life person, even if there are details to the cosplay not supported by canon
Whatever appeals to the eye more IRL.

So people doing stupid ass thinge like fucking up their eyebrows to match a cartoon tends to look 100x uglier than leaving them mostly alone.

I'm going to attend and cosplay at FanExpo Philadelphia this year. I was just wondering if anyone else was going to attend or if anyone's been there before.

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Fan Expo doesn't focus on anime related stuff. That's not to say there isn't anything of interest to anime fans, but it's way more focused on superhero comic type stuff. It's a "multi-genre" convention, which is different from anime based conventions like the ones you named.
It's almost time

It's a comic con, so more Western oriented. It used to be Wizard World, but rebranded after they were bought out.
Thinking of going since it's close by.
How is the arcade?
MIGHT go on Sunday. Original plans fell through.

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CCC #2 Repent Edition

What recently mischiefs have you done recently? Or plan on perpetuate on your next innocent victims.

Me: Ask someone if I can play Street Fighter II on the SNES classic. It was a close match manage to win, He was getting ready for a rematch but I say thank you and prepare to leave, He leaves first. Also after that pick up some free posters that some left of the consoles table and I leave.

Also repent for being lazy and missing 3 cons this year.
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>i gave away expired condoms to horny ass weebs at a late night party
Its all dudes and trannies. The few girls are the type that dont sex anyways so you pretty much accomplished nothing.
I will just say I'm at Conventions with a Game Boy Camera.
I'm glad my boyfriend isn't interested in conventions because it's an easy weekend to cheat on him. I can get it out of my system a few times a year.
I have a crossdressing fetish for frilly clothes and I use my local used cosplay market for cheap outfits to wear and coom in (especially if the girl is hot)

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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
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Hi team!

In the spirit of transparency regarding the recent Fanimecon drama, I'd like to bring something to light. There is currently a legal suit filed by FANS (Foundation for Anime and Niche Subcultures) against their former CFO, Craige Kevin Howlett. The suit alleges fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, and more. FANS is seeking an amount no less than $656,000 from Craige Kevin Howlett.


If you have a PACER account, you can view all the details. This is all public info.

https://files.catbox.moe/hwsngk.pdf - PDF of the complaint for if you can't pull it.

Some interesting tidbits:

Debtor’s fraudulent withdrawals from FANS’s Bank Account, for his personal use and benefit, and refusal to repay
FANS in full for these improper withdrawals caused FANS at least $656,000 in damages. Based
on FANS’s current investigation of Debtor’s fraudulent withdrawals, FANS estimates Debtor’s

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Damn no wonder Fanime been shit lately and so cheap with staffers. Their CFO stole $650k from them and tried to declare bankruptcy to escape paying it back.
>body scanners
I guess the scanner images will also be for sale.
So Fanime is eating shit because some dude wanted to get a Tesla and work on his house?
i'm sure it's only part of the reason.

Discussion and analysis of CAP & SNK cosplayers.
Post cosplayers names if you know them.
Also Event & Year of pic.
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Is it weird to cosplay non-SF Capcom characters at an event such as Evo?
Not at all. EVO has tons of games being played other than Street Fighter and there would be tons of Capcom fans there that would appreciate seeing them. Although it would probably be more well-received if the character was at least from a fighting game in some regard.

Old thread >>>>>>10660802

>Please read the FAQ before posting in the thread (always updating)
>Artist Spreadsheet
>How to order from Vograce (now with video on how to set up files)
>Convention List (always WIP)
>IP taketowns (based on artists contribution, may or may not have been a one time thing, use as a guideline)
>AA Inspo (thanks anon!)

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What's been the response from people selling preorders at events?
I want to start selling t-shirts but I don't want to have to bring stock. Has anyone had any success doing it this way?
i would never do that, or buy from someone who does. watermark is to prevent someone from stealing your digitals, print is the product.
Whenever I’ve sold prints I’ve asked if they wanted them signed and if they want the back or front. Most of them say front, but others have said back. But usually I have a partner helping me out at my table, dealing with sales and packing the prints. I have an upcoming small con that I might be doing by myself, so I think to save time, I’m gonna sign all my prints on the back.

Only thing is, I also sell zines/mini comics, and I’m never sure where to sign them. Idk if I should sign them on the title page like traditional authors do, or on the front cover since that’s what most comic artists do.
Watermark on a print is weird, but I’ve seen embossed/debossed marks on prints. But that’s usually on high quality and/or limited edition numbered prints by a well known artist, like James Jean.
>tfw you’ve been so busy at your day job, you didn’t make any new art or products to sell.

>tfw you’re only doing one con this year and it’s a shitty 5 hour con in a high school cafeteria that’s in your hometown

Granted,I make most of my money doing commissions, but I feel bad not having any new products this year. I’ve been doing this con for the past several years since I like representing my hometown, but I know I’m going to run into the same people every year. I kinda dread it though because there’s always this one autist that commissions me every year to draw a character in his sketchbook that takes up an hour of time.

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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I'm launching a bespoke latex clothing and cosplay range, and would like to know what you enjoy about rubber.
Not promoting, I'd be grateful if you took some time to fill out my questionnaire. It's completely private, won't take long and all questions are optional.


If you have any questions or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
yes, that is precisely how to cosplay

New friend finder thread because people in the old one won't stop derailing it with dumb useless arguing

Same info as before:
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
>Other hobbies, interests?
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
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Hey yes! Sorry, I changed it because of creeps, what’s your email or discord? I’ll just message you there.
NTA but I'd like to add you as well if that's ok with you
>Discord: cowgucci
Munch3r is my discord I am in south washington

Im going to Kumoricon in November
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Video games and Anime
>Other hobbies, interests?
Reading and gaming
>What are you looking for?
Friends to perhaps company me at UK (or any) cons
>Not looking for?
Under 18, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, racists
>Contact info
daydreamingprincess on discord
>Anything else we should know? English is not my first language and this is the first time I'm using this side so pls be nice :(
go back.

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Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.

Last thread get archived: >>10851320

Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184

Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
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yes, more hot dudes carved into furniture. this is how life ought to be.
true, not only leaves, flowers or naked women. Males wanna be furniture too!

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When did anime conventions in the west become pride events?
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who is the guy in the overalls supposed to be? gay mario?
No it's literally not. Everyone needs to stop being a little bitch about something that is drawn and fiction.
Choosing to like sexual depictions of children vs adults is disgusting even if you don't think it's pedo. Or are you going to claim it's not?
most yaoi is about underage boys, rape, or both and written by untouchable middle aged women. degenerate as hell to defend. i hate fujoshis.
it's also a direct pipeline to turning into a female to male tranny

Last thread went sage >>10849072


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

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Does anyone know where to find the global tracking code when shipping to the US? The waybill number only shows the local ZTO Express tracking.
How is buying direct without using a shoping agent now a days? I used to do it all the time years ago, but I haven't touched taobao in in years now. I don't speak any Chinese - have things stayed about the same quality and process wise? Or is it better to have an agent now?
iirc if you can read and communicate with google translate, and you have an alipay account, then you can buy from taobao without a shopping service. However this means no quality control pictures and minimal to no after sales services. It's not that rare for sellers to ship the wrong size or color, and in that case you would be out of luck if you don't use a shopping service.
I buy directly from Taobao and it's overall fine. I speak Chinese though. It's hilarious that sellers will straight up tell you they can't refund because profit margins are raZor-thin and the slogan "Chinese people will never deceive Chinese people!"
i’ve had a small handful of issues here and there like not receiving something in the color i ordered and once i only received one of something when i ordered two but i still wouldn’t pay for an ss again.

there were a few times where i ordered something and the shop messaged me that it was actually sold out and told me to start a refund or if i had to wait bc there was a preorder. but once i did have to get a refund bc the seller never shipped and didn’t reply although that only happened once in like four orders over three years so most sellers won’t leave you completely in the dark.

Hadn't realized how long it's been since we last had one of these. Would love to hear everyone's thoughts!

>Hi there ! Here's my coord for my friend's (@roridoll) b-day !
>JSK, OTK, Clip : Angelic Pretty
>Bonnet : La petite boutique de Mamie Zwiffi
>Cutsew : Sleepyland Shop
>Apron : @MlleEpine (on instagram)
>Shoes : Modo
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this is adorable, ik the star petti is considered an ita staple but it actually fits the theme here and i appreciate the creativity
you should kill yourself
Cringe level of offense
so what language then?
just trying to appreciate the effort op put into designing and making original dresses, if you hate them that's fine but you could at least say what u don't like and actually contribute to thread discussion. peace and love <3

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Marin (and variations) and Yor were the obvious FOTM cosplays for last con season. What are your predictions for this year?

My predictions:
>Yor spillover from last year
>a fuckton of Kobeni and Makima
>Mitsuri from Demon Slayer (her arc comes out in spring)
>Vash Stampede for guys
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but make it extra legit, 123123% bomb girl but autistic and schizo as well
I'm not sure if it will take off with regular congoers, but I could see some of the more complex costumes getting popular in the competitions.
you guys sure noone will get ye olde Holo cosplay back out?
Just thinking at the original anime that brough Spicy Wolf to western attention was like 15 years ago. People who cosplayed Holo or Lawrence then would be like in their 30s to 40s now and probably no longer fitting in the costumes.
LOL im probz bringing holo to otakon and katsucon

I figured I'd make one. I only ever come back for cons I'm going to. Any of you men going?

Yeah I know it's expensive. And mostly drunk. But I enjoy the atmosphere and laying by the pool during the day.

I've been serious on the diet and exercise train. Should be looking good enough for my Krauser cosplay in a month.
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>retard cosplay thots and losers afraid of a real party festival
That's one of putting it that I never would have thought up myself. Me, I couldn't give a rat's ass about this but might try sneaking in just for the novelty. Their security is known to slack off already
They should make the rooms more expensive
Agreed on all counts.
Colossalcon is really starting to go down the shitter. And for those of you that are thinking East may be better, it definitely isn't. I won't go on a long rant about East here since it's kinda off topic, but suffice to say it has plenty of problems and the con head completely ignores all of them. The Poconos staff absolutely hates the convention and its attendees and they do more things every year to fuck with them.
DESU I feel like there are some really simple things that could be done to greatly improve the convention at both locations, but con management just doesn't care and won't make even the smallest amount of effort to do anything.
Colossalcon was the fucking best, and it makes me sad that it's gotten to the point where I'm not even sure it's worth going to anymore.
I used to think that was a meme but the staff really does hate the con. Got to talk it out with a gym bro bartender my last year there. Basically they hate how the con attendees treat the hotel, the water Park, how there is no self control and no respect.
Yeah, it's gotten really obvious at this point, at least at the Poconos location for CCE (I haven't been to "Prime").
In all fairness, I can understand some of their staff's point of view, and I'd probably fucking hate con attendees too if I were them.
The thing is, there are parts of every job that people don't like, and in most places you just gotta shut up and deal with it.
But Colossalcon management/staff are content to act like giant cunts about everything and shit on us at every opportunity.
Would be nice if the con head would do SOMETHING about ANYTHING, but it's clear that isn't likely to ever happen.

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