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Dank und spooky edition

Last fred >>10698290
275 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
It is to be expected
Kill yourself.
Yo momma is so fat she is expecting


sub human the White cockroach's all go to hell die
Yo momma is so fat she could be Space-X rocket

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Fill out the image and reply to the previous posters with any ideas you have on what could be a good cosplay for them
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Forgot to start it lolol
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I think you’d have the perfect build for archduke Lewis from TPN but also I’m biased because he’s my husbando and would love to see him cosplayed.
Demon hands, you could construct something thin out of wire and paper mache and secure it on top of some black gloves.
Gakupo from vocaloid
Ouughh, he does look really fun. I liked him a lot too, that's a good one. tyy
Jin Kazama could be a fun fit for you. Could honestly just grow hair out too if you don't wanna spend on a wig lol. He has both shirtless n well dressed options too so if you do buy a wig you could reuse it for your goal

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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Say what you want about chubby mcgrab ass. I've met girls like her and they are just weirdos cutting loose and having fun.
And if you are somewhat attractive you can usually fuck em.
They aren't trying to further their "brand"
They aren't crying about being harassed
They are just shut ins with low self esteem who are fun in bed and don't cry if you won't date them but will stay friends.
I miss these types.
These people annoy me. They shout like a carnival barker for services people don't want and those prices become a barrier for even talking.
No thanks.
When this grift dries out I can't wait for these cosplayers to eventually start selling feeling them up for these prices.
There was never an epidemic of whores getting grouped.

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Okay final thought on this
>>10868292 shows how the whole "don't harass the cosplayers" shit came about. All of these event have rules and the ones about women and there comfort are unspoken and enforced with draconian enforcement.

YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS A RULE AT THESE EVENTS? NO NONE BOOTH UNPAID SOLICITATION OF SERVICES OR GOODS, but these carnival barking whores get a pass selling pics with them, selling "steps and spanks", etc.
They don't buy a mech table spot, but they get a pussy pass claiming their very existance is a draw to the event while reporting people they want kicked out to staff.

This is why they aren't respected and are generally despised.
They ask for special treatment and attention while attacking the core fans.
Booth babes are 1000x worse than individual coswhores. Why would I like pro models being paid by giant corpos better than amateur models who do it for free? 4chan has the most retarded takes
>why is there a stigma against a hobby that arose from the pure passion on individuals being turned into a soulless money sucking tool?
Gee I wonder you stupid faggot
Both are pieces of shit coopting a medium that was supposed to be about passion for the media for the same normalfaggotry that's infested every other hobby space.

old thread reached img limit >>10787408
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You look great girl
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he was hard (like every other deadpool cosplayer)

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Who’s your fave?
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It might not be visible unless you play full screen but the side panels are sheer hose and she's bouncing around a lot. Designwise I like the kind of Tron vibes it has in the top part with the pinstripes. The pants have interesting cuts but could have used more texture variation along with the different colors, maybe a metallic sheen or sequins on the grey parts.
Watched in full screen still just mid at best
Mayhem from FAEBLE released an original EP. Anyone have any thoughts?


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>you typing out this whole insecure ass validation seeking essay?

Now I'm sure you're a troll.
The upper arm pudge is the same on both, which is the crux of the insult.
Maury but nah, the statue is smaller.
the texture on her legs is scaring me
Nobody genuinely cares about this women’s body fat level, we care about how her clothes are fitted. I’m being serious when I say that 60% of the itas on these threads could be avoided if they just wore clothes ment for their body type. You can even get away with a dress a few sizes smaller if you style it correctly, but you can never get away with a garment not designed for your build, especially with lolita where everything is tightly attached to your body.

This is why I generally avoid r/lolita and other lolita platforms outside japan. Most people interested in lolita will never understand how the way your clothes fit can completely change the way your coord looks, and instead larp as a “cute lolita girl” whilst being completely delusional as to what they actually look like.

This isn't a convention, it's a glorified pop-up shop. Their goal is to trick you into spending as much money as possible and then leave.
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>what's the fucking point?
You know, I've been asking myself that more and more lately. Maybe I'm just getting old and maybe the convention scene really has gone downhill, but every one I've been to in the past 3-4 years has felt really stale and lifeless. I really do feel the "weeb flea market" vibe as the quality of events and meetups outside of the dealer room have gone down. The dealer rooms themselves are just selling the same old overpriced shit and artist alleys are the same water bottles and buttons and acrylic keychains over and over. Normies invaded the space and it feels like everything gets tamer and blander as time goes on because of them. There's no energy anymore as you watch a bunch of glass-eyed zombies shuffle around spending hundreds of dollars on shit you can get anywhere now.
There are more sexy cosplays tho. I think you guys have rose-tinted glasses.
I don't find stuck up chinks in alibaba genshin cosplays and an inch thick layer of makeup sexy
eh, i wouldn't say they're any more stuck up than most other women. the makeup is definitely a bit offputting tho
Don't think he was talking about that at all, Nikke has ushered in a wave of lewd cosplays that rival peak KLK

I never went to these as I wasn't old enough but I've heard that conventions used to be more fun. Actual nerds going there having a good time.

No social media attention whores trying to get clout
Not overly woke and annoying bullshit shoved down your throat

Just nerds nerdin' out
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Hope she sees this, bro.
Crossplayers have always been here, maybe you just didn't notice?
As an ex fatass, no they're not. Being fat is awful. You feel like absolute shit 24/7, you can struggle walking up stairs and the idea of walking a mile indoors despite being in an air conditioned building can be a pain too. Not to mention that deep down, you know you are physically unattractive and if you're young, the pain of knowing you're wasting your youth being a tub of lard does serious psychological damage to you.
trans people in cons have always existed, you were probably just too dumb to notice
I hate the hideous tumblr reject art style thats infested artist alleys. I want merch of my favorite character that actually looks like the character and not a My 600lb Life participant in a wig.

Artists that actually draw aesthetically pleasing art only sell genshin and flavor-of-the-day waifus

Thats why I always find it funny when extreme anti-fujo moralfags wish they experienced being an anime fan in the 2000s. Almost the entire female deviantart and gaia online userbases were fujos, and if they werent they usually openly hated gay people kek

old misa cosplay!
i want to do this cosplay again, any tips on how to make it better?
Make sure the bangs are a bit more dense/don't have that gap as much. Also go lighter on the nose makeup
hard to give good concrit without seeing the outfit
A regular wig and dark eye makeup does not a cosplay make

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Opinions on the Little Nurse release?
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>> wearing shit off the rack and not getting it tailored to fit

Sloppy whore
Damnit Meta. Every handmade ita using newspaper print quilting cotton is going to use this as justification from now on.
nayrt, I think getting things tailored to fit is a good idea but this release was unusually large for the regular size.
Which is weird because the plus and plus plus sizes are smaller than their usual
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Got my costume ready in advance, just did some test shots. Might get some better undergarments for it, but I'm also planning to get something with a lot more coverage so I can wear this on my college campus.
attention whore, that isn't you.

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Can I cosplay big boobed girls if I have a nearly flat chest? There's silicone boobs but they look kinda fake.
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>giant balloons filled with water
best choice for dem anime physics
stop shilling that overpriced site. it's not like anon needs realistic ones when she's going to be cosplaying in her room.
its not necessary but you could. If you're going for accuracy to the character you could get em. But otherwise they are not necessary because a character in cosplay is not always gonna have every part of them. I mean Goku isn't black but we don't see black dudes shedding their skin to do it.
We don't really see black dudes putting in effort either.
that's just cosplay in general. people slap on a dumb robe from Demon slayer and call themselves Tanjiro or whatever.

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i'd like to have a cosplay that looks like the picture attached but much better looking, and i was originally planning to sew everything myself, but i feel it would be too much of an undertaking for someone like me with little sewing experience. so i got an idea to buy this premade costume, but replace the skirt, buttons and collar since making those myself seems easy enough (and remove the black piece of fabric on the waist)
is this a good idea, or a waste of money? i don't want to experience the hell that is making patterns or spending even more money to commission one
The material will probably be vastly different but if it works then go for it.
yes! as long as you have an idea and plan as for what to change and you know what youre doing

Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
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desu i don't mind costhots as long as they're not the rare genuinely insane lolcow types. most of the scantily clad women i met were chill and gave me free booze and walked me to ubers and shit, this just seems like a skill issue or perhaps a moid issue

i do hate the virgins/people who show up just to get laid without putting any effort into a cosplay themselves though lul
>i do hate the virgins/people who show up just to get laid without putting any effort into a cosplay themselves though lul
It's hilarious. Throwing a closet cos together of like Shinji or Leon Kennedy should take maybe a day and they can't even do that.
I can literally smell that room through my screen
I haven't gone to a ColossalCon before, but it does seem fun. Texas is the closest, but I don't mind going further if one is notably better.
>if one is notably better.
I rank both Prime and East above Texas. Never done North but I assume it's also better

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