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old one's gone
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they don't look old enough to know what homestuck is
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Oh shit it's guy, blessing up with his presence.

old thread reached img limit >>10787408
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Sadako Cosplay 001
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"durr obesity thread" ok post some fucking bbws

Last thread went sage >>10849072


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

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Thanks anons. Their classic parasols are indeed beautiful but unfortunately I'm a sweetfag. This is the only one I saw on their page that might work for sweet, do you think it looks decent enough?
I think it looks great nonna. If you're a sweet lolita there's also a couple baby parasols in stock right now and one from ap. The odd lumiebre parasol might work too, but when it comes to taobao itself thats the only store I know that reliably stocks parasols.
TY for the heads up anon!
Is Taobao cheaper than Aliexpress?
Yes, but then you have to pay shopping service fees to buy from Taobao that make it about equivalent in the end.

How do you feel about cosplayers taking on characters of a blatantly different race?
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Elves are a thing?
Like, Black Panther?

>Marcille is Italian-Coded.
blacks look ugly in cosplay because they turn straight hair characters into greasy dreads and shit like that
just wear a wig that’s accurate
asians look terrible as white characters because they can only do one makeup look and abuse photoshop instead of learning sfx makeup and how to make their features look more european
whites look terrible as asian characters because they can’t into neotenous makeup and good lighting
fix those problems and cross race cosplay is a non issue
>Dead link
Are you retarded?
That's literally what you posted lol, no source listed. They are both Ackermans, an Asian family. Go Ack yourself lmao

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Thread for the discussion of cosplayer Keekihime
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Birthday stream soon
She's the best and deserves lots of love.
Here's hoping dumbasses don't use the whole thread up in a day. F for the expensive hair extensions, too bad they weren't long lasting.
American cons doko...
Praying for Atlanta this year.
as much as I'd like that, her other persona will be doing a concert there. I wrote to Fanime and Sakuracon since I know people who work there but I'm not expecting anything

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Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
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Its for men. Half are on onlyfans and moids and simps are 100% their fan base.
Nah they usually in the same boat years ago after wasting money on stupid shit.
Idk some of the girls I see with onlyfans make me laugh. 90% are mid and need to catfish to look decent.
Just so you know, assuming you're remotely capable of introspection, when you're lying awake at night, wondering why people don't like you, it's because of shit like this.
Those were the times ..

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Previous thread >>10858314
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WTT everything in picrel for something from my wishlist or similar. Might consider selling some of these pieces, but mostly looking to trade right now.
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Here's my wishlist
ISO cotton short sleeved, detachable sleeved, or princess sleeved blouses. also seeking anything brown or brownish. inquire within, thank you
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Looking to buy AP’s Party Ribbon necklace (and other jewelry from the set) in dark pink! I just missed out on buying it on Lace Market and now I’m searching elsewhere because it’s keeping me up at night :’)
any gull in here wants the scr00t of excellent lolita taste to rate his wishlist?

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Previous thread: >>10897117

The Flower Kitten series is releasing this week
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Did you all get your Bunny Chan Pocket JSK? I did. I missed the headdress but it looks stupid anyway and I would not wear it.
The early to mid 2000s AP bags were made from vinyl iirc. Pvc is a type of vinyl, but not all vinyl is pvc. The vinyl they used was more matte, although still very plastic-y looking, and doesn't flake (it can get a yellowish hue over time though) and is often still called fake leather even though it doesn't look like leather at all to me. Perhaps fake leather was/is used as a catch all term for synthetic non-fabric materials used for bags.

Some PU shoes are also referred to as fake leather, but they're just as plastic-y looking as the vinyl bags.
this cringe print is almost ok, almost, just imagine the same piece without the awful print, it'd be a 10

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Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.

Last thread get archived: >>10851320

Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184

Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
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oh noes we are getting invaded by /k/
How about chaise longs?
I want to make my room Alice in Wonderland inspired, because a lot of my wardrobe is too. But obviously a lot of the stuff on the Western market is quite tacky. I got a Victorian-looking closet for my clothing and I'm not sure where to look for decorations. I would really like a rug and bedding that is not made for children.
victorian crochet is your friend
Crochet could be made by you, you may find people willing to take your order for patterns you like, maybe you have some stuff in your family storage.

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Alternate title: "Eager for a New Thread After a Full Month at Bump Limit Edition"

Keep it /cgl/-related! Cosplay or J-fashion like Lolita/Brolita, Aristocrat, Kimono, Nanchatte, etc.!


ITT you may post:
- Useful guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

NOT allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

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No shame in that. Who were you dressed as? Some costumes draw the girls harder but none (that I'm aware of) said they were lesbians
Generally you should use "peach" colored color correcting concealer. The large color correcting pallette by Nyx has that. There's a similar color sold by LA Girl that's just as good.
no particular character, the idea was just crossdressing. She was a guy i was a girl. I think we both did a really good job, had some female friends help with makeup and styling.
i guesss the theme was "discord couple"
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>You didn't wear that skirt ever again, right? Cause I'm terrified of my friends seeing it pop up on their Instagram pages
Sounds like a distinctly (you) problem, and also, "NO."
Welp the OP post says "no casual crossdressing" but maybe it's time to drop that. this actually put a new spin on things. And since I've *not* had a crossdressing lesbian come on to me before, what does...
>It's frankly really weird and immature
...entail? I can imagine but wanna be sure
>i guesss the theme was "discord couple"
oh it wasn't like we just went out, it was carneval and funny thing we were the only people in costume (which is such a fucking shame my city is so fucking lame nowadays)
i wouldn't call it "casual crossdressing" they were costumes for carneval
but anyway we got a bit tipsy and i suggested i go buy some more and she had this realisation and told me to
>not worry my girly head and let the man handle it
or something maybe i'm mixing the order of events but i know we started talking some real weird shit after she went for her liqour bottle.
It was this role inversion where i played the airhead dumb woman and she played the overconfident man i could get into specifics but it was mostly me saying
>my dumb female brain can't X
and her saying
>lucky i am a man and right here

we didn't make out or anything and it could have just been drunk fucking around for all i know and not flirting

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kill the part of you that cringes
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>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
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I refuse to leave this accursed faggot earth without getting my fill of joy and so should you. Pick a character with a mask to hide your ugly and aging face. Work out. Work overtime. Look for raw materials and make your cosplay instead of buying it.
What if I join orc gang and be a gross smelly orc that heroes can kill? Is being part of the mook brigade fun?
Mask or helmet or armor. Like Halo or some generic tacticool guy from COD, Resident evil Umbrella or SCP
many are saying this

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A thread for telling stories about anything and nothing - funny, roommate horror, party shenanigans, creeps, things you wished you didn't see, etc.

>Be me
>Walking around con floor with friend I just met the day before
>He is fairly high at this point in time
>Tells me he wants to try and find some bitches to bring back to the hotel room
>I'm down, decide to try to be a wingman to him at the very least
>He is cosplaying as Loid Forger
>See thicc qt3.14 Yor cosplayer
"That's a really sweet Yor cosplay, my friend here has been trying to find a Yor cosplayer for a photo"
>She sees him behind me
>They start talking
>To my surprise, he has some fair rizz
>A second Yor cosplayer approaches, she seems to know the other one

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Well, nobody else is posting. A few more memories:
>Second-ever con, I'm still a nervous shut-in who can barely talk to anyone
>End up in elevator alone with woman dressed as Chocolate from Sorcerer Hunters
>Desperately holding on to spaghetti
>"H-how are you liking the con?"
>"I'm having a great time!"
>Why does this woman sound so familiar?...oh shit it's Tiffany Grant
>Struggle to think of anything to say
>Asuka Langley Soryu tells me "this is my floor. Enjoy the con!"
>Manage a "you too" and feel like I just met a celebrity

Another time:
>Cowboy Bebop VA cast reunion panel
>Audience Q&A portion, everybody's asking pretty good questions about working on the show, voiceover in general, etc.
>Guy gets to mic, looks at Steve Blum and says "this is the stairway to heaven...ya know that, don't you?"

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This one's a legendary story in my spic country, passed on for generations.

>be 2004, first ever Anime Convention here
>pretty neat
>lots of cosplayers, lots of japanese snacks and candy and shit
>suddently, two random guys pose for pictures
>apparently they didn't know each other
>they're a brown Kenshin and brown Makoto Shishio
>they drew their katanas
>they're real, they both look pretty cool
>one pose has them crossing over their blades
>agry pose
>they get caught up in the moment and start fake dueling
>doesn't seem too fake anymore

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>be me with black friend
>walking around ax around 2016 i think
>enter hallway
>see fucking araki himself
>say to my black friend "yo is that fucking araki"
>araki looks at me nevously and hides inside room
>leave con and find out he was fucking there to anounce golden wind
Ill never forget the day I single handily scared araki unknowingly. I have been weight lifting to not look as scary or disgusting since.
this is kind of a boring one but i think i've dropped all my interesting ones in previous threads :(
>at con, off my ass on tequila, it's like 1am
>head to the lobby with friends
>some jesus is paddling people
>"how hard do you want it, 1-10?"
>before i can reply, friend leans in and whispers something to him
>i later find out it was "11"
>bruise on my ass for a week post-con
I ate shroom chocolate off the floor
Was hyper focused on the con floor but spent time writing Japanese characters with a Miku cosplayer

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So I roomed with other people this year of the first time and it was actually a fantastic time. Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories
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>their “trans” friend who despite being a “boy” only does girl cosplays, presents daily as girl and pushes their tits up with everything they wear (nothing against trans people but really?)
This is something I never understood either. I'm an ally and I generally find queer people more interesting than conservatives but it never made sense to me how there's people who identify as men but exclusively cosplay Miku or some shit while not taking a single pill of testosterone.
I can’t imagine being triggered by such inane shit. If a big titty hottie wants to be called a boy I’ll do it and motorboat his himcess moobs later. You roasties work yallselves up over nothing.
If you want to attend cons why would you troll them to crumble them? Seems against your own wishes.

F*ceb**k groups, back in the day.
Facebook is disgusting

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what's your cozy /cgl/ indulgences for warm weather? picnics, waterfront strolls, ice cream parlor meetups? do you prefer to stay indoors and work on crafts with AC blasting? share your favorite summery treats and comfy pics
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