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We haven't had these in a while

>Do you like your local community overall? Why/why not?
>What would you do to change it?
>Even if there are problems, are you glad you joined?
>What makes you the most salty about it?
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western lolita comms are the cattiest bitches in existence trying to justify why they spent money they can't afford to spend on burando that doesn't look good on them
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>> wearing lolita out
>> girl asks if I'm in local comm
>> tells me how to find it

D-do I take the plunge? I've been a lonelita for so long.
We've had an influx of newbies in the comm after a convention, which is normal, but painful. Lots of teens who are clearly just new at this so I will give them some slack (joining a 'comm' and the concept of comm culture I think is something that one has to like, learn/get used to) but I'm already tired of the I-own-nothing-yet's just spamming the group and posting unrelated selfies.

Maybe I'm just being old and bitter but goddamn, I'm in the comm so I can be around other likeminded people and discuss our clothes. I am not here to see selfies and chatter about degenerate shit from randos who only have a vague, possibly passing interest. I know that soon enough the ones who care will stay and progress and the ones who don't will eventually be weeded out once they lose interest after a couple months, so at least I can take some solace in that.
>I'm already tired of the I-own-nothing-yet's just spamming the group and posting unrelated selfies.

I agree this is annoying. In my local comm we've got a little bit of this as well. And I was still caught completely off guard when one of them asked why certain styles of lolita were so expensive second hand. She thought older things should be cheaper, not more expensive.
All of the current newcomers are really nice though. And I look forward to seeing them develop their taste and skills. So they either develop into proper lolitas or they decide that lolita is too expensive for them and they prefer their fast fashion edgy e-girl stuff or whatever they're into so they'll drop out of the group.
We do have a perma ita that's been in the comm for 4 or so years that I steer clear off because she's been open about having very questionable ethics regarding selling and buying. Like she would temporarily stain or "damage" something to be able to demand all or a portion of her money back. I wouldn't put it past her to try and fuck me over in a sale, luckily there isn't much cross over between our personal styles so the likelihood of her buying something wouldn't be so big.
Power to the fashion revolution

This intention is a will of many majorities!

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Have you ever had any /cgl/ related dreams? Share!
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Had one today - I was eating some made up version of mochi (looked really good desu) that came with a fortune printed on the wax paper liner, like a fortune cookie. Mine was about wearing clothes with strawberry and flower motifs this spring to boost my luck. To dream me, it seemed like a sign that I'll finally get my hands on a sugar bouquet main piece I've been looking for for so long! Here's to hoping this luck extends to real life as well.
>> be me
>> dreaming
>> wearing new coord
>> at the opening of a new physical lolita store
>> not an ita in sight
>> racks upon racks of pieces that no one's ever seen before
>> cute fem housewares also for sale
>> vintage flower vases, tea sets, Avon ladies, etc.
>> attached cafe/tea shop

I died in my sleep and momentarily went to heaven
good luck anon!

this sounds divine
I have con nightmares. Anything that can go wrong does. Always a few weeks from a con.
Suitcase falls apart at the airport
Plane ticket can’t be located
Lose my debit card when I get to the hotel
Forgot a very important prop/wig
Oversleep an miss my flight
Money is stolen from my account right when I get to the hotel
I have had strange dreams lately. Often felt like combat.
I hate vapid dreams where Im fighting, it feels like a false sleep

Regards to whatever nonsense gets me out of nonsense!

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Can anyone who's been tell me what fanexpo in Toronto is like? I tried looking for a past schedule to get an idea but I can't find one. Also what's the hotel situation like vs traveling to and from by car? My only con experience was going to anime north a few times but I'm really not feeling it this year and thought I'd try something new.

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Have many anime cons outgrown their current convention centers / venues?

Anime Expo and Katsucon both seem at their limit
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no one likes a fatty
Katsucon and its uncapped tickets. MAGFEST at the same venue in the Gaylord was still packed.
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MEFCC basically got kicked out of the ITC in Dubai for being too busy, rowdy, and having "unprofessional" guests (con-goers, cosplayers, and non-business types)
They're in the neighboring city now, but the Con itself is so expensive it's not really worth going.
Anime Expo is being held hostage by the LACC
Megacon Orlando 2025 is already selling tickets, on February, so expect the same occupancy next year
The less crowded days are Thursday & Friday, Saturday it's the most crowded day, Sunday is when you can catch some good offers from vendors

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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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Sure are a lot of vtuber guests. This the norm for Anime Impulse?
Vtuber guests are cheap and easy to get because they don't have to actually fly somewhere. Anime Impulse is basically all English guests, cosplayers, and vtubers. They hold a lot of events so they don't have money to throw out for actual Japanese guests.
They had a strong relationship with NijiEN. Since the fall out of Salene, they pretty much distanced themselves from them.
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I dunno about that one...
No one is going to show up to this clusterfuck.

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share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
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Jesus this breast plate doesn't even match her skintone. Why does Rem always attract the worst kind of retards? Horrible cosplay right here.

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FAQ & Beginners Guide:

Buyf/a/g Guide:
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Itabag came from itasha. And it means cringe/painful to look at, not painful to carry/for wallet.
Any base bags with patchwork/quilt desgns?
it didn't come from itasha, both came from itai, which means "ouch" in japanese, and is japanese slang for cringe, same thing ita comes from in the lolita comm. anon's distinction is just plain bull and trying to spare her feelings i assume. itabags are supposed to be cringe and off putting, it's part of the charm. side note, cutesy chinese itabags are only cutesy because they think ita means it's lolita related since they don't have context and ita is in the word lolita.
The itai in itasha came from ouch/cringe. And then after ita cars their were ita shirts and itabags. Learn cringe history, zoomer.
Does anyone get creative block when working on an itabag? I have the pieces, deco, and the base bag ready to go, but when it's time to lay out all the pieces I draw a complete blank or hate whatever I'm putting down

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>Lose and be ordered to pay 100k
>Lose appeal and be ordered to pay 376k for wasting everyone's time
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I'm a Proud chud. And claims are not evidence. Need proof. You literally have no argument to what I just said since I literally showed how 'evidence' when provided was false. Retard.
Enjoy not having a gf. Your andrew tate ways are sure to repel any women.
Ad hominem.
Not even a logical one either. I don't know of any male who ever got a girlfriend because they supported false allegations against Vic.
calling women liars is generally a good woman repellant

post hideous dresses
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Not a dress, but I’m so sick of seeing these hideous shoes.
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im sick of seeing the fat whales attached to these shoes
No-one I know who has these is fat, so I wonder where your association comes from.
I dislike that these shoes are higher in the back (I prefer flatter platforms, or actual platform heels) and the vertical cuts down the sole, and I've seen them a little bit too much but I don't hate them.
Amen bitch, these shoes are a plague among itas.

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>be non black person (not white) doing cosplay
>high expectations to be accurate with correct wig for contests and photoshoots
>be black
>no need to use wig or accurate cosplay. it's called ethnic wigs instead
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have you seen the shitty raceswap edits black weebs make of characters? they look like they just paint bucketed the brown color on
So disgusting. It made my dick throw up like 100 times.
imagine the smell
Yep. Negroes aren't attractive at all. There's a reason why many photographers don't pay them attention at cons
black cosplayers is white genocide

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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Makeup - use the smallest amount of makeup necessary. Women - most put on way too much even when they are going for a "natural" look, and you can tell their face is caked full of makeup.

Even just a hint of facial hair or bead stubble instantly makes the character look more male.

Women - most don't usually do anything to simulate facial hair, sideburns, etc when crossplaying. This automatically makes the character look odd even though it's such a tiny detail. You can buy costume-use facial hair, and you can dye your arm, leg and any chin/neck hair you may already have darker so that it's visible.

Men - facial hair gets in the way of makeup and crossplaying, big time. If you need that baby-smooth look you can try using hair removal cream, but it must be for the face and must be for men (apparently men often have stronger hairs than women and women's cream doesn't break them down).

Face - You can get realistic-looking prosthetic noses, ears, chins, etc and glue them on then blend them in with makeup. But if you really wanna go that far, hyper-realistic silicone face masks exist now, "half masks" (mouse/nose) are yours for $100 to $200 while full masks are yours for $400 to $700...
Surprised I haven’t seen her posted here or the farms before
Still would, dont care

She a druggy and rumored to drug ppl. Dodge the bullet
>There are also simple changes you can do to your face that makes a big difference towards looking more like another race. One is "Asian eyes" (monolids) versus "Western eyes" ("epicanthal folds"). Anyone can have either one of these, all you need to do is fold your eyelids a different way and then hold them in place with eyelash glue.

Nah, this doesn't fly in the cosplay circles

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How do I get a woman to wrap an arm around my shoulder or place a hand on my shoulder like this?
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ACK is the sound someone makes when being lynched, much like how this thread will probably be even though it literally has to do with con behavior
Wear a cool cosplay
those are why I come here to be desu
That’s an onlyfans cosplayer. She makes her money by doing stuff like that. If you want that too then start paying up
I wouls gladly pay if given the opportunity but it's never happened.

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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
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>get friends
ahah for sure anon I'll ask my friends I have those
My tradition is to drink a 4loko at cons. Makes stumbling through lines more fun.
realistically you will not get a room for this year's colossal. you have over a year's time to network and get yourself out there for 2025's colossal. go to cons, join local discords, be social and you can do it
I'll throw in on a room for 2025
There’s also the fact that colossal rooms go fast. If you get one and post to colossal’s fb or discord that you have spots up for grabs in your room, I guarantee they will get filled. If you make a post like that though, make it clear IN the post that you aren’t just looking to fill spaces in the room, but you’re also looking for people to hang with at the con

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>What’s your dream dress?
>How long have you been looking for it?
>Are you open to other cuts/colorways?
>Why is it your dream dress?
>How much would you be willing to drop for it?
>Anything else?
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OP here! I’ll start.
>What’s your dream dress?
Ribbon Decoration JSK by Angelic Pretty in the pink colorway
>How long have you been looking for it?
Just now. I’ve seen it before but it was never a dream dress for me, just something I liked… But now I’d die for her!
>Are you open to other cuts/colorways?
Yes! Anything but black.
>Why is it your dream dress?
It just feels so elegant and OTT yet still the pinnacle of sweet lolita, fits my style exactly.
>How much would you be willing to drop for it?
A shameful amount.
>Anything else?
Wut. I’m a sweetfag but thing is tacky af kek. To each their own…
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

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