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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
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The hell happened at comicon?
anime north is pretty shit and too far out with nothing remotely decent as side attractions, i say this as a toronto resident.
every should just ditch it and make TCAF an unofficial con. they actually had talent attend like junji ito.
Pickpockets, clueless security guards, creeps
I'm hoping to see the Madoka and Janna I saw last year
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Cosplay noob here. I'm looking to make a mask like this. The character is relatively obscure, so I can't just buy one, but I've never done something like this before. From what I've seen paper mache is the go-to, but the horns are what throw me. I'm not sure where I'd even get started with something like that.

Basically, any tips? Is paper mache the way to go? Would this be too difficulty for a beginner, should I give up and go with something else? thanks.
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If you want a smooth and symmetric finish, either make a foam pattern or a 3d print. Paper mache or other hand sculpting/molding mediums will likely end up sad and lumpy looking.
Sounds like it'll be too tough for my first time, especially since the con is in a month and I was planning on making 5 for my whole friend group. Thanks for the advice anons, I'll go with something easier and try this again next con.
No problem anon, good luck with your future plans
Might I recommend Amaurotine masks and robes instead? Those are very easy to find on Etsy.
>my first time
>the con is in a month
>I was planning on making 5 for my whole friend group
Thanks for the kek anon. The Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and well
I'm confused by the pace of this thread.
>rip files
>clean them up
If they're not available online anyways, get some guy from fiver to do it for you. Else, get a hold of the original cosplayer and ask him for files.
>print them
Probably need to be put into parts and reassembled, but doable on all medium2large printers. Check your local maker space if you don't have a 3d printer of your own.
>sand them
>air brush some gold highlights
Check your local warhammer community if you have an airbrush gun of your own.

For five masks, i'd wager three afternoons, or one good weekend.

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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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Do older finfolks ever get cycled through again or is every single month a one-time deal?
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Most of the time, the tail-of-the-months are scuba knit ("new fabric") rereleases of older tails. Esspecially designs that were only released in the original neoprene ("old fabric"), or the early scuba knit ones that didn't have extra fin options. However this past year since the summer and fall sales were all Merbella collab tails, they broke away from that trend and have been releasing a lot more new/original designs as tails of the month, i assume so they can still have their "own" designs from this year. Plus they have the time to make new ones since Raven took on the silicone sculpting/painting for summer/fall. I suspect that once this collab ends they will return to more rereleases instead of new designs for tails of the month. I know they also use it as a chance to color-correct some of the original neoprene designs where the colors were less saturated or off what they intended (see original vs rerelease dragonheart).

Older designs that have had rereleases (some even rerelased twice, as scuba knit without fins and later with fins) are: Classic Cleo, Eternal Ember, Sea Sapphire, Shoal Green, Dragonheart, Starcrossed Silver, Glaucus Atlanticus, Madison, All Hallow's Eve, Oracle... actually it'd be a lot faster to list the ones that HAVEN'T had rereleases yet honestly. Though they do prioritize designs and colors that people request most often.

I will note they have said they won't rerelase collaboration tails after the collabs have ended though. So for instance they won't rerelease the Kariel collab tails again, because they're no longer in a partnership with her and she has her own business selling tails. Not that they parted on bad terms it just would be weird contract/copyrights wise I think.
my merman tail is probably very dusty now
Really wish I could have gotten one of the merbella ones. Sigh.

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How would i do a homemade Hyakkimaru cosplay? i figured just buying the robe but that itself is really expensive for some reason and all of them are from China so the sizes are going to be off

Where can i get a cheap black kimono from?
Go to any BJJ/Karate shop and buy a Gi and tatter it up.
The patches can be stitched on or by masks/dyes
You sure? This one is only $23 and goes up to size XL: https://www.cosplayc.shop/sale/anime-dororo-hyakkimaru-outfits-cosplay-costume-online-now/

I'd google for free yukata sewing patterns or search "Japanese bath robe" "martial arts uniform" etc. You might try Mercari or other used goods sites. If you care about how it looks, get a Japanese one, China makes a lot of pseudo-Japanese stuff but it always looks off.
Also depending on the material the garment is, and what type of dye you use, you can buy any color and just dye it black.
>You sure? This one is only $23 and goes up to size XL: https://www.cosplayc.shop/sale/anime-dororo-hyakkimaru-outfits-cosplay-costume-online-now/
I ordered this one back in December and its really low quality and small on me since its from China even tho its my size

I was looking at this https://www.amazon.com/Fruit-Loom-Waffle-Kimono-RobeBathrobe/dp/B0CX24F7ZJ and wondering get this and maybe get white felt and draw the anchors and stitch it on the robe. DIY style

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Guys, how old is too old?

Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.

Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
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the only thing cringe is not enjoying something you like because you think you're "too old"
Well put.
You went in what I consider the golden years so it won't be anything like you remember but cons can still be fun. Cosplaying an age appropriate character especially. I don't think anyone would think you're out of place. The average con age is probably higher now than when we went.

Enjoy. Have a good time. I'm not quite as old (mid 30s) but I still enjoy soloing cons. The feeling you get at cons, even with the way the scene has changed (for the worse), it's hard to capture anywhere else.
No such thing as too old man, I see plenty of people in their 50s. Plenty of characters to cosplay no matter what age you are.

is being into cosplay at age 30+ cringe?
I don't mean token master roshi boomer
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Based. I'm 25 but look 40. I look pretty much identical to the doomer wojack (same hairline, same bags, etc.) Note to self: don't be a white guy that grew up in a high UV area in my next life.
I was amused at this con i went to because a 55-65 year old man was dressed as jiraiya from naruto. The tsunade he was with looked kinda young though
Looking young is not all it's cracked up to be. I'm 32, already married for 8 years then divorced, have two Master's degrees. People think I'm joking. I still get mistaken for a teen with no life experience on first glance. I get asked if it's a kid or adult fare when I get on the bus. Liquor shops assume my ID is fake. If I walk outside with a backpack during the day people yell at me from their cars to "get back to school". I have been lied to about job openings several times because the staff misassumed my age when I asked in person and thought I looked too young to handle any responsibility (stuff like teaching jobs). 1/3rd of my life is gone and everyone tells me to not even think about my future or fulfilling my life dreams yet because I'm "still so young". Blah blah blah. But, I guess, at least I can still cosplay Shinji Ikari without getting rocks thrown at me.

Yeah, I recc people get second jobs that involve exercise. Housekeeping and laundry are two of the easiest to get. You can also attach weights to your arms, legs and so on during work, normal daily activity, or exercise you actually enjoy like swimming or DDR. Always take the stairs. Bike to work and the supermarket, work at a place with a pool or gym, or live in a place with a mandatory community club membership. Glue weights to household objects you pick up often. Up the level of any exercise you already do or actually like. Do an anime char workout while watching anime, or purposefully plan a muscular cosplay so you feel like you need to get ripped. I used to go to free "private" gyms inside apartment complexes with friends who lived there, and workout to shit like NGE music. Now I even turn picking up dog poop into a calf exercise. Whatever it takes.The hardest part is actually remembering to do it.
>or purposefully plan a muscular cosplay so you feel like you need to get ripped.
Shit man I thought I was the only one who thought like this
The character I've got in mind is fucking jacked and I feel like I absolutely need to get at least some muscle definition to be able to pull it off.
What about a Kamen Rider cosplay? Asking for a friend.

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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I think her two tone hair is a really cool feature.
I cosplay one of the only Garterbelt's you will ever see.
It's great, always have big bop off, even better with groups.
you're blind, retarded, and into man feet
Lose weight.

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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>There are also simple changes you can do to your face that makes a big difference towards looking more like another race. One is "Asian eyes" (monolids) versus "Western eyes" ("epicanthal folds"). Anyone can have either one of these, all you need to do is fold your eyelids a different way and then hold them in place with eyelash glue.

Nah, this doesn't fly in the cosplay circles
Another cool thing would to see how other people have fixed or redone their old shitty cosplays
Free drugs sounds good to me.
They won’t be free brother. Trust.
It flies in the non-cosplay makeup circles, so dunno why it wouldn't work with cosplay. It's just an alternative or addition to certain types of eye makeup. For example if you want 〜anime eyes desu〜 including Brock eyes or huge shoujo eyes, refolding your eyelid can help create the appearance of a bigger or smaller eye, as well as change how deep your eyebrow ridge seems. I think most people don't talk about it because it's mainly done by Asian women and half-racial people.

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I do some amateur cosplay for events once or twice a year and I was convinced to try crossplaying for once. It consistently does better than my previous cosplays. What now?
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That sounds like fun. The Portuguese are alright.
Yeah thats normal cosplayer lol
Yep, ppl dress up in all sorts of dumb stuff and go party in the streets very late at night, sometimes even smoking weed in public even though its illegal here. The whole motto is "Carnaval ninguem leva a mal" (sort of means people are chill at carnaval). Its also tradition for guys to crossdress very unconvincingly, as a cosplayer I was dared to crossplay there and here I am.
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found a pic of it before it broke
Have fun light one up for me.

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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Judge Holden. Me and my buddy both read it in 2015 and he dared me to do it. I did, worked pretty well. (I'm already 6'5 and have the build) Nobody knew who the heck I was. It was great just standing there, laughing in my head as people looked him up.
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Kondo Isao from Gintama.

I couldn't and cannot really do twink characters, I'm too manly and old for that.

And I relate to Kondo.
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With a slight alteration you could go as SCP-049, assuming you haven't already done that.

Thanks to the vidya Secret Laboratory, there's lots of meme potential.
pics or didn't happen
l4d hunter in a 2010 zombie walk

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i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
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this isnt lolita retard
your style is so neat! looks very polished, love it

also pls post coords gulls, i want to draw
Stay on the board; I'm actually drawing now.
>a-anon l-let's genocide the kikes t-togehter
y-yes m-my q-qween

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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #14

Afterlife edition

Last Thread: >>10397387

>The most discussed apps/games are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Dream Boyfriend/Hoshikare, and Animal Boyfriend/Gijin Kareshi, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>We generally discuss dress-up/simulator games and smartphone/cellphone apps for waifus or husbandos.
>Occasionally discussed games include Fairy Doll, Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but we are already dead, Jim

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):
http://pastebin.com/iPbE3f4d (embed)

>English Wiki links:

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This was so cute, I hope they do more things like this.
is it supposed to overlap like that?
Is this your first time witnessing a clusterfuck?
I was more sso focused on posting than making the cordination look good

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protection from the elements in style
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I'm legit impressed, this whore makes that head thing look good on the coord, I thought I'd never see this day, I've always hated those head things, however they're called

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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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You'll grow out of it once you hit 30. There's no one worth befriending at anime cons, trust me.
Zoomers literally hate anyone above the age of 24 lol
I met some in my early 20s like me and they made fun of my 28 year old friend before I told them to fuck off. ALA is the worst with this btw.
i should have specified because that's my experience basically with zoomer guys, girls however seem to think they're all shining beauties even though they don't know how the fuck to do makeup.
In general, women at cons aren't worth interacting with to befriend or even have friendly conversation with, even as another women.
They literally all have superiority complexes, and to be fair, it's not hard to have one when you consider that 95% of the men there are tripping over themselves to find their precious congoing gf.
Sometimes you can find normal, funny dudes though.
>but we might get a presidential suite at ALA so, that’s pretty cool.
Yo, I was planning on trying to hit ALA for the first time this year and I would kill to get that kind of party there, as someone who direly needs more friends and especially more confriends.
When you say friend list do you mean like Facebook, Discord, what?

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I'm too old to understand this subculture please enlighten me
like how do you feel when you larp as an anime character makes you feel like
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Borderline Personality Disorder, unironically. Look up the narcissist-borderline cycle.
i love making stuff. same as anyone who likes woodworking or spinning pottery.

i love anime and japan. but you usually get a ton of crap like weebs who've only seen 2010s mainstream shit and who never learned japanese (i'm far from perfect, but at least i've passed jlpt n1). i like feeling at home with my weeb level at a con. i feel odd at cons if i dont cosplay. and i would love to wear weeb shit like geta every day but that's unacceptable for a white guy so i cosplay semi-traditional characters instead.

i like feeling like someone else.

secretly i hope if i cosplay at a con someone'll wanna fuck. i've only ever been in serious relationships brought on by love confessions, i'd love to experience a one-night stand.
Halloween was always my favorite holiday, guess that carried onto adulthood with better excuses to dress up.
I just do it because I hope it will help me make friends and maybe a gf (male) someday
way too many larpers and retards itt. you felt nothing wearing it because you bought shitty mass produced chinese crap at goodwill and threw it on like a kid playing dress up. maybe lolita just isn't your style, but you weren't wearing lolita, so how could you know? without investing time into learning about the fashion, its history, and each of its coordination elements, you're going to look like shit. enjoy your $5 poly sack you obnoxious autist.

>its like putting up a christmas tree. it's no good if you just "Wear it"
lolita fashion is clothing. it's not cosplay. it's designed to be regularly worn. your "reason" to wear it is that it's fucking cute and makes you feel good about yourself. as someone who also has mostly traditionally male hobbies, the way you dress has nothing to do with what you do in your free time. and if some dumbfuck moid giving you a hard time over your frilly dresses makes you want to stop wearing them, then lolita is not the fashion for you.

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