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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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Those are not cosplays, those are softcore porn.
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how does one find a latex bad bitch???
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>the year is 2017
>everyone at the con is checking their streetpasses every 30 minutes
we'll never get this back, and it hurts so much
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Switch is better
I've been getting a lot of street passes at big or medium-sized anime conventions here in California. I almost always get ten per day at those cons, I'm so used to not getting any on normal days that I forget to check throughout the day though, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was actually able to get more than ten per con day.

Just encourage people to bring their 3DS. I've been convincing people to start bringing them to small local events too. Just whip it out and people instantly start saying, "Oh, I should have brought my 3DS". I cosplay from Pokemon sometimes, so I've even had a battle or two.

I do miss pictochat though. Waiting in line for panels at AX while on pictochat was always some chaotic fun. I don't think THAT will come back any time soon.
This thread makes me wonder why valve hasnt tried to make something like Streetpass with the deck.
How do you know if you have the dlc or not? If you have CFW can you just download it if you don't, or was it some in-app exclusive thing?

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There hasn't been one, which is good, but I want to ask who is going to the gooner con Waifu/Kimochii con and what thoughts you have on it and the loss of A-kon
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It wasn't too bad. I'd say for Friday a large percent of attendees commuted. I got charged the original discounted rate, but I'm hearing stories about people getting overcharged.
Anybody going to Oni next month? I think it's their 20th anniversary this year, based on their header. They were my first con in 2007, but it's wild knowing they're still around because the dealers room & programming always seems so sparse in the past few years I've ghosted. Always fun to pop in over the weekend and see the baby weebs though
That's weird, you'd think that between tech nerds and college students it would be a logical place.
Anyone thinking about the New Orleans Fan Expo?
It became too damn expensive to put on fan events in Austin. RTX is gone. Dreamcon is gone. All comic cons who tried to hold one there left town. They recently shut down the convention center for four years. The last ones that were downtown moved to the surrounding suburban cities.

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For the Canadian gulls, now that Anime North and Otakuthon are over, what conventions is everyone still looking forward to for the rest of the year? Will anyone top the truck rave at Anime North? I need a reason not to kill myself.
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french cons are way better anyway
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how long before you get the Canadian Miku cosplays showing up
Is G-Anime happening in January?
I've been noticing that there are too many literal children infesting our local mid-Canada cons, especially in the last 2 years, no parents in sight, no older siblings, nothing. What the hell happened?
Mid-Canada has cons?

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Who should I cosplay? I went to a con as Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs. Who should I cosplay at my next con?

Taking place April 27th-28th we're just over a month away, are any of you guys planning on going? Anyone returning from last year, or planning on going for their first time this go-around? Cosplay plans? C'mon let's hear 'ya out.
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I don't see anything
So I take it we're all dying to go back next year then right?
I dunno if you're being sarcastic or not, but I am. I had lotsa fun these past two times, and it's a good excuse to visit LA again and eat good food 'n stuff.
He loves lolicon

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Anyone remember Anime Expo '92?
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For anyone who thought wrestling at a con was some weird or new novelty, here's Dragoncon 2000
Is that GWAR in the ring
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Correct. And then you've got Sleazy P Martini as announcer
Here's a whole load of other photos from Dragon 2000
>Ninja High School
One of my friends mentioned DC wrestling to me recently. I said "what the hell, DC has their own wrestling thing too?" And it's been going for 25 years? Jesus Christ
>"was anyone here for pixyteri?"
>I raise my hand and reach for my cane so I can push myself up out of my chair
>in my hoarse old man voice I say as loud as I can, "I WITNESSED HER"

Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery for cosplay?

If you did, were the results favorable?
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Most people are ok with plastic surgery these days. It's very common.
As an Asian girl that has a body type more in line with western genes (tall and 34dd) I honestly feel like my issues with jfashion fitting or looking good always wind up being due to height rather than boobs. I'm pretty thin despite my band size but no matter what the measurements given for a blouse or one piece lolita dress I always have to worry about the length and fit.

But yes, I stand out even when hanging around with insanely pretty friends sometimes and it's never for good reasons. Getting more attention from coomers and creepy guys is not a life benefit.
>i get sooo much male attention because i'm sooooo thin and attractive!!!
off yourself
Start an onlyfans
some girls like attention from street coomers, as in 3d scan you with my eyes sort of deal, one day I was checking a girl's ass intensively and she lifted up her pants to expose her ass even more, obviously that was 1 in a million, but you get the idea

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prev thread autosaged > >>10895776

seriously what's going on with this replica.
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calm down sperg
Seeing this reminded me this thread existed.
The inbreeding probably has something to do with the low IQ
She's delusional. Funny how everything is loliable.
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a fat person who greatly overestimated their alteration skill, that's why. I hate this sort of stuff, just get a professional to do it.

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ITT: We post pictures of cosplay from the 90's or early 2000's.
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haibane renmei
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sexy no jutsu
Not 90s

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I know Canadians here don't like attending conventions but I just wanted to post here to see who was attending this con.
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Saw that post too, and that’s really unfortunate. It gets super crowded especially on Saturday.
Madoka, my love
Yeah nowadays you gotta keep your money strapped on you in a fanny pack or something at all times. Having a separate cash box or bag is just too risky
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Sharing a hotel room at a con:

Have you done it before? Where did you find people to split the room with? Were they strangers? What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend? Did any problems arise? Would you do it again?
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great way to get sexually assaulted and chopped into pieces
We're these mixed rooms? I always wonder how women organise these kind of room sharing. I feel it's mostly ok for men, but wouldn't trust the safety of a woman in one of these rooms.
Something I never really see is the over/under on keys. I know obviously the room host holds one, but usually a hotel will give you two. Who gets the other? How do you handle it when someone who doesn't have a key needs to get into the room, especially with larger groups?
God I love being a covert narcissist so much bros. It means I never have to try and it's not my fault because something terrible would have happened to me (yes, me specifically, only). I'm just that special and important
Either ask for more or work out who will be sticking together the most often and designate the keys to the most responsible in those groups.

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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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Fin Fun has a custom tail-creator on their site now, but as you'd expect it's kinda janky and feels more kid-oriented. My first tail was a Fin Fun Atlantis, and it's fine but my second tail is probably gonna be a Mertailor.
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She looks good but just having a skirt you walk in for a cosplay isn't being a mermaid in the same sense as having a tail.

This works. Homemade tails like this as opposed to actual bought tails makes me think this is either old or they're just crafty.

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Anyone here going to this?

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Lolita coords with short sleeves, and no tights, the simpler the better
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Slow motion bouquet by btssb. I personally think it's ugly.
Didn’t cgl used to cry about how short sleeves and showing skin was ita
Short sleeves and UTK have been a part of lolita for forever

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