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peter griffin or cosplay whoever you want dude xd
Tits out bitch! Let me see your bum hole!
Do you go by Ash Dizzy on social media by any chance?
How do you look?
(Description is enough)
What series and/or characters do you like?
Whatever you want

iirc it happened to take place around the 2010's with either the new 52 and/or the suicide squad movie but i'm not sure on how everyone decided to start dressing up as her

(for that matter, did any major (cos)player dress up as her prior to 2011?)
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>not sure on how everyone decided to start dressing up as her

She's a female power fantasy. Does ANYTHING she wants (including killing kids) with zero consequences.
The Batman Arkham games
arkham games
she's also crazy as hell which means BPD egirls can self insert as her
She is simple and sexy, and Suicide Squad did it.

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>I'm 65 yo, and wats this
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June Lin Milliam, from the video game Star Gladiator.

The cosplayer's name is Elin Kuzunoha. She cosplays Chun-Li often, but this was an exception because June is also a Capcom Gal (not as well known, but still memorable).

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I love painting my face. Any day. Any occasion. I like the way it feels on my skin.
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Here's me when I was Ronald McDonald
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And when I was the Joker in LA!
Where are the bodies buried
pretty good

Anyone else retired from cosplay thinking of getting back and not knowing where to start?

Last con for me was 2017. Have helped friends with projects here and there but nothing for myself. Not a lot of sewing but got into crochet. I don't know what the latest anime(trends) are because I hate most modern shows. Is there space for people like me at cons anymore? I thought of starting with ren fair oc's for a start. I'm also 32 right now and don't even know if getting back to this would be a good idea. Haven't been on /cgl/ in years also so I don't know how different things around here have gotten.

I miss cosplaying, I just feel old.
Google how old yayahan is and then ask again.
Yaya has never stopped
I'm in a similar boat, maybe worse since I'm in my late 30s and I'm a guy. I'm also out of the loop with modern anime and even the older stuff doesn't have much in the way of suitable characters, there's a lot more in vidya and western stuff but I've never really been in the con scene for any of that, and the stuff I'd really like to do is mostly from non-comic related TV shows and movies so events like DragonCon are the only real appropriate places for them.
And? She's like 45. There is no too old. Go have fun.

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Which convention has the highest % of attendees actually in cosplay?
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Katsucon's always a good place to start
prob cos summit in japan
Depends, what's the criteria? Which country?
This sounds wrong
Western World

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FAQ & Beginners Guide:

Buyf/a/g Guide:
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this or sticking to red square bag, lots of reds dont really match Giroro's color palette
i like the star one a lot! i think it would look cool.
baller itabag
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>>10925565 (same anon)

This is my first ita bag from last year. gonna spruce it up before i go to animefest this year. some of the threads on the charms have come loose. and i want to rearrange the led lights. had them in with the charms but now i want them around the outside under the lace. also had a lot of stickers on the window but i took them off.
fag, lol!

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“LET’S FUCKING GO!!!” edition


Thread theme

Previous thread

>You going? And you hyped?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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so true, at least alcohol helps a bit
bored af nigga
No pictures?
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First time going and I was very impressed. By far
the biggest Con I've been to, with a lots to do. Great food selection, albeit expensive. And great cosplay and a variety of cosplay too, not just the usual seasonal slop
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Shouts out to this dude for entombing themselves in a giant kirby for hours on end in the main lobby

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Any of you guys going to this?
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i didn't know about this
god i am tempted to just drive there right now
Didn't go all days. It was okay for a first year con. Plenty of virgins in T-shirts + trousers. Not enough butts and nipples.
I know a few of Staffers and we talked about the con over the weekend. It's either it doesn't come back or it gets moved to another time in the year. Having a convention in California between Fanime and AX is generally a no-no.
What the male to female ratio?
I went and It was BASED AF. It was like time traveling back into the 90's. Small not overcrowded con run pretty smoothly. Was actually able to socialize and interact with people without it being an inconvenient pain in the ass. Panels where small and intimate and not overcrowded

barely anyone does military cosplays nowadays, and most of them are considered larping anyway. good news is that the market isn't saturated and ripe for the taking

long story short if you Google csgo cosplay you'd probably find me on the first result
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That’s sick.
It wasn't me, but I got my then-14 year old sister to cosplay as a loli from an ecchi manga for Otakon and she got so many pics taken of her. Few years later I found a site which had photos of Otakon in that year, and someone had taken a creepshot of her. It was pretty funny.
cant duel wield deagles kirito
Awesome cosplay, I wish the SCP cosplayers in my country actually cared about the SCP Foundation but they really only use it as an excuse to wear their airsoft gear or make some edgy super-power OC. They only have the most basic knowledge that always come from Secret Lab and some of them even said to me that they didn't considered the wikidot to be official. There so many secondary here it genuinely killed my interest in doing more SCP related cosplay.

Taking place April 27th-28th we're just over a month away, are any of you guys planning on going? Anyone returning from last year, or planning on going for their first time this go-around? Cosplay plans? C'mon let's hear 'ya out.
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was last year's also $50?
Yeah, they were.
When are they going to realize 'that' person they hired, ironically for PR, does not have the best 'reputation'
It was $0 if you paid on site cuz their card readers were broken and they either forgot to charge or took my card info wrong
lmao what a steal

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Guys, how old is too old?

Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.

Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
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God forbid him hitting on an another adult.
>put on yellow coverall
its literally that easy
I'm also in mid 40s but i still regularly go to cons. I hang out with my own age group of course, with people and friends i've met over the years. I've never cosplayed but I might pick an old man character for the lols one day. Master Roshi is a safe bet because people expect you to act like a pervert and make dirty jokes lmao.
>you're stuck with alcoholics and loner losers
don't forget druggies too, I'm also in LA and so many of my friends who used to be fun at cons just get high and sit around doing nothing all evening now
Satan overr here trying to destroy the self esteem of 18 yr olds.

>bf says he’ll take me to a lolita fashion store
>ask if it is a sweet lolita, classic lolita or gothic lolita fashion store
>he laughs and says it’s a nice store
>go with bf
>it’s kawaii fashion
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Well that dress and those boots aren't lolita in the slightest so looks like your autism failed you
Why do you say they're not in the slightest?
Because they aren't. The dress is just some military cosplay looking thing with no recognizable aspects of lolita, the boots are just some boots
Said, at least if you're gonna fake a story don't get caught like this, go join some Facebook groups and read some fyeahlolita posts first.
fyeahlolita was a blog for itas by itas

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ITT: We post pictures of cosplay from the 90's or early 2000's.
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So raising the baby right then.
Rich is such a faggot holy shit
Gas all journos
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Raising white babies. Can't even be mad

How was Holmat? Anything interesting happen?

Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama?

Any future plans?
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Also bro you were straight up BRAGGING about stealing parts of his cosplay in the main channel lmao. Ye that niggy moved to japan or whatever but lmao you're a pile of shit, also where's my 150 dollars? Don't tell me you "forgot" again
This is the OG it should stay
The other one is a fraud
Put "FLORIDA" in the title next time, dingus
>Post-HolMat/FL General
>FL General
He's afraid

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