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>be non black person (not white) doing cosplay
>high expectations to be accurate with correct wig for contests and photoshoots
>be black
>no need to use wig or accurate cosplay. it's called ethnic wigs instead
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>changing the characters’ hairstyles into brillopad monkey shit
No. Stop doing this. Nobody has purple spiked hair but asians and whites still do their wigs properly.
That ain’t Prince Adam that’s a disco gay nigga wearing a gigolo fit.
a shitty 4channer-made unfinished game
he always shills his shit across boards
>How the fuck is wearing their hair naturally some sort of attack on white people?
I wouldnt say its an attack on white people, but it is an attack in general. Just directed at the cosplay community.
generally, i had no problem with blacks cosplaying. my disdain grew when they demanded to be coddled to or immunity from criticism for their often shitty cosplays. or when someone else not black/brown attempts to cosplay a character with darker skin. at the end of the day, we're just sick of hypocritical and whiny niggers. 10 years ago, you people werent this uppity and black cosplayers were just a bunch of weebs like any other. but, like the merchant tribe, your behaviours have predictably made you hated pariahs.

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old thread reached img limit >>10818178
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Cosplay Butts 3

Last thread: >>10786393
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I want to hold your head down while I destroy your ass.
the cute/sweet types make me feel the same way
uhh.. based
I'm sure you'd fuck a male fursuiter or kigu fag just because his costume had padding. You're still gay.

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“ITT: booths at AX that had more consumers than Nijisanji” edition

FINAL THREAD for the year for all the cosplay dumps and post con talk

Thread theme

Previous thread

>overall thoughts?
>damage report/your spoils of war?
>you enjoyed yourself?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
>what panels did you go to?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Weather this weekend is cloudy at around low 80s. Where the fuck was it when we needed it last week?
Waiting for you all to leave (the same thing would have happened if the dates had switched)
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>i’m still fucking sick
im doin just fine. no sick, no unwell feeling, never even got a booster. sucks to suck bro, maybe stay away from the gay orgy next year
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ive gone every year since 2012 this is the only year ive ever gotten sick after the con. i bet its cause i forgot hand sanitizer but god fucking damn i was like nowhere besides exhibit hall and artist alley. didn’t go to any panels or meetups or have sex cause i’m not a degen like you chubby chink autismos

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
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How much time do you spend on the photo editing and processing after a shoot? Mind sharing your workflow for editing and organizing?
So basically, unless they make a specific contract, the model can't sell prints because the photog owns the photograph copyrights and the photog can't sell prints because the model owns the rights to her own likeness, and the photog would need a model release?
>However, I can show you several male photographers who's insta is full of tits and ass
Yes and?
Double that and I think that’s closer to reality, always being several thousand with you to a con. It’s also etiquette to tell them that you have the thousands of dollars ready for photos so that they are ready for photos.
I can't tell if this is trolling or not but it's the cosplayer that pays if there's a model release.
Depends the goal with any digital photography is you should shoot with the intention of having least amount of post processing as nessary or at least that's my goal.

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Any good Latex / Vinil / Tight and shiny cosplays?
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>buy a size bigger because the tight fitting bodysuit is tight
yeah no shit Sherlock, it's supposed to be tight. There should be zero folds in your clothing, it's supposed to be skintight. Your suit is too big.
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What cosplays are canon latex vinyl?
not latex, great ass tho

Discussion and analysis of CAP & SNK cosplayers.
Post cosplayers names if you know them.
Also Event & Year of pic.
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How much do you think she would charge for a creampie? No protection.
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she doesent even look slightly like the character she is just using the "cosplay" as an excuse to dress like a fucking whore

Love it.

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I'm too old to understand this subculture please enlighten me
like how do you feel when you larp as an anime character makes you feel like
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Any cosplay tutorial source is full of women and mostly made by women. Just because you spend your time gooning to onlyfans whores and underage tiktokers in aliexpress cosplays that doesn't mean you have any picture of the scene kek.
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>why do you cosplay
So i can feel like her
op here
i love you
do you have a bf
Because I was a lame student and now I am wage cuck, slaving away in office irl and I need to be someone else who is less miserable. When I cosplay, I allow myself to be someone else. Also cosplay motivate myself to care for my body, skin care, workout. I really don't want to be me, so might as well do better to be a character I love.
I like being a badass warrior and being complimented at cons.
Also seeing kids excited when they see me in cosplay is pretty awesome.

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I want to get into historical military LARP. Where do I start? My budget's low but I've got maybe 7 or 8 years of dressmaking experience.
I don't think there's many combat roles for women in historical recreation unfortunately, so I'll need to try and crossdress too. Any tips on that? I'm a 5'7 pale east Asian woman

Pic unrelated

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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because western roasties are just grifters who dont add anything of value except shitting everything up with their activism and onlyfans whoring
This 3 dumb asians using a even dumb facemask, says it all about it
Something a dork who never visit any Asian country would say...
because you're sexualizing my hobby.
That Nonon cosplayer is never going to live this one down isn't she?

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that's a good theme anon, keep it up
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Hey this is my first posting here. So I wanna go to anime expo next year during my next vacation and I wanna cosplay just for fun since I have the money to buy costumes and assets but the only problem is that I'm not good at makeup since I have never done makeup and only had it once but I left someone do my makeup for me that one time I have seen a lot of cosplayers having heavy makeup to look almost like the characters. Is it necessary or is it optional?
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If you just wanna cosplay and hang out in the halls, you don't really need makeup, though learning some basic makeup will cost you very little (especially when you're just starting out, cheapo department store makeup is fine) and will take you like an afternoon, and have pretty big impacts right off the bat on you looking good. If you want to do more than that, ie full photoshoots or cosplay contests, you'll have to learn much more complicated makeup. It really just depends what your goals are.
Not being into Brazilian trannies doesn't make me sheltered.
makeup is a skill that takes some practice but getting "good enough" only takes like 5 tries it's easy to learn. really no reason not to and it makes a huge difference between looking lazy and looking good especially for a female character.
primer + foundation + blush + setting powder + lipstick for the face
eyeliner pencil + eyeliner + mascara for the eyes
just buy from elf/wet and wild/maybelline
If you plan to never wear it outside of cons do this. If you plan to wear it at all regularly or find you like it and start to wear it regularly do not do this. You need good makeup not cheap shit from Walmart or it will WRECK your skin. You'll be 24 looking 40.
I’d give her dozens of babies

Just wanted to share the cosplays I completed last year
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Petra is actually just an introverted neet. Met her at cons, sweet and quiet. No OF and keeps to her close small cosplay group.
>Cosplayer craves attention and validation
>all that unnecesary e-girl makeup

do men or guys who don't crossplay not get how much time and effort goes into that? If you're cosplaying a simple character like Marin thats literally the most important part and for most her characters its also not unnecesary
>She spends time posting her slutty ass online for attention and goes to cons with friends
>She’s suuuch an introvert
there is not a single real woman on this website lmao

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Happy Canada Day! Who's going to the Montreal Comiccon?
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same! its my second year at otakuthon this year.
I won't be going to comic con though I have thought of going saturday for the celebs on stage event because a lot of cool people are coming but i'm going to a concert that day. i didnt think it'd be worthit paying 80$ for one day so im just going to otak
I didn't know it was soon, I'm going to Otakuthon instead. I wonder if I can meet people there instead of just being a loner. I'm only going to be there on saturday, so I don't know.
Otakuthon is ran by absolute retards unlike Comic Con that is ran by competent individuals.

Have fun waiting 5h in line for a concert only for it to be postponed by another 3 hours. You will get to enjoy your concert at the very back of the room, but not before getting yelled at by power tripping jannies. Also, no refund, it is YOUR fault for not planning your schedule accordingly
Are you that sperg who autistically writes paragraphs about how bad otakuthon staff and jannies are?

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>Lose and be ordered to pay 100k
>Lose appeal and be ordered to pay 376k for wasting everyone's time
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They won't care. He's either gay, a furry, or both, so he's "one of the good ones." Just like Damian Mills or one of many other such examples.

Vic didn't get canceled for being a creep. He got cancelled for being straight and white while feeling zero shame for it.
>They won't care.
They will care soon enough losing Chiplock would hurt them.
Well, since we're making shit up, I'd like to announce that I'm Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr and I'm gonna win this election.
I've known you catty cunts for so long that I could never take your word for it. Are you the one who got mad because he didn't want to sign gay porn of his characters?

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