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>tfw you will never see a haven trooper or Quiet cosplay

God-damned be Demon slayer and those trendy stuff, I want to see big tactical butts and awesome costumes.
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As of last year, yeah. It was just one day in LA but an awesome time for fans. About a dozen of the voice actors showed up, and some of them like Vanessa Marshall and Cam Clarke would mingle with the crowd. I'm already looking into booking for this year's
Of course it has to be across the country.
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At some point, an announcer asked how many people came in from the East Coast and quite a few raised their hands, myself included. There were even a few who did when asked if anybody flew in from overseas. You should definitely look into going if you can, it was a very soulful experience
Holy shit that's fuckin kino. The whole crew. He did a good job with the deltoid armor too.
Fuck I might try to go to this.

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Why is there such a stigma against girls who cosplay for money? As someone who has never had a girlfriend, being able to send money to cute girls who cosplay as the characters that I love is one of the only things in my life that makes me feel like I have a purpose. From patreon to onlyfans, it's on of my biggest joys and motivations in my life. One day I hope I can give money to a cosplayer at a con in real life and not just through the internet.
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I don't know them
Just message the whore on onlyfans and say "I'll pay you 200 bucks for some head." 95% of them will say yes. Just don't do it to the top 1% like amouranth or whateve.r No social skillz needed.
I don't think that would work and the message would be easily evidence to report.
1) You're wrong. and 2) Who cares?

Just use a fake email address and move on to the next whore. Most have their prices listed on their external socials anyway

Cosplay Butts 3

Last thread: >>10786393
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Seriously? That sucks... I was at work and couldn't enjoy it fully.
It's still there, you have to log in with an Instagram account tho since they think he has 18+ content
holy fuck who is she
the girl with double assholes

Guys I wanna cosplay him but Idk what shoes does he use?
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I imagine he just has regular dress shoes, but the most important aspect is to be a brick shithouse desu
Just go with black dress shoes anon
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This is the closest thing I could find

>My interest in anime cons was reborn when local cons hosted in my local mall.
>When the local mall no longer hosts any cons, I've decided to learn to travel on foot and use public transportation to go to the cons, from going to the malls in my city to state-to-state travel, relying on Google Maps to show the way.
>This is coming from a guy who doesn't stray too far from my home neighborhood.

It's quite tense given the danger and being in unfamilar territory but it's fun.
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I had to travel to New York for a work conference and cosplay as a normie.
From Seattle to London. Wasn't worth it.
I did 5 hours for a Tampa con and a Rays game
Magfest in Virginia from Washington State.
I traveled from the west coast to the east coast for a con

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Have many anime cons outgrown their current convention centers / venues?

Anime Expo and Katsucon both seem at their limit
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MEFCC basically got kicked out of the ITC in Dubai for being too busy, rowdy, and having "unprofessional" guests (con-goers, cosplayers, and non-business types)
They're in the neighboring city now, but the Con itself is so expensive it's not really worth going.
Anime Expo is being held hostage by the LACC
Megacon Orlando 2025 is already selling tickets, on February, so expect the same occupancy next year
The less crowded days are Thursday & Friday, Saturday it's the most crowded day, Sunday is when you can catch some good offers from vendors
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How did Otakon do in DC? Haven't been since like 2016 or something.

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What does it say about a con when it pays for advertising on a Bavarian knitting forum?
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did senpaisquad shit in your cereal?
Damn. I'm not going to go.
Having listened to you deranged faggots screeching about "moralfags" and how secretly everyone is a pedophile like you since 2007, it will never stop being satisfying watching you turn into the exact out-of-touch hysterical soccer moms you always mocked the hardest now that your shitty "culture" is the default, everyone still hates you, and younger and smarter people are swarming into 4chan and becoming the counterculture. Take your poppers and calm down, retard.
why does waifisquad make so many people seethe?
I don't know but I want paizuri from that woman.

Stop kidding yourself lil zoomer, this board gets more and more dead with each passing year, you missed out on the golden age in terms of post volume and daily users

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FAQ & Beginners Guide:

Buyf/a/g Guide:
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The itai in itasha came from ouch/cringe. And then after ita cars their were ita shirts and itabags. Learn cringe history, zoomer.
Does anyone get creative block when working on an itabag? I have the pieces, deco, and the base bag ready to go, but when it's time to lay out all the pieces I draw a complete blank or hate whatever I'm putting down
Maybe a silly question, but has anyone ever taken a bag through TSA? Do they get weird about all the items and pins and whatnot?
NTA but they are correct ita anything is from itai because it's ugly or cringe, they didn't stem from itasha, itasha didn't even mean cringe car originally.
>In the 1980s, when Japan was at the zenith of its economic might, there were many luxury import cars in Tokyo. Among them, the "itasha"—originally Japanese slang meaning an imported Italian car—was the most desired. Since then, itasha (as the decorated vehicle) was derived from combining the Japanese words for itai (痛い, painful, cringe, embarrassing) and sha (車, vehicle).[3] Itai means "painful", with additional senses of "painfully embarrassing" "cringeworthy", "painful for the wallet" due to the high costs involved, or "painful to look at" (an eyesore). The name is also a pun for Italian cars (イタリア車, Itaria-sha), truncated in Japanese slang as Itasha (イタ車).
Learn your weebshit and sit down before incorrectly judging others.
Yeah I used to work at an airport and took my itabag through, didn't have an issue.

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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
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damn wasnt expecting a DEFCON poster here. yea SJWs ruin everything, i see that in a local hackercon
>Oh yeah and its full of business casual normies that don't know shit fuck about anything
I've slept on Defcon in the past because I don't know anything about infosec (most of my expertise is with gamedev), but from what I've been hearing about it over the past few years it seems like everyone there are computer turboautists or don't know shit and there's no middle ground between them.
I'm not sure how it was before but there's a stupid amount of groping. It feels like people are under the impression that it's acceptable or they won't get in trouble for it. And I guess in general they don't, it's easy to get away with and not taken as seriously as it should because it's not as 'exreme' as other things
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Cons have the highest concentration of maladapted autists in the world. They cannot understand social cues so they do creepy things that weird people out.

This is misinterpreted as malicious sexual predation by normies
May I grab your ass, please?

>cosplay as Big Boss
>have a vivid nightmare about global nuclear warfare and mutual annihilation the night I come back from the con
Wtf bros, idk if I should be scared or amused
It's a vision and if you don't stay an extra day the world is going to end
You have to become the legendary warrior to prevent that anon.

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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just spam the fuck out of it so it autosages. some idiot is camping it to bump it every once in a while.
Awesome to see rupert happy as usual, as a cat lover myself, I'm glad he's being cared for by someone so loving.
There was a video I saw of you posting a torrent of photo's of rupert.
Would you still have the magnet link? I can't seem to find it and the one in the video has bits cut out.
Just leave the thread and go to another you braindead retard.
This isn't the only thread on the board, you inbread vaginal belch.
Spamming is against the rules
You could do a tail, ears, and paw gloves.
I think drawing on a nose and whiskers works be good too.
I think that's probably the limit before you look like a furry.
If you do those giant paw shoes that's furry territory.
Post the costume with upgrades once they're completed

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The biggest one (Anime North) is hardly relevant and only has washed up VAs, random indie vtubers, or just straight up completely unknown people as their guests. The vendors are mostly just people reselling cheap stuff from taobao or stolen prints.

It feels so shittily put together that I think I'll just not buy a ticket and instead stroll around outside taking pictures of cool cosplays. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but the grass always seems greener on the other side.

On a side note, if anybody's into Project Moon stuff, please hit me up, I... I wanna make friends.
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The hell happened at comicon?
anime north is pretty shit and too far out with nothing remotely decent as side attractions, i say this as a toronto resident.
every should just ditch it and make TCAF an unofficial con. they actually had talent attend like junji ito.
Pickpockets, clueless security guards, creeps
I'm hoping to see the Madoka and Janna I saw last year
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Cosplay noob here. I'm looking to make a mask like this. The character is relatively obscure, so I can't just buy one, but I've never done something like this before. From what I've seen paper mache is the go-to, but the horns are what throw me. I'm not sure where I'd even get started with something like that.

Basically, any tips? Is paper mache the way to go? Would this be too difficulty for a beginner, should I give up and go with something else? thanks.
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If you want a smooth and symmetric finish, either make a foam pattern or a 3d print. Paper mache or other hand sculpting/molding mediums will likely end up sad and lumpy looking.
Sounds like it'll be too tough for my first time, especially since the con is in a month and I was planning on making 5 for my whole friend group. Thanks for the advice anons, I'll go with something easier and try this again next con.
No problem anon, good luck with your future plans
Might I recommend Amaurotine masks and robes instead? Those are very easy to find on Etsy.
>my first time
>the con is in a month
>I was planning on making 5 for my whole friend group
Thanks for the kek anon. The Dunning-Kruger effect is alive and well
I'm confused by the pace of this thread.
>rip files
>clean them up
If they're not available online anyways, get some guy from fiver to do it for you. Else, get a hold of the original cosplayer and ask him for files.
>print them
Probably need to be put into parts and reassembled, but doable on all medium2large printers. Check your local maker space if you don't have a 3d printer of your own.
>sand them
>air brush some gold highlights
Check your local warhammer community if you have an airbrush gun of your own.

For five masks, i'd wager three afternoons, or one good weekend.

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I've only seen one thread on this in the past, but it's getting into the peak time of year soon so why not see if there's any interest.
>favorite designs/tailmakers (fin fun, mertailor, fin folk)
>fabric tails vs silicone
>the actual exercise component of swimming with a monofin
I know there are mers on here and I'm trying to actually take the plunge and get a tail this year.
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Do older finfolks ever get cycled through again or is every single month a one-time deal?
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Most of the time, the tail-of-the-months are scuba knit ("new fabric") rereleases of older tails. Esspecially designs that were only released in the original neoprene ("old fabric"), or the early scuba knit ones that didn't have extra fin options. However this past year since the summer and fall sales were all Merbella collab tails, they broke away from that trend and have been releasing a lot more new/original designs as tails of the month, i assume so they can still have their "own" designs from this year. Plus they have the time to make new ones since Raven took on the silicone sculpting/painting for summer/fall. I suspect that once this collab ends they will return to more rereleases instead of new designs for tails of the month. I know they also use it as a chance to color-correct some of the original neoprene designs where the colors were less saturated or off what they intended (see original vs rerelease dragonheart).

Older designs that have had rereleases (some even rerelased twice, as scuba knit without fins and later with fins) are: Classic Cleo, Eternal Ember, Sea Sapphire, Shoal Green, Dragonheart, Starcrossed Silver, Glaucus Atlanticus, Madison, All Hallow's Eve, Oracle... actually it'd be a lot faster to list the ones that HAVEN'T had rereleases yet honestly. Though they do prioritize designs and colors that people request most often.

I will note they have said they won't rerelase collaboration tails after the collabs have ended though. So for instance they won't rerelease the Kariel collab tails again, because they're no longer in a partnership with her and she has her own business selling tails. Not that they parted on bad terms it just would be weird contract/copyrights wise I think.
my merman tail is probably very dusty now
Really wish I could have gotten one of the merbella ones. Sigh.

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How would i do a homemade Hyakkimaru cosplay? i figured just buying the robe but that itself is really expensive for some reason and all of them are from China so the sizes are going to be off

Where can i get a cheap black kimono from?
Go to any BJJ/Karate shop and buy a Gi and tatter it up.
The patches can be stitched on or by masks/dyes
You sure? This one is only $23 and goes up to size XL: https://www.cosplayc.shop/sale/anime-dororo-hyakkimaru-outfits-cosplay-costume-online-now/

I'd google for free yukata sewing patterns or search "Japanese bath robe" "martial arts uniform" etc. You might try Mercari or other used goods sites. If you care about how it looks, get a Japanese one, China makes a lot of pseudo-Japanese stuff but it always looks off.
Also depending on the material the garment is, and what type of dye you use, you can buy any color and just dye it black.
>You sure? This one is only $23 and goes up to size XL: https://www.cosplayc.shop/sale/anime-dororo-hyakkimaru-outfits-cosplay-costume-online-now/
I ordered this one back in December and its really low quality and small on me since its from China even tho its my size

I was looking at this https://www.amazon.com/Fruit-Loom-Waffle-Kimono-RobeBathrobe/dp/B0CX24F7ZJ and wondering get this and maybe get white felt and draw the anchors and stitch it on the robe. DIY style

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