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does anyone have/can find secondhand listings for this jsk? alternatively i will kill for it

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Rate this cosplay (0-10).

It's a BLOOM from WINX.
0/10 you look like a man
It’s called being white
11/10 its beautiful <3

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“Negative space (iykyk)” edition

DAY 3 today

Thread theme

Previous thread

>thoughts so far?
>damage report?
>you enjoying yourself?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
>cosplay day 3/4 plans?

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>I let the stamp rally fever get to me.
Oh anon.
Holy based

Sounds cool but AX might not allow it since it's "piracy" unless you focus more on the history of it (desu learning more about the VHS era of things with piss yellow subs would be cool)
>On that note, I want to do a panel next year on fansubs and fanscans, torreting/DCC, history and techniques. Who wants to do it with me?
no way in hell youre going to do this UNLESS its about the statistics and how much this shit goes on, which is a gargantuan task.
i personally have a hand in preservation of data and material at a bulk scale, and have considered doing a "lost media/preservation" talk of sorts but i am not made of money nor do i like being the focus of attention, plus id violate the fuck out of copyright to show some rare stuff, and given what time youd have for a panel it wouldnt be enough to even scratch the surface

>(desu learning more about the VHS era of things with piss yellow subs would be cool)
i would do this. i do this with non-anime material already, doing so with anime material is an easy effort for me, but again cost and practicality is hard. back in the day theyd just trash shit, no regard for the future and it was common practice. its why cels are so fucking rare these days (relatively speaking, ignore the market bubble)

i feel like this idea would be better for a meetup of sorts during anime conventions, not necessarily a panel. its a hard one but one worth trying for
>tranny ryona fetish-made kids’ show isn’t that popular irl where mostly adults go
i reckon most of the minority adults into it are too embarrassed to show it like with hazbin

Heya /cgl/! I made the decision to give cosplaying a try. I cant describe how much i enjoyed it, especially because im a very extroverted person. What do you guys think of my first cosplay? :]
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Chat, left or right?
would be neat to see a con full of just them, though.
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!!! op here

here's my newest pic from the recent Dokomi in Germany
Hi Carv
cool i love the outfit

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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
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Yes. It's basically a drunken rave out there. 6+ djs going which kind of mucks things up but at least there was variety
despite failedbyfanime attendance rose by like 2000 badges sold. That being said, this year sucked for dealers - a lot didn't break even until much later, and the general agreement was a 30% decrease in revenue since last year. Artists alley seemed to be doing gangbusters but it might've been a grass is greener deal.

i could feel my convention confidence literally draining as i walked near the taco bell in cosplay and the normie density increased. to top it off they closed at 12 am instead of 1 am like google maps said so we made the walk there only to get turned away for the degenerates we were...

parkcon is the shit, reminds me of the lobbycon/smoker pit at ACEN but even more, plus you got tables selling weed, alcohol, and pokemon cards lmao. walk around to whichever DJ matches your vibes, or just chill with your friend mahjong'ing. it's pretty popping to go for a day or so and get your fill.
According to one of the facebook groups for Fanime, parkcon just had it's first death.
i feel like if it really was laced drugs from someone at the park we would have heard about it sooner. like you aren't hiding ambulances from everyone there, plus the hotels. only if they saved the drugs for later and od'd when they got home or some shit, and at that point, who knows if they actually got it from the park.
no pics?

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need cosplay ideas for pic related

shes 5'10
Stephanie from Lazy Town
If your making it, anything. If your buying premade, nothing. I'm 5'8 and nothing you buy on the internet accounts for the height.
sneedette cosplay

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trying to get in shape. have access to a gym and pool. looking for ideas for cosplay for MALES that i can use as real swimwear or gym exercise wear in public, that don't make me look like a massive faggot (pic related)
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Try to cosplay as anyone from FREE
op is avoiding faggotwear
What is faggotwear?
Good luck
Boku no pico

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>cosplayer starts while taking the hobby seriously
>does props, full costumes, sometimes sexy but only if she genuinely likes the character
>she notices her few sexy cosplay gets insanely more popular than the non-sexy stuff
>eventually, she does more ero-cosplay than non-ero
>starts selling content but is non-risky stuff
>then goes full erotic with risky angles
>some pictures have little glimpses of her areola
>she is still against nudity
>after constant begging (and because she already sold some pictures and knows they would eventually leak anyway) she post her tits
>then full nude
>cosplay is set aside and most of her pictures now are lingerie, nude, ocacionally cosplaying the waifu of the month
>at the end, you can find hd pictures of her spreaded pussy

Why does this happens so much?
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because men buy that shit and encourage it lmfao
Thats the real evil that is OF
At least with porn you always knew what you get yourself into, with OF its "oh its just cosplay photos, oh its just a little revealing, oh its just softcore erotica, oh its just my tits and pussy, oh its just me and my bf fucking, oh its just me and a random hookup..."
I wonder how many OF profiles with this exact progression there are and how many of them were talked into it by other creators
What if it fool? Do you not understand?

And let me tell you. Retribution is coming.
Project 2025 is a beautiful thing. A thing of beauty
And it is coming.

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>A 15yo girl goes missing in April
>Police is looking for her in the entire country
>suddenly appears on a photo from a recent animecon in Warsaw
Do you have the resolve to abandon your life and become a Genshin femboy?
How does anyone know thats her? There is an excessive supply of young girls cosplaying venti

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/mkg/ - Mobile Kanojo/Kareshi General #14

Afterlife edition

Last Thread: >>10397387

>The most discussed apps/games are Moe Can Change!, Dream Girlfriend/Nijikano, Dream Boyfriend/Hoshikare, and Animal Boyfriend/Gijin Kareshi, but people are encouraged to introduce new games.
>We generally discuss dress-up/simulator games and smartphone/cellphone apps for waifus or husbandos.
>Occasionally discussed games include Fairy Doll, Potion Maker, Mandrake Girls, Soul Girls, etc.
>To our newfriends: please remove any /mkg/ tags and lurk more to ensure proper etiquette. We might be a dress-up game general, but we are already dead, Jim

>/mkg/ Tips, Etiquette and Linkdump (spreadsheet of names for MCC, DG, AB, GK and FD):
http://pastebin.com/iPbE3f4d (embed)

>English Wiki links:

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I'm still hoping and coping that we get a method to dump MCC and Dream Girlfriend assets.
Doesn't work; can't send the FR

I've been meaning to do it for literally years but never get around to it. MCC isn't too hard; you can get item pngs from their ID by plugging them into a URL like https://us-moe-r53.amz-aws.jp/img/avatar/bg/92061_1.png. There are some bugs in the event exchange; if you can cause an exception there, the code will var_dump the entire array of items and IDs.
DG is a little harder but should be doable.
Cool beans
Interesting to find a game thread on /cgl/ of all places. For dress-up games, anyone plays Love/Miracle Nikki? I also tried one called Helix Waltz back in the day, and saw one called Time Princess.

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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bump for rupert
damn, this place really did turn into reddit
just make your own fursuit thread. we need a new one anyway since the last one died a couple months ago. Also hi rupert, you remind me of my old cat who passed away too young 15 years ago, rip and happy catting
Where is Rupert guy? Did he died?
If I saw you I would assume you are a furry faggot

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ive like never cosplayed b4 at all nd i LOVE stocking SO MUCH but i have no idea where to get the outfit and stuff… everywhere online is so expensive and/or just shitty material. would i be better off making it myself? im not sure how 2 go about it lol XD
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I want them to give me a double footjob
I mean are underlayers this clean even realistically achievable natty?
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So when is season 2 due

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Sharing a hotel room at a con:

Have you done it before? Where did you find people to split the room with? Were they strangers? What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend? Did any problems arise? Would you do it again?
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Thats good news because I might return for AB for 2025.
>Have you done it before?
yes but its been a while
Where did you find people to split the room with?
these were friends from high school. it happened the same year i graduated and the year after since i took a break year and the person i roomed with was 1 year younger so we still lived in the same town
>Were they strangers?
What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend?
no rules were set specifically
>Did any problems arise? Would you do it again?
no problems and i'd do it again but not with the same person since he doesn't live in the same country anymore but he was cool
>Have you done it before?
Yes, depending on who it is, it can make or break your experience at a con.
>Where did you find people to split the room with?
Friends of friends.
>Were they strangers?
One person who I considered my friend, rest were complete strangers to me.
>What rules were usually in place for the convention weekend?
Line up the luggage and bags against the walls when they aren't open.
>Did any problems arise?
Yes. Don't room with a crazy ass bitch. Girl was mad at one of her guyfriend before the con and treated him like shit the whole entire time. I should have bailed out and not gone to the con or get my own room.
>Would you do it again?
Depends. If people have drama with each other prior to the con, I much rather just have the room by myself then deal with crazy bitches.
This is a very important part of rooming. Make sure you're paid up at the beginning of the stay. If you aren't, you risk never being paid.

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Do you guys ever like to go through YouTube and watch con and cosplay fandom videos from before the 2010's?
It's a hobby of mine. It makes me sad.

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I was doing cons 2008-2012, stopped for a while and just recently started going again.

I don't know about the pre "10s" era, but at least from my experience it seemed that 10s were great because it was basically the peak popularity before things became too sjw/sanitized/normalfag.

To take one of the more blatant examples where people will point at it and say
>look they did the same thing back then
gay shit in 2012 vs 2024, in 2012 it was yaoi paddles and yuri pillows, yes it was gay but the theme of it was about the fetishization and entertainment of it.
in 2024 yaoi panels have largely been replaced with "gay" and LGBT pride nonsense.

While both are gay and similar on the surface, the former was people just having a fun time enjoying anime tropes. The latter is a heavily sanitized and real world focused thing being less about anime and more about real world political posturing. The latter also goes out of its way to tell people to STOP enjoying anime tropes.

That's really been the large trend from what I've seen. Cons have largely moved away from fans enjoying anime for anime sake, and brought in the normalfag audience with much more normalfag interests and desires to make everything politically correct.

The other secondary issue I see is that people just aren't as active in small communities online anymore. Back in the day people came to /cgl/ because if you wanted to talk about cons it was either /cgl/ or some random forums. But with twitter and reddit people mostly abandoned those, and as such aren't as willing to form communities in the larger environments for obvious reasons. But it means you can't have a /cgl/ meetup anymore, and nobody is going to make one with all of twitter either. So despite becoming more common and populated, people are ironically more insulated.
>tfw I got to experience the tail end of RAWR XD LOLSORANDOM 2000's - 2011 humour in highschool but graduated in 2015 as everyone started using snapchat and scrolling on their phones in lunch instead

So glad. So, so glad.
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>Zoomer here
I stopped reading there. Thanks for the warning
Costume contest from 1985 at what seems to be a small anime convention.


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Best practices for Yor cosplays?
1. Be thin
2. Don't be fat
Being tall or getting especially heeled shoes helps too

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