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ramona closet cosplay lolzz
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Cry about it
Why can't that be me?!

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> /cgl/ is a board for the following:
> • Craftsmanship tools/materials

Sup /cgl/, I've been wanting to make some latex clothing for a while now and I thought maybe some of you might know where TF I can find this stuff. All I see online are either tiny little pieces or finished outfits, I can't find anyone selling latex in "bolt of cloth" type dimensions.

Anyone know where to find this stuff? Thanks.
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Then try /wsr/
Latex- true latex like in the pic- is actually painted on to a form, which is kinda like a mannequin. I suggest you google "How do I make latex clothing".

If you want sheet goods that look like latex- cheaper, easier, actually sew-able, what you're looking for is vinyl. Spandex House https://www.spandexhouse.com is a reputable on-line seller, but you can get it off amazon and etsy as well.

In the future, try to post these questions in the help thread, it's why we have one.

wtf are you talking about, latex clothing is made from sheet latex cut into a pattern and glued together. You can see the seems around vikiada's ribs.

MJTrends if you're in the US. They carry a pretty good range of colors/thicknesses, and their own adhesives too.
Thanks! I am. MJTrends looks like it'll work for my needs.

>In the future, try to post these questions in the help thread, it's why we have one.
Sorry, I did try to look for one but didn't see it.

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Share tips, tricks, and your current projects, too.

Anyone have good examples of handmade OPs & JSKs?
I see a lot of potentially good designs ruined by shitty prints, giant ugly ruffles, and terrible color schemes.
Don't even get me started on Etsy lolita.

What ruins it for you? What should people quit doing with handmade stuff? Post photos & concrit all of it.
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I have red velveteen in my sewing bin. This is so tempting to dupe.
There she is, I was going to post her. Has she been active lately?

The stuff she makes looks great and it's nice to see someone who isn't diy-ing sweet. But I'm a bit skeptical about the time frame she says it takes her to make stuff. She made a very elaborate and embellished blouse with ruffles, pintucks, gathered lace, etc, iirc. And claimed she made it in one evening. That's extremely doubtful unless she had everything cut, pregathered the lace, marked and interfaced her pattern pieces before starting and even then it's still unlikely considering she still had to make rolled hems and do the gathering.
The other explanation is that the inside of her blouse isn't as neatly finished as it should be. But with her eye for aesthetics I doubt that's the case.
>You don't really see this in Europe or Asia though

Accurate. I don't know anyone who does this in my comm and neighboring comms, or even outside of my country. And we do have cringe weebs with terrible taste. They just buy super sweet Chinese brands. The cosplayers don't mix it either afaik.

It's that they're in our spaces but don't seem to respect the fashion, that's what annoys me. I can understand people who like lolita but don't spend a lot of money and effort on it. But those people don't like actual lolita, they like lolita versions of their favorite characters and shows. They don't want to talk about new releases, coordinating, etc, everything lolitas are interested in.
I'm not mad that they don't go to meets. It's like they have at least enough sense not to do that.
They gather in the online sewing groups, which is one of the things I dislike about the sewing groups.
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This shit really needs to be treated as it's own thing. It looks nothing like lolita and has nothing to do with it
I’m in a European comm and we have our fair share of handmade cosplay itas (and even more Taobao cosplay itas) but the worst offenders tend to be cosplayers who’ve decided that the lolita comm is too elitist for them. I have a relative who’s a cosplayer with a big cosplay/nerd friend group who I occasionally hang out with, and they’re always working on fandom ‘lolita coords’ featuring circle skirts with all-over novelty print quilting cotton and mini top hats. Like >>10936191 said, it’s very much its own thing, yet they’re convinced it’s lolita. They know I wear lolita but think I’m the one who’s not doing it properly because I wear toned down classic lmao.
A rare few of them straddle the line between quilting cotton Tardis ‘lolita’ and more generic floral quilting cotton lolita and are smart enough to only post the more conventional ones to the lolita comm and keep the overtly fandom stuff to fandom spaces.
One woman keeps referring to herself as a professional award-winning seamstress because she won some cosplay competition but the only time her handmade lolita actually looks okay is when she copies ONS designs exactly and uses solid fabrics. Whenever they try to be creative or ‘original’, it quickly goes downhill.
I’m not sure why these people keep insisting on calling their stuff lolita and being involved with the lolita community, to be honest. IMO they’d be much happier if they just admitted to being cosplayers who like making fandom-themed vaguely anime ‘lolita’-inspired outfits instead of copying a specific character’s costume. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just not lolita fashion.

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What motifs typically show up in your coordinates? Could be both in prints and/or in garment details such as lace type or accessories. What attracts you to them?
I’ll start. I’m a classic Lolita and I only have florals or solids, with the exception of IW’s Antique Book skirt because it was cheap. Solids always seemed easier to coord for me because the emphasis would be on the texture and single color, as opposed to finding more accessories that match both the theme and the color shade in a print. I used to be into sweet Lolita and owned Cream Cookie Collection, but I just tore my hair out from trying to find similar accessories.

I don’t mind the florals however, as I hand make many of my own accessories. Dip dyeing fake flowers to match is an oddly calming project. Plus, florals are very nice for spring/summer, which is the time I wear Lolita the most. They’re also the cutest for garden and tea meets, so it’s nice whenever I’m on theme
I will buy any print I can find with horses.
"Prints": floral, fruit, tartan, gingham crowns, a few discreet crosses. No border prints with the exception of two dresses in my closet. I mostly wear solids though.

I'm not a big fan of jewellery but I appreciate jewellery with crowns in them.

lace types: I like woven cotton embroidery lace with roses, strawberries, hearts or crowns. I also like torchon lace but mine don't really have motifs afaik.

Other noticeable recurring things: I have a lot of aprons (especially to wear over floral OPs), some wrap around almost completely. I like textured details such as pin tucks, shirring and frills. I like lace with ribbon threaded through it, and lots of satin bows sprinkled on different areas on the clothes. 2 rows of elastic on the upper arm part of sleeves, elasticated cuffs. Bunny ears attached to bonnets or hoods. Straw bags and head wear to go with solids, florals and gingham.
I do have some casual pieces but my default style is luxurious and embellished.
I'm also a classic lolita. I have many floral prints but I've been trying to find classic themed border prints. so far I've bought that one Mary Magdalene dress with perfume bottles and the matching tote. I've seen some indie brands like L'Esprit de la Noblesse release prints with Victorian era fashion prints on them but they're always out of stock and I've never seen them for sale on the second hand market.
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I really love toy prints. Toy fantasy is one of my favorites. I don't really know why. I guess they're just cute and I like the colors.
I also really like fairy tale prints. And prints with moons and stars.
We don't get enough lemon prints imo

What was your first cosplay?
>did a closet cosplay from a hotline miami mod maybe 26 people played
>most work I did was dyeing a stupid hat
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>Check archives
>Six consecutive threads of the same Persona porn screencap
Was it one of those?
Squall from FF8.
Reading this gave me so much nostalgia. Thank you
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Actually planning out my first ever cosplay right now with my best friend, it won't be good but hopefully we'll finish Thiollier and sir Ansbach by spring/summer.
We've done quite a bit of larp-related crafting ( sewing costumes, making foam armor and weapons, leather stuff, latex works etc ) and he also has some basic cosplay experience and decent 3d-printing skills.
Still, I don't have any hopes for an actually good first cosplay for many reasons, Thiollier's fucking hair cape and just-fuck-me-up detailing included.
Regardless, this should be an educational crafting experience and we'll have fun along the way.

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Best practices for Yor cosplays?
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wear panties
nice list
And cook badly.
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stop using thigh socks and heels as an alternative for thigh high boots which is what Yor wears (this also applies to other characters)

I want to make a Char Aznable cosplay as my first cosplay, I got everything else ready Since I have glasses, I can’t have the mask and helmet, so I’d like to have the best wig available for Char.
But I know nothing about wigs. Is there a good place to buy some ? How are custom wig made ? (Also I’m from Europe so this limit me as many US based shops are offlimit)
Thanks in Advance
I suggest looking on Aliexpress or Taobo
I'm from Europe as well. I buy mine on Epic Cosplay. They are more pricey but the quality is good. However they can't be used out of the box, you have to cut them and style them, which adds even more to the cost.

If you want something ready to wear AliExpress has a lot of options. The quality is not very good but they are very affordable and come pre styled. You can look for wigs of specific characters if they are popular enough, or from characters from other series with similar hair.

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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Nice cat
I think I wanna punch you in the face so hard your entire body explodes
this should be a sticky
Hi rupert!
Only good thread left

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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Ur not mad. Very normal and not weird to spend years defending Republicans from a foreigner
Lardass, say what?
So you're not a Republican? Or are you?
rip classic thread
You will Never be one

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What are some cosplay stories that you'll remember for the rest of your life?

Wholesome: Cosplaying some My Little Penis characters with my then-gf when a little girl started freaking out over how great we looked. She got her dad to take loads of pictures with both of us.

Less wholesome: I saw a fur-suiter yelling at his wife.

Least wholesome: Walking to the convention center behind my friend's sister in her Sailor Saturn cosplay, on a windy day. She either didn't notice or didn't care that her bare ass was playing aggressive peekaboo with me. Only time I've ever wanted the walk from the hotel to be longer.

Sad: I was at Twitchcon when that lady broke her spine.
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>Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
>costume party next weekend
Well then. Would you happen to have any nuggets of wisdom for the all the kiddies around here who keep saying "they have to stop having fun"? It's like graduating high school is the first step into the grave for them
I don't know man
Like I had no friends until I was 13 got my life on track until 22. Fucked that up and rebuilt until 28, fucked that up and rebuilt now I'm 33.
I guess just don't stop? Slowing down is normal and you can work against it. I'd say the most important art is just not surrounding yourself with drags. When people stop wanting to hang out or live life I let them and when they come back I let them but I don't let it hold me back.
Force yourself out and into social situations, I was a faggy kid that never had friends until I was 13. Within a year I was working at a concert venue, doing stage tech work on the west coast, was dating 18 year olds and had a basement full of friends whenever I wanted.
Protip all your straight friends doing marriage, kids and don't want to hang? Make new friends especially with queer folk since they aren't in a race with each other to settle down.

Remember if my faggot tranny ass can do it anyone can
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>now I'm 33.
That's what I was lookin for. Those two millennial staples made it too obvious that we're in the same age bracket
>I guess just don't stop?
>not surrounding yourself with drags.
Agreed x2. I also try to lead by examples and it always feels strange to see the fresh faces out of college are all lagging and the "old farts" like myself are dialed up to 11. Your story is the story of our generation, at least for many. The age where we came into our own is the same age "The kids" already wanna throw in the towel (Which I'm not doing any time soon)

Thank you kindly, fren
excuse me animegao is as most kiggers put it, a slur
only redditors and facebook niggers use that term
its a translation induced mistake of a term at best and a faux-term used to astroturf results for the hobby to from some now dead faggot boomer tranny's w their fetish mask store.
>Wholesome: Getting absolutely fucking hammered one year and joining drunken karaoke at midnight in the hotel lobby

>Cool: Taking over a panel that had the panelists no-show

>Also Cool: Meeting Kira Buckland and Game On and talking to her for a bit.

>Sad: Doing speed dating and getting only one match, which was from someone who gave everyone their numbers

>Idiotic:Ruining an entire con day for myself because I lost my wallet and spent hours looking for it only to find it in a retardedly obvious place

>Super Idiotic: Drunkenly following someone I was flirting with and accidentally ending up in a hotel room party I wasn't invited to and getting swiftly kicked out

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Years ago, when cosplay started getting popular, but also sexual, I remember being a big fan of a certain cosplayer. They turned out to be quite rude to their fans, and I was left being disappointed by it.

Later as the years went by, I came upon information that her cosplay hype died down, her twitch and vtuber arc couldn't lift off the ground, and she lost her twitter verification, and just isn't popular anymore.

Basically what I'm trying to say in this thread is; fuck that whore. But also how has the cosplay community/scene been? Has it gotten more slutty? Worse? Better? Are people chill, or rude? Tell me your experiences from before (5-10 years ago) v.s now.
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I don't care for drinking booze with strangers, fuck off
What the fuck else am I supposed to do?
>pic unrelated
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Feeling's mutual, lad. Fuck off altogether while you're at it, know what I mean?
>orgies everywhere
well damn I guess I better start cosplaying to get some, life ain't gonna give me it for free

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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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The people in it.
I'd add that, depending on the cosplay, there are ways and tools to hide body fat. I dressed up as Postal Dude from Postal 2 one time (For the record books), and it was at a time that cosplay parts were limited (I actually made a blue alien logo on a black shirt because it wasn't available, and a large smiley button). I was a bit chubby (about 200 lbs at 6ft, and not much muscle), but the character wore all black, which hid the fat a lot. Now, won't work if you are trying to be Ariel with an Ursula body, mind you.
Scrotes really do get this down bad and then suddenly turn misogynistic after they're ruined, despite multiple warnings told to their face to avoid a problem bitch, lol.
Lose weight.
This is a good take! I used to have anime magazines when I was 11 and all the weird cosplays made me feel awkward. Also my fisrt anime con was when I was 11 (my mother took me), and everyone looked rly bad to my opinion. the best cosplayer was a girl around my age that was dressed as Sumomo (Chobits). The cosplay quality was amazing, and she looked so tiny, she was the cutest ;w;

If you think you pass the cosplay vibe, do it. cosplay is about having fun, not pleasing fans lol fuck them.

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I got spirit gum on a shit. Will dry cleaning get it out?

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I was planning to go to Comicon in Richmond on ghe 14th, but I broke my arm last week and got put in a full arm cast going from my shoulder to my thumb today like the one in the picrel. Does anyone have any good ideas to work the cast into a cosplay? Thanks
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The problem is not changing the clothes, it's MAKING the clothes. Which people with broken arms don't usually do.
i was actually thinking when i saw this thread yesterday that it could be cute to paint the cast to resemble automail. edward's outfit is fairly simple to wear with a cast as well.
Ayanami Rei
I was thinking you could get away with saying your automail was acting up and needed to see winry, but your idea is cute too

Only one arm is broken.If the costume is simple you can sew with one working arm
Boko the Bear

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I will begin with Umi Sinonome.
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we must fulfill the biological imperative
be cute n able to hold a conversation t.
Are these photos of her onlyfans or obviously AI generated?
These are thin girls with build muscle. 100% sure they hit the gym every week.

These are men. OP fag confirmed.
>no exercise
>they hit the gym

this is all too confusing!

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