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Had a leak in the shower head and when I pulled the handle the assembly was loose. Long story short, the valve coupling was cracked and pulled right off.

What is the proper way of replacing this? I thought I could just unscrew each end and try to work the 4-way fitting out, but parts of it seemed to have been brazed.

Can I get some input on how to fix this?
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Cut it out with a saw. Get a new one.

Braze or propress or shark bite in a couple inches to replace what you cut out so your new one fits.

Youtube probably has a bunch of these m. Talking about it on text is very inefficient because most of your deficit is seeing exactly how to cut stuff.
This is dumb reason. You gotta open up the the left hand side toncut out the old, okay. There's no need to open up the back unless you'd rather do that than open the front.

There's fire proof blankets that work fine even though they took asbestos from us. Op is probably gonna sharkbite it anyway
? the front is a fiberglass shower, you aren't patching that easily
shark bite and some pex pipe is probably the easiest for sure
Oh right on
This is the solution

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i’m 26, recently married, and unfortunately live in my home city of baltimore. i’ve been working since i was 12 and am used to walking out of an interview with a job. but not lately. i’ve applied to over 200 jobs on indeed, emailed over 50 construction companies and contractors, plus cold called a ton of them trying to get a carpentry apprenticeship or something doing masonry, finish work, painting, drywall, etc. i have been in landscape construction and design for 3 years now doing plant installs, decks, fences, stone and brick patios, retaining walls, tree work, and low voltage electric. but i left my $20/hr foreman position there due to being screamed at constantly by the owner, being forced to use my own truck, and getting paid late. i’ve been job hopping like a mf since may encountering even lower rates of pay and even worse bosses who seem to be obsessed with forced overtime, using MY truck, and paying late. however along with doing farm work, zoo work, and construction since i was a teenager, i have been on/off working in restaurants/bars too. i’ve been bartending and bouncing for a a couple years during nights and am wondering if i should combine my love for that with my love for cooking? i’m running out of ideas. if im gonna get paid as low as $16/hr (the going rate for apprentices rn in baltimore) then maybe i should learn something completely new and not be exposed to chemicals, silica dust, wood dust, etc.
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go army and pick a mos with high civillian job marketplace carry over. get at least your associates degree whilst in.
OP i feel like i've seen you post before in different threads. I don't know what the job market in Baltimore is like but I find it hard to understand what you're doing wrong here unless there is just no work in Baltimore. You're definitely not too old like that other dipshit said, especially if you already have some prior construction experience.

I think you need to take this guy's advice >>2849010 and try to get into a union. Doesn't necessarily have to be the IBEW, you could also try to get into the ironworkers, carpenters or whatever other trade piques your interest. Although from an outsider's perspective the IBEW does seem like the strongest and best union there is.

Also don't listen to the faggots on here who feel emasculated by men working in trades.
This but not the Army which is for people too incompetent for the other branches. Best career (always think long-term) is USAF.
You can look up average income by trade for your city

The economy tanked
Just start a business hauling junk or something with your truck
I went to All-State for my CDL-B and it really helped. Literally took 2 weeks. Technically didn't even finish paying them kek but I was good. Also, I know a few guys who started their own landscaping/general labor business and are doing well. I can give you info, but unfortunately I no longer live in Bmore.
Sorry about your mom, brotha. Keep your head up and get creative! Baltimore and DC has got a lot of people who will spend money for bullshit

any recommendations for lockpicking sets? I want a jack of all trades that can work with multiple locks, especially tubular ones
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Lockpicks are a meme and a hobby unless you're trying to get into an area and lock the barrier behind you using the same lock undamaged. Most locksmiths drill out the pins and then replace the cylinder and rekey the lock. Some can impression a new key for you but thats a rare skill these days. Your picrel is a set of auto jigglers that dont really work. They're just for thieves to open car doors who are extra stupid and lack a slim jim. They don't work in the ignition. That said, if you're not a criminal who gets frisked, it's not a bad idea to keep a small rake and wrench in your wallet or elsewhere and know how to use them for emergencies since most people dont keep a battery drill and carbide bit on them. I've gotten myself into my own place of living on a few occasions. 7 pin security doors arent easy to pick so build up your experience for that. Practice. It's the hardest skill to master.

FYI its illegal to possess burglary tools despite their availability on the market so dont fuck around.
i played wiht lockpicking as a kid
as an adult i find bolt cutters, grinders, and kicking to be much faster
only reason to lockpick is to hide the interaction which would only be in niggardly conditions
For wrenches, I like sparrows

I’m a big southord Max guy but most people prefer Peterson or some of the sparrows some of the newer people like covered instruments from LPL

Or for me I just stick to SPP with my max I have it in 25,000 but they came out in 20,000 which I would highly recommend

If I were starting off a new lock pick her today, I will probably get home some 50 Thao turner‘s top of keyway and 20 foul entry-level profiles shall hook our void rakes. Only thing you can rake open these days is a master lock you can SVP a master lock no, no big deal save your money on rrakes

Yeah, with a shower hook and a 50,000 Turner you can do most tubular walks SPP most pinto Boyers most dimples some disc retainer but you’re more likely gonna have to shell out and buy the sparrows Bosnian Bill peck and it’s not cheap and it’s not really for entry-level so Probably skip it until you know what you’re doing
If the tension wrench is meant to be bent at the pinch point, then those are not hardened and will bend and wear a lot faster. Meant for single use in a pinch, much more of a novelty item.
Pic related is just generic set of auto-jigglers, I have those as well and they are okay but mainly for breaking into old cars or opening some bigger wafer locks. As a rule of thumb, avoid cheap lockpick sets because the quality of those really matter and you really get what you paid for. Regardless, you should ask yourself first if you want to participate in locksports or want to get into practical lockpicking, since those are 2 slightly different things. If its the former, get yourself some beginner lockpick set like Sparrow's Kickstart or Covert Instruments FNG and just practice, preferably with locks that you own, you should also avoid picking locks that you rely on. If its the latter, then be aware than SPP is practicaly out of the question, so you should focus on raking instead (worm rake, city rake and decent set of tension wrenches should be enough in this case). In case you don't know about bypasses, check them out as well, since a lot of locks, especially in north america, can by bypassed by anyone with 2 working braincells (in this regard you dont even need to learn anything).

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My faucet has these strange "vein" patterns. It looks like shit and it doesn't rub off.
Is there something I can do to fix it?
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This isn't water spots, even with a razor blade it didn't give.
Tried acetic acid and sodium bicarb
I'd be more worried about how disgusting that sink looks.4TMYS
it means the marks are where the chromium has has come off. trying to clean it any more will just make it worse.

the only way of fixing it is to re-plate it, but that will be more effort and cost than a new tap
Scotch brite is industry standard for chemical cleaning, red for stainless steel and grey for aluminium.
thats cool, have you tried any cleaning agents though?

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What’s your favorite abrasives?

I used to be a retard thinking
>hurr durr, just glue some sand to some paper, how hard can it be
and just bought some random ass Lux tools or wolfcraft at my local Baumarkt, but then I saw the light!
Sanding mesh/net.
Holy shit, compared to lux tools, Mirka abranet is existing in a completely different dimension!
But desu, turns out there’s also good paper. That Raxx stuff is quite good too and kwb is okay, but damn, are those no name brands utter and total crap.
Just missing some good sanding fleece, and I’m good.
What’s some other good stuff ff I’m missing?
What sand-brands doy fellow burgers have?
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Flitz for polishing, 3M sand paper for coarse sanding, Stevens International sanding sticks for dinner/difficult to reach places.
Do it again.
Come on do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
is it true that hand sanding paper is cheaper than stuff for shit like orbital sanders
then why not just buy machines that use regular sanding paper and why can't those machines make a round motion
I have a cheap sander that takes 1/4 sheets this was a boomer thing to do

The problem is the foam padding deteriorates with time and use so better off buying the round kind meant for sanders
I like 16 grit zirconia belts.

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>In conclusion, the best dimensions to maximize an area of ten square meters, while minimizing perimeter and optimizing space, is a square with dimensions approximately 3.16 meters by 3.16 meters.
Is this correct?

Also what's the best option for a toilet that's not connected to the sewage grid? No utilities.
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>Is this correct?
Assume an x-by-y rectangle.
Let the area be the constant A,
so A=xy, which means y=A/x.
The perimeter is p=2x+2y=2x+2A/x.
Getting to the optimization calculus, dp/dx=2-2A/x^2=0, so A=x^2, which means y=x.
>what's the best option for a toilet that's not connected to the sewage grid? No utilities.
If you're in a US city, you HAVE TO connect to the sewage grid. Otherwise you're best off with a septic tank and a leech field.
>optimizing space
You haven't specified how the space is to be optimized. If you have furnishings to go in the space and be used, the optimal floor plan is unlikely to be a perfect square. Windows, lighting, ventilation, other utilities, and how the space connects to other spaces matter.
Design it based on the construction material size.

>"I need a garden shed w/ 10 Sq. meters of floor area"

OK anon, I can build you one that is a square that is 3.1622776602 meters on each side and takes 12.64 linear meters of wall to surround the space...

or I can build you one that is 0.25 meters by 40 meters and takes 80.5 linear meters of wall to surround it

>hur dur, doesn't matter which one you build because ten square meters is ten square meters!
Anon was just pointing out that OP worded it wrongly

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should i remove the ring magnets or leave it together and make something cool
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Make a ray gun
you shouldn't be handling that thing. put it away:
Why does everyone here want to die of berylliosis?
Stuff it up your ass and power it on.
why do you not

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Obviously the only way possible would be through pure grazing which is my plan but how can that be done properly? My plan is to use the goats/sheep for milk and meat, the chickens for eggs and the bees for honey. No vaccines, antibiotics, dewormers would be used. I just wonder how to plan it and which breeds to look for.
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Why are "classical" vaccines good?
It will only breed a populas that can handle a lower grade infection (vaccination) over a full active/alive infection.
This leads to a populas that can't handle real infections from nature but will be dependent on a industrial laboratory made weakened infections (vaccines).

What if the access to these vaccines will not be possible in a near or far future?
Vaccines may be good in short term on a individual scale, but in long term it may chase devastating effects on the entire populas.
youre gonna need a ton of land so you can rotate fields, the amount will depend on the herd size you are going with. youre also going to need a lot of fencing and some specialized fencing depending on your location. 8+ foot fences to keep out deer and elk, electric fencing to keep out bears. that can get really expensive really fast. if you yolo sheepherder it then you will need weapons to fight off theseeee same animals and that might not be exactly legal because lots of governments make it intentionally hard by making these predators and pesks 'protected' so that smaller opperators cant afford to keeplivestock..
>glorious chariot of the gods
>a repurposed greenhouse containing a rabbit hutch and containers for fodder and livestock food
>pretty standard polyethylene, seen in every modern homestead
>domesticated fowl will stay in their area as long as they percieve it as having plenty of resources as all homegrowmen know
>bro saw horse standing by incase its needed
>make shift diy tool wagon pillaged from a boomer's estate sale, furbaby parents absolutely seeething
>anon's glove removed so he can take a picture, providing proof with shoe on head and time stamp
>gut bucket, to save gutts for fishing bait and/or compost
>empty planter buckets, already served their purpose over the summer and now allowed a season of rest
>standard in use plastic table with small amounts of stains strategically placed by one of the op's 5 demigod children
>used glove functioning as proof that 4chadder intentionally stopped in the middle of his busy day to interact with anons

the shrew fears the outdoor appalacian homesteader
>Why are "classical" vaccines good?

cuz the fucking government wont let you shoot random migrating birds on your property who then spread disease to your flock when they stop to steal some food or share water.
What, did you receve that information through your tinfoil hat's antenna?

>Why are "classical" vaccines good?
Are they? I said they were safe if prepared properly. Whether they are good, or whether anything can even be good or bad, for that matter, is a question for philosophers.
As for the rest of your rant, you're not completely wrong (though oversimplifying). But why prioritise for the fitness of the population as a whole, when the steps needed to imprve it may remove yourself from it?
I mean, if you want to risk your life for some abstract ideal, that's your right. I simply wouldn't recommend it.
And yes, Salmonella is real. As is Trichinosis (though that's more relevant to parasite treatments than vaccinations). I wouldn't want to risk either.

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not rotten eggs or gas
what is it?
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Please, don't do that
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R O D !!!
You got stinky ass tap water.

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Is this safe? I found this on pinterest and would like to do something similar, there's a lot of unused space above my own stairs and this house ain't that big.

Do you need special screws/plugs for the beams to prevent them from ripping out the wall?
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Look closer anon, there's a walking board attached to the wall.
>4cm particle board
LOOOL I just noticed that, are Stacys on a suicide mission? What are they thinking

>Anons can't tell the difference between particle board and plywood

This is /diy/ posting at it's finest
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don't be a pussy, go get the stairway jar with a dollar worth of dried beans. hook in real hard with your toes and grab some popcorn too.
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I want to make a cat walkway/shelf system, but I don't want to put holes in my walls or spend a lot of time if its at all possible. I think I might have a solution for both of these things.

To solve the issue of avoiding holes, I think I might be able to use command strips. I know that one or two strips wont cut it, especially since these will need to deal with dynamic loads from cats jumping on/off them instead of just sitting on them. The plan is to basically just use as many as is necessary and/or possible to fit.

As for minimizing the time and effort put into making them, the plan is to 3D print them. I can get some filament that matches or pairs well with the wall color, draw up one or more basic platform designs in a cat program, and print them. (I have a printer with a very large build volume so I can do each shelf in a single piece easily) I realize that this will take a lot of print time, but my reasoning is I don't have to do anything but start a print and then take it off when its done, so it should require only a minimal amount of time for me. Once I have them printed, I can use some old spare carpet or something to cover the tops of them so the cats can get good traction and be comfortable laying on them. I figure some kind of adhesive will work just fine for that.

My rough idea for an actual design for the shelves is basically a right triangle with one side attached to the wall, another side forming the top shelf part they will walk on, and then the third side supports the shelf from underneath so the shelf doesn't have anything hanging above it.

Can anybody see any potential problems with this? And if so, any potential solutions? Other ideas, recommendations, etc are very welcome.
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>shouldn’t cost more than like $100 to get a ton of planks

a box of 12mm thick laminate is like $22
doesnt need any painting, varnishing, or sanding
Command strips don't stick to 3d prints. The processing time to make them smooth is not worth not putting holes in the wall. Sack up and just make holes, you can literally fix them with toothpaste.
>he doesn't know about infill...
So I feel like I should explain why I want to do this in a retarded way. It didn't seem relevant before and I didnt want to make a blog post but people apparently cant accept constraints without a reason.

My family is fucked up, myself included. Everything is a dysfunctional mess. Nothing ever gets done. We have shit that never gets put away all over the place, projects that need to be done that wait for years, etc. We have a full workshop with woodworking tools and everything, but its not at our house and its not in biking range. I dont have a drivers license because I cant take the test until I have something like 60 hours of supervised driving time, and thats gonna take a while. Both parents have chronic health issues, and I don't really have anyone else who is sane and would be willing to do it with me. I can't get to my work shop. Even if I could, nobody wants to commit to putting something in the wall until the whole room is "planned out" which means a few more years of delay. Im fucking trapped.

I realize this is the stupidest, most ass-backwards, inefficient way to do this, but the point is that I CAN do it. I don't have to talk or plan with anybody, I can just sit down and do it myself. This has been the story of my life; finding sub-optimal solutions because the easy way will never happen.
I tested this, and they do stick to prints just fine as far as I can tell. Although if it does become an issue that preliminary tests didnt pick up, I can mitigate it by reducing layer thickness or smoothing them.

Euro Trailer Trash here. (re-)building my trailer park house.

Old insulation was just plates of styrofoam stuffed between wood and plasterboards. Since I'll have a girl move in there with me after it's done, I want to soundproof the thing, aside from just heat insulating it.

Any good advice, /diy/tists?

My feet been hurtin boys. Dr Scholls doesn't cut it

Are custom shoes worthwhile? Where would I go about obtaining them?
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I have these and they are good. They have a wide toe box and are light, can put an orthotic in them or just the foam pad. Good stuff.
100% this. I'm waiting on a pair of barefoot boots after realizing I feel less body pain the less I have on my feet.
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there's gotta be at least one foot autist here who's figured out how to diy his own shoes on the cheap
it's just rubber and leather
Doc Marten's AirWair boots and shoes have hollow soles that minimize impact, I wear them every day.

Excellent footware.
I tried to make something like that once (huarache) but I just couldn't get it to work. I have a pair of custom moccasins that I plan to reverse engineer when they wear out. It's just a single piece of leather cut out in a particular shape and sewn together so once I trace that pattern I should be able to just make them as needed.

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Hey guys, i need a part of this shape to weld to an aluminum pipe. Is there any cheap common item that i can buy from a hardware store that looks vaguely like this? 4 inches in diameter, 1/8th inch thick, with a pipe in the center?

I am hoping such a thing exists so that i don't have to thread and mount a pipe myself. I don't have a pipe threader that wide.
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Aren't naval ships held together with JB weld? Why else would they call it MarineWeld®™?
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Easy enough…endless variables….you’re welcome

-gokart guy
The best fit I can think of is the backing plates off a disc grinder
They are aluminium so it should work

You know that marine just means water, right?
You're not so hopelessly fented out that you don't know that, right?
it was obviously a joke

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Have you ever worked while drunk? What's the worst you've ever been?
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The car sat for a bit before I actually got it on the lift and I did notice a weird smell but the guy had a bunch of strong air fresheners in the car so it was hard to place. It was also already the afternoon of a long and hot day and it's not like I got high out of my mind, it was just enough to push me over the edge into dozing off. I'm also unusually sensitive to weed which is why I quit smoking it back in the day in the first place.
I drank an entire bottle of wine i stole from my mom and drove the forklift for a few hours, nobody noticed
even when I was drag racing the clark against the toyota with another coworker who i later found out was showing up high on meth.
Working for myself on my projects, I've built, fabbed painted and repaired a lotta shit in varying degrees of being in the bag.

When you are prepping for paint, as long as you maintain diligence, is there a downside to being blitzed?

Yeah, dont overdo it, tailer what you are doing to your capability... but say roofing with shingles.

Do you honestly think you cant snap a chalkline straight, and then blap shingles along that line within say a quarter inch?
Just like, get it touch with your body and feelings more.
Drunk and useless are way different. Yah, your motor control is worse, ok, try harder asshole.

Working for others? No.
Well. Incredibly rarely and always anecdotal. Dumb idea.
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this sounds like a trap. are you my boss??
when I was 19 I worked as dishwasher for a fancy resort and one of the bartender chicks used to give me shooters. I would get so fucking drunk I would start blasting music and joking around with my partner. Even after like 5-7 shooters I only ever broke a single plate.

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