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I want to give my room the hotel aesthetic. How would I go about doing this?
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Look up suppliers for hotels. They usually list all the items you may need or get inspiration from. Check out surplus stores/auctions, often affordable used/overstocked hotel furniture is available (see search terms in picrel). They're usually pretty robust, so it's a good deal.

Also get inspirations from interior design for hotels. Like,

>Detail in contemporary hotel design (2013)

>Old Hotel New Face (2012)
stock the mini fridge with $7 candy bars and bottles of alcohol
•coffee maker & hairdryer kept in cupboard or on the desk
°Generic Ikea lamp
°Cuckchair (armchair set at the corner of your bed
°Super-thin carpet. The kind made to be easy to rip up and replace in an hour
°Reading lamp on both sides of the bed, protruding from headboard
°At least 2 full-length mirrors that are outside and inside your wardrobe doors
Fixed furniture, super expensive wallpaper, soft lighting everywhere, alcove ceiling, seating and desk with ample room to walk comfortably
really gross recycled hand soap

anybody make their own kinetic sand
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Haven't thought about this in years & years. When I was a kid I wanted some fuckin Squand so bad. (Yes, I know it's not the same thing.)
You can make this by spraying a bunch of scotchgard onto some sand
i was 7yo 32 years ago, so no
Woah, I was -7 years old 32 years ago. Crazy
Blue raspberry flavoured?

My own yard always looks like shit because I won’t use chemicals.

I can draw or design something beautiful but I can’t make it happen because of weeds. Is it possible not to use chemicals? Or is the secret the pros have lots of chemicals and really powerful?

Like I read a lot about an entire organize method of overcrowding your plants so weeds have no space to grow and a tough fight for nutrients. It’s been 3 years, my plants are all mature, and there are fucking weeds everywhere. I just spent an hour, filled two 5 gallon buckets with weeds and it looks like my garden hasn’t even been touched.

I’d be embarrassed to charge anyone for these results.
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Who was Capability Brown?
How about making the bed inside a buried steel or ceramics box? That way no roots can spreat out, you know kinda like plots in a graveyard
You don’t need chemicals, you need to weed.
Weeding sucks but if you want a garden it’s a necessity. What I do is break it up in small pieces so I don’t learn to hate my garden. During the week I’ll spend ten to twenty minutes a day after work pulling weeds. It clears my head after my commute and makes it so it’s not some overwhelming task I feel is never ending.
I few thing that can help are weed stop fabric, just cut holes for the plants you want. Of course a nice layer of mulch will cut down on weeds. Vinegar is something safe that will kill weeds but when they die you’ll still need to pull them up, so might as well just pull them without it.
Ranked in order, based on cost time and effectiveness
>propane weed torch
>black or clear plastic tarp, leave on for 2 months
>pulling by hand
Weed stop just makes a headache for you later on.
Any mulch needs to be reasonably removable, so if you're that anal, plastic on top of the entire bed in thick enough ply to block sunlight--and hope you don't cook your soil.
Mulch is cheaper than shitbox weed fabric in terms of sanity.

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Any idea what it is? Slumlord tried to paint over it.
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That looks like two ass cheeks at first glance
Its black mold. You're going to die.
Looks like water damage. Scrape it, oil prime it, patch it, then topcoat it with a latex based ceiling white
Storing any dead bodies or piss bottles in that attic anon?

Old house, old 50s drywall. What would cause the paper layer to bubble and separate like that?
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Oh, you found my piss wall. I'm on the other side.
Moisture on what you painted or coming from behind
looks like the dead body in the wall is starting to leak urine
Ill tell you exactly what it is …termites
They have eaten the paper up to the paint. its the paint bubbling
Thank me later.
t. 45 yr pro house remodeler
black mold from the moisture from the urine from the dead body

Suppose you have rooftop solar panels, but without storage batteries. That way you are supposed to just use the energy in the moment it's produced, or it gets sent back to the grid.
Basically I don't want to send anything back to the grid because fuck grid operators. I can already monitor the solar production and the current house electricity usage, so I know when I am "wasting" solar energy. When that happens I can setup an automation that trigger a relay to turn on something that uses that energy (which ideally also saves/generates money)
So anons have ideas about what the load can be?

>turn on the hot water tank
I already have a solar tank
>bitcoin miner
Initial cost is too high
>Charge stuff
But what. I don't have an EV
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you throw them in the ocean, fucking duh

based and artist pilled. you want to tip my patreon?
The correct answer is to install solar panels and also bypass your meter, so you can explain to the power company why your usage is so low
You could run the fridge temperature a bit further down, closer to zero, and the freezer to as cold as possible.

>I already have a solar tank
You might want to heat that to 95°C to elimnate bacteria, especially legionella.
Im off grid. The answer is basically whatever you can find to put it into battery-wise, phones, batts for tools, charge up extra auto batts-

Then i put it all into heating or cooling/dehumidifying in summer.
I use a lava lamp and an ice maker as "heaters". I got the ice maker for free.

Other than that, appreciate being in a place of abundance
Use solar power to boil water to power a steam engine to provide power, then use that power to for a spotlight to power your solar panels.

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I was pulling off some adhesive tape (mosquito net) and the old paint gave way. It's a rental and I don't want to repaint the whole window frame, it's big and I'd have to take off the radiators blocking part of it. How could I fix this simply? I can mix the colour (I'm an actual portrait painter) but I am not sure what I should use to fill in the gaps.
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>Then you willingly paint several layers with too thin paint
explain how you "willingly paint". Or is that a way of saying "do something stupid". OP, don't do the "too thin paint" thing; it might work for this anon and his chipped rims. who knows.

Get some filler; joint compound could work. apply a thin skim. once it dries, sand with a firm sanding block so that you don't hollow out the filler. depending on the paint you use you might need to prime first. if you have any flat latex paint that is fine for priming joint compound (aka sheetrock mud).
Honestly I'd just leave it. Something that small isn't likely to get your deposit revoked, plus a lot of owners will repaint after a tenant moves out anyway.
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Thanks, this is the only non retarded answer in the thread.
Nail polish. Cheap to get in the right color, and if you do it right it will pool up and fill the gaps really neatly
stop spending money to improve a place you don't even own lmao

Been really interested into drones

The dji avata 2 was the first thing I looked at and it interested me a lot since it comes with a headset and has a range of 13 km

I want to buy the avata 2 3 battery pack alongside the manual controller which should come out to around 1400$

I just wanted to check-up before buying it because I heard that certain people make their own drones and supposedly they're better?
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Thank you
depends on what you want from the drone
if you can afford the avata get it but you can get an fpv quad for far cheaper even with a kit. check the drone general
DJI is nice but you’ll never improve your skills as a drone builder or pilot
get a miniwhoop first and see if you actually like it before dropping 1.4k on a glorified Apple FPV
I believe you can purchase the DJI camera hardware to integrate onto other drones, which adds some flexibility

Anyone know what kinda saw this is?
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Apparently its a jap veneer saw
That's what the japs want you to believe.

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I'm not an engineer, I just like to make stuff. Naturally, lots of the content I watch often happens to be made by engineers (or engineering students), and seeing them go about making things sometimes makes me wanna kms. You've got a team of 5 dudes making a rc car, each bro i would assume assigned with his own task, trying to calculate every single thing that could possibly be calculated around said rc car before they ever dare to assemble the real thing. Listen I get why the methodology exist and I'm grateful for it, I don't want our buildings or bridges or commercial airliners to be eye balled, but following this workflow whilst trying to create something new is grating to watch. What happened to trying shit out? That's what the OGs did in the early 1900s and it looks a lot more fun than how we're going about it today.
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Bicycle repair in their era was far from just parts replacement so they needed all the skills relevant to making and modding bicycles and components including making much of their own equipment.

That was an era where it was worth torch welding shattered castings (like auto engine blocks). They would have been well read and studied far more than a modern parts swapper. It was typical for any decent machine shop to have its own small foundry to make parts which are weldments today. The Wrights were officially bicycle repairmen and made money doing it but that job title should not define them.
so they used already existent technology like the wind tunnel and corrected a wrong constant that in reality isn't constant
this is why i hold theoretical contributions in higher regard
>Wright brothers calculated a new average value of 0.0033 for Smeaton’s coefficient. Modern aerodynamicists have confirmed this figure to be very accurate.
this is why you shouldn't take anything from wikpedia at face value because it's not accurate at all
If you want that kind of life, integrate your interests completely into your life.

For example I wanted space, freedom to work as I see fit, and low cost of living in a slow growth area so I could have acreage, isolation and easily affordable (thanks to DIY) comfort. I was willing to do anything and go anywhere to get what I wanted so I got it. If a choice was briefly inconvenient well tough shit, I did it anyway. All it takes is determination and planning.
high interest in the persona
thanks for the read anon
Then why doesn't it in so many cases, like my fucking dishwasher, egghead?

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Dear anon,
can you please help me by telling my what type of screw this is?
i tried to switch the doorhinges from left to right on an old IKEA refrigerator.
Unfortunatly the thread on one screw failed. i assume that the nut thread inside the body is formed sheet metal
i tried looking for sheet metal screws, fine-threaded screws et. al. to find a replacement.
i think i dont need the guiding top, since the holes are already made into the outer plastic of the body
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Dude, it's for a fridge door, not the space shuttle
Cram in a fuckin wood screw, it's greasy but gets her done. Otherwise it looks like 10mm M3x1.0 dome head machine screw with additional BS, might want to add locking and plain washers. Or threadlocker. Unthreaded pin at the end could be to make it look more like a dick or maybe for alignment/locating of components but purchased by the engineers since they were cheaper but with extra crap..err....features...not really needed. Likely what anon said already, easier for assembly liners.
Coarse pitch for M3 is 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm is coarse pitch for M6
From the caliper reading, the de facto major diameter is 2.3 mm, with some potential parallax error for the vernier scale, meaning this is an M2.5, pitch most likely is 0.45 mm.
glue gremlins get the rope regardless
Cross-thread it. Poor man's loctite.

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>acquired a decent set of quality tools by now
>Even own a drill press
>barely get any use because appartement retard and there's no space for anything
What else can I do besides working on my bicycle, disassembling kitchen appliances for scrap metal and do the odd car fix on the fucking street because I don't have a garage either?
I can't move so I considered buying a small plot land and build a shack there but then I will get my tools stolen by a crackhead if I move it there, won't I?
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>Get a ford transit connect
>Put your tools in there.
To get it stolen and lose everything?

>Few grand worth of tools? Should have bought a house!!!1!
>To get it stolen and lose everything?

Store tools discreetly in a locking box bolted to the floor and painted/decorated to look like "not a toolbox".

Immobilizing is easy. We pulled fuses in our shop wrecker so while thieves cracked the column switch it did no good.

Paging alarms are a thing and you could even add an electrically fired can of bear mace or an orange (to not b mistaken for fire) smoke grenade in an enclosure of your choice. Use a grounding safety pin (or switch) to positively prevent unwanted ignition (works for combat aircraft)
just use the tools to build a house. EZ GAME.
I used to live in an RV much smaller than an apartment, so yeah electronics is the only hobby I could actually do besides jerk off.
>What else can I do besides working on my bicycle,

I have two of these that are rather old. Anyone have tips on how I could turn them into a skate board or where I could find another wheel to make a three wheeled board? I dont wanna spend any money just use junk I find. Also what are other things you can build out of found junk?
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I was moving offices at work a few years ago and instead of unloading all of the crap from the little three-drawer cabinets we have that fit under the desks, I decided to roll mine over and just swap the whole cabinet. I only had to go halfway across the building, maybe 1000 feet, carpeted.

About 3/4 of the way there the axle on one of these style casters gave way and the wheel blew out. I went to go pick up the wheel+axle to fix or toss it and it was hot enough from friction to burn my hand.

You should totally make a skateboard, it would be really entertaining
>You should totally make a skateboard, it would be really entertaining
yreah i think ill make a youtube video of it
I work at a resale shop and we have a whole bin of these wheels in every size you can imagine and they're stupid cheap
go to a resale shop and spend a little pocket change to get more wheels
or just trash them because honestly this idea will end up in you losing your teeth on the pavement
That would be the worst worst skateboard.
Like even a skateboard that's been snapped in half is worth more.
Ironically, even with all of the various purpose designed furniture dollies and similar rolling aids avaliable for moving bulky stuff, a skateboard is one of the most useful and adaptable devices you could have on hand for this kind of work.

I have a longboard that I optimized for getting towed by my dog, that has 4" scooter wheels instead of skateboard wheels for minimal rolling resistance and to minimize locking up on gravel and other debris...thar means it has plenty of ground clearance to go over thresholds and not high center on bumps and at the top of ramps like a typical board. It also has a large kick tail that lets me use it to pry the corners of large items off the ground just like a hand truck.

I always bring it with me when moving anything and people always comment on how glad they are that I did when we can just roll a 6' wide French door unit or machine tools with little more than the effort needed to balance them, on far rougher surfaces than casters can negotiate.

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What is the easiest way to make a ton of 135° bends on 3/4 emt?
Fucking every conduit bender stops at 90°
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turn the bender around and make a bunch of 45° bends instead
You'd have to fab something up yourself and make sure you have the appropriate bending radius or else you'll kink the pipe. The reason they don't go over 90 is because 90 is the maximum bend you can have by code in a run of conduit.
I hope you're not planning on running wires through it.
You need a bender. Or fill it with sand and torch it (if you don't care about the coating) and try to bend it.
stick a 70 and 65 together retard
Might try
Muratic acid

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Are Greenworks power tools any good? Saw this 24V set at Costco, wondering if I should grab it, usually I go with Dewalt or Milwaukee, purely because that's what I see other people using.

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EGO is my brand
Clearly I'm asking here for a reason, dipshit.

Sort of what I figured, Dewalt stuff goes for about 150 a pop at Home Depot.

The answers I needed.

>but need a drill and a circ saw?
I got a corded drill and it's sort of a pain to use so I figued find something cordless. No circ saw or sawzall, just some hand tools. Don't do enough to need them, but if they come in a set, I figured why not. Could sort of use a sawzall though.


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That was an 80V greenworks mower. It performed very okay despite being much higher power than everything else.
Just got an EGO mower and blower.
They fuck.
>If it was an 80V commercial mower
It was. It's also the least expensive of the lot tested.
>EGO is my brand
My daughter has the 60V EGO mower.
I have an EGO hedge trimmer, and weed whacker
They're all great machines.
>It performed very okay despite being
selected as best cutting and least expensive.
actual legit investigator of quality here, not a fanboy of any nation, people or persons here. There are now 30 different brands across the world. Some brands like makita have not kept up too well. Other brands are geo specific mostly like einhel. Stihl is also a good one but its older.

out of those 30 brands (there are even more of them but they are nearly universally shit), there are a vast amounts of them that ARE shit. Sometimes reviews are bought, sometimes a youtube reviewer is wrong. Its just a giant mess to find the best quality/price ratio.

There is not one "best" brand, research and investigate. There are like a top 10 of well established brands like milwaukee who perform very well, but you would be a dumb nigger fanboy to claim that there is only one good brand and the rest being shit. No. Quality wise there are a few good brands.Picking one or the other often does matter that much. As long as you dont pick a garbage brand.

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