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Why do boomers refuse to use PPE? Do they enjoy having their toes crushed and their skulls cracked?
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>How about you wear the gloves, in addition to using push sticks
yeah i love operating dangerous tools with a two-stage indirect sense of touch via non-gripping utensils, this is definitely helpful to me and will not get me injured at all when i can't feel shit and the stick slips off. thank you PPEman
Some people, especially boomers are just determined to die in some stupid "accident".

I have watched them get so angry about the existence of seatbelts that they run into stationary objects.
While I agree with you, I wear PPE any time I'm in the factory I work at, just to continue having it be the norm. Monkey see monkey do, and some coworkers should really wear all PPE all of the time, even outside work.
Tradies are retards
I deliver PPE so I get around to a lot of job sites. Part of it is companies buy the cheapest shit possible. No one with medium sized hands wants to wear XL leather gloves. Cheap stuff is uncomfortable especially cheap hardhats. That said guys are retards and lose their gear all the time or steal it so their wives can have garden gloves. And they need to provide PPE by law so I can't blame them for not wanting to spend loads of money on stuff people won't take care of. The places that buy nicer stuff generally have a high caliber of worker and they wear their gear because its more comfortable and functional.

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I have a Mp200 installed inside a table, inside a box, including the monitor of my dining table I built for arcade entertainment.

I'm having trouble keeping it cool right now. I'd like to drill holes to install fans. I've got some spare PC fans that are 12V. But I don't know how to run the fans. Ideally, I'd like them to spin as long as the PC is on, but I'm not sure how to hook them into the MP200.

USB fan supply/controller
what the fuck is an mp200
micro PC
>Use your brain.
>Learn English.
In that order.

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Built and hung up a bird feeder and filled it with sunflower feeds, peanuts, oats, wheat, millet, and barley to help birbfrens make it through the winter yesterday. I call it Sneed's Feed and Seed. God, it feels good to be white.
Your feeder needs a small sign on it reading, "Sneed's Feed & Seed". Someone's gonna ask...
wypipo don't season they birdseed baka desu senpai

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Anyone fuck with mini shitter bikes with the tiny pads and single disc brakes? Came with the brakes fucked up, had to order new lever and cables, because the new cables didn't have the cable end, so I had to buy a new caliper too.
Crank down hard on the lever, it'd either slip, or the cable would stretch and get mushy, repeat half a dozen times.
Got it to the point where it actually "works" but it really doesn't brake that well, not sure what I expected you can lock tires up on a bicycle, but on this the brakes are more of a suggestion.
Do they all preform like shit, or am I missing something?
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Foot operated mechanical drum rear brakes work fine in much more demanding applications like full-size motorcycles but there's no way to get those on minibikes.

For disc brake minishits if you want to stop just pillage suitable caliper/master cylinder/pedal from any bike with a rear disc and leave picrel disc in place. Cable rear brakes a shit because cables for brakes inherently suck.

Those tires have a small contact patch because of the stupid tread design but still fair sized even in motorcycle terms. Hydraulic brakes would sort most of that then after wearing out that tire something grippier would be wise.
fr fr
No idea anon, that's a chinesium bicycle brake, never had an issue with them, they just work.
the cable takes a while to stretch in..then has to be tightened even more as the pads wear in
and yes...probably every single ride they would need to be tightened to have max braking power

Looking for advice. I plan on building a small (24x24) cabin. It will be in zone 5. I will not be there frequently enough to maintain a full cellar (lots of water) and i dont have the time/means to do a trench pour/block foundation, so I plan on building it on concrete piers poured 48 inches deep made from sonotubes. Im stuck between 2 options.

1) rest the main beams directly on the concrete piers and affix them with anchored brackets (i think sst makes them)
2) embed 6x6 posts directly into the piers and carriage bolt/lag beams into the posts

Resting the beam directly on the pier seems more sturdy but would require more time and effort to level the piers prior to pouring them. The terrain is uneven so any additional hight needed to maintain level would require more concrete/a longer pier. Using pressure treated posts would be easier and would allow me to elevate the beams higher but I worry about the weight on the beam being held by bolts. Also concerned about the posts rotting/difficulty replacing them. Any advice would be appreciated. Please let me know if I need to describe what I am planning better.

>inb4 hire a structural engineer
I know. I will be consulting with some friends who are builders. Just want some input.
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Good luck getting those into the ground in rocksylvania.
you just need a bigger drill
is it wrong that this image reminds me of Skyrim for some reason?
Another thing i will run by a structural engineer but how can i calculate what I should build my girders out of and how many posts needed to support each girder? I plan on using 2x10 joists, 16 OC with a 10 foot span, so 3 girders total for a 22 foot structure. I was thinking 5 posts on each girder should be plentu but that is based on absolutely nothing.
Saw some new construction today that was using pier and beam for the peripheral edges of the house. Looked like they had used sonitubes to pour the piers. The anchors were tapconned into the tops of the piers and the beams were made of what looked like composite wood. But between the beams and the tops of the piers they had just stuck a piece of treated 2x6, looked really sloppy and had no moisture barrier

I need a new bbq grate, this one is 4cm too long. Can i just angle grinder it down to size, I'm not fucking it up and it won't explode or something?
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It's fucking cast iron or pot metal, if you cut it, it will be shorter end of story
I just ordered new grates for my grill from Amazon. They have every size imaginable. Why are you doing this?
Show me a 31x40 grate then. This is the only one even close. Use the uk Amazon if you're extra confident, I'll wait.
Sounds gay

That's kind of what i was thinking. Didn't want to make mustard gas or something
oi you got a loicense for that grill m8?

Do high top safety boots offer more protection or all I'm doing is carrying more weight on my feet?
They offer more ankle protection, if you walk on uneven surfaces I would recommend them. They're also more comfortable than ankle boots.
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go parkside bro
If you do carrying of heavy things having that extra ankle support is definitely worth it

I like to wear low- to mid- end motorcycle boots, because then I can just motorbike to work and then do work. Currently rocking Spada Pilgrim Grande, steel cap, got a TPE frame in the ankle for support,, got laces and zip combo, straps to keep the laces from catching in a lathe and ripping my leg off, stylish, not gay at all, I bought em for a hunned bucks like 2 years ago.

I'm a carpenter though so I don't slog in the mud like some of you lower professions, you guys might need a tarder boot *sniffs disdainfully*
Imagine buying this garbage. 90% of the price is made up by the branding on the side.

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This door lock won’t turn. The key is stuck in that position.

Any suggestions on how to fix it.
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Thanks for the advice
About point 2, the door-lock is mine now
thanks boss.
I see two Phillips screws there. Have you tried disassembling the latch and freeing up the lock cylinder?
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that's after you see if the key isn't just jammed up.

be silly to replace a light figure over a light bulb and it's easy to check.
let me know what happens. I'm autistic as fuck and this will live rent free till it's solved and I know how.

if your like me and principle is what matters the goal is, if we get to the point of disassembly. to only touch the door latch and housing. it's cheap to replace vs a door or glass.

i mean if we just don't give a shit and you bought the house I'd buy a new lock and just drill it honestly. if your not comfortable a 200$ locksmith is cheaper than a 3000$ door.
this is a euro cylinder not an american shitlock
taking the handle off doesn't magically make it open the door must be open to remove the cylinder from the latch mechanism. but it might give enough access to snap the cylinder if worst comes to worst
the key being half turned means the cylinder is released. push the handle up hard then try turning the key again.

I saw a telebelt for the first time today. Pretty cool. I wish they were more common. This was a 300 yard order at 6000psi, with purple trap rock. The wanted a 5 inch slump but we batched it at a six and half for the trip because the job was a half hour away. There was a fuckload of mira and recover in it so it was still like a 6. Add 5 gallons, pour out in <10 minutes. Two loads, six hours, easy Saturday.
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There were like 14 other trucks
>300 yd 6ksi
rip mucker fuckers and cokehead finishers
there was so much mira and recover in it that it still same out of the truck at a good 6 inch slump after half an hour of travel, also it's not so hot now summer is over and we did it in the morning. I don't think they had to struggle too hard. I was surprised that it it hadn't tightened up too much I was expecting it to come out the chute at like a 4
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Why is this needed? Do you have boom pumps there? The hopper is literally made for a truck to just back up to and dump
Why did you say two loads then? I am honestly curious and confused by what you meant by that. Around here the small concrete trucks carry 7 yards and the big ones carry 10 yards. So 300 yards of concrete would be 30 loads with the bigger trucks....

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I have between several containers, I have 5-10 gallons of waste oil, gas, brake fluid (mixed into one when I had no space).
I want to burn it off, but just tossing it in a barrel makes a lot of smoke and smell obviously, and isn't exactly subtle.
Is there some method to have a small contained fire without having a ton of smoke generate.or at least cut the light signature enough to burn at night?
Kind of like an oil lamp, and I can stick it outside in a shielded metal container and just slowly burn the stuff off over the course of a week.
>recycle it
I would if I knew what was in it but it's been like 7 years of dumping random shit in so I doubt they'd like some brakefluid/wasteoil/gasoline/kerosene mix at their recycle station.
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river at 3am
>inb4 muh environment
it floats above water dumbass, it will get dilluted downstream
Since you are burning in a barrel I'm guessing you are allowed to burn trash in your area? If so just burn your trash like normal and dump a half gallon on top of your trash after you light it up and it gets burning good and hot. Few times of that and it'll be gone.
Just dump it in a big diesel truck and let it get burned that way, gives them a kick too.
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vegetable oil lamps are already considered disgusting

How do I do it, myself?
You know, do the dirty deed. Literally. I am of course, talking about building tunnels that are used in tunnel warfare?

My intention is to use it as housing not war. If poor arabs can do it why can't I?
Search Pinterest for "Pirate's Cave" by Hy Sibley.

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This handle on my milling machine that's spring loaded. They're usually used to lock things in place to keep from moving. You can pull it and rotate the handle to the desired position and it locks in place. I'm sure Amazon has these, but I just don't know what they're called.
Table lock bolt handle?
Locking levers

Gib levers. The lever connects with a fragment of metal in the slide called a 'gib' that jams the slide.

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Had a leak in the shower head and when I pulled the handle the assembly was loose. Long story short, the valve coupling was cracked and pulled right off.

What is the proper way of replacing this? I thought I could just unscrew each end and try to work the 4-way fitting out, but parts of it seemed to have been brazed.

Can I get some input on how to fix this?
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Cut it out with a saw. Get a new one.

Braze or propress or shark bite in a couple inches to replace what you cut out so your new one fits.

Youtube probably has a bunch of these m. Talking about it on text is very inefficient because most of your deficit is seeing exactly how to cut stuff.
This is dumb reason. You gotta open up the the left hand side toncut out the old, okay. There's no need to open up the back unless you'd rather do that than open the front.

There's fire proof blankets that work fine even though they took asbestos from us. Op is probably gonna sharkbite it anyway
? the front is a fiberglass shower, you aren't patching that easily
shark bite and some pex pipe is probably the easiest for sure
Oh right on
This is the solution

any recommendations for lockpicking sets? I want a jack of all trades that can work with multiple locks, especially tubular ones
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Lockpicks are a meme and a hobby unless you're trying to get into an area and lock the barrier behind you using the same lock undamaged. Most locksmiths drill out the pins and then replace the cylinder and rekey the lock. Some can impression a new key for you but thats a rare skill these days. Your picrel is a set of auto jigglers that dont really work. They're just for thieves to open car doors who are extra stupid and lack a slim jim. They don't work in the ignition. That said, if you're not a criminal who gets frisked, it's not a bad idea to keep a small rake and wrench in your wallet or elsewhere and know how to use them for emergencies since most people dont keep a battery drill and carbide bit on them. I've gotten myself into my own place of living on a few occasions. 7 pin security doors arent easy to pick so build up your experience for that. Practice. It's the hardest skill to master.

FYI its illegal to possess burglary tools despite their availability on the market so dont fuck around.
i played wiht lockpicking as a kid
as an adult i find bolt cutters, grinders, and kicking to be much faster
only reason to lockpick is to hide the interaction which would only be in niggardly conditions
For wrenches, I like sparrows

I’m a big southord Max guy but most people prefer Peterson or some of the sparrows some of the newer people like covered instruments from LPL

Or for me I just stick to SPP with my max I have it in 25,000 but they came out in 20,000 which I would highly recommend

If I were starting off a new lock pick her today, I will probably get home some 50 Thao turner‘s top of keyway and 20 foul entry-level profiles shall hook our void rakes. Only thing you can rake open these days is a master lock you can SVP a master lock no, no big deal save your money on rrakes

Yeah, with a shower hook and a 50,000 Turner you can do most tubular walks SPP most pinto Boyers most dimples some disc retainer but you’re more likely gonna have to shell out and buy the sparrows Bosnian Bill peck and it’s not cheap and it’s not really for entry-level so Probably skip it until you know what you’re doing
If the tension wrench is meant to be bent at the pinch point, then those are not hardened and will bend and wear a lot faster. Meant for single use in a pinch, much more of a novelty item.
Pic related is just generic set of auto-jigglers, I have those as well and they are okay but mainly for breaking into old cars or opening some bigger wafer locks. As a rule of thumb, avoid cheap lockpick sets because the quality of those really matter and you really get what you paid for. Regardless, you should ask yourself first if you want to participate in locksports or want to get into practical lockpicking, since those are 2 slightly different things. If its the former, get yourself some beginner lockpick set like Sparrow's Kickstart or Covert Instruments FNG and just practice, preferably with locks that you own, you should also avoid picking locks that you rely on. If its the latter, then be aware than SPP is practicaly out of the question, so you should focus on raking instead (worm rake, city rake and decent set of tension wrenches should be enough in this case). In case you don't know about bypasses, check them out as well, since a lot of locks, especially in north america, can by bypassed by anyone with 2 working braincells (in this regard you dont even need to learn anything).

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not rotten eggs or gas
what is it?
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Please, don't do that
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R O D !!!
You got stinky ass tap water.

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