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Is there anyway how to get Solidworks for free? Solid Edge has free license for hobbyists but I would like Solidworks since its more popular.
I dont want to pirate it unless its only option.
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> If they find out you made any money using the program

Lot of heavy lifting being done by the word "if" here.

That being said a license isn't very expensive if actually you're making money via solidworks.
dassault systems releases cracks and keygens for their own products on many torrent sites and then the telemetry in their software will let them pull enough information from your computer to determine if you are a business or employee or not. If you are or ever do work for someone, they will note down every file you touch and just wait until you rack up about a million bucks in damages before they reach out to you with a lawsuit.
Depending on the situation, they just force you to buy a real license, but its always at their discretion.

this happened to me at my work btw.
employee was running windows 7 and it was eol and time to upgrade, they were not paying the $1000 a year grift so their license key was useless unless they paid $5000 in back fees for all the license maintenance they didnt pay.
I decided fuck it and cracked it and 3 years later they made us buy a new license or they were going to sue us.
I meant to add
if you do crack their software, either run it in a vm or run it on a dedicated laptop and keep it offline or on a vpn.
you are generally safe as a hobbyist, but their telemetry is invasive and really you should not be okay with that.
Shut up faggot. Web based cloudshit is bottom of the barrel and HTML5 and javascript have been forced to do so much shit (poorly) and so much of your information is scraped you should avoid it like the plague.
Webapps are trash, kid

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I am moving up north soon where everything is 3x as expensive. My new house has a large garage though, and I'd like to have a workshop. I just don't know what I should buy before I go to save money.
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Good work! Been turning for a couple of years myself. Might be worth investing in a sharpening system for your chisels if you really get into it. Try to press the end of the gouge handle against your side for extra support, it reduces the chance of catches.
My new property has an old shed I want to demolish. This will yield me some nice 4x4” beams and a load of 2x4”/2x2” but it’s all painted blue.

I was thinking would it work if I get a cheap planer and run them through to remove the paint or will that clog up and ruin the planer. Of course they would be smaller but that’s okay.

A cheap planer is €250, renting one is maybe €40 but more expensive if I gunk it up with old layers of paint. An old heavy 3 phase table planer is €400 but they are big and I’m not sure if I’ll use it much. What do?
Have them checked for lead first.
They are old but not lead-old, the structure can’t be built before 2004. Pretty recent for a shed now that I think of it but its just flimsy and wasn’t maintained
Depending on what you can get, using a chemical paint stripper or a heat gun to get most of the paint off first is a better idea.

If it's that cheap and flimsy I have to wonder if it's construction grade trash wood though.

Are there people who unironically believe DeWalt or Milwaukee to be on par with or even better than Makita, or is that just poorfag cope? No shame if they're outside your budget, they're not cheap, but that doesn't make the tools better
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I’m liking that bit holder. Be nice if dewalt had something like that. Plus, it’s a double-ender.
It’s clear dewalt has always been copying Jomi, but Jomi is still ahead of the game.
The jomi is 21 V, the dewalt is only 20 V. It’s just that much better. Just like dewalt copied the Jomi color scheme, I’m sure they will be bringing out a 21 V model soon. Well, as soon as they can get their voltage up.
Trouble is I already own those corded tools from DeWalt and a few others so I don't feel it necessary to reinvent something. If you have a cordless tool then you need some place to recharge it that automatically screws your workflow.
I'd argue constantly having to deal with cords screws with my workflow a lot more than having to swap batteries once in a while.
Sometimes you need both. Been doing alot of work with angle grinders recently;
I need the battery one because im not going to run extension cables all the way across my yard.
Corded is good in the shop because it never runs out of juice, but the cord has gotten quite chewed up from accidental contact, and the outlet prongs on it are ready to fall off from accidentally pulling it out of the outlet at awkward angles.
Much prefer working with the cordless, just not suitible for all jobs because it kills the batts so fast.

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Nobody wants a 2-part sticky edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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Russ said yes, but it must be 1000 words or less.
If you use a vacuum, think about the exhaust too.
Don't want shit just getting blown around
Oh, I thought the filter that's already in the vacuum would work.
Do you think it wouldn't be enough?
my dad use to use my old radioshack buggy to run cables in crawlspaces lol.
best of luck anon, although good PPE would make it much safer to clean manually.
>running cables
I heard of guys doing that, that's awesome.
>ppe / manual cleaning
I will be honest with you, I let the fucking mouse infestation go because I didn't think it was so bad, so I had it all over my fucking apartment.

I spent like a month (this was a while ago) cleaning it, and killing all the fucking mice, but I've got fucking mouse shit PTSD, to the point where I really don't feel like dealing with it.
I thought doing it with an RC car might make it "fun" enough (or at least, entertaining), that I'll finally get to cleaning the stupid crawlspace.

What type of connector has a 1mm diameter pin?
I want to be able to connect these things with a female socket of some kind. The pin pitch doesnt have to match this (10mm), I'll just use two single sockets.
But none of the socket types I know of accept 1mm pins.
Amphenol sc000146
definately not ideal, also a little difficult to obtain, but thanks for the suggestion.

Is there even a way to search by pin diameter? Any time i try i get 1mm pitch results instead.

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2780104

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
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I'd go with the second option

I've used the Simpson screws for those brackets and never predrilled. Get deckmate screws for the deckboards and you don't need pilots but they're good practice at the ends. A nailgun is not for that type of fastening. You'd appreciate an impact driver, though.
>the second option
do I just need one tie per connection? Or should I do 2 for every connection with one on each side?
I'd probably go with one per, unless you've only got a few connection points.
You might also try this or something similar depending on how you've designed the deck: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Simpson-Strong-Tie-RTB-20-Gauge-Galvanized-Rigid-Tie-Bracket-for-2x-Post-2x-Joist-RTB22/100375289
Recommend me a hobbyist robotic arm that can perform basic tasks and jerk me off
will citristrip be enough to remove powdercoating? if not, what then other than extensive sanding? it's something smaller and i don't want to pay someone to media blast it

Do pumps create flow or do they create pressure?
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This is bullshit. Everyone knows that all pumps create positive, metric pressure. There is no way they ever create imperial flow. Retards. I swear.
My clunching applies pressure to my liquid shit which then flows into your throat whose resistance turns flow into pressure.
Well I didn’t want to single anyone out.
I’m Australia, they create vacuum.
Pumps push
That is all

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The design for this thing is so compelling, but most of it is a gaming thing. What features would you have built into it for doing real things with it while having your hands free?

Things I can think of (besides radio, mp3, clock, messaging, etc):
- Network monitoring: ping when some device just signed in to the home wifi (people are back home)
- Scanning for wifi fransmitters (bugs)
- tracking GPS
- mesh network
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>bulky as shit, basically can't use that arm for anything useful
>probably rather heavy as well, further hindering the use of that arm
>large knobs that are sure to catch on stuff and activate random functions as you walk around
>useless inventory feature
PDAs were better.
I met a guy at a car show who I had talked to on /o/ and he unironically wore one of these. Needless to say, he was a raging turbo autist. It's an enormously stupid device that does nothing a phone can't. Watching him try to explain the retarded piece of plastic on his arm to some old boomers who asked about it was endlessly amusing though.
>"Okay, so there's this video game called Fallout..."
the form factor isn't particularly useful but here are some things that would be nice to have that aren't seen in the games to the best of my knowledge.

-copy of the pocket ref with voice search/ AI with object recognition by camera.
-infrared measuring tape
-ballistic calculator
-perpetual calendar tied to gps for sunrise/sunset.
-programmable NFC/IR
-pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff

That's what I've got off the top of my head.
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nice list, anon
particularly the pocket ref, made me think of the WikiReader device

>PDAs were better.
maybe a tricorder then
Cyberdecks are cool thats why

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Previous thread:>>2759901

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

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In series like 2. But it’s also coming through the voltage pin, so that alone isn’t going to save you. Keeping the power supplies seperate and using the internal 5V regulator for the H bridge is probably the way to go. The only wires between the arduino and the H bridge should be ground, and signal wires with series resistors. Note that resistors might cause issues depending on the L298N’s input stage.
I could only get L298N to slow down by setting the PWM to an unpleasantly low frequency (100Hz). The other motor drivers I've tried are much better in that respect. But for whatever reason L298N is still the first one in the curriculum.
I used mythtv since 05 or so, now emby. The heat output from SSD is or was lower, and latency or jitter is more predictable which might be important. Also loud music bass will not disrupt a SSD.
yes, i will use the jumper on the module to provide 5v and power the arduino with an external buck regulator.
>L298N's input stage
i am not familiar with this, could you elaborate?
I am using this at full speed currently, just switching directions
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If the 30 or 100 uA across the resistor drops the GPIO's voltage below 2.3V it won't work according to the data sheet.

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This is a project to build rural villages out of spare resources and volunteer labor. They function as open art colonies, music venues, public workshops, gathering places, community gardens, places of free education, and whatever other purpose each village decides. Like the parable of rock soup, each place, and this project, is started from nothing, and comes together as collaborators offer what they can give freely.

Carpenters, musicians, farmhands, architects, sculptors, etc…anyone with expertise, as well as resources: spare wood, tools, electrical equipment, art supplies…all are welcome ingredients in every stew. The biggest hurdle is for someone to contribute a plot of land, for if all of this comes pro bono, then a village for all, a canvas of experience, a modern day forum, can come together without the handling of money corrupting the core concept…

I am currently somewhere similar and it has all that life needs, and it is very free. All that I can think about while I’m here is that there must be more places like this. All of the people love it here because it is not about money, but it is neither about ideology. It is just a place that people are allowed to be human beings.

Every village created with this project can be completely unique, yet each shares the trait in that it is like an open home, and with that comes the law of respect and common sense. The rest can be solved on a case by case basis (see: common sense). A blend of artists and people that actually know how to make things…this creates a good ambiance with as well the productivity. Those who don’t know what they are can help around and find out.

In essence, it is a DIY life, but with the common goal of a place for the people emerging out of all of the pieces that are contributed…the soup emerging from the ingredients brought by all the neighbors.
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I collect (You)s to remind me that I'm real.
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I poop on this incel site. You should all stop reading David Foster Wallace and live a little. It is sad that this conversation is a dead end. I am staring at the sea and breathing fresh air and surrounded by interesting people and enjoying beautiful music and I’m dreaming of the future. I come here as a stranger and offer a gift, but there is no one here to accept it. It was a gift for all of you to grow out of this darkness and apply your intelligence for good. To learn how to feel, how to create. This site does not teach free thinking. It teaches only deconstructionist thought. There is no philosophy. There is no beautyXZ

There is no life here.

I wish I had the means to create a platform for beauty. It would have a fantastic ambiance and evolve each day, becoming wiser and more comfortable.

I don’t have the means, I have to focus on the beauty that’s around me. It’s too bad. People who are isolated will suffer so much because they don’t have the right sort of outlet. They don’t have a place they can grow. A place where they can love.

Please, if you’re reading this, think of that place. Dream of that place. It’s possible that destiny is for others to continue where I left off.

I have my music, that’s all I need to spread this message.

Ok, I am lying. I will create that platform, but it’s better if there are many ways to think about beauty, I think. A biodiversity of thought makes a beautiful garden. You will remember this post someday. You will see that what I am talking about is life-giving. It will make people happy.

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> beautyXZ

100% schizoposting.

I do have love in my soul for yours. That's why i say to go get help before you hurt yourself or others
I have five acres in Lake County Oregon near Christmas Valley. I was actually thinking about this too.
The parable of rock soup sounds like venture capitalism.

>be you
>have nothing to offer to the world
>make shitty soup
>hype up its value
>Get ppl to invest actual value
>reap the rewards of living

Wait, is there any reason to use a Pliers Wrench over a Cobra with these things on them? Because now the Cobra is non-marring too?
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The pliers wrench is made to replace an adjustable wrench for hex fittings and shit. The pliers wrench should grip those better than the cobras, especially the plastic cobras.

Cobras are for grabbing round and other irregular shapes, plus hex in a pinch if you don’t mind the jaws digging the fuck into it.
Imagine watching the catalog like a hawk.
>there's a chance to use my stupid name and my ultra-gay queercode on 4chan
>heh heh heh i am somebody
>replies to a post 20min after it was made
Wew lad, you got me. I refresh the page, then I set a timer for 20min, and as soon as that alarm goes off, I start typing the reply.

And because I’m too lazy to delete the name after every post, it’s already in the name field so it can make my post go even faster after the 20min alarm sounds!

Can you believe I set the 20min timer and typed and posted that reply in <13 seconds?!
Don't reply to the tripfags, they need (You)s to survive

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And why do (((they))) insist on calling it hydrochloric acid ?
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Muratic acid
Muratic acid
Muratic acid
Muratic acid
>Red pill me on Muriatic acid.
Keeps your Ph down

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I'm having a hard time finding information on cement roof sheathing.
Is this just not done in the US?
I'm trying to sheath my roof with cement boards, and then put a metal roof over that using adhesive. Cant find shit for information.
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Youre a fucking dolt
he probably just happens to have a large stackof it
It's called roof decking, not roof sheathing. That's why you're having a hard time finding results.
Google it.

Also, unless you just happen to have a bunch of this shit laying around, why would you want to use it? AFAIK it's not at all common in the US except for when it's used over another solid decking like steel when intended as a base for membrane systems etc.

I'm pretty sure that if you used it like the plywood in your pic related, you wouldn't be able to walk on it.
>ah yes use water resistant plywood goy please buy it, $130 a sheet
>buy fiberglass and fine wire mesh for almost nothing
>form massive 16ft by 4ft sheets
>tip them up onto the roof
>panel goes from peak to eve, minimizing leaks

i want to glue it down to the cement sheets and ideally poke minimal holes into the metal, which are just avenues for leaking
USG makes cement sheathing

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I've had a mouse get into the apartment via an old-school radiator on a wooden floor, and so I'd like to block the area up in this one particular spot. Pic related is a good idea of the worksite. I have the idea to get a metal plate, cut a circular hole with tin snips or similar, and then adhere the plate to the wood (in two cut sections). I am soliciting general technique tips. Haven't had the actual problem for a while but I want the hole plugged up anyway as a further deterrent.

Is the general idea sound? What's a good adhesive to stick a metal plate onto wood? Is there a preferred metal relative to a certain glue? How can I go about cutting/stamping the plate and getting the hole right? The tin snips I have on hand would produce a crude cut on an appropriately thick material, I think.
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One thing to be aware of with polyurethane spray foam: when it burns it creates cyanide gas. They do make fire resistant versions but it just slows the reaction, the gas will still be produced. Steel wool on the other hand is nontoxic. Just something to keep in mind especially for attics and other overhead spaces where fire and gases can spread rapidly.
kek are the pipes that blown out?
yknow it reminds me of this early 90s building i lived in, the neighbor upstairs dropped a used qtip on the floor like the subhuman trashman he is (a lawyer who rides around on a piaggio mp3 and picks up anything he sees next to a dumpster), it fell next to the radiator pipe, through the opening and got stuck hanging from OUR ceiling
they just didn't give so much of a shit but with some basic bitch plaster it would have been closed perfectly on the ceiling within 10 seconds too bad I was 11 when we moved out
was a comfy as fuck place otherwise

I put a tiny bit down there (and I patched another hole this way, really corked that one up good, it was the mouse's main hole but I understand that steel wool can catch fire and the main pipe can get quite hot in winter so I won't be doing any more of that. While we're at it I wouldn't mind fishing out the bit that's down there, need some sort of grabber.

I think I will avoid the stuff that has cyanide byproduct, thanks. All I really want is an aesthetic closure of the hole, these guys >>2786978 >>2787015 get it. Will look into a pipe collar.

Disclaimer: i’m not planning to do anything of this. I don’t suggest trying any of this stuff without proper guidance ,knowledge and preventive measures.

Main questions:
is it possible to make a safe, small scale reactor capable of providing energy for a medium class home? How much would be it’s price ?
How much knowledge would be needed to handle such a device? Would a housewife be able to handle it with newly developed technologies?

And if an accident happened:
How large would be the area of effect?
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nuclear is for the gays. take the coal plant pill
>Did you read my post
not in detail to be honest, I stopped just before you said that because I was in a hurry, my bad
Nuclear powered phone, anyone?
eat scheisse, hans
>hospital saves you from heart failure
>gives you lung cancer instead

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