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Looking for advice. I plan on building a small (24x24) cabin. It will be in zone 5. I will not be there frequently enough to maintain a full cellar (lots of water) and i dont have the time/means to do a trench pour/block foundation, so I plan on building it on concrete piers poured 48 inches deep made from sonotubes. Im stuck between 2 options.

1) rest the main beams directly on the concrete piers and affix them with anchored brackets (i think sst makes them)
2) embed 6x6 posts directly into the piers and carriage bolt/lag beams into the posts

Resting the beam directly on the pier seems more sturdy but would require more time and effort to level the piers prior to pouring them. The terrain is uneven so any additional hight needed to maintain level would require more concrete/a longer pier. Using pressure treated posts would be easier and would allow me to elevate the beams higher but I worry about the weight on the beam being held by bolts. Also concerned about the posts rotting/difficulty replacing them. Any advice would be appreciated. Please let me know if I need to describe what I am planning better.

>inb4 hire a structural engineer
I know. I will be consulting with some friends who are builders. Just want some input.
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Good luck getting those into the ground in rocksylvania.
you just need a bigger drill
is it wrong that this image reminds me of Skyrim for some reason?
Another thing i will run by a structural engineer but how can i calculate what I should build my girders out of and how many posts needed to support each girder? I plan on using 2x10 joists, 16 OC with a 10 foot span, so 3 girders total for a 22 foot structure. I was thinking 5 posts on each girder should be plentu but that is based on absolutely nothing.
Saw some new construction today that was using pier and beam for the peripheral edges of the house. Looked like they had used sonitubes to pour the piers. The anchors were tapconned into the tops of the piers and the beams were made of what looked like composite wood. But between the beams and the tops of the piers they had just stuck a piece of treated 2x6, looked really sloppy and had no moisture barrier

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Are chinese amazon leather belts worth it?
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I've been thinking of switching to suspenders. Tired of having to loosen/tighten belt every time I get up and sit down to feel comfy. Also I second wally world belts, mine last about 10 years until the end starts cracking
No, for the same price you can get a belt that's just an actual piece if leather and won't wear out and flake PU in two years. If you can't see the end grain and it isn't a reputable brand, just skip it. I, personally, have a timberline leather belt that has held up for 7 years so far and shows no signs of giving out; it also costs $20.

yes there are decent chinese leather belts but never get "genuine leather" ones. That's an industry term for shitty pieces of leather glued and stitched together.

Look for belts that say "full grain leather" and have decent thickness
>size 40 waist
Where's the best place to buy leather these days?

I need a new bbq grate, this one is 4cm too long. Can i just angle grinder it down to size, I'm not fucking it up and it won't explode or something?
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It's fucking cast iron or pot metal, if you cut it, it will be shorter end of story
I just ordered new grates for my grill from Amazon. They have every size imaginable. Why are you doing this?
Show me a 31x40 grate then. This is the only one even close. Use the uk Amazon if you're extra confident, I'll wait.
Sounds gay

That's kind of what i was thinking. Didn't want to make mustard gas or something
oi you got a loicense for that grill m8?

Do high top safety boots offer more protection or all I'm doing is carrying more weight on my feet?
They offer more ankle protection, if you walk on uneven surfaces I would recommend them. They're also more comfortable than ankle boots.
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go parkside bro
If you do carrying of heavy things having that extra ankle support is definitely worth it

I like to wear low- to mid- end motorcycle boots, because then I can just motorbike to work and then do work. Currently rocking Spada Pilgrim Grande, steel cap, got a TPE frame in the ankle for support,, got laces and zip combo, straps to keep the laces from catching in a lathe and ripping my leg off, stylish, not gay at all, I bought em for a hunned bucks like 2 years ago.

I'm a carpenter though so I don't slog in the mud like some of you lower professions, you guys might need a tarder boot *sniffs disdainfully*
Imagine buying this garbage. 90% of the price is made up by the branding on the side.

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What's the oldest firework you'd feel safe setting off? My dad gave me some bottlerockets and firecrackers that are at least 15 years old. My wife says it's fine but I don't want my kids getting hurt by some bs.
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If you weren't just making a funny, I'd say "UK cuck detected."
But nobody here is really that cucked. Are they? Unless of course, you really are posting from EU cuck land. And if that was the case, your probably breaking the law just viewing and reading this thread
>James Bond: the high school years
>What's the oldest firework you'd feel safe setting off?
fireworks don't go bad. I have some that are over 20 years old.
Age isn't the issue. It's whether the fireworks have been frozen or not. Many pyro devices are rammed into tubes (rockets are the most common, but go-getters and whistle mix are also rammed). If these items are frozen, the comp separates from tube, providing an additional unplanned crack for fire to pass. Result: catoes (catastrophic events). I had some Space Flyers one year that were stored in a shed. Instead of flying, the whole thing detonated on the ground. Louder than an M-80 (if you've ever been fortunate enough to have shot a real M-80, and not the candy-ass crap they pass off as the real thing).
The fireworks will be fine, but the cheaper fuses can get sketchy AF, when they've been sitting around. If you're gonna light it, use a long grille-style lighter and get ready to run. Absolutely no kids nearby. If it LOOKS like it went out, let it sit for a minute, then hose it and throw it away.

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This door lock won’t turn. The key is stuck in that position.

Any suggestions on how to fix it.
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Thanks for the advice
About point 2, the door-lock is mine now
thanks boss.
I see two Phillips screws there. Have you tried disassembling the latch and freeing up the lock cylinder?
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that's after you see if the key isn't just jammed up.

be silly to replace a light figure over a light bulb and it's easy to check.
let me know what happens. I'm autistic as fuck and this will live rent free till it's solved and I know how.

if your like me and principle is what matters the goal is, if we get to the point of disassembly. to only touch the door latch and housing. it's cheap to replace vs a door or glass.

i mean if we just don't give a shit and you bought the house I'd buy a new lock and just drill it honestly. if your not comfortable a 200$ locksmith is cheaper than a 3000$ door.
this is a euro cylinder not an american shitlock
taking the handle off doesn't magically make it open the door must be open to remove the cylinder from the latch mechanism. but it might give enough access to snap the cylinder if worst comes to worst
the key being half turned means the cylinder is released. push the handle up hard then try turning the key again.

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I hate every designer in the planet.
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mine is somewhat similar, its supposed to flow out like that but it pretty much is touching the back of the sink top when flowing. I hate turning the sink all the way on because its a waste of water so its actually making me want to replace it.
I've seen those
there's a tool you shove in the socket to pull it out to access the wires attached to the socket
you are the dumbass who bought it , you paid for it because you could not make one yourself , so you are the failure ,
This is a rental you goddamn fucking idiot.

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Where do you guys recommend finding alloy's? All my local suppliers only carry mild steel, or don't even know the alloy. Most websites I find for ordering seem way too fucking expensive, like more than twice what my local suppliers charge just comparing mild steel to mild. I'm mostly just looking for 40 series steel and 4 series stainless steel.
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If Wile E. Coyote hadn't been using Acme company, he would have been using McMaster Carr, that's for sure.
I think the typical patron is a small to large company and is ordering hundreds of dollars worth or thousands of dollars worth of stuff in a single order.
I use them multiple times a month and I don't find shipping to be that expensive, compared to some places, yeah it's a little higher, but I can order at 4:00 p.m and it will be delivered at 9:00 a.m. the next morning. That and there website is a godsend when trying to find stuff compared to other sites.

Okay I just checked my last order and it was around $20 for the merchandise and shipping was $9, not terrible.
None of my local places will do orders for anything less than a $3,000 purchase. This shit is really the only downside to living far from cities.
What can your suppliers order? Many suppliers only stock carbon steel but can order a stick of whatever you want. Best visit personally at least the first time.

I need to replace the diaphragm membrane in a carb. The carb came installed with a common black rubber diaphragm from the manufacturer but I have a spare teflon one from a kit. I have read some different opinions about using these but some say they might be even better than the rubber ones. Some say they will pump more fuel than the rubber ones and may not be suitible depending on the application but is that even a problem? Can an overactive pump make the engine run rich? isnt there some sort of metering-thingy that prevent this?

Carb is a WB 37 btw.
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You're over-thinking it.
Install the teflon membrane.
If it doesn't work properly, get a different one.
A simple "I don't know" would have sufficed.
But that anon is right. You are overthinking this. You need a replacement part, you have a replacement part, and now you are afraid to even try.
i could have done that from the start. I was trying to get some information.
If I'm asking how a sewage system works and get the answer "just shit in the bowl, you're overthinking it" it's not really what I was looking for.
This may be incredibly difficult to understand but the way to know is to do. Teflon is of course optimally durable but if you want to get into the engineering then you can study each material, compare durometers etc.

It won't help. If you want empiric testing DO empiric testing. It's a diaphragm. Install it. Note results. Overthinking is normally useless. That may be incredibly difficult to understand but you don't have to LIKE that fact (which may also be incredibly difficult to understand).

Install diaphraghm, note results. I've worked with carbs longer than you've been alive and quite like most of them. Use a bright light and ensure no orifices are blocked.

I saw a telebelt for the first time today. Pretty cool. I wish they were more common. This was a 300 yard order at 6000psi, with purple trap rock. The wanted a 5 inch slump but we batched it at a six and half for the trip because the job was a half hour away. There was a fuckload of mira and recover in it so it was still like a 6. Add 5 gallons, pour out in <10 minutes. Two loads, six hours, easy Saturday.
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There were like 14 other trucks
>300 yd 6ksi
rip mucker fuckers and cokehead finishers
there was so much mira and recover in it that it still same out of the truck at a good 6 inch slump after half an hour of travel, also it's not so hot now summer is over and we did it in the morning. I don't think they had to struggle too hard. I was surprised that it it hadn't tightened up too much I was expecting it to come out the chute at like a 4
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Why is this needed? Do you have boom pumps there? The hopper is literally made for a truck to just back up to and dump
Why did you say two loads then? I am honestly curious and confused by what you meant by that. Around here the small concrete trucks carry 7 yards and the big ones carry 10 yards. So 300 yards of concrete would be 30 loads with the bigger trucks....

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I have between several containers, I have 5-10 gallons of waste oil, gas, brake fluid (mixed into one when I had no space).
I want to burn it off, but just tossing it in a barrel makes a lot of smoke and smell obviously, and isn't exactly subtle.
Is there some method to have a small contained fire without having a ton of smoke generate.or at least cut the light signature enough to burn at night?
Kind of like an oil lamp, and I can stick it outside in a shielded metal container and just slowly burn the stuff off over the course of a week.
>recycle it
I would if I knew what was in it but it's been like 7 years of dumping random shit in so I doubt they'd like some brakefluid/wasteoil/gasoline/kerosene mix at their recycle station.
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river at 3am
>inb4 muh environment
it floats above water dumbass, it will get dilluted downstream
Since you are burning in a barrel I'm guessing you are allowed to burn trash in your area? If so just burn your trash like normal and dump a half gallon on top of your trash after you light it up and it gets burning good and hot. Few times of that and it'll be gone.
Just dump it in a big diesel truck and let it get burned that way, gives them a kick too.
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vegetable oil lamps are already considered disgusting

How can I spray this with a paint sprayer HVLP gun?
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I considered it recently but decided against it due to having no enclosed area. imo, the failing paint looks better than a failed attempt and at least doesn't reflect entirely in my lack of skill/budget.

Good article on how to do it. It covers thinning as well, though for rolling not spraying but maybe you'll get something from it.

Practice on some junkyard panels first.
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I have brought dishonor to my family.
I miss big rwd coupes regardless.
they're ultra rare and alot of people mistake them for a cutlass or malibu from a distance, it was a 3 year low production that bridged the big bodies from the 70s to the aero cars from 1983.
get the "professional" high performance, and majics hardener from tractor supply, 4 paint : 3 acetone/thinner : 1 hardener
Best girl in the game.. damn take me back.

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Let's say I'm absolutely crazy and I want to build a robot that looks and acts like a human (not necessarily one that THINKS like a human, just something that "looks" human or similar to a human).

I know I know, it's "impossible" and blahblah, so let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that it is indeed possible.

Which fields should I study? Computer science, artificial intelligence and robotics are a given. Probably also anatomy and biomechanics, body language...

Neuroscience would not be necessary since (again) we don't want a machine that looks like a human, just one that LOOKS human.

What else? And any book recommendations?
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>You’ll never be able to make a physical mechanical human face
It just hasn't been tried. All people have tried to build are cheap sexbots. They have not really tried to reproduce a realistic human face, all they care about is the holes being warm.
Your going to fuck your poor droid eight ways from Sunday.
aw sweet! data mining thread!

How do I do it, myself?
You know, do the dirty deed. Literally. I am of course, talking about building tunnels that are used in tunnel warfare?

My intention is to use it as housing not war. If poor arabs can do it why can't I?
Search Pinterest for "Pirate's Cave" by Hy Sibley.

dumb question.
i run DeWalt tools, I repair all my own tools.
what's stopping me from buying broken DeWalt tools, repairing them and then reselling them as working.

I'm assuming there is some type of hitch to this otherwise everyone be doing it
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Government licencing, health inspections, taxes.
You repair cheap tools because that's the only market you have experience and access to. I'm sure there are several members of diy that repair and resell items, but blowing up the spot is not good for business.

A first big jump would be simply picking more lucrative items to service. The retail stores in my area sell nonworking appliances for $20. Even if you don't repair them, they could be resold for parts. If you were very serious about repair business, I would go through the education and tech for large production equipment. When that stuff goes down, the companies will pay a fortune for travel and repair completed as fast as possible.
>Asking a bunch of dust-gathering tool collectors instead of just trying your business idea up to $600 of income then deciding if you should form an LLC or what

Do you have brain damage?
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i was just asking for opinions. i think not asking for insight and just throwing it all to the wind is pretty retarded.

consider this measuring before I measure. "how big you think it is?" before the tape is out, or asking about spending money before I spend 400$ on broken tool lots.

I'm not looking to do anything full time. i thought it give me something to do in the early am before the sun is up as I use to buy knife lots from the airport and repair, clean and resell them. you would be amazed how many people throw away a Benchmade when it's the knife or the air ticket.

But I think there are more productive things in my life and this wouldnt be worth the time.
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if you didn't have brain damage, you would of saw I already have a LLC.
maybe you should do some background research before suggesting something that was discussed 4 days before you got here dipshit.

it's literally all above here.

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