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Name a better lifting album

Pro tip: It’s impossible
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Ive really been enjoying Obituary lately
Townsend is a beast
Quads confirm. Load up, boys.
Behold, true metal

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>doing anything other than trying every day to be the kindest person you can to everyone who crosses your life's path

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ego poisoned, very rarely do you need to exercise power against another person, if you let it go it will most often not effect you.

that's not kindness, you're just a moron

t. guy who has no friends
Being "kind" is the default mode of interaction between civilized people. There is nothing profound about that. Its simply being a functional member of society.
>very rarely do you need to exercise power against another person, if you let it go it will most often not effect you.
Sure, if its a small insignificant infraction. Most normal people let that slide too. What I'm talking about is when another person wants to exert some kind of power over you, whether it be strangers in public, in your relationships with people, or at work. You'd simply let them? There's nothing admirable or fulfilling about being everyone's doormat.
>u have no friend!!!
That's not an argument. Even if i had millions of friends, it wouldn't change what 'kindness' is. Seems you're more worried about being liked than being kind. Insecure.

In kindness i'll tell you, focus on more important things.
you enlightened types always talk down on others as if you have all the answers and we're just dumbshits. you're no more right than i am just because you sat down for a few minutes a day doing nothing. why the hell should i listen to you?
Buddhists believe actions can only be judged by their intent, so your good actions could be judged to be wrong, which would accrue bad Karma, the results of which could take 1 billion years or more to see.

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Theoretically speaking,how strong would a man have to be to be in the legs to be able to still walk forwards with a group of 5 to 7 able bodied men trying to restrain him? I saw this Rocky fanfic in a thread a close to a week ago(pic rel) and it peaked my interest.
come on you niggers
if you dont reply your mom will get fucked in her sleep tonight!
If you don’t reply your dad will eat a gallon of horse jizzium

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>wrist wraps
you didn’t actually lift the weight
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They will hate you because you speak the truth.
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>I turned myself into a DYEL Morty!
Weaklings need to work on their grip strength
when you pass 3 plates you will start to notice this some bars spin easily if you don't use them there will be big power leaks
cont. it's same as dyels who squat with bars without center knurling you don't notice the difference because you're below 3plates and the weight doesn't create enough pressure to break friction

>is that...a natural additive critical for the function of the human body?
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It can't, that's why the body produces it, which is a major ketard talking point but reveals the deep retardation of the ketard.
Somehow the ketard doesn't understand that the body having to produce it's own energy and running on stress hormones (gluconeogenesis is regulated by cortisol) is not a good thing.
I have been carnivore for over 2 years. Feel great, obviously. You probably did it wrong, or you are lying your ass off. You either ate liver, or not enough protein in a single meal each day.
Glucose is made endogenously as it is with all animals that derive most of their calories from fat, a lot of animals. The exact requirement for exogenous carbs is zero. Exogenous consumption of carbs causes spikes in glucose and damage from glycation and is the primary driver of diabetes. The hubris of assuming what a hormone is and does at all times in all contexts.
>I have been carnivore for over 2 years. Feel great, obviously. You probably did it wrong, or you are lying your ass off. You either ate liver, or not enough protein in a single meal each day.
there is no point replying to this. its the same vegetard tranny that has been shitting up /fit/ for however many months now. this faggot will strawman, post garbage, get blown the fuck out and open a new thread to do it all over again. vegtroons are mentally ill.
She only had 4 though.

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Any Benefits besides killing my sperm count?
cold shower after?
Extra protein from the other boys

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Opera House edition
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blessed australia
land of the Indian nigger humanoids
Lower than Melbourne. Ive lost a lot of weight over summer too, so even high teens are a bit of a shock to the system at the moment.
>coloured hair and facial piercings
This describes half of the employees at my local supermarket these days.
articles are dumb. What is happening is exactly what they want to be happening. Less white births and more imported people. Younger Australians are struggling and saying no way they would be able to afford children, meanwhile supposedly poor and suffering thirdworlders are imported here and must be paid to have children by the van loads
Any you guys trainers? Looking for a new routine. Currently just full body 3 times a week, but looking for some new exercises to add.

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What makes left roided and right natty? Both 195lbs
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Ok mr delusional lol
Yes you can, you retarded faggot. You're equating capped with Death Stars.
Thanks for the compliment, I hope you're enjoying your first year of lifting :^)
I'm enjoying laughing at your ass lol
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tiny no, maybe like 15-20 sets. usually takes me an hour to an hour and a half. I definitely take most or close to failure. everyone is different though

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>feel for the squat meme
>ass is now bigger the most women's
it's over
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Same. Get complimented when dating but never when single and it really kills upper body aesthetics bc of my wide hips.
zesty mfer mmmmm
i've had women compliment me on my ass before. feels nice. it's gratifying to know they're looking and internally thinking about it. means i'm doing at least one thing right.
You just know plowing that ass would be a hell of a ride

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>How do I start fasting?
By not eating. If you get a migraine or other serious side effects, break your fast with a small amount of low-carb food and start again immediately after.
Recommended app on app store is LIFE Fasting Timer & Tracker

>Electrolytes (recommended for fasts over 3 days):
sodium ~500-1,000 mg/day
potassium ~2,500 mg/day
magnesium ~400 mg/day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHXQcryxik [Embed]

Fasting is safe and effective for weight loss, improves emotional wellbeing, blood pressure, does not have life-threatening side effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6314618/#sec029title
Fasting reduces cardiovascular and metabolic disease: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8951503/

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>reading ai written front page of google pop sci articles
ngmi. no, seriously. if you do any sort of scientific research as in READING ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES ON PUBMED you would know that every fasting researching is well aware of ketosis and you would be informed about it as well stop reading clickbait
can fasting help with losing face fat? I like most of how i look but god damm do i hate my face fat. IT showed up on my first bulk and never went away.
why are you asking such a silly question with such an obvious answer? you are so FUCKING silly dude.
youre saying this ironically but nothing you said is wrong
if you have facial fat, lose weight to reduce the facial fat
however facial fat is quite stubborn so for some people they have fat faces but small bodies, might have to go for cosmetic procedures atp
I get cold and I did my first 92 hour fast today (longest ever 66-68 hours, and was doing multiple rolling 48-62 hours before that)

I’m pretty confident that you need to work up to 5+ days. Even after drinking snake juice and supplementing with electrolytes I just felt like absolute garbage today.

I broke my fast a day early. Listen to your body if you feel AWFUL, it’s okay to eat. You can resume your diet tomorrow. Steady progress is all you need.

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Why this nigga so ZESTY?
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Isn't nigger the single favorite word of the nigger race though?
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i dont care about this faggot or greg the drama faggot
When i first started lifting a few years ago Greg had some good vids, but now its all just banal tepid shit and him shilling his supps

The only influencer I watch is RP for the "Dr Mikes Kitchen" series
youh hayve a meental eelness hehehehe
This dude is a pure fucking grifter. Stop posting this faggot. Lazy faggot doesn't want to get a real job so he just pretends to be a psycho

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post your routine and get (constructive) feedback on it
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Posting with current working weights. It's a lot of volume but I can't cut anything out.
BW 165

3x8 OHP @ 135#
3x10 Bench @ 185#
3x10 Incline DB Bench @ 65#
3x20 Lateral Raises @ 27.5#
3x10 Triceps Pushdown @ 195#
3x15 Triceps Pushdown (rope) @ 90#
3x15 Leg Extension Machine @ 160#

3x10 RDL Stiff leg @ 315#
3x10 Upright Rows @185#

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pic related

>Mon - Wed - Fri
db skullcrushers 3 x 35
db chest flys 3 x 35
db incline chest flys 3 x 25
db lu raises 3 x 20
bar bench 3 x 35
bar incline bench 3 x 35
bar OHP 4 x 25

>Tue - Thu - Sat
weighted decline crunches 3 x 35
db preacher curls 3 x 35
pullups 3 x 10 (wide) or 3 x 20 (mid)

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My routine is a mess designed to fit around my work and sport commitments.

6 days per week I grapple. 3 freestyle wrestling and 3 bjj. I then do 2 gym sessions plus 2 home vanity DB sessions and 2 x 45 minutes runs.

Core work is tacked onto the end of weight training.

531 A - Bench 3x5 / Squat 3x5/ Cleans 3x3/ pull-ups 3xf

531 B - OHP 3x5/ Deadlift 3x5/ chin ups 3xf/ jumping lunge 3 x 10

Home weights A - DB bench + one arm row 3 x 10/ arm superset x 2

Home weights B - lat raises 5 x 10/ arm superset X 3.

Workouts follow a 531/home/run/531/home/run/rest pattern.
what is the best program to get stronger at ohp?

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What workout routine do i need to do to achieve this?
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Both are shitty grifters

Regardless of how he looks, he comes off as a total fucking bitch in this clip

His (ex) wife has more intensity lmao
He's built like an oompa loompa his squat should be flown up but he made no progress
he probably fell for the backed by science routine. lmao can't even squat 185 for ONE rep at 140lb
>185 at 140
oh fuck man
alright all memes aside I can only do 135 for 4x5 I'm going for 5x5 today
why the fuck am I so weak I've got to be doing something wrong here

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Are leg lifts, using the crunch machine, and an ab roller enough to get me abs or should I add more core stuff to my routine?
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low test
Ths nigga saying who to Jenna Ortega top kek
you might wanna delete your post

Goal physique
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jeff-bros ...
I mog that Manlet kek
lmao you aint mogging no one skinny bitch
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Being this pale only ever looks good on women. Go outside and enjoy the good Lord's sun every once and a while.
judge holden looking mf

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