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>tell my doctor I've been eating more protein and taking protein supplements
>she immediately schedules blood work to check my kidneys
place your bets
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>aajonus vonderplanitz
based random /fit/ poster
Tell me about your medical degree
Most doctors are old fat guys. I'd take health advice from the biggest dude at the gym over a doctor any day.
>Doctors don't know shit about diet
This. And it’s not just nutrition.

>>75136027 if you can, get yourself a based doctor. Ideally some guy in his mid 50s from a post Soviet country who has seen some shit.
>having a (((doctor)))

Wait wait wait. You skipped breakfast? You what? Huh? You skipped breakfast? But you still had lunch, right? WHAT? You didn't eat lunch? And you haven't had any snacks? No breakfast? You only eat dinner? How ... how are you alive? Are you light-headed? Do you have low blood pressure? Do you have low blood sugar? Do you not get dizzy? Are you anorex- do you have an eating disorder? This is not unhealthy. No no no no, this is not healthy. No no no, stop doing that. You are making me uncomfortable. I am crying. I am crying.
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Noone uses the words 'lacking the intent' lacking the intent to sound smart kek
I do have low blood pressure, actually. 105/65 most mornings. No dizzy spells or anything tho, so I guess its fine.

Carnivore omad for 3 months now, best decision ever.
That‘s a boy
>fast from now on
>ACK self
fast maintained. checkmate
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I saw a video on it a while ago. I forgot the details honestly. I think the guy on the left did go in for the surgery but his after was nothing like the guy on the right... because it was a different person. So he tried suing the surgeon or something.
fucking look at the guy's neck. shit photoshop job
would (both)

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(with the exception of picrel)

--get enough sleep
--drink a lot of water
--exercise at least a little
--avoid processed foods
--you need some protein

is there anything else? seems like just about anything else you could mention is disputed
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but le quote cant be wrong....r-right?
>dies at 68
>got an extra 1.5 months a year his entire adult life of 50 years
>75 extra months, 6.25 years
>meaning he died at 74.25, a completely normal age to die at
Ladies and Gentleman behold, a retarded nerd.
added sugar is bad for you
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>seems like just about anything else you could mention is disputed

The only disputes come from media grifters looking to confuse people so they have a new angle to sell something to you with. In the academic research sphere people have been consistent for almost 70 years.

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Month 2
60 kg (132.27 lbs)
Ok I do feel a difference strenght wise and my ribcage is not longer that visible, still I don't gain much weight in a month
Should I buy do weighted calisthenic or I'm still a stick?
thank god i go to the gym for mental health reasons and to not become weak when i'm old.
i kinda look like that and it's atrocious
if you don't have a nice face, it's over for you
Don't worry about weight that much at start, just keep getting stringer and don't bloat up too much. You can add weights to your cali if you do 3x8+ easy I guess
he looks alright, what the fuck are you talking about? you dismorphic roidtranny

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>be me
>hop back on /fit/ after benching 3pl8s
>Catalog has gone to crap
What happened? /fit/ is still gay as always, yet a new crop of women worshippers have flooded the board. Where did they come from?
post your bench vid instead of gay fanfic next time

but yes the board is being shitted up by Indians and teenage boys who think that skeleton mode is better than being strong because something something abs and hair loss
thinly veiled futa thread
I got fatter but when I flex I look thinner/better than before the bulk. If I did like 4-6wk bulks and cut on the deload I'd be thinner beer is too good.
How long to go from 225 to 315 its looking like 1yr for me 1rm closing in thanks to jail.
Unironically its indians, russians, and some cbt schizo and ketofag that shit the place up

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How old were you when you finally realized all other routine programs are memes, and this is what you actually needed all this time?
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>This is the ideal make body
>You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Mine looks like this LowerUpperArmsxFullBodyUpper
I mean I'll do em once a week maybe if I'm trying to do them at all.
I literally start every session with military press or bench.
kek extremely based and underrated edit

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>want to add some protein to my homemade ice cream
>buy unflavored whey for first time ever
>hardly heard of anyone buying unflavored whey as everyone are just raving about their favorite flavor
>"ok, so it's probably going to suck taste-wise, gotta try it and see how bad it is and if I can fix it"
>mix it with half-fat milk as usual
>take a sip
>fluffy milk
>it tastes like FLUFFY MILK
>no weird after-taste at all
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>how gay are you
Come over and I'll show you
What is 'half fat' milk?

What country are you from?
Well whole fat milk is only 3.25% fat content by weight. So he probably means 2% milk instead of 1% or skim.
Pretty much this
It was 1.5% in my case.

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So for the past three or four months I've been on a diet plan of my own creation. I call it the Carnival Diet. I would like outline the food this diet consists and what I eat for every meal on this diet.
The Carnival Diet Plan:
Orange peanuts
Cotton Candy
Deep fried oreos
funnel cake
12 in corn dog or longer
Dark sodas or lemonade
mac n cheese waffle cone
deep fried candy bars
fried ice cream
deep fried twinkles
caramel apple
fried pickles

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

>170 lbs

We are all gonna make it.
In fact, some of us already have…
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Why does it matter? You’re fat. Why do you fags thinking conceptualizing body fat %s is going to do anything? Genuinely such a weird goalpost to set rather than just going by the visual

Fuck you. And your mom. Anyways good luck with the fat loss
Anywhere between 18 and 25.

I’ve lifted four times since August 1. Couldn’t even tell you my current lifts. Gonna go find out today.

Norda 001
Personally I see 18-20%

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>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw/height/age

>Pastebin (Whatever has not had access revoked)
>High Scores

previous thread: >>75121903
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This is in KG. I'm guessing you're fat, it happens.
Nice, do post

Th... thanks...

I flip flop so much, it's part of who i am. I'm trying to do both at the same time, strength and hyperotrophy. I guess i just needed a break

Thanks guys..
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It's over, incels
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What Is a decent standard according to you then?

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...Does it do anything? Is it /fit/ approved?
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I’d grill her ass if you catch my drift.
If it's what I know under that term (which may not be the case - I'm translating across two languages), it's basically heat radiation. It heats up your body just like a hot shower would, causing your veins to widn, increasing blood circulation and thus improving regeneration somewhat, while also helping with muscle relaxation.
But you'll get the same benefit from a hot shower or bath, and those will also remove smells. So using red light after a workout doesn't make much sense.

Where it does help though is regenerating from injuries, since you can stay under red light a lot longer than under hot water. The last time I pulled a muscle, I stayed in front of a stoked fireplace for half a day to fix it.
Dude just stop making it more complicated than it needs to be
No it doesnt
Sunlight has all colors which means wavelength and additonal wavelength that are not visible. Infrared light which is red light not visible to humans is basically heat. you can differ heat by how hot a source is but also by the type of wavelength a heatsource emits. infrared light has a specific range that is used as a medical appliance

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I've got (undiagnosed) ADHD.
I'm in college and finishing it off with a 4.25 GPA so I've been able to manage the ADHD but it's getting harder and I'm terrified for when I go to UNI.
I've heard on this board that adderall is really bad for you so what do I do?
Obviously I would prefer to avoid pills (or even going to a doctor) but "self-discipline" is starting to seem like not enough to deal with this.
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Interesting, in my uni "A" is the max score with 4.0
I was diagnosed with adhd and started vaynse in my early 30s and honestly ADHD isn't even real. You just have to learn to focus.
>I've heard on this board that adderall is really bad for you so what do I do?
>I've heard on this board

> actually asking an ADHD question to a bunch of alt right schizo incel braindead retards who literally disregard science and especially psychiatry
100% NGMI award

Even if you didnt have ADHD you are too fucking dumb to ever make it

> Obviously I would prefer to avoid pills
There's nothing obvious about turning down treatment THAT FUCKING WORKS when it's confirmed that nothing else does.
Great advice.
Dyslexia, adhd, hdmi, anxiety and the other internet words are not real conditions. They are crutches for lazy, spoiled women and sissymen to lay on an explain their inability to put effort into anything.

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Delete all your defamatory threads or else I'm suing.
I want to speak to the moderator.
Who's in charge here?
>mfw late for ba’al worship

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>Germo*d thinks he can make fun of Canadians and Jews
I have bad news for you buddy
>kike israel
Do people really take this guy seriously?
Both get mogged by the guy lifting with a pair of rusty dumbbells from his mother's basement
Instant fuck off
This thread was made by Gregg Douchette

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