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No, the breathing control and flexibility gains are extremely useful, especially if you actually do a sport. /fit/ is just filled with fags who live for aesthics though and never played a sport in their life, which is why yoga never gets talked about
Yoga was originally conceived as training to endure discomfort during long meditations on the path to Enlightenment and Nirvana. Modern women have co-opted yoga as a form of exercise because they can be naturally good at it without trying - they are flexible to start with, the extreme endurance aspect has been dropped, and they get to claim "muh spirituality" if they want without understanding what that means. The yoga you see on offer at your gym is nothing more than women training to endure getting fucked in interesting positions.

For all of these reasons, I will never criticize a woman for practicing yoga to her face, but I will ask any man interested in yoga, do you want to get fucked, or do you want to do the fucking?

I suggest Tai Chi as an alternative. Tai Chi is an actual martial art and can be thought of as the grappling side of Kung Fu. You do have to find a school that will teach it as such, which may be difficult. As a soft martial art (low emphasis on striking) it may be practiced well into old age, and it will provide all the flexibility and coordination benefits of yoga as well judo, bjj, or whatever other grappling discipline you can name.
Same. My boomer parents are extremely immobile; it's very motivating for me. I've also had my own mobility issues (even at 30) because of years of inactivity. Not to mention stretching makes recovery faster and reduces the chance of injury.
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lifting IS stretching you low-iq sub-humans.
>he doesn't enjoy the flavor of vegetables
18+ website, kiddo

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Can it ever be topped?
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Vitamin E
Topped by the sun
Enjoy your death via hypercalcaemia
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It was never on top
Never heard of it. What it do?

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My body does not recover the same and i cant do the things i used to.
Anons over 40, how do you cope and adjust your exercise?
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toe touches, praise the suns
>not full of spiritual shit
>Do cardio and lifting on different days
>No ego lifting allowed
>Proper form is everything
>Slow reps down, can use lighter weight for similar (or better in some cases) stimulus
>If a certain lift makes joints, etc. feel like shit, even with good form, then replace it with something else
>consider replacing lifts that generate a ton of fatigue (i.e. deadlifts)
>Take one week off followed by a week of 1/3-1/2 normal volume every 6-8 weeks.
Oh yeah, and like others have said, stretching/mobility work is a good idea.
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>niggling little issues

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wtf am I supposed to drink
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Real milk
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Raw milk banned here, but they can't even just pasteurize milk they have to homogenize the shit aswell, fuck kikes.
Water without fluoride. You need nothing else.

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newbie here, i get sore muscles after a intense full body routine, so i end up needing to rest for 2 days cuz im barely able to get half the reps i get when im tired, its this decent or should i do less intense full body so i can do it daily?
Are you eating 1.5g+ of protein per g of body weight everyday to ensure that your muscles repair?
need more info. are you switching up the order on your routine? are you doing 5-10min zone 2 cardio before and after to build workload? how much of what you're doing is compound movements compared to isolations? what's your goal, powerlifting/bodybuilding/losing weight/etc.
Your knees will be smashed into bits by kettlebells for posting such repugnant herasy.
Post nose.
>muh protein
i try, eat chicken breast when i can, no money for protein powder cuz extremely broke,
>need more info. are you switching up the order on your routine?
not really, i just do the same thing that hits most muscles
> are you doing 5-10min zone 2 cardio before and after to build workload?
didn't even know this existed, but i do 10 to 15 minutes of HIT after the workout
>how much of what you're doing is compound movements compared to isolations?
i think most of it is isolations
>what's your goal, powerlifting/bodybuilding/losing weight/etc.
trying to become lean (im not exactly fast but not lean either) and slightly muscular, im really just trying not to be a sedentary weakling

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Debate this.

>nerve ending damage
>only stretches the skin
yea, I already heard these before, but no one has posted a source proving their anecdote correct
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>The penis is not a muscle or just skin tissue, it's an organ
Penises confirmed disgusting
A very easy solution for bigger and thicker penis (2 times increase flaccid, 1.5 times increase when erect) and rock stiff erections is losing weight and exercise. My theory is that cardio and exercise makes the heart stronger and able to pump more blood and less body fat allows the extra blood pressure to concentrate on the penis and make it bigger, thicker and harder. Also the fact the you won't have a fat beer belly will make the relevant size of penis even larger (up to 2.5 times apparent size difference).
Can I go to the church and play it?
>no one has actually posted a source proving that mutilating your cock stops it from working
They're called trannies
Yes I'm sure your local priest will be more than happy to let you play it for him

Are their programs any good?
No, only my programs are good. I use unique scientifically proven techniques to give you the edge. I won't tell you what they are though... you're probably not ready to do squats on a monday.
I do squats on monday.
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But do you mayomatch your mayoreps and SUBLIMINIALLY integrate that into your misocycle? No? Haha, I thought not.
I try to but some times the subjective ratings of perceived effort does not line up with the objective effort and thus the subliminal becomes consciousness and it leads to overreaching and the undulating periodization no longer is in the submaximal proximity zone of optimal training stress and i just have to start the macro cycle all over again after a pivot micro cycle in the last part of the meso cycle.

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I'm doing it /fit/ and you can't stop me
I'm going to do situps
you're just wasting your time
Show gut fat boy
get help you freak
who cares? report back in 2 years you might have something to show by then (you won't)
I'm gonna autistically do slam ball routine for next 2 months will report proooogress

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Sup /fit/izens. A very good friend of mine started a new diet about 6 months ago. However, he's getting deeply brainwashed and I don't know how to talk to him about it.
For those who don't know, Seygnalet diet is about avoiding dairy, most carbs (except rice), and eating mostly raw or very slightly cooked meat, vegetables, and so on.
He also got a bit crazy on fasting, and started doing week long fasts, and even talks about dry fasts now (note that I'm not against fasting, but he already doesn't eat much).
Some fun facts : he cannot sleep. It's been 3 days he hasn't slept much (like 2-3 hours a night, or even zero).
He's extremely pale and slow to react, and also lost weight (he was already skinny).
But he keeps doing this thing, researching it, and giving me lectures about how his metabolism entered a new state of being or such stuff.

What can I do ? He even is avoidant of medicine and doctors now.
(I'm myself quite skeptic regarding medicine and my diet is normal regarding the standard of /fit/).
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I don't think brown people can afford being into meme diets, so if you could kindly click on the catalog button I would appreciate it.
Tell him he looks like a weak fag and that he’s being retarded. Honestly just be an asshole until he gives up. It’s really up to him tho. Is your friend Styx? Lmao
Challenge him to arm wrestling every time you see him. Give him scares about cognitive decline.
He will probably argue that he eats fishes and that therefore he's getting smarter. He's not dumb, he's a math major.

I tried, but he keeps lecturing me about how he will live 110 years old and stuff.
>math major
>into schizo shit
not surprising

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My god
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Pereira is also the same height
>That's another reason why black people are more athletic on average, higher calf insertion = longer achilles tendon = faster speed/higher jump.
American sports science.

Hint: It's really just steroids.
You conceal carry that? Lmao


“Longer Achilles tendons appear to generate more power because they stretch more,” said Hunter, a professor in the UAB Schools of Education and Health Professions. “It’s like a rubber band; the longer the stretch, the more force that can be generated to provide forward velocity while running.”
But there are ways to get around motor failure. As molecular biologists and orthopedic surgeons who study the locomotor system, we believe one key part of it has been underestimated – the tendons.

Tendons are tough tissues that connect muscle to bone. Tendons are what allow kangaroos to jump over 25 feet (7.62 meters) high and run up to 40 mph (64 kph). While their leg muscles are small, the kangaroos’ highly developed and long tendons act like powerful springs. People can also jump higher if they squat down first because their tendons store elastic energy that helps propel them upward.


Kangaroos do not take steroids, anon.

What's his IQ?
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high verbal, moderate maths
jews love IQ cuz its supposedly good for jews, however, everyone is allowed to talk about high jew IQ but not low black IQ

here's the jew president of harvard talking about IQ: https://youtu.be/1GexZF5VIMU?si=v6Xq40EhkCsHCivs

jews and im sure isratel still hate white people. but they cant talk about jew IQ

james watson gets banned and loses everything. but mr. jew here is fine

of course r3dditers whine because they are cattle
no matter, my issue with him, aside from the gay, is that his knowledge is useless to me as a natty lifter.
Any experience he has is solely relevant to training while on HGH (unesthetic bubble-gut) and roids. I want to look like Hercules.
Sounds like brainlet cope
It's as small as I can go.

be real with me /fit/
is this a good way to lose bodyfat?
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god almighty when people get their hands on AI video makers with zero restrictions or anything....
walking? Yes, the best way. Just has to be done for hours
pretzel donuts already
the treadmill is the wrong way round and she's not even going towards the doughnut/bagel mongrel

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has anyone ever thought of doing gomad but having nothing else to eat so you’re literally just having milk
seems like the only reason gomad makes people fat is because they’re ending up having up to 4000+ calories which is just overkill for most people
a gallon of full cream milk is like 2500 calories, add an extra quart or half gallon and you’re up to 3000-3500 if you’re bulking
the macros look almost perfect
fuck it I may actually try this for a few months and report back
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what about SCFAs from microbes like butyrate?
iron is poison
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Unfathomably based.

I work for a cattle / dairy farmer and want to get that delicious raw milk right from the source before they remove all the goodness from it at the dairy factory. Unfortunately, the farm I usually work at is only for drystock (calves, bulls, & heifers, so no milking sheds) and the closest of their dairy farms is at least an hour round trip. I love milk but that's a bit too much time and effort wasted, especially considering I'd have to make the trip multiple times a week, as I'm assuming raw milk doesn't keep very long, so I'm stuck with regular "milk" for now.

Thanks for singlehandedly keeping us in business, anon.
>Breakfast, lunch and dinner put me at ~2000kcals
>I cover the difference regarding bulk/cut needs with milk and eggs

Easiest and bestest diet ever
hello, you are dumb and wrong. good day.

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I have lost 50 pounds over the last year (220 to 170) and I still have a visible belly. How much lower do I need to cut before I have a flat stomach and abs?
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Please stop. I'm at my absolute limit of falling in love with girls I'll never meet. The blurry photos are fucking killing me.
stop posting cats

shit tier pet and a shit tier animal, take that shit to reddit
how did u find image
>you're not exclusively attracted to post wall landwhales so you must be a pedophile

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Advice, motivation, and workouts for femanons looking to pack on mass and strength.
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gass pack ass plap yafeeme
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Fit women are great. Big assed freaks not so much.
Non femanon but I respect these trainers and post useful and relevant stuff, I have used some of their advice to improve my form.

Meghan Callaway
Ashley Borden
Michelle MacDonald/ Yourhealthyhedonista
The woman in the op would rape the sack of bones you posted.
Just so long as I can watch.

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