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What's the bigger genetical death sentence for male physique?
Sunken chest or wide hips?
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Wide hips can be an alright feature if you're 15-20 and can pull off the twink look.
I would say narrow shoulders are worse than wide hips.
pectus cannot be fixed by exercices lmaoo
i have it and theres nothing you can do, thats just how bones are formed, if you dont have it corrected when you're young its over
Sunken chest.

Wide hips look alright in clothes and are pretty much invisible when at high body fat, the biggest thing that they do is they fuck up your proportions and make you look square even at low bf.

With a sunken chest, you're always going to be looking like a chestlet and you're going to need to work a lot harder to look like you lift.

Also as someone else said, having narrow shoulders and a small chest is worse than both.
sunken chest is the worst you can have as you cant hide it by getting more muscle

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anyone have any experience with bee pollen? yes, I saw the natural hypertrophy video but I'm fucking desperate, sneezing fits every few minutes
How old are you? My allergies have dulled greatly between 18 and 25

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Which would you prefer doing if you were given the choice between them?

Exercises =/= Sets

Just fucked my back doing these yesterday and the pain is exquisite, what did i do wrong?

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What do you guys think about doing a recomp versus a cut/bulk cycle if one is trying to leave skinnyfat mode?
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Yes anyone who isn't the top 5% of fitness can recomp no problem. Bulk and cut are only for people who have hit natty peak.


Natty peak takes a lot longer than 12 months from scratch. Recomp with a slight deficit for a couple years.
Works on paper but not irl
If you've worked out before your muscles will come back easier from my experience. If you are "skinnyfat" meaning 18% bodyfat, you can recomp. If you are "skinnyfat" but more like 25%, you need to cut. A lot of people lie to themselves because they are too weak to eat less and subsequently make no progress.

How tall are you? How much do you weigh?

25% bodyfat is even easier to recomp on than 18%. Bulk/cut only applies when you are sub 15%. Skinnyfat is above 20% which OP definitely is.

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How does one achieve this kind of mobility? I can only put the broomstick a bit over my head and back while some people bring it down to waist with close grip.
Use an exercise band first because it will stretch to fit the needs of your current mobility.

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How many calories in 1 lbs of muscle? In order to gain 1 lbs of muscle?
Muscle does not have a fixed energy density like fat. However it most likely falls somewhere between 2500 - 3500 extra calories to build around one pound of muscle.
dumb frogposter
It isn't the same as >>74241464 says.

Best solution is to focus on the fat and keep protein high. Get body comp checked every 1 to 3 months and make sure bone density, bf%, and lean muscle are in balance for your goals.

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>gym forced me to take a picture to work out
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>Home gym chads can't stop winning
Its a theft protection/brand builder from a business perspective.

If they know your face, they can associate it with you and start to be more personal.

If they know your face, they can report you if you do dumb shit, or if someone else uses the membership.

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you do eat raw liver for breakfast, right /fit/?
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*the overdosing hysteria
Guess I'll try atleast a sip in the weekend and see how it tastes. I'm pretty much only getting iodine from whatever they add to the salt / potassium that I sprinkle on my food. Don't think the water here is fluoridated, it just used to be back in the 80's or something (i live in EU).
Unsalted cooked steak tastes like nothing.

based but I don't think this will work if he created his alt channel before his main got banned? It's not like his channel is so obscure I remember that fag nick trigilli getting banned almost instantly when he tried ban evading


no such thing as evil in nachur
Yeah, rare liver tastes only slightly bitter as opposed to fully bitter. Still tastes worse than raw.
Not to mention unlike muscle meat, liver doesn't really get a nice crust, the exterior just ends as a tight, chewy af rubber when you cook it.

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Tbh. I'd rather be dyel and skinny fat than look like this
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Stop trying to be stoic or whatever you cringelord. Every. Single. Lifter. lifts for other people, you're not fooling anyone.
Lifting already is a very unhealthy hobbie, so if you're not at least looking good it serves no fucking purpose.
if he was a handsome man you wouldnt be saying poopy fart shit like this
Strongfarters are so angry itt.
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How to get that body from here? I do a lot of cardio and go to gym 4x a week. How should I eat?
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it's the opposite

squatting is fine

doing shitloads of high rep leg accessories is how you get giant mass monster quads

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Now the dust has settled, what's the genuine /fit/ verdict on the health benefits of eating raw honey?
It's tasty with tea. I like tea, so good for mental health :)
it's literally pure sugar
(and that's a good thing)
There is some research that suggests it can help boost immune system function, especially if it is locally produced.
Some results suggest anti-inflammatory effects.

My tummy likes it and any sugar is a great pre-workout

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>can't outlift the blackpills
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Sounds like women are very good at detecting useless whiners from men who are capable of providing and defending them.
How come I never spoke with anyone at the gym?
im sure a woman will fuck you one day aslong as you keep defending them online
>Stuff everyone else is expected to do also and that most of them do anyway.
But not everyone has to as long as they had enough luck when being born. I disagree with that sentiment.
Same I never talk to anybody and I've been going there for years now, only absolute well adjusted normies are socializing at the gym.

I only get spontaneous erections if I had at least 8 hours of sleep the day before and a full meal. Is this something to be concerned about? It's starting to make sense why I had a dead dick sleeping and eating like shit when I was in school and uni
>Body functions normally when not malnourished and exhausted
No shut Sherlock. Just find a way to hide the erection and you'll be fine.
would make sense why i don't ever have random erections. i've slept <6 hours on weekdays and 10+ hours on the weekend for years.

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Its over. The girl at the massage shop used basedbean oil.
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You don't own your own massage girl?
LMAO poorfag.
ꜱoybeans isoflavones aren't fucking estrogenic, they occupy estrogen receptors without activating, blocking estrogen from using them. They're fucking SERMS, like you do on PCT to keep your T levels normal, AND YOU NEED TO EAT 10 FUCKING KILOS OF THEM A DAY BEFORE YOU GET ANY KIND OF EFFECT
Is bee pollen estrogenic?
post body
Yes, but the half life of it within your system is only a year or so. Give it two years and it will be like it never happened. The skin damage should heal within 4 months with a proper diet in the meantime.

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Well /fit/?
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Seems like a land of people that lost control of their life
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As always the answer is picrel
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I am wearing sweatpants and have 3 kids and a globohomocorp cybersecurity job, the homosex might have a point.
Why say the same thing 3 times?
holy shit they massacred that quote in the translation

the original german is so much better

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