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A few months ago I started to feel this excruciating pain around my ankle that tends to radiate all the way up my Achilles tendon (highlighted area). Can’t move my foot to the left or right and I feel like the pain has completely limited my ROM in that area, haven’t been able to squat or do any sort of leg exercises due to it. Google says it might be Achilles tendinitis secondary to posterior ankle impingement, but I’m not entirely sure. Has anyone else experienced this before? If so, will stretching & rest for a couple more months help or is surgery the way to go in my case?
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What is it?
Shit sorry to hear that man, hope you don't have to go down the surgery route but in that case it'd be for the best

Well first off, try to drink a lot of electrolytes because calves tend to cramp up due the lack of hydration, this is not the root cause and won't fix anything but it will help in the long run.

Try grabbing your foot with your hand and gently mobilize it while trying to resist your hand with your foot, just enough resistance, this shouldn't be painful at all and is not meant to force your foot in complete extension, do this for a couple of weeks until you can move your feet without your hand.
Then using a towel or your bed sheets, do calf raises using the towel as resistance and pull from it, start by doing an isometric hold for however long as tolerable and increase the time and resistance over time by pulling on the towel harder.
Then do slow isolating reps focusing on partial range of motion, then increase the speed of those reps, then do a full rom.
You can also do side to side flexion but in this only do slow controlled reps and try to increase the rom over time as you do the main progression, once you can do full flexion your can do resisted circles.
After this repeat from the beginning the same progression and steps but with your feet on the floor, an isometric hold, then an isolating rep, then a full rep but here then lean on your knees to put extre resistance and complete the same progression, then lean on a single leg at the time and repeat the same progression.
Then after this repeat the same progression but standing and once you can do full reps add weight repeating the progression, just 5lbs is enough and here you can continue adding weight forever but i would recommend also doing the same progression wich are a single leg version of the same variation and once you can do 20lbs on a single leg start doing pogo hops and shock pause jumps.
On the pogo hops add weight, then a single leg version, then add weight to a single leg.
For the shock jumps, you jump off a box and land on a half squat and hold it for a second, start with a 6 inch box and add 6 inches all the way to 36 inches.
Isometrics and plyometrics are the best way to strengthen your tendons and working up all the way here will ensure your tendons don't get hurt again unless you are in a freaky accident and are completely retarded that you fuck your shit up doing something stupid.

You will probably find that the pain disappears halfway through the progression in which case you can just maintain that level but if you complete all the levels im describing you will be a lot less likely to hurt your ankles again, atleast not in the same way and if you ever need to jump or sprint and you don't do plyos you will probably find that the pain you throught gone will flare up again without the plyos.

Now to progress, you ideally want to have no pain BUT if the pain is a maximum of a 4/10 then you can work through that pain as long as the next day the pain isn't higher, ideally it should be lower over a few days or atleast stay the same but if it goes up from a tolerable 4/10 to an uncomfortable 5/10 or higher then you need to lower the volume and intensity of what you are doing.
On other case, if the pain never really goes down but you can still work through the progressions and recover function then that is also fine because now it takes more work to cause the same amount of pain.

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Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH

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Me in OP, 180 lbs 150lb lean.
Is it possible for me to get 180lbs lean?
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faglord being kinobody?

Yea, I don't plan on getting that strong, too much effort and risk of injury for what its worth. Mainly after hypertrophy for aesthetics and will never touch PEDS.
do you think a super strict diet and exercise regimen with cut and bulks for 3 years is enough to see my max genetic potential by then?
Depends how much you've already been training but you could see small gains up until your 30s
Thanks man. Guess I'll just keep grinding and see. I've been 6 months off 3 months on my whole life so consistency is probably the missing key.
Where da pebis go?

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I've apparently been doing my pushups lopsided since I started 6 months ago and now I have a muscle imbalance, is it sufficient to
1) fix my fucking form obviously
2) perform a portion of my exercises reversely lopsided temporarily
to fix it? Is this a bad idea or is there something else I should be doing? I can't look at myself in the mirror anymore because all I see and feel is the slanted lopsidedness.
retard here.
both are valid methods.
but i'd just focus on doing exercises correctly from now on.
that said, push ups need to be balanced by back exercises so you don't end up rounded forward.
inverted rows are great and noob friendly.
arch backed pull ups are advanced but also work. normal (hollow body) pull ups only increase the issue because lats also round the shoulders.
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>can do a fake one arm chinup with my right hand but can't even deadhang from my left one
>muscle imbalance so bad my back looks like a half eaten dorito when I do a lat spread

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I've been doing squats and deadlifts in my routine for about a year now, and recently I've been having knee joint pain in and outside the gym, especially when using the stairs. I decided to temporarily cut out squats and deadlifts and replaced with hip thrusts and leg press for now until I figure this out, out of fear that I might cause permanent joint pain/damage (I was ignoring it for a month or so thinking it would pass)

Has anyone gone through this? What should I do? Is there a way to fix this? Or is it possible that I'm just not built to do these kinds of movements? Everything was okay up until recently, so it seems I've hit some kind of roadblock once I got to high enough weight.

If this helps, I'm 6'2", 210lbs, and was squatting about 160lbs and DL was around 230lbs.

Fasting is stupid BUT permanent fatties love it because it gives them clear conscience to binge eat junk food late at night and that is all it is
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late night binge eating is the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do for IF
And there is the problem. Skip breakfast, lunch and dinner and hello binge.
I don't know man. Fasting feels good to me. Food is often such a chore, especially if you're super active and have to maintain tons of calories. It's nice to not have to eat.
Anons will I get loose skin if I fast for days routinely?

stop doing high reps and high volume

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gf tells me I need to quit finasteride cause she iss scared it is bad for me, and that is is causing me depression and erectile dysfunction

I do have trouble staying hard sometimes but its because Im fat and dont do cardio and eat like crab and use nicotine and caffeine

I dont wanna quit fin, she doesnt care if I bald but I need to look out for myself and were just dating, not married. so if we dont work out I need to make sure I look good physically still...

what do I say to her???
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Anyone with a hair transplant (even a botched one like Trump's) takes fin
she want you to get bald, so that you lose any remaining dating options and she can get fat. what she's saying is broscience bullshit not supported by any studies, it's like 2% of user suffering adverse reactions, which is incredibly low, basically OTC tier, and go away once it's out of the system
Absolutely deranged replies kek...i wish this board had IDs or flags
I've been dealing with a receding hairline since I was a goddamn teenager but I would never resort to taking medicine to fight a natural and perfectly normal occurrence.
I live for me and not for she.
120+ replies
Didn't read
Bait tranny thread

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what everyday things should I be doing/avoiding in order to increase test?
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why did he cross the road?
get blood checked to see if you have a vitamin deficiency, for me it was B12 which i never even thought of before and apparently it impacts test
dubs and this faggot dies in his sleep tonight
you're probably one of my favourite posters on this board desu

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I have an 8 year old unopened bag of mutant mass. any reason it might not be good to consume? Was kept in a relatively cool basement. the entire time.
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hmm... I'd probably not risk it given protein is grain based, it's got a higher potential for nasty bacteria than a whey based one would over the same amount of time.
If you're insistent on it, try a shake once with one scoop, wait a week and see if you develop any food sickness symptoms; if you do, toss it. if not, you're probably fine. if you're super stressed about bacteria, I know there's cooked recipes using protein powder that would render it more food safe by default.
thanks ill try this if I end up opening it.
thread theme


Being smaller and lighter is clearly an advantage in gymnastics and calisthenics, what are some other /fit/ pursuits where terminal manletism is a strength?
i'm 5'5" and sometimes i imagine i'm like levi from attack on titan flying around and twirling
i should get into gymnastics
The average weight for the winners was between 110-140 pounds, make sure to stay lean my dude
>what are some other /fit/ pursuits where terminal manletism is a strength?
Horse Jockey.
>Being smaller and lighter is clearly an advantage in gymnastics and calisthenics, what are some other /fit/ pursuits where terminal manletism is a strength?

Race car driving, horse racing/riding. You have to be small and light. Same thing for chimney cleaners

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Are briefs too gay to wear to the gym?
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Yes, I don't wear any underwear
>mantyboy at my gym

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>go to model casting
>get rejected because I'm too tall and muscular
help me /fit/, how do I cope
>help me /fit/, how do I cope
By becoming more muscular. I would also recommend becoming taller but that is a bit harder to accomplish.
Nice problem to have.
Find another casting more suited to your body type.

Or take the long option and demand that you not be discriminated against for being a tall muscular person
Get fat and come back in 5 years.

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How much bodyfat% do powerlifters have?

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Many of us seek to be straight edge Natty to avoid harming ourselves (drugs killed the Great Zyzz) by not taking illegal substances but do any of you abuse legal substances? Roidfags and stimjunkies need not to respond.
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What is legal and not a stim? I abuse caffeine and nicotine
Also I dose charcoal every morning for detoxing from previously poisonous lifestyle
Here's muh diet guru
>What is legal and not a stim
Alcohol, some of the more unpleasant psychedelics like salvia and jimsonweed.
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I don't know anyone who calls themselves straight edge and uses alcohol or psychedelics. Maybe some sx guys are coming back to things like psilocybin for micro dosing. Others I'm sure are open to mega dosing psychs under care for therapeutic purposes, if you put stock in that.
I don't know one sx who doesn't abuse legal stims lmao, bunch of coffee junkies. Nicotine is making a huge comeback in non tobacco forms like zyn, rogan is pushing the neuroprotective side. Fun fact, I think if you read genereux, you see why nicotine helps. Retinol is toxic, and nicotine destroys retinol in serum (in the blood).
I'm zynning right now

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