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the average european mogs 90 percent of americans for a reason besides a healthy diet
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You're horribly mistaken.
some eu countries get flooded with eastern euro migrants which isn't great but isn't the worst. france gets the worst from africa though.
There isn't one redeeming quality about the modern US. Any argument about walkability would have been nice 10-20 years ago when this place still stood a chance. It's simply too infested with problematic elements. New England is still kind of nice but increasingly poor and Anglos have no will to fight, absolutely no idea who their enemy is anymore. There is still time to leave before the election this year and many here should.
living in sweden was the most miserable point of my life, much worse than SoCal.
the average scandi is 10x more suicidal than the average american
most miserable people are the dutch. terrible, terrible, terrible, people. they're the only ones I'm actually happy are being replaced. most other euro countries have something going for them. netherlands is just a reddit country with the most awful people to ever life.

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Got my first massage. Didnt know i was going to end up sore and tired.
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you'll regret it...
well if the place is trash lol, nothing unsexier than her saying "NO YOU PAY ME MORE" and jackhammers your shit and ya leaving feeling like you got robbe
I went to an Asian massage place, paid $175, and then got kissed up and down my body, fucked her doggy style and finished with a handjob as she looked me in the eyes and kissed my nipples. Recommend
My back is really hairy I’m not doing that
Have always wanted to get a professional massage but it’s just too pricey plus I have some back acne that makes me self conscious
No girl I’ve dated has ever remotely put any effort in rubbing my back and that pisses me off
Yeah your second feelings are right, a normal massage will probably make you feel better too

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Do you flex at your local Walmart, /fit/
Mel gibson?
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I follow this dude on insta. Hes got some cool stuff

how's your mental fitness going? are you staying on track in a sustainable way?
any goals or routines you're working on?
Mental health continuing it's steady decline. All plans put on hold unless I win the lottery. There is no hope for me, leave me behind bros, I was never going to make it, it was over before it even began.

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Took this just for you OP
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Is this the thread?
gay thread
bro get some moisturizer god damn

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Millenial men are honestly so low T. Go to any bar with older people, and it's nothing but this.

What a travesty of a generation
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Lol brown
The Crypto Jew who is explicitly pro-White?
The last 100ish posts have been exclusively about Jews

Man this would have been shitty b8.not so long ago. Zoomers are very online and resentful.

Should I trust this guy
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Yea, his advice is generally solid if mostly fairly basic. But he's been doing it for longer than pretty much anyone. He is on TRT, but I think he said he started that in his 50s, and he was already jacked. Regardless if you believe him, the advice he gives isn't the type that would only apply to enhanced lifters (unlike many juicers). Can't really argue with his results.
faggot, jewish, and on tren
Early stuff yes, late stuff no. If you want a good rule, only watch stuff from before the doxxing.
Not really.
Skateboard squats are a bad idea reminiscent of a Smith machine.
But at least he tried to interact with us, he was our riddlemaster for a short while.

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2 things that have occured as a result of this inflation:
1) My dollar doesn't stretch as far
2) Because of #1, I don't have the money to go help my mental health and do something fun, whether it be attend a sports game, a DIY project, etc.

I pretty much just work, be a dad, go to the gym, hunt and fish.

I shot 3 deer this year just because its easier to kill and proccess them myself and get out the vaccuum sealer and get 100lbs in free meat as opposed to going and buying it. But man, I miss when I could just go buy a ribeye, or when Salmon wasn't insanely expensive.

Yes this is fitness related, and its health related. Really kind of feels like seasonal depression but its like I'm poor again (I make > 6figs).

Anyone else in the same boat? What are you doing to pass the time and enjoy
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Salmon is like $8/lb by me which is cheaper than a McDonald’s burger. Been eating salmon and veggies twice a week for months now.
Yeah, if you want to live in the centre of Toronto or somewhere that prices are beyond retardation.
I did the math and even if this guy saved every penny making $100k annually it would still take ~24 months to make enough for a down payment on a decent house which would probably be rated 25% higher than what it is now in that time. How the fuck does this nigga have time to raise 3 kids unless him and his wife make like 300k+ total? Fuck it. Crash this shit already.
>What are you doing to pass the time and enjoy
Learning about war, monetary policy, the financial system. Prepping for what comes in about 5-6 months. Don't have time for much else these days. I draw and write music too, sometimes I write.

You can still buy a ribeye and good fish, or lumber or whatever. The dollar is fake and gay, it has been made so. Feed yourself and your woman well, anon. Enjoy life. Time is fleeting. Death is always near.
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Basically all of the GTA is near a million for a detached house, The prices on houses in Southern Ontario and BC are so high they bring up the average income required for a mortgage for a house in Canada well over 100k, its like 130 or 140 right now. Even in Alberta it's over 100k average, obviously that's mostly Calgary and surrounding area.

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Post height and weight with a current image of your body
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>Gobu out of nowhere
Rent free
Yeah, I do. I’m 30 years old.
No you don’t, I’m 22 and mog you so if someone as good looking as me is still single I don’t believe you
We’ve been together 10 years; long-term relationships are built 90% on actually building a connection with someone. Gains and some semblance of a personality might get you sex but they wi not earn you a wife.
probably not doing enough

I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys. Getting back into weights now and I just want to brosplit.

Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls. What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?
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behind the back cable curls

I do these standing and just brace myself with a staggered stance
3 sets to 1-2RIR and my biceps are cooked
>base of strength
please stop with this, never mention it ever again
Ok dyel
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Just do Scooby's home dumbbell and barbell workout.
I got more gains on this in 2 months than I did on 8 months of Starting Strength.

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In your experience, is picrel reasonable?

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>enter gym
Great song choice, anon
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>enter gym

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>quit finasteride since 1 years
>dick still doesn't work like before, looks different

Why did you tell me it was ok?
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Fin takers cannot smell it though very strange
Most medicines cause ED, you can't change your daily functions and not expect repercussions.

Welcome to being a tranny dude, now kill yourself. You fucking deserve it.
I could smell it when I took fin, it was like I was always smelling my own ass. but it was sort of sweeter and sickly.
god help any fin takers in public. shit STINKS
>trannies are ignorant to how smelly and disgusting they are
who knew?

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>12 Oz of water
>One large banana
>Four medium strawberries
>One scoop of Isopure creamy vanilla
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>vaniller whey
>greek yogurt
>chia seeds
>orange juice
>ginger if im expecting soreness
Am I doing too much?
that's a lot of fruit. i would dial most of it back it but it's not a big deal. unironically add 1/4 cup half and half cream, it will help the protein digest :)
water + whey (zero lac or isolate) is all you need
if you do anything else YNGMI
Why would you want more protein in your protein shake?
One glass of fat free fairlife, two scoops gnc choco protein, 1 scoop creatine, 1 scoop sugar free greek yogurt, 2 capsules fenugreek.

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How do I get bigger biceps? I have been lifting for a year and still got 14 inchers
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how is that too much? its just 2 exercises per biceps, 4 totalling the week
should i start with triceps everytime then? sometimes i switch it up and start with biceps, then next week i do triceps, then shoulders
do i really need 3 exercises for my triceps?
are my triceps really that small?
>are my triceps really that small?
You should start with your lagging muscle. If it's Triceps, you should be 33% more sets than Biceps. Eventually when they even out, you can go back to your rotation but still give Triceps more sets.
T - take care of yourself
R - regulate your nutrition
E - eat lots of protein
N - never give up
The huge bicep peak with no triceps makes sense now. You need to rearrange your program and use less sets with more weight. You're also doing an arnold split with only one shoulder exercise. Very dumb but if you don't care about shoulders its whatever. Something like this would be more in line with a proper shoulder/arm day in an arnold split
>OHP 3x6-10
>triceps pushdown 3x6-10
>EZ-Bar curls 3x6-10
>lateral raises 4x8-12
>skullcrushers 3x8-12
>dumbbell bicep curls 3x8-12
>dumbbell overhead triceps extension 3x8-12
>reverse pec dec 3x10-15

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Who was in the wrong here?
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Lmfao we gotta get him and Larry Gooseman together
Maybe white people and black people aren't so different after all
how do you respond without sounding mad?

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