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Thoughts on Trainer Winny?

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anyone else shave their body hair
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my body hair is pretty non-existent since starting hrt so I only have to do it rarely.
I don't have much body hair. If I was that way inclined I'd make a good trap 2bh :3

I don't have chest, stomach or bum hair. My pubic and leg hair is pretty fine. I have thick underarm hair tho, which I trim to a 3 guard with my beard trimmer once a month.
Only because it doesn't grow in right. My chest only grows hair between my pecs. It's terrible.
show tummy
I've been waxing for 7 years.

What is your Daily routing look like? Here's mine.

5:00 AM- Rise
5:02 AM- Piss (with upset tumtum)
5:30 AM- Finish pissing and brush teeth with guacamole (no toothpaste)
5:33 AM- Grease shower (to get my hair right)
5:33 AM- Step out shower because tummy hurts
5:34 AM- Arrive at gym and rip 3 grav bongs and eat a pollo grande (alive)
5:45 AM- Lift (full body, 40 half sets of chair sits and phone scrolls plus 30 minutes of cardio shifting on the toilet.
7:30 AM- Send a bomb threat to a synagogue
8:00 AM- Clock in at my job (the biscuit)
8:10 AM- Ignore customers and sit on my phone browsing lifting memes
9:55 AM- Get cut and clock out of work without doing sidework.
10:00 AM- Bomb synagogue
10:15 AM- Arrive home and speed read genshin impact fan fiction (that I wrote)

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This shit is already affecting my motivation to lift weights. Like, what's the point if you are a subhuman male with a small dick?
>inb4 greek ideal
They fucked little boys and not real women otherwise the ideal would be a big one.
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I still think that I am doing worse than you. I make 70K Aussie buckaroos after tax, I am 175cm, I am Norwood 5 at 23, but my penis is 20cm long and 15cm in girth. Yes, I am a virgin. Oh yeah, I am 95kg.
Take solace in the fact you never need to worry about showing bulge. Large penis is simply more trouble than it’s worth
Get over yourself, retard
Find a woman who doesn't care (ie a non whore), and you're set
>just wear this $500 medieval stretching rack on your dick for +8 hours a day, everyday, with proper warm up, maintaining heat, and cool down, for a year straight to "maybe" get at most 1" and only if you're lucky
yes i've read the studies
>already boasts 7"
you and your jelqing cult are all insane porn addicts
What if I buy some of those red lights for red light therapy and put them directly on my dick/balls?

>Step 1: don't be fat

That's it
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c'est fini
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God i want to lick her tummy!
Didn't she retire because she fucked her health? Turns out gaining over 200 pounds in a year isn't a good thing.
This is probably the most sane thing I've read on /fit, you get it. I've lost the same amount of weight as op and I look nothing like that. Having grown up overweight it is actually genuinely shocking how little food you actually need to eat as a short woman and I think a lot of women will never understand that simply because of the messages around them. If I tell my friends how much I eat in a day they ask if I'm OK and start worrying about whether I have an eating disorder or not, truth is I'm still eating plenty for my height. Greatest lie I've been told by society is that you need 3 meals a day. 3 meals is way too much for women

>see attractive woman with well-endowed posterior with her pants hiked up her ass working out next to me
>get a funny feeling in my weewee and have to turn around and try to be inconspicuous
How do I prevent this?
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start a set and make the blood flow to your muscles instead
Just be yourself is good advice if you're hot enough.
You get to be natural, that's easier, and if the girl gets the ick from that, there's an other one behind the next corner.
Eventually you'll find one that is ok with you being you, that's a better first step than most modern relationships.
Flex your leg muscles. The other day I was doing bench press and this girl passed in front of me. The curve of her hips looked really appealing so I started to stiffen, but right away I started flexing all of my leg muscles and I managed to keep it from becoming visible
>flex chicken legs
>penis vanishes

lol bad news, chicken little
I'm talking about blood flow, genius

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the average european mogs 90 percent of americans for a reason besides a healthy diet
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You're horribly mistaken.
some eu countries get flooded with eastern euro migrants which isn't great but isn't the worst. france gets the worst from africa though.
There isn't one redeeming quality about the modern US. Any argument about walkability would have been nice 10-20 years ago when this place still stood a chance. It's simply too infested with problematic elements. New England is still kind of nice but increasingly poor and Anglos have no will to fight, absolutely no idea who their enemy is anymore. There is still time to leave before the election this year and many here should.
living in sweden was the most miserable point of my life, much worse than SoCal.
the average scandi is 10x more suicidal than the average american
most miserable people are the dutch. terrible, terrible, terrible, people. they're the only ones I'm actually happy are being replaced. most other euro countries have something going for them. netherlands is just a reddit country with the most awful people to ever life.

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Got my first massage. Didnt know i was going to end up sore and tired.
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you'll regret it...
well if the place is trash lol, nothing unsexier than her saying "NO YOU PAY ME MORE" and jackhammers your shit and ya leaving feeling like you got robbe
I went to an Asian massage place, paid $175, and then got kissed up and down my body, fucked her doggy style and finished with a handjob as she looked me in the eyes and kissed my nipples. Recommend
My back is really hairy I’m not doing that
Have always wanted to get a professional massage but it’s just too pricey plus I have some back acne that makes me self conscious
No girl I’ve dated has ever remotely put any effort in rubbing my back and that pisses me off
Yeah your second feelings are right, a normal massage will probably make you feel better too

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Do you flex at your local Walmart, /fit/
Mel gibson?
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I follow this dude on insta. Hes got some cool stuff

how's your mental fitness going? are you staying on track in a sustainable way?
any goals or routines you're working on?
Mental health continuing it's steady decline. All plans put on hold unless I win the lottery. There is no hope for me, leave me behind bros, I was never going to make it, it was over before it even began.

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Took this just for you OP
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Is this the thread?
gay thread
bro get some moisturizer god damn

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Millenial men are honestly so low T. Go to any bar with older people, and it's nothing but this.

What a travesty of a generation
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Lol brown
The Crypto Jew who is explicitly pro-White?
The last 100ish posts have been exclusively about Jews

Man this would have been shitty b8.not so long ago. Zoomers are very online and resentful.

post stats and advice if you have any. post physique too if you want.


>thread theme
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I'm a weremanlet. In the morning my height is 6'0" on the dot, but in the evening after the spine compresses I lose .25-.5 inches of height. Am I done for?What should I do? I'm 185 lbs.
This is what I mean by stop being a faggot. Nobody wants to sleep with you because you talk like a whiney faggot.
>waaaaah I'm 5'6
I'm 5'8. I still get laid. Probably because I don't sound like you.
>19.5" shoulders
i look fucking ridiculous
i can't even trannymax or dwarfmode because I can't grow a beard
I tried the just don't talk about height bro cope and it doesn't work unsurprisingly since its the first thing everyone noticises, it's like being deformed or something maybe people won't directly comment on it out of pity but they'll still think you're a freak. Women don't want manlets they only want tall men. No one could ever respect a manlet incel
It's not about not talking about height. It's that when you're resentful and bitter (about height or anything else), everyone notices, and nobody wants to talk to someone who's resentful and bitter

Post your current PR Song?

I’ll start:

>Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California
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lmaooo OP album is 200 times better than the tryhard shit you posted
Not the Melvins song

gojira stranded


have actually crushed PRs to this, it's the power of feels

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Empty plate edition

Welcome to the fasting general.

>How to start fasting
By not eating anything, duh.

>But fasting is bad for you
I don't care if it is. If you don't want to fast, then don't. Mind your own business.

Remember your electrolytes on longer fasts.
Listen to your body and don't force it if you feel like shit.

Do your own research and remember, some anons are here just to troll and some might give you misinformation.
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Oh damn, thought u needed as much snuice as possible.
drink more water niggy.
I gave up after 55 hours and stuffed into 2.7k cals...
Im guessing you didnt read the box, kek. Idk what weight range for the 1.5L(500ml x 3) a day is but Im assuming it won't hurt you if youre obese to drink 4L for a day. I wouldnt recommend doing that anymore as Im sure you body won't like the excesses in some form or another.

Just keep in mind that snake juice helps with fasts, but is not required. It has a low upper limit, not a high minimum.
Went on a bender for 4 days last week. Gained 23lbs. Been fasting the last two days, have been pissing clear water every other hour all day long. Already lost most of that weight. It's insane how much water weight my body retains.

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