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t shirt weather is here
i'm not ready
i bulked for too long
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Time to start that Bulgarian method water fast 14 days. 90% 1rm every day on each lift.
yeah right fatso
it's joever.

ive been dizzy and lightheaded lately and read that the cause could be low electrolytes. i cook almost everything i eat and turns out i wasnt getting enough salt (even by government standards, which are low)

after taking 1/4-1/2tsp of salt and 1/4tsp potassium citrate with 500 ml of water 2-3 times a day for a week ive noticed a few nice improvements

the biggest one is im less thirst and dry all the time, especially my eyes and airways. i used to be kind of dry and wheezy and now theres lots of nice salty mucous in there lol

im shooting for about 4 grams of sodium daily, which is a bit under 2 teaspoons of salt. should i go even higher?

how much salt are you getting?
>eat one (1) pickle
yep Im good
I'm just liberal with salt because it tastes good and I drink lots of fruit and vegetable juices plus dairy for potassium.
it's easy to not get enough if you drink too much water
yes, you should be drinking a lot of water, but if you drink too much, you need to replenish your electrolytes you just washed out
aim for your pee to be pale straw yellow color, not clear
yes i think alot of people are drinking more water than the need. strangely since ive started with the salts my pee has been super clear every time even though im drinking the same amount of water, or even a bit less

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look at these cockwombles redefining "1 cup" to 240ml instead of the standard 250ml so all their "per serve" stats look better
Thanks for reminding me to drink water
Think I drank a bad gallon once and got explosive shits. And I mean explosive. Sitting down and the shit still reached escape velocity from the bowl and got all over my legs and balls. Not even talking about splashback which was also occurring
Per serving. Similar amount to regular whole milk, but a lot more sugar.

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are they really shit or is that just a meme?

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Push day final boss
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I prefer standing Machine bench
Muscle groups closest to your core get the most blood flow and recover the fastest
Is that why my forearms never seem to fully recover? I need to change up my split bc arm days use them too much and they start to fail before the target muscles. Inversely, I'm never convinced i hit my abs hard enough, regardless of how intense i work them, they only stay sore for like 12 hours
i do these with 22kg dumbbells, just get gud
let's fucking go

literally me

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So I'm thinking about starting rugby in my local amateur league. It's full tackle and all that, practice twice a week. My stats are:

5'10" at 195lbs
165 OHP
320 Bench
360 Squat
465 DL
run 3 times a week, 2x 4.25 miles and 1x 6+ miles. No sprinting though, I'm slow currently

Most people playing this are kids 18 and 19 and guys in their 40s, I'm 36.

Anyone else do anything like this? What am I in for? Also general sport thread
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Well fucked that one, accelerated well but between 80-150m sorta lost the rhythm/relaxed too much and ended up blowing out to a 39.2 so a bit off what I wanted
But the 39 felt far easier than that pace used to be so that's good I think
Might come out on the weekend for another time trial or will leave it for another 6 weeks for the next rest and test week

What does the training regimen for that look like? How do you get faster?
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As someone into black chicks or really any chick it's a great time to be alive.
Full contact sport at a non professional level is for drunk wankers to be able to punch people in the back of the head without consequences.
Just do MMA. At least it's honest and you'll see the asshole coming.

What is the most horrific lift or accident you've encountered with your own two eyes?
i once ripped my favorite lifting short after my glutes got thicc and i went for a pr
I ripped the skin.
Arab dude tried ego lifting dumbells in front of his gf. He tried doing curls to the side and dislocates his arm.
Some Indian dude came along and tried to "pop it back in", making him yell even louder

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What is your thoughts?
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It's a clickbait title, video shits on smoking and explains in detail why.
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Why don't you just not inhale the smoke lmao
Like a cigar
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ermmm wrong
Always has been. The 2 pack a day addicts ruined it for everyone else
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Smoking isn't so bad as long as you don't use that passive aggressive scientific nerd GMO tobacco which is sprayed with cancer causing glyphosate, washed in bleach and has a million different endocrine disruptors added to it in order to pwn capitalism thank you science!

>Why yes, I do primarily train dips for chest, how could you tell?
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gyno truly is hell
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Gyno bros, are your pecs soft even if you work on them?
Only way you can get women to suck on your male tits.
I may be short, fat, bald, and autistic, but at least I don't have gyno hah.
I've had several girls compliment my mantiddies and my last gf did indeed like to suck on them.

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Last thread was autosaged for its edition edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Huge Hambeasts who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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Okay, take your opinion and shove it up your ass.
No, it’s not inflammation you pseudoscience peddling retard.
Saturated fat causes inflammation
First step is water only. Don’t drink calories.
Describe your symptoms. Offer 2 alternatives that you think might help and ask them for their opinion or if they agree.

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What exercises should I do to be able to do this?
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suss out a running club or social sports game (football is the most common one) in your area. Might as well give it a go
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Add these four calisthenics exercises to your powershitting routines and you'll be thanking me later for being functional human being.>>74221284
No, and it's not a meme
He's not getting full ROM if he leans in bro
Neck hangs until reincarnation as an Asian man

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I never got side delt activation, particularly a pump , until i started doing partial reps with more resistance doing upright rows
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don't responf to him bro until he explains himself, i asked very valid question here:

my suspicion is that it;s an bot trying to trick people into doing upright rows lol :D
>needs to get a pump
the dyel trap
>needs to get a pump
no no no no no
he said he got pump, i want to know how he knows it was "pump on side delt"
>do impingement rows
return of the schizo

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/fit/ sisters, is it normal to experience period pain? or is it a result of our diets. does ginger help? Could working out more and fasting make periods shorter and lighter?
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i just want to chime in and say that period sex is p based.
that is all
I pump at night to keep up demand
You jest but may be surprised how common it is for husbands to get rid of clogs I’ve already warned mine
not jesting, i did this a lot while my wife was breastfeeding, albeit not to cover my caloric intake. it was a very nice bonding experience, erotic at times, wholesome and romantic at others and i remember it fondly.
It's not normal to experience periods.
I can fix that temporarily for the next nine months and then we can repeat if you know what I mean

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Bros how do I stop eating out of boredom? Not a lot goes on during my days and I tend to eat more, which is ruining my fat loss. I'm strong but my body is still blubbery and fat.
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just game
you can't get food during a league match and when its over i just insta queue
get into reading

i mean actually good books like classic literature, substantial nonfiction about history philosophy science .etc.

set yourself a rule to not eat again until you get past x amount of pages (like 50 ish depending on your pace and the book). stretch your legs and grab a cup of tea every hour or so.
Thanks anons I'll try all of these. I just got a Miyamoto Musashi book from the library.
Fluoextine did it for me.
No food in the house
>but thats totally impractical and to save money I need to go to costo and buy in bulk i also dont have enough tim....
No food in the house.

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How strong do I have to be at weighted pull ups and rows to get a back like this natural young woman?
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Maked, excuse me, im going to kms
You are the dyel. I have spend my life inside the gym since 2012 and I can count with one hand the times I have seen a woman that would have a back like that. And with one hand I mean more like one finger.

I was gonna say in the context with women that would be the equivalent of seeing someone like Jeff Seid's physique in the gym but thats not even true. Roiding is so much more common among men that that happens literally weekly if not almost daily so its not even remotely close to being as rare.

That is an absurd physique for a female and you are fucking delusional and never been inside the gym and interacted with females if you disagree.
Reads like someome who has never tried to lift heavy in their entire life
Patty is either trans or chemically enhanced. No natty woman is looking like that I'm sorry
women who roid are disgusting. You have to wonder who molested them honestly

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