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How many pump sets are too much?
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do blacks produce choccy milk?

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>Deadlifting in a graveyard
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>rows in a lingerie store
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>getting away with it in a squat rack
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>dips in the chip n dip
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>Quarter squats in the bank
Rack pulls at Hooters

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Fuking sucks. Misc sucked towards the end, but it was still one of the few half decent places on the internet. Is there anything the 2020s won’t take away?
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You talking about that iceman phaggot?
>Is there anything the 2020s won’t take away?
this site will be dead by 2030
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>be fat
>get /fit/, use cico counting calories
>six pack and all
>three years later
>got fat again
>too much alcohol and partying
>ok, just do a small cut, i've done this before and wanna keep my muscle so 150 calorie deficit
>months pass, dont lose shit
>ok, up exercise, 250 calorie deifict, count my calories religiously
>months pass, dont lose shit
>wtf, up exercise to 5-6 times a week, 350 deficit, cardio, make sure I even count spices and sauces even though its minimal, quit even recreational 1-2 alcohol drinks every other week
>months pass
>still fucking fat
What the fuck? Am I sick or something? This shit worked fine just before. I went to the doctor and got all types of tests including a full blood panel and I'm good in all categories.
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ty friendo
Slow cuts are garbage. They only really work for people on peds. Your metabolism will flex up or down 10%, then you get exercise and your non-exercise activity falls off. So on the whole you're just eliminating your deficit quietly. You cut hard with enough protein you can even cheat and keep losing weight if you can keep your lifts up your won't lose much muscle which involves prioritizing intensity over volume.
>be fat
>start training in boxing
>lift weights
>start running
>don't count calories, just use common sense
>fit as fuck
>strong as fuck
>fast as fuck
>really good shape
>feel really comfortable just in general
>everything is easy
>physical labour is 100X easier
>mid 2016

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
start tracking body measurements and keeping progress pics
Based. Can't wait to see how fit you are next year

Is this real?
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that's me and yes it's real, but like the other anon said it's been shopped to make me look smaller
you get this with push ups and lateral raises for 3 months
Yeah all you need for that is SS and GOMAD
And Powerthirst.
his body looks like one of the “leaked” pics of the ps4 from 2009 where the controller had a million buttons

Fit i thought you said muscles were for brokies.

Were you faggots lying the whole time?
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Did AI wrrite this?
Because they started doing TRT
>Fit i thought you said muscles were for brokies.
Who has ever said that here?
Did you come from /biz/ retard?
Even more thoughtless, a commie.

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ITT:Post the most brutal of mogs
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this has to be so damn soul crushing for him. going to a convention where you can play and be around all the other dysgenic outcast losers in your social class, and a buff chad jock is waiting there to mog you. did he an hero later in his hotel room?
that's clearly a roidtranny
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mogs you

Where do you clock in /fit/?
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And it applies to civilization and total war too. Your rewards in those games are when you get stronger which happens with nearly every click. It’s thousands of small goals which are simple to do in order and they lead closer to the longer term goal of being the strongest.
All of those small successes require close to 0 effort.
What are you implying here?
What tier would you put world of Warcraft at?
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Waaaày bellow F tier in its own category anon. Don't believe me?
Completely cut masturbation and porn and see the difference.

>*kills you*
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This bot thinks the post is about eggs killing you and not shell fragments. It managed to recognize the image as an egg but wasn't quite advanced enough to make sense of what that white triangle is.
how? you don't chew your food?
shells are hard as fuck, the moment your teeth tries to mow some, your brain will be sending a big alert to you
Once you get older than 12 you just chew the shell a few times and swallow
You can literally crush the shell to powder between your fingers.

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How to stop eating so fucking much?
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I unironically grew out of sugar, fats and synthetic food by just checking the macros of a few satiating and nutritious foods and sticking to them. I set no limits to eating nutritious food but cutted out anything remotely bad for you (this was my grandma philosophy of eating, god bless her). Your body ends up self regulating.
You can eat LOTS of food if you are not a couch potato, just avoid trash and eat actual food. Its that simple.
Add zyn and black coffee to this stack and remove everything else
You miss my point.
Seasoned food is palatable and tasty. We naturally want to eat more of something that tastes good.
Bland food is boring and a chore to eat. We eat it because we have to, not because it's pleasurable.
Seasoning is not fattening, that's not my argument. Seasoning just makes it tempting to go for that second helping at the risk of overstuffing yourself. That's why I suggested bland food. It's harsh, but helpful for people that regularly consume highly palatable slop (aka: most if not all fatties).
How about you start by cutting out slop you fucking goyturd, worry about calories after you no longer consume seed oil, grains, sugar, alcohol, artificial anything, preservatives, anything with more grams of fat than protein. Consume only vegetables, dairy but no high fat cheeses, and lean meat.
eat the same amount but do it one time a day
the longer you go, the more your stomach will shrink throughout the day, causing you to want to eat less. your next single meal you won't eat as much. and some days you'll have to just force yourself, but it werks.

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You might already be dehydrated.
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Smelly dumb Tankie scum
are you talking about tall glasses because thats pretty much exactly the recommendation (8 cups iirc)
burgers live in arid desertland, are morbidly obese and hydrate primarily with corn syrup and cola, as they are beyond retarded niggercattle their gubbermint has to psyop them into drinking water, among other things, so they stop dropping dead
No bottled water snob would drink Dasani.
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These are jews, its actually bad to drink too much water and you piss away your testosterone

Drink LESS, drink when you are actually very thirsty

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>Been working out consistently for a while
>Body's changed
>It's a positive-feedback loop
>Every time that gym time comes up I feel happy.
>I'm nothing special, but I begin seeing I'm stronger than 90% of the people I know and see on the streets
>Even get some light mires now and then
>Dating this girl, it's a walking date
>She dares me to do abs
>She does like 4 before tiring herself out
>I do 30 in a row
>She asks me to lift her
>I do it effortlessly (she's taller and has a bigger frame than me, kek).

Damn, it feels good bros. I should've done this since I was 15.
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nice bro, keep going. make sure to rawdog that girl asap.
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>she's taller and has a bigger frame than me
>>I do 30 in a row
you're overdoing it dyel
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Found a pic of OP and his bride

Why is the fitness community scared of becoming fatbuff when bulking?
Social media profitability

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Activated tobacco
based what bf% is built fat
Purely in pictures yes. In person it has an inarguable effect
>thick hands and forearms
never, this is an oldfag thing only as they weren't bombarded by microplastics and birthcontrol tap water during their developmental phases.
us zoomerniggers get to have bitch wrists, barring the very rare outliers

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Is there any point running a mile every day?
I lift, I don’t cardio other than I do 10-20k steps a day
is adding a mile run in to this a decent boost or a pointless waste of time like going to the gym and doing 1 set?
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this is awful
what do you weigh? is it hard on your joints?
You really don't. It isn't doing anything that important you can't get from other routes
Actually I am of the camp that if you lift hard that will be enough cardio for basic health
I looked my best when I jogged in place for 20-30 minutes every morning before breakfast/work. Not a treadmill just moving in place. I broke the habit and tried doing a cardio bike and it didn’t give the same results. Now I have to get my mind reprogrammed to like it again.

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