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Is there any definitive proof that vegetables are required? I haven't had any since I was like 8 and my parents stopped forcing me.
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>Yeah I'm sure your super serious study from rural Iran (lmao) is much more legit. Your lack of essential nutrients has rotten your brain, my retarded vegan friend.
Yes human outcome data is much more important than what you posted which is literally just speculating on what *might* happen. You could easily shut me up by posting any study spanning a few hundred people who eat more vegetables and had higher rates of kidney stones but we both know that data does not exist because vegetables are good for you.
And you're still 8 on a spiritual level because of it.
Picky eater rationalizer
>That's one smoothie if you're one of those autists who can't eat food like a normal person.
I like blueberries but Im not going to eat a punnet and a half of berries when i can just get the same vitamins from eating another food. That's stupid and entirely unreasonable.
Completely agree, your post has big pp energy

I literally just want to get as hot of a body as soon as possible (by June).

I used to lift for about 2.5 years from 2017-2020 (until COVID) and started back up last December once I finished grad school and got a real job. I'm looking much better now but honestly I just want to roid troon and cheat.

I don't care ***at all*** if it takes a few years off my lifespan, I just don't want my balls to shrink or hte gyno which can be avoided with PCT on short 8 week first cycle.

Should I just do it even if my diet and exercise aren't completely optimal yet?

For context I'm a skinnyfat (6'2 170 lbs at about 14% BF) 33 year old gay former twink.

I'm thinking of doing an 8-10 week cycle starting in February after the holidays when I won't be traveling and one the new years shitters leave.
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>literally just want to get as hot of a body as soon as possible (by June)
No fucking way in hell.
>I'm thinking of doing an 8-10 week cycle
Now i consider this post a weak bait.
> as hot of a body as soon as possible (by June).
>short 8 week first cycle.
>I just don't want my balls to shrink
>Should I just do it even if my diet and exercise aren't completely optimal yet?
You haven't even pinned and you're fucking this up already.
Roids arent a fucking game. 99.9% of people have no business roiding, you're already one of them.
You'll look exactly the same as you do now but with a little more muscle mass, and very likely alot fatter.
But you'll probably do some stupid ass "minmaxxing" bullshit 200mg/week and wind up with no gains at all.
People used to take steroids to get fucking huge.
Nowadays faggots are risking their health with this "microdosing" bullshit with just over TRT doses plus 20mg anavar just to look like a slightly better natty.
500 test c/wk for minimum 16 weeks. I guess you could use test p instead or at least for the first few weeks but honestly there’s a 100% chance you’ll fuck it up so I I don’t really recommend it. Really though, almost everyone fucks up the first cycle somehow (I crashed my e2 for like ten weeks lol) and you’ll most likely end up fat as fuck and need to cut hard before your second but I think in12-18 months you could look pretty good. Cruise at 150-200mg test a week for 8-12 weeks between cycles. You basically have to do just test to start because e2 management takes time to figure out and the more compounds you add the more sides you’ll get and it’s good to know what’s causing them. Good luck
You're wasting your time. These faggots arent going to listen.
I gave up on the "concern" shit long ago with this people.
They're going to do whatever Rigorous Larry or some other youtube schmuck told them to do.
Then when they fuck themselves up they come to the /fraud/ thread with their stupid questions instead of asking the person they got these apeshit ideas from.

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>old list posted
My apologies, high test Anon.
Like both.
For me its
>call me maybe
>hybrid theory
>doomstar requiem by metalocalypse
You only do cardio for like 12 minutes? Or do you repeat the playlist
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This is the shit. But you gotta pretend you’re getting chased by feds through some cyberpunk city.

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Are there any consequences to exercising outside when it's cold. My lungs always feel different after exercising in the cold.
Work on your breathing
Why apu live in doghouse?
>shit performance due to cold
It's a mountain cabin
It doesn't even have a door, and it's too small, he can only lie down there. No way he fit and furniture inside

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i love this nigga
le science nerds BTFO
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yah, but does he offer any other training advice other than lift heavy
this guy is so womanlike, always bitching and moaning about something
buy an ad
Who is the Charles Bronson of fitness youtube? I want a real tough guys advice

Dave Tate
whats his deal?

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Is there a term for the turtle-like body shape in some dudes that don't do fitness? I've seen it in mid 20 year olds and 40 year olds. Their torso is kinda shaped like the shell of a turtle and their legs and arms are so untrained they appear like they come out of their thick torso.
Anglo genetics.
I’m Indian and at least we just get regular fat, anglos looks atrocious when they get fat
post body so we can understand what you mean exactly

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Life is a literal hell after 30 and I can't pretend that it isn't
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I turn 32 in November and all of my problems are financial. I have an easy comfy wfh job and I think I've gotten complacent. I married my high school girlfriend and we have one kid but we can't have another due to an emergency hysterectomy. I make enough to have her stay at home and be a full time mom. But it's super tight and we have no margin for error in our budget. We bought our house in 2021 so at least we're building equity but I'm sick of constantly being stressed about money.
Also, remember this fuckin game? We're old now.
>my problems are financial im in such a dire financial situation we can barely get by

>im 31 and own a home
>i have a child
>i make so much money working from home at an easy comfy do nothing job (like everyone else on 4chan) that oh by the way my wife doesnt even have to work, and therefore we are both at home all day every day with my kid

I make 47k a year. It's not a lot, especially as the sole income.
how old is the kid? if you're stressed, communicate to the wife and maybe she will get a part time job once they're in school
i apologize anon. i figured you were some 250k a year work from home as a computer programmer doing no work tech faggot whining about how financially stretched you are.

What's his IQ?
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>Good thing i'm not a jew either! Seethe lol
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I just did
High IQ here. It doesn't matter if you're an alcoholic with low motivation .

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>Doing my sets with 25-pound dumbbells, just mirin' at myself in the mirror, tossing out the occasional grunt for good measure. I was feeling pretty solid. Suddenly, a boomer storms right in front of me. Grey-haired, super disheveled, as heavy as a baby elephant, wrinkles all over—this guy had to be like in his 70s.
>He looks me dead in the eye, then starts, "Kid, you need to fill up your belly with tons of spinach if you can't even lift these little cotton swabs!"
>Before I could even respond, he grabs the 50-pound dumbbells. His form was a disaster—back arched like a bow, legs wobbling—but he didn't care. He let out a shout so loud it echoed through the gym, and then… rip. Yeah, the guy starts farting, repeatedly. Each rep was accompanied by another loud burst. I honestly thought he was going to shit himself right then and there, yeah.
>I was holding in laughter, trying not to piss myself. But he didn’t stop - he kept going, yelling like he was competing in the bigest loser contest, oblivious to the gas bombs he was dropping. I swear, the dude had no shame. It was like world war 1 at the gym. It smelled like fucking India down there.
>When he finally put the weights down, he turned to me again, winded but with a grin. "That's how you lift, son. Get on my level."
>Then he strolled off like he just set a world record, with a stain of shit in the back of his shorts

Does this happen in your gym?

What motivates you to lift?
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His right? Or my right?
He didn't pick up anything. Picking up implies they are starting from the ground and he would be cleaning them over his shoulders.

Also never use that narrow grip width if you want to see shoulder gainz. That's what all those niggers complaining about "OHP is all front delt" are doing. Of you're not getting gainz, you're doing an oly lifting accessory for clean&jerk instead of a true shoulder press. That being said, the guy in the .webm needs to work on his rack. Elbows should be open from the front and the forearms should not be in front of the upper arms while the forearms are still vertical at the bottom if you want gainz. If you can't handle that, switch to dumbbells.
You seem insecure
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Thank you
I’m painting it this weekend. After hill sprints

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Whenever I cum it just pathetically drips out, I wanna know what it's like to shoot ropes help pls
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good question: if it goes on for a long time it could be a muscle issue.
Rehabilitation is very slow and difficult. you have to do such stretches religiously for months. the cause is that you are simply breathing wrong or edging too much when you jerk off which make your urination sphincter muscles too tight.
personally i have the issue for literally years and i have been instructed as such by a urologist that specializes in the prostate and a physio doc.
Do nofap. Even if you only last like 10 days it makes a big difference. And not just for ejaculations, a lot of other things too. You get way more horny, beard grows faster, etc.
Find a more distracting way to relieve stress. Do something to keep your hands and head busy. Go ahead and get a boner while you do it if you want, but don't just get bored and whip out your dick.

Shit, take a shower and a nap if you have nothing else to do.

It's something you have to do for about a week, plus the cum buffering, before you'll actually see results.
The non-supplements are also essential, especially water.
I cum ropes and it's just my genes. I have great NUT muscles. My girlfriend screams in horror when I NUT. She act's like she hates it, but she always waits in anticipation for it.
Faggots I jerk off 3 times a day st least and I blast my shit across the room

It's crazy what actually eating a decent diet, and sleeping 9 hours a day does

What's the best program here?
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Not OP, but here it is in a safer image format.
What is it with you retarded autistic 4chancels and your "programs"?
Just learn the basics of weightlifting and go lift the fucking weights.
Why do you need some schedule/checklist written by some tiktok faggot telling you what exercise to do and how much weight rep for rep and set for set?
Are you this fucking helpless?
And you losers wonder why you spent the last 10 years here still looking like dyel shit and posting "how to achieve" threads with a pic of some cartoon character.
hate all you fucking faggots i swear
lol nigger cant read
I'm just asking so i don't end up dyel, but honestly I guess I can just do full body 3 days a week. Hit the muscle to failure. Surely can't really fuck that up.
bot post

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Is Gen Z actually aging like milk ? Tbh I don't remember millenial women looking so haggard in their 20s
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Imagine getting dental crowns, botox injections, buccal fat removal and lip fillers by 22 and being shocked when people think you look like a fucking vampire.
I've read that getting certain kinds of plastic surgery early can actually help tackle aging in the face ahead of time but I guess that only applies to stuff like forehead lifts and collagen treatments or whatever. Botox always looks bad when its obviously overdone like this.
Maybe yours did but not mine. Mine wore hats like all civilzed Humans back then.
And what about their ancestors? Oh right they were outside naked
Still trying silverstein?

I hate my body as is even when I look like this.
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this is somehow the gayest post i've read for quite a while
good job
Is someone feeling insulted? I was just stating my opinion.
Kekke thread
yes, you have body dysmorphia, harder to cure that than it is to get in shape in the first place
Post ass

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Previous thread
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Damn, she lucked out
Wrong. She was pregnant and he was trying to exacerbate her pregnancy weight gain because he liked it the last 3 times. The actress who played her was 47 at the time and it was her third pregnancy, I can't find any information on whether or not it was accidental but that's pretty fucking old to be getting pregnant naturally, most women are menopausal by then.
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Boofing is putting in your ass, anon. She snorted or sniffed.
>not using intestinal spams to create a vacuum to inhale cocaine from your arse

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