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>wasting your life in a fucking gym
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>people who make a living telling other men they need to GRIND and HUSTLE and they too can be MILLIONAIRES
These are the people i hate the most in this world, but I think number 2 is just repeating myself.
I'm just not gonna work, faggot.
I dont play video games either
I just do what I want.
Weird how all these guru's business's are selling their "know how"...

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He's finally gotten ripped and shredded in addition to being brutally strong
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depends on how big you are, but for an average sized man that's barely past novice to be frank.
is that jason blaha
Yes dude he's unrecognizable with just how much progress he's made
He has better genetics than most of us
Looks like one of those hairless cats

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Jeff napier and Mike israetel get a lot of hate here on /fit/
>nuanced advice that doesn't matter to the layman
>"fitness science"
>blinky jew eyes
newsflash: these little men are the exemplary example of Nietzsche's uberman.
so what if they are short, have suboptimal physiques and give mid advice; they are out there DOING something and not wasting their life on some random message board. Sure, they don't have women yet, but one day they will and then they win.
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Jeff shills the vax and BLM

Mike Jewish and makes makes degrading jokes about shire people only

That’s literally everything I need to know about both of them.
>jews think they're elves
>look like goblins
eloquently put
Oh nononono look at his tiny little feet

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If we inbreed with our sisters we could become juicy aryan ubermensch in just a few generations
Don't shit up my pure inbreeding thread with your tests

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>got my testosterone measured
>701.15 ng/dL
Should I become a roid tranny? I am 29 and I cant even grow a beard.
I didnt think chinese like you could grow beards in general, plus youd look silly. Imagine fu manchu with a grizzly adams beard LOL
If you take any hormones or roids you're a tranny and a faggot. Imagine measuring your fucking testosterone lmao as if that would help you be less of a creepy faggot. You're fucking pathetic

>Girl finishes using equipment
>I jump right in to use it
>She tells me to wait because she didn't wipe her sweat off
>I say it's ok and proceed to use it anyway

Now she probably thinks I'm a creep, wtf is wrong with me
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>Our ancestors
you have caveman dna too anon
I'm pure hyperborean, motherfucker.
neanderthals weren't that significantly shorter than homo sapiens. they even supposedly found a female neanderthal skeleton measuring 5'10'' or 5'11''. imagine the snu snu
I am confuse, you fuck your mother?
I think there's a lot of interesting stuff about what "trolls" in Scandinavian folklore or Jotunn in Norse mythology could be
On it's face they seem to be some lingering memories of isolated peoples who didn't convert to Christianity and this sense of otherness they had. On the other the whole thing clearly parallels them as similar to humans, but different and divergent
I think it's interesting but keeping a memory of something that died out 40,000 YA? Maybe they persisted longer in some areas and there isn't an archeological record of them yet but even so it's clear they weren't around 10,000 YA which seems to be the cutoff for the oldest lingering mythology to remain (flood myths in middle eastern cultures)
it's interesting stuff though

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>eat something in the morning
>get dead tired and fall asleep almost right after
Do I have diabeetus or something
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tell us what you eat dumbass nigger
I feel the same way sometimes. I assume it's an insulin thing.
had that for like half a year after catching corona
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>eat nothing in the morning
>feel dead tired and fall asleep right after.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Your pancreas slow as fuck

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You have literally no excuse to not be taking it every single day for the rest of your gym life.
You have been conditioned so hard into "le drugs and le supplements are... LE BAD" that you are missing out on genuinely good stuff that only brings benefits, especially long term.
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>I just hate my wife
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>muh science
Cialis and viagra both give me a horriby stuffy nose. Gg.
you have no excuse for looking at porn and jerking off you mean.
Is 25mg the best with sildenafil? I had a doctor friend write me a script for it and they sent in 50mg for me.

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>lift for 4 months
>don't even have a diet just eat enough protein
>16 inch arms
isn't that like big or something? wtf
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>/lean/orexics already trying to shame OP into starving himself
It's a shame. He had a good run.
arms don't store a whole lot of fat at 22 so if arms are 16 at 22 they'd probably not lose much on a cut.

however OP is probably underestimating his bf% since hes new.
I'm 18% dummy, cutting rn.
Op is a newbie. He's fat and needs to drop to 15% at least.
You should not be going over 20% on a bulk. He has already admitted to being 22%, and given he's very likely underestimating, he's probably above 25%
>needs to drop to 15% at least.
oh yeah? watch me

>*kills you*
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are you saying OP is a paint eating retard?
based trips to deliver a swift death to the bot
Imagine responding to a bot
did any of you ever did that experiment of letting an egg sit in vinegar?
the shell goes all soft and shit, very fascinating
I assume your gastric juices are just gonna evaporate it
This post is also a bot. I (you)'d the bot but I wasn't exactly responding to it. They love epic little 4chan one liners (imagine doing X).

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I miss the days when war was declared just because they felt like it. Post-WW2 there's always a fabricated moral justification.
How? Easy.
Just follow these steps.
>Feel my chest.
>Feel it moving in and out.
>Breathe like me.
>Breathe like me...
He opted for a thicker skeleton in the selection menu
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Yeah, these jews are pretty incoherent.
Be at least 10% neanderthal. If not you are just have to cope with your twink race genetics.

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What causes the desi belly and why is it so common among Indian men in particular?
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We're getting those subhuman cockroaches outside of Canada too, you know.

No amount of Indian hate is enough. It will never be enough. They all need to go.

As to OP, its because they've evolved to experience multiple famines in the course of a year, lmao. They're just not adapted to eating all the time. Indians NEED to fast to stay healthy, and often. It doesn't help that their "traditional" diet consists of seed oils and the most processed carby shit imaginable. You ever see them make milk tea? That shit has more sugar than milk. They eat TONS of vegetable fats and sugar. That's all there is to it.
Bullshit, Sukhdeep. I actually talked to an Indian doctor about this. Take an Indian and a White man, feed them the same diet, and the Indian WILL develop heart disease 15 years earlier. It absolutely is genetic. They COULD counteract it by eating in a way congruent with their genetics, but they never will- it would require them to give up sugar and vegetable oils. Even their ghee is half seed oils, they love that shit
Yeah that's just fat.
Eating too much and not exercising over an extended period of time. Also that jeet isn't skinny fat, he's just plain fat
Just make one for timmycels. The white incel phenotype.

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When you're punching, do you always try to go as hard as you can monkey style? Or do you strike at like 50-75% punching power most of the time?
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In most fight videos where it turns out someone has actual training, they're usually the guy who's less agitated and they aren't escalating.

This even extends to videos showing teenagers.
Hi PaulTown
there is nothing to be gained from fighting, win or lose, I get nothing, worst case scenario is I get beat up and slightly injured, best case scenario is wasting time, no benefits either way
This. Imagine caring about some faggot enough to risk getting brain damage, or winning but maybe getting locked up...
Idk I just see red and bodies start droppin

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Looking to buy some new toys. Should I get a multigrip bar or a EZ Curl bar?
new buster sword just drop
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Ez bar is the best way to curl and should be included in every program where you have bicep work.
I do preachers with a straight bar. Will I visit snap city?
yeah you just bought yourself a roundtrip business class ticket to scenic snap city
ez bar doesn't hit the biceps as well as flat bar

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Opinions on neck bridges?
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A reversed weighted back bend? If so that's extremely based.
I'm whiter than you or anybody you've ever met, amerimutt
>Mike Tyson said they fucked up his neck
Came here to say this. If you want to do them, build up to it slowly. Not worth the long term damage potential
I used to do them a little when young and I did have a big neck.
Now I would probably break in half, too old for this shit.
Did them for about a year but once you get to ~25 reps progression stalls and unlike most calisthenics movements you can't just move on to a more difficult variant, you're just stuck grinding reps.
Recently bought a neck harness and moved on to weighted neck flexion/extension. Neck flexion feels especially awkward with the harness the first few times but the stimulus for the neck is much better. Neck bridging is more fun though.
Also it's not dangerous at all. Never even had a minor tweak doing those.

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