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Which pull-up bar design is least likely to fuck up my doorframe?
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Why don't buy one that get's attached to the walls it's a five minutes drill work
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Definitely not one of these pieces of shit. I BTFO my knee on a marble floor so bad I couldn't do anything athletic for 3 months after one of these just dropped while I was doing pull ups.
You deserve it for thinking this would hold in the first place.
Dude, that picture. That guy must be all of 4'6".
nah thats just how you look like when you are 5'11"

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Im not gay or anything but ive noticed i aged a lot in past years how do i lessen it?
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>HGH (or Mk667)
I could manage the sunscreen thing
Also what does it mean to manage stress in controlled way?
>cean with face cleanser
>toner or exfoliant
>suncream or hydrating moisturizer with uv protection

>another cleaning
>hyaluronic acid
>thicc moisturizer because I have a dry skin

That's my daily routine
>no Ron, it's not yours
>no, it's not Harry's. He only ever wanted to expeliamus analus - I don't think Ginny lets him do that
>whose is it? Oh, well, you see...
>it's Hagrid's
>oh? Yes, well, of course he has a bigger wand than you do, he's part giant
>you will help me raise the baby, won't you?
>how do i lessen it?
no taksie backsies
in the future::
>wide brimmed hat
>long sleeves
>wash your face with neutral soaps
>lemon essential oil helps tighten the skin

Shredded edition
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Miring, height/weight?
I love you giddy <3
nice. Looks good without going too far. No needless bulk but obviously you're strong.

That's what I did too. Feels good to just look fit but not like a freak.
Just a bean pole arab if he's into slam pigs he'll be set tho
Thought it was some trailer trash junkie until I saw the Arabic tattoo

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Bones... its leg day.
He's deadlifting Jim!
Made me laugh, NGL.

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Imagine how fucking fast the sand would fall through an hourglass shaped like that
This is why the one with the mirror is the most powerful
Fucking based
>with minimal effort.
Finishing concrete is hard work and takes a careful hand to actually put a decent finish on it. A ramp, maybe not so much, but I did lots and lots of basement floors and walls and I promise you that shit is NOT easy

>be me
>recently fell in the nutrition rabbit hole
>extremely autistic so I want to perfect my diet now
>did tons of research and basically came to the conclusion to the following;

High fat = good for hormone health
High dietary cholesterol = good for test + doesnt affect body cholesterol
High carb meals = best eaten later in the day before working out
Eating more sodium is not a problem aslong if your potassium is also higher for the ratio.
Ideal omega 6 to 3 ratio = 6:1 or 5:1
Liver is basically natures multivitamin but dont consume too much
If you consume fish its best to eat the ones lower in the food chain due mercury content
grassfed redmeat = good
eggs are insanely good for you too much eggs is a jew lie
Stay away from processed meat or food in general

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unvaxxed. lost my job too btw.
based me too and now im 31 and i only have 30k in the bank its fucking over.
show all vitamins like OP did u fag
>nutrition rabbit hole
>literally every meme in existence in your post
>even mainstream memefoods made it in
Ya but do you have a 6 pack?

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/fast/ - fasting general

how you holding up? for me, I'm around 48 hours in
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I don't feel myself getting stupid, but I just fall asleep really early on the second day and up.
not sure if you guys are kidding but fasting literally slows your body clock down. Its the most efficient anti ageing trick there is.
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Broke my 15 day fast with 3 eggs. I think I'm done with 5+ day fasts. Rolling 96s or ADF from here on out.
Whoa, based!!
How much weight have you lost and how heavy are you now?
I'm bad at record keeping. I don't know where I began with this fast, just that I started at 270 about 8 months ago. Todays weigh in was 216, but I imagine it will rebound to 224ish or so.

No source talk
Read the Reddit wiki
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basically, you order one online and drive to your closest quest diagnostics or whatever, a place that collects blood to then send it to the place that actually tests your blood
I did this one https://www.privatemdlabs.com/popular-tests#4114 but it only has total test and not free test.
You CAN get it covered by insurance if your doc recommends it because he thinks you might have low t or something but idk how that works, my doc said I'd have to pay out of pocket when I asked about it. GP's don't know anything about hormones anyway
As for TRT idk anything about that, I'm sure they would test your bloods before putting you on anything
Perfect, thanks.
Yeah, but its a silly criticism. All of us here are buying mystery juice from Indians over the internet. Its fine to claim your mystery is better, but we are all setting ourselves to get scammed.
I mean to answer your first part first go get your HCT tested
That's very easy to do and if it's not over 52% then ffs don't donate blood

Your second part of the post I might reply about later
is p5p enough for prolactin control for most people, or is there a chance i'm a non-responder? have had zero libido/dull erections for the past week and think its because i have high prolactin. I've been trying to dial in my e2 at the same time but have been struggling with my dick not working since before going on cycle so i don't think its related. how long would i need to take 200 mg P5P daily to notice a change in my libido? it's been 4 days and nothing so far.

i can run at for longer at higher s0eed when im high
i wanna quit but this is giving me a damn good excuse to not quit cause my number 1 fear in life is to be fat
Oh look the daily weed ragebait thread with zero contribution from op. I wonder how fast this one will reach 300 replies with the same exhausted dialogue for the 5000th time in a row.
high blood pressure is not good for you

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Bros, I need some advice on how to (Water) fast. I'm a fat POS and I'm constantly hungry at all times, I've tried water fasting but I've only ever ended up lasting a couple of days. I want to go for about 2 weeks to a month. Any advice on what I should do/mindset I should have?
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The more you fast, the easier it is to do, due to hormonal blah blah.
"I want to go for a month!" is the self control version of "I want to lift 400lbs my first go". You build up self control.
>but muh
Even people who do meditation, which is literally just sitting still for a few minutes, start off with like 5 minutes their first go.

>fat gets converted to water
This is biologically not possible. Fat has more elements than water, where do they go? And how doe they not get converted with water in the system? Use an actual chemical equation or proper scientific terms instead of just "dangerous" or "fat gets converted bro trust me".

OP, let me give you the actual way this works while retard there conjures up something or deflects (and, in fairness here, if he's able to provide knowledge I don't know I'm willing to apologize).
During fasting (wet or dry), your HGH surges by a factor of about 300%, this prevents your muscle mass from wasting away during the fast. This doesn't happen during a "diet", i.e. above zero but below maintenance. Also autophagy kicks in which eats the inactive / dead cells that haven't been properly taken care of by the immune system yet.
Drink water, if only to mitigate hunger. Feel free to have caffeine as well (either isolated in powder/pill form, tea, coffee, etc., just don't add sugar/milk like a dummy).


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Also to inb4 him, by "impossible" I meant it's not converted purely to water.
It should be obvious but-
The fat conversion happens with or without the presence of water, it's why you still lose body fat even on a wet fast. There are reasons you dehydrate to death sooner than you starve to death.
>he waited several hours to repost bad advice
Do not dry fast.
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I fasted 10 days in a row in March. My mindset was
>just gotta get through this day
>just a few more hours
It was awful, but i promised myself i would last 10 days. And if i failed at day 6 then i would have to go through it all again.

I'm back to fasting, but only 1 day at a time. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. My mindset is
>LMAO just 1 day is piss easy
>This isn't even a tenth as bad as what i already went through
> I'll do it for just 2 weeks. N-no, 3 weeks. And then i can stop if i want to

Gotta mog my elder brother for his birthday.
Gotta take nice pics with the kids on the beach in July.

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Nice. Can really see the difference. Keep it up, anon.

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all the advice I got from the guys with notable sizearms (so no one ITT) was pretty basic or just retarded, proving it's mostly about your genetics and having big wrists
you are covered in little freckles, what's with that?

i am 175 cm and 80 kg 29 old age!
my training routine is taking walks, doing pullups, drinking green tea and eating food. i also smoke weed daily. i am also on 2 different antipsychotics, a mood stabaliza and a bunch of other mental shit thats suppose to make you gain fat
my point is, do some fucking pullups, do more pullups, take walkz, smoke weed, make sure the weed doesnt have heroin in it or some other shit cuz thats the reason im at the mental hospital again
also bustin nuts weaken ur overal being so stop that as well
imma about to smoke sum cigars
heed my advice for unlimited gains

sunlight good
pullups good
ey lissen im a supa genus
do not believe me? i believe me, and thats the most important thing
i cant show my lats cuz the site wud crash

listening to some bones underground rap right now sesh haha teehee wee
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i refuze
pullup simple me no need think for routine
jus pullup and a walk time from time to the time just in time
u getta go doo doo wat i meaaann man ma brotha
good nite
i wish u people good offline time as i will be now
Your physique is really fucking jojoing over the last years, do you have ADHD?
Cuz I remember you were fucking ripped last year, walking 10km a day.
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Why do you type like a nigger?

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are you allowed to drink milk on it?
if not, then your diet is a meme.
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so you're on a meme diet.
tho the schitzovegans who spout bullshit about it being cow titty juice that’s poison to humans or whatever shit are as bad as the full carnivore people
Nah I was just vegetarian for years anyway and gradually didn’t really feel the need for dairy etc, I was basically de facto vegan for about 6 months before I ever really realised that’s basically what I was. It’s not like I was trying to emulate some Instagram mongoloid trying to convince me that it’d give me superpowers.
Kefir, yoghurt and hard cheeses.
You're welcome.
you can't drink milk on a vegan diet. you are on a vegan diet. therefore you are on a meme diet.
it's as shrimple as that.

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>be fat
>subconsciously I believe that because I'm fat I only "deserve" fat girls
>as a consequence become attracted to fat/BBW girls
>tired of being fat
>lose over 100 lbs and get jacked
>now I feel like I "deserve" smaller women
>find myself especially turned on by petite cardio bunnies at the gym
>still attracted to fat women too
>fat women are easy lays now that I'm in shape and slender women just take some effort

Life is good now that I'm /fit/
Yea ok but how did you get girls while you were fat, I’m a incel and I would like fat pussy over no pussy.
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Wait,…you lost 45 kilos and got jacked? Post body.
I dated exclusively fat/BBW girls. But the more I talk about this online the more I realize my experience seems to be unique so here are some things that made me situation work I thinn

>I've always had a handsome face even while fat
>I'm 6 ft even height which does me favors because tall but also fat distribution was mostly my gut
>I live in the rural Appalachians, I think everyone's standards are lower because truly gifted/successful/exceptional people tend to leave the area
>I don't have any personality deficiencies, ie I can hold my own in conversations even if they don't interest me
>I went after girls who also had similar interests as me instead of just whoever I thought was hottest. If the choice was a 7/10 who I had nothing in common with vs a 4/10 that I had lots in common with, the 4/10 won every time
>tl;dr low standards on both ends probably lol

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>refuses to improve
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Long length partials are the way to go.
Before you come to conclusions you should try it out and see for yourself how effective they're. If you take the partials to failure, you'd surely be doing it with a lot of volume, so you're going to gain muscle and lots of strength. Also, if you're stalling you're probably not going to failure with your lats, once you take the partials to failure you might feels how failure actually is with back.
Once you get used to going to failure with the partial pull ups I recommend you immediately start adding weighted pull ups for low reps. This way you shouldnt be stalling.
The upper portion of the pull up can become a bottle neck if you let it.
This is what worked for me. And I came to the conclusion that wih back you're supposed to reach failure in the lower ends of the rom.
Long length partials are meant to add up volume to your pull ups, you can do this in more than one way but I think these are the most effective.

I also recommend:
a narrower grip, if it feels uncomfortable at the top puff your chest out. WIth a wide grip the hunching of the back during the top end of the pull up can be excacerbated and made to limit progress even more.
Bands are made with varying resistance. You can also try jumping pull ups to get started too. Just hold yourself at the top for about four seconds, then lower yourself as slowly as possible.
>Long length partials
As long as you don't relax your scapula at the end of each rep it's fine. Allowing the humerus to drift can lean to subaccute shoulder injuries over time. For training lats however, it's best to not go too far above the 120 degrees of shoulder flexion.
>jumping pull ups
I just looked them up.
are you telling me this is a real thing?
like this is better than using bands?
looks more like a late april fools.
You can get a bunch of them on Amazon, 10, 25, 35kg for $20

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