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Complete hardware retard here. I want to do cool AI shit like running stable diffusion models and such on my poverty station.

I have seen people hooking up external GPUs to Memepads with an expresscard adaptor. Is this still a thing? And what would you recommend me to get in order to toy with AI shit?

Also, does the CPU count for these things? Should I upgrade the CPU, too?
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thats the out dated thunderbolt port
Here's my tldr
>thinkpads with onboard nvidia graphics can use an expresscard adapter without a 2nd screen through Optimus graphcis but the catch is your frames are usually raped
>Expresscard, or mPCIe, work for eGPUs, and you just have to figure out some way to route the cable from the mPCIe outside the case
>If you are serious about eGPUs, then you have to use a 2nd screen, no exceptions, there's too much fps loss.
>The caveat with the Optimus, native graphics type of laptop is that though you naturally have a larger heatsink, but actually you will still be using the onboard graphics, and so your processor will suffer in the way of processing power.
I have wondered if there were some sort of LVDS(for example) pinout board for video in, bypassing the motherboard and treating the laptop screen as an external. I haven't really looked into it.
thx captain
kys shill
just kys
Thanks bro!

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>see v2024.02
>instantly more info that v1.2
It clicked anon, i now see date based version numbers are superior
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it's not, what if the number of changes between v2024.02 and v2024.01 is basically nothing while v2024.03 is a complete rewrite of major functionality? This only works for shit like distros or software suites that are just a collection of different packages
only makes sense for security critical applications with large attack surface where you dont want to be using something like an OS without any patches for the last 2 years

for 99.99% things, dates are a meme
Git sha hashes only. All version numbers are arbitrary
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The simplicity is beautiful but it offers no real information unless you refer to the git. That's something you can technically do with all of them.

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Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

1. http://warrior.archiveteam.org/
Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:
Requirements: Few GB of space, some bandwidth and small amount of CPU power, more info: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior

If you learn that a site or any online data is in danger of shutting down, read through this page and contact ArchiveTeam on their IRC if required in order to have it archived: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Projects

2. Help out automatically forward URLs you browse that are not archived on https://archive.org to them for archival with a browser extension:
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>because of you it's difficult to look at the archives if I want to search for posts regarding tartube or httrack
How so?
>make a better OP
I don't know how people find the motivation for this stuff, but I'm glad someone does it. Any time something major happens I tell myself I should start archiving things locally but I never do. Seems like a massive headache to organize it all.
>don't know how people find the motivation
Usually by wanting to experience something they didn't in a decade or more that they liked a lot before and then realizing you can either barely find it or not find it at all. Then when you do, you are of course going to save it locally for later.

Then there is no reason why you couldn't publish that something for others to now more easily find.

Over time you realize how much is disappearing and how easy it can be to archive it and save it forever.

>Seems like a massive headache to organize it all.
As long as most of the data is downloaded, zipped and published somewhere, it's enough. It will be easily sorted one day.

post fun, interesting websites and blogs

firefox sisters... thank you
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>OooOOooh look at that handsome betabux
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A web recreation of SAM (Software Automatic Mouth) a text-to-speech program for Commodore 64, Atari 8-bit and Apple II computers:

I really quite like jspaint.app personally, because Linux doesn't have a good 1:1 replacement for Paint
>inb4 pinta/krita/gimp
haha you wish
Paint is abandonware that survived only because of zoomer nostalgia. Get over it and use a real image editor.

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What's the /g/ consensus on the free cloudflare fast VPN?
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You will never be a real woman.
They already track you everywhere else, what's one more added layer?
what's a good caching DNS server for local querying? dnsmasq sucks ass sometimes (or maybe I suck at configuring it).
I use it on my Xbox. It's k.
I don't use it just because of all the aggressive shilling (same as tor, brave etc).
Besides it's only faster if you probably benchmark sitting right next to it. Pick one closest to you geographically

Images capable of inducing orgasm in humans
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>gaming driver notification appears on the work PC
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>vibrating butt plug
kys faggot
If only you knew that they are rewiring your brain to make you lose common sense and decision making abilities.
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Apparently the Trump assassin didn't have an ID on him so the FBI had to run a DNA test where they matched him with their database.

Yet Crooks never had a previous criminal record nor have had any reasons to provide the FBI with his DNA

Source: https://archive.is/3xPwp
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Almost everyone has a relative that uses some dna genealogy site.
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>forensic genealogy
>0 results
And they have the nerve to say this is a technology board. In short, you don't need to have his DNA. You can find a third-degree cousin of his in a online "find your ancestors and distant relatives" database to narrow down the investigation, then once you reduced the potential number of people to a few hundreds , you trace it back to him using conventional investigation methods.

That's how the Golden State Killer was captured
They have his phone (dummies).
Dna doesnt exist.

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I was reminded today that the Windows XP code leaked like 4 years ago.

I was curious if any community has sprung up around building and/or modding that leaked codebase?

Or would that be illegal? Is the only realistic avenue for this sort of thing to instead contribute to the ReactOS project?
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Hello Bill, nobody is using your intentionally leaked code for their Free and Open Source Software so kindly fuck off now.
not really that much you can do with 20 year old OS code if you don't have a dev team paid to work on it (or one dedicated autist like the nt4 wii guy)
probably the best thing to come from it were the leaked theme signing keys so uxtheme patching isn't needed for XP now
I saw some poojeet codemancer working on expanding kernel of Win XP but I don't remember name of the project and lol pojeets.
And to be frank - Win XP has multiple working web browsers, automated update and driver stuffs and everything else works same as it worked years ago.
Unless you want lol modern gaming (that will NEVER work on XP and you know it well faggot), Windows XP already can do everything.
Some guys are creating a project to make latest chrome and dxd9ex games run. Don't remember the name.
I downloaded the integral edition and the project was listed in the readme file.
>Or would that be illegal
Its never illegal to fuck over corporations because fuck FAGMAN, we're special

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>password managers are totally secure and reliab-ACK
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keepassXC is free
it's not always a matter of "shouldn't"
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keepassXC is literally FOSS as it can be
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>this makes the password managerlet seethe

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Android really is the brown man's OS isn't it
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not the creator maintainer because no one else wanted to put in the time investment for a fork. Also I wouldn't trust him much.
covid goyim moment
>was a jew
lmao, way to speak without knowing what you're talking about
he kept maintaining the app for free for almost 8 years
Better than anything you'd do subhuman. You're the real kike if you believe labor is free
this guy made modified quickpic?
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>Android really is the brown man's OS isn't it

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How are we feeling GoChuds?
>objpas up 4 places
>objpas higher than matlab
nice, but do idiots believe in these lies? lol, lmao actually.
Fortran rising! The world is healing.

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intel-bros how do we respond, our chips are being cooked!
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>can't spell AMD without MAD
It's okay, I'll gladly crash my pc for israel, think of it as reparation for the holocaust.
Only if you have dyslexia.
But are you gonna sub to the mmos whose intel based servers are crashing constantly
u mad bro?

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Best Casio watch?
Your phone

Arcsisters we're eating good

How do I unlock the fucking bootloader on this fucking thing?

I've enabled developer mode, turned on USB debugging, OEM unlock, created Chinese facebook account, it synced my account, downloaded Chinese spyware on my personal computer, tried to unlock, says the system is upgrading, made sure everything on the phone is up to date, still didn't work, tried downloading the Chinese Facebook app and selected unlock bootloader, said my account needs to be 30 days old. Every vid I'm seeing online doesn't say this when they do it so I have no idea how to get past this, I'm not waiting 30 fucking days with this horrible OS I need lineageOS on this shit asap

I would've been fine with waiting a week or two weeks but 30 days is taking the fucking piss, there has to be a way around this surely
This worked on my Poco F6 when I bought it. https://github.com/MlgmXyysd/Xiaomi-HyperOS-BootLoader-Bypass
Not sure if its patched now.
I can't remember, but I do know I had to try about 3 different versions of their unlocking software before I got one that worked

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