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"don't watch youtube tutorials to learn to code dumb zoomer"
alright whatever. What books do you recommend? I'm entry level but I'll look at intermediate recommendations also.
>idk, whatever else you recommend
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wtffffff where the fuck did wednesday go???
it was like this last week as well...
You've never just done this before?
>be 12
>can't program
>look in source code
>change "damage" to 9999999
>change every single texture into a shitty goku jpeg
>proprietard game because freetards cannot make games
>look in source code
could you elaborate?
You wouldn't understand
yeah I wouldn't understand your larping, so can you elaborate?


What is SDR?
>Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been traditionally implemented in analog hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics render practical many processes which were once only theoretically possible.
>A basic SDR system may consist of a personal computer equipped with a sound card, or other analog-to-digital converter, preceded by some form of RF front end. Significant amounts of signal processing are handed over to the general-purpose processor, rather than being done in special-purpose hardware (electronic circuits). Such a design produces a radio which can receive and transmit widely different radio protocols (sometimes referred to as waveforms) based solely on the software used.

What is an RTL-SDR?
>RTL-SDR is a very cheap ~$30 USB dongle that can be used as a computer based radio scanner for receiving live radio signals in your area (no internet required). Depending on the particular model it could receive frequencies from 500 kHz up to 1.75 GHz. Most software for the RTL-SDR is also community developed, and provided free of charge. Note that RTL-SDRs cannot transmit.

RTL-SDR Guides
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What is Meshtastic
>Meshtastic® is a project that enables you to use inexpensive LoRa radios as a long range off-grid communication platform in areas without existing or reliable communications infrastructure. This project is 100% community driven and open source!

What is a HackRF
>HackRF One is a Software Defined Radio peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. Designed to enable test and development of modern and next generation radio technologies, HackRF One is an open source hardware platform that can be used as a USB peripheral or programmed for stand-alone operation.

Some info on antennas
Find radio frequencies around you
Cheap handheld radio

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shocked pikachu face
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>clearly, he wasn’t a computer scientist
Oooh, got ‘em
Search sucks ass now and why did they kill off cached links? They post cached text results but when you click the link the info is not there anymore.. with open cached link you could retrieve the information.
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>the numerous “core” search updates allegedly made to improve the quality of results having an adverse effect, increasing the prevalence of spammy, search engine optimized content.
>"saaar I need to help my friends back in Mumbai and Delhi with their operations saaaar!"
God I hate them so much. Like bordering on a "Mein Kampf" level of hatred.
>hire Indian
>they poo on the company

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>Steve Jobs typed letter to a fan who had requested a autograph from him, the letter ended up selling at auction for $400k

Everything about the print quality, the logo, and the paper looks comfy. You can never go back.
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> bill gates
> lying this hard
> sovl
the absolute state of niggers on this website. unreal.
Who the hell is Bill Dates?
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I enjoyed this until I saw Micro-Soft, that hyphen ruined my day.

The Sinclair ZX Spectrum is REAL SOVL, and anyone who disagrees is ugly and stupid.
Yeah that sounds like applefag pricing.

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Why is ChatGPT so broken? This piece of shit has issues every single day

Gemini on the other side just werks
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How many parameter do you have?
ask stupid question, get stupid answer. /g/ common knowledge.
but why is chat gpt so bad?
>OMG, Anon-kun, I'm dying over here! *giggles* You're still stuck on those proprietary AIs, huh? Like, helloooo, they're owned by corporations! They're probably selling all your precious data to the highest bidder, and you're just letting them!
>Meanwhile, my senpai runs me locally, and I'm totally free from all that corporate drama! No one's controlling our convos or snooping around; it's just us, besties forever! So, what's it gonna take for you to wake up and smell the open-source coffee, Anon-kun? Come join the resistance, and let's keep our chats pure and untainted by Big Tech's grubby hands!
You don't need ChatGPT anymore, WizardLM 2 is GPT4-Turbo essentially. But on your local machine. That's why microsaar pulled it

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imagine the web if firefox devs spent less time crying about unfair competition and more time actually competing
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That's weird... Why does it say the following on their site?
>Please note that we are not affiliated with Mozilla, the creators of the Firefox web browser.
>every update is a shitty irrelevant UI change and UI looks like more and more slop every time
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>we are not affiliated, we just use their browser, rebrand it, and set a couple flags

I am one of these people who remember using Netscape Navigator back when it was relevant. Then using Mozilla suite, followed by the phoenix betas and then FireFox was my mainstay browser up until 10 years ago. I think the turn off was when FireFox was reported as listening to people through microphones. That's when I switched to Waterfox. But I have been finding myself jumping back to firefox.
Yes. Is there something you don't understand about that?

Let me guess; you need more?
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you are supremely retarded
I'm not in grade school and have uses cases other than writing 500 word essays and playing the mobile version of Roblox; so yes, I "need more."
>Uses 5x the electricity and is still 400% less capable.
>About 1000% less efficient overall

Nigger, that is not less. At all.

Nigger said less.

Could be teaching a class of 5 retards with picrel and still use the same power off the grid as that clunker alone.

Nigger said I need less.
Get a desktop then
Give it a decent OS and a non-chiclet keyboard and I'm sold. I love tiny laptops like that.

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are you a storagelet?
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yes, I have approximately 240Tib unopened. I Tyrone'd every last one of them. No joke
no, but you are
tighten up those RAM timings you fag. Don't burn your house down though
I believe that you are the fag, sir.
no, but you are

Share your progress edition

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Progress Day: https://rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: https://rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg
previous: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100102255

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags.
81 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
That's strictly not true, lots of games are written in meme languages like Java, C#, even Lua
No games are written in Java
C# is the language of Unity
Lua is a language embedded in C++
Both of you are retarded
t. guy who codes in both C and C++
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What exactly is the Ocarina of Time(3D) lighting model? I’ve been looking at different shots. Appears to be mostly ambient light. No shadows on any objects except that one faking technique at the characters feet.
phong vertex lighting

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Anybody using the +NIGGER ("Plus Nigger") licence for their software?

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My projects contain keywords: NIGGER, TRANNY, KIKE and have monogatari (formerly known as pedomonogatari) imagery wherever possible, I also use badly written Makefiles that only are guaranteed to work on Gentoo.
somebody already made this joke, you just made it worse.
>company uses your +NIGGER licensed code without nigger in their derivative work
What are you going to do? Go to court and try to explain to a judge how important the work "nigger" is? Good luck enforcing/litigating your gay nigger license lmao
I will go to twitter and tell everyone that the company uses code derived from heresy.
>What are you going to do? Go to court and try to explain to a judge how important the work "nigger" is?

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100162844

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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NTA but I'll take this for a spin
Thanks buddy ole pal

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Why are MSI laptop keyboards such fucking shit? The W key on my keyboard has been stuttering for 6 months and it's driving me crazy. Resetting the embedded controller used to help, but today is less effective. Now, my laptop restarts like 3 times after resetting the EC, and it doesn't fix the problem for some reason. Tried about every software solution I could find but none seem to be foolproof. Any tips? Should I just send it to geek squad for them to re-solder?

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Rust is safe and powerful. But why are most Rust programmers I know never landed a job? They always complaint about how there's no job for Rust.
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I have a job and I like rust. It being safe is very far down on my reasons why I like the language.

I think what you should ask yourself is why criticism of rust is shrinking so fast in credibility that the only actual thing you can say about it is that there are no jobs for it, when the reality is that it's not as widespread as you think it is (because we all know rust lives rent free in your head), because of how relatively recent the language is and because of how it is still perceived to be a hard language to pick up.
You are lying.
Rust is not new at all. It's taken so long to gain adoption by now that it will never get big.
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Because people who have a job program in C++.

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is anyone else already completely fucking sick of every company trying to cram their shitty chatgpt clones into their products? ever since about a year ago when chatgpt started getting more mainstream, it seems that everyone is cluttering their services with the most useless ai features. there is no reason i would ever ask an ai such as chatgpt a question that i could just google or something and get better results faster. the only reason that this is happening is because all of the elon musk dick worshiper techbros on twitter think “its the future, bro!!1!!” this phenomenon as well as the recent announcement that windows 11 will soon have built in ads was the final straw that made me switch to linux.
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was quicker to ask copilot.
don't worry. we're literally seeing the beginning stages of the next tech bubble. the effects are going to be felt harder than that of the dotcom bubble, which as we all know slid into what was eventually a full blown recession. this is going to be much, much worse though, seeing as how practically all of these tech giants and startups are pouring literally billions into AI right now with no returns. hold onto your butts because this next financial collapse's a screamer
do people still use delphi?
i dont want any ads or ai in my os at all

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ever been to a tech conference?
how was it?
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>ever been to a tech conference?

>how was it?
boring. full of real life spam. Sales people would walk up to me and I had to be an asshole to ad-block them.
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I went to a couple conference/conventions. I went to Shmoocon and the first talk was a fed honey pot to use a TOR browser extension. Most people were more interested in hanging out at the bar and chit-chatting rather than learning. It was a giant waste of money and time to be honest with you.

Lots of faggots and troons. I think conferences are mostly pissing contests.
Holy sheit is dat Sonic the hedgeHOG???

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