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>encrypt thing using public key
>send to recipient over any insecure channel even social media
Come on private communications have been solved decades ago

People complain about privacy because they want to post things loudly in public like virtually shouting at a bar and have the security of staying at home
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I don't think you are able to form a coherent line of thought while you're in that ecstatic trance deepthroating the boot.
Do you enjoy seeing the same shitty Chinkpad advertisement spammed 5 time a day, every day?
Are you happy when some shill rehash the same 'sponsored content' about some Apple non-issue?
>having my online posts connected to my identity is good because it stops chinkpad advertisements on 4chan that i'm extremely upset about
Ok, this is clearly one of the countless NSA bots rather than a person. That's not a coherent, human line of reasoning.
There such a thing as 'confidentiality', existing alongside 'authentication' and 'non-repudiation'. You can be held accountable by the courts of law for your 4chan's post without being doxxed to every other 4chan user in the process.
Notice how when the bot gets exposed it starts sharting out purely generic NSA threats. kek

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can safely say I am a new fag. browsed briefly in 2018 saw something fucked up on /b/ and decided my mother was right and internet people are crazy.
Been browsing and posting consistently since 2023 now and can safely say this is better. I wish, nay I pray that the internet becomes decentralised again, it just makes sense.Lets break it down
>you get exactly what you want when you want it
>like minded people. ie if you want an echo chamber or whatever other faggy shit you can have it
>community, old 4chan seemed to be much more interconnected than it is now but my point is still the same. if you have a forum for idk pooper scoopers then everyone there's gonna know each other.
>outta sight outta mind. wanna know why there are so many random fetishists out in public. CUS THE HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. so the violate the masses with there doodoo eating or idk foot licking?
(yk I never understood the feet thing any foot people who wanna explain please do so)

Look I'm not asking for mid 90s purple on yellow sneed forum but everyone going to specific places for specific things yes please. Many people like to attribute this decline to tha mass Tumblr migration but I don't think that's it. At least it's not the whole truth.

anyways feel free to discuss and for more information keep an eye out for my own internet hole theagarthianhub.net.com
gov.uk :]
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not all of it. r9k is the closest I've seen to an echo chamber, and people still disagree over there too
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Arr9K and their twinks have been a disaster for the website.
social media happened
>I pray that the internet becomes decentralised again
to make that happen you'd have to either outlaw ads or abolish capitalism alltogether
lol go back to your pedo cabal basedteen

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Daily reminder to disable Accessibility Services on both desktop PCs and Android if you don't want Firefox to hog up memory due to a serious memory leak that accumulates over time which Mozilla refuses to acknowledge.

In about:config, set accessibility.force_disabled to 1 then reopen for changes to take effect.


https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1726887 (closed because they "can't reproduce")
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people ITT who say disabling accessibility improved mem/speed is because they restarted to a fresh session. firefox wouldn't have had time to significantly memory leak since thread was posted
retarded fucking board
>blindly gobbling /g/ memes
go back retard
t. retard
it makes a difference, but not a huge one
give me more things to turn off to make ff work better on bentium 3
Holy shit, just tested on a vinesauce youtube video and dragged the video slider thing left and right fast, youtube normally starts throttling the connection quickly but this loads fucking fast on Librewolf! Thanks based OP for warning us!
>disable zoom

/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

cheese edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn


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Aitism won.
Sekrit won.
total trycloudfare death
*impregnates you with my puppy*
MM is waiting until Experiment goes down. Trust the plan.
This dialogue is...cozy.

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what is /g/'s take on this wonderful lang
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i use it all the time for various little scripts

this is ruby 1.9.1..

ruby is on 3.3 =]
I don't make RPG Maker games so I don't really see why I should care about it.
python will always be faster for dealing with a lot of numbers and data. ruby has jit in mri now, and other implementations can get really fast but it depends on what you're doing. it excels at all the shit people used to do in perl and php.
php got a lot faster after everyone started ditching it. i guess its a similar story with ruby.
other languages have had worse breakages. I've had more annoyance with crystal breaking as it stabilized. Crystal is pretty good for sure, as a mid-point between the ease of Ruby and going to something more serious with more development cost. useful typing just aint really gonna happen in ruby. The Crystal standard library is better than Rubys now too
Ruby sparks joy.

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is it just me or is the whole Verizon mobile network down
it says I'm connected to 5g but I'm not getting any Internet on my phone
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oh my gosh this image is oooo heckin quirkerino just like le me!!!!!!!!! i love how this quirky image validates my gender yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rent free
i dunno, the screen just stopped working.
gonna repurpose it as a wifi only device when i get a new screen
what the hell
I'm getting 5g Internet but some reason certain shit just will not load
like I can do Google speed test and load Facebook but can't open a link from Facebook
what the fuck is even going on with my mobile connection

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Internet is Dying. Everything is AI now.
What we're gonna do?
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Once every place is infested with AI, the big AI tech companies will create sites where AI is not allowed. Because they don't want to train their newer AI's on a bunch of AI generated content.

People think they are fighting against AI when they ban it off of their platform, but they are really just making it easier for data scrapers to get quality human content.

So we all just need to stop making art, being helpful or typing smart stuff on the internet, and just spew brainless nonsense everywhere, and collectively contaminate all future data at the expense of human progress.

That way we kill the internet ourselves, and the AI spam bots will be left wading through a retarded cesspool of a once semi-intelligent landscape.
meme os
I'll start on a wallpaper
>Internet is Dying
Oh no, how will i read & watch the ill founded opinions of undereducated retards now
archive and data horde.

Its straight out of gits; when that kid finds a terminal left from his father. What is real? What is a cultural synthesized memory?
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return to monke

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I have over ten years of experience in this field. I have an associate's as a network engineer. I have done everything from IT sys admin work for a small business, to being a NOC analyst, to basic tier 1 help desk, building and deploying machines to now being an actual network engineer.

I hate all the off-hours work and the pay isn't that great, I want to get into something that pays better for the amount of work I do.

But everything I apply to it's like I can land an interview, but I either get no offer or they try to lowball me.

And recently one that had a pay range listed of $21-31/hr for tier 1 help desk, I applied and they replied saying $22/hr starting. I countered with $25/hr and they said no.

The position was relisted and I applied again, then get told that they hired someone.

So wtf are people so god damned desperate now they'll accept shitty pay? This is what drives wages down and I'll bet it's probably some god damned pajeet who doesn't even belong in this country.
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senior devs always default to pushing back as a kneejerk reaction because they spend years dealing with retarded unreasonable requirements/deadlines. Experience also makes them fall to Hofstadter's law
>It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law
a lot of them repeat this adage but don't really understand what it means and why conservative estimates for everything makes them look like lazy useless cunts with a stick up their asses.
it's a report tool anon, not a fucking video game. You can crank that shit out in a day and it can be fun. Sysadmin probably enjoyed doing that and yes, scoring goodboy points is useful when done in moderation.

Are you supposed to get a big bonus for writing a query?

Software devs are becoming first line helpdesk idiots. If nobody gave them a technical analysis with a Jira story to tell them to breathe they would die.

They complain they do not get involved in the business process and when you include them they complain that those are useless meetings and they just need a business and technical analyst to chew everything for them.

They circlejerk all the time over these super 10x programmers or whatever they are called but fail to notice that they are nowhere near them purely because they can hardly solve a business problem without twenty analysts holding their hands.
SAAR, why u insult our currency, trust me we will be superpower by 2069
imagine unironically believing that it has anything to do with equality and not pulling as many jeets, niggers and women because you can pay them less


>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.

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The vocal melody kills me too…so sweet
Has there been any submission for the 13th divine themed album yet? I'm almost done with my submission
>13th divine
Oh shit, I didn't realize it is our 13th album.
...I better do something for this one, but I still haven't installed my DAW and learned how to use it (my previous submissions were phone recordings + audacity)
>Beatport Access

Fucking pig-disgusting piece of shit software. I am never fucking ever buying anything which uses this crap from Plugin Boutique again.

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I just bought an RX 6950xt, during Prime Gay
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Considering you posted a thumbnail, I'd say yes, you are retarded.
why would you expand on a poor man's difficulties?
The £400 one? Yes, it's an old card and a 7900 isn't that much more for something that will last you longer.
>look what I found in your mom's room
good morning jar

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firewalls stop connections. If a program is "internet facing" then a firewall does nothing. And if it isn't supposed to be internet facing then why did you open it to the internet?
1. Because you're a faggot for having enabled updates in the first place
2. Because you're an even bigger faggot for connecting to the internet and then disconnecting so you could take a screenshot and post it for yous
3. Because you are a massive faggot for not heading over to /fwt/ to snag, install, and tweak the IoT Enterprise LTSC version like a reasonable human being
4. Because you just won the world guiness record for being the biggest faggot the world has ever seen for bothering to post a useless slide thread that contributes nothing to this board and you should go jump into a vat of acid so we don't have to hear from you again
same amount of characters (including spaces dipshit) as sudo apt install ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Disable it in group policy if you must. Why bother though?
Yes saar sorry saar enjoy your superior threads saar >>101438667

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It turns out that FP is really good for concurrent programming because enforced immutability gets rid of lots of concurrency bugs. As a bonus, haskell is also performant and is one of the few languages with a good implementation of STM.
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My discrete mathematics professor who does research in logic used to teach haskell (presumably to math undergrads).
Also he always made a point of telling us how recurrence relations is similar to how haskell actually computes things.
Haskell is usually only like 2x or 3x slower than C++, i e. same order if magnitude in execution time. Not bad considering how high-level the language is.

Are you guys just all working on game engines or high-performance web-servers? Sometimes I laugh at guys who worry about the efficiency of if-then statements when the write their little python business logic script.
just copy everything all the time!
that uses more power, and that bad for the environment
not to mention performance
I laugh at guys who write business scripts in haskell and discover the pain of maintaining such scripts.
as opposed to other languages where maintenance is painless?
haskell is probably better at reducing copies though because it comes with efficient persistent data structures

Talk me out of it.
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haha phone squidgy like ds touch screen
Itoddler faggot detected
See >>101436188
>Talk me out of it.
Not my problem, faggot.
it's goyslop

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For me, it's GameMaker: Studio v1.4 with additional functionality implemented using DLLs coded in C.

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You know that shitty google popup that appears
when you visit some site that's nothing to do with Google?
The one that says "sign in with google"
well here's how to disable it
On Ublock Origin put the following line in the "My Filters" section

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google employee mad as HECK lmao!
Firefox on iOS is only Firefox in name. It's essentially reskinned Safari. True mobile Firefox is Android-only.
Glowing claws typed this post
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Thank you so much, Anoni

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