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I'm already going to give up my smartphone so why not my computer? I don't need to go anywhere, and I don't want to see what other slowly decomposing pieces of flesh are doing on the internet. There's nothing to do on the internet anymore.
it's going to get better. you will go outside make friends, have sex and make memories. the internet is for losers like me.
you will die without a computer trust me it happened to me once

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Demonic Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting

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Did he commit suicide when Apple adopted BSD?
CLI games can be great. I suggest giving them a chance.
Please point out some CLI games, I want to play them.

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No, most of azure Is linux, it's also the default configuration of most compute resources, like every other cloud provider.
Linux is simply superiore on the server, less crashes, less resources wasted, easier to configure.

Also loonix is better documented and there are way more investments going into loonix server than Windows server will ever recieve.

The only reason to use windows server is if you have legacy shit written in .net 4.8 < other than that is not very common nowdays, it's slowly disappearing even from enterprise.
>Linux is simply superiore on the server
but dog shit on desktops
case closed.

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Stop being tracked and policed by corporate social media! Just set up a GNU/Linux server and install this big web application and run it forever!
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I'm good.
You know you don't have to run your own server if you don't want, right? Sign up on any open one that has rules you can follow, or roll your own.
>GnuSocial (?)
Know that at least the first 3 are still in development and all microblogging stuff is interoperable thankfully - one thing Fediverse stuff got right

One major issue that is frustrating about the fediverse is the amount of "defederation" that happens that affects users. Frankly, there should be NO technical 'defederation'/ban/block tier higher than
>Content from banned servers never shows up on your server in any of its public feeds, universe etc. However, your users can personally seek out or interact with users or content from those servers privately if they so choose (ie T3 block/defederation on Mastodon and other projects).
instead of the option for
>As above, but also users cannot interact with any users or content from "bad" servers as defined by the admin of their server (T4 block/defederation)
There's no real use case for the above and it fucks with interoperability, treats users like children, and otherwise is shitty. This is made even worse with the sort of preemptive blocklist and guilt by association garbage that some admins got into - one look at Fediblock and its successors proved that the rationale for many of those servers was completely asinine. I remember a couple offhand including
>One of the largest Japanese Mastodon servers and at the time, top 5-10 in general, either mstdn dot jp or pawoo dot net , was put on the meany bad nazi list because some random user posted some historical nazi era pic of a rally or building or something with no text, trannyadmin writes to JP server admin in english to demand they take it down, it was still up 3 weeks later (and had no replies, discussion, retweet etc), so they got added to the EVIL FASCIST BLOCKLIST ALSO PROBABLY LOLI BECAUSE JAPAN HURRR
Don't own a then phone retard.
I should mention that you can get around this shit with relative ease by simply having accounts on multiple servers, but you shouldn't HAVE to do that. Replacing major profiteering centralized, engagement driven proprietary social media with decentralized FOSS projects is a major form of harm reduction; the genie isn't going back in the bottle and all the newfags and phonefags and zoomers who grew up with social media aren't likely to give it up en masse and go back to forums, messengers, chat, RSS etc. So we need less shit alternatives and it seemed like a lot of Fediverse types saw the potential, especially as Twitter began to repeatedly shit the bed even before the Musk transition. However projects that had this kind of shit meant not an interoperable network, but various walled communities, completely compromising a core benefit of the project. . It CAN be beaten by having enough admins of communities that don't censor get large enough that the ones who do basically get squeezed out by the adults in the room, but we're a long way from that . Fuck any admins who engage in ideological preemptive blocking of instances on tenuous grounds, affecting all the users on both instances.
I made that FSE logo. I'm more on Nostr now though. The tech is just better.

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Honestly want to know. I like the funny man
You should stop sucking the cocks of e-celeb on the internet.

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it depends
do you want to enable stuff your distro kernel doesn't have enabled?
are you setting up something with little space such that minimising the size of the kernel image is important?
do you want to boot without an initramfs?
do you want to look cool by having a custom kernel name in *fetch?
Does learning the english language actually worth it?
>installing linux on bare metal
good morning saar

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IntelliJ Idea + Java seems to be the way.
A powerful IDE fine-tuned to work perfectly with a specific language.
The Java conversations on the IRC are also good and high level.
Is this where the road ends?
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this comment is strange, the points it's making are not even true and its narrative is frankly weird

it's true that kotlin dies with jetbrain and android, though, but like.. that's not really an issue, languages are like that all the time. Rust would have died w/o mozilla, go would die w/o google, etc...
kotlin as a multiplatform language is not just java but better. the jetbrain backing is not just hot air either; the multiplatform side is super good, compose is great, the actual/expect mechanic is very useful.
Lets talk about JavaFX
java compiles quick thats the only thing that matters to me. Then again I only make small things not big ones. Fuck gradle and co. though I will never understand that shit.
surprise surprise retard, fluent interfaces were just monadic interfaces all along. the whole distinction between objects and functions is just whether an 'object' captures its context variables in a closure or in a class. it's all the same shit.
Already hitting bugs https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8332352?attachmentSortBy=fileName

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That's the last straw, I'm switching to Linux. Which distros aren't run by racists?
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>FOSS is not technical but sociopolitical and philosophical one
So all the GitHub repos are philosophical? Am I asking a stupid question?
One can only hope Microsoft begins to heal and get back to it's white male roots... I'd even buy several copies of Windows today if I knew it would save the company.
>Mint is antisemitic
It's pro muzzie though.
Is there a linux disto run by real racists, who against both palestine and israel?
I don’t care I just want the Jews and all their brown gollums out of my country.
Suckless seems pretty based although they don’t have a distro.
Alpine has always been apolitical.

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>breaking again
Did you actually think you'd get away with stealing from the world's largest and wealthiest technology company of all time? Honest question. Did you see yourself in 10 years still using unauthorized third party clients to dodge ads and steal bandwidth?
No, you will lose in the end. That's all there is to it. And the sooner the better so everyone can move on and start building something new.
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Suck it, there's revanced, tubular, piped, grayjay and freetube on android. I will not be watching the ads, and you vill be happy.

NewPipe is dogshit and still has a UI permacrash if it attempts to load the next video in a queue while the network changes during sleep that requires reinstall (and loss of data if you don't back it up via an app) to fix, I've brought it up multiple times on their github and they deny that it's an issue, fuck em.

you can use youtube and rumble over tor? wtf
Tubular (https://github.com/polymorphicshade/Tubular) works on my machine
Does youtibe vanced still work?
SmartTube was also down for a couple days. It's also working again. Google can't stay ahead forever.

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Why haven't you bought a Mac yet?
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How brain damaged are you that you've reached the point where you believe Apple actually care enough about this place to have paid shill here? Mac fans just do it for free because they feel a cult sense of loyalty to their brand. I'm just curious if you're offended by the Lenovo guys doing the same.
>n-no it's all organic!
Kill yourself. /g/ doesn't even use Apple products as proven by recent usage polls. Still there's Apple ads every day all the time, in their own threads and in unrelated threads. Not even people who are braindead enough to buy Apple would be that determined to spend all their free time shilling it for years.
Yeah why would a consumer brand ever run free 24/7 ads on one of the world's most visited websites
That's just crazy lpl
I had several. The SSD burns out if you try to install Linux on them which in turn hard bricks them and Apple doesn't cover this under warranty as they consider it an unapproved modification.
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lelnovo fags actually have a few models to be proud of though not many, mostly from when they were still continuing IBM's designs before fucking up everything to chase thinshit soldered trash like your currynigger jeetbooks

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what the fuck is the purpose of a ""paper wallet""
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It should've (and could've) just been done on-chain.
They crippled it deliberately to prevent it from becoming a competitor to banking.
The excuse was that the network couldn't handle more than 1MB blocks (ironic, given that Youtube, Netflix, etc, are far more bandwidth heavy - and that's just at the consumer level).
>You're basically working with IOU's at the stage.
You're passing signed transactions back and forth. Either side can choose to publish the transaction at any time.
>The excuse was that the network couldn't handle more than 1MB blocks
No, that's not how it works, the network can handle even 10 times that.
It's not an excuse, it's how the BTC blockchain fundamentally work.
Each block can only contain 1MB of informations (transaction data + hash) but each block is generated on average every 10 minutes.
This is hard coded into the BTC algorithm and it cannot be circumvented without changing its algorithm (which will require every miner to update their software). The real reason behind this hard cap is currently unknown but it is speculated that it was made in order to limit how much the blockchain could increase in size over time.

Think about it this way: since 2008 every 10 minutes 1MB is added to the blockchain, every miner who want to mine BTC need to access the whole blockchain in order to create new blocks. If the block was just 1MB more, nowadays the blockchain would have been twice in size (currently is 586GB).
I was active in BTC development at the time (2015-2017).
>This is hard coded into the BTC algorithm and it cannot be circumvented without changing its algorithm
This is literally a one liner in code. It was put in place after BTC's release to prevent spamming the chain. Satoshi's intent was to always increase it as needed. In 2017, it was obvious the increase was needed (and Segwit2x was meant to be the compromise).
>nowadays the blockchain would have been twice in size (currently is 586GB).
You do not need the entire blockchain to run a node or mine Bitcoin. You only need the UTXO set.
Put simply, you cannot spend from an account that has no money in it.
If someone tries to spend a coin that does not exist in the UTXO set, the transaction is invalid.
Additionally, with UTXO commitments, you wouldn't even have to download the chain to run a node or mine.
You could just download the UTXO set (which would be cryptographically proven to be of a set state).
>The real reason behind this hard cap is currently unknown
You've been completely duped as to why BTC didn't scale. There were no technical merits for it. It was entirely political.
Idk mine is made from leather, not paper.

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if you had a friend, what pc would you recommend him to buy? budget is $600, maybe a bit more.
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i put one together for my mate not long ago, about $600 ozziebux. bought a ryzen 3 4100 and 8gb rx 580, 2x8gb 3200mhz ddr4
all up, not amazing, but capable of running elden ring at around 50-60fps on low gfx, which is the most intensive thing he really cares about doing.
>ryzen 3 4100
Kek you scammed him good

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Waifu stats edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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Why is she pointing a gun at me?
more drivers = better?
More drivers = worse.

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I just bought an RTX 4060 Ti and Intel Core i9 32 Gb DDR4 RAM and 16 GB VRAM.
We are so back.
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I bought a 12700F for $150 (Used) and the ddr4 motherboard (B760 New) for $100 and I sold my previous motherboard and cpu for $170 (11400F+B560) I think it's not a bad deal
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you dodged a bullet like trump
if you had picked the 13900K or the 14900K you would be fucked
With that money you could have bought a much better 7900 GRE that would have provided better fps in games and the freedom to use Linux. Why are you so stupid?
Buy one of these or it'll bend and crack and your 600 CPU will die in 6 months from the stress of the oem CPU mount.

Someone tell him

Why are computers and technology such a male-dominated hobby?
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The term "male-dominated" has an unnecessarily negative connotation
that's the point nigger
out of 10
We are more prone to ADD and autism?
I think more women are ok with being geeks now. But some are only doing it ironically to be attention whores.

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