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What was the use case?
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Which gamers are using the number lock key? Most people today play with a controller.
>article written almost 25 years ago
Stops scrolling
>removes the key
>keyboard at ICBM silo stops working
>replacement doesn't have the key
>ICBM explodes on launch
Many such cases
Because Excel is wildly popular, especially with money folks, which makes them more important customers than those of us dirtbags that fiddle around with FOSS toys all day.

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>they actually removed headphone jack and expect us to use this thing
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Just get a pixel or a OnePlus
That's what I did, bought a refurbed pixel 4a to replace my old broken one. 180EUR was a good deal for a "like-new" with 3y warranty. Feels like it's the last good phone (5a is 4a 5G).
>6Gb RAM
But what next? Nobody makes good phones anymore, and I will have the same problem a few years from now.
solid state components are a lot less likely to break than shitty chinese USB cables
Fuck both. The only reason to use a dongle is to get better sound out of an old computer/laptop without needing a desktop dac/amp and the only reason to use true wireless shit is at the gym/house chores.
an official apple one is $9 and lasts along longer and sounds alot better

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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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You said stealing MONEY, and assume I'm not hogging bandwidth.
Another good question for you lads. How do you bypass browser fingerprinting when you have to appear as new identities, let's say you need dozens of browser identities per month. Let's say the website also does device fingerprinting. How do I bypass these measures if I'm using a virtual machine? What if I'm on bare metal? Assume I have every kind of device too.
All Armory links have been updated.
Good, because I was running out of time: I'm anxious to start learning C. So those 2-3 hours a day will go there now. Some thoughts:
- One of the reasons why I've done this was to learn about all the different tools myself. It was an interesting journey and I've bookmarked a little arsenal for myself.
-Now the list looks very tidy. No more unnecessary revision numbers, or absent periods and capital letters.
-Some of the tools are ancient.
-If you're making a tool, even a simple one, don't call it something generic, it will get lost with time.
-Pentesters don't care about web design.
-It was impressive to see successful tools grow from 0.1 to 6.5.0 Freaking veracrypt, tor and wireshark were so unknown ten years ago.
-I might've fucked up by adding https where it didn't belong, but I'm gonna recheck those links twice.
Oh, and me or someone else should notify people on github about it, because they have copies of this list. Like this one:
>haven't you heard "punk is dead"?
I've heard of it somewhere, there's no actual definition of "punk" as far as I know. From mainstream sources such Cambridge Dictionary, it means:
>a culture popular among young people, especially in the late 1970s, involving opposition to authority expressed through shocking behaviour, clothes, and hair, and fast, loud music
So yeah, as a counter-culture movement, it's gone for good as you need to be unapolegetically you as an opposition against the norms and the establishment.
>It's a board game. It's an aesthetic. It's a culture. It's edgy anime drawings. It's music now? It's nothing. Nothing to do with cybersecurity. And nothing to do with punk.
So yeah cyberpunk means nothing if it just aesthetics, this general should be moved into /fa/ and rebranded as "cybercore" instead. Most young people (zoomers) have moved on to "name"+core instead. That's so far my understanding from this, anon.

>Am I stealing your money if I just hack your WiFi to play games because I'm broke?
No, it's called sharing

By now, everyone is aware that I am blacklisted from a career in software because I have my "bachelors degree" in "computer science" from WGU. You all already know about Scott Pulsipher, the head of this organization who steals pell grants and military tuition dollars from soldiers, so enough of discussing him and his satanic ways. My question now is, are there any jobs that exist that one can do with a "degree" in computer science, as opposed to a degree? I am no longer eligible for grants as the government perceives me as having an undergraduate degree, even though I do not have one. I need a career that will still allow me to move out of the hood forever, even if I am blacklisted from software. Has anyone here gotten past the blacklist?
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>Fell for the "Lern2Cood" and "STEM shartage" memes
lol, lmao even
i dont think there is a blacklist
I just heard a homeless schizophrenic man at a 7 eleven rambling about being blacklisted, was that you op? There's no such thing as a "blacklist" btw
If they hire a lot of military people, organize with alumni, find the most Jewish lawyer possible, and class action sue companies for discriminating against veterans.
There is
Easier said than done

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Previous thread: >>101433174

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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your van and your toaster, we're taking the lot
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Good night/morning, anons! See you later on today most likely :]
Take it easy dude!
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early morning sperg gridding. as i knew beforehand tunabiscuit and tunazap are the best amongst them

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What's the problem with this?
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No, doing so will add a bit of friction, but interop is much better than any other language (besides maybe zig), which is convenient when you need to use a specific library or already have a big codebase
why this language so excited? why are all these modern excited languages? not professonial
so does this work if you only have a header file and the library? What about auto completion will the lsp be able to find the symbols?
>C is all you need
C fags and their bullshit memes.
You don't know anything about performance until you profiled the problem. Until then STFU.
I profile the problems wherever I go

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>IM THINKING MIKU MIKU OOEE- *BEEP* Low battery. Please recharge headset.
>IM ON TOP OF THE WORLD, BECAU- *BEEP* Please recharge headeset.
>Power, off.
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>dick shaped mic
>she doesn't suck it
so much potential left on the table
Better version
Yes, charge your headset.

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This is the lowest testosterone board in all 4chan and that's counting lgbt and soc
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Well, yeah. This is the board for little girls.
you need to be high test to feel you can dominate another man in buttsex
no, you need to be mentally broken
lgbtrash tried to turn this board gay too
'part of the reason i hate em so much is that one of therese baffoons dared to ask me why arent i more feminine

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Do zoomers really not know how to pirate media?
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what the actual god damn mother fucking printer is that?
HP something. I went to best buy and specifically asked for a cheap no frills printer that simply prints, and the stupid fucking pompous blue shirted cunt sold me that
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using an android phone as a zoomer is social suicide

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Should I stick to XML or switch to Compose?
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what is compose?
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New screens in compose
Only ever migrate old screens to compose if you got nothing more important to do, and easier custom views or having less code appeal to you
If your screen contains a scrollbar or reorderable items, stick with XML because this doesn't exist without dirty hacks on compose.
Google already launched the psyop and even removed some View tutorials from their site iirc
I must say that I'm a compose fanboy, though
>Should I stick to XML
you already know the answer, white man
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Switch to Compose because it's comfy

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>although the common opinion among programmers seems to be that it's a sin to block archive.org, I believe it's fine to do that if you don't want old versions of your site floating around
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I'm scraping a porn site right now! I have been doing it for the last 6 years, every week. The owner doesn't like, he already mention about "people stealing" content, but he's powerless. Cuck.
if I own the data I have a right to not have it posted elsewhere simple as
This is only happening in that troubled head of yours.
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There WILL be old versions of your website floating around.
>plenty i can do
0 things you can do, as is the reason why you couldn't list 1

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Old thread: >>101403054

What are you working on, /g/?
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I am serious, you cant into abstraction:
As a solution to your "problem" all you need is a tree with each layer having its own protocol which additions (branches) or the layer respect

In an actually good program these structures can be inserted by the user and then accessed by other programs

Sorry that you are a coping brainlet, not my problem though

Your level of stupidity is why linux failed by the way
Your narcissistic mental illness and IQ of 80 makes you unable to learn what the words you use actually mean. When this is pointed out to you, you devolve into psychosis and start shitting out schizo word salad.
>he couldnt even comprehend what i said

(You) may be a psychologist, but psychologisst are evil jews and i dont care what you say, by the way.
Your narcissistic mental illness and IQ of 80 makes you unable to learn what the words you use actually mean. When this is pointed out to you, you devolve into psychosis and start shitting out schizo word salad.
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>I want to turn everything into a table

Pic related.
How would you like to optimise it?
By memory footprint? By CPU cycles?
I am curious, how you'd approach it.

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Thoughts? We are entering alpha soon and this DE looks promising.
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>>global hotkeys
>No use case
Im making a windows alternative to nvidia shadowplay. It gives the option to save replays at any time when you press a key. Global hotkey is a requirement.
>>global hotkeys
>No use case
Im making a linux alternative to nvidia shadowplay. It gives the option to save replays at any time when you press a key. Global hotkey is a requirement. This is why nobody uses obs studio on gnome wayland.
I think there's already OBS and GPU Screen Recorder. Does it have something additional
That screenlocker issue is caused by systemd deleting your xauth file btw. Years old tmpfiles design retardation that they blame on packagers, distros, and users when its clearly meant to push people towards enterprise Linux and keep normal desktop users out.
It's okay software that uses csd is trash anyway

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Online dating edition

previous: >>101376126

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

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Nice, i got the same semi-static ip but forwarding on my ont just doesnt work, tried a dozen times and gave up. The outbound infrastructure is severely schizo too, if i try a barely agressive nmap on some ip and send lots of packets then my connection goes down for 5 mins automatically, they say it's "protective measures".
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I have HP Gen8 Proliant Microserver (pic) Needing to upgrade the P222 raid card due to it is a POS with heat and noise. Would prefer another HP RAID card.
Post the services you're serving in your home. For me it's:
- wireguard (vpn)
- blocky (dns)
- traefik (reverse proxy)
- samba fileshare
- filebrowser (web file browser)
- scrutiny (S.M.A.R.T monitor)
- rtorrent (torrent client)
- flood (torrent webUI)
- jellyfin (media streaming)
- homepage (webpage with links to services)

Basic, but pretty solid so far.
ssh, allows me to torrent (rtorrent), download files from web (get) and YouTube (yt-dlp), convert media (ffmpeg), act as off-site storage (sftp). Anything else is just bloat and you're all fags.
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I've made a few slight mistakes while building this rack (namely buying both a patch panel and a brush cable hider), but otherwise i'm fairly happy with how things have turned out. I'll be moving it to my HO that has an AC in it, and rack mounting my workstation to it so I can hook up to the UPS. Sadly I can't reach 100% aesthetics due to the lack of shippable intertech case rails (and the APC rack costs an arm and a leg here), so it's all just sitting in the rack without support (for now).

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>you have 2 choices for a completely secure private laptop

>option A
>a macbook designed by apple in california
>backed by thousands of engineers and security experts
>who all told the FBI to fuck off

>option B
>a used cum encrusted stinkpad
>a """""""secure""""" custom BIOS modified by a handful of NEETS that havent been employed since last century
>a """""secure"""""""" distro by another handful of incel NEETS who work on the project in their free time (all their time) for no pay and never audit or bugtest anything they release (you pay with your tiem betatesting rather than money upfront)
>pretend they're better than billion dollar security researchers like cellebrite

why would any sane person pick any option other than A?
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>You can infer they have decent security practices
They have good practices in regards to repelling external infiltration (you knew that's what a meant you contrarian child). The same cannot be said for their cloud infrastructure. Nothing is ever truly deleted anyway. Not even on local storage
>deleted pic
that's my gf
Ok so we went from "they have good security practices" to "nothing is ever truly deleted" in a single post. And now because Apple lied about deleting nudes, the same is true for everyone else, despite your zero evidence.
For once I actually believe you're not being paid to shill Apple.
>(((security experts)))
>who all told the FBI to fuck off
HAHA, good one sir.

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