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>decide to learn python
>ooohhh free jewtube tutorials
>watch and follow along
>4 hours of the basics + exercises, finished in a day
>go to sleep
>wake up
>retained nothing

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Why the fuck do you want to learn python basics when LLMs can already write them for you?
start with the GB. it's already a big challenge
Literally never gonna make is lmao
Why is it so common for retards, shitskins and other third worlders to use video tutorials? Not even joking, this genuinely confuses me.

Recently I was trying to help my friend learn OpenCV, I sent him a link to the Python documentation on their website which contains some really good tutorials. The next day he told me he tried learning by watching some YouTube videos but gave up after a few hours.

Obviously you are not going to learn anything from a fucking YouTube video tutorial. Partly because anyone who knows what their doing would choose to teach in literally any other format (textbook, documentation or text-baed tutorials). The only reason people make YouTube tutorials is because it gives you a built-in audience and monetisation. People aren't making these tutorials out of love of teaching, they are doing it to make money. That means the tutorials are made by retards and designed to appeal to other retards.

If you are serious about learning anything, download a fucking textbook. Failing that, read the documentation on the website. Or at least find someone who cared enough and is competent enough to set up his own website for the tutorials.
documentation is confusing as fuck to the absolute beginner

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/gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags

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how can an indian not be a jeet
There's some complicated math behind this, it's not as simple as just multiplying it by the inverse, you should be able to find a guide on it by googling
idk. you tell me.
I forgot to mention this. Don't perform any REFACTORING at all until you reached step 5. Focus on somehow implementing the necessary stuff till then. Don't start cleaning up your code whenever you write a line or two. Forget about it. It can wait till you get get your shit together. What it'll do is only waste your time and divert you from getting shit done.

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it is hard to appreciate how much influence and scope amazon has until you work in DMV for a while
they are enormous. after all the data leaks (some of the largest ever) caused by their shitty default security for bitbuckets, i do wonder why people keep trusting these faggots.
every institution in Washington is a revolving door. the Washington post is no exception. nobody who was at high levels in the company really cares about journalism it's just a stepping stone in their careers at think tanks or lobbying or whatever.

the Washington post posts articles about how the regime is in danger and needs to allocate big contracts immediately. the contracts go to amazon because it's already one of the largest contractors and nobody ever loses their job for picking the safe option. all the USG employees and congress are invested in the stock market which always goes up. then they go get jobs in the media to talk about how we need more contracts, etc etc etc
no i'm not a chink. i have white skin and blond hair.
i'm not signing away my privacy if i don't comply with an NDA.
>don't have interest in divulging
>get paid more for 0 drawbacks

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To stream my the music I create.

I want to use RTMP with HLS as transport.
The app will allow people to send donations by means of Stripe.
Services are located in docker.

What are the potential downsides ?

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Thoughts? We are entering alpha soon and this DE looks promising.
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>>global hotkeys
>No use case
Im making a linux alternative to nvidia shadowplay. It gives the option to save replays at any time when you press a key. Global hotkey is a requirement. This is why nobody uses obs studio on gnome wayland.
I think there's already OBS and GPU Screen Recorder. Does it have something additional
That screenlocker issue is caused by systemd deleting your xauth file btw. Years old tmpfiles design retardation that they blame on packagers, distros, and users when its clearly meant to push people towards enterprise Linux and keep normal desktop users out.
It's okay software that uses csd is trash anyway
why is it using temp for that?
it should be using $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
jesus KDE and X are such shitware.
why? KDE constantly draws the decorations off-screen all the time and it gets annoying and honestly for shit like foot where I could turn the decorations off altogether, it was much better. SSD sucks nigger dick.

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Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, the list goes on... ALL MUCH WORSE THAN THEY WERE 8 YEARS AGO. All with far more innacurate, worse results, far less exact and helpful results, and PAGES of artifically boosted garbage websites (look up anything political or conspiracy related and see all the nytimes, nypost tier websites that make up 90% of results if you don't believe me). The issue runs much deeper than SEO, and is very much the fault of the engines themselves, rather than the greater internet. All popular engines will maliciously manipulate results, and most competitors simply suck (see brave search).

This thread is about them, and about other options or solutions.
>what is your experience with google (or other search engines), what problems have you had, have you also seen results get worse?
>what else have you tried?
>what do you want to see in your ideal search engine? What do (you) think could help solve their current issues?

>I've used yacy (not trying to shill), a p2p open source engine, some search results better although much fewer and requires a process to run in the background. I currently rely on google and brave search for most simple searches.
>I think you should have more control over your search than just a few-worded query: website black/whitelists to keep low quality websites out (lazy news outlets, articles written by AI and filled with SEO, etc.), and to boost good forums and wikis you know and like yourself. Google has long had a similar function, but only allowing you to query one specified site. If adblockers like ublock origin can keep ads away 99.99% of the time with their community-compiled blocklists, surely something similar could be applied to searching.
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The search engines are not the problem
the humans are
this is true
especially if you want to search something obscure
like linux garbage
i even had google refuse to give me a github result for systemd code
>gives 100% results from well known yet very biased
Yea, that's right, paranoia porn or nothing!
>And what were the results 8 years ago?
infowars.com was the first result and then some /pol/ 4plebs links
>most of the 1000 employees are blood relatives

Why are computers and technology such a male-dominated hobby?
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that's the point nigger
out of 10
We are more prone to ADD and autism?
I think more women are ok with being geeks now. But some are only doing it ironically to be attention whores.
>I swear if every women stopped working tomorrow society would flourish.
oy vey that is antisemitic

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Soon, programmers will spend their days debugging AI generated code.
>employer lets AI generate huge swaths of code according to a spec
>code will do some things right, some things wrong
>hire real human to fix it
At least AI code will only fail on edge cases, pajeet code fails from the design stage with their AbstractLooFactoryObserver
rent free
Nope. That's a chinese shill. They do it because it's on their daily to-do list.
So like what they already do with Indians?

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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i

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I see. What debloater/tweaker do you recommend for W11? I've used O&O Shut Up10++.
ShutUp10 still works fine on 11, that's what the ++ is for.
IIRC isn't the right click menu in 2024 the 10 one by default?
Is there a way to get old windows 10 emoji set on windows 11?
I've heard many good things about the LTSC version of Windows like no ms store or bloat but now I want to know its cons.
What are the drawbacks of using Windows LTSC?

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I'm still upset I could not buy picrel in 2008 because it was discontinued. I got w660i instead.
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Picrel was mine when I was about 16, I forget how much sovl phones used to have
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My ex gf had one of these ~14 years ago. One day I got a hold of it and read messages and it turned out that she was fucking older guy behind my back. She was nice piece of ass though. Now she's fat and living with cat alone.
I've been playing around with my old nokias lately and they really do kinda suck ass when compared to modern phones. They do remind me of better times and I do miss the overall cultural enviroment from when they were still relevant though. The tech sucks less now but everything surrounding it seems worse.

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Better microcontroller?
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>A jammer is less doable without proper SDR
nonsense. you don't need an sdr at all if you can build your own electronics. circuits for jamming are simple.
Good circuits for jamming are not so simple.
you're asking the wrong question. all microcontrollers have their use. the real question is: is there one with a better ecosystem? AVR was the best for a long time. now it's ARM32s turn. RP2040 has a very good ecosystem so the answer to your questions is no. RP2040 is here to stay. for a very long time.
adafruit's probably
>Disgusting. If you can’t use C++
I can use C++. I can use anything.
Instead of punching down, have you tried lifting up?
Have you tried being positive?
Wu-Tang is for the children.

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The rate at which A.I. is growing makes me anxious and scared for the future of humanity
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Why? Genuinely curious where this mindset comes from. I am familiar with AI/ML research and I don't share this fear. Yes I'm aware of exponential growth concepts like the singularity, all we have today that's really advanced is transformers (text generators but now they're becoming multimodal, so what?)
We didn't even get here especially quickly. If you watched AI research develop you would've seen a pretty gradual linear growth to where we are now with transformers.
What I am scared of is AI-powered weapons of war, like drone swarms. But that's not for the future, that's something they could build right now with current technology, and are already making.
>massive amounts of disinformation.
This isn't a real threat, it's a narrative that was created by OpenAI to gain public support for their regulatory capture scheme. They used this excuse to avoid releasing gpt-2 1.5b in 2019 (which they did release later) and then to stop releasing open source models. You're gullible. Generating nonsense text isn't doing anything that the internet doesn't do already naturally through social media recommendation algorithms.
>Imagine what would happen if a terrorist got hold of a proto-AGI-rated model.
>Automated kill drones
That's not an issue specific to AGI.
>fully automated 0-day attacks
That will probably not happen. If an hacker can leverage AGI to find flaw in a system, so can the system's maintainer.
>massive amounts of disinformation.
That's the only real issue here. And it will be solved by killing Internet and replacing it with an Internet 2.0. Strong authentication will be mandatory, which will allow to prosecute any bad actor.
shut up, faaggot
see, this is what I mean. I mean what in the actual fuck is this? this is some next level retardation. it's fucking over.

Moist Contortionist Edition

Previous thread: >>101396253

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


Bing AI Slop (0.7.0)
pastebin.com/raw/0rre6VvS (embed)

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Fluffy tails are so nice, but I bet fluffy ears are the true erogenous zone. Must touch both.
Literally anything can be a fetish potentially, maybe even landscapes... but I suppose some people tend to look at things from a narrow point of view.
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Detailed anime background painting, muted colors. A cycladic house in middle of coastal landscape in a sunny day, bright blue sky.
An izba in the background ?
I was going with just a generic "rustic farmhouse"
>heavy brushstrokes, detailed manga painting by Yoshitaka Amano, 18 yrs Latina woman (coyote ears and tail, long brown wavy hair, fringe, brown eyes, swarthy skin complexion) and 16 yrs Irish woman (fox ears and tail, long wavy ginger hair, green eyes, freckles) both wearing sundress, sitting close before a rustic farmhouse, happily eating gelato, hot summer afternoon. Bucolic atmosphere.
Good stuff.

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MOE (himitsu) Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

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it's not about agreeing with them or not
good luck having a public tracker with the same benefits as a private tracker
they're simply different ways to do shit
just like how in shittier places libraries are worse, you can't provide the same service for a group that just doesn't behave well
>only to those they deem worthy
Yes, if you don't seed we don't want you
We looove private trackers... we want to live inside em....
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>>>101437049 (You) #
>>>101437109 #
>Anime website
If you are so good a pirate then crack my privates

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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
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Ah, thanks man.
I probably make a bash script for this, eventually.
You can't change quality though, right?
Or I assume I have to change the quality and get the corresponding playlist json.
Why doesn't yt-dlp solve it?
yw. if you get rid of the '0' in the jq command you'll get extra ids for lower quality streams.
Does yt-dlp have option to retry on download break/end. To dump whole live stream, even if it is interrupted.
Yeah, I noticed.
There's object with H and W.
No wonder I kept failing, I was using the whole ID instead, not the first part.
Also I noticed the initiate segment uses obfuscation with multiple A's
I have this in mpv.conf

But it fails if the streams doesn't have the 480 format.
I'd like it to downfall to the best if nothing is found.

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