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Why don’t you fa/g/s use your skills for something useful rather than customizing every last bit of your desktop like a fucking woman?

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>be at a planning
>get told to pick a score for a task
>guess a random number
>rinse and repeat
Who is this for?
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Managers want numbers and they're too pussy to make them up themselves so they make devs do it so they can point fingers when things are taking too long.
Why does OP hate his job?
I love my job, I just don't get them random numbers.
Classrooms and schools are adopting agile concepts it's hilarious and sad.
Some one post the polyamorous couple that adopted agile to manage their relationship

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Boomers need to wake the fuck up. Stop supporting the attacks on Tiktok just because you personally don't like Tiktok or because of muh Chinese security threat. Instead, start hating your government for maintaining a monopoly of control on social media. Retarded boomers have lost the plot.
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sad! moot bby pls come back we miss you :(
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>you have to let insane leftists groom your children otherwise they'll get groomed by insane leftists
China's not sending their best.
What data are they mining that would of use to the Chinese Communist Party? That doesn't even make sense.
I have never once felt threatened by China or by Chinese people.

>The Government-level focus on freedom has done nothing but hinder America's interests.
There is no such thing as "America's interests". The concept of a collective interest only emerges in sufficiently homogeneous groups. Multiculturalism, multiracialism, religious differences, political differences, language differences, sexual competition, wealth disparities etc all have the effect of making the collective interest less well defined. The collective interest cannot be served if it cannot be defined. The collective interest of a particular ant colony is much more well defined than the collective interest of life in general. The more heterogeneous the group, the less well defined the collective interest and thus the more difficult it becomes to serve the collective interest.

>National security
If it was the security of a nation-state for my own people then maybe I would care, but all western governments are basically Israeli vassals at this point. What difference does it make to me if the Israeli ruling class is replaced by a Chinese ruling class? The US has been on a constant downwards trajectory since the turn of the millennium. This trajectory can only be maintained for so long before people start wondering if the previous century's supposed evils (nazis/soviets/etc) were actually the good guys. Meanwhile we have been told that China's collapse is imminent for as long as we have been alive, but every year they keep advancing at a pace not seen in the west since the 19th century. China will have a new city of 10m+ people built in less time than it takes Baltimore to fix that bridge. Between the US and China, it is the US that most resembles the USSR in the years leading up to its dissolution.

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Shouldn't your physical interface with the computer be nice? edition

previous: >>100108901
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take the clear pill
Desperate troon claws typed this post
Desperate for what?
I only have one but I like it. might get 100 more

Share your progress edition

/gedg/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: https://rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: https://rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg
previous: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100102255

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags.
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If you say something that people actually use is shit and when asked why you bring up something completely theoretical you are giving people shit advice
Stop larping as an industry professional
Yeah. I imagine it's hell to dig through months of someone's code.
It's something people do at work all the time, but these are people being paid to do it and it comes at a huge productivity loss
So from what I understand people use imgui for debug stuff and Qt for the actual product?
imgui is good for quick GUIs and is commonly used for game tools like editors and debug stuff
Most games use handmade GUIs or they use some framework that allows them to use web tools, I don't think Qt is a popular choice

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Windows is a security disaster, & they are not moving towards changing. Compare that to Linux who has dominated the server & embedded devices market, among other things.

The userspace Linux desktop software stack is far better relative to the others. Security & privacy are such high priorities. It's really completly based & it's hard to even choose where to start in terms of explaining how good it is:

>Wayland for separating windows & keystrokes
>Firejail, Bubblewrap & seccomp-bpf for sandboxing/privilege separation
>AppArmor, SELinux, SMACK, YAMA, Tomoyo & Landlock for permission models
>Hardened kernel & compiler toolchains (most notably clang) for exploit mitigation & memory safety
>UEFI Secure Boot + dm-verity for a full verified boot
>Memory-safe languages like Hare are first-class citizens
>Smaller attack surface in the first place

...& because it is open source, there is much effort put into finding & fixing bugs, compared to Windows which is unauditable & does not respect your freedom!

Look at something like Windows where software versions are forced & totally superficial. You're expected not to compile, but to Google your way to a software's download page, & verifying the integrity of a binary is unheard of. Only a tiny subset of security fixes receiving CVEs are backported (check MITRE if you don't believe me), the deployment of even the legacy exploit mitigations from 2 decades ago is terrible. Microsoft is notorious for holding back exploits for the three-letter agencies. Is this what passes as secure? What a joke! LMAO! It is just not based in any kind of reality with any actual reasoning / thought behind it. Only the glownigger shills & the MadA*dan cult would have you believe this.

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Didn't read
wsl is so fucking shit i recently tried to download a list of URLs using wget2
>stuff | wget2 -i -
and it didn't work
tried everything (strace, -d, verbose, etc.) and then i did this
>wget2 -i /dev/stdin
which worked
fucking retarded
not sure how they managed to fuck it up
VMs, nigger, read about them
The people working on Flatpak are doing their best, but from reading some GitHub issues, it's clear they are badly overworked and not security experts. The person responsible for Flatpak's seccomp sandbox has said it isn't even his main responsibility and he doesn't have much knowledge about seccomp and is learning along the way (https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/4466#issuecomment-939359257). The Flatpak seccomp filter is based on a blacklist rather than an whitelist, and many dangerous syscalls can't be blocked because applications rely on them (e.g. Firefox needs ptrace for the crash reporter). You also have to be careful and deny permissions such as /home filesystem access, because it lets Flatpak apps override their own permissions by design (https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/3637), X11/Pulseaudio sockets are also dangerous but that's not Flatpak's fault. Also, dangerous kernel components like io_uring are exposed (https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/issues/5447), while Google disables them on their systems because of their exploitation potential.
bumping the trvth nvkes the lintroons need to hear

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Why is this allowed? Win 11 isn't a free OS.
Are they preparing people for a subscription model os?
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>stop caring so much about this little thing we did
>why do you care so much, it's not that important. you can even turn it off
>you HAVE to throw a temper tantrum and cry about nothing
>actual, real issues? snore
/g/ has completely lost touch with the average user. This isn't Microsoft pulling a crazy stunt and daring everybody to switch to shitnux, home users WANT this. Recommendations and trends is what people like. It's literally a feature. A feature that every other platform has had for a while now. Microsoft is behind the game on this one, frankly.
>Why is this allowed?
The Jewish tech cartel is trying to phase out Windows because it is designed for backwards compatibility. Remember the adage: you will own nothing and be happy.
>Are they preparing people for a subscription model os?
LMAO how fucking naive and stupid are you? Making people pay multiple times for the same thing on top of earning money by feeding them ads and mining their personal data to be sold is literally the modern business model for corporations.

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This one doesn't read DVD What do I have to do?
i would just replace it personally, but someone may have some better insight
Hi I'm a very insightful master scientist

>>100183760 is correct, replace it.
he could desolder it and all that, but it is just a whole lot of work for what he can accomplish on the cheap..

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Xperia 5 V edition.

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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Obsessed droidtroon
>iphone 12 mini (had for four years) to xperia 5, what am i in for? how long does sony support their xperia line with updates?
Are there any good apps for learning piano and/or sheet music?
They're $100 for a bad/broken screen and $240 in good / vetted condition, a.k.a. no hard-to-tell ebay bullshit where the screen has some kind of yellowing.

I have an SE 2022 and it would probably cost a hundred bucks to fix the issue with 1 one of the 3 microphones (it rhythmically picks up a "clicking" whenever I record something). Thing is, phone's only worth about $150 at most and you can probably see my dilemma.

First thing I have to do is get a quote from the phone techs in town and then either jump ship to an Android or keep mine. If it's less than $50 then it's probably a no-brainer.

I'm thinking of getting the S20 Ultra but honestly, the battery is probably shit at this point. I bought an iPhone 7 years ago and the battery was like a used whore on its third pack of cigarettes of the week. Getting a genuine replacement from Samsung is $90 (or a round $100).

Alternatively, I could get an aftermarket battery, which don't last too long. That's hopefully not a big issue as long as it lasts at least 2 years, right? I'm hopeful to hear that there's at least 1 reviewed brand on /spg/.

I know personally repairs don't add much resell profit to a device as the cost doesn't usually offset the price sold w/ a defect. I figure I can just save the money put on its repair and put it toward an S20 Ultra.

From what I can tell it's not a big jump in $$$ and the battery replacement is fairly easy (adhesive garbage aside).

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> assigned work phone
> Not a single one of us is happy with this piece of shit.
I have sgs24 ultra and like it

Why are so many people still getting CS degrees when the tech industry is pretty much dead and you have an almost zero percent chance of ever getting a job now? When the dot com crash happened in the early 2000s, CS enrollment fell off a cliff, but this time it just keeps growing. Is it just delusion at this point?
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Because most goycattle are living BEHIND reality. It will take them a long time, years, to catch up.
Because they don't to working at 3 am in fucking McDonald's
the classes were packed in 2010 when i graduated. everyone wanted to be a cs major. i knew it was unsustainable even back then.
>Why are so many people still getting CS degrees when the tech industry is pretty much dead and you have an almost zero percent chance of ever getting a job now? When the dot com crash happened in the early 2000s, CS enrollment fell off a cliff, but this time it just keeps growing. Is it just delusion at this point?
The Jews are trying to trick everyone who is capable of a non-tech job into giving that up so when they *really* announce AI they can mass layoff everyone and strand all these fake workers into total helplessness. Then those workers will accept global tyranny as the solution. Or worse, those workers will CLAMOUR for it.
Most of those faggots only care about money and fuck over people like us who actually love tech

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Java/Kotlin framework edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

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Do unit tests matter for Angular
in my opinion testing most front end stuff isn't worthwhile unless:
- it has to do with the payment flow (which you'd ideally just write as an e2e test).
- you're testing something actually functional (i.e. the expected inputs/outputs of a somewhat complicated function)
- you're wanting to calcify some "functional specifications" in to your application so that the logic is never lost when redesigns & refactors inevitably happen. In this sense it kind of acts like documentation for newer developers of how your application is supposed to function.

Backend unit testings are much more worthwhile though IMO.
started in late march but only really worked on it the past few weeks. front end is just a next app in plain javascript lol, deployed on a digitalocean droplet w/pm2
After about 10+ (!!!) years with Adsense and the same ad units, my account has been suspended with "More ads or paid promotional material than publisher-content". They also rejected me when I removed all but one tiny ad per page.
My site only shows audio content so there isn't really much I can do.
Can anybody recommend an Adsense alternative?
So, as far a I know, the typical Express.js project folder structure looks like this:
>controllers: your endpoints, here goes your business logic I guess
>models: model definitions in your favorite orm
>services: calls to external stuff like third party apis, etc
>other stuff
That's all good, but where do I put orm queries, inserts, etc?
Putting all that in the controller seems wrong, and I'm not sure that qualifies for the "services" folder.
Maybe another folder called db or something? O a folder called utils, I don't know.
And the models folder should only contain the model definitions, right? Maybe that depends on the ORM as well?
Right now I'm working with Sequelize, but I have a personal project using Drizzle.

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Previous: >>100159394

Why aren't you calculating fibonacci(10000000), /g/?
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AI is impressive, use AI.
we don't serve mentally ill people
shitpost, faggot, for hundreds of posts.
you seem mad
Just figured out how to write one of my first programs without any help. I'm so proud.

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Alright /g/, which one of you is driving this car around?
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you wish, faggot
And what does that look like today? You won't post that because most of those parking lots are now condo towers.
It's like a Wisconsin license plate. It's genuine, and you should take it as a warning to stay far away from him on the freeway.
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Now zoomed out.
The concept of open space terrifies and confuses the europoid since they have "villages" every quarter mile with zero forest outside of a few small protected areas. They see that tiny highway exit slop stop and assume the entire state is paved over like that because they can't conceive of anything but a continuous stream of "civilization" with no untouched nature anywhere.

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.

Web browsing: i3 14100, 5600G
Budget: i5 12400F, 5600
Gaming: i5 12600KF, 7600
High end gaming: i5 14600K, 7800X3D
Workstation: i7 14700K, 7900X
AM4 upgrade: 5600, 5800X3D

Arctic Liquid Freezer III

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yeah water cooling is SUPPOSED to be better but maybe that was true in the past
>cyberpunk at all
A user cant really damage a drive in the return window, but can damage a cpu/mbo. They will let you exchange a dead part anyway. Check SMART for disk errors and fill the drive and do speedtests.

Was social media a mistake for humanity ?
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>People start to feel the biological clock at 30.
*women start to feel the biological clock at 14
Only a few succumb, the others just carry on, even if sometimes with a lot of encouragement from good parents and/or friends.
Those vids are clearly meant to encourage the discouraged incel ladies.
wine aunts on their mid-life crisis
This. When we could share the burden taking care of kids and old farts used to be easy. Now it's 2 (or worse, just 1) parent taking care of >1 kids and old farts
>Even Chris Chan himself fucks
It's over
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