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>string arguments start with single hyphen
>order of arguments matters
>ambiguous switch names like "-ss"
>billion synonyms for a lot of arguments
>switches with the same name can do completely different things depending on encoder/order
>tons of undocumented switches
>options get deprecated every other update
>30 different qemu binaries
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not true
>they're literally passing json around wtf
Yeah thats pretty normal
It gets bad when you actually want to pass enum values, pointers, or anything else. There's no type safety, there's no nothing. It's an awful API.

Even JSON would be a step up. Are you a webshitter by any chance?
Yeah gstreamer is way better at that
be glad you dont work with this other nuclear trash fire
>logging wrongly goes to stdout
>behind a non-intuitive combination of options you can make it go to stderr as it should. Just combine --quiet --verbose, duh?
>the filenames of files it creates have some characters replaced with unicode lookalikes because Windows doesn't support them, yes even on Linux.
>--ignore-no-formats-error prevents the error but doesn't prevent the error exit code

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If youre time has valuable, you use a Mac.
It's just that simple.
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t. time has no value
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>If youre time has valuable
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actually, the opposite.
If your time has value you will pay for a hotel instead of building a house.
that's not true, every FAANG requires the lead engineers to interview candidates

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you only need four headphones. (cheaper but worse alternatives in brackets)
>HD800(s) (AKG K701 - the old made in Austria one with 7 (!) bumps)
Your German open god dynamic chad for best immersion, timbre and soundstage.
>L700 (no alternatives)
Your Japanese virgin in case you want to listen to how your waifu's pubic hair is growing. Ultimate details.
>TH900mk2 (DT770)
Your Japanese closed chad for best bass and atmosphere.
>RS220 or MDR700ds (no alternatives)
For Movies and wireless chadness.
There is no doubt that those two cans are the best of the best for wireless listening.

For equipment you only need this cheap chinkfi.
Topping E30/E50, nothing else.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Cheapo IEM with the frequency response you want can take you a long way during the summer. I have to deal with not using my gear every fucking summer down in Australia because it's just so shit every year. A BTR7 and IEMs save the day for me.
>Just bought an HD 560s
Do I need a DAC for this? I heard a macbook pro is enough to drive it
just use an apple dongle and you'll be fine
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sexo sexo sexo
How is the latency on usb-c dongle dacs?
I'm looking to buy JCally JM20 for my X2HR's that i use on my PC but i fear about latency because i game on them quite a bit too.

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Mr. Pizza is a white man, though.
the chinks are offering pretty fucking sweet money, more than amerilards these days, really wouldn't surprise me if they headhunted some competent guys
i stayed yuropoor because helping chinks means helping socialism, but holy fuck the amerilards can't (or don't want to) compete these days (i write PTX, chink offers are 1.5-2.5x higher)
>yellow ching chong innovation
Top kek my lad
chink big tech: hardware R&D
amerimutt big tech: "da cloud," domestic spying data capture, brain rot social media, gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds
really makes you think.

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What went wrong?
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DEI, libertards, gays and fags, groomers and pedos, niggers. To sum it up: jews.
Killing off the Unreal Tournament series
What an AI bot statement
>What went wrong?
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>mfw tim is more acoustic than john and michael

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Hmm, interesting.
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Is /pol/ blocked in the UK?
Why does it show wikipedia first instead of the website itself? This search engine is dumb.
Website on the right, retard.
google it on bing

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Deep dive:

Don't buy Intel CPUs
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They always had parity for a while kiddo on the desktop front. On the workstation/server front AMD has a power gap in I/O connectivity.
You fucking wagecucks are insufferable
>They always had parity for a while kiddo on the desktop front.
Intel's CPU uplink is 8 Gen4 lanes wide, AMD's is 4. You literally can not max out a Gen4 NVMe SSD on AMD chipsets, because the bandwidth is shared with everything else. Only the next generation chipset will finally reach bandwidth parity, by upgrading to 4 Gen5 lanes.
>Laughs in AMD
I wondered when shit like this would start happening
>do nothing


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Windows laptop vs chromebook, which is better?
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I thought my chromebook was bricked but it just booted. I guess I'll use this for a while longer, even though I'm tired of it, it has episodes of a week or two every few months where it is almost unusable.
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ENTER the Panasonic Let's Note. It's a Japanese born and raised breed of laptops that has been folded over a thousand times. It maintains the classic ThinkPad philosophy, unlike your /g/oyslop.
by design laptops have a much shorter lifespan than desktop computers because they have moving parts and everything is compact.
I always tell people gaming laptops are a retarded investment because you pay a lot more money for something with inferior performance that will likely die in a few years. still doesn't stop idiots from investing thousands in them.
Make an argument against it. I fuarken dare you.

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Stop being tracked and policed by corporate social media! Just set up a GNU/Linux server and install this big web application and run it forever!
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Don't own a then phone retard.
I should mention that you can get around this shit with relative ease by simply having accounts on multiple servers, but you shouldn't HAVE to do that. Replacing major profiteering centralized, engagement driven proprietary social media with decentralized FOSS projects is a major form of harm reduction; the genie isn't going back in the bottle and all the newfags and phonefags and zoomers who grew up with social media aren't likely to give it up en masse and go back to forums, messengers, chat, RSS etc. So we need less shit alternatives and it seemed like a lot of Fediverse types saw the potential, especially as Twitter began to repeatedly shit the bed even before the Musk transition. However projects that had this kind of shit meant not an interoperable network, but various walled communities, completely compromising a core benefit of the project. . It CAN be beaten by having enough admins of communities that don't censor get large enough that the ones who do basically get squeezed out by the adults in the room, but we're a long way from that . Fuck any admins who engage in ideological preemptive blocking of instances on tenuous grounds, affecting all the users on both instances.
I made that FSE logo. I'm more on Nostr now though. The tech is just better.
The community seems like cryptobros though. At least they seem like the based hype-rejecting kind, but I don't really care too much about crypto since i'm fucking poor. At least fediverse has different kinds of people, and allows for different niches to form like in >>101439244
so /g/, for once, finally made the logo...

Year of the linux deskto----
They should open source the client desu.
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the last thing you ate
an apple
op here scrambled eggs with corned beef

old >>101405177
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mouser electronics
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Some time ago I made this function cdd()
when I use it, it changes folders and displays the folder with these cool icons. i can even hover images for a preview.
yet I don't remember why this happens or how to get the icons to appear without using this function.
function cdd(){
builtin cd "$@" && ls -F

typing ls -F does not show icons.
what is going on here?
nevermind it's lsd.
i had an alias for ls="lsd" but for some reason that no longer works unless I use this cdd command. weird.
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>is there an easy way to combine these into one mounted drive
You can take one and 'overlay' the other on top of it. But nobody really does that, regardless the OS.
>Most posts I could find from doing a search are asking about two partitions being combined.
That's what you wanted, right?
If that's not good enough, get more drives and make a RAID.
k it worked by loading my aliases after omz

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Why haven't you bought a Mac yet?
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>n-no it's all organic!
Kill yourself. /g/ doesn't even use Apple products as proven by recent usage polls. Still there's Apple ads every day all the time, in their own threads and in unrelated threads. Not even people who are braindead enough to buy Apple would be that determined to spend all their free time shilling it for years.
Yeah why would a consumer brand ever run free 24/7 ads on one of the world's most visited websites
That's just crazy lpl
I had several. The SSD burns out if you try to install Linux on them which in turn hard bricks them and Apple doesn't cover this under warranty as they consider it an unapproved modification.
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lelnovo fags actually have a few models to be proud of though not many, mostly from when they were still continuing IBM's designs before fucking up everything to chase thinshit soldered trash like your currynigger jeetbooks
x1 carbon ports
>HDMI 2.1
>2 * USB-C TB4 (1 for charging)
>2 * USB-A 5gbps
>sim (optional)

Macbook Pro 14 ports
>magsafe for charging
>HDMI 2.1
>3 * USB-C TB4
>SDXC card slot

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>decide to learn python
>ooohhh free jewtube tutorials
>watch and follow along
>4 hours of the basics + exercises, finished in a day
>go to sleep
>wake up
>retained nothing

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Why the fuck do you want to learn python basics when LLMs can already write them for you?
start with the GB. it's already a big challenge
Literally never gonna make is lmao
Why is it so common for retards, shitskins and other third worlders to use video tutorials? Not even joking, this genuinely confuses me.

Recently I was trying to help my friend learn OpenCV, I sent him a link to the Python documentation on their website which contains some really good tutorials. The next day he told me he tried learning by watching some YouTube videos but gave up after a few hours.

Obviously you are not going to learn anything from a fucking YouTube video tutorial. Partly because anyone who knows what their doing would choose to teach in literally any other format (textbook, documentation or text-baed tutorials). The only reason people make YouTube tutorials is because it gives you a built-in audience and monetisation. People aren't making these tutorials out of love of teaching, they are doing it to make money. That means the tutorials are made by retards and designed to appeal to other retards.

If you are serious about learning anything, download a fucking textbook. Failing that, read the documentation on the website. Or at least find someone who cared enough and is competent enough to set up his own website for the tutorials.
documentation is confusing as fuck to the absolute beginner

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/gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>>/vg/agdg

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how can an indian not be a jeet
There's some complicated math behind this, it's not as simple as just multiplying it by the inverse, you should be able to find a guide on it by googling
idk. you tell me.
I forgot to mention this. Don't perform any REFACTORING at all until you reached step 5. Focus on somehow implementing the necessary stuff till then. Don't start cleaning up your code whenever you write a line or two. Forget about it. It can wait till you get get your shit together. What it'll do is only waste your time and divert you from getting shit done.

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Thinkpad users start seething almost instantaneously when they see me using this thing in 2024.
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>Thinkpad users start seething almost instantaneously
You could've just ended your post there.
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if that was an allusion to the previous post heres what i usually post from.
DT mercilessly mogs both of you
for mobility, you dont need anything more powerful than a raspberry pi if youre not a retard
Post disregarded.
>running on a macbook

its only bc it just werks, you know...

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