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Linux users, what do you like about Windows and Mac?

Mac users, what do you like about Windows and Linux?

Windows users, what do you like about Linux and Mac?
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>easy to dev for
If you don't mind continually having to fix bugs caused by native distro packaging.
Windows: exe files have amazing backwards compatibility
Mac: I never used it, but I guess... stable?
Start menu, system tray, program availability, backwards compatibility, shit actually works in fullscreen
Global menu, consistent look and feel, Unix utilities, lots of great QoL features (file conversion built into the Finder as an example)
Can run any programs and games that were made for windows.
I've never used this shit. I guess what I like in Mac is that it's not Windows.

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What does it take to make Linux more mainstream?
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>if being nice is good why aren’t people nice
This confuses mutts.
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A backroom contract between the Linux foundation and PC manufacturers that prevents non Linux operating systems from being installed by default because default is king.
Worked for microcock, even with dell and lenovo now offering rigs with Linux pre installed.
as long as Linux doesnt run Microshit Office and isnt used by the average office drone, it wont replace Windows.
centos, right?
None of these three people exist because Photopea exists and absolutely obliterates Photoshop, GIMP, Krita, CSP, Affinity, and everything else in every possible conceivable metric, and it's not even trying.
Here's how it actually works:
A is a Windows user who prefers to stick to Windows.
B is a Linux user who rages and seethes at everyone who uses Windows because muh privacy and bloatware. (Linux consumes WAY more power than Windows but don't tell them that)

B tells A that he's a fucking retard because he's giving all his data to Microsoft. A tells B to install Enterprise IoT LTSC, and install Shutup10 and WSL, which creates a Linux-like experience on Windows. B keeps raging and seething because he doesn't know what any of that is.


If Linus Torvalds doesn't trust Linux, why should A? A reinstalls Windows.

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It seems that "be quiet!" is slightly ahead, any other players in the field that you would recommend?
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Arctic P12 is the king. Not cool enough? Slap more of them, nigga. /thread
This. The ways fans work is that if you have a decent case and a decently sized cooler you don't have to worry about temps, ever, and you hit diminishing returns pretty fast. If you don't OC, that is (but only retards do that). Also people who can't stand the sound of their computer are severely mentally ill.
>no rear fans
The high idles, the spikes to 90+, and the lack of seeing it ever clock up to 5+ Ghz is what concerns me. Almost as much as how hot the computer room gets, but I'd need some complex, customer made system attaching to the back and top of the case and piping air to the outside with fans to really deal with that.
i dont buy noctua case fans but their heatsinks are good because they will ship you mounting hardware for newer platforms if you ask so you dont need a new heatsink

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>Four more large Internet service providers told the US Supreme Court this week that ISPs shouldn't be forced to aggressively police copyright infringement on broadband networks.

>While the ISPs worry about financial liability from lawsuits filed by major record labels and other copyright holders, they also argue that mass terminations of Internet users accused of piracy "would harm innocent people by depriving households, schools, hospitals, and businesses of Internet access." The legal question presented by the case "is exceptionally important to the future of the Internet," they wrote in a brief filed with the Supreme Court on Monday.

>The amici curiae brief was filed by Altice USA (operator of the Optimum brand), Frontier Communications, Lumen (aka CenturyLink), and Verizon. The brief supports cable firm Cox Communications' attempt to overturn its loss in a copyright infringement lawsuit brought by Sony. Cox petitioned the Supreme Court to take up the case last month.

>ISPs say they shouldn't be liable for copyright infringement because "aiding and abetting requires some act to support the wrongdoing—not mere knowledge that a customer is doing something wrong." Providing service to a customer is not the same as providing "substantial assistance" to a wrongdoer, they wrote.


About fucking time!
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but sex and bunda tho
Brazil is heaven on earth.
Same. Go EU!
>good end
Copyright mafia are weakened and can no longer sue billy for billions of dollars because he torrented a 40 year old out of print movie instead of paying a license subscription.
>realistic end
Court gets paid to tell ISPs to shut the fuck up and kill customers for copyright violations.

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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What does this mean, exactly. Gib details, pls.
It might be worth looking into how AI is already being used in cybersecurity and carving out a niche for yourself if you're so inclined. Hewmons will still have to supervise & verify what AI detects, and possibly apply mitigations. Here's some intro reading:
All 1st world nations spy on eachother, and on thier respective citizenry. 1st world allied nations 'help' eachother to spy on everyone. Thier targets are vary widely from journalists, activist citizens and politicians, to corporate espianage. Botnets help to find targets by proxy, for example, Mr.Pleb McNobody lives next door to someone of interest. Telecom corporations have been mining personal data for a very long time, selling user data to whoever wants it.
As an example, take the "CarrierIQ" controversy that happened in 2011:
The article and video are very telling.
This is but one of many such cases, and of particular significance to me, because I was affected by this at that time. I saw with my own eyes, on my own device, that what that researcher discovered was true. The incident helped me begin my /pri/vacy journey in ernest, and the importance of having near-total control over devices I own.
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OP fixed
>the sky is green because I can't prove it's blue
As i said, trying to convince you is worthless. You're destined to sleep. I'm not your private search engine. Not my job to enlighten the likes of (you).
>>>Google and Apple Keyboard takes your passwords
>That's true of all keyboards. I guess you need to stop using keyboards forever.
More American fucking retardation. This fat retarded ogre hasn't ever heard of OpenBoard. Everyone, witness this. THE RETARD WHO THINKS USA DOESN'T HAVE BOTNETS ALSO COULDN'T INSTALL AN OPEN SOURCE KEYBOARD ON A PHONE. THIS IS THE AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE LEVEL OF AN AMERICAN "PATRIOT". IQ AT 80 POINTS MAX. Actual iToddler tier. This is the anon telling you not to buy Chinese. Couldn't install OpenBoard. Disgraceful. Pathetic. American.

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Hi /g/
I'm an university student and they didn't teach us about VR using unity (meta quest or something)
So I come here to ask about if there's any good courses or tutorials or anything
I'm kinda lost anons and this is the only place I know that could help
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just ask claude
>they didn't teach us
>any good courses
instead of learning VR and unity, i advise you to start by learning how to learn.
I guess you're clueless about universities where you learn shit and have to do everything by yourself
clearly yours isn't one of those.
Anon I asked for help because I'm really lost
Thank you anyway

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A language for sex havers. It's strick typing system helps bring job security and filters chuds.
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It can be convenient when there are several possible errors and you want to check for them with < 0. But I use it much less often than regular size_t.
the only defined negative value for ssize_t is -1 though
I use rust and I don't have sex.
Crates for this?
t. rust-using incel

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No degenerates edition
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fag, shut up and post your desktop.
your troon name should be amanda
Dubs decide if I should switch to GNOME.
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I am very new to Linux in general. It's so good. Cannot stop sperging about it to my friends.
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Why Amanda?

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Is this shit safe or not?
What are the alternatives?
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Jannie's looking like Shedon Cooper while watching gore on their macOS.
Security holes are everywhere. Your data is collected everywhere but I think you can be pretty anonymous with Tails OS if you only look at websites and don't actually interact.
You're going to need Tor for your mom when Z-Lib gets shut down on clearnet for good. Or this place gets dropped by cloudflare. The whole shop closes down February '25, this is known.
>>I download interesting videos featuring ukrainian children daily and nothing has happened to me so far
That's because you're still the president for a few weeks, mister Biden.

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Do Chromium browsers such as the shill king of the jungle have about:config or user configs like Firefox has? Is there a BetterBrave or something of the sort?
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Just a reminder that there are no reproducible binary builds for brave, which is not the case for both Firefox and regular chromium
>there are a ton of pictures and videos of various lions doing this
You can't.
Literally google (or whatever you use) gay lions.
I knew it, you can't prove shit!
If you want to see more pictures of gay sex look them up yourself, I'm not your gay porn supplier.

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>rip 10,000 songs from YouTube Music
>128kbps average opus
it's serviceable but is there another service I can rip from with higher quality/lossless files? I'd even be okay with paying a subscription for a month or two while I pull everything.
there's a service called rutracker
yt-dlp -F <URL>

yt-dlp -f <best_video>+<best_audio> <URL>

Everything you need is here
bestaudio pulls 128kbps opus

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how the fuck do you /g/ros keep track of your tasks
i have too many of them to keep track of in my head now
>inb4 pen and paper
NEET answer
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>inb4 pen and paper
Pencil and paper. Can't be l33t h4x3d.
i use a plaintext file i keep on the home page of my phone. just werks
task != backlog != project freezer
>get my todo list hacked
>h4x0rs now know I have a goon session every 2 hours and none of them last more than 30 seconds
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Remember them, dumbass
>God gives you brain
>Don't use it

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there won't be a Linux in 3 years once Linus retires
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kys troon
BSD can't even Wi-Fi
He has had a contingency plan for at least 10 years now.
I like FreeBSD and all the other BSDs, I think lots of stuff that came to Linux were bloated and badly designed BUT FreeBSD also had its scandals and fell for the CoC very quickly.
FreeBSD also has been adopting some of the bloat and badly designed stuff from Linux because the Linuxulator makes it so easy to do. Display drivers? Pull in DRM from Linux. Linux has a ZFS implementation now? Pull it in and deprecate the old implementation.
FreeBSD, which was famous in the past for its memory management and small memory footprint, does not support memory compression when linux has the excellent zswap and zram modules. One of my machines runs FreeBSD and as time goes on, the unique advantages that the OS had are being eroded away.

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The A18 Pro chip from the iPhone 16 Pro when compared to the M1 is:
> ~40% faster in single-core performance
> ~3% slower in multi-core performance
> ~10% faster in GPU performance

how long until Apple brings back the cheap base "MacBook" for $699 with an A-series chip?
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> 4090
> 24GB of VRAM
> M3 Max MacBook
> up to 128GB of VRAM
the best way to locally run LLMs with lots of parameters are MacBooks
>bigger battery
>worse screen
>newer product
>barely "wins"
>who cares
people with brains
>my computer takes twice as long to finish the same task but at least is uses less energy!
It's fine if you want to admit that macs are the computer equivalent of an eco friendly compact car, but then price them like one and stop trying to market them like a luxury supercar.
Support isn't about scores in a microbench, it's about how reliable the platform is. AMD opencl drivers still crash in monolithic kernels. Even some benchmarks crash on AMD GPUs

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I cannot log into my computer because Windows 11's sign in feature is stuck in a loop, and when I go to safe mode to try and sign in it says its failing on their end, meaning I cannot use my own computer because of their own servers are trash.

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you do all that and then it starts scanning all your files and updating when you just want to run cinebench
Thanks anon, only useful advice ITT, may you be blessed
no problem man use my referral link for buying windows keys
>trusted windows 11 award
Don't blame the user for not knowing how to trick this fuckery, blame Microsoft for this fuckery.

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