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Windows laptop vs chromebook, which is better?
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You should PAY me to use a chromebook
I thought my chromebook was bricked but it just booted. I guess I'll use this for a while longer, even though I'm tired of it, it has episodes of a week or two every few months where it is almost unusable.
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ENTER the Panasonic Let's Note. It's a Japanese born and raised breed of laptops that has been folded over a thousand times. It maintains the classic ThinkPad philosophy, unlike your /g/oyslop.
by design laptops have a much shorter lifespan than desktop computers because they have moving parts and everything is compact.
I always tell people gaming laptops are a retarded investment because you pay a lot more money for something with inferior performance that will likely die in a few years. still doesn't stop idiots from investing thousands in them.

What does this even mean?
Are luddites mental?
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A shame the shooter couldn't aim for shit.
Lardoid mutt needs to feel important
let us see you shoot the top of a president's ear
Why the ear? Shoot the torso, it's not like you're surviving that anyway.
more people survived being shot in the torso than in the head

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>Kills all fan-site traffic
>Kills forums
>Centralizes discussions
>Heavily censors opinions and bans controversial subreddits
>Updoot culture encourages circlejerks
>Ruins the internet
>Nothing personnel.
When will this website die out?
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>nooo but tranime trannies trannies trannies you're all trannies this is a /pol/ site get with the times moot said anime was for /a/ you cant get out of your containment board TRANNY aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
When a new, even worse one, comes along.
Bots killed 4chang and geddit.Jannies can rope themselves.
People like circlejerks. Even the faggots that browse this site.
funny when google plugged reddit data on their AI google gemini instantly became retarded

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MOE (himitsu) Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

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Private trackers are antithetical to piracy. I find the the gatekeeping and elitist nature of private trackers goes against what piracy stands for. To me piracy is about freedom and easy access to information.

I understand why private trackers are they way that they are but I don't agree with them. I hate how it restricts content only to those they deem worthy a.k.a. willing to lick their assholes and huffing their farts.
it's not about agreeing with them or not
good luck having a public tracker with the same benefits as a private tracker
they're simply different ways to do shit
just like how in shittier places libraries are worse, you can't provide the same service for a group that just doesn't behave well
>only to those they deem worthy
Yes, if you don't seed we don't want you
We looove private trackers... we want to live inside em....
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>>>101437049 (You) #
>>>101437109 #
>Anime website

This is the most beautiful thing ever fabricated.
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bring back ceramic cpus
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>This is the most beautiful thing ever fabricated.
it will be in 10 years, until then its picrel
Why is Intel shitting the bed so hard?
Tiny hats clogging the brain

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Never settle

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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Lmao. If I hadn't bought a chinkphone last month AND Unihertz( who cater to niche phonefags) had proper after sales support, I would've been head over heals for the Jelly Max. But it was not meant to be.
Keep posting your broken phone and maybe you'll learn not to break it next time
The IV was a terrible series though
Realme Neo GT6 Chinese version from Aliexpress <$200>Pocox6>Pocof3-f4> Any other used old flagship smartphones >>101440366
If you have real tech skill the Chinese version of Realms Neo series has always been best bang for the buck phone specs wise in the past 4 years even more than the poco x6 pro I bought from Aliexpress
Xperias are rarely shilled here, idiot. And 5 ii was the king of green lines. Thanks to Samsung displays lmao.

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dude bought 30 of these HDDs put them all in a RAID-0 Windows ReFS array and one died and he lost all 200TB


Wild shit. Of all the things to use he chose the worst one that guaranteed no recovery. A RAID-0 of 30 used drives on Windows. What a mad lad.
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The user thought they were combining disks as one and wasn't aware of the consequences of doing it. Whatever it was a RAID-0 or a JBOD.
He had no idea what he was doing and just created a default new array in windows server, thinking there was no risk of failure since it was only for a couple months with refurbished drives.
Actual retard.
>First mistake

Yeah this is the bonkers part to me.
I honestly dont understand people who buy critical compents second hand, for anything really.
The first storage server I built was on a budget, so I filled it with WD Greens, which worked fine for a while, but being a server that was running 24/7 the drives started to drop dead one by one after about 2-3 years.

Nowadays its always brand new WD Red NAS drives.
SMART alert a drive is starting to degrade? Replace that shit and rebuild the array ASAP.
My latest setup just had 4x12TB drives installed into the array alongside 4x6TB drives, and I had to use a JBOD raid box to temporarily store the data so I could reformat the filesystem to allow a partition bigger than 64TB, and I was fucking shitting myself for the few days I was copying everything back.
>30 used drives
The price savings are just too good to pass up

(You) are wearing a cute maid outfit. (You) wear (you)r maid outfit and use (you)r Maid Computer to do advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research. (You) think the computer's job is to compute something and (you) use the computer as a microscope for Mathematics.

(You) do this because (you) are a maid.

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do you believe in AI love?
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Good goy
Fuckin wrekt him in the rectum! Roflmao. This is the best post of the year!
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"loving AI is le cool and against the establishment" is a jewish psyop

jews own AI
jews own porn production
jews own banks
jews' only fear is a strong white family
I mean it's obviously make-believe. And insteaf of just daydreaming it's some corpo model doing who knows what. Grim shit
You'd have to be a total retard to think that feelings and relationships are set in stone

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Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, the list goes on... ALL MUCH WORSE THAN THEY WERE 8 YEARS AGO. All with far more innacurate, worse results, far less exact and helpful results, and PAGES of artifically boosted garbage websites (look up anything political or conspiracy related and see all the nytimes, nypost tier websites that make up 90% of results if you don't believe me). The issue runs much deeper than SEO, and is very much the fault of the engines themselves, rather than the greater internet. All popular engines will maliciously manipulate results, and most competitors simply suck (see brave search).

This thread is about them, and about other options or solutions.
>what is your experience with google (or other search engines), what problems have you had, have you also seen results get worse?
>what else have you tried?
>what do you want to see in your ideal search engine? What do (you) think could help solve their current issues?

>I've used yacy (not trying to shill), a p2p open source engine, some search results better although much fewer and requires a process to run in the background. I currently rely on google and brave search for most simple searches.
>I think you should have more control over your search than just a few-worded query: website black/whitelists to keep low quality websites out (lazy news outlets, articles written by AI and filled with SEO, etc.), and to boost good forums and wikis you know and like yourself. Google has long had a similar function, but only allowing you to query one specified site. If adblockers like ublock origin can keep ads away 99.99% of the time with their community-compiled blocklists, surely something similar could be applied to searching.
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I just use goygle, incognito window if I don't want a search tied to my google account
duckduckgo is pozzed (lowering search results for le heccin' russian misinformation (who cares about ukrainian misinformation, they're valid transwomen))
and brave is slow
everything else is some indie shit
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To no ones surprise, they were all ruined by Indian Hindu invaders. Hindu savages are like kryptonite to all forms of civilization. Yahoo was destroyed by Indian Hindu infestation, and of course the same Indian rats who ruined yahoo got hired to Google once the rapejeet became manager. The jeets intentionally ruined google search so that they could serve more ads by forcing people to search more pages on Google.

Import Indian Hindu savages and everything becomes scammy and rapey. Not even once!
>Why not just stick with Google?
Search engines are a biased window into the web. We want to filter out SEO and discover actual interesting webpages.
>SHIT tier alternatives

>Deep tier (best first)
ultra.gondola.pics (near fulltext 4chan archive)

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The search engines are not the problem
the humans are
this is true
especially if you want to search something obscure
like linux garbage
i even had google refuse to give me a github result for systemd code

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Let me guess - you *need* more?
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I store my password as an underboob tattoo on my lucid dream gf (male)
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That's a feature.
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>Have old laptop
>Have it entirely offline, not even bluetooth and encrypted
>Store passwords inside another encrypted contain on it
>Turn it on next to me whenever I need my passwords
Really is that simple
I don't lock my front door because I might forget the key
honestly pretty good for the average nigga

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We are supposed to be fighting silicon valley yuppies together.
>the most genuine people here are actually frogposters
>most genuine people
nope. every single one of you on this retarded site is a bot
They are just looking for random distractions until the next big tech drama crops up.
/prog/ and the other text-only boards were good as well.
Because they tell each other they are all so smart, and those who believe that drivel stay on.
Those with a shred of intellect and integrity will, of course, leave.

It's official, Consume Day Prime is here
Share your best d̶e̶a̶l̶ scam finds here.

Is Amazon even trying to hide it anymore?
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>Is there no rule against this in the USA? >>101436848

Anonymous 07/16/24(Tue)22:15:12 No.101438204

>>101437909 (You)
>in Australia
I've been monitoring prices and I found legit good deals in some other Amazon sites like Amazon Japan. Depends on the product, some were cheaper in May, some were cheaper years ago of course.
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I now have $175 USD to spend. What desktop PC should I get if I just want to play Minecraft Java Edition? Preferably at least 8th gen Intel.
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As other anons said, expect to use mods (sodium lithium phosphor are decent)
Just get an old office pc for like 50$ and slap a low profile gpu, 1050ti is an easy solution. You might even find a 1650 for 100$

You're welcome
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Don't play videogames.

They consume your time, and right now, you have the best time of your life. You have the best health you will ever have. The most energy. The most ability to apply yourself for long hours to study and master something.

That all fades with age, and you will never get this time back. Put on a maid outfit and use your computer to do advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research. Study your favorite research topics until you are so good you can advance them.

Go to college, take it slow so you absorb everything related to your interest, and just discard the rest mentally when classes stop. Look for research opportunities with your school. Keep going. Get a PhD in your favorite research topic and make research.

Play Minecraft when you get too old to do research. By then you can relax with family and play Minecraft on a private server that has all your grandchildren and you can show them cool stuff like redstone computer.
I graduated high school 8 years ago, college 3, and I still don't have a job. Haha. Kill me...
this board only uses crts found in dumpsters and thinkpads stolen from their grandparents basements. i suggest going over to /biz/ and asking them for advice instead

>C-s Nix
>0 results
how the fuck do you faggots not know about this shit
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>Is it good to use for people new to Linux?
if you are a software developer sure, otherwise it will be a nightmare
tranny garbage
We know, it's just shit that's gonna remain shit until the documentation stops being a total meme.
I've got the feeling Nix is just an Arch replacement for all those people who are mad at Arch becoming mainstream. I bet it has some obscure or complicated way of configuring the system just to achieve the same results you can get with a couple of commands or even clicks in any other actually functioning distro and I bet it's even easier to break than Arch ever was.
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>bait bait bait

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