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the competency crisis is becoming to much now. every single thing is dog shit now. made by literal mouth breathing retards who don't know what they're doing.

every website is dog shit. every web service is dog shit. I'm one of the last few super geniuses left.
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you idiot you will never understand us geniuses
>I am an inch deep in every god damn thing.
I can relate. I think the Boomer overlords see us as "computer touchers" and assume we do anything and everything computer. Because we can rotate the cow, we generally succeed enough for them to be satisfied.

Specialization would require the executive class to understand "computer stuff" is hyper fragmented and can be done very poorly or exceptionally well, but I don't see them A) being capable of understanding that until the older generation dies of and B) caring because they make money either way in most cases.
Oh yeah I'll just take out a small loan of 50000 fucking dollars
What is "warzone"?
I walked away from 20 years of an IT career for similar shit. Although in my case I'd risen into a position (architecture) where my day was pushing paperwork and 'making cases' for things to get done. With so much stuff becoming commoditized and 'going cloud', I could see that this was only going to get worse over time.
Fortunately I've made enough money that I can coast with minimal expenses from here on out. A waste of capability, though.
That finish to my career had me struggling with a lack of purpose in life, and to be honest that part hasn't got much better after I ditched it.

If you do anything other than "A" you're a certified psychopath
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dubs of truth
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I do 'A', but i'm considering now becoming a 'B' tard, the reason is that i sometimes activate the light when taking out the phone. i have axiety because of videos of roasties being aggroed and think you somehow are filming them if the light is on.
You are based

I use a back pocket for my wallet and a back pocket for my phone. Simple as. You take it out when you're about to sit down, it's ez.
I use all 4 randomly to avoid staleness and keep an element of rng difficulty in my everyday gameplay, whenever I need to obtain my phone from my pocket and reorient it

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Is kyun.host any good?
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here's what gippity has to say
>unusable, unreadable, laggy website
no thanks, looks interesting, but not functional
honeypot with 99.3% uptime
very cool, thanks 4chan
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I like the site design except for the shit performance. Too much effort. I wish more "underground" website were more into the "return to static HTML" trend like https://based.cooking
You're the kind of person to call every website that isn't Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter a honeypot

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If Qualcomm buys Intel then that would officially make AMD the whitest tech company
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>bubble pops
Means value goes down.
>share pops
Means value goes up.

Explain this, anglos.
AMD and Intel have a cross licensing agreement for x86 and x64. Part of that contract says the license is null and void if either company gets acquired. If Intel was bought by Qualcomm, they would no longer be able to produce chips with x64 instructions and tech. AMD would no longer be able to produce chips with x86 instructions and tech. Net result is AMD couldn't produce anything and Qualcomm could only produce ancient 32 bit x86.
No doubt as part of the process of buying Intel, they'd make some sort of deal with AMD, perhaps selling the rights to x86 completely so the new Qualcomm/Intel could focus on ARM/RISC.
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intel cannot go bankrupt
it is impossible
they are a jewish company, deeply supported by the jew-S-A
the american golems can and will absorb all losses of intel
How can a literal nobody country that was made up of only farmers and dumb people, become the literal goon that controls the supposed biggest and most powerful country in the world?
This has to be some kind of hell of an israel derangement syndrome I've never seen before, you say ukraine to a mutt, and they shit their pants saying how russia ought to destroy them, you say israel and they shit and piss themselves about how everyone should send them trillions to blow kids in the middle east.

Does this just werk?
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stock image
retarded question
yes it absoulutely does, i use it to have my headphones on my GBA or my PSP.
no i didn't get internet
Yes but only in 1 direction.
Kind of. You start losing voltage so the audio becomes softer as you add more splitters.

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I like membrane keyboards.
Same. I use a corsair K55 and it's way better than any mechanical keyboard I've bought and much quieter.
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same and it doesnt bother too much if i spill my drink on it for the nth time
Chiclets are better. Mech garbage can burn in hell.

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It’s now time for you to write your apology letter to them. I’ll even help you start. Dear
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Dear Sirs
I've never had a problem with them until recently because their shitty cameras are making eBay unusable. Picture quality on listings is worse than it was 20 years ago
Dear tim applel, a random linux DE has better UX than you're multitrillion dollar OS.
Go continue sucking nigger cock.
Best wishes, anon.
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Why do they keep trying to make it mainstream?
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If it ever gets unified for an interface and to make it even cheaper, VR has a chance
>not creating VR controlled cars, trucks, busses, etc and getting a bunch of 3rd worlders to drive them
Zuck was right about VR tech but missed the goals with the application because everybody thought AI would be able to do it.
Childhood dreams are difficult to kill even after finding out they're impractical. Funny enough, this also explains a lot of the retardation in boomer foreign policy.
Some people want to strap shit to their face for fun, I don't know, I don't get it either.
the use cases are just so generic or specific no inbetween

I know people that use it to design car parts and building interiors and they had to create a lot specific tools to do that. I also know people that use it solely for porn and video games. Also it's incredible how useless the Apple Vision Pro still is. It's a complete meme toy and Apple's feature of using it to watch movies on a place is literally the most useful thing it does.

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Are there ANY anons here who use a Mac as their daily driver, at work and/or at home?

There have to be at least a couple, right? Everyone complains about Windows, but desktop and battlestation threads are full of Windows 11
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they've actually decided to go back to unsoldered modules
>$100 chromebook
alright let's see it
I've used a MacBook pro m1 max 14" since launch, it was a lot of money though. Like $4,200 I think since I got 64gb ram 2tn storage. I won't pay that much again but it's been great
I got an Air 2020 last year, its a fantastic computer. I wouldn't ever buy Apple pre Apple Silicon but this is basically a fantastic little laptop, very well built and it literally runs at room temperature with no fan, so you can expect it to last until 2030 and beyond easily. And the best part is MacOS is unix based so I can basically do everything I was doing on linux previously.

Is it overpriced? Sure it is, but I can afford it.
>so you can expect it to last until 2030 and beyond easily
as long as you're not wrecking the SSD
i've used mine heavily for 1.5 years and my SSD wear is still at 0%, so it definitely can be done

>screen with great color accuracy
>non flimsy build quality
>great speakers for a laptop
>10h+ battery life
>great trackpad

The formula is right in front of them. The literal laptop boilerplate.

I've tried tons of non-macbooks around the same price tag +-$1000, no dice. Making me unwillingly go back to Macbooks every time.

Don't turn this into a lazy mac vs pc thread, discuss why this is the case. And of course, if you know any non-macbooks that ticks all those boxes, please share with the class.
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Do you own one, I've never had crappy products that break on me, except every Razer product I've ever purchased.
kek, might as well buy a desktop
iToddlers btfoed
There's a bunch of laptops that fit all the criteria out there, the problem is that you don't want to use anything other than applel garbage.
Plus, the build quality on applel products is literally subpar, you can't fucking be so incompetent you literally fuck some basic shit like a display cable or sata cable that break with normal use.
A friend of mine has a 17 inch one and he's satisfied.

There are smaller ones also.

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SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

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Why are you obsessed over a popular member anyways
Okay, time to use local again.
just let them doom, they are alone on a friday night after all
>So, what did you get arrested for Anon?
>I stole API keys for AI roleplay goon

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Welcome to the Daily Programming Thread. What are you working on, /g/?
Previous Thread: >>102403295
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oh, so it's bottom up, makes sense
but from what I'm understanding, most japanese games require the jap locale simply because they didn't bother using the W versions of the functions?
like, the entire reason why LocaleEmulator is a thing is just because they write a fucking A instead of a W?
You might also wonder
>why all this CreateFile and NtCreateFile nonsense?
That's because CreateFile still hails from the days when Windows had a strong MS-DOS underbelly. It used to be part of the kernel - literally, as part of kernel32.dll - but NT and NtCreateFile have since supplanted all this nonsense. Most programs still only ever call CreateFileW because NtCreateFile is ... ... special; it's not only used for file accesses, but also the NT namespace, and requires an appropriate prefix (\??\) before the actual path so that it knows it's supposed to access the file system.
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Is reading lots of code on github an efficient way to learn?
I've only ever done very small solo projects, but want to improve my skills
what backwards compatibility does to a mf
>so it's bottom up
>like, the entire reason why LocaleEmulator is a thing is just because they write a fucking A instead of a W?
Probably not entirely. Locales don't just hold information about which character encoding to use implicitly, there's also character sorting (is "ä" following an "a" or a "z"?), currency information, decimal BS ...

Also, as >>102476783 noted, there's a chance they simply used generic CreateFile, which would've mapped to CreateFileA if UNICODE/_UNICODE wasn't specified. Accidental omittance is more likely.

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did any of those 'lets make python fast' projects pan out?
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Snake got pissed when it got the door closed on it.
It just wanted some company or eggs.
Eggs do taste pretty good.
#notallsnakes #snakelivesmatter #gimmethoseeggs
The polars library uses Python as an interface for Rust for data processing tasks (much faster than pandas which uses C). You can also use pyspark if you want to use Python as the interface to a JVM coordinating cluster computing in Spark. Some libraries do support multithreading/multiprocessing and therefore can go pretty quick. So, yes, but only because Python is using other technologies rather than being fast itself. Since Python can interface with all these different technologies, I think it's clearly the best option to learn in 2024 and specialize into your given industry using its purpose-built libraries. I also really like Jupyter notebooks because it's a similar story of one interface for many solutions (scripting, visualization, reporting, documentation, etc with few downsides).
Python's problem is not really the implementation, it's just a badly designed language. It's basically impossible to make fast without cutting off a lot of features and breaking compatibility
Part of that is that there is a thick wad of complexity between the surface that most programmers see and the way things work at the bottom. Which wouldn't matter except many common libraries use that shit to do their clever tricks, so if you try to optimize it out and get some real speed, you end up breaking lots of people's code. Yet if you don't, you can't make a big difference to the speed at all.
Also, the base of the implementation has some shit ideas (like how the GIL works, the threading and memory management model in general, that sort of thing) that hurt things a lot, but the real problem is a bit higher up.
I always thought you can simply somehow translate all this into JS and have node/v8 fix the performance for you with Google's auto-magic. But I've never seen it done. If you do it that way, you can probably even replicate the native interfaces.

How did I miss this?
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What am I looking at? Is that someone I should know or is it because she's ugly?
She's the female main character in the TV-series "The Last Of Us".
the hand does look nice in this case
Apple always use the goddamn most ugly "models" to shill their slop
The eu said no though

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So they are openly admitting it now
They openly admitted to it when they decided to scan people's files for cold pizza.

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