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Let me guess, you need MORE?!?!?!?
46 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Let me guess, you need MORE?!?!?!?
More telemetry than Windows 11? Yes, Fedora and it's store have that.
Imagine a bunch of obnoxious middle school girls that shittalk and bully each other ruthlessly over petty shit all the time.
That's what these sad sacks WANT to be.
>More telemetry than Windows 11
You're a retard kek
fartixbros... what is the use case?
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>Community packages!
>Bleeding Edge!
*out of date packages for months*


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jeetshakers are technology. how are you using tech to protect your neighborhoods?
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you mean you're just too gay to talk to your neighbors
when would i have an opportunity to talk to any of my adjacent consumer-workers? we make mandatory smalltalk in the elevators if that's what you mean, the other day a mother said she'd introduce me to her daughter (she won't)
so you're a showerlet
clean your room anon
i literally showered thrice today (once in the morning, once because i went to totalwine and when i got back my allergies were acting up, once after i jerked off to an image of misty in a swimsuit)

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>FOSS project has a discord
why does this happen? Why is it allowed? Why isnt the FOSS community saying anything about this?
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This fucking boggles me. Is it some kind of BS where you (theoretically) make people come talk to you so they'll get more invested?
little miss terrorist
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It could be a combination of loneliness and laziness. They're too lazy to make proper documentation and also desperately want others to talk to them about their niche interests.

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Windows: office jobs
macOS: "creative" jobs
Linux: tech jobs
BSD: ??? jobs
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I have a job I'd like to offer her ;)
Who would pay to fuck a BSD user?
is that leaf a BSD users? working pretty hard
Theo is self employed at OpenBSD corp with 20 users and zero customers. Anything of value produced at FreeBSD at least make it into PlayStation software. With zero compensation though.
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None because BSD is for cucks.

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Asking as a last ditch resort because I’m 90% sure my bf is cheating on me.

Are there any apps or programs for android phones that can hide ones messages with hoes or somehow hide dating apps?

Please help

I already know he uses some kind of password keychain thing that isn’t part of his phone, and it’s separately installed
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simp faggot
OP is a troon. OP is always a troon ;__;.
what, he lets you browse his phone without supervision? btw if you suspect him to this degree you won't find anything on that phone, he's already 10 steps ahead
Nigger how about you ask your "bf" that you suspect cheating. "he" either convinces you of not doing so, or he admits he does and then it's relationship not worth saving.

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Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

1. http://warrior.archiveteam.org/
Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:
Requirements: Few GB of space, some bandwidth and small amount of CPU power, more info: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/ArchiveTeam_Warrior

If you learn that a site or any online data is in danger of shutting down, read through this page and contact ArchiveTeam on their IRC if required in order to have it archived: https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Projects

2. Help out automatically forward URLs you browse that are not archived on https://archive.org to them for archival with a browser extension:
MEDIUM priority (Important overall)

3. Seed torrents for as long as possible, rare data forever. Make sure to look up a guide for your router to PORT FORWARD your torrent client port, to substantially increase your upload (and your download) speed. In low population torrent swarms, if no one is port forwarded then you might not be able to connect to each other at all and exchange any data despite having it.
Requirements: As much or as little bandwitdh you want (you can set the limits if you need to)
https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent (Recommended client, especially to replace uTorrent)

4. Manually archive pages you want to have a local copy of with a "Web Extension for saving a faithful copy of a complete web page in a single HTML file with a single click"

5. "Capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key"

6. Publish the data that you have archived that isn't easily or at all available online. The easiest way is uploading it to https://archive.org. Once uploaded and edited to what you want, you can download the .torrent file archive.org will automatically always create for all items. This torrent can then be seeded and shared with a magnet link anywhere.
You can also just create torrents yourself in your torrent client and, as long as DHT (Distributed Hash Table, decentralized way to share torrents without the need for any specific tracker) is enabled in settings (on by default), your files will be searchable on DHT by DHT crawlers, local or online (for example https://btdig.com/, where you can actually also search for FILE NAMES within all DHT torrents)
OTHER useful things:

- In your torrent client settings add the best trackers to be automatically added for all of your newly added torrents (helps more easily connect to peers, especially in obscure torrents):

- Look into running a node for I2P (anonymous private network within the global internet):
Requirements: Mostly bandwidth, more info: https://geti2p.net/en/faq

- Look into running Tor/Freenet/IPFS nodes.

- "A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI"

- "ArchiveBox is a powerful, self-hosted internet archiving solution to collect, save, and view websites offline"

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
- Additional links to archiving and similar communities:

What are you archiving or want to archive?
Do you have or know anyone who has some rare interesting data or media not available online?
I'm currently sneeding all torrents I could find for FSF-approved distros. What are some other free software related torrents I can sneed?
Have a bump

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tell me why should I bother with linux instead of simply using wsl + vscode
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Cute and wholesome

It is the same guy. Rewatch it.
They're all wearing different clothes retard
>promoting fornication
>days don't exist
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What happened to them

Previously >>100396388
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managed to shave time in half but the memory usage grew
Time complexity is O(klogk) which is probably the best possible?
    private static int[] problem(int[] arr, int k) {
int length = arr.length;
List<Integer> nextDenominatorIndex = new ArrayList<>();
PriorityQueue<Integer> indexQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(
(x, y) -> Integer.compare(arr[x]*arr[nextDenominatorIndex.get(y)], arr[y]*arr[nextDenominatorIndex.get(x)]));
nextDenominatorIndex.add(arr.length - 1);
int index = 0;
int nextIndex = 1;
for(int repeat = 0; repeat < k; repeat++) {
index = indexQueue.peek();
if(arr[index]*arr[length - 1] > arr[nextIndex]*arr[nextDenominatorIndex.get(index)]) {
nextDenominatorIndex.add(length - 1);

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I submitted basically this and it was killed for taking too long, but an identical C++ version was accepted. Shit site.
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>solved in 4236 ms

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Has anyone here ever used a Telegram TLO bot?
I've never heard it called anything but "jump".

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I samefag all my threads since the IP counter got removed
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Buy an ad, Dack Jorsey.
most of us did that either ways, slowpoke
It's so easy.
wow! what a cool and handsome guy, with a large penis too!
OP so based

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What are some essential system programs this doesn't come installed with? I want to install it for the first time.
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If you managed to somehow install Arch on the target machine, you also have the means to install bluez right after bootstrapping.
If a window manager requires "skill" to use, it sucks.

what's the point of it then? why not install gentoo or linux from scratch instead of dunce cap OS ?
Neither of them can be installed in 30 minutes with a simple script.
Arch is a deliberately simple distribution, it's stated on their homepage. Simple as in "not complex".

Gentoo, on thr other hand, introduces a massive layer of complexity on top of your system. Just look at Portage FEATURES. In fact, Gentoo systems generally have more software installed since you also need build-time dependencies to build packages. Yes, you can remove them, but you'll have to reinstall them again at the next update so there is little point. And while this is a relatively minor annoyance, Portage is incredibly slow.

LFS has a different issue, but ultimately still a cause of complexity: you are responsible for the entirety of system administration, including packaging and upgrading software. Certainly an instructive experience, but not sustainable for almost anyone,

On Arch, installation is a matter of running a couple scripts (yes, it's simple and that's the point) and upgrading the system is a single command.

Likewise, being a binary distribution, build-time dependencies are not required. Packages are deliberately not split to avoid confusion: library packages, for instance, contain the shared objects, headers and even documentation. On Debian, these would be at least 3 packages.

Arch is not a "minimal" or "sekrit klub" and never tried to be, those are nonsense spread around by ecelebs and idiots on thr internet. The whole point of Arch is being a no-nonsense distro with a simple design and the latest versions of software.

As a consequence, Arch is arguably the easiest distribution to use for an experienced GNU/Linux user, and that's why I use it: it doesn't hold your hand, but it doesn't get in the way either.

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I don't get a 5G signal at my house

Why aren't they frying my brain?
Can anyone explain in non skitzo terms why 5g bad?
Science me up, bitch
high frequency radio is generally not good for you and has varying effects on brain behavior and other weird side effects like sperm count and expressed sex of offspring. The problem is biologists are generally retarded and helpless also human experimentation is a nono and there is a ton of money in shutting down health concern studies over high frequency radio.

It's also a likely contender for the cause for tanking bee populations but that one is more dubious.

From a privacy perspective it is concerning since a lot of lawful intercept schemes in Europe and the US which are mostly spearheaded by BAE use the higher frequency bands especially mmwave to quite literally map structures you are in. The Schizos were not remotely wrong when they said cell towers and cell phones are spy devices. It is very lab viable and to my knowledge deployed tech in some areas.

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Is this the greatest piece of software ever created?
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opinion disregarded
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>Is this the greatest piece of software ever created?
No but I use it. Wrap it and other players or transcoders with Firejail to stop some leaks.

sudo apt install firejail
sudo firecfg
echo "net none" > ~/.config/firejail/mpv.profile
echo "net none" > ~/.config/firejail/vlc.profile
echo "net none" > ~/.config/firejail/ffmpeg.profile
echo "No More Leaking Secrets"
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That's a weird looking brave logo
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giving a fuck about appearances of a code
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>he uses iostream
looks like a prepubertal boy
sucks to be a pedofaggot
>>100413693 may be because i am a male

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c go perl

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