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>Adobe owns everything you create with their software
>Create extreme far right, symbols, graphics and logos
>They are now owner of it
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waternarking helps me remember random naked girls names so i can find them again. - purpose.

sperg says what?
it's my food i decide who eats it
no because i have a fucking license perpetually to do the fuck i want with it
>uses inkscape on arch linux
>refuses to elaborate
Wow, that would apply to CP. Yikes, wouldn't want to be..
Ehh, who are we kidding, corporations aren't held liable for that shit.

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What typeface iz dhis?

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Is there any possibility to find a pirated Toon Boom Harmony 21 or the latest and Storyboard Pro 22 or the latest for Mac Silicon? These two programs are quite expensive for a student.... I've never tried to pirate any Mac software before and now I see that it's a bit difficult

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Why are InDesignfags so sensitive? You can be critical of virtually any design program and the people that use it will generally shrug with indifference unless it's InDesign, in which case the userbase will lash out and rage at you while drilling home that ID is actually a perfect program and you just don't know how to use it!
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InDesign is such a based program. A lot of people don't even understand or comprehend its power.
tell us its power . . .
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>in a typography class
>professor keeps telling me I'm using indesign like illustrator
I know exactly what she means by it too
it's just instinctual, I can't help myself from breaking shit up so I have more control
I work with a quark boomer and honestly he's the most legit power user on the planet and always shows me sick little tricks in the apps. dude knows everything there is to know for the most part

>> 456376
one thing I found cool is how you can mass create pages via spreadsheet. maybe you can do that in other apps but I've never seen it otherwise.

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Hi, Ive been into graphic design for a while, and I really feel like I wanna start doing my own thing instead of just admiring others pieces, where do I start? What book is best to read for the fundamentals? How should I actually build my own style? Anything helps, maybe its not the best place to ask idk, but I feel like some of you guys got a good grip of whats good and not. :)
(piece by Visual bleed)
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Read anything from Bruno Munari
Read the books by Wucius Wong.
Bought his book "Design in Art" for 8 shmucks. Been looking for a book published during the peak years of design for a while. Thanks for the recommendation anon.
you make this anon? is Dope
>(piece by Visual bleed)
i'm retard, sorry anon

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Hey y'all, made a wiki and looking for some feedback. Not tired yet so might as well.
Hit me with your best/worst!
Are you going to pay me?
only in headpats.
can arrange for pictures of my cat
>only in headpats.
Yep, that sounds like every Wall Street twat I've ever come across. This dude checks out.

Also what the fuck kind of feedback are you looking for? It's just a standard wiki. All there is the critique is the content which none of us give a shit about.
thanks for your thoughts. mostly just looking for thoughts on flow and organization I suppose. I've never written webpages before so just learning as I go, sorry about the bother :)

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Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
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it's trash just has alt right halo. sam hyde reeks similar to reddit now
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AE/PR plugin called Signal does this effect pretty close for some purposes - seems a little different but i recognize the white around the edges around the letters and on the main sticker's color bleed as something specific to the plugin. as for the skeleton - not sure.
does sam do his own art?
Maybe in terms of prompts. He has a team of editors and designers most notably this chick kozept.globe. I'm not even sure if he does post-production anymore nor do I even care at this point.
>if you ugly you bad
>if you pretty you good

are you a woman or a faggot?

What are you working on, /gd/?
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just finished the vidya so made something about it
the text over and under is really odd
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sticker I made
Not sure what this is supposed to be. Why is there an entire synopsis on a poster? Why the word DELIVERANCE in the top middle AND below Kingdom Come?? Why did you weather the poster? Stop doing that, you're just trying to cover up your shit designs by making it look worse on purpose.

Also the kerning on ROYAL might be the least of your problems but it still puts cancer in my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, it looks decent at a first glance, but that's all mostly down to the image created by Warhorse studios that you've used here which is really well made.

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HI /gd/, what do you think of said logo. your suggestions are honest;ly really appreciated. thanks in advance
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Unbalanced af
yeahi think leaving letters out of the name aint the best idea unless youre david carson
You have to put the H unless you're giving Jack Sparrow his peg leg from "Arvey" installations. It also looks bland and unnoticeable, adding a lot of detail will make you stand out and make you look less "corporate." You do NOT wanna give people the impression that you're a Microsoft engineer when you're installing someone's sink. This could also use some "installation" themes imaging to indicate what type of service you're offering.

>like a toolbox
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Your logo looks like how this guy might sound when he's saying his own name as he rapes some preteen Hollywood type

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I am having this problem with inkscape and cant find a place to ask so I'll ask here.
Can someone tell me how to fix this? Reinstalling didnt work. it shows up every time I try to start it up.
Download the zip version (https://inkscape.org/release/inkscape-1.3.1/windows/64-bit/compressed-7z/)

and put the libsigc-2.0-0.dll file into your C:\program files\inkscape\bin

>C:\program files\inkscape\bin
Dont have that folder. The error message is followed by a bunch of others too, btw, telling me more files it cant find.
solved it by uninstalling with the installer rather than the uninstall file. it still offered me "repair". I figured it must not have removed allmentions so the new install would not have placed those files in C:\ properly.
Thanks for helping either way, though, it nudged me in the right direction
i dont know anything about inkscape but id guess the .exe cant find some file or something like maybe libsigc-2.0-0.dll

but thats just off the top of my head

Ai bros help out
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use your brain and draw it yourself you fucking dipshit, if you cant figure that out, dont fucking bother
not a huge fan of ai art myself, but how is that an answer worth wasting time typing?
i know some sites that can do smth like that but really?? in /gd/?? ai? ppl will just hate on you
Why would you want to make something like that? What could that image possibly help your clients sell?
NightCafe probably

How can I do FM or rather Hybrid raster screen setup? Is there any free tool or program to basically turn a grayscale image into 1bit black+white image?
Something bit more sophisticated/flexible than just exporting it as dithered two color gif in photoshop.

Any help would be welcome!



your confederate time is almost up
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Every state should be its own country

It was literally invented by a redditor on /r/vexillology and you can tell, between the CGP Grey worship and the integration of physical geography instead of symbols that are meaningful to the states' people (the result of designing flags for places you know nothing about).
it's the cross of saint Andrew you thick twat
Constitutionally that is literally how it works anon

>soul? check
>inherent optimism towards technology backed into design of products and physical spaces? check
>corporate? yes, but not in a soul sucking way
Stop using that vague label anon and do some real research.
The graphical aesthetic or whatever the interior design of this era was?


just saying...
The optimism for the tech was because there were clear improvments from one piece of hardware to the next. There has been little leaps forward for the last half or so decade.
Aesthetics are large in part riding off of what the masses are feeling and many aren't feeling too optimistic about the future. Maybe things will change in a few months who knows, but an aesthetic will only catch on if it somehow captures what people are feeling.
frutiger aero is shit, i hope cassette futurism makes a big comeback

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