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What happened to women after the collapse of rome?
Women politically defeated Cato during his life. He wanted to keep the law that forbade them wearing luxury but they organised a protest which was successful. They gradually increased their power more and more and now we live in undisputed gynocracy
>We wuz patriarchal n shiet lol
None were really patriarchal
Virtue was called manliness now manliness is toxic and all virtue is feminine
Husband was head of the family and when there was divorce father got the children
Women couldn't vote they couldn't hold office. It was unimaginable for a woman to rule a state.
How would you want a state to look that you can call it patriarchal?
Roman wasn't patriarchal...

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What is life about, anons? I don't get it.
Chilling with your tribe
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women
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Probably some gay shit about love or acceptance or something.
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Is Star Wars crypto-aryan mythology?
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Somehow you fucked every single one of these up and missed that Endor is from the Witch of Endor story.

0/10, you're shit at pseudery.
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>missed that Endor
negro nothing of what I mentioned is about endor as far as Star Wars is concerned,- as this temple was on Ahch-To.
Darth Vaders grave WAS on Endor however,- which funnily enough ties into how Tolkien described Sauron and Galadriel meeting.
(spoiler alert,- the meeting of Luke and Rey is in Tolkiens universe described as Sauron and Galadriel)
It's a bit scuffed as far as real world equivalence goes because in Star Wars, Luke is explicitly the spoof of Jesus,- whereas in LOTR Sauron/Halbrand is a spoof of the Messiah lineage (Skywalker lineage as a single walking re-surrecting entity, basically being the bible protagonist lineage)
here, churn your noggin on another meme.
Why would you want mythology for manchildren when you already have real mythology
mythology is just politics and philosophy for manchildren. literally just ancient capeshit that got reguegitated over campfires and then worshipped by protectors of the "holy canon".

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This book was written, printed, and aimed at children.
The fact that Christians have to keep repeating "God is just" over and over again when discussing Hell is a tell. Kinda like how Muslims mindlessly repeat "Islam is a religion of peace" every time there's a terrorist attack or stabbing.
Man, the description of this on Amazon is terrifying.
there was no Disney in the 19th century. you ever read the original unexpurgated Grimm's Fairy Tales?

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It all started with the Uralics and Turkics BTFOing the Indo-Europeans out of Finland and Central Asia. Then Eastern Europe proceeded to get raped by 300 different Asiatic ethnicities that are too many to list.
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>Chinese man turns Nigerians into Khoisan.
The Asian genes are the only genes that can buckbreak nigga genes, so naturally they would want to spread them all over the world starting with snowniggas.
>Turkics BTFOing the Indo-Europeans out of Finland and Central Asia
They BTFO'd Eurasian mutts
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I would have no idea pic related existed if not for /pol/cels mentioning. Turkrainians have been so buck broken by Turkics that they literally have Turkic culture, but they just happen to speak IE.
>they literally have Turkic culture
They didn’t.
They're the same shit as Bulgarians. Both are IE speaking Turkoids.

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>Every major character has been raped

Why are atheisr obssesed with rape?
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I think he meant to say atheist. Berserk's only portrayal of religion is negative.
Lol it portrays folk religion/paganism in a positive light. Just not child-fucking abrahamic type religion
Can you summarize the situation for an adult?
>Miura was a le based pagan
You're an idiot.
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>Miura was a le based pagan
No one said that, jew demon

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Was muhammed a homosexual? We all know he was a pedophile but did he rape little boys too?
Arabs (and Turks) will fuck pretty much anything that moves as long as they're active instead of passive.
They don't have our idea of heterosexuality, in this they resemble Ancient Rome
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There are even worse hadiths.
>Muhammad the pedofag prophet
He said in Jannah Muslims will get bacha bazi eternal boy "servants" to bring them wine. If Muslims wished clothes, cars, horses etc...would servants or genies bring them too or would they just appear to them? Why would Muhammad mention beautiful beardless boy servants if he himself hasn't been one or used one.

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>look into the history of some illogical law (loitering, vagrancy, theft etc)
>find that it was created as an excuse to harrass/jail/expel black people from town
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probably, any hunter gatherer group would likely be very close knit and communal
>le proto-communist hunter-gatherers
t. Tulsa Tranny
it's technically their property anyway since this country was largely built on exploiting black labor
Before 1965 White people had property rights and freedom of association, so they could just legally exclude Congoids from their territory. After ZOG made freedom of association illegal, many communities tried to delay their destruction by Congoids through tendentious legal workarounds that mostly failed.

these are all ridiculously easy

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How did America defeat racism?
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What did Ukraine blow up this time?
all their memes demonstrate is that leftytroons have no idea why normal people are against pedophilia
Because white Americans became more exposed to black Americans through TV and discovered that they lived lives not that dissimilar from white Americans despite the color of their skin. They saw pictures of white southerners yelling at little black school girls and thought that shit was retarded.

That’s not really the case anymore though. Blacks today are totally different culturally from white America. They really pissed away all the sympathy and goodwill that they had.

this poster has weak wrists
A 16 year old girl is a child

It is a well-documented historical fact that “third gender” social roles occupied by effeminate men for religious, cultural, and entertainment purposes existed in many human societies.
Historical precedent is no argument for something being correct. The Holocaust is a historical precedent for genocide. Does that make it right?
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more for me
troon post
>Who is behind this? Who could possibly say?
And from whence might they derive the moral legitimacy to do this, if not for countless centuries of mistreatment of fruity cakeboys?
This was never a question of what is and what isn't, it's a question of what is being lauded and not. There has been an attack on normal people.
Anglos, Celts, and Germanics everywhere in the transgender movement. Just stop being psychotic degenerates, OK?


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If the Union were REALLY the good guys they would have,

>Deported all formerly enslaved nogs to Liberia, Haiti and other destinations, with enough money for them to purchase farm supplies to start themselves up in their new homeland, bringing the nog population down to below 4% in the modern day
>Only allowed black freemen from before the war, and a small number of black USCT that saw combat, the right to stay in America
>Banned all continental Catholic immigration; no Catholic Germans, no Catholic French, no Catholic Spaniards, no Catholic Italians, no Catholic Central Europeans
>Severely limited, but still allowed, German Protestant immigration
>Severely limited, but still allowed, Irish Catholic immigration
>Homestead Act limited to Protestants
Wrong pic, my bad, here you go.
can't tell the difference
There were no good guys in the ACW.
See https://desuarchive.org/his/thread/17051884/
Didn't Lincoln intend to send the blacks to Panama or something? And didn't Grant want to annex Saint Domingue to create a black state, but then he couldn't get congressional approval?
Why would you still allow Irish to immigrate but not French? That's dumb.

Post your favorite US President
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What did he do to make him your favorite? Is there anything specific he did that made you go "Yeah, this is the best leader America's had."? Not trying to start shit, I'm genuinely curious.
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Madison is my favorite, but the ones I think are the most interesting are jackson, wilson and nixon
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>favorite US President
It's hard for me to like a foreign politician based on their political work.
Cultural factors have a much larger impact on "liking" when I have neither gratitude nor grievances to consider.
Therefore pic related.
He's not my favorite, but I do think he's far better than anyone gives him credit for. I do consider him one of the best Presidents and he's certainly better than anyone who came after him, despite major flaws like ending the gold reserve, the Philadelphia Plan, and arguably the war on drugs (although I'd say that initiative becoming as much of a disaster as it was had more to do with Reagan). As for why, getting the US out of Vietnam and ending the draft alone would be enough for me to like him, but adding on to that:
>Nixon Doctrine pushing back on the idea of the US playing World Police for the first time in decades
>Calming relations with the Soviets while still keeping the country fervently anti-Communist
>The visit to China and building a relationship with the PRC
>Project Independence which would have made the US significantly more energy independent by 1980 and prevented another Oil crisis had it been completed
>ABM Treaty and SALT
>Eviscerated organized crime
greatest con man since muhammed

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Saturday hiss edition.
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Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect -- the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.

is YHWH the ancient deity of Israelites a dragon? any books that explains what is happening?
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Satan was certainly a dragon.
Genesis 3:14
>So the LORD God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, You are cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life.
Wasn't crawling on his belly until after the curse

Revelation 12:9
>And tthe great dragon was thrown down, uthat ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, vthe deceiver of the whole world—whe was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Spells it out even more.
well everyone agrees that dragon jesus the trickster sure did fool the world
>Jesus is Lucifer from Isaiah
>Hell falls into the Lake of Fire, the LoF is the main god itself
>Yhwh is actually not uttered in the original texts
>Yhwh would be based on Jove anyways
>There's not so much in the way of Serpentine imagery associated with YHVH
The most obvious is Moses turning his staff into a snake.

It's a bit more roundabout but there's also:
>Listen carefully: I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be wise as serpents, and innocent as doves
Christians believe that God is a triune being consisting of Jesus, Yahweh and the Holy Spirit. A white dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit and Jesus is the "Lamb of God" (lambs are sheep) which leaves Yahweh as "the serpent" in this passage if you continue drawing comparisons between the animals Jesus compares his followers to and the aspects of the trinity (the wolves are the Romans/aryan Koryos wolf warriors)
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.


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