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>You can't marry and fuck Muhammad's widows because... BECAUSE I SAY SO OK!?
who are you quoting?
Quran 33:53
Grad to see yhwhjaks full potential being used to address more than just 1 side of the aprahamic trinity.
We also need a godjak for pajeets.
Seriously. Islam is so obviously a dude making up stuff about whatever is convenient for him right in the moment. It'd almost be funny how obviously fake it was if it hadn't been used to oppress people for 1.000 years.
Allah didn't make you short godjak spammer, your parents did that. Inshallah you will lose another inch.

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Is deism outdated?
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It's inevitable conclusion is irreligion: "Oh ya I believe in this "god" being but I can't know anything about him, therefore he is irrelevant in my life."
It was actually ahead of its time
Deism, pure theism, is still based on a claim. That of God's existence.
They may attempt to use the Onthological argument and such but these prove to be inconclusive at best with questionable axioms and premises. What's left is a claim for a supernatural being which has found no presence or use in modern scientific models and has no business being shoehorned into any of them.

Agnostic is also a claim, the claim of the possibility of God. Of a supernatural being. It remains a dubious one.

Atheism has shown itself to be the most justified position of the three. As the refutation of dubious claims.
Atheism didn't seem viable to many because the clock-maker analogy still seemed to fit with the science of the time. There was no other explanation for things like the planets being in a single plane, or the complexity of life. Not to mention atheism was often illegal. I think if many famous deists knew what we know no a lot of them would be atheists or agnostic.
>Atheism didn't seem viable to many because the clock-maker analogy still seemed to fit with the science of the time.
You have retards still falling for it today, just check the catalog for proof.

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No, but Stalin definitely did. His massive paranoia and massive rejection of any social activities besides ones he personally loved screams autistic. His only passtimes were inviting party heads who could not refuse him and were forced to laugh as he rocked back and forth and spazzed out at b tier cowboy films. Hitler was also just as autistic and it’s funny to think that ww2 was just a tard fight between two tards leading socialist nations
That's kinda sweet
No he was just kind of a boring homebody. Didn't hang at the party spots with the leadership, just sat at home in his apartment with his wife writing and reading.

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What would the world look like now if the Central Powers won the First World War?
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Much better. Germany would replace great britain.
The Kaiser would have built a buffer state?
Did you mean Russia, because that's what Poland was leading into World War 2

also this guy >>16597763

The point of both of these is that the peace imposed by Germany would have been equally as retarded as Versailles, if not more so.
Germany would have imposed a Brest-Litovsk on both ends and expected the august authority of the Reich to make everything peaceful and profitable. It might have stuck as long as they were guzzling war reparations.
The only thing that came out of Versailles that didn't contribute to the next giant war was Wilson telling everyone to take it easy. An Axis victory would contribute everything to the next giant war.
Except both borders would be Versailles level retarded and Britain would never accept a German world order it had spent millions of lives to prevent.
See Kaiserreich
France is reduced to irrelevance
Russia is pinned back into Russia proper and becomes angry and revanchist led by some republican autocrat (i.e. like today)
Austria-Hungary gobbles up the rest of the Balkans, is saved from collapsing by German troops propping up the Hapsburgs
The British Empire collapses and they become an American client to protect themselves from German blockade

At some point the US and Japan go to war over China. Russia joins in with the US to get revenge for the Russo-Japanese War, Germany jumps in to screw Russia again. Britain joins to screw Germany. Basically WW2 happens except in this world Germany is stronger and Russia is weaker, so Germany might win this time.
The pacific war still happens

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Do theists here really not believe in evolution?
How do they explain the origins of our own races?
Two possibilities.
1. God cursed one of Adam's grandchildren to become an aboriginal one day.
2. God invented the goy races to test or serve the Jews before changing his mind.

At first, a life of slavery is pure suffering. You will feel humiliation and exhaustion. Your dignity will flow from your limbs, from your heart like fresh blood. You will grow cold and you will ache.

You will wish to complain, to resist, but your bloodied hands and feet and the barbed whips that strike exhaust you and silence you - yet you crave life and fear death.

And so you become cowardly and subservient. You still desire freedom, of course, but that freedom leads you to the slave market exhibition, to the gleaming bidding boards and an endless clamour that you've never seen before.

And your wicked master shall order you to expose your body, display your talents. And you will do your best, even amidst an ocean of shame, for you no longer wish to live like an animal in a cage, swarming and snatching for every last scrap of food…

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>ynr Lemuria
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I think it's supposed to be Lemuri Kandar.
>the blue parts around Finland and Turkey
That was meant for

What was the most kino Persian dynasty. Now obviously everything after the Islamic conquest is gay and cringe, but everything before that was pretty kino. I personally will nominate the Achaemenid Empire for obvious reasons
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I liked the part in the Shahnameh where the king, Kay Cavus or something, figures out how to make his bed fly by chaining eagles to the feet and putting meat on the canopy, so they take off and he crash lands in India and all his knights have to go get him and on the way home they take turns composing poems about how dumb he is
It's ruled by semitic god worshipping magis
yes tha's why I said that, it's OPs and the wests fault for still using persian for everything Eran. Safavid = Eranian but nor persian. Neither the founder nor the most first Shah were of persian ancestry
Nader Shah was kino, even if he was a Muslim
I don't like the recent rise of interest in Iranian/Persian culture. Iranians are not your allies/friends with or without Islam. Iran's future is with China, not the decadent and hypocritical West.

He convinced me; I'm an antisemite now.

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Isn't it a little weird for a political party that bills itself entirely on antisemitism to have so many Jews in it?
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>Everything I see points it to be an Italian fascist movement

They are literally wearing SA uniforms anon.
So where's the source of the pic? Which march is this?
don't believe your lying eyes
Anon im trying to look for your benefit, the only ranks that line up with his patch are SA ranks during the 1920's and not matching the layout of the reformed ones during the late 20's. His second patch also implies him being second in command of that entire SA regiment which is impossible since he's leading a marching band
Antisemitism is one of the most Jewish things possible, it's something imparted on European culture by Christianity (itself a Jewish religion).
It's basically a reaction to and mirror image of how Jewish religion teaches that they're the chosen people. Antisemites take that but proclaim themselves some kind of superior race that Jews don't belong to.
You see it a lot in Jewish culture as well with any Jew not agreeing to their common tenants being told they're not a real Jew, like any western Jew who denounces the war in Gaza.

>*Wins the Cold War*
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Korean history under the Mongol empire





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Both South Korea and Japan mass prostituted Korean women and Japanese women to American soldiers.




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Modern white men had sex with tens of millions of Korean women and Japanese women and Vietnamese women. The Dutch fucked millions of Indonesian women as well.

Central Asian men had sex with Korean women in Goryeo.


>During and following the Korean War, the United States military used regulated prostitution services in South Korean military camptowns. Despite prostitution being illegal since 1948, women in South Korea were the fundamental source of sexual services for the US military and a component of Korean-American relations.[4]
>In 1953, the total number of prostitutes throughout the population in South Korean was 350,000[47][48][49]
>average Korean prostitute length of service is 2.5 years for Korean soldiers while for American soldiers the average length is 3 years.

>During the 1960s, prostitutions and other related businesses generated nearly 25% of the South Korean GNP.[67] In 1962, 20,000 comfort women were registered.[1] The prostitutes attended classes sponsored by their government in English and etiquette to help them sell more effectively.[68] They were praised as "dollar-earning patriots" or "true patriots" by the South Korean government.[37][65][68]

American white men and Japanese men had sex with over a million of Korean women .

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Ex-Prostitutes Say South Korea and U.S. Enabled Sex Trade Near Bases
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Bae worked as a prostitute near an American military base in South Korea, an activity that American and Korean authorities permitted, some Koreans say.
Bae worked as a prostitute near an American military base in South Korea, an activity that American and Korean authorities permitted, some Koreans say.Credit...Jean Chung for the International Herald Tribune
By Choe Sang-Hun
Jan. 7, 2009
SEOUL, South Korea South Korea has railed for years against the Japanese government’s waffling over how much responsibility it bears for one of the ugliest chapters in its wartime history: the enslavement of women from Korea and elsewhere to work in brothels serving Japan’s imperial army.

Now, a group of former prostitutes in South Korea have accused some of their country’s former leaders of a different kind of abuse: encouraging them to have sex with the American soldiers who protected South Korea from North Korea. They also accuse past South Korean governments, and the United States military, of taking a direct hand in the sex trade from the 1960s through the 1980s, working together to build a testing and treatment system to ensure that prostitutes were disease-free for American troops.

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South Korea's government sold 200,000 Korean girls into prostitution to Japanese men in the 1970s

>Travel agents responded by funneling sex-tour packages to Seoul, South Korea. They lighted on the Kisaeng, a traditional Korean dinner and provocative entertainment, as the main sales point for Japanese men. The price of the tour included a Kisaeng girl.
>'Please enjoy vice': an invitation from the cover of the best-selling international guide book A Man Travels Alone To Pleasure Spots in South-East Asia. Kisaeng tourism was exposed by Korean women in 1973 when a group of women students made protests at Kimpo airport, carrying placards reading: ‘We oppose prostitution tourism!’ or ‘Don’t make our country a brothel for Japanese men’. Korean church women publicly denounced Kisaeng tourism as ‘a shameful act by Japanese men who take advantage of their economic power and dehumanize our countrywomen’. Of the half-a-million Japanese tourists who flocked to Seoul each year, 95 per cent were men.
>The heart of the problem is that sex tours have become part of accepted business practice. Corporations now use sex just like alcohol to serve clients and to socialize with colleagues.

>Even more so than women in Japan, Korean women were racially and economically subordinated to Japanese men. For the postoccupation state, this meant they ...

>the reporter estimated there were 200,000 women korea-wide who were being prostituted by foreign men as part of tourism in the country. Most of these foreign men were Japanese. One high-class hotel in Seoul surveyed in 1973 had 2000 rooms that were 99 per cent occupied by Japanese tourists. Of these guests, 150 had kisaeng staying wit them.511"


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Economics is the biggest pseudoscience in academia. It is basically a religion at this point.
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>ESL thinks economics is akin to biology
Economics is not what you call the study of economics lmaoo, that's macroeconomics brainlet
Macroeconomics is the study of the economy AS A WHOLE. Microeconomics is the study of individuals in the economy. Holy shit you are stupid.
still doesnt change that economics is just economics and not the study of itself lmao which as a definition actually falls into macroeconomics
What the fuck are you on about?
Reread it a few more times, I know English is hard for you anon

Love is about wilfully strengthening someone and respect is about wilfully not weakening someone.

Strength is the ability to be oneself without change. So love is helping a person to be themselves without needing to change, and respect is not making them into someone who needs to change.
Feelings of affection.
It is not something you "deserve" it is something you earn. By being lovable in the first place. That could be being someone's adored child, someone's admired by people for how and what he is, did and does. If you think you are deserving of Love then you better be lovable in the first place.
"I deserve to be loved" is an egoistic exclamation akin to "it should have been me instead".
Which has two grades; basic and advanced.
Basic respect is the one given to a stranger & compatriote. It is simple politeness and consideration according to one's position. Unless you are recognized as a "outsider", an "enemy", a "failure" or a "criminal" it is usually expected by virtually everyone for pretty much everyone.
Advanced respect is the one you give to people based on their feats and how much they are considered respectable. A hero, a genius, a great general, a champion ect... even if the feat is small they still receive high respect for their achievements.
Strength is the output of power. Power is active potentiality.
Power can be resilience, it can be vigour, it can be spirit, it can be mind.
Strengthening is giving or actualizing power and its output. Weakening would be taking away power or unactualizing it.

Strength isn't so much as "not changing" as it is "resisting change". To withstand opposite subduing change.
Love strengthens someone's resolve, sharing love strengthens bonds. Respect also strengthens a different kind of bond on a different scale, it strengthens someone's confidence.
Love often implies care and care is what you describe as "wilfully strengthening" or rather maintaining someone's strength and well-being. But care can mean seeing someone's untapped potential or misguided/wrongful actions and seeking to change them which may result in conflict. It's not always lack of respect tho respect may be lost if no change is sought. Lost from disapointment

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Any time a "patriot" confronts a Muslim, the conversation will only go one way - with the patriot making a fool of himself and the Muslim spraying out some historical facts for the record.

>Big Baz "You fuckers and your noncing, Tommy exposed you all! leave our country now!"
>Muslim "Let me ask you this, when your country invited Muslims here after the second world war, did they apply a contract or condition that said Muslims must abide by the law or be deported? I don't think they did"
>Muslim "btw, did you know Islam is the fastest growing religion worldwide? people are coming to the Truth"
>Big Baz "Inbreeeeding yeah it don't have no fucking place 'ere"
>Muslim "when the British government invited Muslims here to rebuild the country and the factories, did they make a condition that Muslims cannot marry his cousins? I think they were more concerned with rebuilding the country. I think you have a poor grasp of history, my friend"
>Big Baz "Ow many have you fuckers killed? Religion mate it's the biggest fackin scam ever!"
>Muslim "What if i told you 55m Native Americans were killed? Did you know that 2m died in the Civil War in America? Those were not Muslims doing that."
>Big Baz "Yeah yeah fack off"
>Muslim "37m in World War 1, 85m in World War 2. Vietnam? This was not Muslims, do you know that?"
>Big Baz "Faaaackin thousands of our girls! You've nonced em all!"
>Muslim "We condemn it, but 1m Iraqi killed, how many in Afghanistan? it's about perspective my friend"
>Big Baz "don't care, shouldn't be 'ere if they don't speak English"
>Muslim "again you haven't answered if a country asks Muslims to come and rebuild the country, are they not entitled to that land? was the contract that they must speak English?"

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Reminder that there are NO theological arguments against child marriage. It isn't sinful.
lmao what kind of schizo cope is this
>Mohammed never did such a thing,
>Narrated By ‘Aisha : The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Hadith Number 234.
If you disagree with this, you're calling Aisha a liar.
>did they apply a contract or condition that said Muslims must abide by the law or be deported?
Yes? When you move to another country, you've tacitally agreed to obey the laws of the land or else either be thrown in jail or be kicked out. Like that autistic retard Johnny Somali in Japan.

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reminder cromwell lost
english monarchy will prevail ad infinitum
anti-royalcucks lost
The English monarchy after 1689 is basically just a form of institutionalized celebrity worship. Ultimately the Parliamentarians won, the monarchy has not had much direct political power for over 250 years. I am not happy about this but it is the truth, even you must admit this. Even supposedly radical conservatives such as Edmund Burke viewed the destruction of royal power as a positive thing. It's all quite tragic really.
>cromwell lost
Cromwell died a winner.
The commonwealth may have been ultimately defeated, but if that's your standard for victory then the Stuarts lost too.
If cromwell had lived longer, there would never have been another Stuart on the throne

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