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Why does this president in particular get accused of being a blood drinking child sacrificing illuminati satanist and the epitome of all evil? The people cursing him are all conservative truther types too so his Republican values should be more aligned with theirs yet they seem to despise him the most out of all presidents.
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it's over for them. they'll become increasingly irrelevant, increasingly more fanatical trumpcult, after trump dies they'll continue worshipping him, possibly being inherited by don jr or barron. democrats will split into 2 and become the new relevant parties of america.
funny how you think weimerica will last until 2028
when trump leaves the rhino's will take over again, just like after '64
The truthers used to be lefty conspiracists
He was the last real politician to hold that office

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Why didn't socialism catch on in America? Why are there no notable American socialist movements in history?
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Depends on what you mean by “economically literate”. It means different things to different people.
those aren't selfish, faggot
I believe this is the reason why leftist always talk about "Homes not investments" stuff.
If you want to secure a conservative population all you have to do is give them a stake in the actual economy (picrel)
Most of Germany rents and is notorious for its conservatism.
It was less than that, and most of them went to Germany, although Turkey took the most of them and they aren't really European.

Literally happy ever after peace in Europe forever good ending if this was in place
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Adolf Hitler may have never found the power vacuum he needed to become dictator had the Allies recognised German Austria, and allowed it to become one with Germany
Why would Italy genocide the Slovenese exactly?
Romania has a lot of ethnic Hungarians though.
Bull fucking shit. The spirits of the oligarchs wanted war. The soul of the hidden hand was consumed by bloodlust
To replace them with people who speak Italian, which is necessary to be functional citizens of the Italian state

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It sounds a lot like this "antichrist" is a hero and someone who will actually make some change in the world and destroying the parasites. And his opponents, Christians, are content to sit around waiting for Jesus to come save them instead of making that change themselves and fixing their societies (while still complaining about it on 4cuck of course)
You should kill yourself immediately

You are kind of right.
The antichrist will try to create heaven on earth, like the French revolutionaries of Robespierre or like communists who dream of the society at the end of history with no nations, social classes, private property, state, prisons, family ties etc. He will be a Utopian.
But humans, whenever they try to build heaven on earth, can only build hell on earth.
would he even know he's the anti-christ then? would he have genuine good intentions?
>But humans, whenever they try to build heaven on earth, can only build hell on earth.
The world was pretty good from 1945-1990.
If I had to make an educated guess, it could be something like in Dune. Paul, by ingesting spice melange, became a servant of the sandworms, which were demons, and he couldn't piece together that his visions of the future where the worms projecting their agenda for humanity telepathically through him.

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What lead to the complete downfall of socialism by the end of the xx century?
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Dumbest thing Ive read on /his/ today
>The USSR just so happened to put farming co-operatives on bad farming land on purpose, and didn't bother collectivizing private property because clearly communism was superior to capitalism
Its amazing the amount of mental gymnastics communists do to justify their retarded ideology.
Literally the dumbest thing I've read on /his/. Has to be a troll.
>The USSR just so happened to put farming co-operatives on bad farming land on purpose, and didn't bother collectivizing private property because clearly communism was superior to capitalism!
Its no wonder you guys think women can have penises, and that children can consent to sex. Your mind is melted from porn, leftypol, and high fructose corn syrup.
The irony is most or all of the ethnic groups in the soviet union were capable of producing enough food by themselves in their local communities, if you just leave them alone and don't try to control or subvert them. But the commies could not do that of course.
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Not replying to you, Anon, but here's something:
The real reason why private plots were productive wasn't because they weren't all on arable land.
The Soviet Union tried collectivization in the 1930s, and it failed. It caused a famine that killed millions of people. So Stalin reversed the policy, and allowed private land for farming.
China even did the same thing with the famous "Xiaogang Experiment."
It had nothing do with the batshit, mentally retarded idea that Soviet officials knowingly chose bad land for farming and not private plots.
They just knew capitalism was better at producing food which is why they were so harsh on Mao's policies and split with him.
Marxists have a room temperature IQ bro.
Communists are the stupidest posters on /his/.
Also, to add, you're right. The Soviets also genocided many Siberian farmers because they could be self sufficient, but the soviets wanted them to work in factories.

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>You can't prove you exist to me independent of my senses because the only way to communicate with me is through my senses.

Why does this statement piss so many people off? It's true.
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It might be but it’s also hilarious too
it's true, but the reason people get mad at it is not because it's false, but because it's a thought-terminating, conversation-ending argument.
If you're having an argument with someone, where they're pushing their ideology, or belief, or interpretation of whatever and you're pushing yours, and you respond to them "Well, we can't know that anything is real, so it's all just meaningless," then the conversation's over. You have effectively just said "I disagree with the fundamental assumptions that underlie this conversation that are taken as a matter of faith." There's nowhere to go from there. Everyone now just has to stop talking and give up.
That's nonsense if you take it literally. You can't prove anything exists without your senses.
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I know things that you do not, and I am able to reveal those things to you.

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I have realized religion is both true and false.

Obviously Jesus never walked on water, Moses never parted the red sea, Mohammed never rode a horse to heaven.

But the act of faith in God is what gives mankind virility, activating some power deep within him that we can never understand.

In a word: believe!
So you’re a pro religion atheist. Unfortunately religion doesn’t do anything anymore besides giving the stupid ignorant masses good political views compared to there better educated libcuck neighbors.


The Confederates were right on all matters Constitutional & Legal but as much as I hate Lincolnian derived America its still hard to defend them because they used the correct interpretation of the federal compact to defend the most repugnant institution of the 19th century.
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They lived in unparalleled safety and comfort under the tutelage of Whites.
who cares about control? We control children all the time. Women were controlled and not controlling women has been catastrophic, even young men were controlled and them being emancipated has been almost as bad as women.
Make the case against slavery, why shouldnt a lesser people be integrated vertically under the tutelage of a greater race?
>thats not for you or I to decide
Actually it is.
>geopolitics was moving away from slavery
No, the British were moving away from slavery, the majority of the world still practiced slavery until Whites showed up and decided slavery was immoral.
>sanctions tariffs
unlikely given how the UK supported the South despite its slavery for political reasons.
The UK would literally send soldiers to garrison and defend the South had they successfully separated from the Union, slavery or not, we know this because British analysts were already predicting the US would surpass them in production and eventually world hegemony, and thats exactly what happened.
>black life isnt the result of black choices

Youre not a serious person.
black life outcome is a result of IQ.
black women have the highest level of educational attainment of any minority group in the US, even higher than asiatics.
its not a racism problem, its not a legacy of discrimination problem, it never was, its a behavior problem. Its not even all blacks, its just black men.
Respectfully I have reservations about whether they were legally in the right. It's subject to argument. Certainly the Secessionists believed they were, but in certain ways they hedged their arguments, and they also correctly assumed that their actions were sure to be interpreted as crimes. They knew it was an untested case. If they were confident in their position, they should have expected the Court to rule in favor of Secession, and then the thing would be settled without blood or all the uncertainty. After all, Texas v. White could be easily seen as victor's justice.

South Carolina for its part hedged by claiming that nullification of the FSA by free states constituted a dissolution of the Constitution in itself, and that they were effectively no longer bound to it. Sort of sidestepping the principle that THEY could be the ones to sever their own obligations to the USC, which they nonetheless believed they could. States following after them used a version of this argument or didn't bother. States seceding after Federal mobilization were handed an arguably easier argument.

Your conclusion is definitely right though. Even though it might be a valid opinion that they had the legal right to secede unilaterally, that's no reason to champion them or their cause. So you respect the right to form your own country -- sure -- but what kind of country? We can certainly make moral judgments of what people choose to do within the law, and we also all recognize that laws can be unjust, which is why they can be changed.

Secessionist militias seized Federal assets well before Lincoln was in office. More like ransom than negotiation. It's also a very valid question whether they had standing to negotiate in the first place.
You must know that’s not true
Yeah by and large American slaves weren’t treated as bad as in Haiti but to frame like you are is so disingenuous
>Abe, who does not deserve his acclaim
yes he does

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>Somehow, napoleon returned
Besides Napoleon, has this ever actually happened in history?
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"Punished" Justinian the Second
A man denied his throne
Hannibal but he got weaker every time.
Leopold von Daun
Charles II
with all of the revisionism I guess technically Robert E Lee and Erwin Rommel keep reappearing when they were always "Decisively/Strategically" """"""defeated"""""" according to wikipedia.
Somehow, Grover Cleveland returned.
Liu Bei.
Germany at World Wars?

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How was he so based?

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You think anyone in Hiroshima or Nagasaki gives a shit who built the bomb?
he was honestly right
and i remember strass's monologue at the end being particular on point
Truman was unironically based in his dealing with Oppenheimer. Dude was a crybaby.
>At Los Alamos he preyed on
the naiveté of scientists who
thought they’d get a say in how we
used their work, but don’t ever
think he was that naive himself.
>Oppenheimer wanted to own the
atomic bomb. He wanted to be the
man who moved the earth.
>He talks about putting the nuclear
genie back in the bottle- well, I’m
here to tell you that I know J
Robert Oppenheimer and if he could
do it all over he’d do it all the

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Let the spirit of Jesus take you my son
You are welcome
Who the hell made this and why?
Gaze at the anus and contemplate your sins.
He's deploying his anus dish for deep space communication with God.

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Atheists destroyed America.
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The french? The fundamentalists that escaped from england and which englishmen employed as cattle for the trade of raw materials were not the brightest lot.
Unless you consider freemasons actually smart, you should recognize that they only have resources to implement smart people in the creation of their desired reality.
Politicians didn't do shit back then, as they don't do shit right now.
The difference is that right now freemasons don't hire smart people in the public sector, but instead they employ them in their weird interests like space tourism.
Blah-blah-blah, fuck you. The point is still valid.
The America government was secular upon inception.
I just wanted to point out that Jefferson tried to make a point that was wrong.
>Mleh mleh mleh masons
Calling people who run the most advanced countries in the world stupid reveals the jealousy that eats at your heart.
But I said they don't run them...

Why are Turkics associated with Mongols and Persians with Arabs when they are clearly closer to each other historically than to either of those?
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not entirely.
Where did Iranians originate other than Inner Eurasia?
>implying iranians are entirely derived from the steppe
you are fucking retarded and I will refrain from responding or speaking to you. you disgust me and reek. yuck.
Shut the fuck up cockroach! The Turkic were a bunch of horse-fucker uncivilized subhumans and the "Turkic" countries today are mostly Iranic/Greek/etc who were raped by those Mongoloid subhumans. Turks are basically cum-buckets of history. Non of that pretense of "OUR PAGAN ANCESTORS" shit is going to change that. Fucking idiot!
>you are fucking retarded and I will refrain from responding or speaking to you. you disgust me and reek. yuck.
The same applies to western Turks too, kike.

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