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What would the last Mesolithic European have thought about Ancient Egypt's great pyramids, that were built before him. Historically Speaking of course.
>lost to a HG
What did he mean by this
He will be extremely disappointed in his stabby stabby autistic descendants or relatives in Helsinki posting spurdo spardes and apu apustajas all day
>"why are these retards building this gay block thing for this weird inbred fag"
>"WTF is taxes"
>"give me your alcohol"

Would Kurdistan exist without the genocide of Armenians?
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Greater X always means someone is getting screwed over.
>Kurdistan already exists as an Iraqi province and I don't think that many Armenians ever lived there
Assyrians lived there until massacred by kurds.
that's hard to believe
This whole thread is full of kurds, they are deliberately ignorant to that.
Just wait 'til summer hits, they're all getting put in the grinder.
turd spotted. Most of the supposed territory of Kurdistan is literally due to genocide at the end of WW1

If God does only the minimum for goodness to keep increasing, and we "fellow workers" do the rest of the job, why thanking God for good things that happen? How do we know if something was done by God or by earthly creatures?
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God may have created the framework, but if God is not the one acting good, why should we thank God? By your logic we should also be disappointed with God when bad things happen, since they also happen in the same framework.
>God may have created the framework, but if God is not the one acting good, why should we thank God?
You're sure hard to please P: Even a universe isn't enough! What exactly does someone need to give you to earn your gratitude? If I buy you a new Bugatti are you going to come to me next week saying "yeah sure the car is cool and all but what else ya gonna do?"

>By your logic we should also be disappointed with God when bad things happen
Are you gonna be disappointed with me if the headlight on your new Bugatti goes out? If I had given you a Bugatti with just one headlight in the first place, would you have been mad then?
While the Bugatti is a metaphor for a good thing, I see the universe as neutral. That's because good or bad (in fact horrible) things can happen in the universe that God created. So the universe is not like a Bugatti to me, but more like a machine that can bring either happiness at some circumstances and pain at another.
pain at other*
God makes sure goodness is always increasing so the universe is going to get better and better, there will be more good and less bad as time goes on - and that will always be true!

Which is your preferred model of omnipotence /his/? That of René Descartes or that of Thomas Aquinas?

I usually prefer Descartes' writings to nearly any other philosopher's but I think Aquinas has this one right

Quick vid on the differences and which model seems to be correct: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HZal99fwki4
The "could have been different" always bothered me; we operate in a reality in which, according to Descartes, the Laws of Logic came from the same referent, and yet the lil' nigga said : "but, y'know, what if it were different".
For a guy supposedly claiming to want to dismiss his own preconceived notion, the idea of a possibly non-existent referent which is refered to by nothing in this world sounds PRETTY DAMN RETARDED.
It would be like trying to ascribe attributes to "No Thing". wtf
>It would be like trying to ascribe attributes to "No Thing"
Weirdly if you go super deep into Divine Simplicity this is almost what it becomes

I wonder if it's his Catholicism creeping into his ideas too much since they have some very strange notions about God once you dig really deep into it
>but, y'know, what if it were different
Isn't that part of it if your goal is to question EVERYTHING like his was?
yeah, EVERYTHING. this "COULD HAVE BEEN" in this is as referred to as "NO THING" is in our world, which is to say, unreferred, which makes it inherently ireferrable in the "de re" context of the statement : "Question everything."
Could some things be areferential

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The Australian meat substitution scandal of 1981 involved the widespread substitution of horse meat and kangaroo meat for beef in Australia.[1] While the substitution primarily affected meat exported overseas, particularly to the United States, further investigations revealed that these as well as donkey meat and pet food had been packaged for human consumption and non-halal meat sold as halal meat domestically in Australia as well.[2]

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History says that it did, and all accounts of the man suggest that he did.
I prefer the tale of how he died, spitting trees in the forest with his bare hands until his arm got stuck in one. Helpless, he was tore apart by a pack of wolves.
At least I think that story was about Milo of Croton.
That was Paul Bunyan
Did ninjas really plant corn and jump over it 1000 times a day until it was seven feet tall?
Whatever a (((modern historian))) says is a false account, is most likely real.

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What European ethnic groups have the palest and whitest skin?

Am I right in assuming it goes something like this?

1. Faroese
2. Icelandic
3. Scottish
4. Irish
5. Norwegian
6. English
7. Welsh
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How did you come to this conclusion?
How do meds survive in such hot conditions? I visited Italy in the summer time which is not even supposed to be that hot and felt like absolute shit and on edge 24/7
Travelled across Europe multiple times and i’m really into white girls. I have probably sexpatted across most of what i’d call “white Europe” a few times. The Welsh get alot of flak for being swarthy but I find alot of them to be incredibly white with one of my favorite conquests being a Welsh girl
t. trustfund Hispanic anon
they have black admixture which helps them with the climate
They do less on average than people further north. A similar example would be the Thai who like the Spanish have a large culture of just laying around during the hottest parts of the day, it's also why night culture and entertainment was always strong in the Med even in ancient times

If calling upon the name of the Lord when you believe is a works salvation false gospel as some say. Why did Jesus not condemn the thief on the cross for asking to not forget him if the thiefs words were adding to the gospel?

>I believe we are saved by believing in his death butial and resurrection
>I believe that romans 10 is referencing a physical not spiritual salvation by calling his name

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Are there any movies/series/documentaries that do history justice, or am I wasting my time not reading a book instead? Been listening to some audiobooks that have me captivated with so much actually interesting information on historical topics (some lectures on fall of Rome atm), but I try and watch something like HBO Rome and I just don't care. They're so focused on character development and drama. Haven't really seen any normal documentaries either that hook me, as they gloss so hard to become a summary of a wikipedia page.

Is this what it means to be an adult interested in history? Unable to enjoy anything but books?
Nothing beats book reading for knowledge learning.
Here you go blud
As someone who's read a number of books on the Eastern Front, this series is also good
>I try and watch something like HBO Rome and I just don't care. They're so focused on character development and drama.
and they speak english and cast ethnically incorrect actors. takes me out of it
Certainly, but why is that knowledge so entertaining, moreso than content intended for entertainment? Is it something about complexity? And/or the third person perspective of historical narration? I haven't really tried reading historical fiction but I imagine it wouldn't captivate the same way nonfiction does.

100 50min episodes, nice! Fuck at that point it's just a book in video form. Will check it out, thanks.

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Historically speaking how people used to cope with not liking work?
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Drinking or not caring
generally by knowing that whether they liked it or not it was that or starving during the winter.
They looked forward to small, simple comforts, the promise of a positive afterlife, and festival days where they could drink and make merry with others.
why cant I drink and make merry all the time
work gets in the way of that
whenever I do drink and make merry I cant enjoy it because I think about tomorrow but if I stop thinking about tomorrow I cant work and if I dont work I lose any chance to drink and make merry
They half-assed and committed time theivery whenever possible so that by the end of the work day they were still sane and got a paycheck out of it

If you wanted to be an unpleasant person though then you could just get through work with clenched teeth until you got home to vent about it for hours to your wife and family. People do the same shit today except on social media instead, and they are equally as unpleasant.

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Hell yeah
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>the original "Ghost of Kiev"
Same lmao
I still remember the scum gang posting.

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What would the legacy/impact/butterfly effect of Columbine be had their bombs exploded? For those unaware, Columbine was a planned bombing before it was a shooting. Both planted homemade 20lb propane bombs surrounded by pipe bombs and molotovs in the Cafeteria. They had head counted while planning and figured 11:17AM was the time when most people are in the Cafeteria. The bombs did not detonate and they instead just started shooting.
So what does a world look like where the bombs did explode?
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People overestimate Columbine. A lot of the so-called "copycats" had their own issues and motivations and were gonna do something anyway.
The media coverage of Columbine glamorized school shootings like no other tragedy before it and turned those kids into celebrities.
A lot of shooters are definitely appealed by 'setting a high score', getting revenge and getting easy attention as they feel they are unheard.
I personally feel many of them would do smaller, more petty acts of violence, revenge or other degeneracy if it weren't for the glamorization of mass murder stemming from columbine.
i understand that the potential victim number could have been 600,if that number was achieved it would have been 9/11 tier a national holiday to be remembered every year for the next century,the international reputation of america would take a massive hit so clinton would most likely go on a save the world tour moving mountains and healing the blind to change the reputation,the religious shizo moms would go on a banning rampage of everything and a lot of their bullshit would also get passed there would most likely be revenge attacks by rightwingers on some retarded shit like NIN concerts.
The impact on society would have been 100 times bigger.

good thing that propane dosent work the way these retards thought it did
It would've wiped out hundreds of students. Would be near impossible for the tards that imitated them to match up so maybe they wouldn't even have tried.
School shootings statistically jacked up massively after Columbine. Media coverage and impact basically made Columbine become the legendary standard of the crime. It was definitely a huge influence.

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Any Muslim complaining that he has a hole in the roof of his house is quickly reminded by another Muslim that his brothers and sisters in Gaza have had their house destroyed and a rocket could drop on their head at any moment and that even if he is living in a rotten old shed he should thank Allah. Just like that the Muslim will accept his own predicament and fall on his knees in thankfulness to pray.

A Muslim complaining about rising food and gas prices and the cost of living is swiftly reminded that his brothers and sisters in Gaza are eating horse feed and have no car so he should shut up complaining and thank Allah for every grain he puts into his mouth. No Muslim is allowed to speak out overtly against vaccinations and medicine lest he is warned by 50 other Muslims that in Africa there are Muslims dying because they don't have access to vaccinations and medicine so therefore he should shut up and fear Allah before badmouthing medicines and following the lunatic conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers.

If you are a Muslim whose marriage has collapsed and you have nowhere to live you should not complain or dwell on it, rather you should pray more and pray harder and ask that Allah rectify your situation with something better, If you are sad, why are you sad? don't you know that a believer in Gaza just saw his wife and entire family blown up in front of him? Allah woke you up this morning, why would you be sad?

Muslims understand and remind each other all the time that every calamity is a test from Allah and that even basic sustenance can be taken away from you any moment by Allah so it is not acceptable to bitch or complain about anything in your life (especially if you live in the West or a first world country)
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145 IQ not that it means anything but maybe to you it does
If lying were a woman all muslims would want to marry it.
You don't have faith. If you did you would immediately read the Bible because as I've demonstrated the Quran says the Bible comes from God (the same God you claim to believe in).
I am not insulting you, please do not insult me friend. No need to be angry at me or others. I get that way too I understand, but prefer to be at peace.

May your dreams come true and may you see this world with great clarity. May your conscience percieve the right and the wrong of your choices. May you enjoy Paradise eternal, with all your loved ones among you.
I am just a human in the world upon a path. I invite you to join me or bid you go in peace, and perhaps we may meet down one road or another on our way to Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

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>Daily reminder that faggot buttsex and trannies shilled everywhere isn't advancement. Niggers aren't bringing us much progress, either. Libtards made ''progress'' a buzzword without much meaning to it. Whatever they support is ''progressive'', whatever they don't is ''backwards''.
more progressive than your reactionary bullshit
he's right doe
We came so far around the circle that "progressive" today, compared to historical, would be deporting negros and criminalizing homosexuality.
It is interesting that Teddy Roosevelt, the founder of the Progressive Party, is considered by many to be a conservative. Of course that may just be partisanship since he started as a Republican but you could say he was a paternalistic conservative.

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Did the Greeks get it right?
>Life, death, good, evil, pain, suffering, joy, love
>All is sacred
>The point of life is to live it, eternally
>God is being itself

Why do we need escape when paradise is already here?
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he's a woman
Because that's obviously true, just like christcucks seething about him
If everything is sacred, nothing is.
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You failed to grasp the wisdom of the scroll.
Yes greeks were from the mediterranean

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