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No. Lack of complaining is the enemy of progress. If nobody complains and is a mindless soulless workslave sheep, there is no longer improvement.
So in other words it basically just comes down to holding yourself to a higher standard
Not yourself. Others. We must complain about all the bullshit wage slaves who don't add anything to the economy yet are paid $100k. They should be mothers, farmers or builders instead.

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Why did Victorian people like to wear hats so much, didn't some of those huge hats cause a strain on those women's necks
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Why should we? Climate control is ubiquitous and the majority of people work inside. And those that work outside wear hats or specialized head gear.
>if you don't think theres a chance that wearing something like this all day will cause a strain, then you are an imbecil-ACK
Because hats are cool. Do you think that the main concern of high-class 19th Century Englishmen was the practicality of their clothing apparel, or rather their appearance?
>Climate control is ubiquitous.
The concern of practicality or sole appearance depends on the occasion. And if you like to wear hats then wear them.
If you live and work in houses with double-paned windows and heating systems then yes.
It maintained their pale complexion and differentiated them from working class women, it also protected from sun damage and general hazards. It was part of the anglo notion of keeping women protected, that women exist in a bubble of protection created by their husband or family.

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Why weren’t Arabs able to create art like Persians and Turks?
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Those are some pretty mid paintings. I didn't even bother to see the rest of the stuff you posted.
It's also from just one artist. This doesn't tell anything about their people's artistic tradition (especially considering that this paintings are pretty westernized in style).
Iconoclasts can still make "icon-less" art, like abstract geometric art.
And even in this kind of art the Persians brutally mogged the Arabs.
Because it is.
Df? Are we suppose to assume that every 1 in 10 combatants were having their heads cleanly sliced off on the battlefield, aside from all having the same hair and moustache styles.
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The Arabs did have illustrations and were original in its' conception, unlike the Persian imitation of Chinese art brought on especially by the Mongol Ilkhanids. The Arabs create, the Persians imitate.

>In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by my intelligence

Gotta love the blatant editorialization. "Sure there wasn't an ACTUAL ban on black people voting in Rhodesia but you had to own land so it's basically the same thing." The fuck kinda rentoid wrote this shit. God I fucking hate Wikipedia.
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You are mentally ill if you believe that there’s anything anomalous there
Just like there wasn't anything anomalous in Rhodesia? So why the editorialisation?
universal suffrage is a spook and not actually good if it results in the collapse of the civilization
>universal suffrage is good! because.... because... just because Chud!
Remember that original Democracy didn't have universal suffrage. Latter term was stolen by lefties. It's not Democracy, it's false advertising, call it appropriate name, like Idiocracy.
That's not argument against anything.

Is it true Columbus brought syphilis from the Americas or was it already present in the old world?
>nothing but speculative incidences before 1492
>first outbreak was 1995 among french mercenaries that had passed by spain
I think its pretty safe to say red fever did it
Anyway what was being patient zero of such a new disease like? suffering from something none had before?

Nah, theres enough evidence to conclude syphilis was present in europe before columbus

europoors were/are just nasty

Papuans and abos are based. But but but they have funny lookin' noses. Who gives a shit.

They are some of the most culturally diverse people in the world. They can teach us a lot. Like how to get off goyslop and corn syrup and retvrn to an indigenous diet.
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Huwhite man made them that way. Papuans still eating a natural diet.
Did you know that in Papuan tribes when a woman is pregnant, various men of the tribe will have sex with her everyday because they believe the unborn baby requires three meals of cum per day to survive?
Abbos made me realize that there are literally sub human(animals) out there
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>They can teach us a lot.

Papuans ate people until like '93, and even then they only did it at that year because the government could finally enforce "don't murder and eat your neighbor" as law. Granted, better access to pigs as livestock also helped.

This is also true: >>17092355
Papaun historically didn't 100% know how sex made babies: some of them held the idea that the more sex a woman had the more fertile she would be. I vaguely remember one tribe back in SE Papau had reached the 'zenith' of this tradition in that they were fucking their girls at such a young age, and so thoroughly, that they were making them infertile due to bruising and physical trauma.
Gay sex was also fairly endemic.
I don't know what the status on it is now, but in the past the boys would fuck each other constantly and only stop when they got married and had a wife to harass. The old men, the seniors, were also entitled to fuck boys.

>Abbos made me realize that there are literally sub human(animals) out there

My biggest takeaway from Australian Aborigines is that its' impressed upon me how vitally important it is to find and normalize non-violent resolutions to conflict.

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My biggest takeaway from Australian Aborigines is that its' impressed upon me how vitally important it is to find and normalize non-violent resolutions to conflict.
They're easily the most violent people I've ever read about.

Gorilla's and monkeys are violent aswell, so let's not call them people. Perhaps "savages" will precise

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Is this a common opinion about the prodigal son parable?
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Without Christianity you would still be nothing more than a savage eating monkeys and stabbing each other in the jungle you ungrateful pinoy ape. I hope the communist Chinese genocide you “people” you deserve it
>. So if you piss away God's mercy you'll end up a slave of the righteous.
are you jewish by any chance?
Why is it right for the father to take his righteous son's inheritance away and give to the wicked brother more than half his share? In the parable the father prepares a feast for him to celebrate his return, but that doesn't mean the brother is going to get anything else. Is God unjust? Why would He say to the righteous som "All that is mine is yours" and then give more to the one who will destroy it? Does God rejoice in wickedness? Do the wicked and unjust inherit the Earth? Discern.
It wouldn't be unjust or wicked for the father to divide his property equally between the "good" son and the prodigal son. It's his to share and to divide as he sees fit.
The parable of the prodigal son is about repentance. As long as you truly repent and turn back to God, your sins will be forgiven and you shall be given a place in the kingdom of God. The last will be first, and the first will be last.
>Dad is a rube who let's his son scam him
>Christians: "So hecking deep!"
The absolute state of Hebrew literature.

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What was the interest rate in the banks of ancient Rome?
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>Usually Roman loans were given to young nobles, and they generally had high interest rates
sounds like it was made to make people like Caesar appear
>It's true you don't see many goth men. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for goth women.

>And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no goth men, and that goths just spring out of Hot Topics!

>Which is, of course, ridiculous.
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I love you anon
>Aragorn : *whispering* "it's the make-up"
>OP, where is my money!?!

There was Tooktoo. Jebel Irhoud.
Looks like a homeless black dude living in an underpass in LA

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In the Torah, night precedes day for all matters. This is derived from the description of the world’s creation, about which the Torah states: “And there was evening and there was morning, day one” (Genesis 1:5). This tells us that each 24-hour day begins at night, and thus Shabbat, the seventh day, begins at night. An important concept is enfolded within this Jewish outlook – night and darkness precede day and light. First questions and dilemmas arise and one is mired in darkness and uncertainty, but from this answers emerge and light shines upon him. This is also true of our history. At first we were enslaved to Pharaoh in Egypt, but from there were freed, received the Torah, and entered Eretz Yisrael. This is how it always is for the Jewish people – darkness and troubles are followed by light and redemption. First we must deal with our problems, but from within them we are elevated and refined.

In contrast, when it comes to the nations of the world, day precedes night. Nation after nation ascends the stage of history, makes a vast noise, and shakes up the world. But when difficulties arise and problems begin, the night draws nearer, and finally the nation declines and disappears. It happened to the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans. The secret of Jewish immortality is connected to the fact that for us, the night precedes the day.
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Does Koshi subscribe to this
Another day, another inbred kike rat babbling about its incoherent Iron Age garbage

No one gives a fuck. Get iced by Paragliders in Diddy Kong Racing jewboy.
They are right their in the bible, their comcept of god king borrowed by your god, of whom we have no evidence of before the captivity and much the opposite like with the jews in Elephantis
>night and darkness precede day and light.
This is true for life. Life grows from nothing. It's true for everything. It first there is nothing and creation comes from that. That is proper observation.

"Day was first" it's observation of people who live by current minute, and only pay attentions to surroundings when it becomes bad and dark
>ought of nowhere dark comes!
That is thinking of the person who just recently became aware and has no memory and ability to project abstract thoughts.
used to be the same for nordicks until they became christcucks

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in retrospect, this was a DISASTER for mankind.
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>it also means no more political autonomy in foreign policy and an extra tax burden.
Which is exactly what happened anyway under Athens, Sparta and the subsequent revolving door of hegemonies. If Persia had won, Greece would have jumped straight to what they were in the Roman empire, skipping the next 250 years of civil war.
That was basically OP's point
Soul vs soulless

OP is obviously MENA/Turk
Persia was Zoroastrian.

A Zoroastrian Greece might have been a lot harder to convert to Christianity. It could have even become the new Roman religion
absolutely nothing other than military inventions
ancient persian offered nothing in terms of science, culture or philosophy

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Saturday hiss edition.
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Uh oh Jew bros how do we respond?
>Captcha JOKS8
When we go to war with China we’re going to start rounding you chinks up and throwing you into camps just like we did to the japs back then. A few zipperheads going missing won’t bother anyone. I’d love to see the look in your disgusting slant bug eyes as a bullet penetrates your brain
>Responsible for diving multiple species (over 38) to extinction.
Just makes me like them more.
>Plus cat owners homes smell like shit.
Truth. My house smells like shit.
Uh oh the discord Haitians are raiding

good boy

Why does this president in particular get accused of being a blood drinking child sacrificing illuminati satanist and the epitome of all evil? The people cursing him are all conservative truther types too so his Republican values should be more aligned with theirs yet they seem to despise him the most out of all presidents.
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when trump leaves the rhino's will take over again, just like after '64
The truthers used to be lefty conspiracists
He was the last real politician to hold that office
1990 immigration act
You live in an alternate universe. Trump revived a dying party.

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Why did the concept of Noblesse Oblige in America seem to diminish along with the original WASP population in the US?
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the same way you identify as the opposite gender: a delusional fantasy

They're not classical white but they are mainly white with zero negroid dna
Most people in upstate ny have some Italian history but are mostly due to the italians fucking Irish broads and then their offspring marrying a white girl or guy

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