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I'm especially interested about the Greek kingdoms in India as well as military history.
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i'm not the Pajeet anon who keeps shilling this book on this board (i'm the one who introduced him to De Riencourt) but picrel really is a fun, engaging read.
it's pretty much a Spenglerian analysis of India, its metaphysics, worldview and cultural/civilizational evolution from someone who clearly loves the country, as well as a political commentary on events in India at the time.
there are two editions, one written in the 1950s and an expanded edition written in the 1980s

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Who exactly was John The Baptist, what was his religion, and what was the point of his baptisms?
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The question (for those who credit the Palestinian origin, like I do and I think the most serious Mandaeism scholars do) is, was their community Christian, or were they truly followers of John and not Jesus? My thought is, why couldn't they be both? I imagine a community of Palestinians related to John's ministry, some of which were Sethians, who covered the full spectrum of opinion about Jesus. As orthodox Christianity developed and situated itself over and against heterodoxy and certainly any who followed John but rejected Jesus, they broke with Christianity and developed the anti-Christian polemic you see in their sources. Paul's epistles attest to communities where some slavishly follow Paul and some outright reject his doctrines. It seems to me scholars are too insistent that there must have always been one Mandaean orthodoxy for all subjects, and the only thing in question is how it developed.
He was Elijah who returned after going to heaven. He took on a new name to hide his identity.
The Son is the Sun. The Light of the World. He is Risen!

The Astrotheology in the OT/NT adds even more depth and anderstanding as all forms of "religion"/"divination" looked to the stars for "signs and portents". Jesus's own birth, and death for that matter, is heralded by various astronomical phenomena and the dates of his birth/re-birth on the Solstices is no accident either. There are countless other examples and many Zodiacs, featuring Helios/Sol Invictus/(the Sun) have been found in Synagogues throughout the Levant.

Luke 22:10 "And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in."

The "water bearer" is, of course Aquarius/Ganymede. The Great Year following Jesus's own Piscean Age (Hence, the fish/fisherman symbolism and language).

"This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...."

We're still on the cusp of the "New Age", but we can all feel it in the cosmological air, so to speak.

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What’s it like over there?
>The data literally shows, not my problem that you can't handle objective data challenging your head narratives
2 seconds in google, only 2
>Mongols had steel (post iron age), not rocks and crystals (stone age).
>Aryan territory is not core MENA.
schizoposting, here it comes
>Israel has absolutely nothing to do with Whites.
?? who gave the land to the jews?? anglos arent white??
>China has 0% White Europeans, so where's the colonialism?
Colonialism is the exploitation of people and of resources by a foreign group. Colonizers monopolize political power and hold conquered societies and their people to be inferior to their conquerors in legal, administrative, social, cultural, or biological terms
India and China werent exterminated as north america because the anglos decided to subjugated them from within.
>They leased it and Macau as I said

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>Weak men marry Asians.
You still shilling this shit? Who's buying it anymore?
>Why are we taught a history so anti-White?
We're not. Drop the victim complex already and talk to an actual historian

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White and black girl view a sign in a suburban neighborhood in Lakeview, New York in April 1962 which cautions black families against moving into the community and turning it into a "ghetto."
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I'm sure the Rwandan government are meticulous record keepers.

its true. in the sun belt, many neighborhoods build after segregation ended eventually turned into ghettoes because bad developers and weak HOAs. Take Alief in houston for example. it was a suburb in the 1970s, good schools, safe. then oil prices crashed, local economy was hit hard, people lost jobs, moved away. then slumlords bough up all the houses and rented them out to people of color, the rest is history.
now take another area, also built in the 1970s, the Woodlands. they had very aggressive deed restrictions and limited number of houses which could be rented out. today it remains majority white.
Yes we know Paul keeps you on a tight leash.
You don't live in Rwanda. You live in the United States or Israel.
>Lakeview, NY
> The racial makeup of the CDP was 6.90% White, 84.95% African American, 0.32% Native American, 0.48% Asian, 3.44% from other races, and 3.91% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 6.94%

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not white
>not white anymore*

Was Victor of Aveyron a Chad?
No, the opposite. He was the first documented autistic person.


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>tfw you want to worship ancient marvel capeshit heroes but the actual form of worship involved was too yucky, so you go to a generic protestant prayer meeting where there replace the word “God” with “Odin.”
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They're not "seething" brother, they're having a laugh.
Lol, no. I don't. No one does.
Larpers spotted
>they're having a laugh
That’s the cope everyone uses when they get called out. You spend hours arguing spamming shitjaks and chad memes to cope.
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remember, every accusation is an admission
>Pagans should base their practices on what the bible says about pagans
Are you listening to yourself?

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Admixture modeling using Gambian as proxy indicates that West African ancestry is present across Hospital_da_Misericórdia_Islamic, Quinta_da_Boavista_Islamic, and its outlier individual (Fig.5C; Table S14). While the first two sites exhibit low levels of West African ancestry, the outlier individual shows approximately 40% (Fig.5C; Table S14)

And we also have a 100% Black Bantu from Islamic Sicily. Slowly but surely, the truth is coming out.
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You need to stop repeating yourself multiple times. You're probably some mutt anyways.
>You need to stop repeating yourself multiple times
You need to stop claiming coastal algerian mulattos like yourself are any less African than Moroccans, when that happens there won't be any need to remind you of your own quadroonishness
Now you're going full schizo. You must be a Jew.
You're definitely a coping berber algerian mulatto
he's the Op, he's bumping his own thread

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The kikes are going to destroy a 200 year old park in Westminster and build this piece of shite as a holohoax memorial centre. They're also making holohoax lessons mandatory for all British students. The kikes are doing this because they're losing the public opinion now that boomers are slowly but surely turning into corpses. They think with this kind of shite they can become relevant again.
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God chose them in the OT to show that even the vilest of people were not beyond His love.
This, except they failed miserably.
>leave them alone for five minutes
>they start worshipping a cow statue
Whitoids are pathetic lmao
God is made up, you stupid fucking cunt. The kikes made God up in the bullshit they themselves wrote and stole from various Goyim sources. People like you are the reason the kikes have so much power and control over us. Christians are retarded for even believing the sleazy kikes were ever chosen by a kike-god.
When will Christianity just be open about itself and declare Jews at the top of their caste system??

What religion has the least insufferable fandom? Asking for a friend
On a global scale, probably Shintoism because it's not global at all. It's completely irrelevant.

Jains aren't global either but they're disgusting. They have two main sects, and one of them has its priesthood walking around fully naked.
I'm not worldly enough to know what they're like IRL. But on the interwebz? That's a tricky question because each own has their own subsets of varying obnoxiousness. Rightoid tradcaths on 4chan are completely different from WASP Grandmas on Facebook. Some of the nicest people I've ever met are autistic christian furries on Deviantart.

The answer I would give is any religion that hasn't been adopted by culture warriors. So from that list it would be Jains, Confucianists, Taoists, Sikhs, and Baha'i.

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Convince me that a story about a magic flying jew that talks to clouds must be based on a real person without appealing to a consensus of opinion.
We know the Jerusalem church existed in the first century and was run by people who were seen as direct disciples of Jesus or, in the case of James, his actual brother. Seems likely the church originated from a real Jesus in some way rather than these people faking years of personal history.

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Why do Christians think hating the world is a good thing? Jews think they should love the world, because God created it, and use it for good. They are the more life affirming religion

>The above concepts are reinforced by one of the fundamental points of Chassidic philosophy which teaches that the world is essentially good. Other approaches teach that one has to fight against the world to improve it. In contrast, Chassidic philosophy trains us to appreciate the good in the world and use it – and all the world – for positive purposes.
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Well you probably have a different perspective on this but for me the way that the body naturally leads people into sin and death in Christianity is an example of the discomfort that is present in Christianity with regards to the body, for example the onset of lust
Also you have Paul claiming that to be celibate is good BUT if you cannot hope to be chaste than you should marry
Jews still believe that non-Jews are bound by laws
For example in Genesis God says to be fruitful and to multiply, that is an example of God telling people to reproduce
I just have a deep sense of not belonging to my body nor this world, it's not about resenting God and also God could have made me this way intentionally
My body disgusts me, my sexuality disgusts me, my feelings disgust me
Only God is good (Matthew 19:17; Mark 10:18). Only through participation in God's glory which is to be revealed (1 Peter 5:1), His divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), does creation become God. As Psalm 72 (LXX 71):19 says, "And let the whole earth be filled with His glory." And as Psalm 108 (LXX 107):5 says, "And Your glory above all the earth." And as Isaiah 4:5 says, "The glory of the Lord will be a canopy over all." God's promise to perfect creation comes from the Old Testament, Christ's reconciling the whole world to God through the cross (2 Corinthians 5:19), all of creation through the blood shed on the cross (Colossians 1:20), is the fulfillment of that promise, for Christ shall unite all in Heaven and earth under Himself (Ephesians 1:10), filling all with all (Ephesians 1:23).
>Only God is good
Since you think the world is evil, would a good god create something evil? Christianity really falls apart when you think about it for more than 5 seconds
>Since you think the world is evil, would a good god create something evil? Christianity really falls apart when you think about it for more than 5 seconds

Nice Satanic trips, but your logic is flawed, retarded atheistic NPC. Evil and sin needs to exist so that you have the ability to discern good and evil. Evil exists so that you can understand good. It's the law of polarity and duality.
>Since you think the world is evil
The world is neither good nor evil. It is good inasmuch as it participates in the being of God, and evil inasmuch as it falls short of His glory (Romans 3:23). This was already explained in the original post which you are too dumb to properly read.

> would a good god create something evil?
God bound everyone to disobedience so that He might have mercy on all (Romans 11:32). God showed His love for by having Christ suffer for us while we were still in sin (Romans 5:8), for He so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son away so that whoever believes in Him may not perish but gain eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus said, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him" of the man who was born blind in John 9:3; like him we have all been born blind, so that God may most perfectly and exhaustively in condescension reveal His glory. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, God would not have had the opportunity to reveal His glory in such a sublime and wonderous manner. And having lived in darkness, we come to appreciate the light all the more. We were after all created for the sake of God's glory (Isaiah 43:7).

Tell me though, if the world is so good, why do we need the Messiah?

Was Indochine kino?
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I second the book recommendation
>They are destroying my culture.
In which way?
Good. Abrahamism is superior over Indic jeet superstitions. Hail the Cross!
If only Prussia had the forethought to annex Cambodia and Cochinchina from France in the treaty of Frankfurt and we could’ve got Deutsch Fernindien.

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>"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
>doesn't cast the first stone, despite supposedly being sinless

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While Christianity is a curse on the gentiles, I like the Chinese version better.
>The crowd wanted to stone the woman to death as per their law. But Jesus said, ‘Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone.’ Hearing this, they slipped away one by one. When the crowd disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to death, saying, ‘I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.
I was there and that's how it went down.
Me too. I was one of the guys running a wagon on her. Kinky bitch, her name was Chava.
>among you

Retarded ESL thread. All fields.
based and filially pious

>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a save game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
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>The modern equivalent is like Cyprus blowing the fuck out of the United States so hard that they are knocked out of the history books
Not really, the closest comparison would be Germany beating the UK in WW1 by blowing the fuck out of the Royal Navy and occupying India and Canada.
Did they really have a roman style arena and chariot race area like that? Are you sure this is Roman carthage?
That's Roman carthage
>Also it was not an "empire". Carthage wasn't about military subjugation, and they didn't care to "control" territory beyond logistics hubs and preferential trade agreements with polities. The fact we can't help but conceive of the Phoenicians as an empire akin to Rome is proof enough that we live in a broken world.
This rings true of Rome itself as well at least during this time of not throughout it’s entire history. How Rome functioned pre social war is super interesting and based and not at all like how we think of the empire or even the republic.
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This is Punic Carthage.

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