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Is forcing refugees in a city with nowhere to go to aimlessly wander the desert a form of humiliation ritual? Why do so many Jews (including nonreligious ones) enjoy making goyim undergo these humiliation rituals?
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This is about edom
The terror campaign the IDF is conducting in Rafa
I'm white and I think chud anon is alright
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would you let chud anon fuck your daughter?
Goyim bros, our response?

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And I'm tired of pretending they are not.

Hypsistarians were right all this time.
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Firstly, Jupiter's name only pronounced "IOVE" in the ablative singular. Secondly, "Yahweh" is a modern English reconstruction to create a singular word to refer to the entity in question, Afro-Asiatic words simply don't work in the way that you're suggesting (his name was "YHWH").
>But the name of the Sky-Father creator gods
But Yahweh isn't a Skyfather, he's not of Indo-European origin and has none of the traits of one, and he's not only not the creator deity of Judaism but he doesn't even create the cosmos in the IE fashion.
>Yahweh is not a creator god in Judaism
10,000 IQ post
I don't care about what the Zohar or the Talmud says, I'm talking about the Torah. I obviously have to be as you're trying to assert that the ancient Romans practiced discount Judaism, which would by necessity predate whatever Chasidic garbage you think characterizes Judaism. Yahweh is not the creator deity in it, he doesn't create the cosmos.
>I'm talking about the Torah
>Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth

Yugoslav female partisans used pliers, hot irons from blacksmith forges and other tools to torture penises



Yugoslav women cut the penises off enemy men and castrated them after performing femdom BDSM style CBT on them. Both Yugoslav female partisans in World War II and women in the Balkan wars of the 1990s did it to enemies. The Yugoslav Serbian female partisans did it to Hungarian Catholic priests, German Nazi soldiers and Italian Fascist soldiers and in the Balkan wars in the 1990s female Serbs and Croats did it to each other. A Bosnian Muslim also got kicked in the balls by female partisans.


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>Iraq is the country greatly affected by Turkish terms. The dialect of Iraq during the previous centuries was influenced by the Persian, English, Sumerian and Turkish languages. Iraq, like all other Arab countries, has its own dialects which are almost identical.

Iraqi Arab prostitutes services white men in Jordan. Allahu Akbar. Allah has decreed this الحمدلله على كل حال. الحمدلله على كل شيء

>The crowning irony among many of the women I met: Their best clients in Amman are American and European military personnel and contractors — the same sort of men they had worked for as translators and fixers. Now they are servicing them in a different way altogether.

>Samara is a 23-year-old from the Diyala province in eastern Iraq. She spends several nights a week at the Cottage (or the disco at the Holiday Inn, or the Hyatt) to make enough money to last a few days. She wears short skirts, drinks, smokes, flirts.

>Later, as she sits on the edge of the coffee table in my hotel room, it's hard to picture her as a nightclub denizen. She has long, dark hair and a round face that barely moves when she talks — her eyebrows don't furrow; her chin never stiffens. She is almost completely still, except for when she drops her head and stares at her lap. She explains that since she moved to Amman in 2006, she has slept with "British men, Americans, Egyptians, Saudis, Jordanians. God knows how many." She has been pregnant, and sold a thin gold necklace, her only piece of jewelry, to pay for the abortion. "I love children," she says. "I would love to have children someday."

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Germanic European women prefer Han Chinese penis.

>During the siege of Fort Zeelandia, the Chinese took many Dutch prisoners, among them the Dutch missionary Antonius Hambroek and his wife, and two of their daughters. Koxinga sent Hambroek to Fort Zeelandia to persuade the garrison to surrender; if unsuccessful, Hambroek would be killed upon return. Hambroek went up to the Fort, where two of his other daughters still remained, and urged the garrison to not surrender. He subsequently returned to Koxinga's camp and was beheaded. Additionally, a rumor was spread among the Chinese that the Dutch were encouraging the native Taiwan aboriginals to kill Chinese. In retaliation, Koxinga ordered the mass execution of Dutch male prisoners,[33] mostly by crucifixion and decapitation[34] with a few women and children also being killed. The remainder of the Dutch women and children were enslaved, with Koxinga taking Hambroek's teenage daughter as his concubine (she was described by the Dutch commander Caeuw as "a very sweet and pleasing maiden", while other Dutch women were sold to Chinese soldiers to become their (secondary) wives or mistresses.[35][36][37] The daily journal of the Dutch fort recorded that "the best were preserved for the use of the commanders, and the rest were sold to the common soldiers. Happy was she that fell to the lot of an unmarried man, being thereby freed from vexations by the Chinese women, who are very jealous of their husbands."[38] The Chinese took Dutch women as slave concubines and wives and they were never freed: in 1684 some were reported to be still living. In Quemoy a Dutch merchant was contacted with an arrangement to release the prisoners which was proposed by a son of Koxinga's but it came to nothing.[39][40][41]
Iraqi in Sweden insulting white women, lying that he has a white girlfriend (he's an incel) and telling people he's going to deflower and rape underage white girls


Why are you like this?

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Why do people in the middle east have a low IQ? Is it because of sub-saharan African ancestry?
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>it's because repeated cousin marriage is terrible for the genome
But it's not exactly repeated since they do marry out or with other villages. Isolated Bedouins aren't really the norm.
>le 67 iq
>utterly embarrass le highest iq jews on oct 7
i dunno why israeli shills constantly talk about how stupid palis are. it makes your own military failures towards them look even more pathetic.
IQ is just a metric for how well you buy into the abstract and the unreal that is shat out by modern society.
yeah that's why it's 90 and not 80 and why the bedouin states are doing worst
that's like the best proof anyone could ask for of a heavy environmental effect on IQ, they're the same fucking people and yet you see almost a full standard deviation of difference (and over that if you compare Syria/Jordan to Gaza, who are also basically the same people)

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Jesus affirmed a crowd of people who wanted to stone him were gods (John 10:31-37). He was referring to Psalm 82. What's the explanation?
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I'm not posting a link, I'm asking what Jesus and Yahweh meant by "you are gods".
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>Hey eat this fruit and you'll be as god
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Jesus was Lucifer who wanted to corrupt his followers into worshipping the flesh of men over God almighty. The best part of his grift is that now his followers can guilt others into joining their cause under the delusional belief that "humanity killed God and must repent for it."

Anyone who worships Christ goes straight to Hell. Jesus Christ knows this and delights in that fact. He's a being of pure malice.
What about Yahweh saying the same thing in Psalm 82?
Psalm 82 isn't referring to humanity, it's referring to the Elohim (Children of El) which were originally the Gods of the Canaanite pantheon (at which "El" / "El Elyon" stood as the Highest God). YHVH became conflated with El over the course of centuries. You can see that syncretic process play out throughout the Old Testament - where even YHVH's former Goddess consort Asherah gets a shoutout.

Deuteronomy 16:21
>“You must never set up a wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build for the LORD your God.

There's a reason Asherah Poles used to be built BESIDE the altars of YHVH. They were originally husband/wife before the retcon.

>Last words were "Thomas Jefferson lives"
>Turns out Thomas Jefferson died a few hours ago
>Both deaths took place on the 50th anniversary of America

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>Be Ireland
>Lose every single war against the English for 800 years straight
>Keep on coming back for another ruck anyway
>Eventually win once
>Be Scotland
>Win all wars of independence against the English
>Vote to be annexed by England some centuries later
>Vote against independence some centuries after that
What put two nations that were once somewhat similar on such different trajectories? And why are they both such reddit faggots today?
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>forced to get annexed

How did them trying their own colonisation scheme, investing all their funds into it, and failing make this a case of “forcing them” to do anything?
they fucked up and chose the easy out

Not like Denmark did this and England annexed them
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Lowland Scotland is very similar to northern England and for a long time settled by Anglo-Saxons and had their own dialect of English. After the Norman invasion these cultural ties diminished and differences emerged between the lowland Scottish clans and English baronial estates. England landowners would often own a patchwork of land throughout the country and engage in enterprises like raising sheep for wool to export, however the Scots were faced with endemic warfare between clans and constant cattle raiding making this more commercial system less feasible. When Edward I invaded, the lowlanders quickly developed a distaste for the English system and allied with the highlanders against him.

This changed in later eras when security revolved more around who can afford the most muskets than the martial prowess of clansmen tied to the ancestral acres. Lowlanders once again found they had more in common with the English. Commentators noted that England and Scotland's problems would be solved if Queen Elizabeth I could marry Mary, Queen of Scots. However soon a personal union was achieved with Elizabeth making Mary's son her heir.

By the time of the acts of the union in 1707, the early industrial revolution was in full swing with cities like Edinburgh something of a hub of the Scottish enlightenment. However the highlanders of course maintained their age old clan system and it would not be until the aftermath of the Jacobite uprising that this problem would be solved. This would then be followed by the highland clearances which lasted into the 19th century changing the culture and demographics of Scotland. In many ways the highlands were like Ireland or Wales, more rugged regions of the British isles overwhelmed by the more densely populated agrarian regions. Ireland had no land connection, but also had large swathes of swamps in addition to mountainous terrain, which meant they were better able to resist until the modern era changed everything.
> they had trouble holding the territory
That’s 99% of what conquering is. If William lost England a week later nobody would call him «the conqueror». No disrespect to Wales but the Normans in Ireland botched the job and even the direct intervention of the king of England could only remedy that so much.
> This changed in later eras when security revolved more around who can afford the most muskets than the martial prowess of clansmen tied to the ancestral acres.
Contrary to popular belief the highlanders were enthusiastic adopters of firearms. At Cullodden they fired more shots than the army did. What ended the highland charge as an effective tactic was the invention of socketed bayonets so you could shoot and stab at the same time.
The Normans worked by snowballing victories on the battlefield to placing themselves at the top of a political pyramid they'd just beheaded. This worked in England and the Mediterranean, but not in Ireland because of their clan system.

The Normans would crush the Irish on the field of battle and think that equaled them owning X or Y area/kingdom, only to have the populace keep resisting in a guerilla fashion. That was pretty much alien to them, and totally went against the context that had made them such effective conquerors to begin with. Losing so many straight up fights compared to Wales/England/even the Mediterranean is probably the beginning of the Irish being demonised full stop. The Normans thought their way of fighting was extremely barbaric (not how things were done on the continent) and dishonorable so shit talked them endlessly.

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Why do people still think the problem of evil still disproves the existence of God? Alvin Plantinga solved it a long time ago.
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Did Dirk make you think that?

Dirk doesn't understand that Plantinga's free-will defence, supposes free will.
It's not compatible with the Calvinist position.
The Free Will Defense only tries to solve moral evils, not natural ones as well. And it's not even satisfactory: free will without evil is a possibility.
Tbh Plantinga is a Calvinist, it's just that his free will defense has a rather specific use case that doesn't include his own religious position.
Le gud and le bad
If you ignore what bible says and do what you want, you're gud.
If you do what bible says it's bad and out of context :(
>Tbh Plantinga is a Calvinist
lol, seriously?
That's so retarded

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Why in latin America has there been a very high influx of "alternative" pagan religions? Even with the Catholic presence in the region, it seems that this was not enough?

In my country, for example, at least in every Brazilian family there is someone who is a "macumbeiro", basically they are African trash who worship some satanic deities, in addition to the so-called "spiritists". the same occurs throughout Latin America.
however, something that is different from some conventional /pol/ pagans, they are dishonest (in addition to being like that in essence) because they claim to follow Christ at the same time as they are pagans.

I mean, if you question them for their satanic paganism and how this is not God, they will always respond that you don't know anything and that they actually pray to God and follow him.
Anyway, why did this happen? the integration of various African, Indian and other peoples? Does the same happen with Anglo societies
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>Italian pizza
By the way there is no “Italian” style pizza, you have regional differences. In the south thick and cross, in the middle thick and pancake-stylish and in the north thin and cross.
What really irritates me is how Italian people need entire neighborhoods for their parties. your women are very ugly
it makes sense, but even so, there is a difference between Italian pizzas and pizzas from outside the country.
And I don't know what you mean, what do you mean "parties"? at least our women take showers haha
Woa! You're telling me that a society with a combination of African populations, injuns, and Catholics has weird religious beliefs present? Bizarre!
Why did you stop fighting with Carlos?
because he is retarded and was talking about a pagan goddess. and said that I wrote things I didn't say lol

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How and why did this thing even happen? can't imagine it had any legitimate way to call itself a Caliphate but how did they justify taking the name?
Why wouldn't it happen?
Black Muslims in West Africa often had the upper edge amongst the natives because they had access to Arabic trade, culture, technology and so on.
Calling themselves a caliphate is not that weird, and anyway it's not uncommon for religious outposts at the end of its heartland to twist some of the doctrine to fit their circumstances, kind of like the guy at the centre of the Taiping rebellion who said he was the brother of Jesus Christ.
>ooga booga sheeeit we caliphate now
Something like that.
This isn’t even racist OP this is basically the whole story.
The actual Islamic powers couldn’t be fucked whether some pretenders south of the Saharah called themselves caliph.
Interesting point. So as we know the Ottoman sultans were called caliphs, did any ever find out about this, that there was an alternative caliph? I suspect no one ever reported it.
Rather hilarious, there was not even an attempt to legitimize it then? was there something else of note to them or their doctrines as >>16609774 might've implied?

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Is it possible to teach someone a language if you can't speak their language? I've been daydreaming recently about aliens coming to earth and having to learn english to speak with us so we send up some linguists to teach them and they get into all sorts of goofy hijinks. Then I thought 'how would I teach someone words in English, especially for abstract concepts? Like, if we have no way of communicating with each other is that even possible?

Any linguists here?
How does this work?
You were born fluent in English.
aliens shmaliens. if they're advanced enough for interstellar travel and have the gumption to directly interact with us, they'll have their shit together and won't just scratch their heads when we talk
>Is it possible to teach someone a language if you can't speak their language?
Yeah, it's really easy.

>how would I teach someone words in English, especially for abstract concepts?
Draw a pair of tits, say "boobs". Repeat. This is how humans learn languages after all. If they're intelligent enough to reach us then they'll figure it out.

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What's the problem here? Europe is not free estate, every place is already settled by different European tribes. Stalin already gave you a place in Siberia, so i don't see no reason why we wouldn't ship you there if you have to leave Israel.
Learn from Catholics.
Reminder that the only competent greek dictator was Ioannidis and his only mistake was to trust the
corrupt commanders-in-chief during the turkish invasion of Cyprus
Our country's only hope for a somewhat prosperous future was avoiding the utter catastrophe of 1922.
I am not talking about winning or even holding a permanent long term foothold on Anatolia, just not full routing and getting decimated and being able to negotiate better terms on military strength alone.
Nowadays this country is full of turkoslavs and albos.
Why are gentiles so weak to Jews? I am reminded of how pajeets were weak to the British.

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Why does canadian schizo say French Canadians are nordic, while they look indistinguishable from proper French?
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Look Iberian
canadian schizo is...schizo?
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>they look indistinguishable from proper French?
Look Danish
he's acadian and acadians are endogamic so he projects it onto every other french

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Is "Asian" a meaningless term?
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in the statistics they are classified as asian
dialy reminder taht Asia and Europe were the names Greeks used to designate the two sides of the Aegean Sea, both of which were inhabited by Greeks.
>Nah that’s the way it is in Bongland
No it isn't, that's the (((media))), the same way they call criminal negroids "urban youths" in America.
British people call them "fucking paki scum".
I was literally in London a few years ago and everyone was calling pakis asians.
I didn't get it, but it was funny.
You weren't in London and nobody was calling pakis asians.

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In what ways do the differing beliefs about the messiah reflect the broader theological and philosophical differences between Christianity and Judaism?
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Christians are just a cult offshoot of Judaism. The importance of the crucifixion is found in the same ritual logic of the scapegoat ritual in the Day of Atonement ceremonies of Yom Kippur. In said ritual, two goats are selected. One goat is sacrificed to YHVH and the other is symbolically imbued with the sins of the tribe and cast out into the wilderness for Azazel. Jesus, in the crucifixion, takes on the role of both goats simultaneously - acting as a sacrifice to God AND taking on the sins of the tribe. It was that combination which was so powerful to the Jews who were the original Christians precisely because it spoke to the ritual logic of Judaism which says that group sins are transferrable to an individual. THAT'S why the crucifixion was so important to early Christians, not necessarily the extent to which Jesus suffered thereby.
>Ephesians 5:2 “and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

While this ritual logic might seem strange to us now, it's important to remember that early Christians / Jews legitimately believed it.
If you approach the Old Testament prophecies, recognize that there is no univocality. The truth is that the prophecies are for a wide range of events and perceived future individuals, Zerubbabel is one of the biggest contenders for being the Messiah spoke of in many of those prophets. Rabbi Hillel the Elder said that the Messiah already came and it was Hezekiah, which would align with Isaiah's prophecy in 7:14 about the almah conceiving a son who would know the difference between right and wrong by the time Assyria did its works.

Granted that, the Jews have a concrete view of the Messianic prophecies, Christians have a more metaphorical understanding of them, which is why Jesus never actually fulfilled any of the important prophecies for the Messiah, such as winning wars, being anointed a king, or building the Temple.
The jews follow the torah more literally which clearly does not allow for jesus to be the messiah
christcucks are more likely to pull shit out of their ass just like they did the messiah claim
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

Anon... the tribe of Judah is part of the nation of Israel.

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