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>go to Protestant church
>grape juice
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I'm protestant and my church uses wine.
How can you love someone you never met? Seems incredibly insincere.
Yet the papacy is still filled with reptilian child diddlers.
You are connecting to the saint from the other side when you bow to or kiss an icon of them.
I don't think that's a saint. The Bible calls them familiar spirits.

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How would the US and NATO have responded if a European NATO member like France or Italy elected or came to be controlled by a communist government? Would they have invaded them like the Soviet Union did Czechoslovakia and Hungary?
Dirty secret ops most likely such as false flags (and that's based)
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The CIA would never let it reach that point. Or they'd end up like Inejiro Asanuma in Japan.

If there were pro-communist demonstration movements, they'd end up like Taiwan with the White Terror.

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I was talking to an Alawite Muslim and he gave me a reasoned out argument as to why Muhammad and Ali are both Gods. Is his argument correct? This is what he said:

>In Surah 3, Verse 132, it says in the Koran, 'Obey Allah and the Messenger, so you may be shown mercy.' So, you need to obey God and Muhammad: you obey God by what is written in the Koran, and you obey Muhammad by what is written in the Hadith. It doesn't say obey the message that has been given by God to the messenger, it says to obey God and the messenger. In this sentence, the orders of both Muhammad and God are placed on the same level. There are more examples of this, like in Surah 4, Verse 65.

>Then, in Surah 9, Verse 31 of the Koran, it says, 'They [Jews and Christians] have taken their rabbis and monks as well as the Messiah, son of Mary, as lords besides Allah.' What is meant by this is explained in the commentary of Ibn Al Kathir, of this verse of the Koran, when a Christian asks Muhammad what he means by this (since the Christian claims that this is not what they do), Muhammad answers with, '"Yes they did. They [rabbis and monks] prohibited the allowed for them [Christians and Jews] and allowed the prohibited, and they obeyed them. This is how they worshipped them," the Messenger of Allah said to Adi.' What this means is that if the rabbis and monks allow something that the original texts of the religion prohibits, or prohibits something that it allows, whoever follows these rabbis and monks worships the rabbis and monks—this is Muhammad's own definition.

>You can then observe examples of contradicting orders or orders that add on to what is seen in the Koran by what Muhammad says—as seen in the hadith. Before going into specific examples, without the hadith there wouldn't be rituals and beliefs like circumcision, Taraweeh Prayers, Adhan and Iqamah, and so on. If you go by Surah 5, Verse 65 of the Koran only, it gives permission for marrying prepubescent females, there is nothing else in the entirety of the Koran that goes against this. It is Muhammad, as seen in the Hadith, that says that puberty is the moment when a female can get married. Going by what Muhammad said about people following those who overrule original scripture, and how that's worship, Muhammad, in this instance, is being worshipped, and if you are worshipped, you are God.

>With all of this in consideration, Muhammad is God and so is Ali, as shown by the Ghadir Khumm sermon, 'Of whomsoever I am the master, Ali is his master.' This does not violate Tawhid, however, because there is a trinity that makes up one God: God, Muhammad, and Ali. This actually is another miracle of Islam since it mathematically means that in this one instance, where God is involved, 3 = 1.

He then went on to say that Alawites were secretly controlling the Islamic community from behind the scenes.
Obey your pedophile prophet and his head chopping cousin but don't go to the west bc life's better than your holy shithole, thx muzzie
True dat
Alawites are about as Muslim as Mormons are Christian.

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>nobody knows who made those pyramids in egypt
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In the case of the Aztecs for example, there’s this whole timeline predating them. This doesn’t apply to Egypt though. They were very confident about the fact that Egyptians built the pyramids
>>nobody knows who made those pyramids in egypt
What do you mean? They were made by Egyptians
how do you know that though
The first pyramid of Giza was commissioned by Pharoah Khufu.
It was the irish

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The medieval version of this
Clovis>Charlemagne btw

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How weird that the one who calls himself atheist decides to make a move that promotes the pagan belief that the demons who bother you are actually the ghost of your dead relatives and should be trusted and listen to. He does not want you to believe in God who can save you from demons, instead he wants you to trust the demons and work for them.
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Alright, let's do it then! Look, grandpa, I'm the handsome one and you're the ugly one, haha.
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All abrahamics worship demons. Cope
lol, your god is called TV and Hollywood is your religion.
What's that, grandpa? You don't want to play with wojaks anymore? Can you tell me then something about how you got pokemon cards banned at a local school?

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Alcohol is a poison, harmful to the soul and body, therefore it is a great sin to drink alcohol and to offer it to others, and it is a greater sin to produce and to sell this poison
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A toast to OP, I say!
And once again this board doesn't need flags, you can clearly spot the Americans ITT
Found the European
>American on American
Being obsessed with unhealthy food and regularly consuming it to the detriment of your body is a sin. Having the occasional unhealthy meal instead of the bare necessities isn't.

Therefore, being obsessed with non-procreative sex and having it to the detriment of your body or relationships is a sin. But having occasional non-procreative sex with your wife isn't a sin.

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Mark 14:51-52
>A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.

This verse suggests Jesus was followed by twinks who were basically in the nude, who ran off naked when questioned (which makes sense given ancient laws surrounding sodomy). That, paired with the fact Jesus never took a wife, had children or seemed to even desire women would imply that he may have been a homosexual. He also never once denounces homosexuality in the entire New Testament.

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It's a metaphor you retards. The Holy Spirit left Jesus.
That's a bit of a stretch
>(which makes sense given ancient laws surrounding sodomy).
Homosexuality was commponplace and accepted in society, normal even.
No it wasn't. Homosexual relations were explicitly banned in Jewish law (the Tanach) which Jesus and his followers obeyed.

Leviticus 18:22
>You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination

Matthew 5:18
>For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Granted, pedos kind of logic'd their way around Leviticus (like Jesus, with his "disciple whom Jesus loved") >>16586017
But still
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.


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1 to 2 casualty ratio while attacking.
We still had planes and gasoline to make them run

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Historically speaking, by what right do government have to tell their citizens what to do? Is it might makes right, or is it something else? Should citizens have the right to tell their government what to do?
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Violence is the fundamental basis of all authority. The great shift of the modern age has been towards a centralized monopoly on violence held by the state, where as before many different families could exercise violence within their respective domains even if they acknowledged the greater legitimacy of a monarch to commit violence.
Unironic answer: read John Austin
Okay, so all I have to do is vote for the party that supports Palestine's claim to its own rightful clay? Seems easy enough.

...which party was that, again?
>Historically speaking, by what right do government have to tell their citizens what to do?
Historically? The divine right of kings. But in modern liberal countries it is consent between the governors and the governed. The government protects you from invaders or criminals in exchange for taxes and trade.
You are, of course, allowed to form your own political parties. It's a matter of popularity and compromise.

The US has 2 big tent parties who are not homogeneous. The "give every everything to Palestine and wipe Israel off the map" is not popular enough, or not a big enough issue compared to other planks of a party platform.

Uh.... Human exceptionalist brothers, our response?
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Better than chimps and Gorillas
Often called "forest men"
Wait for more information. Remember the orangutan that was spear fishing? Turns out it just observed the behavior. The gap between man and beast is still insurmountable … for now.

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>Oh boy, I can't wait to get to heaven and see all my loved ones and live for eternity in total bliss!

Has there ever been a more obvious cope?
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Dreams are when you take a trip to the spirit world in your sleep.
More than what? Nothing?
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>It says here you spent approximately 2,413 hours "owning the atheists on 4chan", none of which subsequently converted to christianity as a direct or indirect consequence of your posts. Care to explain why that was a better use of your time than charity work, or gainful employment?
At what point throughout human evolution was the "soul" implanted in us?
Not biblically supported. In fact, Ecclesiastes 3:21 implies animals have souls.
>Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down into the earth?

People use the quote about sparrows to argue this point, but Jesus said God valued a person more than many sparrows, which actually implies they have value, just less than humans.

>be IRA scumbag
>get arrested for arson or armed robbery or murder or one of the countless other crimes you and your psycho friends commit on a daily basis
>demand to be treated as a political prisoner
>but you're not imprisoned for your political beliefs, you're imprisoned because you commit crimes for your political beliefs so the state rightly treats you as a common criminal
>start boycotting clothes in protest
>nothing happens
>start boycotting showers and toilets and also smear shit all over the walls
>nothing happens
>start boycotting food
>die of starvation
What the fuck did they expect?
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how about the glory of mortaring the prime minister's residence
like I said, the anglo jew is completely alien to these concepts
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>No but you see many Irish people were forced to leave Ireland and go work hard and build lives elsewhere so you have to let a bunch of immigrants into your welfare state, house, feed and pay them while your own people are still forced to leave due to economic hardship
>Irish people actually were historically black
>St Patrick was a migrant too or something so that means it's ok
It's mostly the Irish in Northern Ireland as I understand it, Irishmen in the republic don't seem to care anywhere near as much, in real life that is.
because some shameful xenophobes have decided to scapegoat them for the failures of Ireland's political class
>make anglos seethe uncontrollably

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These guys transformed a medieval agrarian society into an industrious nuclear/economic superpower in 50 years. Who is your favorite?
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Yes. Mao might be the most interesting man of the 20th century, but when it comes to sheer political brilliance, there’s really nobody who can match what Deng did. Going from purged exile to absolute power in 4 years, leading his country though the end of the Cold War, developing a theory by which a communist China could thrive in a capitalist world- all while being 80 years old and 5’5. That takes genius.
>t. Taiwanese
Deng Xiaoping easily
An inspiration to manlets everywhere
Xi Jinping was probably the wrong guy for China at this point. They should have went with another Hu Jintao technocrat to focus on diversifying the economy, trying to crack down on the real estate bubble, and figure out something to reverse the demographic collapse. Instead the internal CCP politics went with a hardline militant nationalist. To Xi's credit, he's probably cracking down on corruption, who also happens to his political opponents.

Instead the aggressive Wolf-Warrior tone is uniting the East Pacific staunchly against China. Korea somehow managed to elect a conservative pro-Japan President of all things (if barely), Japan has been anti-China since forever, and Taiwan is moving further away from the mainland. This could have been avoided if Xi avoided cracking down on Hong Kong and their 50 years of self rule (bitch really couldn't wait?) and now everyone's side-eyeing China. So much for their peaceful rise. His PR/diplo game is trash.

People forget how strong China's PR game was peaking in 2008 with the Summer Olympics. Meanwhile people meme'd the shit out of China 2022's Winter Olympics.

>he causes nuclear levels of American butthurt
American media always need a boogeyman. See how rabid anti-Japanese sentiment was in the US during the 1980s because Japan seemed unstoppable in their economic rise (at one point almost surpassing the USSR as 2nd largest economy with 1/4th the population). And now Japan is seem as a dying/weakened regional power/major economic power.

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Why did so many Jews support the confederacy? Weren't they racist?
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>Jews as a whole
Yes, but Sephardic Jews were very heavily involved. In Spain, in the Netherlands, in England, in North Africa, in the Balkans, in the Caribbean, in the South, everywhere Sephardic Jews went they were prolific in the slave trade.
>Sephardic Jews were basically a nation of slave merchants
This is an overstatement, as there have always been many poor, uneducated, unsuccessful Sephardic Jews. The ones that were successful, do stand out as wildly wealthy. This has a lot to do with Sephardim establishing far flung mercantile connections throughout the MENA, including their occupying a unique niche which allowed them to maintain productive business relationships with both Muslim merchants and Christian nobility.

Many of the Sephardim who built generational wealth between the late 16th and early 19th century did so through serving as merchant middlemen between the Christian and Muslim worlds. They were often multilingual, being able to conduct business in Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Farsi, and Ladino. They trafficked in precious gems, metals, spices, foodstuffs, and of course, human beings.

Sure, you could argue that they were overrepresented, though they were still not the dominant force in the slave trade, and to say that the Sephardic Jews constituted a nation of slavers, or even of merchants, is inaccurate. It was the Sephardim who established relatively small yet thriving diaspora communities, that were most successful as merchants, with the rest fairing no better than the common man. One need only look to Sephardic Jews of the Ottoman Empire, to see that for every successful Sephardic trader, you could find ten illiterates that could barely support themselves (these are also the ones who converted to Islam and Christianity in droves).
Sephardic Jews were alot more prosperous than Mizrahi Jews, than Ashkenazi Jews even. Al-Andalus is often hailed as a paradise for Jews, and that's because the Andalusians allowed them to prosper off the slave trade, something the Visigoths didn't allow. And when the Spaniards kicked them out they may have lost alot of that prosperity, but they made it back in no time wherever they went through the slave trade. You say that most Sephardim were just poor commoners, but compared to the local Jews like the Romaniotes or the Berber Jews they were extremely prosperous, thanks to the slave trade. And the places they went into exile to were all slave trade hotspots, the Barbary Coast, the Mediterranean ports of the Ottoman Empire, the imperial centers of the Dutch and English empires, and the American colonies. They were more overrepresented in the slave trade than anyone else, and it's not even close.

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