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What was the interest rate in the banks of ancient Rome?
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>Usually Roman loans were given to young nobles, and they generally had high interest rates
sounds like it was made to make people like Caesar appear
>It's true you don't see many goth men. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for goth women.

>And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no goth men, and that goths just spring out of Hot Topics!

>Which is, of course, ridiculous.
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I love you anon
>Aragorn : *whispering* "it's the make-up"
>OP, where is my money!?!

There was Tooktoo. Jebel Irhoud.
Looks like a homeless black dude living in an underpass in LA

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in retrospect, this was a DISASTER for mankind.
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>it also means no more political autonomy in foreign policy and an extra tax burden.
Which is exactly what happened anyway under Athens, Sparta and the subsequent revolving door of hegemonies. If Persia had won, Greece would have jumped straight to what they were in the Roman empire, skipping the next 250 years of civil war.
That was basically OP's point
Soul vs soulless

OP is obviously MENA/Turk
Persia was Zoroastrian.

A Zoroastrian Greece might have been a lot harder to convert to Christianity. It could have even become the new Roman religion
absolutely nothing other than military inventions
ancient persian offered nothing in terms of science, culture or philosophy

Why does this president in particular get accused of being a blood drinking child sacrificing illuminati satanist and the epitome of all evil? The people cursing him are all conservative truther types too so his Republican values should be more aligned with theirs yet they seem to despise him the most out of all presidents.
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when trump leaves the rhino's will take over again, just like after '64
The truthers used to be lefty conspiracists
He was the last real politician to hold that office
1990 immigration act
You live in an alternate universe. Trump revived a dying party.

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Why did the concept of Noblesse Oblige in America seem to diminish along with the original WASP population in the US?
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the same way you identify as the opposite gender: a delusional fantasy

They're not classical white but they are mainly white with zero negroid dna
Most people in upstate ny have some Italian history but are mostly due to the italians fucking Irish broads and then their offspring marrying a white girl or guy

Literally happy ever after peace in Europe forever good ending if this was in place
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Romania has a lot of ethnic Hungarians though.
Bull fucking shit. The spirits of the oligarchs wanted war. The soul of the hidden hand was consumed by bloodlust
To replace them with people who speak Italian, which is necessary to be functional citizens of the Italian state
Agree Slovenia shouldn't be in Italy, but it was part of Austria for almost 1000 years, and Slovenes are culturally Austrian and the whole country looks like Austria, so it might as well go with Austria into Germany with some sort of protected status for the Slovene language or something.
>Happy end
You so silly.

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Restore the line of Æthelwulf.
*enthrone the house of Wittelsbach. As the Stuarts are extint in the male line.
Resurrect the spirit of Benjamin Disraeli and turn him into a deity to enslave the Britons
Resurrect T. E. Lawrence and send him to the West Bank, just for the lulz.

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Could US have became the greatest country in the world without its Judeo-Christian foundation?
Yes, abrahamoids have no moral argument against communism because their moral foundation is the same. Now all their academics is full of militant communists
It was founded by deists free masons who'd rather get drunk and argue about whatever over going to church and listening to a preacher.
These “academics” literally hate Christianity and are seeking to destroy it in the West dipshit
I said same moral foundation. Both are deeply rooted in altruism, where the indicidual's goal is to serve the group he is part of. Whether that's religious or "the workers party" is an important difference to you, not to me.

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What were the Arab states wargoal during the First Arab-Israeli War?
Were they going to establish a Palestinina state or split it between themselves?
getting all the underage jewish twink ass they could get their hands on

palestinian liberation being a distant second
The jews took inspiration from their wargoals, considering the rape of arab children by Israeli forces currently going on today.
This is a Jewish psyop thread.

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How important are phenotypes, really?
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Hello shitskin anon...
"upper class" means at least making twice the average income of the country.
>>implying I'm triggered when I'm arguing with 5 flyover retards at once, who got mad I called their trailertrash-waifu out
You're a forever online autistic shitskin that speaks in memes.
I'm white, went to a school that looks like picrel, and I'm trying to explain social class to you anon. But you're just not getting it into that tiny little pea brain you've got that was designed for ditch digging and lumber hauling.
You are reverting to /pol/speak, because that's the only up you have in the world, thinking even though you live in a mobile home littered with PBR cans and shovel shit all day and coom to trailertrash waifus like OPs, at least you're not brown.
You're an idiot who got triggered over the phrase upper class and your own mental definition of it not fitting the actual definition.
You really think someone whose family owns a sawmill and lumber yard is going to be living in a trailer?
>I'm white, went to a school that looks like picrel
Aha, and autistics like you are pathological liars who love living imaginary lives online?

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It is the year 732 AD, and the Umayyad Caliphate has reached its greatest extent, becoming the largest state in history until the rise of the Mongol Empire nearly five centuries later!

1) The secret Abbasid movement in Kufa is under the leadership of Muhammad ibn Ali al-Abbasi, after Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah informed him of the call, thus transferring the movement's leadership from the Alawite house to the Abbasid house.

2) The Eastern Roman Empire continues to decline after a series of defeats by Islamic states, though it managed to withstand two Umayyad sieges of the capital, Constantinople.

3) The Lombard Kingdom controls most of the Italian Peninsula and has converted from Arianism to Catholicism.
Its vassals include: the Duchy of Benevento and the Duchy of Spoleto.

4) The Avar Khaganate has seen its influence wane in Central Europe, with the rise of the First Bulgarian Empire in Eastern Europe.
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based ummayyads
>and is now facing the migrating Magyar tribes from Central Asia.
Where did they set off from specifically? Has that been figured out?

>The Chalukya Empire controls most of the Indian subcontinent.
Your own map says otherwise.
The map is funny because the author is too retarded to fill in the white areas
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What's you ugly "Muslim" symbol.

True and universal Muslim symbol that transcend language and time.
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Is Christmas really pagan?
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heres a telegram tradcath memer
heres some dubious website that offers no source
and heres another dubious website that again, offers no source
anon, why would saint boniface, a christian priest, be referencing old norse deities and mythical locations? if the quote is real, then an original version of the quote exists in whatever language it was first written in, and would reference them by regional names, which would vary from tribe to tribe in germany. we arent even sure if some of those things existed in germanic mythology. there is very little evidence for a cult of baldur being present in germany save some charms and chants that *might* be referencing his name based on linguistic similarities. we similarly have very little evidence for any concept of niflheim in germanic mythology; we dont even know what the germans called niflheim if such a concept existed within their cosmology, because there are no written texts about it within the germanic corpus. that is how I know that quote is fake as shit. he didnt say any of that crap, and they didnt sacrifice a child at donnars oak. catholics spin more lies as the ages go on it seems; the desperation of their dying church seems to drive them to such duplicity. picrel is the altar of the cathedral of saint john the divine in new york; which houses one of the finest shrines to saint boniface in america. truly fitting.
Actually, I've got you beat:
He cites
http://www.holyspiritinteractive.net/columns/williamsaunders/straightanswers/68.asp (dead)
Here we go, this is it.

He doesn't have a source, he's just making shit up. He says that Christmas Trees came about because Boniface told the Frisians to take fir trees into their houses to decorate instead of using oak trees (which is actually pretty funny because the Medieval church condemned the decorating of trees period and the entire reason that the tree is indoors in the first place is because publicly decorating trees at Yule was a crime).

>why would saint boniface, a christian priest, be referencing old norse deities...
Just to add to what you're saying: "Baldr" is the nominative singular of the word "bald-", which is the Old Norse cognate with the modern English "bold". That "-r" is the nominative singular morphological inflection, and the shift from "-az" to "-r" is unique to Old Norse. Boniface was executed for his crimes in Frisia, and at the time the Frisian cognate of the word "bold" was... "bold". The Norse word "Freyja" just means "lady", and it's cognate with the English "free" and the Old Frisian "frowe". The lack of attestation of her by that name outside of Scandinavia is actually a mythological point of novelty, so if this quote were legit it would be a huge deal and the earliest source wouldn't be a Catholic blog from 2014.

I'm not going to both getting into the bit about Thor and Odin.
interesting how you don't mention the birth of sol invictis again
how about you tell us what date that was celebrated on?
Keep in mind that the west uses the gregorian calendar now, which has the winter solstice as a set date around 20-22 of december forever. But that wasn't the case before the 16th century, so the julian calendar has the solstice moving every century:

>0 AD - December 22
>500 - December 19
>1000 - December 15
>1300 - December 13
>1500 - December 12
>2000 - December 8

Which makes overlapping with the 25th impossible - pagans would still track the sun and look for equinox, while your christian date would be fixed from counting +365 days. Unless you want to make the argument that Christianity started in the 16th century...
sol invictis was created after Christmas.

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How would history be different if another species of homo survived somewhere and was discovered by explorers?
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they are called snow monkeys (whites and Timmies) and they discovered they were when they set shores on the peoples they conquered
those are called africans
>He doesn't know
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>another species of homo survived
They did. Blacks are a different species.

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European GDP per capita by 1750
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>Germans and Latins have never been enemies
what even is unit of measurement?
3000 of what?
Here's the paper it's from, probably better to give that than some random twitter link
i just saw the tweet seetle downlittle man
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>crete is green

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>evidence of pumpkin spice exists far back as 1390 France
What the fuck
Cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, ginger. These have been in Europe for far longer than that.

And it's a baller combination. Just because you feel emasculated by, it doesn't mean that it isn't delicious. Try roasting red meat with it and black pepper.
>salt has been consumed for as long as humans were around
WTF how is that possible?
>pumpkin spice existed before pumpkins
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The (pumpkin) spice must flow

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