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Why do people think Islam is some sort of macho tough guy religion?
Our prophet wasn't some super chad. He was a gentle and sensitive man who expressed his emotions readily and he was introverted and modest. And he said that good manners was one of the most important parts of Islam.
He helped out with the housework of his wives and cooked and cleaned for them as well.
He never hit children or said a rude word to anyone.
He even spared the entirety of the Mecca when he conquered it bloodlessly.
And no just because he fought others who were trying to kill him and his people doesn't mean he was some sort of evil alpha male type.
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>Muslim claiming the moral high ground even though most Islamic countries treat their own brethren as slaves when they feel like it
I'm sure Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, all of north Africa and the various stans are paradise compared to China or the west
>Islamic countries
There's no such thing.
There are no more islamic countries only countries with a majority muslim population.
It's obvious from how they only care about nationalism instead of religion.
Kys namefag
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Yeah he also enjoyed crossdressing.
to save billions

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What are the historical figures that make normies seethe the most?
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Jane Fonda
>thought Birth of a Nation was the greatest shit since sliced bread
He thought it's shit and complained publicly about fake news claiming he liked it.
You're retarded npcs.
>if not the best president the U.S had.
Literally not a single person in the world ever claimed this except perhaps some 15 year old alt liters who's only knowledge about him is that he boxed and wrote man in the arena
Exactly, I'm talking about consensus amongst normies. Normies love the guy.
I personally think he's a pretty fantastic president as well, far more deserving of praise than his son.
>A strong protectionist and interventionist government is needed for libertarianism

Lmao where the fuck do they find these retards

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The good timeline.
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Capitalists run the market, not the state.
the most boring one as well
So true
>nigger breeding farm: the country
crazy how if dixoids just weren't so fucking lazy and picked their own cotton America would be like 99% white right now
don't forget that the workers started to refuse working with southern cotton. even if they theoretically could outcompete Egypt they would still have too pivot away from them just so the workers would stop rioting over it

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>Descended from the Normans who conquered southern Italy, Sicily and England
>One of the main commanders of the successful First Crusade
>nearly a feet taller than even the tallest of men in his time
>Smashes a 15.000 strong relief force with only 700 knights
>Establishes his own Kingdom of sorts in Northern Syria
>Life ends in a complete strategy after a disastrous attempt to Conquer the Byzantine Empire

Is there any historical figure more kino than this?
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All that babblery came from heavily curated research made by a university with an overrepresentation of 1200% on jewish students. Obviously leftist.
The same uni that is now jailing students for protesting against zionism lol
Never truat anything the ivy league puts their hand on.
>good looking
>highly intelligent
>extremely tall
>powerfully built
>brave and ambitious
We must clone him and his father
Robert the Fox.
Bohemond's step mom screwed him out of Robert's land
Now do the calculation of how old she was and how old he was when she saw him.
>brown eyes/hair
Uh oh, someone got cucked

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The ones who came to the Northeast from Ellis Island wore signs like picrel whereas ones in the South were pro slavery and pro child labor.
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Southern Jews of the antebellum era (and well into the early modern era before NY/NJ Jews flooded South Florida in the 60s-80s) were almost all Sephardic Jews from the Netherlands/UK. They were also generally more well-off, having the means to move to the US not to do wage labor but to own property in an area where they had greater freedom to do that.

"Ellis Island Jews" were almost exclusively Ashkenazi Jews from central/eastern Europe, with rapidly increasing amounts from the Russian Empire due to the wave of pogroms that only accelerated after Alexander II's assassination. They were poor, now-landless peasants and city dwellers, of course they were attracted to causes that benefited them. There is also a sharp class/ethnic divide at the time between "old stock" Jews of primarily Dutch/British Sephardic origin in the South, and German Ashkenazi origin in the north, and the newly arrived austro-hungarian, russian and romanian jews.

Despite the implications, "Old Stock" here does not mean having spent a long time in the US, but simply the class differences and social networks that these Jews fell in. For example, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire emerged out of labor disputes between the owners (who were immigrant German Ashkenazi) and the predominantly immigrant Austro-Hungarian/Russian Ashkenazi workforce.
Most Southern Jews were German Ashkenazis, there was an absolutely inconsequential number of Sephardics in the US.
Early US Jews were mainly Sephardics who migrated as far back as the colonial period and were well established as part of the American elite.
Those who immigrated through Ellis Island were mainly Ashkenazi of poor/working class backgrounds.
Yes, they were worlds apart.
Ellis Island Jews were Ashkenazi
Southern Jews were Sephardi
>why did people who economically benefit from a bad thing not protest against it but people who didn't economically benefit from it did protest against it

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Did Judas go to hell, even though he was necessary for God's plan?
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The reason Judas went to hell isn't because he betrayed Jesus, which is the foolish classical tragic poeticism that Renaissance humanists obsessed over in their worship of the martial ideals of the Roman Empire, it is because he despaired of salvation, a form of pride; he believed the magnitude of his sin to be so infinitely great, that not even God - whom he believed Jesus to be - could forgive it, and thus hanged himself rather than humble himself.
"The Son of Man will go as it is written of Him, but woe to him by whom the Son of Man is betrayed."

Yes, of course he did, anon. Can you people just actually pick up The Book for a change?
I think this is wrong, but ultimately it doesn't matter. He's in Hell.
No he got 72 virgins for his reward
The death and resurrection of the Son of God was a metaphor

>1918: homeless bum and vagabond without any plans for a career or family
>1928: leader of one of the strongest parties in Germany with thousands already willing to die for him
>1938: leder of one of the mightiest and most advanced nations on earth who will shape history similarly like Napoleon or Alexander did

Can someone explain this rationally?
How was his meteoric rise possible?

If after studying Nazism you don't believe in the existence of 'hidden and occult forces' or some kind of black magic, you are a fucking NPC.
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>never agreed to compromises with the system, instead the system agreed to compromises with him
He made up military border incursions to invade Poland. He ousted Rohm using a fictitious coup as justification. Hitler lived in constant fear of the system. He also got extremely lucky that some old school leaders died of natural causes when they did as well.
>Foreseeing the rise of the USSR and the US was not unique at all in that time.
>and the fear of a 'Red Tide' sweeping out of Russia and into the Wes
Yet who was preparing for it?
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>Britain and France had a choice to remain neutral, they decided to jump on the first chance they got to justify a war against Germany.
Germany had a choice to remain neutral as well, but they decided to invade white christian that was a bulwark against communism, knowing it will trigger war with Poland's allies.
Poland, Britain and France were sovereign states and they could have each other international relations as they pleased, especially a defensive alliance.

>Britain and France had no right to tell Germany what it can and can not do with Poland.
Germany had no right to invade Poland, because they had the non-aggression pact.
Moreover, Germany invaded Poland without declaration of war. Germany was truly a backstabbing state ruled by bloody bastard.

>can you explain how a removal of the corrupt Polish government is somehow an existential threat to France and England?
a Nazi apologist is talking something about corruption, lmao
Hitler was claiming Alsace–Lorraine to be rightful German clay, so the French and the British had a moral right to defend themselves and Poland against Germany.
In terms of international policy NS-Germany was a rabid dog that had to be put down.

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Back then when parents told their kids "you could grow up to be the President" it was actually true
He's built from the same material as Napoleon and Alexander, that's it
Charisma and oratory skills he developed

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>Only became relevant because his great uncle posthumously adopted him in his will
>Was never a useful commander and had shit policies
>Only won the civil war against Caesar's killers because of Marc Antony
>Only stayed in power in the West because of his general Agrippa
>Only beat Sextus Pompeius who was raiding Italy from his pirate base in Sicily because of Lepitus who he then betrayed
>Got carried by his government and generals again against Mark Antony, did nothing useful, was a bitch nigga
>When Mark Antony straight up suicided became Augustus
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But he still won and remained KING. So he won.
>ummm actually he wasn't impressive because ummm Agrippa because ummmm
>please ignore every single reform he ever did
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>Sextons Poopeinus
Ohhhhh snap anon, you've got it all figured out. And he looks like the Zuck too! Gaygustus sucks or something.
So you're telling me that he managed to
>get Caesar to make him his political heir
>get Antony to fight his first war for him
>get Lepidus to fight his second war for him
>get talented people like Agrippa and Maecenas to do all the work while remaining firmly under his thumb
>remain in power unchallenged until old age took him out
And yet he was a loser retard who got carried? Nigger you just described an apex politician.

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I struggle to find a coherent philosophy for American pagan practice. Do American pagans worship Native American gods, since they're the deities of the land? Or do they worship Odin because their ancestors did, ignoring all Native American practices? Is it possible to worship Native gods and Norse gods at the same time?
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>I struggle to find a serious academic who takes my prison meme religion seriously
>I struggle to find a coherent philosophy for American pagan practice
Because there is none.
We generally ignore Amerindian practices yes.
Land with no culture.
Land of none.
Fuck off, we’re a blank slate, that’s our identity and we’re proud of it. America is the Faustian spirit personified, her wings take her to the stars, unbefettered by the norms of ages past, for better or for worse.

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It's literally not biblical yet 99% of Christians believe in it. It doesn't bother them that they translate 3 different words with 3 different meanings into the same word "hell" which literally comes from paganism. "Hela" the daughter of Loki.
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Doesn't change the fact that there is indeed a torment. So all the faggots saying
>duuurrrrr there is no Hell in the Bible y'know?
Are fucking retards.
Good needs Evil to be made.
The Greater the Evil the Greater the Good.
The World pre-judgment day is the process of creating numerous righteous Souls filled with Good yet remaining Free in order to fill the entire Earth with them
Once complete, Evil can be silenced once and for all
Eden with Adam and Eve failed because they were free but they lacked Good, they were prototypes

Every woman will be like the Virgin Mary, every man will be like Jesus Christ. We will be worthy of being the sons and daughters of God
And if you want to be part of the Kingdom you must accept this trial of purification
Judaism/Christianity is a fusion of Hellenic paganism and Zoroastrianism.

Hellenism had a place afterlife (the dead go to the underworld aka Hades where they are punished or rewarded for their actions in life), Zoroastrianism had an escathological afterlife (there will once be an apocalypse where Earth is remade into a paradise and the dead will come back to life to live there).

Parts of the Bible that are more Hellenic influenced talk about Hades, parts that are more Zoroastrian influenced talk about resurrection after the apocalypse. Revelation for examle is extremely similar to the Zoroastrian apocalypse prohecy.
>only demons were sent there.
Yes because humans have not been judged yet.
> a place they believe you are tortured eternally by demons with pitchforks.That's a pagan belief.

*Looks around at the world*.....

It's not exactly a picnic.

Why did brothels go from ubiquitous to totally illegal? Could it be they paid an important role in society?
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HIV killed the last remaining brothels in America.
why do you keep reiterating the problem, even though I have made it clear that my disagreement is with your proposed solution?
don’t bother answering, it’s a rhetorical question for you to ponder as I proceed to close the tab.
The start of the open crackdown on brothels and prostitution coincides with syphilis showing up in Europe. Someone noticed the correlation.
Like, they speak the language? Or is this industry jargon for some sex act?
America is a third world shithole

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>Oh my, oh my, what have I done?
>There's something very wrong! There's something very wrong!

Holy fucking kino
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Varg's going the same place as him
No I don't think a kike like LaVey would have gone to Valhalla
That's not true.
Reminder that he called his philosophy Satanism specifically to fuck with you guys. Not specifically you people, but your type of people, uptight christcuck and larper types.
No they don't. LaVeyan satanists don't worship Satan it's just edgy objectivism. Now, to save you the typing: Yes, Objectivism was created by a Russian Jew and is comically Jewish as an ideology, that's not the point. Mind you, the thing still depends on christianity, so in that sense it is basically parasitic as an ideology.
Even the name gives you a hint to this, given that it's named like this to piss christcuck moralizer types off.
christcucks are mentally retarded and wont comprehend this, their vision is a twisted black and white spectrum
The people who were being called satanic throughout history were either jews, protestants, or gnostics. It's pretty sad and childish how they appropriated this religious slur that was used against people who either devoted their lives around Yahweh or Jesus or both, and used it as the name of their cartoonish edgelord religion.

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No one would hate atheists if they still worshiped justice, truth, and love. But those things cannot be separated from the existence of *a* God
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>But those things cannot be separated from the existence of *a* God
In that case, my "god" is biology, since all of those things are biologically derived in my view.
>as evidenced by a book written by humans
Evem greater midwittery
You mean like the Cult of Reason? But we all know how that one turned out.
You shouldn’t worship justice, truth and love. Well, maybe justice but it can be misinterpreted

>Loves nature
>Hates technology and what its doing to humanity and the world
>Claims to be blowing up people for the good of the world
>Blows up random people at colleges and attempts to blow up passenger jets

Why didn't he just actually go after people actively harming the planet like oil companies, plastic manufacturers, mining and logging companies etc. Sounds like he was justifying his hatred of people under the guise of environmental protection.
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begone satan
seems more like a tranny women don't type like that energetically
It probably is bait but there's Vera Zasulich, one of the first modern terrorists
You will not slander Uncle Ted
I think retarded whores who fuck niggers, spics and kikes should get an abortion and then kill themselves.
You do seem like some kind of a christcuck rapebaby mutt that should have been aborted though. As much as I don't like feminists for their MGTOW tier autism, I find you right wing cucks obsessed with trannies (you really DO secretly want to fuck them and have avatars of anime bitches somewhere on söycial media I bet, not to mention actual homosexual tendencies in those circles lusting after other males) insufferable.

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/his/torians, I need your help to solve these questions I have....

1) What's the difference between Soul and Form (in general they are used as partial synonyms by some authors)?
2) What's the difference between Form and Essence (in some texts, authors use them as synonyms)?
3) How is it possible for prima materia to be a first form contained in the divine essence if prima materia and form itself are two separated "things"?
4) How is it possible for angels (and souls) to be things without matter (pure forms) when heaven is described as a place composed, if not of matter, of something similar to matter? What kind of existence is this? Are they equal in nature to ideas?
5) How is it that the essence of matter is potentiality and the essence of soul is actuality if only things in themselves have essence (according to Aristotle)?
6) For Aristotle, the essence was represented exclusively by the form. Why, for Saint Thomas, does the essence of contingent beings also include matter?
7) If the "idea" of matter was in the mind of God in the beginning, wouldn't this make matter a substance with its own ontological status?
8) Why is the prima materia a concrete thing instead of a created thing?
1 thru 8; yes desu, "Earth is Hell"; fear not, "All go to Heaven."

God is our Rock, rock on!
Wrong board anon. Study energy vs. Dark energy. Study matter vs. Dark matter.

atheist here, cucks. dark matter is invisible so it doesn't exist and dark energy is invisible so it doesn't exist.
>history & HUMANITIES

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