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>Same species
Nah. Just nah. No argument needed. Just nah.
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We arent the same by any definition of species
Except for the inconvenient fact that we are and have been considered the same species since the start of taxonomy, although for most of that, we were considered separate subspecies. The problem with dividing humans up into subspecies though is that humans have an unusually low amount of genetic diversity compared to other primates, despite our much, much higher population.
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These two men both have something in common that no other species of human has. Can YOU tell me what it is? Here's a hint, it's something this Neanderthal woman lacks.
>and the genetic distance between blacks and whites is larger than between those species.

Wolves and coyotes have been mixing with each other for so long that it's rare to find a wolf or coyote population with less than 5% of each others ancestry. In fact, some wolf and coyote populations are anywhere from 25-40% of each other.
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>Black facial features are not seen in white people

You'll never guess what race this guy is.

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Germanic, Hellenic, Slavic, Celtic, Baltic and other ethnic European faiths are some of the fastest growing religions among White people of European descent. Since in today's world we're devoid of spirituality, ethnic solidarity and community, this is naturally gravitating towards our people. It is inevitable and it is the only way forward. If you already follow your ethnic faith and you're learning more about it, consider yourself as one of the progenitors of its revival in this era and the Gods and forebears are cheering for your cause. Hail!
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>Cringe. Follow your ancestors and embrace Christ.
Source for any of this?
europe went from a backwater shithole to the world stage under christianity.
subsaharan africa with their shamanistic beliefs was still in the stone age when the europeans came.
>Europe in the pagan stone bronze and iron age
Conquer all of Europe and most of Asia
>Europe in the christian medieval period
Get BTFO by arabs and turks for centuries

You kike-worshippers can't help but lie up and down about history
and what do the pagans have to show for it? the abomination that is the indian race?

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I'm under the impression that it occurred but I have no idea how frequent it was. Are there any primary sources alluding to it? Give me some examples. Did its frequency vary based on circumstances? For example: were the homophobic abrahamic religions less likely to commit male on male rape? Were those who committed it punished, whereas those who committed male on female rape were not?

I want to be enlightened.
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bet he could strangle you quite well as he abused your hole though
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If he is willing to spend this much on some pajeet faggot imagine the fortune he would blow on a white Euro femboy.
No wonder muslims dedicated entire kingdoms to securing a steady supply of R1a bussy
Raping femboys is based btw.
True. White bussy mogs >>>

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Why are racist men more often tolerant torwards racemixing with foreign women?
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The doesn't change the fact racism is feels-based, and things like ideology and race science come after the fact as confirmation for a gut reaction. It leads to situations where miscegenation is morally wrong until those feelings are suppressed by horniness.
>it's okay when men do it, says the man and his neighbor.
>it's okay when men do it, says his son and his son's peers.
>its okay when men do it, says his grandson and his peers.
>she's basically white, says his great-grandson and his peers.
Foreign women are basically animals, it's like beastiality but they look humanoid.
What I mean by that is that they aren't on the same level as US(my tribe) and they don't pose a threat like their male counterparts(like stealing women from our tribe).
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Not a correct analogy, racists hate foreign males(which comes from fear of getting cucked), not their females.

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Is it weird that I'm christian but the more I read the bible, the more confused I get and the less christian I become?
Like, even in the new testament, parables seem wrong. It seems that nothing ever matters, good is wrong and wrong is good, I still don't know what the fuck sins or the kingdom of God are supposed to be, seems like God is always looking on you with a disapproval and disappointed look instead of love.
I'm trying to make my twist of things and search for explanations but they seem like cope. I'm trying to understand and I try to believe in God but this doesn't seem easy.
Seems like I have to whip myself in the back all the time.
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Instead of holding your hand, because this is complex, I'll give you two pointers.
Here's the first one. Don't presume that the character Jesus in these books is based on the real man, he is an ideological construct and words are placed in his mouth.
The second is this. Who are the Ebionites and who are the Marcionites?
>So if that's true, why does Paul not follow the Law?
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. (Romans 3:31)
Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. (Romans 13:10)
Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning. Again, a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining. (1 John 2:7-8)
This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)

Christ abolishes the law by fulfilling it. You are really showing your lack of knowledge of the Bible here, because Christ breaks the letter of the Law constantly. His entire Sermon on the Mount is precisely about that lol.

The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?” And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who [a]made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” They said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?” He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.” (Matthew 19:3-9)
Notice how the false prophet Paul's words are first instead of Jesus'? That's all you need to know. Good luck, OP.
>false prophet
>the reason why Christianity spread across the world
>accepted and endorsed by both St Peter and St James
Do you think Jesus was lying when He said that the gates of Hades shall not prevail against the Church (Matthew 16:18)?
The biggest problem with the bible is how open to interpretation it is.
You have some parts historical, some poetical, some educational, etc.
So knowing when the truth starts and when it stops is nigh impossible.
There are no two Christians exactly alike: each has their own interpretation, brought about by differences in linguistics and exposure.
It culminates in pointless arguments with no end in sight.

...Or something like that, feel free to interpret this as you like :)

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How important are phenotypes, really?
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am i the only one who sees a little mediterranean in her?
She’s Irish jeeta/travelhair
That’s like all women nowadays buncha attention seeking narcissists
why does she look like an actual fox. As in the literal animal.
zodiac signs for autists who don’t understand genetics.

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Even after independence British civilization radiates like a lamp in a deep cave, shining it's light upon the failure of the hindu
Is it maintained by brits?
it shows the divide between muslim and british civilization.

>trillions of dollars in debt
USA is 90% propaganda.

Their weapons are useless
Their army is garbage
>"Its Mexico's fault"
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Debt is good.
The more debt a country has the better it is.
Nobody gives loans to people who can't pay back. You don't see African shitholes having trillions of dollars in debt. Being in that much debt means people trust your economic prowess being able to pay it.
Friendly reminder that Russia has still failed to defeat Ukraine. This is like if America invaded Mexico and got bogged down 50 miles from the border, the green berets and navy seals slaughtered en masse by regular mexican army, the US forced to rely on boomer militias and convicts to hold the line, and ultimately Mexico counter attacking and taking over a third of Texas.

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Should sodomy be made illegal again?
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Should only be legal in self-defense situations
All sodomites should be executed immediately
this >>17088225
racemixing lowers the national IQ

the US still has momentum from its illustrious past and remaining, if declining, aryan population, perhaps enough momentum to make it into the AI era, but generally it is not a good thing to erode the volksgemeinschaft
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Thread link?

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Did the Yakuza/major Organised criminal gangs have any real presence in Japan prior to the world wars? What exactly is their purpose and place in Japanese society?

From what I’ve read they were mainly a phenomenon that came about after the Meiji Reformation and industrialisation, with the US occupy becoming their big money maker with all the US cash flowing, and suddenly thugs being hired to intimidate people out of land or to pimp out women etc, all become valuable

I wouldn’t classify the bandits present for all Japanese history prior to this as the same kind of thing, they just attacked travellers

In comparison the Italian mafia has deep historic roots in Sicily, long before Italy industrialised. And they had major influence before the world wars in Italian politics.

One of the things Mussolini did that’s pretty universally accepted as a good and popular move was smashing the mafia gangs for example, and as a result many left for the USA

What I’ve found unusual about the yakuza is the massive level of open cooperation. Between them and the Japanese government who obviously publicly want to convict them, but also seem to accept they’re some kind of necessary evil

The major yakuza organisations in modern Japan for example

>have legitimate massive shares in Japanese companies, and make much money through this legally

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How would you have improved europe, historically speaking?
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It's interesting OP removed countries who's users rabidly post nationalism and are the most vocal ones on this board despite not having contributed much at all to the human race.
Spain is still there though.
>t. spaniard
Why remove the Turks though
Sorb bros... Rusyn bros... Lemkos bros...

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Humiliation ritual.
He allowed for a city to be sacked. Ambrose HAD to deny him communion or the anti Christians would call out the hypocrisy. It was a ballsy move but it worked out for them
>The Massacre of Thessalonica in Macedonia, Greece was a massacre of local civilians by Roman troops which is believed to have occurred around 390. According to Sozomen, in June of that year Butheric, a Roman general stationed in Thessalonica as a magister militum was lynched in an urban riot by an angry mob in the circus after having a famous circus charioteer arrested for pederasty, and refusing the people's demand for his release, although, this is found in only one source. In response, Theodosius authorized his Gothic soldiers to punish the people of the city resulting in the killing of a large number of citizens when they were assembled in the city's hippodrome.

butheric did NOTHING wrong. the goths did NOTHING wrong. seethe more gayreeks

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If Jesus was a real person why was the cult he allegedly started unable or uninterested in preserving a single piece of evidence about his historical life, despite their belief that this person was god and the most important person to ever live?

All they have is a story about a magic flying Jew that talks to clouds written anonymously in a foreign land, in a foreign language, half a century later by people who never met him.
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>We have more evidence of Jesus's existence than we have of some Roman emperors

Really? Which Roman emperors are attested solely by a story about them flying around in the sky and talking to clouds, written by anonymous people who never met them?
>zero counter argument
smug chud in denial, eternal damnation awaits.
and this is going on the classical secularist assumption that everyone in antiquity was a naive gullible retard that would never stop to ask questions or have second thoughts whatsoever

yes, you, personally, are SO MUCH SMARTER than all of humanity from 1900 years ago until now, LITERALLY NO ONE has even had the GALL to question this

truly a golden era in human thought can begin now thanks to some guy posting on a Sentinelese astrophysics forum
Yes, I am smarter than the damned gullible slaves and women who fell for it. Want to know why the polemics against Christianity weren't preserved outside of the writings of Church Fathers? Because NO ONE COPIED THEM you dumb bastard. Do you know how many works from the ancient world we've lost forever? People did say something, but if you don't remember, Rome basically fell in a quasi-apocalypse where only monks (aka fanatical Christians) could preserve these ancient texts from time.
theyre going to build statues of you anon, just wait and see. you really owned those Christcucks with how much of a smart free thinker you are

Why is nothing taught about Ancient North America until Columbus arrives? We get little tidbits of BS like
>da indians walked from the most remote part of Siberia into Alaska
What was really going on here <2000 years ago?
Some crazy shit. Thats the reason why people aren't taught it. The Smithsonian has gone to some great lengths to destroy it.
it depends on where you go to school. I went to school in southern california and we did quite a lot about the native americans before columbus in school. A bit part is that curriculum varies state to state and theres often certain beats they have to hit. Theres just too much history to cover in all of the time you have in school. Native american history is interesting but most states are of the opinion that the american revolution, civil war, ww1, and ww2 are the most important. theres just not enough time to really cover everything, if you want to learn more you can do so in college.

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Do chuds embody slave morality?
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Chuds are the embodiment of will to power. They do subtle things as revolt and refuse to abide by the norms of their given community. They are literally beyond “good and evil”.
>The West has fallen. Billions must die.
This phrase is only justified by slave morality.
Well smart people don't reproduce, it's a bad mutation in natural selection
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A Trve CHVD won’t support either because he will understand that nothing ever happens
>From where you're kneeling it must seem like a major happening.
>Truth is... it was a nothing burger from the start.
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