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How do I ensure to have max acuracity?

It's tracing to get the proper measures the only realistic approach?
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I've been drawing since 2005.

Again, not amount of practice will make you draw from imagination with the same accuracity from using a reference.
How are you gonna check the measurements on a fictional character like Bugs Bunny?
head proportions.
end your life, cris, you talentless spic
what if I have a small intuos wacom, there isnt much space to use the elbow and shoulder

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Artists are now plagiarizing popular AI artworks.
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Right? Fucking lazy assholes. All of them. That said I don't need nor want to partake in it. I just want them to leave my shit alone. Or at least for laws to change in such a way that they suffer repercussions/ are held responsible if they decide to launder my stuff through these corporate machines against my will.
We all know your phenotype by now.
Just take shad or whatever he's called as an example. That's the stereotype associated with you parasites.
Implying you nerds would even have the willpower to lift weights in the first place..
You can't even learn a skill. Lack the fundamental drive and self discipline.
Keep projecting.
Didn't even read the meme btw. But nice bait. Here's a (you). Fucking shitstain.
Keep telling yourself that. Most artists regardless of their skill level are heavily against this. All kinds of artists.
Remember how many professional artists up and left artstation when they started scraping their work?
Established artists with great work to show boot just disappeared over night.
You just refuse to see this from a sane perspective. You refuse to see how this is extremely damaging for artists and how it was only meant to increase profit margins for corporations.
You're essentially aiding these same companies getting away with plagiarism on an unprescedented scale.
You're ripping us off, resorting to manipulative arguments, twisting the truth, mocking us and then cry about being bullied afterwards. We're calling you out. You're a bunch of morally bankrupt scammers and nobody likes you people.
tbf 3d tracers are not far away from AI shitters
Again, just because AIfags are the "Untouchables" of the art community who are universally disdained and ridiculed does not mean that some of the shitty artists ribbing on them are not shit and should use AI shitters being shitters to validate their /beg/ness. They should aim to become better artists, something AI artists lack the discipline to do.

Mocking AI art does not automatically make these Sudra-tier niggas Kshatriyas or Brahmins.

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A Miku thread died for this.
Hello sir, good morning sir, this is not a false flag sir.
>when you illegal download hundreds of music albums, movies, how to draw books and video games but you get upset that people ignore your 'do not repost' warning on your art
memes can be made/pumped out in seconds, just like al slop. Those meme accounts that constantly post the "new" latest meme was posted from 10 other different accounts. Meme post also brings in no followers at all, since there's no point in following the account, since you can find another one just like it in 2 second s of scrolling. Drawing actually requires effort and gives genuine engagement and followers because people like your style or how you draw things. Outside of artist, the biggest complainers of getting no views/likes or followers are meme accounts and clip channels(3 second to 1 min clips of pre existing media)
Speak for yourself.

Just for fun, enjoy!
Are you just bored at work or something
>implying he has a job
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AI, huh?

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does anyone else have the image guide on how to do anime renders? it had a drawing like this in it I think, and they were saying that they would have several layers, use the selection and blur tool and use layers of screen and multiply I think
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You can simplify this to like 3 layers
Collecting layers is for pussies, merge them together after you're done with them.

Cel shade, blend it, slap color on it, merge it together and overpaint some details, done. No need to write a table of contents for your psd
>the upper torse wasnt finished,
was it going to completely redrawn? my guy please just get a reference of a woman
>blur adjust
>shade adjust
>it's all like that
>anon say it's "life saver"
jesus christ
why's it so... lumpy?
Because I like them fat

At this point, pyw

I got challenge for all anons who like ocs and trying out different things.

>How does it work?

I'll post a picture or someone else and everyone in thread has to design an oc based off the image presented. It doesn't have to be 1-1 with image but can have similar themes off the original
>What can i post?

Anything. Oc can be anything if you try hard enough/if you are autistic enough. Hopefully someone might have fun with this.
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sounds like fun OP
Spanish Arthropod
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Will try something tomorrow involving mushrooms
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this looks like the guy from risk of rain
cool sketch tho

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oc sketch dump i did during physics class because i'm too retarded for that shit
>heart shaped text says "what the fuck is a coulomb"
>the other one says "death death blood destruction death blood cannibalism death"

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The 3rd Comics and Random Art Battles (/crab/ 3) tournament will decide (once more) the fate of the multiverse.
Original characters from multiple universes will be kidnapped by me, the Gamemaster, put into teams and take part in many extreme challenges to obtain a single Wish, whatever it may be!

Is your crab up to it?

Stage 2 - Ikigai
It's OVER, カニ!

Previously on /crab/3 >>7270095
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Thread is legit dead, its when all the shit comes out and no one cares.
Just ignore and wait for the next thread when the fever of this passes out.
I wouldnt like actual interesting stuff getting lost because the thread is almost done
The dick charts are all in one timeframe. Just scroll up
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I don't know who made this, but I endorse it.

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>be me
>anime artist
>love anime more than anything
>unable to draw in any other art style
>no company in the US or Europe employs anime artists
Fucking hell, do I really have to learn Japanese in order to make a living as an illustrator?
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>do I really have to learn Japanese
Learn Japanese.
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>>love anime more than anything
>doesn't know or isn't learning japanese
Press X to doubt.
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>no company in Europe employs anime artists
>Do I really have to learn Japanese in order to make a living as an illustrator?
Not really.
Germany and France have a lot of ties with Japan, a lot of French animators work in the anime industry like that guy that was a key animator on Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 or that other Frenchy that worked on Chainsaw Man.
Plenty of companies hire anime artists in Europe for their anime and manga inspired comics.
There's also Eurocucks like picrel that work as a freelancers for weebs and Japanese companies.
>Timbougami's an illustrator from Germany
Plenty of weebs do webtoons, OEL manga, and VN games and they all use anime art style...
I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books.
Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.

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Is this too heavily edited, distracting even? The unedited drawing is in the replies, for reference
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is that chud?
just lol computer artists resorting to the ugliest and most garish of fucking gimmicks to "touch up" their "work"
>Verification not required.
The original is garbage, and yours is garbage but blurry and with a cyberpunk filter. The coloring is the least of the original drawings' problems.
jesus christ

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Anyone knows about an online gallery where you could also sell prints?
I draw pen and paper, got recently into digital and want to make some money off of it
(not my art btw)

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I've been telling everyone I'm learning to draw for the last year or so. The truth is that I spent the first week diligently doing DrawABox, lost my motivation, and I haven't drawn a single thing since. Not a doodle, not a sketch, nothing. I can't even draw a decent looking stick figure. They all think I'm a decent artist now because it's been going on so long, they even buy me fancy art supplies and I think them and tell them how 'x will be so useful for my paintings' and so on.

I don't think I can keep this lie going on forever.
What do I do?
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let me take the opportunity and ask
bros if i want to learn how to draw and eventually make some side $$$ on twitter commissions
should i just start learning right away with a tablet to be used to digital drawing?
or its ok for me to start with pen and paper?
Could literally just say you gave up because you weren’t making any progress lol. It’s the truth; you did nothing regarding it all this time. Zero progress.
both are fine the only thing that matters is that you DRAW
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This will at least teach you to draw some cute cartoons quickly
>I've been telling everyone I'm learning to draw for the last year
>they all think I'm a decent artist now

Have YOU been telling them that you're a decent artist now? If so, then yeah you're fucked.

If not, you can just be honest and say "Yeah I'm still at the beginner stage". Only really dedicated people become decent artists in a short time frame. It's okay to improve at your own rate. You should only push yourself when you're no longer satisfied with your current skills.

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What does the French Comics scene look like right now? Is it possible to make a living as a French Graphic Novelist (both writer and artist)?

Learning French literally only takes 1/10th the amount of time as Japanese. I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with Japan, when you can go to France and have the same kind of career, with less effort, and a better work life balance. Tell me if I'm wrong or not.
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Dear anons, neither of you read my post.
The American comic book industry is now integrated into the movie and tv industries, that's why I considered it larger.
DC and Marvel probably make the most money from games, tv, movies, cartoons and licensing, NOT from comic book sales.

To the second anon. Can you point out what you claim is a lie?
Try to take things in good faith, a mistake vs a lie is a big difference. But I do not see how what you wrote has anything to do with what I wrote.
Cute dog.
>The American comic book industry is now integrated into the movie and tv industries, that's why I considered it larger.
Cope, then. The MCU fan isn't buying comics. The anime watcher IS buying manga.
>Paycheck for nips is shit
This makes for a good case of joining the industry as an indie, but good luck making it to the fullest extent. You might get a printed manga, but odds are against you for having your own anime or game, unless you can budget and license that stuff yourself/find good contract legal stuff, etc
That's exactly what I said you superb retard:
>and arguably manga industry has a bigger comic book industry based on comic sales.

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I have been struggling so long with what the fear of being seen and judged overpowering the urge to create. It has caused me to hide within myself, to paint what is conventional, what is expected, so I've been painting landscapes, still lives, portraits for years and years. And now I have no idea how to return to myself and my personal creative visions. I don't even know if I had them to begin with...
I feel feeble and old, like the creativity (youth) has passed me by, though I am actually young.

When I am not painting, I often think about it. And when I paint a landscape or something to scratch the itch, I feel like something is missing and there is a lack of fulfillment.

I doubt I am alone in this, so please share your stories.
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>therapy is the worst thing you can ever partake in.
Depends highly on the doc. Exercising may be less sensitive to external factors though, aka probably a better option.

Sport and music were the foundation of ancient Greek elite education, and were meant to psychologically balance people. Then they were ready to study other topics.

But today we consider sport and music as recreational activities. We've become so stupid and dismissive towards our ancestors it's unbelievable.
Find art that you like and do it for yourself. If your goal is to just feel good doing art, do the art that feels good. When you feel ready for critique, post it in places you know will be constructive
>how to overcome fear?
Simply: you are doing your work for yourself. You are seeking to improve your work for yourself. Either share or do not share it; it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you do it. After all, you shouldn’t expect yourself to be great; you just need to be the best you can be, and then work upward from there.
>I have been struggling so long with what the fear of being seen and judged
its called therapy, get some
>nooo I don't need it
fine, stay broken
Who does the therapist go to for therapy? Therapists are often just as broken, if not more so than the people they’re trying to ‘treat.’ Short of something serious like PTSD, you’d be better off simply just thinking your problems through on your own and trying to rationalize them effectively, rather than chatting to some fucktard who is likely inclined to push you down the medication railroad for basically nothing.

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Post your work and I a /beg/ will criticize it #7(I think)
I'm not a total beginner but I wouldn't call my self very knowledgeable or skilled. I will not post my work unless anons specifically ask for it
I will try my best to deliver a accurate criticism of what I'm seeing and hope that my limited understanding won't drag it down
I will also not crab at you for being on the lower end of the skill chart

Also last thread I couldn't answer a few requests and I'm really sorry for that.
I hope the anons I didn't get to will post again

OP pic isn't my art
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ok have this :)
Sorry I was unavailable for a few days
I will start in a minute
I honestly I don't know what color theory is either but in my mind it should be translating to what looks good
The figures themselves are very nice
Quite erotic but I think the yellow eyed ones foot isn't be bending enough to the side but instead you have her toes pressing into the bed
Some good attention to detail as well though I can't figure out what the chain on yellow eyes is supposed to look like
The pink and the white veil are very similar colors somi thought at first it was part of her hair.
Maybe if the room is so dark don't go with white for the veil
But that's the only extent I can think of it
Pretty good job

The uniform and the looks of the character are badass
I think the chest emblem could placed better. It looks too much into the direction of the viewer despite the chest pointing away from the pov
I think this for the pointy cloth thing right next to it in the left. I don't know what's it called though
But I really like the perspective work though, irs very cool

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I don't want to watch this...
Are you just bumping? You are just bumping this miserable thread aren't you?
Well the colors blue on blue are nice and the bird butterflies are cool
Don't know what to tell you, it's not drawn...

Ohh hey that's pretty fucking cool
If I wouldn't know better I would say that you tried drawing eyes in the sky but didn't made it too obvious. But I could be wrong
The background posses an interesting challenge. How.mucb detail are you willing to put into it and how do you go about it? Because it can very easily obscure the point of focus
You choose the white outline for the smelly man and the low quality detail background
It sort of works against itself though.
The walkway that the guy walks on looks very tangible, very indepth and 3d. But then to the left you what I only assume is grass that looks like someone put up a white wall with black stripes
Same goes for the tress. They are also very flat
But front and center you have the undead guy who looks excellent and would be the first thing of focused for most viewers, unfortunately im not most viewers

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Honesty I love this, I want to see more

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