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Really depends on what you want to do. If sculpting faces the best advice you will ever receive is to do sculpts on low amount of polys. Don't subdivide without need. Try to block big shapes! Think which of them are most important. It's little bit like drawing a caricatures. Only subdivide mesh if you're absolutely sure you CAN'T make it any better with current number of polys. Do lots of sculpts like that. Quick, low, focusing on big forns. If you sculpt likeness of a person from reference, stop as soon when you think anyone would recognize that person from your sculpt. And then do next one.
The worst time waster is to subdivide a lot and then polish that turd for hours/days
t. Using zbrush since 3.1
what is a comfy low spot to dynamesh with? and whats a good cap to finish at? because i dynameshed this to 200 just so it wouldnt lookblocky since i see that same advice mentioned alot
If you're learning I'd advice to not dynamesh just yet. Make a cube in some 3d app (or with z modeler but it'd be simpler to just do it in max /Maya /blender...) make that cube with 9 quads on each side. Import that to zbrush, subdivide once. And sculpt. Don't subdivide again until you're absolutely sure you reached the point where you can't improve shapes with current number of polys.
This cube method might seem unnecessary in the age of more modern tools in zbrush. But everyone I ever talked to feels like this is really good method to learn still.
I feel like all those more advanced newer tools in zbrush are great when you know what you're doing. But for beginners they might be confusing or even build bad habits.

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>young artist follows me
>asks me for advice and tutorials
>I link him unhelpful DA-tier tutorials and give him platitudes that'll stunt his development
>he asks for refs
>I tell him I don't have any (I actually have 20gigs) and just to use google images
>report all the uploaded resources I can find to try to get them taken down
Who else /crab/? I'm not going to apologize, art is a zero sum game where only a small percentage of people will be able to make it. There's a finite number of industry jobs and patreon bux to milk, the less people that make it the better it is for the rest of us.
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>Ethan becker will actually get you into the animation industry
where can see some examples of success stories who took his course?
if you really wanna ruin them you point them to this book!
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Here is what I do.
>Find younger artists who complain about harsh critiques from their peers and/or instructors in art class (High School, 2 Year College, 4 Year College)

>Tell them that they're artwork is amazing and they don't need to improve! They're perfect the way they are.

>Tell them to keep their own unique art style and to ignore the basics. Copying anime or tracing photos is the way to go.

>They make the next Mike and Melissa:
I can tell your mean op since that entire story is just about you in reference to someone that doesn't exist in your head.

You probably make >$50,000
a year.
Idk from where I stand it looks to me like you're not crabbing
you're just alone in a very mediocre bucket of similarly pedestrian concerns like "industry jobs" and "patreon bux."
I noticed: sounds like you don't direct anything
worth paying someone
to direct.
I know that makes you angry and that's because you're really dumb anon. oof
I bet you couldn't handle that nuclear engineering program and had to drop out during that 101 lecture or something.
Proko was just born in the wrong timeline

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You ARE aware that your need to "git gud" stems from a deeper, generalized lack of self-worth, right?
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>comparing NASA tier hard science that's made for faggot nerds to art
>iq requirement to draw
>refuses to adress arguments
Nope. The fact that you're busy crabbing on this board means you had at least attempted to draw and that is the biggest proof of sub30iq retards being capable of art. Now go draw.
That's a typical projection of self-hate and own thoughts upon the outside world
the real nasa heroes are the talented filmmakers they employ
>Why do bitches like to be tied up and tortured till they cum
It's sublime pain, you wouldn't understand because you're a pleb with no creative spirit or soul.
No, my desire to get "git gud" stems from a natural need to integrate in a healthy and sustainable way with the other people on this planet that I have been sentenced to live with for some 80 years.
This means
>being good at something
>doing what it takes to be good

It's not a generalized lack of self-worth to want to be good at something. The only people who are content at being shit at everything are people who literally have too much self esteem and don't care about anybody but themselves.

I make art because I love people and I want them to be happy. I love art and want to pass on my experience of beauty and profundity, and to do that, I have to make myself worthy of my own ideas. If that means I have to suffer anxiety over not being good enough, so be it. I'll die for my creations because my experience of other people's creations are literally the only thing that keeps me going, and I want to stand in their company, to feel like I have given back what I was given, to HONOR art.

Self esteem bros are the dumbest fuckers in the art world. Die for your art or die for nothing.
Faggot if everyone could draw who would take your own trash and clean your shit
>b-b--but my immigranterinos!
They failed at even the most "braindead" profession that is drawing, this is why they are doing what they were destined to do.
So you like huffing everyone's farts?

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Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download
Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, make note of your own monitor resolution and magnification. Try to stick to 100-200% magnification-or even higher depending on your native resolution and the relative complexity of your intended work. Read the room, let's try and get the most out of each theme!

Canvas images posted to the thread are .jpg files at 70% scale and 40% quality to meet 4chan's resolution and file size requirements.

For high quality raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive here: https://mega.nz/folder/hbAURDBB#htWRoOsPOG30XnMmKV_zNA
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Don't know if CSP has an option for that, but the options eraser/brush or [B]/[E] in your tablet's shortcut options should work. Picrel is in pt/br, but you get the idea.
Yeah, I feel this ight be my only option so far... But [B] takes me back to a specific brush and not my last used tool, which is primarily what I'd like. Thank you all the same.
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the canvas has been cleared, the MEGA has been updated. Thanks for joining! Hope to see (You) again soon!
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New theme:

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How do we make a new revival of classical standarts and principles in art?

Neo-neo-classical renaissance?

Are there enough people interested in a revival of arts, like 16 and 19 century people tried to do?
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I have the answer but for most of the plebeians it sounds like "gibberish" and "schizoposting."
It's not they're just too blind by "what they already know" to see all the things that I know
they don't know.

Help me anon: how do show someone that all art has ever amounted to so far really is "show and don't tell." People can't seem to tell
what there is
NOT to tell.
That's why they learn to draw realism and love AI. "They like it." We live in the haunting age where people need to show "EVERYTHING" just to feel the quiet whisper of a "yay me likely"

but idk. thats just my take. what do you think?
Particularly, I'm going through a lot of change in life and won't be able to dedicate much time to the pursuit of art for the next few months, but your goal and mentality are similar to mine. I've been doing digital since forever and it's just not cutting anymore, it always feels like I'm fighting against the machine to get things, so some months ago I took charcoal and am planning on going for gouache and later oils to transition to traditional.

One thing in which we differ, however, is that I'm religious. And not only am I religious, I'm of the mentality that AI will never compare to humans since we share a root in creation with God, and even if only He can create we can rearrange creation and harness its power, as we do with science, engineering, bending nature and at times even reality to our will, which AI can't do. AI is an statistical analysis based on human reorganization of God's creation, it carries no human intent, and unlike we it shares no part with divinity, it's a mathematician's toy.

As for your perception on paganism and some other nuances: touch grass, the internet is not indicative of reality. I stumbled upon this thread looking for resources on gouache, it's been forever that I haven't been to this site, and to agree with >>7146235 I will add if you want to achieve anything of significance in life you'll have to go counter-"culture", and there's nothing more contrarian than the internet. No matter trying to justify this as a tool, go out and teach the youth, your ideas and efforts will outlive your existence whereas here you're just another datapoint in the statistical pool of insignificance. And in disagreeing with the anon also: is realism purely what meets the eye? What are symbols? What is metaphysics? Does it not require physical displays to be related to the immaterial? What is Logos? Isn't beauty godly? Food for thought
While we're discussing religion, I have to bring up the subject of death, as it's necessary to explain why I'm sympathetic to religious belief while not being religious myself:
In the Netherlands, the doctors are giving poison pills to physically healthy patients with depression. There was a news article about an unfortunate woman, only in her 20s, who struggled with bad mental health, and she went to the doctors saying she wanted to destroy herself- so her physicians very happily and very legally killed her.

They could have helped her get better, they could have led her to recovery and wellness, they could have shown her she had other options, because her physical health was good she was young, and the mental health could have improved - but no. They fucking killed her! And don't tell me "but she consented! She chose that fate" she consented to being murdered?! What?! Do you think people can consent to being murdered, what about that German cannibal who ate a consenting victim? Is that fine as well. Are we that divorced from respecting human life? Human dignity? The idea that that woman's life was worthy of saving?

So because my stance on that and other social and cultural issues is so strong, I stand with the Christians, the Buddhists, the Jews, the Hindus and every other variety of faith that respects humanity enough that we can all agree "murder is very fucking wrong"

I sincerely hope things turn around. For society and for art.
I agree that almost every life is worth saving. But we have to ask ourselves, where is the line between respecting the sovereign will of others and forcing them to do what is best for themselves?
If she wants to die, she can do it herself, the problem is when the state gets unlimited powers to give the death penalty to the mentally ill instead of giving them proper care to feel better. Basically, physicians must respect the Do No Harm idea.

Did you know the Nazis' first batch of victims were consenting volunteers? https://www.amazon.com/Origins-Nazi-Genocide-Euthanasia-Solution/dp/0807846759

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Post the first piece of art you currently have vs your most recent. Let's see how far we've come. still beg so go easy
left: jan 2023, first genuine attempt at art
right: march 2024
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december 2021 to march 2024. 2021 was when I started digital
most of my recent art currently on dad
the masculine features make her really hot desu i'll jerk off to this later
the duality of man
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It's been a week and I still don't know why I should kill myself.

I have zero understanding of how to actually use color. Everything always turns out like the right. I can get away with grayscale but my style has drifted towards a cartoony/pin-up look and greyscale is ruining everything I make. Why does everything I try adding color too turn into complete garbage and how can I learn to do this?

It literally looks better to just leave shit grayscale in the end and it's killing me
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Forget about colors and focus on values - almost all of the problems you'll encounter with colors are actually abut values
While values are critical, once you have them set up, colors then play a consequent role to communicate different emotions and moods
Yes but it's not as important. Your art can look tasteless or convey the wrong emotions if you put the wrong colors. This is easy to change. However if your values are wrong, your art will just look bad. With or without colors.
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Learning about your warms and cools is a good place to start.
Using only burnt sienna and ultramarine blue (and mixes of the two) is a great way to better understand color, if you get those and the values correct then you'll have a better chance at succeeding when you start to branch off into a wider palette. A common mistake many beginners will make is trying to use way too many colors at once. Also you need to be unafraid of pushing your values more.


>Learning color from zero
I've been dedicating 2024 to answering that exact question, email me if you wanna discuss in more detail but what has helped me the most was realzing what the difference was between my perception of the 'correct' color in hindsight (after putting it down) and my inability to perceive the 'correct' color in foresight (before applying a single color).

Trick seems to be related to food, and maybe pussies,idk.

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I got a positive response so here's the first thread for studying Figure Drawing for All It's Worth by Andrew Loomis. Here's a basic schedule for the first chapter, but feel free to ignore it and work at your own pace. A schedule for the rest of the book will be discussed later.
Start by reading the first 32 pages. Don't worry about copying the drawings yet. Pay attention to the basic proportions pages. When you're done, got to page 38.
Pages 38-49: 2 weeks. Take your time learning the mannequin. Try drawing it in various poses.
Pages 50-56: 1 week
Then spend 1 week going back and studying the pages that were skipped.
Don't just copy! Try redrawing Loomis' drawings from memory after your initial copy, and take note of what you got wrong. Apply what you've learned to photo reference and try inventing figures from imagination.
The book:
And here's some refs:

Good luck!
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pretty much sticking to doing imagination poses now. I'm a week in, so I'll stick around and do more of the first part mannikins!
As the other anon said you don't really need to be very detailed nor perfectly accurate in these initial chapters. he lays out a very basic mannikin that you can still use these static proportions just so you have a good baseline for when he goes into more anatomical details or perspective stuff.
those are some nice baseball motions. I'll try and do some sports poses too, they look nice.
don't worry about posting too little or too much, we figured it would be a slow thread. I'm busy doing some other studies so I've actually been going through FDFAW for my warm-ups, so I'm waiting for them to stack a bit before posting.
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Just started the book, here's my copying of the proportion. The intro chat was nice, loomis is based for shitting on woke movement 80 years prior
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looking good
Looks good! They feel very three-dimensional.
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I just combed through the midjourney subreddit and it's not looking good for us. There's generated graphic novels out there that actually look really good. People are buying these things. It really is just dawning on me now the seriousness of this aspect of technological advancement.

I think it's inevitable that AI will have to be used in some way to supplement art, whether it's creating concepts or backgrounds, or get left behind in the dust.

Isn't it FUCKING HILARIOUS, cruelly ironic, almost a cosmic prank that the ONE thing everyone thought artificial intelligence would never be able to replicate is the first thing it's able to replicate when it was concieved?


There is a fundamental flaw in the ai generated content that I'm only 50% sure it won't be fully fixed, and that's emotion. There's a sort of soulless vacancy that haunts the incredibly aesthetic ai generated content. The poses aren't very fluid, there's no technique with exaggeration. It can't capture the emotional complexities of a human. There is no "story", nor experience, no evidence of another, different conscience that experiences his own version of qualia. I hope and pray to god with every vessel of my flesh that AI doesn't figure that out, because if that happens,
1. There's really no point in artists anymore. It'll be reduced to a skill that's only impressive in that wow, you can "do stuff like a computer can"
2. The implication that humans aren't special, we are just machines that can be easily figured out, the human 'spirit' is an illusion.
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Sneed's Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck's
For my own sanity I just think AI won't get better. It made massive gains but this is it
And I'm fine with that. AI is kinda shit
I think it's because of the reddit echo chambers. You disagree with common consensus and you get downvoted. What a shit hole
The only constant in change. Deal with it.
People who say this shit always have some kind of selfish agenda. As soon as shit hits the fan for them it’s not a matter of “change” anymore

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Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Been trying to color
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this nerd
nice art anons
I love this... All the colors and whatnot look lovely!!!
Mighty based. Very cool guy...

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What does a paypal invoice look like to clients in 2024?

Can they see your address and name?

Do you use a business name?

If you do, what's the point of that? They can easily look up where your business was registered and the name of the owner
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I guess PP hates privacy? They won’t let you use a PO instead of your home address either. Fits with the general trend going on with people being conditioned to having no privacy and being complacent with it. I don’t care much about people knowing my name but exposing your address online is a no-no regardless of how clean your art is
mail me a check for my art
Have u never signed a contract or NDA?
Giving ur full legal name and address is standard procedure
What are business documents p
Lmfao, retard.
We are obviously not talking about NDAs and contracts with companies here lmao

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is it actually better?
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I like the first one the best, aside from the shitty lines. It's the most fluid, the silhouette is easy to read, and the face stands out properly whereas the other two have so many distracting details scattered around that there's no real focus.
Actually depressing.
You can literally see the social media brainrot creeping in and replacing all sense of originality and individuality. Who knows what they might have cultivated had the digital mass of slop not crept in and annihilated their sense of style.
You are what you eat. Consume wisely.
First pic just copied the designs
second pic got its own style. artists take pride of making their own artstyle.

just so happens that artstyle is shit
I think the right is cuter but that's just me enjoying that style.
His art looked pretty stagnant for a year, then in like less than a year went from high-beg to high-int. How do people do this and maintain consistent quality output with marked improvement? I draw a fuckton, but sometimes I'll open an aborted sketch from a year ago that i thought was worthless at the time, only to think "how the fuck did I draw that so well," or see somebody repost something I drew quite literally close to a decade ago and think "huh, wow, I didn't realize I was that good back then."
My improvement was pretty good for the first two years, then everything since (16 years or so) has had a midline of around low-int, with results fluctuating from high-beg to high-int. Sometimes I'll go for weeks at a time when I basically forget how to draw, and have to break out shit like grid copies to get going again.

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She hasn’t posted anything since the fall of 2023.
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People watch cartoons so we have to ethnically cleanse a continent to match a fucked up retard's Eddas headcanon.
oh yeah?
operation barbarosa.
No. Anon you wouldn't know the difference between
"narcissism" "god-complex" "parentification"
"bi-polar disorder" "psychosomatic illness"
or any other of the stars in the constellation of cheap internal pathalogizing.

No: "What the FUCK is this guys problem?"
I did not think that, but you did.
"lol! this guy doesn't even know! he THINKs he's smart but he's NOT"
Actually, I'm very smart anon. I'm supercharged.
That's what's easy about guessing what you're thinking about some stupid words on the internet.

Gosh I'd like to say more but it'd probably overwhelm your little brainy-wainy there. :3c teeny teeny. Let's play: "spot the infant."
fuck it is isn't it.
It's always like "the right way to draw: over and over."

I'm not tired of it but I can feel a desperate heartache or like a banshee's scream.

How the fuck has our culture of entertainment achieved "stale, disgusting, but satiating at the same time."


Somehow the hag jokes were the least shitty posts itt

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showcasing some of her paitings, concepts and layout work
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More anime needs attention to detail to the BGs like this

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Share your twitter/x, insta, Patreon, tumblr etc.
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is that the best you can come up with? c'mon you can do better than that
nuh uh. i'm pretty sad, but not that sad to be samefagging on this shit site.
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