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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

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polite bump
have another one
Love Halo designs that embrace camo and other realistic kit on spartan armor. Looks great anon.
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post your best cube, if you haven't mastered the cube you will never be a good artist
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should have posted the goycube
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I thinks i might have fucking parkinson's

the video made sense to me but his work is still permabeg tier
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I can’t put my finger on why I don’t find this art particular impressive or pleasant. Does anyone know what would make it better?
I don't think he looks at reality enough. He seems to design things from a limited visual library (maybe because he doesn't like to 'copy',) and so everything he makes seems inbred in a weird way, or somehow generic.
I think he leans too hard on the shape design to carry characters especially. There's a distinct lack of interesting accessories, details, and function. It's all just kind of superficial, pointy candy.
the horns are too try hard i think
Tezuka was inspired by Disney you kind of sound full of shit
Lets be real Disney and his artists are not of the same stock as modern western artists.
Would a Tezuka born in the 2010s have made Astro Boy thanks to Bluey?

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>Artist has posts having as high as 1k likes, while others are as low as 20 despite them all being the same in technical quality
How does this happen?
Pic unrel
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>TFW recent drawings of my OC perform just as well, if not better than my fotm fanart
It's both great and kinda weird.
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How about your friend draw a sexy Makima?
Git gud scrub.
>drawings of my OC perform just as well, if not better than my fotm fanart
It just means that your fotm fanart is shit.
Was it coom?
Jesus Christ, what's up with this board not understanding that technical quality in social media doesn't matter? Were you born yesterday? Did you never hear the word algorithm before? Luck is 90% of why certain posts makes bigger numbers than others, shove it in your head. Youtube is maybe the most "meritocratic" one, but thumbnail click rate is more important than content for the success of a video, and the shift towards tiktok type of videos makes luck even more important, why do you think the video of a girl making silly faces is the most liked despite actually being some good content out there? It's always been like this, face reality.

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Is learning to draw while attending uni possible enough?
Assuming I sacrifice all my other hobbies outside of it and studying btw
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you sound like a retard so probably no
yes, I do it. I always draw late in the evening, for around 1.5 hours, every day.
besides, anything is possible, just stop wasting time, there is never an excuse except if you are a third worlder or something
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Depends on how much time you have to spend,and how often you can use it. I tried spending my hour between classes at the library, and did two pictures from photoa I found in old issues of National Geographic, and when I had more time, I did this one sitting in the lobby of the student union building. A sketchbook and a few pens can make odd moments profitable, but I would look no further than the entertainment the process of drawing gives you,damn the actual results. Its a game between your pen and raw chaos of the blank expanse that to play is to do nothing but win.
What you draw now will make the next one better.
>except if you are a third worlder
It's over...
What about your friends? You shouldn't neglect hanging out with your friends every day.

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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 09-APR-2024


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>[Bibury Animation Studios] Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo Setteishuu.zip (135 MB)

>Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo Gengashuu.zip (642 MB)

from exhentai
Scans please
I can offer my favourite yaoi hentai
I unironically didn't felt the pandemic that much, because idc for illnesses, and have almost no social interactions. Nah, I'm getting old anon.
Alright, if someone gets and scans the Henry Yan book I'll upload Zapata's Form From Imagination.

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>touted by art instructors as the greatest, most thorough, and most accurate anatomy book ever written
>nobody on /ic/ uses it
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by any chance, are you Steve Huston?
Oh yes, in the last century, humans have become a completely different species, rendering old anatomy books completely useless.
I know you think that's clever, anon.
You've conflated "poorly written" and "nobody on /ic/ uses it" and assumed somewhere I must have said "useless" and that "this anon is stupid" or some other impotent reduction of what I actually shared.

I was quoting and responding to OP, maybe you didn't read his post. Maybe you're OP and you don't listen to yourself when you write.

Some things have completely changed, anon, particularly the study of anatomy, access to education, and accessibility of information. The "job market" and "what is an artist?" species has been challenged and made to change a lot in the past 100 years. Did you completely ignore everything Loomis had to say about advertising? Everything from animators? Have you ever tuned in to the literature on learning?

You only wrote your first comment because you didn't like it when I said
>people on /ic/ have the sense to ignore a crappy book
You also hated it when I said:
>you don't need anatomy for figure drawing, period.
You don't see the value of learning for yourself what "anatomy" is actually good for.
You don't appear to understand the price of "appealing to authority."
You wrote all this to say "agreed, but I don't like what you're saying."

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>Particularly when he talks about embryology, I don't see a reason not to include something like pic related.
It's an artistic anatomy book. It's fine to give additional bits of knowledge to satisfy the reader's curiosity, but the goal isn't to be exhaustive on *medical* anatomy.

If that's what you want to study, pick medical books instead.

>Also: more diagrams showing step-wise construction
I think your appreciation of *artistic* anatomy isn't rooted in practice. The main goal of those books is to provide you with a map allowing you to read and better observe superficial anatomy, not to teach you how to draw people, not to teach you how the human body works.

Richer's is alright in this regard.

> Anatomy as artists learn it is a mnemonic device(as is most of science).
No, or at least, not just that. Richer for example explains how anatomical knowledge can guide your eyes and help you see better, because some of those superficial bumps are subtle, and easily missed by a beginner's untrained eyes. That's a day 1 observational drawing issue, literally.

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>You don't see the value of learning for yourself what "anatomy" is actually good for.
>You don't appear to understand the price of "appealing to authority."
I wasn't >>7161001.

Again, I think *you* lack practical understanding of the benefits of studying *artistic* anatomy. I despise appeal to authority as much as blind arrogance towards authority.

Anyway, last message for me ITT, my point should be clear enough for any well-intended reader.

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>inb4 just draw
I do draw but I don't have much time to draw but I have time to observe, work is strict when it came to my hobby.
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From what is this? I disagree you will suck really hard no matter how much you think about it or "draw in your head". The best reality check is to go to life drawing.
won't work if you don't already have a high enough level of expertise. beginners will over estimate their abilities. they don't know what they don't know so they'll make a lot of wrong assumptions about what it will be like to actually do it. you would need a lot of actual experience to get anything out of this.
psychologically it will scratch your itch to draw without you actually drawing so it will probably hurt your more than help you.
>can you get good at drawing without ever drawing?

Yes, that's what I do, everything is in my head, including the success and followers, it looks so real.
Of course. The less you draw the better you get.

Fantasy artwork was best when being made by coomers like Royo or Caldwell.

Now what fantasy art are you making anon?
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Looks so good anon
Why is slav folklore so much cooler than angloshit?
Suffering and darkness. Suffering and darkness makes everything better.
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Sorry for late response, ended up finishing this and just sending to client, as well as making some nude edits later. hope u enjoy, dunno how i'd draw the feet at this angle so I just left it at this crop
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It's kinda dark.

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one of the most impressive drawings ive ever seen
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text replyslop
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Go jump in front of an oncoming train and bleed you fucking AIslop spamming, street shitting pajeet pigs
who are you talking to retard
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this one for me

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I don't understand how can someone have such clean lines using graphite. Everytime I draw my lines end up chunky as hell, is it the pencil? Graphite size? I don't get it
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>despite all [list of things with no relation to drawing skill whatsoever]
I dunno anon why can't I draw like Horikoshi despite also breathing air, sitting in a chair and not cutting my hair? It's fucking mystery.
what you don't eat could fill a supermarket
Even on digital i cant gat lines that clean. My lines are blurry and jagged at the same time
>artistic skill =/= writing skill
many such cases
that's you being retarded

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Why does drawing traditionally or in a sketchbook calm me while doing so digitally fill me with stress?
Anyone else have this dilemma?
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And this is the present work,a whimsical design and experiment.
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I'm the opposite, sketching on my PC feels great because I can erase quick and easy, but if I do that too much on paper it ends up being a mess. For lineart I stress the fuck out when doing it digitally for some reason.
Could be your eyes are just light sensitive I get a head ache sometimes if things are too bright. Try making your background a grey color before starting
Because you are retarded, I fucking hate drawing on paper.

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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Schizo anon here. All right, I don't think this is the original OP that was here before, and that was certainly not me that created the thread this time - whoever you are anon, you've got it from here - I'm not making any more threads. Pic related.
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I can't keep up with these threads anymore ;_;
why does it feel like i’ve seen this image years ago
I have a big problem of taking incredibly long to draw. I spend forever thinking about how to make the right move when drawing and by the time I lose patience and give up the drawing is only 60% done, and I'm just doing shoddy pencil doodles. Do I just "give up" on trying for perfection and learn through experience or is it better to try my very hardest on the first shot?
Doing something is better than not doing anything. You don't have to completely compromise quality, but you know how to fit some quality within the time you have or want to put into that drawing. And in the end, it's about what you would be satisfied with more.

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Because I need a place here to discuss 2D art and post my new stuff.

I suppose a single general is better than making single threads.
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onward to victory
hey my nigga
hey nigga
aw weak ass nigga

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