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Moai drawing: Continuation thread
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i've never drawn a moai before, how did i do?
Now draw him bigger.
Silly Anon, skeletons aren't real. But it's a nice drawing of that definitely not real thing.
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I don't understand how can someone have such clean lines using graphite. Everytime I draw my lines end up chunky as hell, is it the pencil? Graphite size? I don't get it
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>lines end up chunky as hell
Use smoother paper and get a pencil with hardness that is comfortable to you (for me it's 3B) and sharpen it properly. Or just use a mechanical pencil. And make bigger drawings. The only problem I have with drawing lines like this is that my hand smudges the lines, but that's just how it is with my hand posture... I prefer the darker lines I get when using india ink fineliners anyway though.
You could try using good filters after scanning your drawings. Smoothen lines, adjust contrasts etc.. Also, you can spend more time going over the same lines to thicken them in the right places and make them more prominent. Horikoshi did it too.

Draw bigger motives. And try using a softer pencil than HB
why is this board obsessed with clean sketch lines, the entire point of a sketch is to be loose and experiment. Then you redo it, add shading etc and finally ink.

it's like no one has actually watched a pro work from concept to finish on trad before, just digital slop artists.
Grayscale fags are amateur.
Are you perhaps a fucking retard? What does any of that have to do with what he said + he posted hard evidence of manga inked on the paper he was explicitly referring to. You were owned before you even posted.

Struggling to move over to digital art its fucked. Did my homework on the wiki, been following the ctrlpaint webseries to no avail. I use kritia, somebody help me out setting up some brushes.
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the most difficult thing for me to get used to was the difference in feeling with a tablet pen on smooth surface versus a pencil catching the friction on a piece of paper, once muscle memory got used to it i had a much easier time
>captcha: RGAY0A
op clearly can't draw trad either, stop coping
I knew about the stabilizer but this is my first time learning about the dynamic brush tool, holy fuarck this is life-altering
Yep, the tool is not your problem.

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can someone please red line me? im struggling fml
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i'm not an expert but, gave it a try

you can probably work a bit more on overlaps to increase the 3D effect and a bit of study for deeper anatomy.
the drawing is pretty good in general, i like it.
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>bonus gif for before and after<
thanks. can you suggest anything for deeper anatomy studies? like this was insanely difficult for me cuz i dont do much weird perspective. i also had problems finding references, i only had one and it was ai and i knew the anatomy was off already. my only almost reference is eric from the little mermaid throwing the spear LOL
this was my ref to kinda go by lol. shit quality
can't give a long answer right now, gotta wake up early. but basically:
learn it from good refrence, books, video courses, etc. you have download threads around here.

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draw this in your style
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I'll post something spicy tomorrow. Gotta shleep
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No colors, for now.
Those hands, man I'm jelly
Nice vibe, like he just found out his first mate hid a casket of rum and everyone has been dry for at least a week.
Best one yet
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Do you practice urban sketching regularly?
Practicing urban sketching is the only thing that gets me out of the house, and it has been essential for me to improve my freehand drawing and observation. I usually only carry 3 fine line pens and a sketchbook, but I'm thinking of getting some watercolors. I usually go to squares that aren't very busy, as I still have difficulty dealing with crowded environments.
It's a very positive and therapeutic activity. I used to be very depressed, but when I'm in crisis I always take my materials and go out to draw, regardless of the time of day. I don't think about making beautiful or perfect drawings, I just let the stream of consciousness flow and capture the essence
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If you can wake up as soon as the sun rises, it's a good time to visit places that are usually crowded. I recommend you visit small villages near your city too, it's really nice to draw too. I recommend getting an electric or normal bicycle, it's very useful.
Something that /travel/ talks about a lot, first try to appreciate the place you're visiting, capture it and try to apply it through your drawings, no matter how aesthetically ugly it may be. Look at it as more than just drawing, but as something that also brings you inner peace, where you can connect with natural and man-made beauty.
The great authors of comics and manga look for inspiration in everyday life, they leave the house with their sketchbook and start observing and drawing, but they try to use all their senses when observing. This is why we are able to connect so easily with the works of authors such as Jiro Taniguchi and Hayao Miyazaki. Regardless of the type of story you intend to draw, whether it's fiction or fantasy, the elements you've absorbed in everyday life will be extremely useful
Real life commission? Neat. You can always see what it is about, maybe you will end up with a friend instead.
I haven't talked to a women in two years, but from what I've read I would infer she was flirting with you.
what's the move if a girl is staring at you while drawing? do you smile and wave at her?
Normally, when you're drawing architecture, you don't even realize that someone is watching you because you're so focused. If the fact that they're watching you bothers you, it's best to distance yourself. Now, if your goal is to try to interact with people, I recommend that you look for urban sketching groups, every big city has urban sketching groups, search on social networks.
I'm autistic and avoid all possible interaction, but older people are pleasant to interact with briefly. In general, I rarely draw people, but elderly people are my only exception, because when we cross eyes I don't feel intimidated

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I like it a lot. Nice work anon.
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looking in the distance
Draw from life.
What if there are no horses near him?
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>What's a webtoon?
Webtoon is the ancient Korean art of scrolling comics. Instead of traditional manga/comic pages, panels are spread out individually for easier reading on cell phones.

>So they're just spliced manga/comic pages?
You can do that if you want, but they're fundamentally different for a few reasons. For example, panels tend to be drawn longer to fit phone screens, and traditional 2-page spreads are not possible to fit in scrolling format.

>Are there standard page sizes?
Technically yes, but it depends on which platform you post in. Naver Webtoons uses
800x1280px, but the site automatically splices & resizes images anyway.

>Do I have to make it in color?
If you want subscribers, yes.

>Why would I make one?
To be rich & famous, of course. All jokes aside, the pay is low if you're lucky enough to get hired in the first place, the deadlines are more brutal than the manga industry, and the average reader age floats around 11. But as a novel medium with a growing industry, it may still be worthwhile enough for you to experiment.

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My goal is to release them into the wild with page numbers and my x/ig Addy in the bottom tight hand corner, though if anyone knows a good place let me know. I feel like there will be too much extreme sex and violence for webtoon
Global Comix and comicfury will let you post whatever you want, or so they claim
new update

If anyone wants to collaborate on comics or workshop ideas I started a discord https://discord.com/invite/6jrebQux
Are you Betz or Fred? I'm not joining if either of them are allowed in.

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>0: Thread for people who are interested in trades.

1: Post a brief backstory if your original character has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artists ONLY. No spamming original characters/infodumps without proof of prior delivery.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

6: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

7: Leave all the chit-chat out unless to thank drawfrens. Draw more and talk less.

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Thanks again for the Maybelline art! I loved it
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Since everyone is doing it.
Thank you! Awesome depiction, I like how well their characters are portrayed through appearance. The original girl’s squeaky toy look is great. Spot on!

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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite

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Then check out Samsung Tab S series Genshin reviews and get the most expensive one that's under $ 600 if that's really all you're looking for.
I used to keep the plastic foil my intuos was delivered with on it. I don't know if it did anything for the tablet, but it sure kept my pen nib intact. I eventually took it off and now I miss it...

>want to draw for my friends from time to time, just planning to do shit for fun and not much else
>want to draw planes and cars, but without a tablet, my only real option is to just take a screenshot and trace over it with paths
What should I buy? I don't need anything incredible, this is all just for fun.
I've never experienced this.
>i've tried two different ones
Same brand? Maybe you just got some duds. I'm using the icarez screen protector btw.

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>0 Thread for people who are interested in OC discussion and sharing. DO NOT post work expecting fills or hoping to get returns.

1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous Thread: >>7050249
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Pyw :)
Very Dope, thank you!
Ty, I was playing a ton of Cuphead when I drew her up.
That comparison of taxi and pacman is very good.
Try adding weight to your lines, making some thicker than others or going from thin to thick
You don't even have OCs, nor draw
Thats her point.

She was formerly a meeky bullied girl that just happened to win the power of god.
Taking a face similar to their equivalent of this world's Taylor Swift and making sure everyone in the world dances to her song.
Also might get pretty mad if the protagonist chooses the other heroine.

Also, she can still be beaten in battle if tricked, as she only sees the future of what she wants to see. Aka, a fight. Then be surprised by a sudden attack from someone or something she didnt think was a factor.
Me on the left

Is copying, and understanding, Bridgman's over and over actually valuable?
I heard some artists talking about it, what do you guys think?
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Are you what people call a crab?
because that head is pasted on. You'll only need to study the body
I copied Bridgeman once over a long weekend. Just wanted to try getting it done in that time frame to see if I could.

Big improvements to line confidence and copying proportions by eye, but I didn't keep much of the style or structure. I think memory copies are a much better way to study but its fucking hard.
>I think memory copies are a much better way to study but its fucking hard.
My limit is an hour a day, and then my brain is jello until I go to sleep again
I care. Fuck degenerate furry faggots.

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Where can I find something like Bridgman, but for scenarios?
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it's a twitter zoomer
36 dramatic situations??
copying storyboards? or just pages in comics?
Writing belongs on /lit/, newfag
framed ink? just read comics/watch movies and make notes?

how long do it take to reach this level if your low int?
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about 2 years, nothing about this compositionally is crazy, the thumbnail is very simple, the horse anatomy and pose is also very basic just enough to show it's a horse nothings really defined, could just drop in a horse photo and paint over it to the same effect, the rendering and painting is the strongest part and it's not insane either
Depends how much time you dedicate to practicing.
just paint it?
About 1 to 2 days
Prized Unicorn.
All creatures able to block it, do so.
Damn good card to end a fight.

>mfw trying to apply loomis to anime
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appreciated but I've seen 5 or 6 of this guy's videos and the thumbnails are all clickbait which is especially bad if you can't read moonrunes, can you recommend a particularly good vid from him?
All the professionals I envy and idolize say not to use them so why should I?

Have you seen how much superior Latinos are at emulating manga? They’re practically honorary Asians
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i draw anime with the loomis method
i thought it was standard practice for anime

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