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Artists are now plagiarizing popular AI artworks.
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Right? Fucking lazy assholes. All of them. That said I don't need nor want to partake in it. I just want them to leave my shit alone. Or at least for laws to change in such a way that they suffer repercussions/ are held responsible if they decide to launder my stuff through these corporate machines against my will.
We all know your phenotype by now.
Just take shad or whatever he's called as an example. That's the stereotype associated with you parasites.
Implying you nerds would even have the willpower to lift weights in the first place..
You can't even learn a skill. Lack the fundamental drive and self discipline.
Keep projecting.
Didn't even read the meme btw. But nice bait. Here's a (you). Fucking shitstain.
Keep telling yourself that. Most artists regardless of their skill level are heavily against this. All kinds of artists.
Remember how many professional artists up and left artstation when they started scraping their work?
Established artists with great work to show boot just disappeared over night.
You just refuse to see this from a sane perspective. You refuse to see how this is extremely damaging for artists and how it was only meant to increase profit margins for corporations.
You're essentially aiding these same companies getting away with plagiarism on an unprescedented scale.
You're ripping us off, resorting to manipulative arguments, twisting the truth, mocking us and then cry about being bullied afterwards. We're calling you out. You're a bunch of morally bankrupt scammers and nobody likes you people.
tbf 3d tracers are not far away from AI shitters
Again, just because AIfags are the "Untouchables" of the art community who are universally disdained and ridiculed does not mean that some of the shitty artists ribbing on them are not shit and should use AI shitters being shitters to validate their /beg/ness. They should aim to become better artists, something AI artists lack the discipline to do.

Mocking AI art does not automatically make these Sudra-tier niggas Kshatriyas or Brahmins.

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General dedicated to posting and discussing art of either:
1. Manmade objects, vehicles, tool, weapons etc. (of any kind and any historical era, as long as they fall in the ballpark of "technology") and fictional derivatives of such
2. Objects,vehicles, creatures etc. that aesthetically fall into the visual space of mecha/robot/artificial/cybernetics etc. regardless of level of realism.
Helpful to mention the level of realism, if any, you are taking into account in the art.
Old general resoruces (hopefully these ones aren't empty):

>Scott Robertson's How to Draw

>Scott Robertson's How to Render: the fundamentals of light, shadow and reflectivity

>Cache of /m/ artbooks (Patlabor, Gunbuster, Muv-Luv, etc.)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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he was cooking with this one
Just keep it as is, maybe you can add some venting that resembles fish gills or some rivet and weld marks across the body. Once it's flying around in space it's a spaceship anyways

Im been seeing a trend of artists with good art that can stand on its own resort to this path eventually what would make them to this? are they tarnishing their legacy doing commer shit
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Imagine being so new you don't know coomer is just what we called twitter pinup artists after cumbrain got filtered
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go back
Shirow's always been a coomer artist.
Shirow still draws the cutest girls. Today's animeslop can't even come close.

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A Miku thread died for this.
Hello sir, good morning sir, this is not a false flag sir.
>when you illegal download hundreds of music albums, movies, how to draw books and video games but you get upset that people ignore your 'do not repost' warning on your art
memes can be made/pumped out in seconds, just like al slop. Those meme accounts that constantly post the "new" latest meme was posted from 10 other different accounts. Meme post also brings in no followers at all, since there's no point in following the account, since you can find another one just like it in 2 second s of scrolling. Drawing actually requires effort and gives genuine engagement and followers because people like your style or how you draw things. Outside of artist, the biggest complainers of getting no views/likes or followers are meme accounts and clip channels(3 second to 1 min clips of pre existing media)
Speak for yourself.

What Is your biggest critique of Muratas artstyle?
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Crabs calling murata mid, we reached a new down
>its another thread of dunning kruger fags criticizing a stablished artist´s skill
is this the contrarian thread?
More or less.

Just for fun, enjoy!
Are you just bored at work or something
>implying he has a job
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AI, huh?

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does anyone else have the image guide on how to do anime renders? it had a drawing like this in it I think, and they were saying that they would have several layers, use the selection and blur tool and use layers of screen and multiply I think
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You can simplify this to like 3 layers
Collecting layers is for pussies, merge them together after you're done with them.

Cel shade, blend it, slap color on it, merge it together and overpaint some details, done. No need to write a table of contents for your psd
>the upper torse wasnt finished,
was it going to completely redrawn? my guy please just get a reference of a woman
>blur adjust
>shade adjust
>it's all like that
>anon say it's "life saver"
jesus christ
why's it so... lumpy?
Because I like them fat

At this point, pyw

I got challenge for all anons who like ocs and trying out different things.

>How does it work?

I'll post a picture or someone else and everyone in thread has to design an oc based off the image presented. It doesn't have to be 1-1 with image but can have similar themes off the original
>What can i post?

Anything. Oc can be anything if you try hard enough/if you are autistic enough. Hopefully someone might have fun with this.
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sounds like fun OP
Spanish Arthropod
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Will try something tomorrow involving mushrooms
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this looks like the guy from risk of rain
cool sketch tho

See what you can do in a set limit of time. Pic related don in about an hour and a half.
What can you do in between 1 and 2 hours? Post results here!
Get to drawin!
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back again friends! this one took about 2 and a half hours.
i feel that i still need a lot of practice with hair, but i really wanted to draw a sabertooth 'cause i think they are real cool. lots of lion references, and i feel pretty good about it, though i think i want to try to draw one with a ridgeback instead next time. it was real good practice even if the image isnt perfect!
thank you so much friend!
I like the shape of the figure. Very elegant. The face-head reminds me of something, and I think it is a mix of Eddie and Grandpa from The Munsters old TV series from the 60s lol!
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Back again friends. I have been fiddling around with blender for the past week and a half and this is the result of several trials and errors for about 5 hours of work, with 2 hours from today.
I am trusting the process, but goodness I feel like there a lot of opprotunities to mess up without even knowing, and you wont know until further down the road, where you cant fix it. But i admit, i am charmed by the technology. I can feel the possibilities growing as I continue to learn. The tutorial i have been folowing came with a free set of downloadable ears, and i felt so confident, i tried making them myself. Yes, they are trash, incase you were wondering. But it was the fact that i felt confident enough to do it my way, that made it worth while you know? And i feel i can get even better from here!
Good Lord, your right lol! The brows, the hair, the widows peak, Its uncanny!
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Selfish bump, sorry friends no art today, but I'll be back tomorrow, I promise! Here's some asthetic instead.

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oc sketch dump i did during physics class because i'm too retarded for that shit
>heart shaped text says "what the fuck is a coulomb"
>the other one says "death death blood destruction death blood cannibalism death"

>half a month away from Inktober
>No hype or interest whatsoever
Ok, so did the fag trying to claim copyright kill'd it, or was it the really uninspiring prompts?

The fucking official page isn't even updated, it shows the 2023 one
I gotta say it's kinda sad. This WAS the only big artist driven fun thing.
This could have been our thing you know, like film festivals for movies or lollapalooza for music
We don't have a big thing that bring the boys to do something together, it's really really sad that this was the closest thing to it, and now it's almost completely dead
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last year, palestinian anon was sacrificed
Jaketober did threaten litigation on anyone trying to sell sketches that includes the inktober logo, so good luck. Just wait for /ic/tober
He stole a niggers book layout or something and people have been seething since.
Protip: Don't sell things with official logos. This could have easily been avoided.

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How can I reverse engineer artwork to understand their process and their brushes?

For instance, I have an idea this guy used painting and mostly a rough sketch with bold, thick linework, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around how.

I try to trace the linework using a couple of pencils in CSP ( G-Pen, Real G-Pen and some other I downloaded in the store ) yet, they hardly seem to "match" his exact linework.

Is this because I am using a cheap Wacom intuos that does not have good sensitivity to emulate his lines or I am just in the wrong brushes still?
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Incredibly disingenuous. Might as well say Ilya Kuvshinov didn't make it since he was living from Patreon for years before finally getting a couple of jobs drawing for bad anime movies and music videos here and there.
>G-pen lineart will never be appreciated
If you want to do commissions or being hired by companies , learning inking/line art is a must. If you can’t do that, then no commissions for you.
>how do it reverse engine--
you brute force it
>I have a hard time wrappin--
you brute force it
>for instance I have an idea this gu--
you brute force it
>is it this because of much brushes or muh tablet
shut the fuck up and start drawing faggot

>how do I pet a do-
you brute force it
>can you point me in the right dire-
you brute force it

I know this is my fault, but I stopped drawing during the pandemic and only did exercises in this course. That made me lose all the skills I had built since I was little up to that point. I can't even draw from reference and I no longer find it fun.

I tried reading Drawing On The Right Of the Brain to recover my observation skills but it's a bitch to understand all the outdated neuroscience stuff. I have been thinking of seeing a hypnotist.
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Nono DaB is the quickest way to lose your passion anon
thanks again anon
but what about the 200+ boxes grind?
should i do it?
i'll probably do it digital but i did buy some pens beforehand
draw some of the boxes whenever you draw, but also draw for urself.
Also DaB are meant to be done trad, but you can use your favored medium for free drawing (which must be equal or more than the time spent drawing exercises)
i'll keep that in mind
thank you anon

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Does 'sex sells' mean you can make any miku and it will trend on social media?
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Piece of shit, look the face man, the face, wtf???? You are blind or what???
I kinda agree with you, though doing that will attract nothing but underage shitters that have no money. They are the group that complains about commission prices the most. Only time having those little shits as an audience is worth it on video base platforms like youtube
Ain't she like 16? why is it allowed on twitter?
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The 3rd Comics and Random Art Battles (/crab/ 3) tournament will decide (once more) the fate of the multiverse.
Original characters from multiple universes will be kidnapped by me, the Gamemaster, put into teams and take part in many extreme challenges to obtain a single Wish, whatever it may be!

Is your crab up to it?

Stage 2 - Ikigai
It's OVER, カニ!

Previously on /crab/3 >>7270095
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He lies to her about his age typing:
"im 30 you probably dont want me around u"
"i'm cute though, built good"
Then he says:
"i'm going to clean out your pussy like I clean out the chic-fil-a bathrooms on 50c assblast wings Wednesdays"
REAL news
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(I need a break. Scribbling).
Don't worry. The Bucket Servants have a plan.

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