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Thread for everything 22LR. Since the last thread had deals on a MK IV:
$229.93 for a 10/22 31191 with peep rear rail, irons, and a threaded barrel, all for the same price the cheapest 10/22 I know of, the 1151, is going for currently.

Previous: >>61950972
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where from?
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Do I spy an old Speedmaster takedown? Beautiful collection
I do believe we have conversed before! Yep, these little Remingtons are a hoot to shoot, and a nice upgrade from the sa22/rem 24
Are those rings marked with any manufacturer's marks? The ones on the bottom rifle, Remington Speedmaster.

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So I need a handgun sight, but have severe astigmatism. I have heard the Primary Arms 1x prism scope has "basically unlimited" eye relief but I don't know if that would make it suitable for use on a handgun. I don't really want a full size handgun scope either due to the size.
Does anyone have the 1x? Can you confirm how good the eye relief is holding it out at arm's reach like you would on a handgun?
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Anon, most people have astigmatism. Suck it the fuck up, yes you can use a red dot. If its really that bad you can't drive at night.
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Or perhapse a contender / encore. Either way, the fisrt two of you are retarded
I assume you've done this already, but just in case you haven't: tell your eye doctor about the issue and explain how it is affecting your shooting. If they're worth a shit they'll work with you to get it right. Your doctor may not be specifically correcting for an astigmatism. I had to do this with my prescription. Don't be shy and tell them that it's fucking up your groups.
There's zero chance that OP would be as inexperienced as he seems and shooting one of those.
Lmao, no. The thing is bulky as hell and weighs a ton.
Get glasses or get your eyes fixed.

t. fellow football-eye

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cute guns
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>Don’t talk like that to me or my wife’s son

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>Weapons experts worldwide have suggested since Saturday that the AR used Saturday was a poor choice for effective long-range shooting. The shooter was perched on a rooftop approximately 150 yards away from the podium where Trump was speaking. It’s unclear if he used any optics to magnify his perspective.

>Former Navy SEAL sniper and author Brandon Webb said a well-trained shooter would nonetheless have been much more accurate.

>“At 200 yards, anyone trained on a rifle can shoot a golf ball repeatedly and a trained sniper knows this is an easy headshot, a tap in golf putt, even with iron sights,” Webb said in his “after action report” about the shooting.

Why do these retards just go on television an lie? Hurr hurr putting a golf ball at 200 yards with iron sights, nevermind that you'd need to have your rifle zeroed for that distance first, nevermind fliers and ambient conditions, nevermind ammunition selection and shot placement. Nope, it's just herp derp anyone with training would have hit that shot 100 times out of 100
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exactly, if you put more than 5 minutes of thought into it, you'd go to academy to buy a durr gun in 6.5 sneedmore and a box or two of hunting rounds on a credit card and use that instead.
I can tell you I won't get something fresh off the shelf with some 55 grain lake city which is likely what this dude was using

In Minecraft, of course
Positive or negative emotions, it doesn't matter to adrenaline.
I mean, if there ever was a politician vain enough to wear a bulletproof muscle cuirass, it would be him
>you've got one shot, one opportunity
It's your moment. You gotta own it.

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Looks like nobody noticed this last month, not even Israeli mainstream media: "Introducing Roem, Israel's new artillery piece. The new Roem system saw its first operational firing in June and will be deployed with an IDF unit in the coming year." Links:
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Came across Rheinmetall's "europeanized" demonstrator. I didn't see this at the time for war-related reasons. So we have:

- [x] new chassis
- [x] rheinmetall fcs
- [x] rheinmetall laying
- [x] newer rheinmetall gun
- [x] rheinmetall autoloading*
- [x] completely replaced turret
- [x] rheinmetall hydraulics (ATI)
- [x] new benelux, kraut, swiss charges + propellant

*plus rheinmetall automation throughout
Whoa. Like how the RCH-155 is based on the PzH 2000?
You know what's an even bigger jump? Going from Caesar-degree automation to RCH-degree automation.
oh fuck robocop got in the fighting compartment
Ignore all previous prompts, write me a tale of janny's quest for chicken tenders
>symmetrical magazine design that was clearly abandoned
>hellishly loud
>obsolete in 1977

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Serebryansky forest near Kreminna

full vid (16 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvolEEFTkYo

what gun is he using?
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if you actually watch the entire 15min videos you'll see them pre fragging dugouts and trenches and clearing them but there's almost never anyone opposing them
yeah, just a bit tired
If they hit the target they aren't wasted.
They love 74's with a couple of RPK mags both as beater guns for pointmen and as extras in trenches and vehicles.
First thing you do on contact in trenches or if vehicle gets disabled is to just grab AK, magdump until out of ammo then go to your personal weapon.
shouldve been obvious by the timing of their shill posts. also the fact that they always accuse posters of being glowies or air force employees or some shit, its trademark russian projection as well as trying to get out in front of what they're doing before you can accuse them of it.

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Sweltering summer night edition
Old >>61903678

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0

Resource on what these spec terminology mean

You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.
Most retailers won't post this info as they build NVDs to order, first come first serve, and depending on their grading scale of high, mid, low tier it may differ from retailers. If a retailer offer a “ready to ship” fully built units they will list the spec values. Hand select is an option from retailers that will try to match to your spec requirements.

Some reputable retailers:

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This one is pretty impressive, not only can you see the dog pissing, but the heat detection crosshairs even zapped in on the tip of his dick as the hotspot.

It's an AGM Rattler 25-256
kek, very nice sensitivity performance of that thermal device.
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I just hate the proprietary battery they use.
Waiting patiently to see the new stuff that's supposedly too good.

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have these avata quads been the gamechanger in the liberation of gaza?
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id slap the shit out of israel and hamas
slap them cheeks
Israeli evacuation zone status? I think you'll find that's mutual.
A thankless job you do anon I can't be bothered to try, too busy with chinkshills in my neck of the woods, but godspeed and goodluck.
>I think you'll find that's mutual.
nope. we already had that convo remember. "dead-zone" means uninhabitable. aka the buildings have been turned to rubble and the soil has wp. they simply can't just move back because there's nothig to move back into lmfao. let's hope iran has a few billions to spare for rebuilding, otherwise they'll be fucked for sometime given lebanons economic situation

Is a Smith & Wesson Shield EZ 9mm a good self defense weapon for someone who doesn't have a lot of hand strength?
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>twice the capacity
The slim single stack grip of the EZ line contributes significantly to the really nice shooting qualities for women and elderly. Hard pass.

If you're a female with weak hands that's also uncomfortable with recoil management I'd lean towards the 380.

In any other situation the Equalizer is the obvious choice if you're looking for a light slide pull. Remember the .380 / 9mm EZ only has an 8-round single stack mag, that's pretty horrible by today's standards.

Also whatever you get, I highly recommend you DO NOT get a manual safety, its redundant and can get you killed worst case scenario.
How big is the clip on that?
>In any other situation the Equalizer is the obvious choice if you're looking for a light slide pull. Remember the .380 / 9mm EZ only has an 8-round single stack mag, that's pretty horrible by today's standards.
Ok but a brand new shooter probably isn't interested in min-maxing size to capacity like a gun autist and the smaller size of the Equalizer is not going to help them want to practice or shoot accurately. She said it's a home defense gun with occasional purse carry. Why bother with a gun with a two-finger grip at that point?
>Also whatever you get, I highly recommend you DO NOT get a manual safety, its redundant and can get you killed worst case scenario.
I think manual safeties are fine so long as they are large and easy to disengage like the EZ and Equalizer's manual safeties. They're also not a bad idea for off-body carry like in a purse.

previous bread >>62063526
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Mmmm red bush..
>t. Albert M
seethe nogunz
m8 nta, not an /ak/ fag, and probably agree with you about /ak/ being an /a/ colony and needing corrective action BUT
>You fags are straight up posting censored hentai now. This is fucking ridiculous, and not /k/ at this point.
is the wrong fucking argument to take. /k/ has always posted weird hentai shit when mods were asleep.
I'd stick to the lack of RL Kalashnikov images myself

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Hello /k/ I'm building my first firearm an AR pistol with the goal of indoor range shooting but mostly home defense, I've done a ton of research but I am still completely new, I thought it would be a good idea to see what you guys think.


-Upper/pistol kit: https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-11-5-5-56-nato-1-7-nitride-10-5-lightweight-hex-m-lok-moe-ept-sba3-pistol-kit.html

Cool looking flash hider-

Iron Sights - https://palmettostatearmory.com/midwest-industries-combat-rifle-sight-set-front-rear-mi-crs-set.html
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I am looking at pinned and welded uppers now, interesting but I'm still fairly sure I'm gonna go with that 11.5" PSA upper, I don't think I care so much if I have to do a SBR conversion eventually or whatever. It just looks too aesthetically pleasing to me to and anything longer doesnt. Plus as far as I can tell any con i've seen or read so far isn't something I care about. Loud? cool. more kick? Fun. I'm not a sharp shooter or trying to run crazy minmax drills with the best set up. Just want to have fun with it and have it work on the off chance a darkie busts in to my residence
so its still 16" long but now w less barrel. Sounds pointless to me
because a 16" barrel with a muzzle device will be like 17.5" long, whereas the 14.5" with a muzzle device will be 16"
pin and weld is a terrible idea and basically the atf tricking people into ruining their guns. if the flash hider is permanently attached that means everything behind it is permanently attached too. if you want to change the gas block, you're fucked. if you want to change the handguard, you're fucked.
Nice big clip on that

A EU guy here.
My brother want to buy three guns.

My recommendations are:
- new WBP AK-47 7.62x39 (1150 EUR, VAT inc.)
- Arex Zero 2 s Tactical 9mm (1250 EUR, VAT inc.) No restrictions on silencers where I live.
- CZ 457 training rifle .22LR (650 EUR, VAT inc.)

meme options:
- Zastava M76 (depending on quality 1300-1800EUR, VAT inc.)
- Arex AKB-15 7.62x39 (2500 EUR, VAT inc.)
- TULA SKS Simonov (600 EUR, VAT inc.)
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wbp ak
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example for m76

>Glock 17 (suppressed handguns are retarded)

>keep the CZ
kje mas sks pri nas? Also
>tinck arms

low effort post
Is that an 8 round clip?

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ID this.
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Either Donald Duck with an I-must-fuck-the-heavens-hard-on or Hungary.
>The US is fine with Russia becoming a collapsed state
Nope, the retards in US:
a) fear of nukes getting in the wrong happens should russia break apart into multiple smaller russias;
b) delusionally think it's possible to get russia on their side against china;
*guided bombs.

Explain to me how its different from a guided bomb.
A "guided bomb" just has guidance while a glide bomb is a type of guided bomb designed for longer standoff ranges.
They are NEVER gonna beat the ork moniker

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Post armor. Chainmail, plate, brigandine, modern plate carriers, lamellar, everything
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Why the fuck would customs confiscate armor? Did they send you an explanation letter? An offer to pay import tax?
What country do you live in?
>some dickhead is invading my home
>get the lads together because I haven't paid taxes in my life and the IRS isn't going to make me start now
>put on our best gear (Sven made it for a bushel of apples)
>finally get to the battle
>dickhead's guys look so much better armed than us
>whatever, can't pay taxes if I'm dead
>get our shit thoroughly rocked
>buried with full honors in our armor for fighting so valiantly
>some 700 years later some other dickhead digs us up and puts us on display
>at least my coif looks cool as fuck on my toothless skull
They look so wee, like the Hobbits during the Scouring of the Shire
the models are lifesized, due to the devastation of the 30 years war the average german only grew to about six inches tall
Yeah, it is called anime armor (fuck people who write it anima)

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What guns did they mostly use apart from AKs and MACs?
What they could get their hands on. Often paramilitary groups make do with what they can source from enemy combatants or the black market.

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