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Two boards with one struggle
The you know whos are trying to outlaw fight clubs and gun groups
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I don't train. I just go to have fun and getting rained on isn't fun
Judging by all the faggy bickering over nothing they/them were already here
painfully accurate group
Whats wrong with them
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I’ve been super happy with the 4-16 with the mil xt reticle. Better then the tremor 3 imo

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Vietnam recently unveiled and put into service their new VCM-01 anti-ship cruise missile. It’s the reverse engineered version of the Russian KH-35 (not sure which variant though).

> Range: 80-130 km
> Warhead: Approx. 145 kg
> Can be launched from ground and ship

If the specs are true. This would make it one of the worst anti-ship cruise missile ever created. But I’m surprised that Vietnam even has the R&D and industrial capabilities to produce missiles in the first place
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Kek, even literal subhuman indogs are able to produce a functioning FNC copy. So much for Vietnam Numbah Wan in SEA
Everyone knows that the Vietnamese military is hilarious corrupt. This is why they’re having such a hard time modernizing. All the money is being pocket and whatever is left is given to the military. They’re only starting to get serious about their modernization after seeing what’s happening to the Philippines
Vietniggers are really good at exporting cheap hookers. Their women are definitely the best one can buy for under $50. I’ll give them that
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post moskva sergei from glavset oblast


so what? nobody wants to associate themselves with impotent losers
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>Everyone knows that the chinese military is hilarious corrupt. This is why they’re having such a hard time modernizing. All the money is being pocket and whatever is left is given to the military. They’re only starting to get serious about their modernization after seeing what’s happening to the Puccia

What kind of ship do you like? Considering the setting, I quite like LoGH's style.
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Could you please bump with some images?
Futurama lookin ass
Black Fleet Saga by Joshua Dalzelle
Space combat doesn't become interesting until you fill the vacuum ocean with merchant, mining/fishing and other civilian vessels.

Final destination crap is the most boring.
Pillar of Autumn
In Amber Clad
Unto Breach
Two for Flinching
Bum Rush
Say My Name

talk about and suggest good books on the topics of firearms, weapon systems in general, vehicles, armor, gear, field manuals, military tactics, operations and strategy, logistics, air warfare, naval warfare, unit organization, military history, analysis of past battles, operations and wars, war memoirs, outdoor survival and knowledge, and other fitting categories that I may have missed

would be cool to have an infographic with recommended reading for kopers in general and then in more detail by topic, I'll start one myself later
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History of German Guided Missiles Development AGARD-AG-20
This book deserves more love
I will also add sources of information other than books as long as they're legit and not entertainment slop, for example YT channels are ok but they must be serious ones


Christopher Larsen

kings and generals

security guy

sites are valid too:


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saving the thread
Guy Sajer made a lot of shit up in his book.

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Where do Myanmar rebels get their supplies from?
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I don't get why this map shows the MNDAA, TNLA and AA as PDF affiliated groups while the 4k coalition is listed seperately. The former three are more closely allied with each other as the Three Brotherhood Alliance and frequently engaged in ceasefires with the junta. They are more aptly described as co-belligerents of the PDF and maintain close links with China. The 4k coalition on the other hand has some groups who are fairly loyal to the NUG such as the KNDF.
>You have Marxist-Leninist communist parties allied with national socialist parties
Nagaland is probably the wildest province, through at least three provinces are like something out of a movie.
The Karen are tribal so sometimes internal rivalry sees some split. They have a large enough population in Thailand that they are are generally considered as trans national insurgents.
Wa state is run by a warlord, it isn't governed by "the Chinese". And to say it's a massive drug lab, well I'm going to say it's like wakan, it's a black market commercial hub.
It'll cost you 40k to get in and anyone trying to sneak in is summarily shot by the roadside. Warlord shit.
Wa is to China what Fermanagh is to Russia. The US has it's own WA state, you remember noreaga?
It's more like a free trade zone set up on the border. It's really small, way smaller than you think. It's essentially where deals are done between corrupt military figures, warlords. It's not a country, nor just part of Myanmar the Chinese invaded, it's like a casino. Wa state is the house
>Wa state is run by a warlord, it isn't governed by "the Chinese".
I didn't say the Chinese ran it, I said that China used it as as plausible deniability drug lab. Which they do.

>And to say it's a massive drug lab, well I'm going to say it's like wakan, it's a black market commercial hub.
They also produce meth and opiates by the truckload.
if I could own a machine gun with just a $200 tax stamp and a form 4, I probably wouldn't even bother.

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Between the 3rd assault brigade and kraken which is the more elite unit?
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Hilariously, it's a real slice of the population. Those are russians with israeli passports that shill for Putin and Hamas.
They're the reason why Israel started requiring genetic confirmation of heritage for post-USSR countries. Too many "jews" turned out to be untermensh neo-nazis
Because 0% of these people know anything about Ukraine other than jpegs about Kolomoisky in 2014 and zelensky. What do they seriously want azov to do right now, try and launch a coup on zelensky?
jews and arabs need to fuck off from this board and go back to their containment board (/int/), they are starting to stink up the place with their shitskin behaviour
Jake is eternally seething that his favorite anarchist groups aren't in the limelight instead of the nationalists. He still does the "azov battalion" song and dance and becomes almost indistinguishable from the vatnik shills he claims to oppose.
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>Azov fighter goes to Auschwitz wear a Hitler quote t-shirt. Disgusting.

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I love the twincest coffee commercial.
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Fuckin hell
Sergent Reckless, for anyone who doesn't know.
Pretty good

Fucking incredible

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Its fucking over
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Post gun
Wouldn't wanna be homeless these days. They've overtaken prostitutes as the preferred target for serial killers.
and you know this how...?
>They've overtaken prostitutes as the preferred target for serial killers.
Always were (apart from sex things (usually)), it's just a matter of availability.

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Wood you?
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Wood I!
Are you trying to make a joke rn
Anon, it's stainLESS, not stainNEVER
Nah, the queen of my gun set is going to be a bolt action.

Maturing is realizing the utility of the mace.
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left one when a dexfag decides to try strfag weps
It is very relevant. Maces in sport armored fighting are limited by weight for safety. Consequently, there's no advantage using one compared to the other options. A falchion designed for sport armored fighting has more reach and hits harder on account of the greater allowed mass. If they could use non-gimped maces, it'd be a different story.
Doesn't matter. If the mace was heavier it would be slower to swing and easier to parry and dodge.
>The mace is a short weapon so you often swing for whatever you can reach
Since it's a shorter weapon, you have to be in closer range to hit anything. That means if you can reach one part of the body, odds are you can reach most of the other parts of the body.

>rather than make called shots on guts, arms, and legs
skill issue
Possibly if your enemy was a stationary target but more likely they're going to backstep whenever you step in. You'll have to swing at anything that's in reach just to get hits in.

>But what if we're in a press of battle and he can't backstep away from me.
Then you also don't have room to swing freely. The only angle that won't have someone in the way is above and that raises the chance of hitting someone in the head significantly.

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Rapier sisters.... How do we cope with the fact that katana bros will kill us if we fought to the death
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They used sideswords, not rapiers. Even your own pic clearly depicts a sidesword.
Rapiers are a type of sidesword
fuck katanas. I hate weebs so god damn much
(You) might.
Should have practised more it seems.

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>move recently
>lose my stuff
>lose journal I solved ciphers with
>look to see if se/k/retsanta krypto challenge is still up so I can solve it again
>check website
>it's down
>maybe someone archived it?
>check web archive
>7 saved captures for "sekretsanta.com"
>okay now we're getting somewhere
>no captures for "sekretsanta.com/krypto.php"
>maybe I have at least a screenshot of a cipher?
>check saved photos

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interesting indeed but two things in my mind speak against its practicality outside of a one time use:

1. Its not practical for anything else than stabbing with much force, therefor a blade aint makin as much sense as more like a naillike tip.

2. the soft dildo would be damaged if youd use it with full force.

That being said; i am thinking of rather making another knildo knife for /k/ this year but may actually make the handle outta wood. Im thinking of a puukko style blade, if i get the handle like a bollock dagger it could be a really cool practical tool. Now i need a good wordplay with puukko and penis..
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>making another knildo knife
Suggestion: leave the balls on the dildo, turn them into a sort of hilt or blade guard.
> Knildo, Redux: don't forget the balls
important content
bite the pillow

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hmmm at first glance the packs should be higher up on the body but the rucksacks the brits use--vertus (virtus?) bergens--naturally sit lower. things look kind of hairy here though. easy to criticize DF setups when nobody is taking potshots at you; roosevelt's man in the arena etc.
heres some ANA cats getting trained on a df system. the guy on the left looks hazara. i wonder what happened to him. i wonder who has those systems now.
direction finding: putting warheads on foreheads since the 1960s (actually earlier)
Those are mills and that tells me those are ASA (Army Security Agency) morse intercept operators. I'm guessing early/mid-1960's. They're using R-392 radios. Those are burn bags at each station. Looks a bit primative for Japan, is that in Vietnam?
Probably collecting dust in storage, or sold at deep discount to a central asian merchant. Taliban have little need for sigint or hope of training up coherent units on anything but chinese kit, which they know they can get in bulk when needs be.

ITT: uncomfortable, unpleasant and overall obnoxious guns to shoot

tell your tales here anons, i'll start:
>middle of summer, hot as fuck
>go to shooting range
>decide to try pic related
>grip is ridiculously small
>can't wrap all of my fingers around it, pinky ends up resting under the grip
>sweaty hands bc of temperature
>both the trigger pull and the hammer are hard as fuck, always afraid my thumb will slip while cocking it.
>every time i fire the gun sinks in my hand and the recoil just vents all on my pinky lodged under the barrel
i swear these motherfuckers are a pain in the ass, only use these if your hands are small enough to fully grip the thing. Literally sub-zero levels of ergonomics.
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I hate my 1911
>idiot scratch
>bought the worst one
>buy tt ump45 receiver
>put shit together
>doesn't fucking work at all
>80% of the time light strikes and fucked up cases nose diving into ramp
>change springs out and break a lower in the process because fucking shitty omega lowers don't disassemble the same way as german lowers
>get a new lower with german springs
>light strikes 75% of the time
>get so pissed i put it on a shelf for 6 months
>out of curiosity order a new firing pin since i noticed the pin i have looks a bit odd compared to ones online
>put it in
>fits fine and makes huge indents on snap caps
>my entire problem was because instead of giving me a proper usc firing pin they gave me some jank retarded firing pin
>still haven't shot it since because i'm so pissed that it didn't work that if it doesn't work again i would be tempted to smash it with a sledge then shoot the remains at the range
Taurus 605 defender with cerakote/altamont grip. Just got back from 4th warranty service and went through 50 rounds no problem, will have to test more thoroughly. Previously the cylinder would constantly lock up, wouldn't spin freely, and 2 of the 5 chambers were unfirable, each time i got it back from taurus nothing changed until this last time. Warranty paperwork stated chamber headspace and cylinder adjustment each time I received it back. Fuck taurus. The cerakote is dog shit too, wears right through on cylinder immediately after firing. At work but might post a pic later if can remember. Owned a taurus 856 snub before that and had no issues but one bad experience like this is enough to just go with anything but taurus in the future. They wouldn't refund or exchange me bc I didn't purchase directly from taurus.
>2012 or so
>fucking love my $230 Makarov
>9x18 is $5 for a box of 50 at Academy and it's always in stock
>bought Polish P-64 for $180
>can't beat that price and I do love 9x18 Mak
>take it to the range
>literally has a 24lb trigger
>snaps so much it's painful
>my hand is bleeding after firing it a mere SIX TIMES
>sell it immediately

Worst pistol I ever owned. Thanks, Obama.

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Ukraine is fighting against a much more numerous opponent with extremely heavy and deep fortifications. Would tunnels be a good way for them to evade Russian bombs and bypass Russian lines?

Both the Viet Cong and Hamas have made heavy use of tunnels, for logistics, hiding their fighters, and infiltrating behind enemy lines. North Korea has also secretly constucted many tunnels to infiltrate South Korea, and the tunnels of Azovstal enabled the defenders of Mariupol to hold out for quite a while against superior forces.

Tunnels can be dug with few resources. Reportedly, Hamas tunnellers equipped just with jackhammers can dig 4-5 meters per day. Ukraine has some 5.5 million pensioners between 60 and 69, many of whom may still be fit enough to operate a jackhammer or push wheelbarrows, and with proper shift rotations and better equipment,, would probably be able to dig faster than Hamas.

These tunnels would allow Ukraine to sneak special forces behind Russian lines, deliver supplies to their forces without facing the threat of Lancets and FPVs, launch FPVs behind Russian lines to hit trains thought to be far enough away, move artillery around without threat of drones, store supplies, detonate bombs below Russian positions, and protect civilians by relocating the civilian population underground. Mud would probably be irrelevant 20-30 meters belowground, as well.

So /k/, would it be worth it for Ukraine to mobilize its elderly population as tunnelers in order to gain a major battlefild advantage?
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It's a recently drained drydock or a port during low tide, and those are normal bottom-dwelling sea animals whatever they're called
just lazy, and I doubt that hummus has set up enough ventilation control to thwart getting gassed
Tunnels were used by RF to attack Chasiv Yar. There was an issue with the width of the tunnels, however, and this meant that the RF couldn't casevac through the tunnels at all, which really limited their effectiveness.

I haven't heard of Ukes tunneling since Bahkmut.

I assume OP knows something and is using this thread to mock Ukraine
>What are you even talking about?
You keep being told that the distances in ukraine would make a tunnel system unreliable, vulnerable, impossible to build without being detected and a waste of time and resources. The similarities with Gaza are null.
You keep being given valid reasons as to why it's a stupid idea and you continue doubling down, then pretending you don't understand plain English. It's because you want it to be a stroke of genius, you didn't consider the variables and you're utterly desperate for validation.
>Russians are hard stuck on Avdiivka proper, in some places the lines from 2014 haven't moved an inch
>Someone in Russia somehow obtains some ancient schematics for an industrial operation from the 50s
>There is a drainage pipe several kilometers long extending from the middle of Avdiivka all the way to behind the Russian lines
>It's only wide enough to send one man at a time through, crawling on hands and knees, with whatever he can carry on his back
>The first group is a company-sized element that gathers into a group in central Avdiivka and then starts attacking the Ukrainian lines from the rear
>This situation is obviously a huge surprise to Ukraine, but they ultimately mop up this group by the end of the day, with concentrated mortar fire
>Ukrainian lines get bolstered in the spot that's at risk, but Russians keep sending men through the pipe anyway
>The exact location of the pipe entrance is unknown so it can't be watched directly
>Despite concentrated mortar fire in the few blocks they can get to, the mobik stream continues through the pipe
>Unable to find and stop the pipe, Ukraine finally withdraws from its heavily fortified positions before the situation gets worse
Russians had to lose several hundred men for basically no casualties inflicted in return, but on a tactical level it was a literal undermining of one of the most well-fortified points in the entire war. It's actually an excellent demonstration of how important tactics can be - a bunch of mobiks with no equipment larger than an infantry mortar managed to force a withdrawal, while the mass armored attacks with obscene costs could not.

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