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>Battleship sized guns
>Able to tackle anything up to a battleship
>able to run from a battleship

Alaska was a battle cruiser.
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Technically CA stands for "Armored Cruiser".
>cost as much
probably not but, after Dec 1941 everything became very resource intensive, both Alaska and Iowa class gunboats were large hulls requiring lots of steel that could be going into fleet carriers. It's why these classes were cut short (and the Montanas never built either) especially after the key naval battles of 1942
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I don't remember the fire arcs for Kongo's main battery but not all ships fired directly over their bows/ sterns.
The turret FCS likely had some sort of interrupter to prevent it from firing in that part of the arc.
> I’m considering the ww2 heavy cruisers more of an evolution of the protected cruise concept.
Literally the exact opposite.
> What even was the point of the Alaska class?
Diddle the super cruisers the USN thought Japan was building.

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A thread for comparing, contrasting, designing, sharing and discussing camouflage patterns.

> Camopedia: A thorough, though not quite definitive wiki of camo patterns:

> .rar file with scans of 228 patterns from across the world:

> Brent0331's camouflage effectiveness tests - playlist of videos demonstrating 150+ patterns, from a great /k/ youtuber with other useful videos such as infantry / squad tactics, camo face paint, etc:

> Classic guy cramer description of camouflage methodology:

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looks like dot44 came outta nowhere folks
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for the dot44 im not sure if id do it in a BDU/TCU or start it off with a combat shirt like picrel example
>LATPAT pants
I swear you are an asocial influencer and I too will have LATPAT LOUNGE PANTS FOR SUPERIOR LOUNGING!
>Ballot box stuffing
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CRAPpat is the marking of the indo-sino people's republic of canada therefore making you and anyone branding the communist's mark my enemy

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I'm hypothetically a millionaire/billionaire and I'm going through a midlife crisis and want to purchase for myself a rated warship so i can go blow up Somali pirates and/or Chinese illegal fishing boats
Which flag do I sail under(officially when I'm not flying the skull and crossbones), and what are my chances of getting a letter of marque from the U.S. Congress? Where do I resupply?
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They have to get a taste. 10% should be more than enough. The environment gag is a smoke screen. It's about paying your "taxes".
>>62084414 yeah yeah whatever this thime though it'd be china
Pirating with a fleet of destroyers would be kino as fuck

You could not pay me any amount of money to board a submarine made by fucking chinks.
If your idea is to throw stink bombs at a ship that processes whales, you’re dumb.

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Was Kojimas design the perfect homemade weapon? or whats your opinion about his gun
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Wonder how many annual school shootings japan has
The fact that people consider ~20 anonymous children's lives to be worth giving up society's basic personal rights is what is wrong with society.
>In an alternate universe autoclicker macro is considered a machine gun by atf
Bouncer for three years. Have you ever even fired a gun, bugman?
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Gonna post some close ups of the guns and kits the Kenyan police are operating
Here's a video of them landing
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A few police stations were won again
You saw right through the trick question. It’s always all of the above.
the same percent that left, 100
>Use M4s
>No optics on them
They took back a hospital

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the board of /k/ set sail from Kings Landing with a ship full of soldiers and officers to go far East. Where you go there will be dark mages, warlocks, demons, cults, pirates, barbarians, slavers, monsters.

We will be going to places that are hot, cold, forest and face all kinds of danger.
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C'mon Martin
i vote to kill all of the elves right NOW
>t. 5'4 (dwarf)
>ears like knives
>take their lives

Well there's where you loot then. Burn Bravos to the ground slaughter the inhabitants, and proclaim yourselves the Savior of Essos to the poor bastards crushed by the weight of the Iron Bank.
By essos standards you're a centurion.

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Here it is, your moment of zen. US long-range missiles will return to the heartland by 2026. Meanwhile, euros will design and build their own long-range deterrence. The program will be called ELSA (European Long-Range Strike Approach). There are said to be multiple parts.

Most specifically, we know of Deep Precision Strike System. This is a ground-launched missile system to hit Moscow and 2000km targets. Euros have wanted their own Typhon for a while. At Eurosatory, MBDA introduced a missile for such a thing.

Who is involved: At this week's NATO summit, France + Germany + Italy + Poland signed an MOU. Spain and Sweden might also be interested. The US will deploy Tomahawk and gang to Germany while the eurofrens get their act together.


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> building icbm without putting nuke on them
Absolutely retarded move
Any icbm launch in a substantial number would be met with full counterforce and countervalue from all the biggest nuclear powers, so it isn't about any kind of restriction here, you dimwit.
And, citing how the us/uk, last but not least poccia failed to adhere to the budapest memorandum in guaranteeing ua security in exchange of forcing them to give up their nukes. A g*rm administration with any balls would instantly forfeit the 2+4 treaty anyway, but here we are
They are butthurt because even at /pol/ they have started to get wrecked as evwn the thirdies can smell their weakness now.
cause you need actual missiles to deliver those nuclear warheads, since nuclear bombs can't just grow itself a pair of wings.
And anti ballistic missile tech are getting better. With donny and vance chance of becoming jewmerica next supreme leaders, you always have to take everything into account, even jewmerica align itself with vatnikstan
>why don't german just build their own hypersonic long range missile ?
it's not that the knowledge or manufacturing capabilities aren't there
DLR made multiple hypersonic gliders over the years and has research groups on it
MBDA already makes the Meteor which could most likely be hypersonic in a bigger variant, ArianeGroup makes the (future) french hypersonic missile and Diehl has probably enough knowledge too

but there wasn't a need for hypersonic missiles (until now)
pre 2022 Russia was "peaceful enough"
and the widespread believe (from German politicians) was, that deep enough economic ties would prevent them from doing anything stupid

and even today
Russia can't even stop old(ish) cruise missiles from Ukraine
and most of the war plays out with tanks and drones
so these are probably the fields Germany should invest in on a more acute basis (and they are doing so, more Skyshield, more Iris-T, more Lasers, more Leopards, more Eurofighter / F35)
> making leopoor tonk in 2024
brainlet take
future afv will be modular with aps and armed with bvr anti tank missile. Armor will be as minimal as possible, probably only enough to resist rifle/auto cannon fire
you heard it here first

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The Kraken division is getting a new FPV drone from a German startup called Donaustahl (lol)
Standout features:
>modular, with optional IR/thermal cameras
>multiwarhead, with a "click" system to attach the explosives
>effective combat range of 5 to 7 km, a vertical ascent rate of up to 18 to 22 m/s, a maximum speed of 140 km/h and can be equipped with a wide range of payloads weighing a maximum of 2.7 kg
>made of a specially treated wood, making it 10% heavier but 75% cheaper compared to carbon
>AI capabilities to autonomously identify targets
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fpv camera switcher unit is like $8, you can run two on the platform with most stacks now.
Hell, most frames are designed for FPV camera+gopro, you even have space and weight capacity on commercial frames.
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how many are they able to churn out and at what cost? they have to compare to ukie workshop drones and some of those workshops are fucking god tier. just look at what magyar birds are capable of
Kraken/Azov are where all the young guys are going because they have a good reputation. This has been causing seethe from competing nationalist groups for a while now who need fresh blood.
you can print some mount to put 2 cameras on the same quad ez. why would you want to tho it mostly adds a complication and failure point. atleast for night bombing

i think for day bombing the quality of analog FPV is too shit for thermals to be an advantage

theres also the caddx infra
i heard they have a digital version. i wonder if they support the avatar system. i have a 1.6 inch whoop and a 4 inch quad with the 1s lite avatar and a 7 inch quad with the moonlight kit

>Assault rifle 15
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maybe these two
>Glock 45
>It's chambered in 9x19 parabellum
>Rocket-Propelled-Grenade 7

>Mark 23 but no Mark aged 23 is to be found.

Moskva was sunk, Kuznetsov is out of commission, the last 2 victory day parades have had a single T-34, the turtle tank was bombed. What else of note do the Russians have left? What will they still have if this conflict ends?
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Oh wow russia has more planes than ukraine, I am shocked and demoralized
What about what I said was not correct? These things are objectively correct:
>Russia took land in the invasion
>Russian military doctrine has historically been based on the idea of trading land for time, lives, equipment, and resources (Napoleon's invasion, Hitler's invasion, etc.)
>they still have more planes but can't use them to their full effect because of AD
>Russia is wrecking occupied territory while Ukraine has been confined to repelling Russia and surgical strikes on oil refineries
Russia is not in a good position. They can't make any serious advances, but that doesn't mean that Ukraine is in a good position. The Russians have wrecked a lot of infrastructure, destroyed several cities, and severely depleted Ukraine's pre-war population. I don't see it ending any time soon because Putin is willing to throw everything and everyone he has into a meat grinder to "win" his current holdings.

I'm not even Russian or on their side. Denying reality and laughing at memes doesn't end the war on favorable terms for Ukraine.
Go get him Poland!
>trying to argue with a cult
That said, the russian air force is only big because large parts of it isn't really involved in the fighting. All the frontline squadrons suffer heavy casualties either when their bases get bombed or they fly anywhere near a manpad. The second russia tries to commit more air power those losses will climb proportionally. Even lobbing PGM's from across the border is resulting is losses, there's no real hiding
>The Russians have wrecked a lot of infrastructure, destroyed several cities, and severely depleted Ukraine's pre-war population
And russia has lost the vast majority of it's pre-invasion forces, their stockpiles are running lower than ever and their economy is being held together by sheer denial of reality.
Compared to russia Ukraine is absolutely in a good position.

I sleep safely at night knowing these hero's are protecting me from assault guns.
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That's a nice antique I hope it is where it belongs now in a museum looks late 18th century or early 19th (it has a ring and not a swan necked hammer so probably 1805-1830) stock type is very similar to the US 1816 model or late Georgian English pistols. It is also incapable of firing as the top jaw on the hammer is missing

Its 100% real imo
samefag I'm pushing it here but as the barrel is pinned in that manner I would say an English maker or influenced by them
>D E L L I N G E R
my fucking sides

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Alright /k/ Give me the facts or just opinion on the .40 S&W round. History, shit talking whatever I wanna hear it all.
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unless that comp also weighs 2 lbs I think you're being delusional
To be fair my 10mm is an xdm elite so my 460 has a half pound on it before the compensator.
Regardless I shot them both side by side (180gn ammo inc jhp for the 10 and underwood 185gn jhp for the 460) and the 460 was softer shooting to my hands.
Back on topic, they were both more fun to shoot and more effective than my .40.
>.40 has maybe some significant punch
it does period. (9mm, .45 ACP and others included)
nta with the bestMM bros but .40 has a lot of practical deployement in the correct suited platform >>62087438
If it works and you select the right pistol for you there's nothing at all wrong with .40
it's probably not as suited a caliber in many compacts and most subcompacts, for example
I wouldn't be expecting good or worthwhile overall performance from it in less than, say, 3.5" barrels
Youtube it

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cool dudez other kinds of tactical gear
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I hate that men don’t have to do much to look good. Just have a haircut (often times not even needed), be slightly athletic or just not overweight and wear jeans and a t-shirt. No makeup needed, no fancy clothes, like just don’t be a disgusting slob that wears some anime costume and you are all set.

would thiccc mud actually eliminate your thermal signature?
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Wasn't the jungle so hot that ambient temp and body temp would essentially be the same, and therefore mammals would barely show up on thermal? I bet that jungle was 98 degrees or thereabouts.
yes I am disabled. how dare you?
"dispersing" thermal radiation doesn't work. you just turn yourself into more of a black body. there's a reason thermal radiation shielding tends to be shiny
It's all the electromagnetic spectrum. (You), however, are on an entirely different spectrum.
He does because he's an idiot, but at the same time if the sun is out you are reflecting heat as well as releasing it, mud could well mask your body temp by reducing infrared dumping in bands that IR cameras use.
But you'd have to test different materials.
you do know that different parts of the EM spectrum react differently with different materials, right?
true, the only way to settle it is to actually measure the emissivity across the relevant parts of the spectrum

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old thread: >>62080780
Have you thought about Rome yet today?
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Molon Labe you filthy commie
cute maids

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