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>houthis hit another ship in the red aea

how can shitass rebels keep dunking on NATO's navies?
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I fucken laffed
NATO assets?
>we're reaching copium levels that shouldn't be possible.jpg
Wait, when did this happen? Is this recent?

Is there a source?

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>A Russian SU-34 launches a satellite guided FAB-3000 from space altitude at Ukrainian positions below.
What's the service ceiling of the Su-34s?
My condolences to the people of the BNR.
>space altitude
I'm fucking sick of this. It's not even half way to space.
If I'm only a third of a way in a pussy I'm not hitting her cervix.
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>from space altitude
kek. Sure they did. puccia stronk and not need some faggy rockets of western homos

Anyway those cockhols in belgorod will never know what hit em

Haven't had this thread in a while. Thinking of replacing the food/drink section with uniform and equipment sections.
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hard to beat a good ol fashioned
>it's surprisingly accurate
once you animefy a caricature all body and face proportions go out the window so it's impossible to tell what the real life inspiration really looks like anyway
>fucked around with two
How's that work anon? They decide they wanna try dick or was it a threesome thing?
Maybe it was a “fucked around and found out” reference.
They were making out, anon creeped them out and they strap-oned his ass.
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not like the old Bodyguard, now designed like a mini-M&P Shield but in .380 ACP
10- and 12-round magazines

>Ruger LCP Max--------------5.22"----------------4.12"------------0.97"---------------------10.6 oz
>Bodyguard 2.0----------------5.5"-------------------4"------------------0.875"------------------9.8 oz
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Is it a retarded to trim down the trigger safety like pic related so a gloved hand can slip in without snagging?
Extremely retarded. Removing the dingus from almost any trigger like this is very easy if you want to do away with it. If you shorten it, it won't disengage and easily or reliably, it just increases the odds of it catching on a gloved finger and fucking you when you really need it.
love mine. minimal over travel, well defined wall and clean break. I don't like that it's plastic, but that's unavoidable and I'm a fudd for feeling that way. I wish I could get an exact 1:1 metal one, I wouldn't really want to change much else.
Just buy a Sig at that point if you want to shoot yourself in the dick
I want it with a safety but it isn't available anywhere yet. About to order a safetyless one off guns.com tho

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Wild Hornets showcased the Queen Hornet, an unusually large combat FPV created at the request of K-2 commander Kyril Veres. It is used in a variety of roles: bomber, cargo, mother ship, repeater, and so forth. The first gen has been put through trial by fire and the second gen is forthcoming.
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nah, 20mm rockets maybe, but it's still a bit of waste
everything on this is off the shelf parts

you can get a foxeer/iflight/axisflying 13 inch frame really cheap
Dude it's literally just a drone with big motors, motor controllers, and batteries. All off the shelf parts from amazon.
Bro all these drones are assembled from parts Made in China.
Is there a point to this if it can only carry one drone? Is the point here that the smaller drone has a big payload and a small battery?

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Tor training textbook. 68 pages.

Pantsir-S operating manual. 204 pages.
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Checked and blessed. Thanks. It was giving me random whiney error box. Assumed it was the filesize. So: both virustotal links in >>62093233 show clean scans, for anyone concerned about the PDFs.
nice find, but are training manuals really of any value if they don't go into the details of the electronics and other sensitive shit?
Well the last leak revealed T-80BVM can only carry 14 rounds of APFSDS, so yeah they can be good for a laugh
btw most of these leaks, while intresting, don't reveal much, think that the supposed reader is your vodka addict vatnik, hence they only show you how to use them, still a cool addiction
Looks good to me

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Remember when Russians boasted about their R-37M? What happened to it? 900 days into war and Ukrainian old Soviet airforce can still perform missions
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The west tries to downplay this, but many successful strikes have been carried out, most recently on the childrens hospital (banderites) and animal shelters (dog banderites) and the zoo (foreign agent banderites)
Russia has no AWACS left to be able to perform missions effectively.
>From outcomes ranging from "Belgorod bombed" to "Belgorod bombed again"
Truly imпpessive.
>cannon fire
>Anno Domini 2024
Go back, /v/irgin
This, they need to update the target data on real time so they can guide the missile near their target so it can get a lock on, but something happened to their AWACS and before thatl, to some big ass ship with a very long range radar they had stationed in the middle of the black sea so now they are not as effective.

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Why do games keep glazing the desert eagle when they suck irl?
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It was always American, jews just served as an OEM because magnum research didn't have the equipment to mass manufacture it. I suppose also you think they created it for the IDF to destroy engine blocks at checkpoints?
If irl combat was also spawning into a small 6v6 arena then the deagle would be just as good as ingame.
That was because you weren’t manly enough and limpwristed it every shot.
It is American.
it is strange that you say this because (allegedly) iwi didn't have the manufacturing capacity to make their own steel framed handgun so they asked tanfoglio, which is why the jericho is a tanfoglio clone

well, it's not strange, this is jewish oral history, by definition it's going to be a fog of half-truths and contradictions meant to try and prevent anybody from coming to an individual understanding of the truth. that's what their society and culture is built around

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>Trying to get a CCW permit in Los Angeles.
Good God, this process is beyond ridiculous. I've already paid $400 for the initial application fees, and I still have to pay for an 8-hour gun safety course and more application fees down the road. Plus, I need to submit every imaginable document and wait months for them to process it. And how is it even constitutional for them to make you provide character references? I wouldn't be going through this if my girlfriend and I hadn't been jumped by cholos two weeks ago in our relatively safe neighborhood. This place is unlivable. Hopefully I never have to use my CCW, or I'm probably going to be locked up forever.
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Things have changed in the last few years and it's much more possible to get one now, it's just a huge pain in the ass and takes as much as a year to get through the whole convoluted process.

At least LA has a process. Try getting a CCW in San Francisco, lol.
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I think that's for establishing a reasonable fear for your life if someone ventilates them in a self defense shooting. Brandishing/assault with a firearm both require a real, loaded gun in California. Always read what unreasonable bullshit your state's AIPAC housegoys have legislated, it may save you a felony conviction and years of your life.

How many million? That sounds like a lot.
hahahahahah shut the fuck up, burger

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What will NATO do once the armatas start rolling into ukraine and conquer it? Putin is just waiting for NATO to send the latest aid package before he annexes everything
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Not much use if they drown in ponds before even making it to the sea.
Kim no can swim. Yet him was dim and on a whim went to skim the water and lost life and limb
idk, sexo with marichka
>got drunk
>hopped in russian lake
Maybe he was just used to clean and pure best korean waters and the polluted ruskie lake just ate him alive, explaining the weird toxins in his system
Russian military kicked out civilians from 14 settlements in Bilhorod with the purpose of occupying their homes for use in the SMO.

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its 2024 why do millitary radios still look like a giant brick?
ive noted this with a lot of millitary gear it tends to be very oversized and too heavy for it's purpose.
cant they fit the same electronics in a nokia 3310 form factor? that thing was already indestructible
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whats the power level of those radios?

i dont think the size helps with that a lot , maybe it has a gigantic battery that lasts a week
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Power output and required ruggedness. If your outside of the wire for 3 days you don’t want to have to lug 6 spare batteries
PP, kys.
It's not about the power level, but heat dissipation. Smaller components have less surface area to get rid of the waste heat created by electrical resistance. Sure, you could bolt a bunch of heatsinks onto everything that gets hot... but heatsinks add weight and they're yet another component that could come loose from vibration, impacts or elastic deformation of other parts. Right now it's just simpler and more cost efficient to make it bigger.

Since heat transfer gets more efficient with higher temperature differences, if you can make your electronics that are more tolerant to high temperatures, you can scale component sizes down while retaining the same power level and resistive losses. Your main limitation is the degradation of components and electrical contacts from heat and thermal cycling.
it needs to survive 10+ years with shit maintence and neglect while also be able to function perfectly. Thus the need for it to be a foot long and built like a brick.

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They can't stop the Ike
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He's doing his job (see >>62092640 ) and this has the added effect of putting family who are related to the people on board at ease a bit.

Good. Fuck them weirdos.
Cute dog, would play fetch with
That was the thread where I learned John McCain was apparently an air force pilot, amongst other things
Would these negresses.
Based Aunt Jemima aficionado

Thread for reading the comfiest national defense publication. The whitepaper discloses info about Japan's weapons development along with discussing its strategic posture. 50th edition!

English https://www.mod.go.jp/en/publ/w_paper
Japanese https://www.mod.go.jp/j/press/wp
For kids https://www.mod.go.jp/j/kids/wp
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the heat of the jet engine cooks the egg
Best Defense of Japan - be on friendly terms with China and Russia, drop claims on Kuril Islands. Spend money on unfucking your demographics.
A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha snort. You serious, bro? Be friends with the two most untrustworthy, backstabbing, liar pants on fire, scam central nations?
>be on friendly terms with China and Russia
Literally impossible. They don't have friends, only slaves and enemies.
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I really like their covers

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Tactical /k/ots are now viable for war
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Nta but i got got pretty good by mine. He was over in the middle of a construction yard having a standoff with 3-4 street cats. He thought i was embarrassing him in front of the boys so he gouged my thumb webbing with his back feets when i went to pick him up. The back ones seem dull but are real work doers for cats when they actually want to put their weight into it. Stitch worthy wound.
you've never been *really* scratched by a cat then
You're both pussies
>You're both pussies
In this context, it's very ambiguous whether that's a slight or admiration.
I work with dogs and machines, and the machines are far worse than the dogs for actually finding things because they are set-up to report even the smallest trace of a possible indication. Because of this, they go off all the time and the only reliable method we have are the dogs because when they indicate, we always find something.
Also, I can give the dogs headpats and play fetch with them between searches, whilst the machines are boring and just sit there doing nothing except getting in the way.

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AK General /akg/
Type 84S-5A Edition
>Thread #2034

Old thread here >>62019222
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It was Samool foreskinenhyde
Wi native here. Both sides are stupid.
No bayonet lug. I might try using a homemade paperclip wire to anchor the base of the bayonet if I end up buying one.
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How do you like the AEMS mister awful camo paintjob ? Legit wondering, might replace my EOTECH.

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