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4th of July Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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probably been answered in a previous thread but are they velcro backed?
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Commencing my bi-threadly Alpha Centauri beg
Ya, everything is velcro-backed
Please make an announcement when these are available
You bastard Aho, I've been waiting for these since you teased em.
Release them already!

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I've heard that Russia is using motorcycle cavalry to assault Ukrainian positions. That sounds very impractical? I can't imagine it actually working; what is the logic and tactic that makes it effective?
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The Indian meat waves that unsuccessfully recon those trenches but you people are vegetarians so it’s actually Indian shitwaves
Mighty puccia reduced to this…?
using chinese plastic toys as weapons also sounds bad if you think about it, but it actually works so who cares
Dirt bikes have been used for decades you zoomer

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this thread is for everyone to pay their respects to the holy weapon cube.
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>Multiple metal detectors and secure checkpoints along the way to ensure that no one approaches the sanktuary unarmed
>organ kontinually plays military marches
Also bagpipes
Balti-murder seems to disagree.
Someone photoshop the cube into the angel's hands
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At Springfield Armory in Mass. they have a small museum devoted to the weapons the armory made.
> this isn't the Springfield Armory in IL
> those fuckers just bought the rights to the name
> this is the place in Mass. that made weapons for the US for 2 centuries (1777 - 1968)
> in the museum they have an "Organ of Rifles"
> it's about 600+ Springfield muskets
> stacked in a beautiful cube
Would make a fitting base for the /k/ube

how does one learn how to be an archer when u live in an apartment?
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I wish I'd thought about doing archery inside my apartment earlier
Just have to put a steel plate behind the target and it's good
Buy a case? And >>62084149
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You can shoot in your apartment?
you stop being an Urbanit and start being a human
They also fear my ORANGE SHAG CARPET.
I actually had a longer shot in my old apartment compared to this house but indoor archery is a matter of personal conviction more than physical constraints so it's up to anon to faito-faito-faito and ganbatte.

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I have made this thread before, but I will do it again to gauge if I get different answers.
You will now have to travel to the far corners of the world. The siberian wilderness, the African jungles, the south-american mountains, deserts and rainforests.

Question: what is your sidearm? And I mean sidearm, the pistol on your side. Not your main big rifle or other shooter. What is the piece you keep under your pillow while your sleep? What kind of gun hangs from your waist when you negotiate with columbian mechanics about the fixing of your car, or with Russian villagers about safe passages on the Road of Bones.

On your journey you may encounter: Bears, lions (and other large wild cats), robbers, wolf packs, wild dogs, highwaymen, maddened moose, possible uncategorized humanoid cryptids of himalayan range, and many, many more. You are going to the far corners of the world. What kind of sidearm/pistol will you trust for this task?
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Hardcast will also wreck havoc on bones, which helps a lot when dealing with larger animals.
Can I get the Webley from anderson wheeler in .357? I’d still take it in .455 or .45 of course. I think many of the uncivilized savages will have a generic memory of it and it will serve as totemically fearsome.
HK USP .45 with 4 magazines loaded with .45 Supers and 6 magazines of regular pressure defensive ammo.
I would read the first half of the first paragraph and then I would reenact the bear scene from baldur's gate to lull the bear into a false sense of security when'st I would'st shoot him with my sniper caliber rifle from about point blank range.
This is a weird question. In one scenario, I'm having to deal with questionable people in populated areas where concealment is high priority. But on the other hand, I have a 600lb grizzly charging, or worse, a pride of lions hunting me while being in the middle of nowhere.
Not feasible to only carry one sidearm and expect for it to handle every single environment and situation you put out

How do I get started on blacksmithing? I want to make a longsword.
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I do too anon. I put in earplugs any time I’m on or using a machine actually.
Even in church (the speakers and music is way too loud)
That’s actually really impressive. Thanks for the encouragement, friend.
What’s cold smithing and what tools do I need for it? I hammered a piece of metal one with years ago. I took a campfire, put a blower to it, got the metal red hot and hit it with a hammer. It did flatten out.
I’m just probably gonna take and dig a rectangular hole and put coal in it if anything.
So say I have a piece of unknown steel. I can make it harder by just getting it hot in coal? Is there a limit to how hard I can get it? How do you even know how hard to get it?
There's a simple forge design on the smithing forums called Just a Box of Dirt, which is pretty much what it sounds like. Costs next to nothing.

I would advise against using unknown steel if you want it hardened. Technically you can make it work but it is completely not worth it. Actual known steel is very affordable in the modern age. Salvage steel from springs and files is not fully known generally but you have enough clues due to it's origins to mostly guess the heat treatability most of the time. Carburizing has limits both to depth of penetration of the carbon AND level of carbon imparted. Back in the medieval days they didn't have anything better. But now higher carbon stuff is dime a dozen. As I said before, you'd be consuming many times the cost of just buying a known standard steel that will be higher quality and higher carbon just to fuel the furnace to carburized an inferior product.
So if I were to make a longsword, what’s arguably the best steel to use?
1045, 1060, 1075, or 1090.

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Opinions on MP7 and P90? Were they ever good?

IMO They are both overpriced weapons and their created usecase (piercing armor) has been made obsolescent. The only good thing to come out of either is the 5.7 caliber for pistols, which I think is viable if you're worried about people with armor coming after you, granted the high price per round. HK was apparently developing their own 4.6 pistol and quit.
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I really like the form of the MP7 and MP9. Magazine in grip, charging handle on top, big enough that you can put whatever you want on it, and you could probably chamber it in cartridges much more powerful than 9mm.
Still not buying the sauerkraut. If someone makes a gun in that style for the US civilian market, I'd be interested.
Also, we have tiny ARs in 5.56 and 300 Blackout now.
>fabrique nationale has made sure that civilians will not benefit from the design of their firearms. they do not want guns in the hands of civilians, they only want military organizations and state governments to use their weapons.
Fuck you talking about? They offer civilian version of everything in their catalog except M240s, even shit that shouldn't sell like semi SAWs. Are you basing all that bitterness on them not offering factory 10.4" PS90 barrels?
>nothing about the gun is particularly expensive, which is what makes its MSRP of $1500 is fucking insane.
Aside from it being 80% made in Belgium, shipped incomplete and finished in VA. Same reason SCARs and SL8s cost.
the U.K. MOD has semi-auto *only* MP7SFs
>File: small weapons

the Brugger & Thomet MP9 (adapted-developed from Steyr TMP) has also been chambered in the saboted 6.5 25mm CBJ cartridge which overall outperforms both HK's 4.6×30mm and FN's 5.7×28mm, with only a barrel change from 9mm.



conversion barrels were also made for SIG SP2022, Glock 17 and MP5K
>good enough to defeat level III
Are you sure it's III and not IIIa?

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So was the f-35 a good idea in the end?
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>cutting edge tech (J-20)
>lust provoking image
for whom? it's a fucking plane
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You're telling me you wouldn't cum all over those abs?
Pretty sure this artist draws this plane having sex, so it literally is indeed a fucking plane.
Oh, I must have overwritten the actual image, fuck.

See you all in Autumn, boys.

Why were paper shotgun shells phased out?
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BP and smokeless rounds are proofed to the same pressure. Specs didn't change but the shells commonly used did.
High brass is also meaningless. It was to prevent very heavy loads of BP from burning through the paper hull. Now it's simply marketing.
Biodegradable plastic just seeps into the ground water and is one of the main causes of testicular shrinkage in men
I assume either they're talking about shooting lead only OR the chambers aren't 2 3/4" and are instead the shorter chamber length I can't think of ATM.
War. They broke and/or got soggy (yes, even when coated with wax).
this, biodegradable plastic is a greenwashing meme

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Why not just give every soldier a .22lr minigun? NATO statistics show that more bullets downrange is better then bigger bullets, that's why they switched from .45ACP to 9mm for pistols. Miniguns are normally heavy but one built for .22lr would weigh only as much as a rifle. Plus the bullet size for .22lr nearly matches 5.56mm, that's why you can convert AR-15s to fire it. Even though a single .22lr bullet lacks stopping power, if you're able to fire 10 of them in the time it takes for a regular rifle to fire 1 you're more likely to score a critical hit.
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>.22lr is 1,240 feet/second
>he doesn't know
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this, p90 is peak performance
1,700-1,240=100 fps
A measly extra 100 feet per second is nothing.
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Uhh...check your calculations anon.
Because it really is quite weak compared to something like anything in 5.56 and the capacity doesn't make up for the reduced range and terminal effectiveness.

I like the P90, I like high cap mags, I like low recoil, and I like ambidextrous bullpups, but the P90 is for non-combat troops to spray bullets as they run away. Now a forward ejecting bullpup rifle in 5.56 without a long turn bolt and carrier and with an attached automatic grenade launcher would be pretty damn sweet, but that will probably never happen.

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why would a hypersonic missile be any more difficult to shoot down? It's not like it's exiting the atmosphere.
NTA, burn time. Lasers need to stay focused not just on the target, but on a single spot for long enough to heat it to the point of failure. That's true of all attempts to intercept a hypersanic, especially if you're dealing with a firing solution other than "it's coming right at us", but there could be other factors that hit lasers particularly hard, such as the level of minute control to keep the beam on the same spot when the target is moving that rapidly. There's also the plasma sheathing thing, which may or may not effect the cohesion of the laser, that's not my field of autism.
>lasers and capacitor banks are huge, you cannot miniaturize into a viable rifle, i dont see this being a reality in the next 100 years.

umm... they already did tho
There is also the fun thing called the inverse square law. Most of these laser systems are on capable of intercepts in the single or low double digits of km. Light loses so much fucking energy over distance and in bad atmospheric conditions. Lasers will always be a CIWS kind of thing

A video popped up for a while of laser weapons in use against inbound low end missiles.

There are many lasers weapons around now. rheinmetall openly promotes them as add on option for their AA set up.

They work fine but all so far need a massive source of energy. Either need to be hooked up to the grid, to a ship with substantial power generation or to a generator the size of a shipping container at the smallest.

You can go smaller but you will only have a couple of short bursts per minute or even less as the capacitors will need longer time to charge between bursts with a smaller power supply.

Also capacitors aren't batteries and need to be constantly charged as they lose power very quickly even when not used so just slapping a few dozens pre charged capacitors on a veichle won't work as they would only keep the charge for a few hours. Also using batteries doesn't work well as batteries while they can store power reliably can't output and input power fast like capacitors do.

So either you need substantial power generation capabilities, direct high voltage grid connection or you need a massive battery+capacitors set up which is likely about as big as a large generator

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In terms of pure aesthetics,
PL-01 mogs.
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>about as functional as the T-14
as absurd as it may sound it's probably more functional than the T-14 since the mockup was basically a Swedish light tank with a bodykit
Its design is unironically too good - it got normies hyped while it's actually just a CV90 body kit.
It's been over a decade but you can still see fresh comments written by retards convinced that we had super high tech tank ready for production but German/US MIC/leftie conspiracy killed the project.

t. Pole
Why the giant sheath on the barrel? It looks silly
This looks like it belongs in a Flash game.
Only if it was hovering

Hi, im not a /k/ guy could someone kindly identify what scope this agent is using and what kind of magnitude it is capible of. Thank you.
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Nightforce 7x35 or 5x25 ATACR
Top of the line. No problem seeing anything.
fuckin server lag
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>what scope this agent is using
Local cops have said they had a 3 man sniper team inside the building but no one on the roof because of manning issues. Shooter bought a step ladder the day before to get on the roof.
it's a big ol' nightforce atacr 7-35

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Is the Fairbairn-Sykes the ultimate throatslitter?
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You don't need a strong tip to pierce flesh, anon.
Yeah it's the hitting the bones part?
FS knives were especially popular for going between the ribs, to pierce the heart and lungs. Of course, there are ribs in the way, and sometimes the strike is imprecise and hits a rib and snaps off the tip. That's the issue with knives with super thin tapers and such is they're very sensitive and will snap off very quickly and easily like we see with FS knives.
This thread has awakened something in me and I just bought 6 survival/combat knives including this one. The only knives I have right now are box cutters.
Negro it's like the 5th post ITT.

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Canadian firearms General
>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

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That's a whole cartridge

Once again proving this belief is only held by ignorant leftist retards
Night frens
I'm going to be up for another 10hrs maybe, but, night, fren.
gn fren
Good job brev

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