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i am starting to wonder if all russian guns just meme, and are actually terrible. the great ak47 that was used in vam was type 56 chinese version, in iraq something.
The distinctions between AKM variants are insignificant. Its not like a Type 56 is going to be more reliable or accurate or powerful because of a hooded front sight and heavier receiver. What separates an intelligent person from a retard is how they respond to new information, the intelligent person will integrate the new detail into his existing worldview making his perspective more nuanced and comprehensive; while the retard will rubberband to the opposite extreme; and be equally as wrong as he was before. AKs not being as amazing as the fuddlore suggests doesn't automatically make them terrible, it just makes them not as good as previously asserted.
or maybe the russians lie alot about everything
russian guns are garbage rods worshiped by contrarians and tankies
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it was seen going north in israel not that long ago.
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huh, why would you need to remove modules during transit? also just drive it from point A to B. the only time it will be flown is when getting delivered
>Merkava’s perfection
are turdies this delusional?
Turdies? Turdies hate merkavas, with good reason, that rascal has twarted Dar Al-Islam too many times!
If America is sending Abrams to Ukraine and even sold it to sand people (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco) I don't see why the fuck not?
Israel should send Merkavas to the Philippines just to make the southern Muslim countries seethe.

would someone please buy our plane?
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Wow, an Indonesian!
what the fuck is going on in this thread
>>62092652 Indonesian chimping.
seamonkey chimp out

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>Feds wants new sniper
>Make it bullpup
>Make it straight pull bolt
>Subsonic 12.7x55mm
>Integrated suppressor
Does all the vodka make them go insane?
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That's what I said.
>Russian Guns.
That's understandable, the Kalashnikov and it's derivatives are pretty good, I really like them myself, I think I'll get an AK-103 soon.
>Chinese guns.
Those are the top dictionaries, anon.
>R'minds me of when I wus snatchin birfdays as a CIA UDT in deep cover with a bluues quartet back in Saigon...

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ain't nothing gay about reflecting on what can ruin a person right out from the gate, unless that thing was a pedophile faggot, then it's extremely gay
late to the thread and prolly a bit too sensitive of a thing thing to ask but what was your psychologist's reply to you explaining why you wouldnt go to another one?
BoB has that soft and fuzzy tone to it that takes off a lot of the rough edges of war with a bit of hindsight and people being either kinder due to emotions having subsided or some degree of correction to make things be a little less shitty so no ones going to think poorly of someone for what they did. Its a bit romanticised to some extent that some of your buddies were not homicidal maniacs, the officers were not all retarded and we survived being deep in the suck with steely eyed determination without anyone going completely fucking bonkers.
GK doesn't have that
So for those of us in that age group its a degree of pride that when Iraq kicked off, we saddled up, didn't necessarily agree about being there but for a lot of us it wasn't our first deployment. Even a comparatively young shitbag like myself at the time had done two peacekeeping tours in Timor and been in the Afghan invasion by then so I knew what I was doing. Often we didn't do things well, we made do and complained a lot but we were not some straight out of basic scrubs that had been driving tractors one day and decided to fight Germans, Japanese, Koreans or Vietnamese the next.
As funny as it will sound- we were professional military.
We didn't give a fuck about the enemy, his religion, politics or what he thought about us, it was all business in that we'd been given a job and just went and did it better than anyone else before us had done.

I got really lucky in that she was very qualified and experienced enough to approach problems from multiple angles. Like everything from career, hobbies, family relationships and actively working to eliminate those problems I had adapting to 'what normal people do' when their life changes. So I have my checklist of things to do and work through when I start struggling trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.
>I don't want to train another psych about me
>Ok, then I'm going to write you up a list of things to train yourself
>Although I'm opposed to mass integration from anywhere no matter what and it has to be controlled somehow someway
Make everywhere as good as everywhere else.
It's literally the long-term solution.

Stamping out serbian-style ethnic conlicts, putting ziggerish proxy shit-stirring out of business and peacekeeper patrols to maintain order and quality of life in disaster zones the rest of it

No easy solutions of course but it's not an easy problem

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Post your favorite 19th century designs
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>19th century designs
Encompassing the greatest era of firearms development is pretty damn hard when at the beginning of the century flintlocks were still the norm, to the autoloading pistol exiting its infancy by the end of the century.

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Does somebody have documents about it?
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Whenever someone mentions Gladio I just remember this commie I used to know who thought the Uvalde school shooting was done by Green Berets as part of Gladio
NATO's members all sit on a council where they decide the most important parts of warfare: shared artillery specifications, logistics and war production. The EU is closely tied to it, due to it's origins as the EEC for coal, steel and electricity production. Both groups strongly influence each other, in a mutually cooperative relationship to defend Europe. In terms of actual warfare, that's up to individual members - the US being the largest member who provides most of the air defense including defining air defense zones.

What exactly do you want to know OP? There's not much more to know unless you think intermodal containers, highway signs, and french marine technology are interesting.
Still wouldn't fix the smell.
GRU hands typed this
uh the mughal empire dude?

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>Trying to get a CCW permit in Los Angeles.
Good God, this process is beyond ridiculous. I've already paid $400 for the initial application fees, and I still have to pay for an 8-hour gun safety course and more application fees down the road. Plus, I need to submit every imaginable document and wait months for them to process it. And how is it even constitutional for them to make you provide character references? I wouldn't be going through this if my girlfriend and I hadn't been jumped by cholos two weeks ago in our relatively safe neighborhood. This place is unlivable. Hopefully I never have to use my CCW, or I'm probably going to be locked up forever.
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your state is such shit that half of the state itself is trying to leave and become part of Idaho
The three girls were regrettably white. The two imbeciles that assaulted me were mexican, not all of them are in that picture.
Things have changed in the last few years and it's much more possible to get one now, it's just a huge pain in the ass and takes as much as a year to get through the whole convoluted process.

At least LA has a process. Try getting a CCW in San Francisco, lol.
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GE claims to have developed and tested a new hypersonic dual-mode ramjet with substantial performance gains over previous art – 3x airflow increase – in work performed over 11 months. Every application of such a thing is military in nature, so theorycraft as you will.
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always has been
>500 kgf
you guys really are a farce
>user of superior metric system
>wants to measure thrust
>thrust is measured in units of force
>can't remember the unit for force in superior metric system
>remembers that stupid americans can differentiate between force and mass in their hacked together system of king appendages and grain buckets by putting "m" or "f" at the back end of their force unit "lb"
>puts an f at the back end of the mass unit and calls it a day
kgf aka the kilopond is just a linear multiple of the newton, you windbag. who gives a single fuck in casual conversation, if his meaning is understood and the dimensional analysis lines up. go excrete yourself near someone else's countertops

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Honestly, why aren't there elective surgeries to replace craniums with bulletproof materials?
The brain is extremely vulnerable otherwise.
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yes, quite often actually
when you maintain a poor diet all your life and you get older, you develop a thing called osteoporosis
one measly fall can be the end for you
Yeah a lot of old age hip breakage, the "fall" is because the bone spontaneously gives way not because you fall and break it.
Get shot in the head before
>Brain turned to mush
>Mush is rapidly ejected through a gaping exit wound
Get shot in the head after
>Brain turned to mush
>Mush stays contained and instead just kind of swirls around inside like a nice brain bisque
>Still dead
do you remove some brain tissue for the backing or just have it jut out conspicuously?
>Nobody expects to be shot from your forehead.
You pay the guy extra to leave the scar so that everyone knows you're packing.

Alright /k/, an elephant just escaped the zoo and decides to run down to your street and fuck your shit up. It has a vendetta just for you and knows where you are and live. You only have time to grab the CLOSEST gun you have by the time you realize it's you or him.

How fucked are you?
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>the CLOSEST gun
that would be a .380, but I have a 12 gauge upstairs with slugs readily accessible (although it would need to be loaded).
I was told a story by a south african professional hunter about a poacher they caught who had a home made muzzle loader that used d cell batteries as projectiles. he had 2 tusks with him when they picked him up so apparently it worked.
What poachers do is shoot an animal in the guts and wait around for it to die of sepsis. Even a musket is good enough to manage that.
>12 gauge shotgun
I think I'm fucked
remember, the elephant in this video >>62086139
is the Indian elephant. The smaller, more docile, and more domesticated species of elephant. It casually murdered a man just by stepping on him.

African elephants are genuinely monstrous, which is a strange juxtaposition when you take into account they're some of the most emotionally sensitive creatures on the planet.

What would space-bound warships look like? Would they follow bowed naval designs we use in the oceans of earth or would they be totally abstract to take advantage of the 0G environment with 360 degree coverage? What kinds of weapons would they use?

Is there a setting that has the most 'realistic' space warships?
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In that book there's just giant war ships that people strap into in liquid pods that help when the AI pilot pulls 40Gs. They don't use missiles because you can't transport people on missiles. The entire point of the ship is to transport people. Missiles are fired at the ship from across the solar system which is why it has to pull 40G maneuvers for hours on end
One of my favorite books. Good taste
Great point, it's crazy that CVNs don't just ram their targets since the air wing has to accelerate to take off and decelerate to land.

Sad thing is you are probably less retarded than the RN Admiralty
that big frontal shield that covers the entire profile is going to be a necessity for any ship, even just for navigation, because hitting little specs of dust and micrometeoroids going several hundred thousand km/h repeatedly during orbital transfers is going to cause a lot of damage to unshielded components
so yeah, everything is gonna look like a big tube

So the first thread timed out but since I'm bored I'll try doing this again.

I've been collecting guns in use by the criminal insurgents in Brazil over the last 10 or so years. Many of these guns I can't really recognize because they all blend together.

I'll post a picture and you all post what guns you think they are and also whats the attachments they got. I'll also post other interestings cheesy guns found in criminal hands.

First we get this strange pistol with a gold slide taken from a killed drug dealer in São Gonçalo in the state of Rio de Janeiro years ago. It looks strange, like a Springfield XD copy.
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The rifle is a Mauser and looks nothing like an Enfield.
I think it may have been built off the Brazilian reserve rifle Mosquefal, would fit the magazine and the rear sight and they were built by reforming 30-06 Mauser rifles.
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Shifting a little from just guns to pictures of the guns and their users. This one is a drug dealer, a "Hill Soldier" or just soldier, the basic rank and one of the most common roles of the structure of the paramilitary drug cartels that fight over Brazil in the last 40 years. In the 1980s and early 1990s, before the spread of these organizations to outside Rio de Janeiro city, they were the only ones allowed to carry rifles.

This one has a FN FAL with a rifle grenade and a loadout for guarding high priority spots on the territory or for an assault on a hard target. As part of the urban guerrilla war strategy the Red Command brought to Rio de Janeiro, camo uniforms became sought after along with the rifles and explosives.
I like to pretend my 7.62x25 has a favella twin out there somewhere...
What the actual hell is that anon

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4th of July Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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probably been answered in a previous thread but are they velcro backed?
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Commencing my bi-threadly Alpha Centauri beg
Ya, everything is velcro-backed
Please make an announcement when these are available
You bastard Aho, I've been waiting for these since you teased em.
Release them already!

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I've heard that Russia is using motorcycle cavalry to assault Ukrainian positions. That sounds very impractical? I can't imagine it actually working; what is the logic and tactic that makes it effective?
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The Indian meat waves that unsuccessfully recon those trenches but you people are vegetarians so it’s actually Indian shitwaves
Mighty puccia reduced to this…?
using chinese plastic toys as weapons also sounds bad if you think about it, but it actually works so who cares
Dirt bikes have been used for decades you zoomer

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