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I am look in to the weapons used in the "troubles' both side, pre and pro libya
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Looks like one of the Stenlings.
You aren't Irish. We bitch at you because we can tell one of our own from those who simply wish to be like them. You don't use the right words, the right tone, the right attitude. You're just some random international seething about something you can never be, regardless of what your blood tests tell you or how you present yourself to the world. You ain't no Mick in mind, body or soul and you never will be.
Cuiridh mi geall gu bheil na h-amadan a' smaoineachadh gu bheil mi a' bruidhinn Gaeilge an-dràsta nuair a tha mi a' bruidhinn ann an Albannach, ach feuch an urrainn dhaibh obrachadh a-mach e.
Armi-Jager AP-80, yeah, it's a blowback .22LR action in a fake shell.
Bumping this thread since I really like the topic. Just got back from Belfast after learning some history from a former IRA arms dealer, so it's cool to see photos of the stuff he was involved with.

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Why are gun guys and anyone whos into guns even a little bit total jack asses? Stop being so uptight and miserable about guns you fucking meat heads. I know its a gun I know its dangerous I know what Im doing stop fucking being condescending to every fucking body. Why dont you fucking give me my shit and stop looking at me like ur fucking annoyed that I want to buy your fucking shit guns because Im a nice guy and ur just a fucking miserable sack of shit who thinks hes better than everyone else because u work in a gun shop or u fucking been around guns forever. Idc
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"gun guys" dont get to shoot much so they make up fake stories and argue about it online instead
When a zoomie walks into the store I work at I feed them ridiculous stretches of my imagination just to see if it ends up on this board
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lets hear some stories anon
Bad thread
Bad bait
Neck yourself
In much the same way as "If the only common denominator in all your failed relationships is _you_ then maybe you're the problem." I will say that "If the common denominator of gun folks treating you like a know nothing idiot is _you_ then you're probably a know nothing idiot."

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When exactly did the company fall off?
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>what are stress concentrations and fatigue loading
t. aerospace engineer that actually builds shit
Neither of mine wobble at all when put together. My older 870 Express is a little sloppy with the Surefire forend in that it will such maybe a 1/4 inch when standing up. My 870P doesn’t jiggle at all. Maybe that’s a spring issue?
Ages ago when they started importing MP 153s from Russia (not actually a bad gun) and re branding them as Remington. They were not a gun maker at that point just a label
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I hate equity firms SO MUCH
>t.Boeing employee

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you could say gen 2 tavor is not the most iconic weapon of this war
you'd be wrong tho
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>image: exists
>/pol/: *shits self*
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You'd think they'd have kept it rather than switch to an AR. If Israel is dumping bullpoops with all the urban warfare they do, the entire concept really is donezo.
Don't worry. TMD is proceeding apace.
north border status?
wtf how did a tavor do that
is the guy ok

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Let me guess, you need more?
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>astronomically less
>"astronomically" [<---Lol.]
Are (You) the same teenage retard who posted on the other thread with hyperbolic grammar?

yes I agree that the Bodyguard 2.0 might ?? have recoil issues due to its inherent light weight.
we do not know how it shoots, until the pistol is in hand and tested.
I also agree that the Glock 42, among current subcompact-micro .380s, is top of the heap in shooting comfortably for most users; size/weight appropriate for the round and its recoil impulse
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>Bodyguard 2.0

Sootch has a vid review on the thread >>62053127
it's gtg
I one one of those with a 60 shot clip
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>want G42 after everyone praises it
>read about a bunch of problems in early ones
>buy one that is recent production with most recent magazine revision.
>Buy 3rd mag, Lube, and head to range
>Have 49 malfunctions out of 50 rounds of Fiocchi USA made 380
>not even mad, actually laughing at the absurdity
>go up to shop and buy some S&B and Italian Fiocchi 380
>runs like a sewing machine for 150 rounds
>no problems since

I'm very conflicted on my experience with the G42. Could have been a bad lot of ammo or burr that smoothed out. Still 49/50 malfunctions doesn't inspire confidence.
>owned one
>jammed constantly
>would lock back in the middle of a magazine at least once per mag
>traded it for a Mossberg 500 after 6 months

We're not dead yet edition

post wood (furniture)
post projects
give signs of life
buy more ammo than you shoot
Frens don't give up on frens

thread theme ~ https://youtu.be/5Js0ea6yPKM?si=tTS1SMMwObxgKHEX

As always;No Trips, No Traps, No Airsoft
Previously on /brg/: >>61987816
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>while belonging to a surp backplate

It definitely was tired then, almost every surp spring I’ve seen has been almost completely blown out, the one on my collapsible stock was so light it wouldn’t even strip rounds out of the magazine unless you forced the bolt forward with your fingers.
>the bolt isnt actually supposed to slam into the buffer on the g3, the piston is supposed to stop that from happening.
Based accountant anon.
Bless you, op.
Think of it like a safety feature, like a backup alarm in heavy equipment.
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I just wanted to post this.

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Which side are you on?
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We can rebuild him.
so how do you have a smoke

okay I'll admit this is kino
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take that back

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How do you win the Peninsular War as the French?
Give this nigga full command.
Arm the skirmishers with rifles and dress them in green.

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Some bling bling gats from the Tower of London
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And finally this weird thing, blingiest of them all
Oh, that is absolutely bitchin'.
>I wanna look fancy as I die because I only have 6 rounds
Fucking why? Why are revolverfags the swordfags of guns?
check what thread you're in
Semiauto pistols will always look better than revolvers. The most you guys have is stopping power, and even this is considered a meme by many.

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Thank fuck retards bought this and not something actually competent.
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should have used a lithgow arms rifle instead
Templeof Set is interesting
>You and your ilk are one of many actual root causes for western societal decay.
That would be the religious bullshit that delayed his development.
Fight the root cause.
>He just popped up in the background
Staged shooting confirmed, they even used a globohomo crisis actor.

Is this really a BlackRock v Zillo shadow war?
Where did the antifa angle coming from? People even tried claiming that a completely random Antifa member did the shooting even though we had pictures of the actual shooter the first day. I'm sick and tired of you schizo faggots and your retarded theories.

They make pretty good 1911s that feel just like 1911A1s, at least better copies than the Filipinos. They make all sorts of other guns too. The only competition wants $1200 for one, and they could undercut that easily.
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what do u do with it?
Get back to me when it’s $399 for a case
>chiappa m1 9
Sad; Iver Johnson used to make an actual gas-operated M1 Carbine in 9mm.
That or one in 5.7 Johnson would interest me.

North America Edition.

Post military surplus firearms and weapons originating from or used on the North American continent. From Danish Sirius Patrol m/53 to Costa Rican Mausers.

Previous editions of this thread >>61919184 are obsolete.

Post 'em 'surps!
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Yugo M70ab2
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>sub-20MOA at 50 yards

Lmao. I had seen some success stories and hoped 1 of the 2 rifles had an ok bore.
How bad is the bore of that rifle?
The m95 I mean.
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A .330 diameter bullet actually doesn’t drop in the end of the bore, so there is a slight amount of life in it. DESU if someone counterbored it and cast bullets it would probably shoot. There is definitely visible rifling, just very worn.

The other one which is better doesn’t swallow a bullet as much. So that one has much more hope. I just don’t know if I want to spend the time/money to learn how to cast bullets for it and possibly get it counterbored. My 8x50r reloads shot so nice that I’d actually like to end up having a shootable rifle. Recoil was surprisingly light.

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ITT: /k/ if the US lost the revolutionary war
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the fuck are you babbling about dipshit?
The actually important WWII technology, mass production, electronics, computing, telecommunications, radar and sensors, were overwhelmingly British and American.
And it had jack shit to do with US patent law, because it wasn't invented in the US.
Most of /k/ would be Britannian, Area 11 supporters would be vatniks

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>The U.S. Navy’s Next Generation Fighter program could see its budget, which was already set to be truncated, slashed much further in the next fiscal year. Members of the Senate are proposing to give the service nearly 90 percent less funding than it asked for to support continued work on what is more commonly referred to as F/A-XX. This comes amid growing uncertainty about the future of a similar U.S. Air Force program to develop a new crewed sixth-generation stealth combat jet as part of that service’s Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) modernization initiative.
>A new draft of the annual defense policy bill, or National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), for the 2025 Fiscal Year that the Senate Armed Services Committee released last week would authorize $53.828 million for the Next Generation Fighter program. The Navy had requested $453.828 million for F/A-XX in the upcoming fiscal cycle, which starts on October 1 of this year. Aviation Week was among the first to spot the massive proposed reduction in funding.
Why does It keep happening navybros?:
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>Sukhoi Su-57
>still pretending Russian vaporware is worth anything
Ukraine war pretty much kicks all the future us manned fighter programs in the ball. The B-21 escapes because it's on time and a bomber
God I hate dronefags
What's happening is scope for both 6th-generation programs has become better defined (read: Congress is stopping mission creep, possibly influenced by Ukraine). Consequently, R&D is winding down ahead of design selection. It's a good thing.

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>built in turkey
>seaborn turkshit
uh oh
My best guess is tha they'll use it as a sea drone platform, enabling the drones to strike even further in the Black Sea
Would be kinda funny if they go raiding Russian ships in the Baltic or Pacific.
don't be that guy

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