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edc thread
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Not an autist but you daily carry a 10mm? You expecting to shoot some boars on your daily commute?
Based. Why not throw a light& a dot on it? It's already big I doubt that'll add much
>no optic or light
>ambi safety 1911
>anime keychain
Kill yourself

Does anyone have videos or resources of how blacksmiths/gunsmiths made firearms by hand? Specifically, damascus shotgun barrels would be cool.

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Black powder produces relatively low pressures and pattern welded steel can tank those pretty easily. Those barrels can also be pretty thin by modern standards and they still worked without issue. Would still be susceptible to tons of corrosion from black powder residue, but that would apply to any carbon steel.
Several hundred years of arquebuses with banded forged damascus barrels disagree with you.
No, they don't
It's shit for barrels
Yeah sure it can shoot one round every five minutes no problem, fuck you
You don't know anything if you think it can handle modern gun fire rates
This is some Katana slicing a tank in half bullshit
>Ye olde gonnesmith is wearing programming socks
Doth thine services includeth the infamous range trap and boiled crustaceans?
YouTube is going to start deleting those videos soon, new rule changes, so download those you want to keep.

What constitutes a "war" and what constitutes the Soviet Union's direct involvement in it?

The Soviet-Afghan War is the only one that I think can be generally agreed upon by all parties. But what about the Korean War, where an entire Soviet Air Corp (64th Fighter Aviation Corp) of 3,271 men saw consistent and direct action against western airmen? If we're to count the Korean War, then what of the Vietnam War, where an estimated 1,100 soldiers and officers served as observers and advisors, but whose actual direct participation is in dispute? (I can find 54 U.S. aircraft kills directly attributable to Soviet operators in Vietnam, compared to the at minimum 139 kills over MiG-alley alone in Korea)
Finally what about the Hungarian Revolution? Operation Whirlwind only lasted 8 days, but according to Valeri Musatov it saw 699 Soviets dead, 1,450 wounded, and 51 missing, as well as the destruction of Nagy's government.

Of the three in dispute, for me personally I'd count Korea and Hungary, but not Vietnam. However I'd be interested to see what the consensus is, as well as if there are people who'd somehow count the War of Attrition of Sino-Soviet border conflict.
Hey man you already made this thread on /his/
>Didn't read/understand OP

Why did they use two handed swords on horseback?
Is this practical or just for film?
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That grip looks more like a longsword as opposed to a bastard sword.
Interesting. Very cool sword. How long is your bladde?
>Interesting. Very cool sword. How long is your bladde?
I don't actually know and I'd have to get up and go and measure it but I'm ball parking it, 4.5-5 feet in total something like that the grip is quite long and wood wrapped with leather strip. I have very few reproduction swords, it was used in the making of Braveheart but by way of a reenactment group that became extras in the battle scenes. Its a fully live blade sprung steel and has a peened tang, I did a few cuts with it (I did some kendo as a youth) and its actually very good, it cut a sheeps head in half for me with almost no effort but I'm not much into cutting/hema/larp I'm more into antique swords and history. By spin I mean a rotation in the wrist as you do with sai.
That’s pretty cool, anon. It’s a pretty sword.
That's lifist
I mean to humor you, they are the ghosts of Numenoreans, and thus compared to normal men slightly super human.

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redpill me on this
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As of 2023, the UK Ministry of Defence believes that Russia is working to return the one flyable M-55 aircraft to military service for use in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
>one flyable M-55
how's the hangar doing these days? still ok to visit?
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Ju 388, further development of the Ju 88/Ju 188 with pressurized cabin and different engines to allow high-altitude operations
developed to conduct recon beyond the reach of enemy AA and intercept high-altitude bombers such as the B-29, although the B-29 never saw action in Europe
pic related is the recon variant Ju 388 J, the only variant that was actually built in limited numbers

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Why wouldn't it work?
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I'm a big guy
Too big and noisy to be sneaky. Not big enough to be dangerous. I'm kinda surprised they never used it for utilities or construction, tho.
wow shes so hot i sure wouldnt want her to forcefully pin me down and cowgirl fuck me

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Tired of the sniper talk? Let's discuss knives instead!

Post your EDC, post your favorite fixed blade, post your new acquisition, post whatever you want as long as it's sharp!

Today's icebreaker question: When do you put a lanyard on your folding knives?
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thanks, makes it easy to conceal
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Just ordered one, do I like it?
unfortunately everything Glock is garbage, my apologies
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Zigger here, fuck you all, rate my knife.
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The jew fears the diy smith

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Besides the cloaking device, are any of the Predator's weapons actually that impressive? I feel like we have better stuff now.
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>predator one all of dutches teams have desert eagle .357s they never use
>im too black for this glover has a desert eagle

ah shit i didnt put two and two together.
The first and second pred practically teleport with how fast they move on their feet. Otherwise the first pred was basically playing around and not taking the fight seriously while the other one got a bad case of arm cut off and choking on air.
Blastfishing is awful for the environment and by extension future fishing, it's chink-tier behavior.
>plaster glows blue
literally no

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What is the best general purpose rifle to bring innawoods that isn’t a semi auto with a detachable mag? I live in Central WA and now that I’m stable enough financially to be able buy guns everything cool is banned. I just want a rifle to hike and camp with and just go innawoods with. Everything modern is banned (ARs, AKs, even SKSs) but some shops still sell cucked Mini 14s and we can still get Garands. I’m thinking about picking up either:
>a magnum caliber lever action (.357 or .44)
>a rifle caliber lever action (.30-30 or .45-70)
>one of the above mentioned semi autos (Garand will be pretty heavy to hike with and the Mini 14 will have cucked mags)
>generic bolt action like a Tikka
If you couldn’t have something like an AR or AK what would be your choice for a woods rifle? I’m leaning lever action because they’re handy and still have a decent capacity, but I’m unsure if I want a magnum revolver caliber or a full rifle caliber. .357/.38 is by far the cheapest caliber of the bunch but .45-70 will drop anything I could ever encounter innawoods.
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aren't 45 and .357 the same overall length? So they'll have the same capacity. The big thing is that .45 will have a lighter barrel because more of it is cut out for the bore (they typically have the same thickness barrel, so the larger bore will weigh less)
>If I wanted to Cowboy maxing with blackpowder, what would you guys recomend?
Not starting with a levergat or a revolver. They are an absolute MOTHERFUCKER to clean, and if you don't clean them properly in this climate the guns can rust out in a matter of days. Get a single shot gun and learn to take care of it first.
>electrical ignition
Buy one of those cheap Indian-made muskets, wire a battery pack into the patchbox, drill your own touch hole, line it with an electrical insulator, and snag a bunch of packs of Estes rocket igniters to experiment with.
Fair warning. If you start playing with making your own proper nichrome stuff, the powder fouling will absolutely destroy them after a couple of shots if the detonation doesn't. The actual model rocket starters are disposable for a reason. They're basically priming powder shellacked onto very thin resistor wire and taped out into an appropriate gap, you can make your own for cheap but they don't function as reliably.
>t. former model rocketeer
build one into a percussion cap nipple, some sort of piezoelectric spark generator that you need to take out and clean every couple shots
I'd worry about the concussion fucking up your spark gap, but that could be workable as long as you stay on top of corrosion.
you're right, it's the same length

Larger bore for lighter barrel is interesting

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If you can only pick one weapon, it should be a shotgun. But what ammo?

Shotgun, ammo and level 3 body armour is all you need. Mobility, versatility and power.
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>none of them defeat any kind of armor
This is a complete meme issue anyways so it does not matter
>have your cake
>eat it
please choose one
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This is like calling 12 gauge impotent because birdshot didn't stop someone past contact range.

The simple solution is to not use loadings that perform suboptimally. The only loading that matters is the one you are firing, the other ones don't have any importance in the immediate moment. It's not like you have to spin a roulette wheel and choose whatever kind of ammo it lands on.

Ahmaud Arbery wasn't incapacitated on the spot by the first round of buckshot. A 1987 FBI Ballistics Workshop noted an incident in which someone was shot in the heart with buckshot and ran ~60 ft (albeit in support of a faulty conclusion, but I have no particular reason to doubt the event itself happened).

Could either of them have actually fired accurately had they been armed and inclined? Maybe not. But I think you also underestimate the kind of damage a good 5.56 loading does. See picrel (mind that is at an impact velocity of around 2300 FPS, or roughly 10.5" muzzle velocity).
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You're picking one weapon ever in a life or death situation and you aren't just third holing your AR?

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Whichever one is best for killing crowds of Hindu rape rats.

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How much of a chance would humanity’s defenses have against pic related?
>no Death Star
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I could type up pages and pages of rants but I'm going to keep things concise and just say "FUCK DISNEY."
DS II was the same size as the original, not 900km
>giant ship in semi-orbit
>the ground
OP's picture is not "Orbit" or anything close to it.

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The Hughes amendment has finally been repealed, and any post-1934 machine gun is now for sale, but you can only own one. What would you get?
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>The Hughes amendment has finally been repealed, and any post-1934 machine gun is now for sale, but you can only own one. What would you get?
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i can't wait until you tranny war tourist commit suicide.
The only correct answer is some sort of 5.56 LMG. Knights armaments' LAMG would be my personal choice.

Its the most practical choice and a ton of fun. ITs really the only thing civilians are missing with the hughes amendment. Otherwise Id go with the fightlite MCR

If I was going for something fun? CZ skorpion

A kriss vector could be a ton of fun too, but I love the cz skorpion so much
Fuck are you talking about kiddo
Mp5 with a fixed stock and a flashlight in the foregrip or Israeli uzi.

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AR's in 5.56mm is such a boring gun to shoot that people have to resort to decking them out in a fuckton of dumb shit in order to have a modicum of fun with them. Just look at /arg/.

No one has ever had a need to decorate a levergat beyond some faux Americana shit and perhaps a peep sight.
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If you feel shooting as boring it's you shooting at boring targets. Step up your targets game.
even knockdown plates are more fun with a 357 when compared to 5.56. it's the most boring cartridge in the most boring rifle. my 5.56 AR is so boring its in long term storage in the attic. my 458 Socom gets to stay in circulation.
Shooting is fun with fun guns.
Try shooting targets that you can hit only 1/3 of the time, not every time.
The only thing fun about shooting an AR is if you've drank several tall boys and are proceeding to mag dump into a lake killing armored catfish in the process.

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This guy is a green beret, so he must know what he is talking about.
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No, he is retarded. Being a green beret doesn’t mean anything.
I forget what youtube debunked this. They shot 50s next to gel body targets and even slowmo showed no disruption
So funny watching Tim get knocked out while legit running away with his back turned when he fought Gay Jesus
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>appeal to authority
LMAO, get a load of this braindead faggot, maybe try getting your own opinion some time.
Step aside kiddo, real warriors are talking

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>Battleship sized guns
>Able to tackle anything up to a battleship
>able to run from a battleship

Alaska was a battle cruiser.
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Technically CA stands for "Armored Cruiser".
>cost as much
probably not but, after Dec 1941 everything became very resource intensive, both Alaska and Iowa class gunboats were large hulls requiring lots of steel that could be going into fleet carriers. It's why these classes were cut short (and the Montanas never built either) especially after the key naval battles of 1942
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I don't remember the fire arcs for Kongo's main battery but not all ships fired directly over their bows/ sterns.
The turret FCS likely had some sort of interrupter to prevent it from firing in that part of the arc.
> I’m considering the ww2 heavy cruisers more of an evolution of the protected cruise concept.
Literally the exact opposite.
> What even was the point of the Alaska class?
Diddle the super cruisers the USN thought Japan was building.

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