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I don't understand why people like them. They were often criminals and drunkards and used to be more of a threat to civilians than to enemy soldiers. Their most fearsome weapon was the black plague they carried all over europe.
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>secular "progressive"
I just can't with you idiots
Brown hands typed this.

The Ibero-Visigothic blend of people who overwhelmingly make up the Spanish drive the Moors out of the South of the country. They were not intensely mixed.
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Depends on the one you're looking at. Its not a katzbulger, but I have one of these-- pic related-- and its SICK enough that I bought several more of his daggers.
scusa ma non mi doxxo
Landsknecht mercenaries are admired not because they were particularly badass forces, but because they were colorful and culturally pervasive. More militarily impactful forces like swiss mercenaries or professional spaniards are dour in comparison. Though IMO the semi-democratic organization of the swiss is underappreciated as a successful social-militaristic system.

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Italy dropping Boeing for Airbus. The world is healing.
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It's not a competency crisis, it's a regulation crisis. It's cheaper for Boeing to have accidents than to actually take care of their shit.
this is why monopolies are the shortcut to communism from capitalism
Post air force? Lmao
Well, white boomers are the ones who think regulations are evil and that profits are god. So shit will probably get better because younger generations here typically value crazy things like “safety” and generally aren’t scum sucking money-grubbers.
Yeah but regulations is communism. Free market will fix itself

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Welp it finally happened. Had my first ND ever with my 1911. My ears are still ringing.
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Your lucky you didn't explode the entire neighborhood with that, sonny. Must have been one of those sissy 9mm ones.

>/k/ is srs business

Why are Europeans crammed into disgusting commieblocks?
Pixels and armorer shared the budget.
Yes sir. I'm the man that shot Lightning McQueen
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How hard is it to copy the actual thing?
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Yea, and I didn't realize it until then.
wtf are you on about? I related a personal experience

How can Puccia protect its S-300/400 operators, cope cages?
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If only there was some type of system that could be used to shoot down incoming missiles.
for me it's
>HEAD CRUSH (Maximum)
from that nhtsa site
I know it as a term used by EMS/other emergency (like firemen) personell that are legally not allowed to declare a person dead (only a MD can do that) unless the injuries they sustained are so clearly lethal that even a completely untrained bystander can only come to the conclusion that "yeah, he ded" is the only possible result.
>the log ride incident

The what?
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Fagot edition

Lying about medical history: YMMV
Lying about criminal history: Bad

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>or running motorcycle clubs around North Carolina.

^confirmed for having been stationed in NC.
He was Army, so he was right. What even draws people to the Green Machine? I grew up around vets from WWII through SEA and not one of them recommended the Army but fresh suckers keep showing up.

He was a shitbag. Note the vast numbers of self-disciplined G.I.s who did not do childish stupid shit that damages the mission. You are there for the mission not yourself.
Maintenance is only hard if you're not a gearhead. If you're high strung and a little bitch please avoid maintenance and all concerned will benefit. Fixing aircraft is far easier than fucking with modern cars and much more interesting.
FFL recruitements standards have never been set in stone, they have always changed according to geopolitical climate and state of french politics but they are nothing close to what the spanish legion is, current trend is mongolians,nepalese there are a shit ton of them.
Hey thanks for responding. I got busy almost immediately after posting.

I'm Army National Guard switching from networks/satcom to Cyber (17C for us)
I would like to do OCO butt we don't have that in the Guard. Gonna have to do a few years in the new unit and then commission and switch to active. Considering Space Force when I do that.

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N-not sure if TEMPO.
>russian motorcycle assault group
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I mean, the west isn't much better. It's all smiles and cooperation until you stop paying the US tax and you start getting threats of removal of things you're dependant on like the stopping of military supplies until you do.
Geopolitics in government form is and always has been about grabbing and taking what you can from others either through diplomacy, threats or violence. China isn't really much different even if if prefer their online state propaganda department glassed.
>gets shot and falls off
>gets shot
Funny thing is, no one really mentions the massive pump n dump that Russia is doing right now to get people into the military, hands on tools in factories, burning through fucking millions daily to pay for it all, they have no stockmarket, the ruble is super-fucked to the point NO ONE will trade it (yuan or rupee do needful only) and inflation on some produce is 50% higher than last year as inflation from the pumping is going mental.
They can also ignore that they have to talk to faggots like the Norks just to scrape up some shitty 122mm shells and sucked off Iran to show them how to build a 1970's scooter motor powered fucking drone
I was in Ukraine in 2014 when some shit started kicking off and while I do genuinely like Ukrainians, some of them I'm related to and the country is ripe with potential.
>They're still poor
Not Africa, destitute niggas poor or anything, just an industrialised, heavily agrarian country like mine used to be in the 1970's, we extracted and grew stuff, did a little building stuff but for the most part it wasn't hugely destitute or wealthy. They didn't have much left of a military, it was as-bad or slightly worse than Russia is right now and if someone had half a brain, Ukraine would have been absorbed into Russia without a shot fired.
Even when I saw that country at its lowest point, people would still look out for you, make sure you're ok, bit embarrassed about how things have gone to shit but no one was giving up on Ukraine 10 years ago and they're unlikely to ever change that for one often ignored reason-

>got a sniff of the western lifestyle
You didn't have to be living in a shithouse country with no future like a Russian or suffer for no reason. You pull yourself up, bring your neighbourhood up, your town, your oblast and your country one fucking step at a time and its a struggle. But they ain't going back to that slave, red beans and rice shit
Russian Life offers them NOTHING
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Nerve gas?
I think he saw the drone incoming and got distracted from the roads surface

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Post precision rifles. Discuss optics, rifles, cartridges, shooting tips, etc.
>some basic resources
>previous thread
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there is no upper limit on how much you can spend with this hobby, just get a gat in 6.5 cuckmoor and put a cheap ass scope on it if your not sure.

A ruger american and a discount 10x won't set you back significantly and it will absolutely whet your appetite. Assuming your not a eurocuck the options you have depend on the state you live in. Most western states should have decent 1,000 exposures on public land, but most based people are going to be protective of good spots.
wrong post
>magpul 700 stocks
What's the catch? Any better compared to an MDT?
mdt is better and significantly more expensive. if I remember correctly the magpul one is all plastic and doesn't have metal bedding.

Alice Springs is under curfew again, aboriginals have been fighting with spears, machetes etc.

This thread is for aboriginal weapons, some are really interesting
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>archetypical Anglo nanny state
tall poppy syndrome ties into that a bit, and freedom treated like some kind of mania.
>Mad Max anarchy
there are some other kinos, that depict an older period of time to give a bit more flavour text and world building
>wake in fright 1971
>Rabbit-Proof Fence 2002
and some films that I dont know the auz equivalent of
>utu 1983
>once were warriors 1996
pritty much the thing to do is avoid talking about the past distant and any of its effects on the present
>About 15 days into the journey, the men were starving and drew lots to see who would be killed for food.
oof, reminds me a bit of some polar expeditions that went awry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiMAIJ243Ck Petrov, Yelyena & Me - Flight Of The Conchords
Yeah but I'm on a bit of a sojourn from my usual shitposting habitat :)
That and school holidays kept me busy with the kids, cows and sheep to go hang out with my group of mates

Sort of the backup plan for a lot of overland exploration and trips that ended up going awry, there was also a group headed west into I think it was the Rocky Mt's in the US that ended up with a lot of dead people and one guy who wasn't nearly as emaciated as you might expect after spending 4months in a cave snowed in.
We also have a thing here for useless fuck explorers apart from the criminal ones, like the Burke and Wills Expedition were one guy came back from it all haggard and fucked up while the rest got lost, sick, starved or messed up along the way. It was notable because this wasn't like the 1700's were you expected some dumb shit white guys to half-arse it and die because they were rubbish at navigating- this was a proper fully funded expedition in the 1860's!
So most of the continent was virtually unexplored and properly mapped even into the 1940's when actual overland vehicles were invented, because everyone else just got lost as a motherfucker and died in some of the most intense conditions outside of somewhere like the Sahara. Which is really what kills people in Australia, the sun, the heat and dehydration, we don't have those large animals running around like big bears or cats to wreck people- except crocodiles but they're only up the top parts.

The last uncontacted tribe was found in 1984-5 or thereabouts that had never met white people and didn't have much to do with other blackfellas either, I think letting off a nuke in the 1950's also chased out a few other's that no one had ever heard of either.
>supermax for the worst of the worst
like people who poached one rabbit
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Well, like Americans really
They had to send them somewhere when the old dumping ground for criminal delinquents touching the KINGS RABBIT, not paying taxes, looking a bit weird, being Irish and since the America's was in turmoil, sending more of them over was sort of like throwing petrol on a fire. Australia is basically the USA's fault, if they had kept paying taxes, getting fucked with no representation and throwing tea, there wouldn't have been a need for Australia.
Except the French
The French had some ideas about settling here so they had to get told to go suck a bread stick because they'd already fucked up Europe and clearly couldn't be trusted with anything nice.

Now Australia as a French colony... or Spanish, or Portugese or god help everyone, the Dutch.
We'd be still throwing spears at each other and practically Africa or at best maybe Argentina! Then people would really have something to complain about
>tall poppy syndrome ties into that a bit, and freedom treated like some kind of mania.
sounds like some kind of proto-communust mentality to me

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take him down to infiltrate the vatican
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Good luck getting one in Italy
>schengen area with tons of poorly controlled borders
Not impossible
Highly unlikely to the point that a lone gunman isn't considered a threat. Polearm guy deals with rowdy locals and disrespectful tourists and the odd schizo among them trying to break in, possibly with a knife. On the off chance there is a guy with a gun, there's an armed response team sitting a couple hundred yards away at most. The Vatican is only like 1000 yards across at it's longest, there's effectively zero response time for backup because they're literally right there.
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>fedora tipper reacts mindlessly to latest reply regardless of logic and reply chain
it's practically amoebic
Is that really the case?

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Inspired by another thread. Dedicated thread to post your groups.
Over 100 yards edition.
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>But then any rifle is going to be greater than MOA if you shoot a big enough group.
Precisiom shooting boomers will fall into this trap all the time
>Oh I shit a 10 round group and it's 3 moa the gun must be 3 moa
And then you see the group and it's a 1 moa group with a few flyers. The rifle is accurate you just flinched lol.

How fucking accurate do you expect M855 to be mr. I-can-be-anything-on-the-internet-my-parents-pay-for-so-I'm-going-to-say-I-get-sub-MOA-shots? Post groups faggot
>I don't think a single group will ever tell you anything unless its like 20-30 shots.
At a certain point you start to get diminishing returns and the variable stacking can create erroneous data. I've found 5 rounds is a good middle ground between consistency and thoroughness.
Groupings should be made with the least amount of shooter error possible in a machine rest with store bought match ammo at best and surplus milspec ammo at worst

Then take that data and compare it to actually good shooters
Which is exactly why i use median group size over several 5 round groups.

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what the fuck is this shit.
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have you tested it with the upper off?
just to see if the mag is locking in or not?
>Stuck with irons, fixed mag, no attachments unless you want to bubba it
SKS community are purist snobs
Anything you do to it that changes it from stock is "bubba"
I blued the bolt carrier because I didn't like the silver look and people screamed at me and tore their hair out, it's my gun I can paint it pink if I wanted too.
Just ignore them.
You can easily attach flashlight or laser to the barrel, attachments for this cost like $2 on Ali express
Many aftermarket magazines are available without modifying the gun, but I would highly recommend just using clips, clips are superior to magazines (fight me)
If you want a red dot get the bad ace adapter, replaces the back sight and allows you to still use clips
If for some retarded reason you want to put a scope on a 3moa rifle, get the pu scope intended for the svt-40
It will require you to cut the stock and drill the actual SKS but it's the best scope mount possible and maintains original iron sights and clip leading
>Mini 14
Fantastic rifles overall, insanely durable and available in factory stainless... As others have mentioned the factory sights are garbage. Also they ding up your brass so bare that in mind if you're ever going to reload your own carts. The older ones don't really have any good options for mounting optics and have horribly inaccurate pencil barrels. Spare parts for the older ones can be very difficult to find as well, specifically the bolt. Aftermarket is expensive however with good quality and options. Accuracy systems, John masen, tech sights, and cogburn arsenal are good places to start if you want to customize.
>M1 garand
Never had one but if I lived in a ban state that's probably what I would go with.
Gitca,, What aimpoint is that tho?

Post gear. Discuss gear.
Previous >>62041474
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Can anyone ID this bag? I like the size and the look
some chink sling bag
appreciate the effort anon…
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why are the anus tops on rucks always sticky as fuck?
Hazard 4 freelance (thank you google image ai search machine)

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Ceramic tiles from a hardware store duck taped together with computer paper backing inside an AliExpress plate carrier will save your life for $10. Can do handguns and even shotgun slugs but can't take rifle rounds

A $20 geology pick hammer is small enough for close quarters indoor combat and breaching
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>No one is using rifles in close quarters
Rifles dominate in close quarters you fag
I'm saying its a dumb idea like OP's.
A ceramic tile from the store isn't stopping anything unless you build into a layered system that prevents it just shattering.
Fiberglass is the shit for DIY armor. You can add ceramics to the resin, but they need to be micro or nano sized and magnetically stirred.
Glue the cheapest tiles at home Depot to the strike face with silicone caulking, and it shrugs off 7.62x54R if I recall correctly.

What suspension and chinstrap did you buy?

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Are there any good deals on gun accessories or gear on amazon prime day right now?
Idk why don't you go fucking check amazon and report back to us
Be wary of buying gun stuff on Amazon. There are a lot of fakes there, but Amazon customer service has been great refunding me while letting me keep the knockoff. They even refunded me for a sight I didn't catch was a knockoff.

Still, I prefer to buy in person when possible even if it's more expensive
Don't buy any optics but holosun off them bro

Say your final goodbye to the last MT-LBs before they go the way of the Dodo.

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the bigger transformers are filled with oil that carries the heat from the coils to the cooling fins in the case
this is so fucking bad if this is the result
They are going to give them AKs and will send them west on scooters
>there's no reprisal for not supporting the president
>you just have to support everything he does
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lol no

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