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Post books you liked as a kid
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Goosebumps series
ok boomer
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best YA series imo
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which of you chads are still looking for the 19th story?

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All of them seem to be right, all of them contain transcendental truths about the world. But they all contradict each other. How do you solve this problem?

If Christianity is wrong then that means Christ was either a madman or a charlatan, but from the Gospels it's clear that he can't be either of those, therefore he must have been a holy man. But that mean that the Buddha was either a madman or a charlatan and that's also not possible if we read his teaching, through his teaching he found a way to overcome the suffering of the world, even if you ignore the religious elements, the life he lead was still the life of a great man, therefore he can only be holy like Christ. And we could make the same cases for Daoism and Hinduism. None of them seem to be wrong, but they all contradict each other in extreme ways. I just can't understand this, if God let Himself and His Way be known through all of them then why are they so different? There must be something we're all missing here
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You’re just stupid, sorry you had to find out this way.
Isn't it obvious? That which they all agree upon is right, and that which they differ on is questionable.
>le CS Lewis lunatic liar lord meme
Very stupid argument. False trichotomy. People can be right about some things and wrong about others, and this includes the greatest geniuses of history.
They're all wrong. It's beyond retarded that the truth somehow is constrained to the handful most popular religious movements, as if something completely else couldn't be true.
This is only true if you think the Bible is inerrant. In principle it's possible that he was just a prophet and his followers misunderstood him and called him God.
>Intro to Buddhism (suffering/stress [dukkha] and the cessation/release [nibbana])

>Meditation (to develop awareness, calm the mind, experience pleasure [jhana], and gain wisdom that leads to liberation)

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Any books about single, childless men growing old alone?

Looking ideally for something which doesn't make this type of man into too much of a caricature. I'd like to read about what it's like to be this kind of person.
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Pessoa was a total loser and an incel but a great writer. Trully, a great artist must suffer to creat great art.
He wasn't a loser: he had friends, a job, even admirers later on life. Ophelia would probably have married him.

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I am a fundamentalist Christian who before going into seminary wants to encounter the absolute strongest refutations of my religion possible.

What books provide the strongest arguments against it possible?

I've been recommended Beyond Good and Evil, and pic rel so far.
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The difference is that the curvature of the earth is measurable and proveable. Morality isn't.
>measurable and proveable
>did they autotranslate everything to Greek first?
Jesus has certain lines of dialogue in the Gospels that are preserved in Aramaic (when he resurrects the dead girl, when he quotes Psalm 22 on the cross, I think one or two more I don't remember).

Greek was just the standard lingua franca of written documents at the time.
Design an experiment to determine whether a moral statement is true or false.
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The best you can unironically do is read philosophy of religion and all of it's arguments against god. Any introductory textbook will do. Check out also Graham Oppy's work

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I need to cure myself of being a screen-addicted cumbrain and get back to actually fucking reading.
To that end please post books so enjoyable that you can't put them down. Don't care what it's about, just something that will make me spend hours and hours reading without even noticing the time pass by.
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Kill yourself asap
rolly poly
Deserto dei Tartari
Taras Bulba
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Unironic, unstoppable kino page after page

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I am currently reading the Orthodox Study Bible cover to cover. I had already read the Gospels but I wanted to contextualize them, especially as they relate to the prophecies of the OT.

What are your favorite parts of the Old Testament? Right now I'm finishing the story of Jacob and Esau.
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Matthew 17:20
Thoughts on Jonathan Pageau?
Job 42:1-6

'Then Job answered the LORD and said:
"I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
'Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.
'Hear, and I will speak; I will question you, and you make it known to me.'
I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you;
therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes."'
Matthew 10:29-31. Mark 9:38-41. John 9:1-12. John 11:25 when Jesus straight up tells Martha that He is the resurrection. Gospel of John has the most moving parts for me, very theological but very very intimate at the same time.
Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart?
I tried googling answers but mostly got low brow responses from self-identified Reddit "anti-theists".

So uh do I contain unique multitudes, or are people all pretty much predictable and same-y?
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My stool has been bloody these last few fortnights
Well, what standard do you have for a meaningful conception of “different-ness” or “sameness”? Hypothetically, as in, is a survey which 33% of responders say vanilla ice cream is their favorite, 25% say chocolate, 25% say Rocky Road, and 12% say Neapolitan a meaningful metric of unpredictability when certainly guessing a random person ice preference? To me, the fact that people contradict and confront each other over even seemingly arbitrary micro-issues shows there is a great deal of diversity and unpredictability in human personality, belief, yadda yadda.

Okay so when does he stop talking about tangential shit like the geography of the Great Plains and corralling cattle and start talking about relevant facts? I'm 100 pages in and LBJ isn't even born yet
is that why his books are so long? I have never read Caro but i assumed it was all dense, analytical stuff and not tangents
>Reads Robert Caro
>Expects him to get straight to the point
Your fault.
>he expects a the path to power to follow a linear trajectory
Simply not management material.

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I’m thinking of writing a story set in Ancient Rome during the time of Nero. It starts as a conversation between two people with one of them saying that symbols started off simple and then developed into massive man made structures (such as language, fiction, and art) that create and rely on other structures and infrastructure, and this will continue until they overtake reality itself and become more important. People mistake the symbols for what they are representing. because while the IMAGE projects realism by looking real, the MEANING projects something far different. and since all MEANING in our art is slowly becoming meaningless and irrelevant in our visually-based society, our generations perception of REALITY is becoming skewed and twisted into something that is VIRTUAL REALITY. i fear that soon we wont be able to distinguish between REALITY and VIRTUAL REALITY. i fear that IMAGE will not only become more important than MEANING, but IMAGE WILL BECOME THE ONLY MEANING.

The story then jumps into the year 1997 in New York City at the UN building, where two other people are having a conversation where they say they believed that life was just being bridged between two existences, early primitive life and….something else. They say that it has been less than a century since we have seen advanced technology, less than a century window after billions of years of primitive and primordial existence.

The story then jumps to Herat, Afghanistan on November 9th, 2001 and centers on a female us soldier and a cia agent in a black site.

Is this a good story idea? Or should I just give up

Asking random retards on the internet
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don't listen to these retards telling you not to write it and to focus on your craft. what "smaller ideas" do you have to tackle? how to take a shit? write the story.
She raped millions.
it's crazy to me that erol morris made a doc about abu ghraib and treated it as an apology tour for that cunt
When Borges had this problem of being more interested in exploring the concepts than the story itself, he would compress his whole novel into a few short pages, and give a sort of running summary.

If your idea seems to ambitious for your current skillset, maybe you could try that. I think instead of actually having to write scenes in Rome, Borges would've avoided a lot of complications by turning that conversation into a recently unearthed philosophical dialogue from an archaeological dig in Pompeii.
>thinking of writing a story
>describes story instead of just writing it.

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Tolstoy was an obnoxious crybaby libtard
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The Bell jar
Great Gatsby
It ends with us
The alchemist
Honey and Milk
Bless your heart. Of course you wouldn't get Tolstoy.
Just like me fr fr
I recently read "The kingdom of God is within you" which resonated with me quite strongly up until:
"I see that a man I know to be a ruffian is pursuing a young girl. I have a gun in my hand—I kill the ruffian and save the girl. But the death or the wounding of the ruffian has positively taken place, while what would have happened if this had not been I cannot know. And what an immense mass of evil must result, and indeed does result, from allowing men to assume the right of anticipating what may happen. Ninety-nine per cent of the evil of the world is founded on this reasoning—from the Inquisition to dynamite bombs, and the executions or punishments of tens of thousands of political criminals."

What a retard, Christ would beat the shit out of the ruffian. Anyway, fuck Tolstoy.
True and correct

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Recently I was playing pic related and I was struck by some of the kino lovecraftian scriptwriting, especially in the lines of The Narrator. Here are some I enjoyed:

>At last, in the salt-soaked crags beneath the lowest foundations we unearthed that damnable portal of antediluvian evil. Our every step unsettled the ancient earth but we were in a realm of death and madness! In the end, I alone fled laughing and wailing through those blackened arcades of antiquity.

>You will arrive along the old road. It winds with a troubling, serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside. Leading only, I fear, to ever more tenebrous places. There is a sickness in the ancient pitted cobbles of the old road and on its writhing path you will face viciousness, violence, and perhaps other damnably transcendent terrors. So steel yourself and remember: there can be no bravery without madness.

>Leave nothing unchecked, there is much to be found in forgotten places.

>Welcome home, such as it is. This squalid hamlet, these corrupted lands, they are yours now, and you are bound to them.

>The cobwebs have been dusted, the pews set straight. The Abbey calls to the faithful...

>Women and men; soldiers and outlaws; fools and corpses. All will find their way to us now that the road is clear.

And this is just from the first half an hour or so.

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>This is a (serious) literature board, by the way.
Let's be honest though -- if you're not writing on Moleskine notebooks are you even really writing?
well there are probably at least 20 recycled threads up right now about twitter, reddit, AI, book covers, evola, spengler, religion, atheism, frogs, nietzsche, directionbrain, women, and funny erotica, so why are you even here? come to think of it there are probably only a small handful of threads that don't fall into those categories
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This has to be bait.
Books are dead unironically
get a life you bitter loser

Any good male-only online book clubs?

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What does this mean?

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hi /lit/! i recently bought picrel from Barnes & Noble on a whim because i had always wanted to read it and it's an illustrated edition with a cute binding. plus it was like fifteen dollars.
anyways, i hadn't known at the time that there were so many different translations of the work and such contention surrounding their quality; i recently discovered from DePauw University's bibliography of translations that this edition uses I.O. Evans', but they mark it as being of poor quality. i can't seem to find anyone on the internet explaining why, though, so i thought i would ask here.
i actually really enjoy the writing in this edition, so if it's a stylistic thing, i guess i don't care very much. but what i am afraid of is that Evans may have taken some similarly egregious liberties to Mercier (of whom i have found abundant criticism), and i would like to avoid that.
any information at all would be helpful :) ty
vagueposter what does this mean
I don't know, but that is a really cute cover. Good buy, regardless of the translation.

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>anon posts his work
>other anons tear him a new one
>in reality their prose and writing ability is far above most selfpubs, YA fiction, web novels, and the shlock you find in writing subreddits
>anon never posts work again even though if I hadn’t had a three day vacation for posting Nicoavocado’s slimy asshole, I could have told him that his work really was cool and then he should keep up the great work
Many such cases!
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>/lit/ systematically trains its users not to read, write or post anything serious about literature.
That's actually the bots on every single board you're thinking of. We celebrate "dutch day" on /pol/, the day of the great unmasking where all the amazonAWS servers went down for one day in 2021 EXCEPT the one in the netherlands.

AmazonAWS proxies cost alot of money and are typically ONLY purchased in bulk by governments or corporations.

Overnight, every single bad, abhorrent, or even SLIGHTLY disparaging post was proven to be part of a massive corporate shilling conspiracy against pol and int. We were perfectly polite for... three days? Because it was like a star of juden- every single bad poster was forced to wear it on their sleeve. Even KNOWING that, they had to keep posting, their corpo overlords required it. On day 3, the jannies were MADE to kneel and rangeban the netherlands.

We had a perfect, clean board. It's ALL bots and shills. Literally every single bad post. All of them. I'm dead serious.
To elaborate, this was because every last "bad post" had a big ol flag of the netherlands on it for three days, the third day of which there were no bad posts at all, and the netherlands was rangebanned.

RIP to our five or so usual posters from holland for a couple days.
They should get good before posting their shit here.
>he thinks /lit/ is deserving of anything good
Anon, I...
Then they shouldn't shun scorn when they post shit

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