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is it /lit/ to smoke tobacco? I feel like if I smoked I'd be a lot more /lit/
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Several of us just don't work that way. You either do it all the time, or not at all. I understand what you're saying (moderation, once in a while) but some of us genuinely have no self-control when it comes to certain drugs.
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>she smokes a pipe and does not look like a hipster or poser
Does she look like Lemmy?

An increasing number of Modern men fully embody the Nietzschean Last Man, they enjoy but safety, comfort and predictability. They enjoy fast food only because it is convienient.
What’s a moderate amount of weed?
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Weed will always be for niggers. If somebody tells me they smoke weed, i condemn them and think less of them. On a level to cheating or similar unwelcome behavior.

I don't really mind weed, but about 90 per cent of the people I see (or smell) out in public who are either smoking it in their cars or going around in public with the stench of it all over them are black, yes.

>buy a used book
>it has handwritten birthday wishes in it
The soul...
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This is a reasonable response. The book is forever tainted.
>mother buys used books in french
>doesnt even speak&read french
The fuck?
retard doesn't even know his mom is inputting
I just got Plato's The Republic in the mail a few days ago and it had a receipt written in Spanish inside it
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>buy used Lone Wolf adventure book
>the character sheet is filled out

If you didn't study at Ivy, you are illiterate. You cannot even be said to have read, let alone be learned, if you cannot get into Brown, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, U Penn, Columbia, or Darthmouth.
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>Couldn't into Cal Tech
>Couldn't into Chicago
>Couldn't even into MIT
lmao wordcels are pathetic
Kill yourself neponigger, your father is a faggot and you're still a disappointment to him

there aren't really any smart whites. the "whites" at these places are almost always jews.
ITT non-ivy league fags coping
the only people who say this are, ironically, UChicago guys lol

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Why is the left more adept at serious philosophical inquiry than the right?
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thin and close to shit
Based af
The bureaucrats and agents who make up the state think Trump is Hitler and Jan 6 was worse than 9/11.
>They are anti-intellectual and unintelligent. The left on the other hand loves to think of itself as its enlightened and intellectual so they at least pretend to read.
Yes that's true.

>Although, if you look at the state of the online left today they are about as anti-intellectual and mentally deficient as /pol/.
I agree with that too. I think part of it is they mine a lot from past thinkers but it's often a hodge-podge of ideas, often revived in an out-of-context way, or they'll use a guy from the 1960s in to justify something today but it's hard to make it "work" because the world has changed a lot, so you necessarily have to mystify things a bit.

I was thinking of the campus protests over Palestine and the anti-colonial discourse involved. The PLO was formed in 1964 and modeled itself on the FLN which had won in Algeria in 1962. Fanon had been a member of the FLN. But the PLO more or less failed totally. If you squint at it, the conflicts look kind of similar within an ideologically constructed narrative, but there are some holes in theory as demonstrated by the decades of actual history since then.

>By today's standards, many left-wing philosophers of the past would be seen as hardline reactionaries.
There have been people who say more recent left-wing philosophers have more in common with hardline reactionaries, like Foucault in the late 70s saying the Khomeinists in Iran have a "different regime of truth than ours" which makes them inscrutable in an interesting way (despite the fact that they'd have killed Foucault because he was gay). People say that Foucault was an anti-Enlightenment thinker and that is bound up in a lot of irrationalism (which is common in "right-wing" political thought).

But the history of ideas is also weird like that. Ideas are constantly flowing around like streams of water that are mixing together in weird swirls. Ideas move from the fringes to the center, and from the center to the fringe. They move from right to left, and left to right.
Clap-trapping faggotry is a nuisance when you have Nature trying to kill you, at all costs.

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>"Magic is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval sense of magic systems: wizard was magical, the magic would happen. We look at real magic systems and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Gandalf was a wizard and cast a spell of light against the Fell Beasts. But Tolkien doesn't ask the question: Where was Gandalf's magic system? Did he have rules and metrics? Where did he show his magic meter and how much magic he could cast at a time? What does he do if he runs out of mana? And what about other magical things? By the end of the story there are still other magical beings and items. Did they have to have their enchantments renewed?"
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The world is getting so autistic about everything and nothing is fun any more.
I fucking hate this.
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agreed. we must usher in a revolution to destroy these degenerates and bring back classical sensibility
This entire post is correct.
>This fictional concept works THIS WAY

You're literally more retarded than Sanderson, at least he doesn't try to convince people magic works the way he makes it work in every settings outside of his own.
But, anon. Magic is whatever the fuck you want it to be. Magic to one isn't necessarily magic to another. Magic lies within the mind's eye.

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So which one of you is working on this? Full thread link https://twitter.com/LastThings4/status/1788206162061467818
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Heres the X thread summary for those not interested:
>I'm retarded
>we should all become more retarded because chicks dig retards like me
I kneel.
I don't the pic. Yeah other people just existed and got to a point that is taking people like me an enormous amount of effort to reach. Perhaps it is unfair. But if you want to reach the point where you a have a wife/gf and all of that, then it doesn't really matter if someone got there first or had an easier time doing so. That has no effect on your own journey. It is what it is, we either give up or keep struggling.
He's obviously a faggot who thinks that people who want good things are the same as people who want bad things.
Nobody ever says in good faith "the people who want to turn children into sterile mutilated abominations while calling it medical care are the same as people who think we shouldn't do that".
normies can be fooled by literal incels if the incel in question is tall and not deformed, you don't even need a GF
One time I told someone I was a virgin and she looked at me with a look of literal shock and panic
>t. 6'3"

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...the form of the positive judgement is accepted as something perfectly correct in itself, the question whether such a judgement is true depending solely on the content. Whether this form is in its own self a form of truth, whether the proposition it enunciates, the individual is a universal, is not inherently dialectical, is a question that no one thinks of investigating. It is straightway assumed that this judgement is, on its own account, capable of containing truth and that the proposition enunciated by any positive judgement is true, although it is directly evident that it lacks what is required by the definition of truth, namely, the agreement of the Notion and its object...
- section 1312
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what part of the book is that outside of the section
>predicate logic is valid
Have you tried reading it carefully very carefully it becomes more lucid? But Hegel isn't the sort of person to quote like this, he has his system...
>.the form of the positive judgement is accepted as something perfectly correct in itself
the form of the positive judgment, the affirmation, is always true, or does it depends on the content? if you take the affirmation in itself, which takes the form of 'the thing is always this', you get something that can be true and can 'be something' ('the thing is always this' as its own content has qualities), but doesn't get something that exists as something you experience through something given to what gets affirmed as content
like, for example, Hegel is explaining how something like confirmation can exist and be reliable

whether the world has a beginning and a limit to its extension in space; whether there exists anywhere, or perhaps, in my own thinking Self, an indivisible and indestructible unity—or whether nothing but what is divisible and transitory exists; whether I am a free agent, or, like other beings, am bound in the chains of nature and fate; whether, finally, there is a supreme cause of the world, or all our thought and speculation must end with nature and the order of external things—are questions for the solution of which the mathematician would willingly exchange his whole science; for in it there is no satisfaction for the highest aspirations and most ardent desires of humanity.
We already have a Kant thread going. Thanks for browsing the catalogue before posting
you never have too many kant threads
because it is an object the actual form of the judgment, the judgment itself, is merely the judgment that something is true, with truth being the concept at hand.
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>esoterically denies occult
Nuffin personnel, kiddoz

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Who is the most evil author you have ever read?
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Compatibalism. Nihilistic determinism is no way live, anon.
There is no need for determinism to be nihilistic. Take Marcus Aurelius for example, he wrote that he believed in a kind of fate wherein all things are decided already and you must simply embrace the flow of the river of existence, but in that flow there can still be profound meaning. Clinging to a false and illusory feeling of control is merely denial of the truth and serves no purpose anyway.
Because jews lie about everything.
He's a Marxist infiltrator.
He is marxist.
We live in a marxist dystopia.
Liberals don't want any of this shit either.
Liberals, much like conservatives, also don't want to be surrounded by clinically retarded third world rapists in minority gang-infested schools on dirty unsafe streets, these are all things marxists want because marxism is about making everything as shitty as possible for everyone so that there's nothing worth defending when the revolution comes.
>The fact is the capitalist owner class use social issues (among other things) to keep the lower classes at each other's throats. Diversionary tactics, false flags and complete domination of the narrative, media and schools, have made nations of generational sheeple caught in a Stockholm syndrome
No, actually kikes exclusively promote left wing, anti-white degeneracy, and never promote any real right wing positions for anyone other than Israelis.

This is the same person who said that dumbledore is actually gay, hermione is actually black, and pewdiepie is a nazi
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Your post is the first I read in this thread and this is very funny. Typical 4chan debate I see.
>I really hope this 4chan debate was worth it
>Typical 4chan debate

Likely samefag. If so very sad.
>are not human unless you concede a third gender
>you can't be human without having a gender because otherwise i'd have less ammo to browbeat people into calling me ma'am
you're such a shitty, self absorbed pseud
>taxonomical featherless biped who dilates
checked and based

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Thoughts on this guy and his ideas? Is his book worth reading or is he just another pop-philosophy grifter?
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>he doesn’t know how to t.
You just called yourself a midwit newfriend
He's never commented on Evola or Guenon, so he's shit tier
why would a serious philosopher talk about jesters and charlatans?
It's not a meme. Marx pretty explicitly abandoned his earlier moralistic views and I think Ceika knows that as well.

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For the discussion of Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean webnovels/lightnovels.

All forms of litrpg, xianxia and other genres such as Isekai, and media such as visual novels are welcome. Formerly web and now published works are also allowed.

You are free to post your own works(as long as it is WN format) and ask for feedback.

For published novels and tradSci-fi/Fantasy please head on over to >>/sffg/

Due to the constant complaints from /sffg/ I have decided to create a general that will primarily focus on the Eastern web/light novel and English litrpg scene.

>A glossary for those of you who don't know what Xianxia is:
>Website for Litrpg:
>A website that hosts the metadata of many Eastern web/light novels and translation links:

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You meme, but it might not be a terrible writing exercise.
It's really a bizarre concept, but not too crazy, right? If you were put in such a position, would you not try to survive?

I guess only issue is I don't know what themes could be explored with it.
I stopped reading a journey of black and red when the vampire MC fused her mind with the dwarf guy and ended up fucking the dwarf's wife on a metaphysical level
I don't remember that but it did get kind of silly the further it went on, especially after they left Earth
Changeling is still pretty grounded however. There's the usual cyberpunk related social commentary but it's pretty minor
>I'm pretty sure a practical guide to sorcery is lgbtq+ friendly too
I don't recall it being so. In fact I don't think there's even a mention of any kind of romance anywhere to be found in almost 200 chapters that are out, and it's a book about young adults
I'm not memeing though. if you really wrote 5 chapters of this, beginning to end I would read it.

>If you were put in such a position, would you not try to survive?
I'd try my utmost to survive.

>I guess only issue is I don't know what themes could be explored with it.
think about it. or maybe don't and just write it and see where it goes. what kind of theme would you want to see explored if you were a reader? you could pretty much start with a reverse xianxia. the dildo guy in this case would be the old man in the ring, except he happens to be in a dildo. is the dildo guy the only magical artifact in this universe? is the MC unusually charismatic? you could create a ton of misunderstandings with him possessing people and interacting with other characters.

paths untreaded are funny. think about it. write one chapter, see if you like it, then write 4 other chapters with the fifth one being the end of your story.
yup we are of the same mind.
>Changeling is still pretty grounded however. There's the usual cyberpunk related social commentary but it's pretty minor
yeah, I don't know. I'll try it then because you keep insisting but female protags are really not my cup of tea
>I don't recall it being so. In fact I don't think there's even a mention of any kind of romance anywhere to be found in almost 200 chapters that are out, and it's a book about young adults
pretty sure there are. I saw it in reviews and recommended lgbtq+ stories on plebbit
there could be multiple dildoes or guys in anal plugs and shit trying to find their way to the top of the world. maybe they're all weirdoes. maybe the antagonist is an anal plug guy. go wild

éditions Gallimard is printing Simulations et Simulacres. arriving 16 june. a heads up to francophone anons.
this is nice since the éditions galilée print costs 125 dollars.
Unfathomably epic. That this thread has gone half an hour with no reply indicates the depths to which this board has sunk. You can't call this a literature board without a substantial Francophone population.
I already have an older edition but of course you'll filter most people with that OP.

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Any good recs?
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>Goga & Rebreanu most right wing nazi on chart
>Goga & Rebreanu only two people on chart who spoke Hungarian fluently
I'm proud
I'm a Hungarian and I consider it a bigger embarrassment than losing Transylvania that Romanian literature mogs our literature from the last three hundred years so hard despite Romania being, well, Romania. One Eliade, Cioran, Rebreanu or Blaga is worth more than any Hungarian author from the last three hundred years.
as an anglo that's interesting, because i've discovered loads of hungarian lit that is fucking amazing, and almost no romanian lit. maybe it hasn't been translated or had the same attention
but i fucking love krasznahorkai, szabo, kosztolanyi, szerb and a buncha other books i've only read one of an author of to the point where i see that if it's a hungarian author i snap pick it and it's always great.
whereas with consciously looking i've only really seen carterescu for romanians - i enjoyed solenoid but found nostalgia a chore
i'm also a classical musician and have found so much more interesting hungarian music than romanian. bartok, kodaly, kurtag ligeti. there's no one romanian i can think of lol. they just seem kinda artistically barren

how do you feel about those hungarian authors i mentioned? i guess if you don't like them then i probably shouldn't really pay your judgements that much mind
Why even ask if you aren't interested in getting a real answer? Faggot.
i'm curious but won't pay it too much mind if the guy has clearly very different tastes to me

Formerly /NAG/ - New Aristocracy general

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the Imperium Europae movement. - #3



Today, we begin our journey by learning about the Mediterranean and its cultures as they were in prehistoric times up to the end of the Bronze Age. The first book from the branch of history is:

>The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World, by Cyprian Broodbank

You can find the book on anna's archive here:

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>As an individual of Indian descent
gtfo jeet/jeeta. No one wants your kind here.
fair enough, well, i will attend to further reading of the book in the list, by next thread may we all focus on the book rather than spend half the time discussing the title (although if one read OP in 'good' faith, one could figure out the intent behind the whole thing) but yeah.
thanks for the vote of confidence, anon, I'll see you around
I already have specific things I want to discuss from the book but I'll wait for the next thread
good night, anons, keep the thread going if you can
For there is no remembrance of the wise, as with the fool, forever. Since in the days to come, all will be forgotten. Yes, the wise dies like the fool! 17And I hated life, for all that was done under the sun was evil to me, for all is mere breath and herding the wind. 18And I hated all things got from my toil that I had toiled under the sun, that I should leave it to the man who will come after me. 19And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool, and he will have power over all that was got from my toil for which I toiled and grew wise under the sun. This, too, is mere breath.

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