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>Reviews say this is bad because of unintentional racism
So it's worth reading?
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>kill feisty zebras
>breed passive zebras

You really think over several hundred years you wouldn't have a very complacent reliable meat source?
He wrote this as a way to rationalize there being no white European racial superiority when it is obvious some countries lack any sort of development throughout history.
The funny part is now that the Overton window has continued to shift his rhetoric is not anti white enough so now the mob considers him a racist.
yes, it's their only "scientific" explanation for their inferiority and they can't even comprehend that much with their little monkey brains
Diamond divas.. I'm not feeling too good...
>breeding zebras
Furry alert

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Have you ever written a love poem to a woman?
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I also did a lot of fentanyl and almost died a bunch of times before I got clean. It was mostly the constipation, not the constant near death experiences that made me quit using lol. My friends narcan'd me one and once I realized what happened I got very angry because I almost made it. It was just like falling asleep, I don't even remember it, only coming to while sitting in my car parked in my friends yard while they poured water on me and rubbed my chest while looking at me with terrified expressions.
Damb son
Too bad I can't right, they say a lot of people profit from such a life. Alright I have to leave this thread now before I start wallowing in self-pity.
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I wrote this poem for her and later she begged me not to break up w her. All her friends wanted me too I guess literature really is the most attractive hobby for a man to have.

smd ho
smd ho
I need head bih so smd ho
yuh yuh
smd ho

shawty on my dick
ho is om schlong
shawty smd
she do it all night long
she smd ho

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I understood the Rhetoric part of the book, but what does he mean by being truly 'Persuaded'? Is it just re-packaged Nietzscheanism?

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Post books you liked as a kid
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Still my second favourite book ever.
Ratty is literally me btw
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Can't believe the 10th book still isn't finished
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>Master Chief unloaded his assault rifle
>He threw a grenade and then reloaded
>He then fired his assault rifle again
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Embarrassing but whatever
The one where she turns into a yurk (or whatever they were called) was intense.

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what do we think of this?
Looks gay
The early parts in Vienna are absolutely a must read if you ever go there. Gives you a real feeling for the culture of the place.

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/lit/ humor thread
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Please God let this be true
7 is fucking kino
what's the thing in his mouth?
Demonstrations can't disprove undemonstrable theory, that'd be in Popper ;).

You may ask George one question - of his books or himself - and he must answer in full and in total honesty.
What would you ask?
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PG 13 mormom final volume of song of ice and fire.
>this would somehow be a drop in quality
Where you got you're pedo oufit?
Who really killed Big Walder?
No. None whatsoever. *farts*
That's two questions, hmhm. *Cuts into steak*
*chewing* Mm, well, there's not as much money in that, is there?
I did. They weren't ever picked up *sips diet pepsi*
A hack? Would a hack be as published and well off as I am? I think not. But to answer your question, I haven't read Tolkien in some years. I'm probably too old to ever really dive into his work again but I do remember quite well the stories.
No, never. End of story. *cuts into second steak*
There's this wonderful little store at the mall called Hot Topic. Right next to the Panda Express.

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Is the Corpus Hermetica actually worth reading or is it just schizo nonsense akin to the ramblings of the homeless junkies who live in front of Flinders street?
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Oh, I can assure, I am very much not a chat bot.
demonic influence?
Yes. I can elaborate more on what that looked like.

I discussed this before with another anon here on the dangers of theurgy. How, this stuff is real, and not fun.
Bumping for story or archive link if you don’t feel like typing it all over again. Thanks.

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What should be the third book in the "Thinking with your dick leads you into interesting misadventures" trilogy, Ulysses?
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that's the polar opposite if you actually read the thing though
Those two were my immediate thoughts as well along with the Decameron or the Canterbury Tales.
Tom Jones
Giacomo Casanova

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Stop using adverbs.
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he kvetched demonically
I'm still so mad she married a Hebrew
ashkenazi, not hebrew
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Could you use "Jewish" in an adverbial sense?

Would it be appropriate to say that someone did something "Jewishly"?

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>uuuh dis book's racis ya know
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Faggot propaganda identifies as banned. (It's not actually banned.) Though, some day it may be. Unlike the being of this allusion.
It's not racist. Raspsail spent a considerable amount of time in South America with natives. He respected and was fascinated by their culture. The reason this book gets labelled as racist is because CHUDS use it to push WHITE REPLACEMENT theory. Do your own research, chuds. RASPAIL IS NOT A RACIST.
Of course he would be, French “people” absolutely love BBC
>Catholics are.... LE BAD!
>but jews are.... LE GOOD!
trash, also the retard thought that jeets would overrun France when the obvious landing point was Britain, which turned out to be true.
he describes indians as shit eating animals. he can love the one people and hate the other.

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>Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe >The Fifth Head of Cerberus by Gene Wolfe >Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
>The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut
>Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut.

Can I get recommendations based on these books? I'm not in touch with literary discussion or communities and don't know how to find new books to read.
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Have you ready Don Quixote yet? The Edith Grossman translation with annotations is great. Incredibly funny.
Go for the 'bow
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My teacher recommended Catch-22 because he thought it'd "fit my style". I later wrote an essay called "Catch-22 is the most overrated piece of shit book ever" and the essay wasn't even about the book, it was about the civil rights movement. Just a harmless joke but he didn't appreciate it.
Christopher Hitchens said this was one of his favorite books.. I don't know what that means but he was a huge fan and thought it to be genius

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Was this an incel novel?
meaningless word that vaguely enforces vulgar hierarchy
sorrows of young weather is the first incel novel
Nah he did get student pussy
And he got to rape his wife
Welcome to the real world.
How can it be raep if they were married?

Trying to get into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It's not very popular over here, so I'm not sure where to start. Any recommendations for good translations or supplementary texts?
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The Moss Roberts translation is what I would consider the best and most academic translation, but I've also heard good things about the Yu Sumei translation.
Moss Roberts is the definitive translation
I've read 100 pages of the Yu Sumei translation and I thought it was good but it's lighter on notes, I can't remember if there were any notes
Imperial Warlord – A Biography of Cao Cao by Rafe de Crespigny could be worth reading but only after finishing it
What language is Three Kingdoms written in?
I'm learning Classical Chinese but how different is the language of Three Kingdoms to say, Analects or Zuo Zhuan?
Dude, it's like separated from Confucius by 1,500 years. It's nowhere near the same language.

Are there any far-right female writers?
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Taylor Caldwell
People were "larpers" at the time. Anyone above working class dressed up a minimum even just to go to a dinner or a bar. It was not normal to go in a tshirt, let alone for a political and literary figures.

Gertrude Stein was based.
Where to start with Stein?
every women is eugenicist therefore every woman and book written by a woman is far right
My drunk friend once told me that women used to be stockier like in all the paintings but that men through generations made women less stocky due to selective breeding.

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