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If I like Neruda, what other poetry should I read?

I'm pretty new to poetry, but I really enjoy Neruda's work. I love the images about being connected to earth, enjoying velvety wine, loving a beautiful women. The feelings and descriptions of being present and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. What other poetry might I enjoy?

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What did you think of "Things Fall Apart"? I'm not sure what I think.
>book title is a poetry quotation
*Yawn*, get some originality.
I thought the ending could have been really good, if the book had made me care more about the characters lives. Everything in their story, all their hopes and dreams, being remembered as a single paragraph.

However, the book does not make me attached to any of the characters. Also, Okonkwo's character doesn't develop and he's not a "great man" so much as he is an insecure man and his character could develop but it does not.

Now I start to think, is that the point of the book? That Okonkwo could have had a story, but his story and development is cut short by the colonists? That would make the book better. But it seems a bit of a reach.

Why not be RC or EO? Why accept the Bible that was put together by the early church, but not accept their traditions or liturgical practices?

Help me not go RC or EO

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Hello people! I'm looking for the grimmest of grimdark, the kind of stuff that leaves the 40k universe quaking in its boots, the kind of stuff that would make Bakker recoil in horror. Let me know what I haven't read out there.
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>at least the AI robots will be told by humans who to shoot
Right now an AI decides if your weird truck is a truck or a missile launcher. If it decides it's a missile launcher it will send a human to kill you.
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence.
Same as you. I know Citadel isn't very popular, and I agree that it drags on a bit, but just for the description of Ascian culture and some of the war scenes, I'll defend this volume.
what do you mean by "literal cuck"?

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Holy shit, I can understand almost nothing in the image. Granted I'm an ESL, but even then I always thought my Enligsh was pretty good wtf
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Don't worry, anon. I'm a native english speaker and I find poetry hard to read, harder than any novel I've read - that's for sure. Keep reading it and you'll eventually understand what's being said, and there's no shame in re-reading.
you need a certain IQ to be able to interpret poetry. most people are just too stupid. it is what it is.
stupid people literally can't interpret metaphors. don't underestimate how stupid a lot of people are.
I would try to write something eloquent in rhyme but I'm just missing this time.
I'm incapable due to crippling thoughts of suicide.
Apologies as I couldn't help, but at least I tried.

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What are some of your favorite poems?

Not even 10% of La Pleiade's catalog is available on Anna's Archive. Most good German editions of classical books are also not available, the only editions available of most French and German classics are very barebones public domain stuff with almost no commentary or notes.

Meanwhile, almost all of Penguin, Norton, Oxford, etc catalogues which are references in the English language when it comes to annotated and critical editions are available online. What do the French and the Germans have against freedom of knowledge?
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Absolutely. The society forces "solidarity" upon us via taxes and shitty laws and regulations and people in fact just spend time on their own, with their family and a few friends, even the voluntary stuff like working at a fire department is just an excuse to drink beer and spend time with friends. There is zero communal labor in this country, no spirit of giving, no real community that would not be based entirely on some mischievous agenda (networking or some dry, stale boomer nationalism) and this country is absolutely bone dry when it comes to people sacrificing comfort or even suffering a minor inconvenience so that someone else may benefit. It really is like that and I am not trying to shit on my culture here, this country has no communal spirit, everything extends only to the family and at most friends. I think it has to do with the fact that public life was villified for decades and that everything is co-opted by governments and politics otherwise. There is no organic communal life in this country and honestly I think even under the Nazis this was just enforced. Germans are very secluded and isolated from one another and there is a coldness in this country that is hard to ascertain if you have not lived here. It is depressing but it is how we live so you barely notice it anymore. Japan is totally different for example. I think Japan and many asian cultures, even Turkey — in fact mediterranean cultures in total — are much more collectivist and this collective culture is the basis for doing things for others. Germany is the antithesis to that. It all has it's pros and cons I think, but when you are in these cultures, but you do not adhere or fit in, you will suffer.
Yeah, Anna's archive is ass but it has many more available titles and desu, I would even get a premium account, but I dont use crypto anymore and also dont want to bother with the other shit. They dont take credit cards, so yeah...
Anna’s Archive is a search engine, it’s not for downloading, you retards. You search for the book that you want and you click on the option “show external download options”, then you download from Z-Library or Libgen or Archive.
diogenes and Hamburger Lesehefte also come to mind
Should i give in and give kindle my money? Since they're not going to be translations there won't be translation issues.... Maybe... Maybe... If there's good editiorial work on them i may aswelll just go for it, maybe one day i'll learn enough tech shit to pirate and publish that stuff myself. One of my life goals, give back to the community and all

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I got this bad boy used for only $15 CAD. Thinking of upgrading to the RSC Second Edition, is it worth it?
Post your Bards if you have them.
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Copped this yesterday for only 2.50

I desire it but can't yet justify it
I remember reading somewhere that the original printing contains information on stress, or maybe it was how to interpret the monologues, through capitalisation, or something like that. I can't quite remember, but would like to know if any other anons can.

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I need to cure myself of being a screen-addicted cumbrain and get back to actually fucking reading.
To that end please post books so enjoyable that you can't put them down. Don't care what it's about, just something that will make me spend hours and hours reading without even noticing the time pass by.
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Rolling for botns
Pedro Paramo is short enough to read in one sitting and beautiful enough that you'll want to.

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Best translation for this doorstopper? I tried the P&V and that ain't it. Is there anything out there that makes the constant interspersed French not a hassle?
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learn russian
opinion disregarded
Tolstoy's writing is simple. Penis & Vagina is fine
I did P&V for Anna Karennia and it was really good, so I will do the same for War and Peace

What do you guys think of Edmund Burke?
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>a literal MSNBC soundbite
>americans are about to elect a fascist
He is a 90s democrat who wants to deport some people.
>>Trump: Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country.
You can criticise capitalists in the same way, since they seethe over authoritarianism that crushes their market. Certainly, martial authority is more representative of the 'real world' than commercial enterprise.
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I don't understand how Burke could defend the English Revolution, could defend the American Revolution, but was horrified by the French Revolution. I don't understand how he didn't see that it was all of a piece, and that the events in France were a natural outgrowth of the events in America, which were in turn a natural outgrowth of driving out the Stuarts. You don't get the French Revolution without the English/Glorious Revolution. It's all one big movement of history. If you were going to stop it you should have stopped it earlier.

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>Whatever happens, I am with Israel. I am with Israel when Israel suffers. I am with Israel when Israel suffers from inflicting suffering. I cannot say anything more. Certainly, I have my political preferences. I am for Peres. I think Begin was wrong, very wrong, to encourage colonization. But I do not feel I have the right to preach, when what is closest to me is at stake.
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retarded faggot
Gay, yes, but I'm certainly smarter than you.
pick one
they just nuked 4000 arabs with pagers yesterday, they clearly are high iq

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Post any good history books.

>The British Are Coming: The War for America, Lexington to Princeton, 1775-1777 by Rick Atkinson

>Recounts the first twenty-one months of America’s violent war for independence. From the battles at Lexington and Concord in spring 1775 to those at Trenton and Princeton in winter 1777, American militiamen and then the ragged Continental Army take on the world’s most formidable fighting force. It is a gripping saga alive with astonishing characters: Henry Knox, the former bookseller with an uncanny understanding of artillery; Nathanael Greene, the blue-eyed bumpkin who becomes a brilliant battle captain; Benjamin Franklin, the self-made man who proves to be the wiliest of diplomats; George Washington, the commander in chief who learns the difficult art of leadership when the war seems all but lost. The story is also told from the British perspective.


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Any books about the general history of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe?
Baxter - Rhodesia, a history 1890-1980
*a complete history
The Little Ice Age-Brian Fagan
I recently finished it. It is about environmental history from the 1300s to the 1800s.

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>anon posts his work
>other anons tear him a new one
>in reality their prose and writing ability is far above most selfpubs, YA fiction, web novels, and the shlock you find in writing subreddits
>anon never posts work again even though if I hadn’t had a three day vacation for posting Nicoavocado’s slimy asshole, I could have told him that his work really was cool and then he should keep up the great work
Many such cases!
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lmao at all the seeth this reply got
>innocent people
This is all There Is.

Just as hot and cold, light and dark, wet and dry,
Are all tautologies of temperature, illumination, and moisture,
So too are the waters above The Firmament and the waters below The Firmament
Tautologies of The Firmament.
I think they removed it because you fags stopped caring about the content of a post and hyperfocused on if a person posts more than once, which gave you an excuse to devolve into a shitbrained monkey and feel validated because someobe MIGHT have replied to you more than once. It honestly got disgusting to watch.
I tried to revive crit threads a few times in the last couple months. They didn't make it to 300 posts but most of the feedback anons gave each other was at least polite if not constructive.

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Did his theory justify his conversion to Christianity, or is it cope?

I will tell you what I think: theory of mimetic desire fails because who was the original desire based on? If desire is always copied, what’s the origin of the first copy?

Overall he is brilliant but seems ultimately like a misguided attempt at being the lawful good Nietzsche, all to run cover for Jewish power
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that's chicken/egg or what came before the big bang tier logic it does not discredit it
>mimetic desire fails because who was the original desire based on?
>what’s the origin of the first copy?
it's based on a false understanding of what someone else wants. When you copy what someone wants you don't know what they really want, it is what you think they want.
>conversion to Christianity
iirc he admits in his books that its just cope, that he's not a 'true believer'.
His books are brilliant though.
>I will tell you what I think: theory of mimetic desire fails because who was the original desire based on?
Animals? Slaves to their own instincts? Or just humans first instincts? Isn’t that obvious?

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