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What books by Peter Sotos have you read?
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Die pedo
Have you ever read any of his works? I highly doubt that his readers are pedos, but rather fans of transgressive lit.
Didn't this nigga get arrested for publishing straight up CP?
first person to be charged for it
Post it, faggot

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...the form of the positive judgement is accepted as something perfectly correct in itself, the question whether such a judgement is true depending solely on the content. Whether this form is in its own self a form of truth, whether the proposition it enunciates, the individual is a universal, is not inherently dialectical, is a question that no one thinks of investigating. It is straightway assumed that this judgement is, on its own account, capable of containing truth and that the proposition enunciated by any positive judgement is true, although it is directly evident that it lacks what is required by the definition of truth, namely, the agreement of the Notion and its object...
- section 1312
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Have you tried reading it carefully very carefully it becomes more lucid? But Hegel isn't the sort of person to quote like this, he has his system...
>.the form of the positive judgement is accepted as something perfectly correct in itself
the form of the positive judgment, the affirmation, is always true, or does it depends on the content? if you take the affirmation in itself, which takes the form of 'the thing is always this', you get something that can be true and can 'be something' ('the thing is always this' as its own content has qualities), but doesn't get something that exists as something you experience through something given to what gets affirmed as content
like, for example, Hegel is explaining how something like confirmation can exist and be reliable

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Books about jews? I want to know more about jewish people and what it's like to be a jew.
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The Bible.
>I have fetishized feet
>Therefore YOU are at fault for giving me a stiffy
Why would you draw a child without shoes on unless you are a pedo..?

Too much focus on jews and troons on this here literature board. Y’all weird and deranged

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>Dunks on The Catholic Church and exposes them for who they are
>Becomes friends with Buckley
>Diverts to then dunking on Evangelicals and Muslim
Fuck this sell-out fraud and all of you who unironically think he was a hero
Forgot about dunking on kikes. Half of God is Not Great is about Judaism.
nobody here thinks this guy was a hero. did you mean to post this elsewhere?
>"exposing" anyone
How embarrassing for you.

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I often find these types come from a batshit insane Protestant background. Not to say others are precluded, just that this is a phenomenon you see in unstructured sects.
There's your problem
Are you referencing a modern-day Charlatan and peddler of heresy, and his conception of hell, to a church with actual apostolic succession?
No, I'm saying Bakker's criticisms of Christianity and depiction of hell might not even apply to Orthodoxy. Not an expert on eastern christianity though.
IDK, his concerns over freedom, self-determination, and self-governance would make me think that he would really enjoy reading the Patristics. However, I am not sure from his work or blog that he is at all familiar with ancient and medieval philosophy. Some programs really skimp on this, seeing it as not "hard philosophy," because it isn't trying to be close to the sciences (as still defined by the "anti-metaphysical" stance) or focusing on logic. His embrace of eliminitivism is particularly puzzling because this is a position with gaping flaws, which is why it has never become remotely popular.

The Dunyain are sort of a twisted version of the Christian Platonists/monks. But because they are framed from a modern, eliminitivist standpoint, it becomes just a shallow husk, self-control in the pursuit of freedom, but with no conception of the Transcedentals.

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Where do I purchase edgy books like Mein Kampf or the Turner Diaries? Preferably without being put on a list.
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This is a photoshop and you can still see the Hilary 2016 sticker cropped out of the image on the left side. It is genuinely shocking that you are still using this image after several years
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you're already on a list.
You can literally buy Mein Kampf from any bookstore. Turner Diaries has been out of print for years so try thrift stores. Anyway, if you want to buy radical books to masturbate your wounded ego and flash that chip on your shoulder your about three decades late to jump on the Turner Diaries hype train. Its all Sayyid Qutb and Dugin now. Good look finding anyone who'll sell you a copy of Milestones that isn't a fed.
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The fact you're trying to cope show how close to home it hits you. He put that sticker on the car to own the libs. Does it hurt your feelings when people point out you look like that?
>He put that sticker on the car to own the libs
He put a Hilary Clinton sticker (cropped out of the picture) to own the libs? Making about as much sense as the holocaust there buddy
>Does it hurt your feelings when people point out you look like that?
I don't think I look all that similar to the liberal Jew Patrick Crusius which the chud drawings are based off

What did we think of it?
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Basically like To Kill a Mockingbird
Legit where is this available? Really want to read it
I found the original arabic here:

If anyone has an english translation please post a link
من ڨاع الكلمات تاع اللغة العربية ، ماكنتش نستنى مصطلح القرنفل يظهر في فورتشان
I found part 1 here: https://zoboko.com/book/y41vp09v/the-thorn-and-the-carnation
Still looking for part 2

Have theists ever refuted this?
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anon neither of those languages are the origin of the creation narrative
Similar story for Hebrew and Greek AFAICT
Based Harris redpilling the goyim.
Prebunked by Belina Carlisle.


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The only good thing ever propposed by P*pp*r.
Damn, so the Trinity actually is real.
Isn't world 2 not distinct enough to be it's own world but rather a part within world 1?
It's just an abstraction. It's not inherently good or bad, only what philosophical thesis one uses it to prove.
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Lacan did it better
World 3 = The father
World 2 = The holy spirit
World 1 = The son

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Idk if ADHD is a modern thing, but it's killing me. How did they do it in the past? Was it medition? Some particular food they eat or drank? Or was it their lifestyle? How did they gain such discipline? I don't want to take prescription drugs, because they are not easily available, and I'm worried about addiction and withdrawal.
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Was it Newton who said that fleeing london during the plague gave him ample time to think free from the distraction of the metropolis.
>everyone's out here making excuses
Literally git gud, scrubs. Stop blaming society and and start writing.
>I just call it the natural entropy inherent in human beings that's customized to its station in time.
I wholeheartedly agree with your perspective. Efficiency is a good word when the outcome of the work done is objectively measurable. In the chaotic realm of human cultural evolution it's very hard to say of we're progressing or regressing.
Children were pushed harder without distractions.

> At the age of three he was taught Greek. By the age of eight, he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis, and the whole of Herodotus, and was acquainted with Lucian, Diogenes Laërtius, Isocrates and six dialogues of Plato. He had also read a great deal of history in English and had been taught arithmetic, physics and astronomy.

>At the age of eight, Mill began studying Latin, the works of Euclid, and algebra, and was appointed schoolmaster to the younger children of the family. His main reading was still history, but he went through all the commonly taught Latin and Greek authors and by the age of ten could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease.
Just habit. A few years ago I had cabin fever and towards its peak I was itching for any sort of media, it got to the point where I was acting out socratic dialogues and reading entire Tom Clancy slops in an afternoon.

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Hello! an odd request, but could anyone help identify some of the books in this picture? even if you can tell me one it will be a great help, thanks!
cute dog
There’s a James merril biography in there.

Has there ever been a real pro feudal philosopher?
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Carlyle, Ruskin, Morris, also late Novalis, I think.
Othmar Spann

Schmitt is the founder of modern liberalism in an important sense
Didn't it take those retards a thousand years to figure out Aristotle? Surely after all that time they were able to think without induction right?
>uhm ACTHYUYUALLY [some modernist nonsense]
The people living in the time period used terms like "Feudalism" and "Dark Ages" so that's good enough for me.

Robet Filmer's Patriarcha is a defense of Feudal Monarchy, as is Konstantin Pobedostonostosnsotsotnsotssosostonostkivioskov's Reflects Of A Russian Statesman.

The problem that you're going to run into is that Feudalism was always a three-way tug of war between the King, the Vatican, and the nobility. The King and Vatican have plenty of literature supporting their rule ("The USSR but the Pope is Dear Leader" is called Caesaropapism by its detractors and Distributism by its supporters btw) but the nobility as a whole don't really because they were always in an awkward spot where their oligarchic thuggery could never be justified as it was never able to present a stable vision for society. So, you're never going to get anything to the tune of "what if we let La Cosa Nostra run society" because no one actually wants that (every nobleman actually wanted to be the king or Pope).
I was gonna recommend Patriarcha as well

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It's simple, post a book you think every /lit/ poster should read. It can be as obscure or well known as you like. Post a reason why or don't.
Fiction or Non-fiction.
Hopefully this will be an interesting thread.
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Is it hard to read?
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>tfw wyatt's head is on fire

please tell me someone else got that reference.
Warlock, Oakley Hall
Suttree, Cormac McCarthy
Libra, Don DeLillo
Stoner, John Williams
>undoubtedly the English nation epic

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Any books about consistently failing poets/artists?
basically all richard yates
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Why is the left more adept at serious philosophical inquiry than the right?
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thin and close to shit
Based af
The bureaucrats and agents who make up the state think Trump is Hitler and Jan 6 was worse than 9/11.
>They are anti-intellectual and unintelligent. The left on the other hand loves to think of itself as its enlightened and intellectual so they at least pretend to read.
Yes that's true.

>Although, if you look at the state of the online left today they are about as anti-intellectual and mentally deficient as /pol/.
I agree with that too. I think part of it is they mine a lot from past thinkers but it's often a hodge-podge of ideas, often revived in an out-of-context way, or they'll use a guy from the 1960s in to justify something today but it's hard to make it "work" because the world has changed a lot, so you necessarily have to mystify things a bit.

I was thinking of the campus protests over Palestine and the anti-colonial discourse involved. The PLO was formed in 1964 and modeled itself on the FLN which had won in Algeria in 1962. Fanon had been a member of the FLN. But the PLO more or less failed totally. If you squint at it, the conflicts look kind of similar within an ideologically constructed narrative, but there are some holes in theory as demonstrated by the decades of actual history since then.

>By today's standards, many left-wing philosophers of the past would be seen as hardline reactionaries.
There have been people who say more recent left-wing philosophers have more in common with hardline reactionaries, like Foucault in the late 70s saying the Khomeinists in Iran have a "different regime of truth than ours" which makes them inscrutable in an interesting way (despite the fact that they'd have killed Foucault because he was gay). People say that Foucault was an anti-Enlightenment thinker and that is bound up in a lot of irrationalism (which is common in "right-wing" political thought).

But the history of ideas is also weird like that. Ideas are constantly flowing around like streams of water that are mixing together in weird swirls. Ideas move from the fringes to the center, and from the center to the fringe. They move from right to left, and left to right.
Clap-trapping faggotry is a nuisance when you have Nature trying to kill you, at all costs.

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