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Books for this feel?

>No strong ties to almost anything, don't really care about race, religion, nation, sex/gender or creed
>Feels like they don't have a personality
>Extreme moral uneveness, tendency for odd crimes, occasionally altrustic
>Agitated, feels the need to move and doesn't like to be seen or touched
>Fantasies of being powerful
>Doesn't talk much, prefers to listen
Your entire post is a product of spending too much time consuming entertainment, not mommy or daddy issues. Get outside of your own skull and do something in meat space.
Have you somehow not read Crime and Punsihment yet?
Who's the bat guy?
write about what you know. (mommy and daddy issues being all they know)

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why does this reads like fanfic? is the cartoon sex? got a similar feeling from Atomised, and from Murakami in general, with the exception being Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

so far Michel Houellebecq is just Chuck Palahniuk for horny man instead of edgy teens.

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Has anybody read all the expanse books?
I read the first 3, but back when the show was running people claimed in the threads the later books were boring as fuck?
I'm thinking about picking the book series up again and reading them all.
There are 9 books now and one with short stories, they cant all be bad right?

That is all He ever was.
We all know we aren't going anywhere after we die. Sheer and permanent oblivion is all that awaits us.

Baddiel is right.
This book will be forgotten in 200 years

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what to read before reading proust?
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this, he wrote in a letter to his friend how he wanted to use sections of a cathedral as chapter titles but came to believe that he would be laughed at by the literary community for being too try hard. he was inspired by ruskin's descriptions of cathedrals in the stones of venice and decided to structure his novel in the form of a cathedral. he nevertheless decided to leave that covered.
Gérard de Nerval's Sylvie should be the first or last thing you read before Proust.
>For Marcel Proust, Nerval was one of the greatest writers of the nineteenth century. Proust especially admired Sylvie's exploration of time lost and regained, which would become one of Proust's deepest interests and the dominant theme of his magnum opus In Search of Lost Time. Later, André Breton named Nerval a precursor of Surrealist art, which drew on Nerval's forays into the significance of dreams. For his part, Antonin Artaud compared Nerval's visionary poetry to the work of Hölderlin, Nietzsche and Van Gogh.
On Reading by Proust

If you're interested in what he liked, I would definitely add Racine, Anatole France and Madame de Sévigné
Not a major role at all. He just mentions his grandma made him read some of her books when she was young.

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What is /lit/'s opinion on graphic novels, especially ones considered to be "literary" such as titles by Alan Moore? I've been in a graphic novel mood lately and I've read From Hell, and 300 by Frank Miller recently, and now I'm reading Uzumaki and loving it. Anyone else into graphic novels, and are they, or rather, can they be literature in the true sense?
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Ito is unironically more literary than faggots like Jonathan Franzen.
I tend to follow the author rather than the medium, but I've tried to collect all of Richard Sala's work. So if you like cozy gothic noir like Lemmony Snicket then give him a shot.
We read The Watchmen in high school. I thought it was breddy gud
Graphic novels and manga are the worst aspects of literature and film combined. Books allow you to go in depth into the themes, ideas and character's thoughts. Film provides an entertaining visual and auditory stimulus. Manga does neither of these well. Better to watch an anime.
Uzumaki was the first manga I read. I feel like I was gaslighted into hoping it would be good. Very interesting concept that culminated into nothing. People compared this to Lovecraft which is only accurate if you have an extremely shallow understanding of Lovecraft.
I read Uzumaki in a single sitting on my kindle while on the beach, shit was cash.

The thing that annoyed me the most is how the story continues from chapter to chapter, but the characters just forget useful information and we (the reader) need to read it again.
This is a common theme in all of Junji Ito's works. Probably so each chapter can be picked up and read without any previous context but it gets annoying fast and the story never advances or exists in some parts.

>I'm reading Uzumaki and loving it
Are you an astronaut cat?

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Where should I start with this guy?
Either/Or, then Fear and Trembling
it's Søren* and The Lily of the Field and the Bird of the Air
I read Fear and Trembling and didn't understand any of it, don't start there
My word, making mention of a start? Does this Danish fellow use induction?
Sickness unto Death

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how do I even get into these things some of them are a hundred years old .. at least. I suck at paint
The geometry on the covers points to euclid as a worthy book to read on account of its mechanism of logic. Abraham Lincoln kept a copy of Euclid in his saddlebag, and studied it late at night by lamplight; he related that he said to himself, "You never can make a lawyer if you do not understand what demonstrate means; and I left my situation in Springfield, went home to my father's house, and stayed there till I could give any proposition in the six books of Euclid at sight".

So I was actually going to get a satchel of these bad boys (1-5). Volume 6 has me a little worried on the rhetoric though as it seems a little one sided..

>Volume 6 includes articles about John Locke and the connection between contemporary moral problems and what rights the Founders considered sacred.

>Founders considered sacred

uh that's a bit much. c'mon dude.

I'm not too concerned about his critique here. Does anyone have an opinion on this? Would I be missing out on some good stuff by ditching this one?
*am I a bit too concerned about his critique here? Blind today apparently.

which book which this be again? there's about 20 books paraphrasing Euclid and I'd be interested in what this would be.

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Outside of the obvious like John Locke, what other writings do you think influenced the American Founding Fathers on their late 18th century view around freedom and liberty as concepts. I'm looking for more niche writings preferably.

i have never read anti oedipus
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It's the subject before/beyond the bifurcation of objectification

It is the natural state of artists and children and the insane and addicted. The former two are positive examples of the phenomena. The latter are possible pitfalls of the parthwaying.

Yet it is always potential and manifest in all. In a sense it is what Deleuze would call virtual.

The individuating larval subject perhaps
Yes, and a body without organs, a light body, a body of desire is unbounded by symbolic constraints and concerns about the symbolic other
yet desire is an abyss that can lead to God but also both madness and death.....
what about a body politic without niggers
AIDs, closeted fag (aka fashy goy)

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Is Numenor based or cringe?
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>if god (even in fictional setting) why bad thing happen

wonder what the fedora equivalent in middle earth would be
not really
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I wish I could go back home to Valinor instead. This middle earth project is really failing and falling to the corruption of Morgoth every day more and more.
They only have themselves to blame for falling for the lies of Morgoth and Sauron.
Was everyone as tall as Elendill

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is your favorite author a zionist?
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You people are political cancer. You infect every ideology with retardation even worse than leftism. It’s a shame you’re not a leftist.
A nationless juice like you will never understand. You broke the covenant, it's your punishment until the end of times.
yeah the cultural pigstinian, truly a sight to behold
kek, the zionists like playing the left against the right and the right against the lieft. This is the first time I've seen that their tactics don't work.
>his favorite author is alive

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What are the pre-requesities for writing a good, well structured essay for someone who never wrote anything?

I want to write out a 100-200 page essay on apostasy but I have no idea how to actually structure or plan it. I've only ever written dissertations for my academic degree which doesn't require any creative thinking or planning.
You mean you're writing it for somebody who's never written anything, or do you mean that you need advice suited for somebody who's never written anything?
The latter. Fuck I must be worse than I thought at writing if I messed up the OP question this bad.
Read (or at least skim through) "Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student" by Edward P.J. Corbett.
Alright, don't worry I was pulling your leg, but yeah you definitely want to avoid ambiguities. Anyways here's my advice:
First of all be aware that I'd like to violently throatfuck the fine specimen of female human you posted there in the OP pic.
Second of all take a general mental overview of your entire knowledge on the subject. All the things you know, and all the things you'd like to explain and teach to others.
Make yourself enthused about the prospect of sharing that knowledge.
Now that you've done that, try to go about explaining those things (don't write yet) in the most natural way you can.

Then write it down
Didn't expect a straightforward recommendation like this. Thanks anon I'll be sure to read it.

I have a dozen or so major topics that I want to cover. I could probably have an hour of conversation on each one of them. But I don't know in which order I should cover them, how to weave them together so the reader can reasonably follow my line of thinking (I myself don't have a clear line of thinking), where and when should I quote relevant literature, etc.
Do you know of a good modern-ish essay that I could study? The other anon's rec is a good start but having an actual example would also help I suppose.
The girl is a bong journalist from a political news show I watched years ago. Don't remember the source unfortunately.

Any books like picrel? Small town, weird shit happening, potentially supernatural, quirky but not cringe mostly.
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Literary masterpieces Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable and part 8: Jojolion.
>What do you think you absolute retard
i assumed that he made it up but i am still naive, cut me some slack...
i don't understand
did he make it up or not
no he didn't, you can torrent it
Blackwater saga by Michael McDowell. Early 1920s up to 50 years later following a rich family small town in Alabama with weird stuff going on. It’s less paranormal and more just following the lives of this family (almost soap opera ish) but there’s definitely spooky stuff that happens. Ghosts, river monsters, mysterious deaths, stuff like that. I listened to the audiobook on a whim and absolutely loved it, I thought I was going to end up getting bored but it held my attention the entire time.

Another one is Boy’s Life by Robert McCammon. It follows a 12 year old boy in another small Alabama town in the 1960s over the course of a year. There’s a murder mystery right off the gate, there’s voodoo magic, there are ghosts or what the boy believes to be ghosts, but it’s also just the life of a kid. One of my favorite books ever. Not quite as “professional” as Twin Peaks as it’s a 12 year old boy and his friends but it has a similar feel.

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Pessimism > Nihilism > Fatalism > Stoicism
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Cool thread.
Yeah, four inches deep in your mother
Present your arguments
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owo whats this

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