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Are Critical theorists (usually the french) intentionally using difficult language just to fuck with their readers or are the translators just really bad at making their ideas seem more presentable in it's non native form?
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Cargo cult 'Hegelians'.
French philosophy used to be known for clarity until Sartre decided to imitated Heidegger's style of writing. I remember John Searle mentioning how Foucault told him that to be considered a serious intellectual in France you have to write incomprehensibly but I'm too lazy to find the source.
>French philosophy used to be known for clarity
I yearn for that style
yes and yes
Depends on the author. Usually, their prose is complicated because its full of references to other books people in their social circle have read. e.g. Derrida's phrase "Specters of Marx" is a reference to the Commie Manifesto and a joke because the book is abount hauntology which is a reference to ghosts and gothic fiction. Derrida's target audience would understand this because they are already familiar with Marx, but the average person won't get it. Others, like Butler for example, are just genuinely bad writers being arrogant dickheads for clout. But if you were to read the latest big publication in physics or math, you'd probably find that incomprehensibel too.

Holiday and Festival Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"

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Thanks. Good luck with your book, anon.
A century into the future, mankind has managed to miraculously solve all of our flaws.
World peace is achieved, post-scarcity, there is no more dictatorships, discrimination, poverty or violence, real kumbaya type shit.
They then receive a transmission from a fleet of warships big enough to blot out the sun.
The wild hunt is a intergalactic horde comprised of the most depraved, bloodthirsty, war-like, not-Khorne worshipping aliens in the galaxy, united in spite of their differences towards one goal; destroying everything not as mean or evil as themselves in glorious warfare.
They've received satellite footage of humanities checkered past and they find us to be incredibly interesting.
Mankind has to thus become involved in a FTL-capable blood orgy while maintaining the image that they are still actually cruel and evil to avoid the extinction of our race, while scheming on how to escape this rather large pickle.
You also have to give an explanation on how info on the races is told. Is just one guy an announcer or are there multiple. Is there a messager system to tell the empire about the brackets and racers.
Also go a bit PETA on it and thunk about the horse. Those things are kinda fragile health wise.
Quick question for anyone that can answer: If the speed of light was changed within a highly localized area, let's a 5-foot cube, what would happen inside it? Both for increasing and decreasing the speed.
Both the power and aperture requirements increase tremendously if you want to push a laser in atmosphere to its limits. You could, but you need to ensure that it's not so cumbersome that the sniper and his spotter can't move if they need to. There are advantages, like not being affected by wind and having effectively zero flight time, but you are ending up with a pretty cumbersome weapon with a very narrow usecase. Pushing for those limits doesn't necessarily make the most sense.

Or so I say. Maybe you have a rebuttal to that.

Wonder what became of this child
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Will he ever be able to destroy it?
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Naelchads we just cannot stop winning
Many such cases
The tiger is a metaphor for his homosexual tendency and he has since trooned out

Redpill me on picrel
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It was all symbolic suicide, he knew no one would follow him. But wanted to create a spectacle so his ideas would spread further (And it worked). And even told his closer followers beforehand not to follow him into death.
He was nothing but a seething manlet who wanted to be viewed as an iconic alpha male hero, but simply didn't have the genes for it. He was absolutely right though that beta males and omega males are the ones that angrily critique and mock hero worship.
You sound like a woman degrading a man for what he was born with.
Would you have liked him better if he was tall? faggot?
Mishima tries to characterize those who disagree with his philosophy as puerile and physically inferior. All while being tiny and suffering from feebleness. But if Anons bring up the absurdity of Mishima insulting people for something he himself is, suddenly thats some kind of ad hom?

Its to point out that under his own philosophy the gay photo shoots and posing are a cope for a lack of heroic qualities.
>Mishima tries to characterize those who disagree with his philosophy as puerile and physically inferior. All while being tiny and suffering from feebleness

You don't see the difference? Immutable vs Mutable characteristics? He made the most of what he had.

I imagine he would never make fun of someone else for being frail if they are constantly working to become un-fragile.

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>anon posts his work
>other anons tear him a new one
>in reality their prose and writing ability is far above most selfpubs, YA fiction, web novels, and the shlock you find in writing subreddits
>anon never posts work again even though if I hadn’t had a three day vacation for posting Nicoavocado’s slimy asshole, I could have told him that his work really was cool and then he should keep up the great work
Many such cases!
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it's true. people you personally don't know are going to project their own insecurities through means of unconscious comparison or familiarity, be it your works or your personality
lmao at all the seeth this reply got
>innocent people
This is all There Is.

Just as hot and cold, light and dark, wet and dry,
Are all tautologies of temperature, illumination, and moisture,
So too are the waters above The Firmament and the waters below The Firmament
Tautologies of The Firmament.
I think they removed it because you fags stopped caring about the content of a post and hyperfocused on if a person posts more than once, which gave you an excuse to devolve into a shitbrained monkey and feel validated because someobe MIGHT have replied to you more than once. It honestly got disgusting to watch.

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Gulliver's Travels, The Last Days of Pompeii
David Balfour, Captains Courageous
Mutiny on The Bounty, The Sign of The Four, The Murders in The Rue Morgue, The Flayed Hand
The Three Musketeers, Cleopatra
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, King of The Khyber Rifles
Green Mansions, In Freedom's Cause
The Count of Monte Cristo, Fang And Claw
The Song of Hiawatha, The Forty-Five Guardsman

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Well, that's all of the original Classics Illustrated. I'll have some more Super-Detective Library tomorrow... and something else.
Thanks, OP.

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>"The Bad Girl" by Mario Vargas Llosa
The story of a hopelessly romantic Peruvian expat who wastes his whole life waiting for his middle school crush to come back into his life. She does. Only for her to leave after a few weeks to go back to a newer, more exciting fling. This repeats every few years until he is an old man.

>"The Tunnel" by Ernesto Sabato
A short novel about a painter who notices a girl noticing a scene in one of his paintings. He determines that this is the only women in the world who can understand him, and becomes obsessed with her. They begin a relationship, but when it becomes clear he is not the only man in her life, he kills her.

>"Memories of My Melancholy Whores" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A 90 year old Colombian man, who never slept with a women if he didn't pay for it, falls in love with a prepubescent girl whos virginity he plans to purchase. Infatuated by her, he spends every evening sleeping beside her naked body in a brothel, without ever learning her real name, having a conversation, or indeed, having sex.

What does it say about me, that after having read all three of these novels, I feel like I finally understand what real, romantic love is?
I feel like a geriatric latino man in a 25 year old white man's body.
True love can only flourish wherever rape is always a real possibility
You’re not white though, you’re brown like all latinos. Why are you pretending to be white?
It says that you're autistic or that the women you've had in your life, if any, were subpar if even that. It is most likely the latter which is the deciding factor.
sex books are made by beta cucks for women

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literature on incest?
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When I first read that 40% of egyptian men who had a sister married her, it took me a little by surprise.

on the plus side it meant the line in ovid about myrrha's love being accepted if only she were born in another land make more sense.
Because he’s writing about the South.
Not sure why the out of wedlock required particular emphasis.
if you aren't legally uniting two distinct familial lineages with their own distinct inheritance but merely continuing an already formed legal familial lineage do you even need formal marriage?

Not even 10% of La Pleiade's catalog is available on Anna's Archive. Most good German editions of classical books are also not available, the only editions available of most French and German classics are very barebones public domain stuff with almost no commentary or notes.

Meanwhile, almost all of Penguin, Norton, Oxford, etc catalogues which are references in the English language when it comes to annotated and critical editions are available online. What do the French and the Germans have against freedom of knowledge?
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How the fuck can people use Anna's Archive? Their downloads fail so much you have to stare at the screen for over an hour just to click retry over and over to have a chance of anything finishing.
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So germoids are very individualist? Is that what you're saying?
Absolutely. The society forces "solidarity" upon us via taxes and shitty laws and regulations and people in fact just spend time on their own, with their family and a few friends, even the voluntary stuff like working at a fire department is just an excuse to drink beer and spend time with friends. There is zero communal labor in this country, no spirit of giving, no real community that would not be based entirely on some mischievous agenda (networking or some dry, stale boomer nationalism) and this country is absolutely bone dry when it comes to people sacrificing comfort or even suffering a minor inconvenience so that someone else may benefit. It really is like that and I am not trying to shit on my culture here, this country has no communal spirit, everything extends only to the family and at most friends. I think it has to do with the fact that public life was villified for decades and that everything is co-opted by governments and politics otherwise. There is no organic communal life in this country and honestly I think even under the Nazis this was just enforced. Germans are very secluded and isolated from one another and there is a coldness in this country that is hard to ascertain if you have not lived here. It is depressing but it is how we live so you barely notice it anymore. Japan is totally different for example. I think Japan and many asian cultures, even Turkey — in fact mediterranean cultures in total — are much more collectivist and this collective culture is the basis for doing things for others. Germany is the antithesis to that. It all has it's pros and cons I think, but when you are in these cultures, but you do not adhere or fit in, you will suffer.
Yeah, Anna's archive is ass but it has many more available titles and desu, I would even get a premium account, but I dont use crypto anymore and also dont want to bother with the other shit. They dont take credit cards, so yeah...
Anna’s Archive is a search engine, it’s not for downloading, you retards. You search for the book that you want and you click on the option “show external download options”, then you download from Z-Library or Libgen or Archive.

"I am un-awake in that fathomless nothing. Completely held within it, by it. It and it alone. Loose, yet buried with an assuringly inescapable deepness. Something so heavy, its weight innumerable, uncountable and seemingly immeasurable. Holding me down, I am pinned…Yet in an agreeable spot: A place that’s simply fine to be stuck into forever. It agrees as it is whispering to me. With its thick arms and hands and legs and tongues. Wrapped around my ears and eyes and mouth, over everything. My sight is blissful blackness, my sounds are sweet silence, and my voice is agreeably absent. Whispering wordlessly that I don’t have a choice anymore- that I don’t have to choose. Kissing the ideas out from the inside of my ear. Pillowing comfort deep into my eardrums. That lacking, lacking of everything...It’s good…No mistakes, no choice with a consequence so far into the future you’d have forgotten when it bites you, no choice to regress back again from the inch of spaced progress made. Like a small spiralled creature, contorting itself back to that painful shape, the stillness just that bit less painful than the moving... No- just better. Just better, that nothing is surrounded by nothing. Another sketch of a darkening layer on a hard pressed black. An encirclement of itself in a personal, petty, civil war. So calm and slow. That is me in this- in this moment. That drags itself into an imperceivable thinness, carrying to eternity. I want to ask questions…But I don’t feel a throat. Only a passage, whistling silently within me. A lethargic spreading of gas, foreboding in its desperate approach, rather than a shot or a huff: A shooting of noise that forms words. It is not nearly energetic, not nearly alive, not nearly anything, to be able to do that. So I can’t ask the thought that gasps in but not out through the passage. Left only with that airy feeling, of something missing; something begging to be set free. Pathetically; like a dying birds’ gasp to be let out the cage it has only known."

Apologies if it's very derivative of the opening of Disco Elysium, or has bad pace/prose, too much metaphor etc. I wrote it, for the most part, when I was bored. Though I will post the rest if it's asked for.
I like it, though some bits could be reworked for better flow (e.g. several sentences in a row of the same length, likely unintentional). And good on you for actually posting work.
Thank you, I do find that making prose flow well/organically is more difficult when I'm trying to write something more complex or higher quality like this. Still inexperienced and all.
>blissful blackness, my sounds are sweet silence, and my voice is agreeably absent. Whispering wordlessly
Don't alliterate like this, it comes across as try-hard and amateurish
Stopped reading then and there
Terrible prose.

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>literary magazine published by and for literary outsiders
>developed into a home for writers like H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard etc
>some of those writers became friends or at least regular correspondents
>allowed for a genuine community of odd-but-lovable effortposters
>goes out of print
>never really recovers its reputation

Weird Tales is literally the ideal magazine for /lit/ to help revive. We could develop a real community and identify the next generation of overlooked writers. I know magazines have come and gone, but this is a venerable title that has genuine staying power.

Where else are aspiring but socially maladjusted writers from /lit/ going to publish? Granta? New York Review? Tinhouse? The Shabbos Quarterly?

>b-but muh Tyrant! muh 3:AM! m-muh n+1!

Please, Anon. These people do not like you. They do not want you. One sniff of spaghetti and you're back spamming substack hoping for a single heart emoji.
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Whats the point of posting in anonymouse imageboard if you people want to discuss thing in your own pisscord anyway
Might as well making your own literary magazine online and detach the whole project from /lit/
Unreal did it, give it a try
InDesign if you need Adobe compatibility or Affinity Publisher if you don't.


[x] Gentleman
[x] Scholar
[x] High IQ poster
[x] Still a fag tho

Alternatively LaTeX is actually nice for typesetting and editing once you settle into a template. You're not going to run into many issues if you're writing non-technical material and doing a standard book layout. All you have to do is tune the nobs in advance and you'll have your entire book at the press of a button.

If an "unconscious" exists, then you will never be able to prove to anyone or yourself with any certainty or meaningful likelihood that you are not acting unconsciously
You are 100% correct but isn't it a bit too obvious to make a thread about, anon?
It doesn't feel obvious. I almost constantly see people positing that it exists or talking about it while at the same time acting as if they are somehow beyond it or can get beyond it. It feels like it just ends up being whatever the hell they want it to be. I mean, how can you even be aware of it if it's supposed to be in a place that you are literally unaware of? It's paradoxical. Does Jung ever actually talk about this at all?
(Late) Jung was pretty wacky and not representative for psychoanalysis in the slightest. Generally speaking it is a consensus for anybody in the field that you can never clearly demarcate between the conscious and unconscious system.

Are there any far-right female writers?
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Where to start with Stein?
every women is eugenicist therefore every woman and book written by a woman is far right
My drunk friend once told me that women used to be stockier like in all the paintings but that men through generations made women less stocky due to selective breeding.
not far right
not writers
The making of the Americans

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Have you ever written a love poem to a woman?
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Lol haha
post your poetry fag
I'm reading it aloud and the prose feels…choppy. Try to find a balance between prose and rhymes
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Hell no. I knew from a very young age I wouldn't want to submit myself to jestermaxxing. Even If I knew it would 100% work
Can you even say you were in a relationship and that she liked you when all she ever wanted is to feel needed and feel a meat rod inside her. If covering the holes in her souls means getting dicked that's 100% not a woman you want to marry moreover have kids with her as she would trash the family and your relatioship with horrible consequences to you and your potnetial kids.

You dodged a bullet, congrats. Take your pure heart to someone with similar pure heart and have your efforts be paid off and recognized in full.

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Is Harry Potter nazi?
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She's an idiot all together so I'm not surprised it took her 25 years to realize this.
leftists are all borderline retarded, its more shocking that you only found out about this
That's just brownies being sexual deviants again.
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what kind of a woman would walk around in public with a hairstyle of bullied teenager lmao
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No, he's a Grand Wizard.

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