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I have a few projects, not strictly lit related, that I want to complete. Unfortunately, I have never been a very organized person. I do have some filing cabinets that I have dumped sorted work into, but I have tons of text documents on my computer and phone, and boxes of little slips of paper that I have scrawled notes and ideas on for various projects. I am at the point where I am trying to condense all of this work together and sort through the bits I like and dont like.

It's kind of becoming a tedious task though, with a bunch of documents opened up that I am copy-pasting notes from a singular mix mashed file of ideas, moving to the corresponding project they were intended for, only for that file to need to be broken down into its own substructure of topics, so I can finally have semblance of a draft to work off of.

Are there any modern tools that make this process easier? Like a piece of software that is only one screen open, but individual topic files shown as icons, and you can just copy and paste text to each section you desire, without having multiple files and tabs open?

Or likewise, any tips on creative writing in regards to the process of lumping together notes into a format that could be understood, or how real writers may accomplish this process?
I use an outline editor called TreeLine. It lets me organize my ideas into hierarchies. It's free and open-source, too.

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>Your favorite book
>A book or author you can't stand
>A random fact or memory

>American Psycho
>Lord of the Rings (the entire series)
When I was little my childhood home had a pool. I would regularly find frogs there and throw them up in the air just to watch them land.
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>Fatal strategies by Baudrillard
>I hate Freud’s influence even though I believe in his diagnosis
Saw my little brother bleed to death when I was 5 so I became a doctor.
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>Your favorite book
Tartar Steppe
>A book or author you can't stand
Not really any come to mind. I got bored of LOTR but still think its probably good.
>A random fact or memory
I drink every night whenever I have access to alcohol.
>Blood Meridian
I remember lying on the couch with pneumonia when I was three. I was delirious from fever and my stomach ached from hunger, but even though I begged my parents for food they wouldn't give me anything because I threw up everything I swallowed in minutes. The last thing they had let me try to eat was a piece of plain toast, and I wound up having a mild taste aversion to plain toast that I can still stimulate if I focus on it. Eventually, I got so dehydrated they had to take me to the hospital. The whole memory is quite dreamlike.
>Infinite Jest
>James Joyce
sometimes I shit in the shower and push it down the plughole with my toes.
That is called a waffle stomp.

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I want to go back

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Last one hit the bump limit >>23776870

Conclusions from the former thread include:
1.) Aristotle denies the immortality of the soul and Aquinas' arguments for immortality don't actually make any sense. This is why Alexander, al-Farabi, ibn-Bajja, and Averroes all rejected personal immortality. Duns Scotus and Occam thought it was a matter of faith and not provable. Plotinus thought it could not be proved by Aristotelian principles and that A himself rejected immortality. Only Aquinas thinks it makes rational sense for an immortal intellect to be conjoined to your body and then float away when you die.
2.) Aristotle's God is not an intellect thinking a plurality of objects but something more like Plotinus' One, a completely transcendent being.
3.) The true interpretation of the Metaphysics is a sort of nominalism. Aquinas' theory of "Natures", in which a particular man is a sort of mysterious "fusion" of the nature Man with matter, does not make sense. Occam was right and particular substance has absolute ontological priority.
4.) Aristotle's logic is correct in every detail. There is no room for improvement because he only set out to explain the formal structure of explanations, which are syllogistic. Every art and science, from arithmetic to cobbling, relies on syllogisms. Every action you take is, in fact, a practical syllogism, as the philosopher proves in Movement of Animals.
5.) Aristotle's God is maybe Zeus?
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>The authors like to lampoon the Radical Orthodoxy movement
meh, the anti-Scotus obsession in RO seems like a case of refusing to admit a mistake and doubling down, but I like Milbank apart from that, mainly because I like Hart lol.
>Radical Orthodoxy
What is that? Is that like trad Ortho larping or what? That's weird because Orthos tend to be a lot friendlier to Scotus than other Catholic figures like Aquinas.
They're pretty close to the resourcement movement basically, denial of pure nature, that sort of thing.
David Bentley Hart (who's an orthodox, although definitely not "trad" nor a larper) is not part of radical orthodoxy per se but he has a lot of common ground with Milbank.
> "One reason for treating of Aristotle in detail rests in the fact that no philosopher has had so much wrong done him by the thoughtless traditions which have been received respecting his philosophy, and which are still the order of the day, although for centuries he was the instructor of all philosophers. For to him views are ascribed diametrically opposite to his philosophy." Preach it.

lol, people with very varied takes on Aristotle or Plato will say this shit and not realize they sound just as stupid as Christians each arguing about how their sects particular reading of the Bible is "totally the recovery of the real authentic meaning bro!" It's actually stupider because they can't even appeal to divine revelation.

As if such a thing is even verifiable and worth claiming. "Actually, all these people who grew up in a similar cultural context and spoke the language of the texts as a native language, they didn't understand it at all. Totally wrong. Whereas I have recovered the original message despite the language being dead and me speaking it as a second language having never converted with anyone fluent in the dialect (because it is extinct). And yes, I can tell all this despite only having access to texts whose exact composition and text are unknown to me and which might in large parts have been penned by other people entirely."

I mean, the straightforward explanation for shit like contradictions between books 5-6 of the physics and then book 8 is that they were written at different times or might very well have been written by different students. They are collated at a far later date and plenty could have happened to them in between.

It's stupid. Either the ideas hold weight or they don't. There is no point appealing to the authority of the "real Aristotle." A bad reading would be a bad reading even if Aristotle actually had ideas of that sort (which is unknowable).
That's quite the diatribe. Hegel's saying something eminently reasonable. He gives an example:

"Quite false views respecting Aristotle even now exist in France. An example of how tradition blindly echoes opinions respecting him, without having observed from his works whether they are justified or not, is the fact that in the old Æsthetics the three unities of the drama – action, time and place – were held to be règles d'Aristote, la saine doctrine. But Aristotle speaks (Poet. c. 8 et 5) only of the unity of treatment, or very occasionally of the unity of time; of the third unity, that of place, he says nothing."

That is, the tradition by Hegel's day was such as to remain satisfied with such characterizations. That this is eminently a reasonable and plausible criticism can be seen in how often the same happens to Hegel's work, re: "thesis-antithesis-synthesis".

>I mean, the straightforward explanation for shit like contradictions between books 5-6 of the physics and then book 8 is that they were written at different times or might very well have been written by different students. They are collated at a far later date and plenty could have happened to them in between.
>It's stupid. Either the ideas hold weight or they don't. There is no point appealing to the authority of the "real Aristotle." A bad reading would be a bad reading even if Aristotle actually had ideas of that sort (which is unknowable).
I don't see how this is less speculative, since you need to assume that the text is made up of student notes, or the notes of multiple students, or that Aristotle would take leave of a piece of writing and come back later to add to it something he's totally changed his mind about, or assume multiple things about how ancient texts were edited or collated, etc. And certainly Aristotle's intent must matter. As discussed above in this thread, this is an author who wrote a public work affirming full personal immortality of the soul, and a school work denying, and who in his works of practical philoso0hy, by his own measure being lesser than theoretical philosophy, discusses teleology in a way totally at odds with his discussions of teleology in the theoretical works. I don't see how that's more convoluted to take in hand when interpreting him than postulating the Aristotelian equivalent of the Documentary Hypothesis. We moderns differ in our canons of coherence than the ancients. Even granting your second paragraph, the ancients regularly thought he was double-speaking, contrary to what your preferred explanation by the end.

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Are Critical theorists (usually the french) intentionally using difficult language just to fuck with their readers or are the translators just really bad at making their ideas seem more presentable in it's non native form?
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The cartographers know nothing anon
They are fucking with you. You are not supposed to read them btw.
Baudrillard's glossary isn't difficult, it's just that he is constantly shifting the parameters of these concepts. Terms like 'symbolic exchange' 'evil' 'fatal' 'seduction' you could look up in a dictionary but they're more like floating signifiers, being constantly redefined in the context he uses tuem in.

Blame Bataille.
Blame German idealism.

Why would I blame Bataille for it, or are you talking about Baudrillard specifically?
Cargo cult 'Hegelians'.

Redpill me on picrel
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i would pay someone a thousand dollars if he can summarize sun and steel without looking at the book.
i guarantee none of you faggots can do this because that book is just forgettable pseudo-intellectual non-sense
I’m not going to summarise it but it’s not nonsense. It’s about logocentrism and how the body relates to the word among other things.
Entirely subjective. You are like a woman.
>you are like a woman

you worship a guy(yukio mishima). i think you would suck his little jap dick
>juvenile, vulgar, passive aggressive comments
Like I said, woman.
t. can't tame a runaway horse

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>"The Bad Girl" by Mario Vargas Llosa
The story of a hopelessly romantic Peruvian expat who wastes his whole life waiting for his middle school crush to come back into his life. She does. Only for her to leave after a few weeks to go back to a newer, more exciting fling. This repeats every few years until he is an old man.

>"The Tunnel" by Ernesto Sabato
A short novel about a painter who notices a girl noticing a scene in one of his paintings. He determines that this is the only women in the world who can understand him, and becomes obsessed with her. They begin a relationship, but when it becomes clear he is not the only man in her life, he kills her.

>"Memories of My Melancholy Whores" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
A 90 year old Colombian man, who never slept with a women if he didn't pay for it, falls in love with a prepubescent girl whos virginity he plans to purchase. Infatuated by her, he spends every evening sleeping beside her naked body in a brothel, without ever learning her real name, having a conversation, or indeed, having sex.

What does it say about me, that after having read all three of these novels, I feel like I finally understand what real, romantic love is?
I feel like a geriatric latino man in a 25 year old white man's body.
True love can only flourish wherever rape is always a real possibility

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I am a fundamentalist Christian who before going into seminary wants to encounter the absolute strongest refutations of my religion possible.

What books provide the strongest arguments against it possible?

I've been recommended Beyond Good and Evil, and pic rel so far.
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>did they autotranslate everything to Greek first?
Jesus has certain lines of dialogue in the Gospels that are preserved in Aramaic (when he resurrects the dead girl, when he quotes Psalm 22 on the cross, I think one or two more I don't remember).

Greek was just the standard lingua franca of written documents at the time.
Design an experiment to determine whether a moral statement is true or false.
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The best you can unironically do is read philosophy of religion and all of it's arguments against god. Any introductory textbook will do. Check out also Graham Oppy's work
It is not. The roundness of the earth can be physically grasped, it exists independent of opinion. Morality is not observed to do this. You made a false equivalence.
The earliest christians were the greek speeking jews who allowed converts the last 300 years. There was already a rising hebrew heterodoxy for centuries by the time Jesus was born. Greco-Jews for the ancient world is very civilized

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Hello people! I'm looking for the grimmest of grimdark, the kind of stuff that leaves the 40k universe quaking in its boots, the kind of stuff that would make Bakker recoil in horror. Let me know what I haven't read out there.
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Abercrombie, First Law
The Ascians in BOTNS are pretty grimdark. Instead of depression like 1984, what little you hear of their country gives you a strange feeling of dread.
vinny vinesauce is a cuck btw
>at least the AI robots will be told by humans who to shoot
Right now an AI decides if your weird truck is a truck or a missile launcher. If it decides it's a missile launcher it will send a human to kill you.
Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence.

What do you guys think of Edmund Burke?
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>Father of conservatism is just a capitulator to capitalism.
Only good for his aesthetic theory, and even then his politics keep creeping through, so it’s an obnoxious read.
Explain political Islam then
I’m as socialist as the next guy but even I realize the biggest critics of capitalism are just resentful little peons that are mad they can’t compete in the real world.
>From what I can see, all 'authentic' 'right-wing' political movements (in the western world) have been utterly crushed, and increasingly outlawed.

This has literally started to change only within the last decade. The Alt-Right, NRx, whatever you want to call them, and maybe they're a little pathetic, but they're decidedly not "conservative" as we have come to know it since Burke.

Okay so when does he stop talking about tangential shit like the geography of the Great Plains and corralling cattle and start talking about relevant facts? I'm 100 pages in and LBJ isn't even born yet
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I admit I laughed too when I saw that
Modern biography sucks, dude. Plutarch covered all the important people of Greece and Rome in a few hundred pages and Suetonius all the Caesars in like a hundred. Notker gave Charlemagne like 50 pages. The idea that I’d need 500 for LBJ is fucking crazy.
Here’s some relevant facts

>Caro's son, Chase, pled guilty to second-degree grand larceny in 2007 for stealing over $750,000 from three former clients in the course of real estate transactions. In April 2008, he was sentenced to 2+1⁄2–7+1⁄2 years in prison after admitting to stealing $310,000 meant for his grandparents' trust fund. Chase agreed to pay restitution of $1.1 million, which includes funds from a third theft. All his sentences ran concurrently. As of 2012, Chase works in information technology.

Keeping up the tradition of being a sheisty Jew that likes to jerk people around alright. One with words, one with actions
I think this has its roots in Freudian psychobiographies of politicans which were popular in the interwar period
>this dictator was raper by his uncle as a 6 year old boy which is reflected in his decision to raise tariffs in order to protect domestic industries, he's compensating for the lack of protection he had as a child
Psychobiography and meta-biography are different beasts though, if only slightly. Both are interesting forms of historical writing though.

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>when video game philosophy is more profound than Marx's
but for real, I have never read anything more profound than this.
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You seem confused about what is being said in that passage.
>genshin impact disproves marxism
>a majority of genshin impact enjoyers are marxist morons
>this will go over their heads and/or they’ll be convinced the message here is ‘capitalism bad, ackshually’
Bait or not there’s a solid point here
>"I need to be free!!!"
>Embraces slavery to their appetites, passions, instinct, and circumstance.
>Acts from ignorance.
This. IDK how anyone takes Christianity seriously.

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Post and discuss only the greatest children's book authors and their works. Hardmode: no Dahl, Carroll or Seuss.
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Sun Tzu wrote the Art of War as an instructive guide to teach children the principles of play.
L.M. Montgomery
I got a big tote full of childrens books for free when my kids were born. I burned all the ones with niggers, browns, feminists, commies, or fags.
Some good ones:
Aesops Fables
Reynard The Fox
The Little Prince
Tolkein is the GOAT
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>not specifically transgressive
>not too far-right (like Harassment Architecture)
>not too "le redpilled" (like Bronze Age Pervert)
>implicitly anarcho-primitivist
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Maybe Hamsun's Hunger?
Sterotypical gen x counter culture. Very 90s core
bret easton ellis
steppenwolf perhaps
Fahrenheit 451. Story of a man awoken from the humdrum of life to his Luddite tendencies

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Is Harry Potter nazi?
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he fights the nazis
that's just a british bloke innit
>Egyptians did this because of JK Rowling's tweets!
Are people this low IQ? How do you shift blame onto Rowling for Islamic/Arabic culture where trannydom does not exist, or if it does, is extremely fringe?
Antisemitism was only a useful way of canceling people from 1988 - 2021.
Rowling derangement syndrome
She's an idiot all together so I'm not surprised it took her 25 years to realize this.

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