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You already know the mystery
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you shot him in a schizophrenic episode
Every time I try writing a mystery novel it just turns into Twin Peaks and Umineko
Two possibilites:
2. The man was already shot when he entered the room which he believed to be a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. However, the oxygen gas in the tank supplying was replaced with poison gas. Thus the killer must be the doctor who was the only one with access to the tank. We can tell he must've been shot before entering the room since no bullet was found. Since the man entered the room while shot, he must've believed it would help him somehow. Since no other weapon or injury was found, it must be from poison, and since nothing was consumed it must be gas
2. It was an elevator, he was just shot on another floor dumbass
I like #2
There's a thing called the "sticky middle" in writing where everything goes to shit and you're grasping to pull it all together. Usually three fourths of the way in. That's exactly why it happens. The working out the plot bit makes it difficult and opens up a bunch of plot holes you probably have to fix in revisions. The normative novel about practically nothing suffers from it. That's why mysteries end up tighter, it's such a known problem that you work backwards from it.

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Best books about Operation Gladio? And are there any books in english about the Brabant Killers?
Why Belgiums are so creepy?
stay on /k/ gladiofag
stay on reddit dork

is reading a habit most people mantain for the aesthetics?
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It's a shit test that men invented.
Those are good answers, stop fishing for confirmation of your shitty opinion.
I'm not asking about the act of reading in itself, idiot, I'm asking about how it's treated by most people
Most people can't read. Didn't you go to school?
Every time I read something that resonates with me, I feel like the writer has imprinted part of their soul onto mine. Reading is very powerful, very dangerous, but also very rewarding.

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Confucian morality makes no sense. So Liu Bei is righteous for quietly obeying the Emperor even though he was disrespected, but Song Jiang is also righteous for rebelling so long as he doesn't actually try to overthrow the Emperor, but Cao Cao is bad because he cuts out the middleman and takes power from an Emperor who sucks? What makes the Yellow Turbans bad but the Outlaws of the Marsh good?
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>Queen of Spades
You just KNOW
I played the dynasty warriors games and think these gooks were pretty cool. What's the best thing to read about them? Is there some giant English translated three kingdoms book or do I have to read like twenty fucking things? I'm not gay so I don't really care about Japan and shit like that but I like that they generally behave hyper masculine which is how I try to live every fucking day
There is a giant English translated Three Kingdoms book, which you can read for free on the internet, which is exactly as riveting as you would expect 14th-century Chinese literature to be. If you want a more streamlined version there's the Sangokushi manga translated by /a/'s own Hox >>23282023 >>23292254
Thanks bro, I fucking hate Japanese picture book and cartoon shit so no mangos for me, I'll see if I can find the free ebook of the real shit, appreciate you man, this'll be my next project after finishing Rousseau's Confessions
Oh hey want to ask too, if I like something like le Mort d'Arthur would I enjoy this kind of writing in the big book? I can only do bits at a time but I guess I'm hoping for something similar to that

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Books on east asia's combination of social collectivism and hypercapitalism? I recently awakened to the horrors of South Korea and want to blackpill myself some more
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They dedicate their lives to building up their society, and their society is a monster that eats people.

Theres some weird nuance; by being more selfish westerners ensure the next generation have better lives? This society culls your line if you suffered too much?
To be fair many of the men in those wars didn't survive either

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Kek, he’s a jester to distract the masses while the elite get on with their plans. Nothing wrong with sports when you’re playing them, but what’s the point in watching
It's honestly amazing how much time they spend defending other men who don't know even they exist.
He's aware he has followers.
Messi and Ronaldo have the most dickriders of any two men I've ever seen. I had to stop following football stuff online because everything boiled down to these two twats' fanboys (almost always thirdworlders) constantly catfighting. My mate said it's died down a lot since the last World Cup, but at this point I don't even care. I just follow my club and that's enough.

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What does /lit/ think of BookTok?
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>Iron Widow
She (goes by they/them now) reached stardom by making a YouTube video about how Disney's live action Mulan is racist.
Vidya is far worse than YA trash
That’s gay as fuck dude. What’s the appeal in these faggoty academy shits where people are separated Epsilone Alpha style like in Harry Potter creating different class structures based of your personality? It’s creating tribalism within its lore and really it’s just corny as fuck. How much sense of belonging do people really need? May I remind you that this is a literature board, no room for some low IQ pansy fru-fru shit, Faggot.
vidja is written like YA trash
They learn to overcome their differences and forge a true family.

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/lit/ humor thread
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Wtf I love the antichrist now
Nice work Anon! I recognized your humor and considered what you wrote funny and entertaining.
The physical is of decent quality and a fair price. PDF is free though so you may prefer that.
No one did

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Es waltet in dem deutschen Volke ein Geist sensueller Exaltation, der mich fremdartig anweht.
Julia, du geheimnisvoller, verführerischer und einsamer Elf. Ihre Anwesenheit ist ein elektrischer Strom. Es fühlt sich gut an. Ich habe dich erröten lassen. Du kannst mich auch mit einem intimen Blick oder einer Frage zum Erröten bringen. Ich möchte mich präventiv distanzieren, denn ich bin ein hoffnungsloser Pessimist.
Soweit die deutschen Zungen reichen,
wird des Götzes Wort nicht weichen.

Weißste bescheid?
Meine Herren, möge das Reich der Erlösung einst so offen vor mir liegen, wie meine Seele vor Ihnen.

I think I've cracked the case. It is about the nature of aitia (cause, explanation, debt, etc.) and the necessity of universals which are eternal, specifically the Form of the Good.

>being carried versus getting carried
I think the point of Socrates's digression here is that "being carried" is an accidental property of the object in response to an action by the agent carrying it. In general, nothing is carried until something carries it. And we have to be able to conceptually identify what the action is so that we can predicate said property to the object receiving the action. The problem of universals is important here, because it will determine if it is possible to make sense of the rest of the argument later. If "carrying", or any other concept, is nothing more than a convenient bundle of atoms that we have labeled, then we cannot even begin going through this argument at all.

Euthyphro's three claims are:
>1) Something gets approved by the gods because it is holy.
>2) What is holy is what is approved of by the gods.
>3) Something is approved of by the gods because it gets approved of by the gods.
Taken together, these claims seem problematic. This is not only because they seem circular (1-->2-->3-->back to the beginning), but it is also because when you "combine" 1) & 2), we get an "incoherent" fourth statement:
>4) Something gets approved by the gods because it is what is approved of by the gods.
... which for reasons I explained earlier, does not make sense at a first glance. And if we investigate why this statement is possible in the first place, we find that it is due to some "third thing", holiness, which is framed in a way that it either seems to exist beyond the things and the gods or is completely circular and redundant. So, what the hell is going on here?

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>I didn't choose them on the grounds of being opposite-pairs
I guess what I'm suggesting is that we should be.
Last bump?
last bump.

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Charles Dickens
Anthony Trollope
Victor Hugo
Leo Tolstoy
Honor the Ballsack
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I read Trollope and I'm from Texas. I learned of him thanks to Julian Fellowes. He doesn't get talked about here, but after I already knew his name, then I did notice an old fuddy-duddy character in Midsommer Murders carrying around a copy of Orley Farm.
For me, it's the Palliser Novels. He's the only 19th century novelist who really understands how party power politics and big organisations and industry actually work.
Zola does his best with all his research, but he doesn't understand the personalities involved in that sort of thing like Trollope does. Some mad scientist could reverse engineer the 19th century British ruling class from the information in Trollope.
I don't think there's an American equivalent - you get Beltway novels, but none of the 20th century masters, your Roths, Updikes, Vidals really had the grasp on the US establishment and how that world works that Trollope did
These are my favourite anons
Not OP
Not OP
Not OP
Some random faggot
ronaldo mcdonaldo
do everyman's library editions have notes?
Endnotes, not as detailed or exhaustive as Oxford or Penguin but good enough for a cursory reading.

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"A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them."

Virgins btfo'd.
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Yes, fuck your religion
He’s not really talking about sex specifically but I am sure he would say acetic virgins afraid of women were psychologically incomplete.
If consent is beyond my means, should I rape someone to become psychologically complete?
that's just shadow integration anon.
I am sure Jung would advise you not rape and instead work on tackling the reasons why you feel you are unlovable. Probably he would advise looking into your projections and unconscious thoughts as it’s unlikely that you really are incapable. However if you were somehow unable to have normal sexual identity you could likely find some other substitute or different path to find wholeness in the celibate life.

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What does /lit/ think of the Second Apocalypse series?

Is there a man more fond of cucking than Bakker?
It has its moments, but I found it mostly 2edgy4me and overall forgettable.
Currently reading "The Darkness That Comes Before" in the chapter where the Norsemen are cucked by a pack of mages. It is interesting so far, but it better show more interesting stuff, otherwise this is the last book of the series that I read.

Wow, it's literally me
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Only read 2 out of the 7 so far. Looking forward to more.
OP is a faggot.
It's not gay if I think he's writing about women instead of his handsome qt bfs?
For people who can’t read French maybe
Sure, but let's see you summarize it in 15 seconds.

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>In that story, a handsome bourgeois man travels through a Buenos Aires slum where butchers and other racialized proletarians are working. It is Lent; he is a Unitarian, a Buenos Aires resident disinterested in distributing the port’s income to the entire country. Noticing him, the barbarous poor – federalists, in favour of distribution – attack and ultimately rape him. Argentine literature, as David Viñas remarked a few years before ‘El fiord’ was published, began with a homosexual gang rape.
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Are there any books where a prole gets raped by the bourgeoise?
>and ultimately rape him
A salutary application of corncob therapy, rather.
Why it has two traslators? Lmao. I bet Max could done the job with closed eyes.

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