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>best songwriter
John > George > Paul > Ringo

>best singer
Paul > John > Ringo > George

>best instrumentalist
Paul > George > John > Ringo

>best solo work overall
George > Paul > John > Ringo

>best solo work at peak
John > Paul > George > Ringo

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>best songwriter
Paul > John > George > Ringo
>best singer
Paul > John > George > Ringo
>best instrumentalist
Paul > George > John > Ringo
>best solo work overall
Paul > John > George > Ringo
Funniest and most likeable
Ringo > John > Paul > George
I’m not a Paulfag I swear
Is that a bass? How many strings are on it?
Its a Fender Bass VI

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Diddy pays sting $2000 a day.
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This concept is beyond insane to me. The purpose of copyright is supposed to be to make sure that artists and inventors can profit off of theri work before it's absorbed into culture/technology and then built upon.
In its actual usage, copyright exists to keep humanity locked in a mire of stagnation.
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Sting and Sting are bros
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>crazy that rock acts get raked out over the coals about 4 chords in a vaguely similar order, yet rappers make millions off shit like this.
Yes, because 2.5 generations have been brainwashed into thinking “mumbling negro” is the apex of musical art.

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Will Olivia Rodrigo eventually make it bigger than TayTay?
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I've never wanted to smack the shit out of a woman so bad. She's so obnoxious and tryhard, clearly thinks way too highly of herself when she's not actually particularly talented.
And then she does also come across as incredibly easy and that makes my dick hard but that just annoys me so it just makes me want to hit her. I'm not usually a violent dude but gd I can't stand women acting like bratty children while also being sexual like do you fucking want us to all be pedos or not? Make up your fucking mind
Olivia would never fuck a 46 year old alcoholic uggo.
Not music related.
No. She got her start with disney, taylor was a country starlette that then morphed into a brand name.
Olivia will fade in a half decade, she doesn't have staying power. She's young now but can she pull of a successful transition into actual genuine adulthood that doesn't include unnecessary uses of "fuck" and doing this whole faux rebel image?
Come on. It is clearly a marketing gimmick and it isn't even clever or subtle. Taylor has proven herself as a larger than life brand name, she's not even a person anymore but a literal brand, like MJ minus the genius.
I don't even like either of their music that much, I can take or leave both. Don't care much for either, care for olivia much less.
Are millennials rare on the island you live or something?

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honestly quite incredible
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>Kaneko Ayano
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Those aren't indie.
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I wish someone would upload recent Hello! Project tribute album. Her song on it is pretty good, but i only heard it in shit quality on twitter.
it's just noise

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when was the last time you new discovered music?
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Every single day, bozo. If you're not finding new things all the time, you're doing it wrong.
Discovered the works of praga khan recently. Pretty good.
Maybe a few weeks to a month ago.
I'm trying to listen to different styles
bad monkey
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heard this yesterday. pretty good.

Machine Gun [Motown, 1974]
The first side is good straight hard funk, kicked off by a title instrumental that's the best thing on the record--sure sign of a good straight hard funk band. The second side is acceptable straight hard funk, with some social consciousness thrown in by corporate stablemates Pam Sawyer and Gloria Jones (they even complain that girls are banned from football and boys from sensitivity). But I'll tell you something about hard funk--I prefer mine a little crooked. B+
Just wait until Lionel Ritchie starts with the ballads

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If i had to describe what i just heard it will be something like this

>two bands are playing at the same time at the community center
>one is playing some goofy ass Jojo's Bizarre Adventure-like music
>and in the other stage the latino community is playing some salsa shit
>then some dude comes and delivers some circus music vocals on top of all the mess that's been heard
tl;dr, too goofy and too messy. At some point i even questioned if the vocals were even record for the instrumental track lol
uhm actually this is the 231st best song of all time, have a look >>123663811
>troon your music says
Into the trash it goes
>Why are people saying black midi disbanded when they're just on hiatus?
Cos Greep himself said so on a drunken instagram livestream

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>“It affected him in the weirdest way, because he started like hallucinating that people are going to kill him… That was a very fearful night, a very fearful experience for him and it got in touch with his relationship with blacks, because he said he didn’t trust them, he didn’t understand them. He said, ‘I was like a white boy not understanding my place in this thing.’”

hello based department?
What a Chad
He just didn't want the blacks to come and steal his chicken

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Does /mu/ like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

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3x3 for recent listens

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i am failing life
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what is there to win anyway

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how can you go to a concert like this as a male and not just pop a boner?
sully would be the worst lay though
she'd just lay there
bae would fuck like nothing else
what is your problem dummy

This is one of the best rap albums and I wish more people would talk about it
from the thumbnail, it looked like a dookie stain on his butt
Rap is like a mountain

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I can't take women trying to act hard seriously.
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you commie scum
There's something evil about that look. Not just smug. Evil.
Lazy eye
she has witchy hag features

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I ranked Linkin Park albums for your convenience (from best to worst):
>Minutes to Midnight
>Hybrid Theory
>Living Things
>One More Light
>The Hunting Party
>A 1000 Suns
caring about LP past the age of 13? chester bennington yourself, my guy.
>making big deal out of music to the point you must listen exclusively to /mu/tier shit to feel you're a real man
Rank emily armstrongs lazy eye
you know what would make me feel like a real man? putting it in your butt.

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My little cousin said this album was blowing up on tiktok right now. Should I marathon it tonight or does it have skips?
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It's only just beginning
just as bad morelike
Sorry old man, you just don't understand the new generation's music

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