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How is there not a single King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard thread on here right now? Are y'all rarted? They are the best rock band doing it right now, full stop. They just wrapped up their first of two US tours for the year, and have released every single show's soundboard on Bandcamp for free. They livestreamed almost every show too, and will continue doing so for subsequent tours. If you haven't heard their 26 studio albums, or better still one of their live shows, do yourself a favor and go do that. Free soundboards: https://bootleggizzard.bandcamp.com/
Extensively updated fan site that can help navigate their album catalog, tour stats, etc: https://kglw.net/
Band's website (they distribute their own merch and discs): https://kinggizzardandthelizardwizard.com/
I recommend Gumboot Soup or Omnium Gatherum as starter albums, as they're kind of anthologies of the myriad genres the band tackles.
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The official band of the vvhite rvce
There's a live version of this that's nuts
Great, now I want white rice.
White rice is pretty cheap
see what I can't see

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John Lennon has been dead longer than he was alive
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John Lennon dying feels like something that shouldn’t have happened. My dad always says this when talking about him.
Knower here, it was the third of many splits that should have been evitable but were cursed to exist in our timeline. The first was the failure of Napoleon to adequately supply his troops for winter operations due to an assumption of resupply in Moscow, and the second was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. There have been a few more since and their frequency continues to accelerate.
Dweezil Zappa is older than his dad ever lived to be, and is still playing his old man's songs live.
It amuses me that in the timeline of Shadowrun's history, the death of John Lennon is a canon event. You have several points about war, economics and politics and then one point saying "John Lennon was murdered".
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John Lennon has not existed for longer than he has been dead which is longer than he has been alive

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Cool I have no idea what the album or artist is
i used to think so, but then i realized the gay parade just a bit better
The Frozen Island is one of their best songs
The 2nd half of Lecithin's Tale of a DNA Experiment That Went Horribly Awry pops into my head every 6 months, love that shit. I wish Kevin would channel whatever the fuck he did on those sometimes, dude wrote some crazy good goofy pop stuff.

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Songs that are old but sound new

Jack Donovan - Season of the Witch (1966)
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No that was Jim Morrison
I wish someone would just post one song
Maybe get the dude's name right next time, retard
>im just mad about fourteen year old girls
tell me more, donovan

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It's so unbelievably depressing that some music will just never see the light of day.
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You can relax because that's not music.
Is it confirmed Kanye and DOOM collaborated? I thought the closest we got was Madlib with No More Parties.
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God damn, kanye west linked up with tall fat hatted nigga and short fat masked nigga?

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You like?

Greetings from Dvach.
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Magnificent. He has good voice, Eduard Khil does.

Yuri Antonov song featured in cartoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZl-xNkdDK8
Titile is Sea in English

Alexander Rozenbaum, one of his most popular songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dGE4VHRox0
Title is Gop-Stop, I believe it is called mugging in America, but Gop-Stop is based around culture, they are petty gangsters.

Shufutinski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foYONxHs0Ho
Title is Taganka, think Russian Alcatraz of sort, I think this might have been in cartoon.

Title is Utki, Ducks to you.
Great stuff thanks for stareing
As we say, Spasibo (4Chan is not able to use cyrillic).

It is nice. Rock peaked in late 1980s early 1990s under Gorby and Yeltsin. None of these bands were VIA, though. There was Akvarium, Ariya (USSR foremost metal band, I spoke here about it last year), Alisa, Alyans, Nautilus Pompilius (it was really popular thanks to excellent film Brother (Brat) in late 1990s, it is sometimes called Nau), Agata Kristi, DDT and more. A lot of stuff from folk rock (DDT) to psychedelic (Agata Kristi).

Y2K also had more rock groups, most famous is Bi-2, with 1-2 punch of Varvara (megahit of sorts) and Polkovniku Nikto ne Pishet (The Colonel Hardly Ever Writes, popular from Brother 2 (Brat 2).

There are some Russian radio stations in America that play songs sometimes, when I visited, I heard Nau, DDT, Kino, Bi-2 and Zemfira. Surprised at Zemfira as she is very political, but agreeable to The West. Chicherina is political in the opposite regard. The recent operation has really shown this.

I recommend checking out some. It is grab bag, as you say, so take what you like.
Welcome, Anon.

I am going to post random song...

It is by well-known actor and singer from film and cartoon Oleg Anofriyev.


Also, I know my romanization is messy, so apologies.

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Linkin Park needs to pivot to death metal. I need to know how hard she can scream.

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What do we think of acclaimed rock musician Andy Sixx?
who is acclaiming him?
His new single Bleeder is catchy

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weekly tapmusic chart thread
post em
rate and rec
guess things about anons
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you fuckers are weird I've never even seen any of this stuff besides dsotm
maybe you're the weird one...
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Started using lastfm on august
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nevermind, remade it a bit better
Holy poser

Just as I suspected. It's some big fat hermaphrodite with a Flock of Seagulls haircut and only one nostril
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I love you
You will NEVER have a subscription to MAD MAGAZINE!
>Sucks to be you...
protoreddit cringe
The song was about how NO ONE could tell what Cobain was saying. People forget that part of Nirvana's success was because they were seen as a novelty band like that song "Informer" by Snow.

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>hum mixed with limp bizkit
based. guy can rap way better than durst to
go back rym troon

>breaks clown world’s rules about believing all women
>doesn’t get cancelled because she’s a woman

You pick up acoustic guitar at a party. What song do you play?
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Smoke on the water
(the only song I know)
Probably some Radiohead shit, under the moon tonight by echo and the Bunnymen, where is my mind, maybe some blink 182. At that point in the party it just be pretty late and everyone is already wasted.
ultrabiblical and based
Link related, or Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. I'm not very good at guitar.


oh my damn this shits good, anything similar to it? Boris, Sunbather, Neurosis, and Agolloch are already on my radar but id like to find some more post-metal
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You answer like a bitch because of your lack of testosterone. Be a man, you fucking faggot.
Spotlights have some similarities with ISIS
Rosetta and The Ocean
rip off. a vial of test is like $25
I think Oceanic is better as a whole. More epic, more like one big coherent work.

Boris's best track

What's your favorite Tay era?
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For real Kelce has been trash so far this season
He's like 40
Yeah, I never knew she could shred a double-neck guitar like that.
I knew that was her in the parking lot across the street!
I'm looking forward to her retirement era.

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