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>paved the way for countless bands and created an entire genre
How did they do it?
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Knowledge of Be Bop Jazz
Down tuning to D
Unwound P-90 pickups
Watch too many horror films
Lived through World War Two
Being in the right place at the right time
By completely ripping off cream and the jhe
>Cream and Jimi Hendrix but it's about Satan and war
So this is how I invent a new genre, it's all about subject matter.
Hawkind ahead of them both?
by growing up in post war Birmingham

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the channel that uploaded my favorite music to YouTube suddenly deleted all the videos
You could check archive.org
you dont have them downloaded anon?

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I like sugar, and I like tea
But I don't like niggers...no siree!
There's two known things that'll make me puke
And that's a hog eatin' slop, and a big, black spook!

You know it...cause I show it
Like a barn-yard rooster I crow it!
And the NAACP
Would sure like to get a-hold of nigger-hatin' me!

Roses are red, and violet's are blue
And nigger's are black, you know that's true
But they don't mind, cause what the heck!
You gotta be black to get a welfare check!

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Based as fuck
Such a good tune, racism aside
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>Such a good tune, racism aside

It's their song now
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>muh zoomers
>media literacy
>Like I just lost faith in society :(
>misses the whole point of the song with it's overblown and brickwalled arrangement
see you again is great and fast and the furious is a fantastic movie franchise. you can't debate me on this because i don't remember anything that happened after tokyo drift.
It only becomes overblown at the end thoughbeit, rest of the song is buildup
They're their songs now.

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albums that haunt the nightmares of plebs and make them wake in fright
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>simulataniosly low iq
im drunk,forgive me for not being a tile counting retard who gives a shit about grammar on 4Chan the way you are. Maybe that's why i have the inherent fucking intuition to know that both CAN and Jimi Hendrix are better. Start including anime pictures again so I can make fun of you better. We both know you're absolutely tasteless.
That's not even a grammar problem. Go to bed
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Have you ever gotten a family member hooked on one of your recs, /mu/? It's the most sincerely flattering thing you can feel.
I somehow got my sister into Safe as Milk and the Velvet Underground discography recently. She listens to pretty much nothing but bro country and 2010s club music, so it feels like a pretty big achievement.
not me personally, no. my sister showed me a lot of my favorite music when I was a kid though, so I owe that to her.

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domi and jd beck enter the chat
I like Bill Bruford's Earthworks group :)
great. more jazz for me!
Why do you keep posting this chick
I wanted to see if she dresses voluptuously for live shows or if it was just for press shoots. Turns out my hunch was right

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Like what's the free DAW that's great for personal use?
Should've mentioned for Windows
for an analogy to work, we need to understand both parts. maybe reaper if its still free. cough cough ye matey isnt all software free?
Do you ever just... forget you're a gentleman of fortune? Thanks matey

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how horny or sad do you feel while listening to Cigarettes After Sex?
fuck off faggot shill, this is your second thread in an hour. this is spam. you’re self-shilling
you don't listen to them you smoke them don't you
Neither, I just feel sleepy

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Hi anons, unfortunately due to cancer I have to put down my dog of 8 years later today

if it's not too much please recommend me some songs or albums to help me endure this emotional pain that awaits me, thank you
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OP here, thank you for the kind comments and thank you for taking the time to make recommendations, I'll be sure to check them out in the following days

as for my dog, she is now resting without having to continue suffering from cancer anymore, I was there when they born and I was there when they started to fade away

I appreciate the words, but I have a older dog whom I'll make sure gets tons of love for how much they've got left, and a young cat to keep me company

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Sturgill Simpson - Sam https://youtu.be/qOpAXzr1W1U?si=15MEvrpekntvjQ0z
I'm very sorry anon. Loss is painful and I hope you're doing ok.
All Things Must Pass by George Harrison helped me with my own bereavement recently. It's nevertheless a flawed album so there's no guarantee you will like it. I recommend the 2020 mix as well as just skipping all of the songs after the title track. If nothing else then you should listen to the title track : )
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>Hi anons, unfortunately due to cancer
>I have to put down my dog of 8 years
For fucks sake man don't scare me like that
I remember having to put down my dog from Lukemia. Shit fucking sucked ass man. We played "The Spirit Carries on" by Dream Theater.

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Gimme a song mu. Something from the heart
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Did u kill her?
She ODed, she had a drug problem

I try to remember alot of the good times but it's mainly a cope bc it was really toxic. still miss her tho
you’ll see her in the other world
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Drugs are not a problem. Theyre very funn in fact.
Sobriety is a problem for anyone born in the civilized world. but the wisd shall overcome

God, 50s pop was so bad and tasteless. Though at least it was tacky in an entertaining way as opposed to tacky in a boring way like 2010s pop. And still, I don't think I'll trade Ethel Waters for the version of "Stormy Weather" included on here any time soon.
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The worst version of Stormy Weather? Oh god, it's gotta be Connie Haines's. Provided here because the Youtube link I used to have got nuked for some reason. You bastards. This is a classic case of "hey look at my cool vibrato XD."


There is a Youtube link of her on Ed Sullivan performing the song in a slightly different way but just as excessive and self-indulgent. That was a common problem that plagued many pre-rock singers, performances that served mainly as a flex for their chops and why you see Cuckgau was always complaining about "that" kind of singer. And that was where Sinatra's legend came from, he could emote in a way that eluded many contemporaries.
Whatever copywriter thought putting the word "blues" in this album titled should have been dragged out into the street and shot.
Oh try "Gotta Have Rain" which is a cute little children's song where she doesn't do any vocal acrobatics.
Connie Haines was fairly big as a big band singer but by the 50s she was more into TV and only recorded sporadically, but also somehow ended up the first white act signed to Motown (two singles released in 1965, lol). Like Teresa Brewer her main schtick was being cute, which in practice just meant nauseating.

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i need this irl
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so based
Hold it Down mogs.
Madball are fucking legends. them and AF never get old.
Agnostic Front were better.

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