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>charli's most popular song after the one hit wonder boom clap hit 48mil only and it was a collab with one of the most popular pop artists at the time
>I'm supposed to think that she's some sort of mega pop star
>literally had a collab with the most successful popstar at the time and managed to drag her down to 48mil views only
Are charli fans braindead? Do they even exist?
you sound insufferable

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ITT: post digicore, emotional hip hop, cloud hip hop songs that are heavenly.
Statement of purpose: a shrouded of audictory rejection in yamnayan retrose is unearthed by Subterreanic explorers. groundwork was laid a long time ago, nowadays the pieces are in motion, summoning angels in human form to deliver teh new message of God. a reclarification of beliefs. its not wifout attacks from the corrupted, not even close:
pan mój i bóg mój.
bringing you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but!!
you doubt & you falsely evaluate.
your lord is not my God.
your record label CEO is not my God.
God has brought to you a new form of music spawned organically at teh intersecting of the mind heaven and earf.
what do i choose to close teh deal?

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cross its path one day!
EMO! its bin emotional, emotion is teh only way to experience a world that's REAL! ur musics ide-unlogical, bro
man dis shit is cooked bruh
on this day, op ascended to gigafag

ITT: Musicians that actually give you a higher IQ.
If she's so smart then why is she breaking her own arm there?

Ever since he left rap music's been trash.
>b-bu-but kendrick

He fucking sucks and I'm tired of people calling his ramblings "good". Send that nigga back to 80s hip-hop, he's not better than 69
He didn't leave rap, he just started making dogshit. He use to have the midas touch and even people that hate him can agree that his 2018 songs were undeniable bangers
He technically did leave since he's not in the rap sphere anymore, although recently I have seen that he's preforming his old songs but all he's making is Spanish music now

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ifans are always better, they bring the money
word i was able to get so close with a general admission ticket
Most groups do these days

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was joanna newsom the real deal or just another pretty face?
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people have been saying that for like three years
But this time it's confirmed by Joanna herself.
she did an interview with some website recently, google it
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neither the real deal or a pretty face, but this is a great clip

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Holy sovl
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If you think Life of Pablo was his worst album, it's safe to say your music taste, and aesthetic sense, are nonexistent.
I like Ye more than TLOP.
But TLOP was the beginning of the end for him.
The College Dropout and Yeezus are his only good albums
Cause when you need it the most it's a bitch the find cause your dumbass stoner friend shoved it into some unknown nether region of the sofa unknown to mortal man and all that inhabit that sofa. Rappers that's can spit bars and rhymes like dimes are a bitch to find yo. The local guys have the chops but I don't care to deal with the fake ass junkies and hipster faggots hanging around the bars they play and I usually have to whoop their ass cause their mouth is too big and not in the right ways. They ain't spitting bars just talkin out they ass like their shits made of gold
one of the few skits i enjoy in hip hop, even by late registration they sucked

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>15 minutes mogs an artists recorded catalog

Why are these always so good?
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Pandemic edition so not quite proper tiny desk, but this band and record is criminally underrated.
Has there ever been a truly bad Tiny Desk concert? The format feels like it's ripe for disaster yet I'm not aware of any awful performances.
>>series is now just well known bands
look up the last few months of uploads.
vast majority is literal who's with the odd big star and legacy act thrown in.
you're just bitching to bitch, you bitch
go back
well it would be pretty hard to have a bad performance since you're just using minimal instruments, and nobody would agree to perform if they weren't already good at performing live.

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Why was he such a dick
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his parents took him to an electroshock therapy to cure his gayness as a teen. That probably fucked him up for life
Why wouldn't he be a dick, that's the natural state of mind unless you've been tamed by socialisation, by normiehood sheepdom
I met him at a guitar store he called me a "nigger" (I'm black)
oh, so that's who it was!
he sucked my ding dong when i met him at a guitar store

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Ween is prog edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Last thread:>>122719947
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mogged and progged hard and/or big style
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Made me check if Mark Wilkinson designed this cover
we'll let you know

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Carl Chronos

>one man band

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Don’t listen to >>122802910. I’ll say your shit is boring but it’s not shit enough to be shat on like that.
He’s hated for making threads about himself and pretending to be his own fans

It masks my limited vocal skills.
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>like a fun mix of chiptunes, futurebass, and dubstep edm thing I finished today. listen to it


This is great desu but I feel like vocals could be a bit harsher maybe. Like that part of 2:00 is thematically perfect for what you're doing except for the vocals.

Sounds amazing

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Post 313 shia imam music

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Japanese Death Grips
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Judy and Mary if they didn't know how to sing or play instruments. Funny how this super duper artsy fartsy band's greatest influence was a pop rock band that topped charts, sold millions of records, and made the OP for a popular shounen anime.
>don't know how to play insturments
kek people will say anything on the internet
Their main influence was King Brothers.
That's exactly how Midori would've sounded if they tried to continue without Mariko.

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Don't mind me just posting the best band ever conceived
Reddit Order
Nigga is this ace of base
Is that Red and the Redditors?

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Brian TRANSeau edition

No shill allowed
Post WiPs via vocaroo

Give feedback and get feedback
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Thanks :) what would you call it then? experimental rock? Idk, it has the verse chorus structure, lots of repetition... Given that the majority of my music is slightly more mellow than this and a bit slower tempo, for now, I just say all my stuff is experimental pop music and call it a day. I was thinking a bit of David Sylvian's album Gone To Earth when I made this, which is labelled art pop and art rock on rym for instance...
Anon is creating profiles on us for future blackmail once one of us makes it
>once one of us makes it
I usually just make music for personal fun, but one of my friends wanted a short song for an animation and I have very little understanding of the fundamentals of mixing. Would love any feedback on what I can improve on, especially since I have a reason to make something not as shitty as usual.

hey guys, i wanna learn how to produce lofi beats and rap instrumentals. i have a very poor trained ear and i don't know where to start. most of youtube video tutoriales, they create a boom bap instrumental, but they don't explain any of their decisions, nor what you should recognize with your ear and why something doesn't good. it's so confusing. i already did the hardest part: installed ableton live 11. what should I do?

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