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>no longer enjoy any music I make
>I judge how good my music is by how much other people liked it.

Other musicians must have gone through this.
How do I return to that "fuck you, I like it" mindset?
You never were like that.

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let's hear em
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I like that cello sound and that higher tone that slides down, that background noise adds a lot too. I'm listening with headphones and I'm a bit distracted by the pan shifting of left to right

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New album is out now. High energy shit!




Lyric video:



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Well if you are still interested listen to the first one on my channel, I explain the purpose of the "format". Building rapport with my audience is not my priority.

once they started getting influenced by Queen it was all over
.....Colors? the fuck?
But Coma Ecliptic was good

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Give yourself to me

wtf they're actually good
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rip off
is this weezet
>posts pic of a group of faggots

Shite thread and likely shite music.
Sonically, they're an interesting band with a 10/10 rhythm section.

Shame about the gimlet-eyed dwarf howling incel angst over everything like a cat being disembowelled with a rusty spoon, though.
More relevant now than in their heydays.

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times an artist went TOO FAR
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The rabbithole goes deeper...
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Two quads in one thread?!
Was the bread fresh? Was the cheese good?
Bug people

Bang Si-hyuk Must leave the HYBE !!!

Min Hee-jin She's innocent.
Bang Si-hyuk Must leave the HYBE !!!
Bang Si-hyuk Must leave the HYBE !!!!!!
Bang Si-hyuk Must leave the HYBE !!!
Bang Si-hyuk Must leave the HYBE !!!!!!!!

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bang pd wants to expose min heejin for shit but he doesn't know how far she'll go in return. it's a game of chicken where min heejin is crazier and might actually go all the way
she definitely will leak the tapes if she loses.
she had nothing but a few snarky kakaotalk messages lil bro
she has the eunchy vid tho

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his solo album is really good. it’s much different than Godsmack
remember when these guys blatantly ripped off a nin song lol
it sounds exactly like last
Keep Away also has same guitar riff as Filters Hey Man Nice Shots bassline

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I've never actually listened to Neutral Milk Hotel, but I've been telling people on the internet that they fucking suck for years
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On Avery Island is their best album.
i wonder why this board rarely talks about it anymore
The normies started saying it was good and /mu/ is full of contrarians
Pretentious goyslop
Checked and kek'd

You'd have the same opinion if you listened to it desu

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this is so mid...
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AVD is a 10/10 though
Justice is really good filter for electronic music listeners. Cross is amazing, but it's far from the best of justice.
AVD and Woman are great
Their last albums are most enjoyable live
I dunno, Horsepower was a great start but the singing songs are boring…
I left the tab open, I’ll give it another shot

What would you say is their best then

wish i was a bong in the early 80s so bad desu
i wanna be woken up by my ferguson alarm clock and make a brew in a brown see through mug, smoke a few sterlings while watching tv and whack on my polyester v neck jumper before hopping into my ford cortina and driving to my job as factory supervisor

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Has this twink really, umm....
...Killed people before?
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He swallowed my kids and aborted our son
New Bladee album better than this minions whole discog
Also I know where he lives lol
His rich dad's summer cottage
>New Bladee album better than this minions whole discog
that's just not fair, bladee is on another level.

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Here's mine
btw the song is, My Special Angel by The Vogues, it's a nice love song, it reminds me of her sometimes.
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I don't know If this counts cause it's technically a cover but it blew my socks off when I first heard it https://youtu.be/JArjr-IxzlI
Are you okay?

ITT post bling-era gems
the worse, the better
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you should have enough contextual awareness amd social skills to know what I mean and not take every opportunity let people know you aren't funny
>um sweetie did you know racism is not cool or funny you incel
back in the oven moshe
I too hate niggers.
It’d be funnier if you say it in public, coward.

De La Soul

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