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315 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
that doesnt happen ok
we like big girls here
i have no clue about vtubers what so ever bro but good for yoon i guess

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>bad albums gassed up because they had a lot of influence
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cool. still not listening to this wet garbage can though
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>Actual photo of Nico Tran seeing Odin on mushrooms
holy shit, how can Nicotranny be this based?
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she's so fucking cool i love her
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I would like to have sex with her.

Thats a big yikes from me dawg. Trevor Andrew her husband is very talented at music and snowboarding and he wrote her songs. IDK why he would stick his dick in that feral creature.
she and mia make embarrassingly thin music

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We ware so back


what the fuck is their problem?
y'all cant imagine how disappointed i was seeing them live and hearing their lyrics.
how the fuck these sexist incels are still not cancelled? I've yet to hear more degrading problematic lyrics it's unbelievable

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Heard it for the first time in a long time and i think it's a great song fuck the haters. It was overplayed back in the day so I understand the hate to a degree. People will put this band and Nickleback on the same level but while I do think Nickleback has some fine enough songs I've not heard anything on them on the level of My Own Prison, What's This Life For, or Higher.

I still don't care for With Arms Wide Open though.
wow such a unique and interesting opinion
My mom used to love this band. She still has all of their albums.
creed was my favorite band in middle school. i will never skip a creed track although they started to go downhill around weathered
heard one last breath for the first time a few months ago. probably the best modern pop rock song I've heard. amazing vocals. love the sound of it all.
>Creed being modern
>Just heard One Last Breath
Are you 15 or 50?

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What is the cure for such disorders? (Beatings.)
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Reddit reply.
Here's a 4chan reply, you fucking cum-guzzling mongoloid nigger
>here's a 4chan(reddit) reply
>delivers a reddit reply
Based inbred hydrocephalus negroid low IQ subhuman jewish coprophagus meta-golem chimera.
You truly are the embodiment of Plebbit's perfection, here's my updoot, kind faggotroon.
Alright yeah you won that one. I'm gonna go ahead and commit Japanese ritual suicide now. Have a good one, dog.
r*ddit thread, r*ddit board, r*ddit website

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tfw he has games on his phone edition
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Yeaji better
I want to sniff Liv’s panties
I’ll cheers to that.
does karen o really eat cheetos and doritos?
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yes its her favorite meal

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Tinnitus is a meme. Just lower the volume if it starts hurting and you'll be fine.
They should stop doing DGD altogether and do Secret Band full time
I agree. Jon Mess fucks

>hit 30
>classical is the only music I wanna listen to anymore
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I still listen to a lot of goth music. I think it’s a for life thing at this point. Besides that, I’m checking out black music and zoomer music. Classical still doesn’t hold any appeal for me. I am 29 years old.
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>hit 30, all i want to listen to is metal
I tried, i pretended I grew out of it, I cut my hair, I started listening to the music other people listened to but it never did it for me like metal does. Im currently growing my hair back out and I am going to local metal shows again and buying band shirts as well as dusting off my old metal records. Feels good to be home lads
You always should be yourself. I’ve been myself to a fault, but I don’t regret it. You wasted time in one of the worst ways. Goddamn you.
Jazz is an extremely diverse genre, don't be obtuse.
You dig your own grave.
The fact that you ever cared about "looking sophisticated" with your music taste and didn't naturally gravitate towards classical because it's simply great music is pretty retarded, anon.

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You guys like Fleetwood Mac?
only when the woman sings
which one
I always wanted to know what Green's opinion of later Fleetwood was. I never found anything. Lindsey's just as cool, but nothing like him.
Green sat in on the Tusk sessions and played guitar on one track
Those guys aren’t musicians.

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junkie tier

>O2 arena shows like 30% sold
>Manchester Co-op Arena was half empty, even with tickets dropped to an almost acceptable £80

Lol. lmao.

You don't come to the UK and try to charge American Ticketmaster prices. People aren't as desperate to throw money at rich people here. It's why tickets to the Euro 24 final were £80 face value whilst the NFL charges consoomers $10k a seat for the Super Bowl.

£60 max in the UK.
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the industry plant of industry plants
Is it true The Killers is a faggot band? Like I just learned this and it's fucking me up because I'm not gay?
Cheapest tickets to Taylor Swift with Paramore as the opening act were less than 199 PLN (about $50) in Warsaw
>It should be a huge red flag when someone with a supposed #1 album isn't selling tickets

£234 is roughly $300. Most Billie Eilish fans are probably like 15-25. They don't have the disposable income to afford a $300 ticket but can buy the $12/month Spotify.

Besides, if you can bot Spotify plays then everyone else can do it too. Sabrina Carpenter can do it, Chappell Roan, Karol G, anybody on this list >>122802164
>I'm not gay?
why are you asking us faggot

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Greedy bitch that reeks of weed and cat urine
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He also doesn’t like women.
I don’t like pasty dogs with monster energy breath and Twinkie wrappers surrounding her pig pen
Damn Billie hit the wall fast & hard
When have you smelled her lately? Are you stalking her? Super creepy.

>mogged them all
83 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
I know. "Us" meaning John and I. Nothing will happen to me or John on Thanksgiving.
I’m also gonna leave you for now until your next thread where you break then1st of the 10 commandments yet again…..”you shall have no other gods before me”
Jerry Cantrells Degradation Trip is on par with this album
Mad Season >>>>>>>>
No Layne, no Chains
The dirt mogged Staley and Starr. Mogged ‘em 6 feet under, lmao

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